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What's your favourite song from Oasis' final album? Mine is either Falling Down, To Be Where There's Life or I'm Outta Time.
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The Turning is an essential part of my speeding playlist. To Be Where There's Life is great too.
Live forever
Dig Out Your Reddit
Huh, I forgot this one existed. Get Off Your High Horse Lady is the only song I can recall.
Shock of the Lightning into I’m Outta Time is great stuff.

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>You can't use AI for your next album cover that is about to come out
>You can do that because....... you just can't okay?
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tyranny was maybe 10 years ago
I would like to go back
stfu faggot zoomer trash
You are the problem with this country
you don't care about music
you mad

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What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
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breetty gud albim
Oh no this coomer is back. I'd be glad that you are back but post some wholesome pic not coombait thanks in advance
A based woman.

I am listening to the sound of crickets and other night bugs outside my window.
>this coomer is back
this is a /mu/ tradition that spans years and years retard
Yes I remember although I'm kinda of a newfag... I also remember the one anon who used to post what is the last album you listened to :)

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Why does The Weeknd have a picture of MF Doom?
>marketing strategies like fake beefs work
wow. crazy.
both of them are pedos, and kendrick is a convicted wife beater.

both are evil. this is gay. stop paying attention to big artists. they all do epstein type shit, or know people who do and keep quiet.
people are desparate for something new. also payola and marketing. we havent had a hip hop beef in awhile, they're always proven to work, this is the only one weve had with top name rappers since like tupac and biggie, and both those guys were actually less popular to the general public than these current two.
I read books and I care about this.

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Mid-Summer edition

Didn't see a thread

R8 H8 Masturb8

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new goth/darkwave shit

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>keller synth

Sorry, not good at reviewing this stuff, but
>caretaker core
Forgive me if my ear is retarded, but I think you have some timing issues on that left guitar
I think there was overdubs on the harmonics to have them ring out more.
I don't know what tanzelcore, but this was fun to listen to, the rooster call made me laugh.
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Interesting sound. I like the way you dampen the high end of your percussion. Really allows for those pleasant synth sounds to cut through the mix. Very unique aesthetic. The mixes do sound a bit muddy, but at least they sound full. 6/10

Yo this is actually pretty fucking sick. Mix could hit a little heavier but is pretty decent as is. The verse vocals That start of the vocals sounds a bit off at the 1:02 mark but the rest of the verse sounds decent, and you killed the hook, great job on that. 7/10

Jazz do be kinda noisy sometimes. Lol. It was my pleasure to hear what you enjoy creating; even though it may not be my typical cup of tea.

My brother in Christ you need to turn them motherfucking vocals down, lol. Turn down the high frequencies in your vocals, please. 2/10

awe anon stop you gonna make me cry, lol. 0/10

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these were my favorites

This is the only jazz album I've been able to get into besides Andrew Bird's newest album. I love the groove of the drums especially and would love that with some interplay with a guitar.
Any recs? specific or otherwise
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Just listen to albums that the players from this album were involved in. I'd say start with more Sonny Rollins himself, especially pic related.
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Listen to Dexter Gordon and Charles Lloyd
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Is this music's hottest active lesbian relationship?
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the stinkiest with the most ass hair and poop
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Taytay is far from Isis's only lesbian experience.
Has it ever occured to you that Taytay hooking up with hot bitches is appealing to non-autogynephiles.
Damn Doja rollin' hard lol
Taytay is the Two Fingers. This is a scientific fact.

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context clues nigga who the fuck else would i be talking about
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im in the part where they order food,the routine for photoshoots is intense,

Thoughts on Rod Stewart's 80's/90's career? Why did critics hate him so much, for so long? This is kind of catchy:

He didn’t try very hard
Year Of The Cat is helluva song.
>This is kind of catchy:
It it.... but it's an exception.

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wow, it's shit

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I what

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More like George fucking gay lmao
Lefty's gone
Fool hearted memory
that one and

the most critically acclaimed artists and their current Spotify ranking:

The Beatles #85
Bob Dylan #534
The Rolling Stones #240
David Bowie #334
Bruce Springsteen #419
Radiohead #169
Neil Young #1,302
Led Zeppelin #289
Prince #627
The Beach Boys #694
R.E.M. #609
Elvis Presley #304
Kanye West #36

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Led Zeppelin IV:

Pitchfork - Top 100 Albums of the 1970s (2004) #7
Rolling Stone - The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time (2020) #58
Time - Top 100 Albums of All Time (2006) No Order
Kerrang - 100 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die (1998) #4
Mojo - The 100 Records That Changed the World (2007) #20
NME - All Times Top 100 Albums (1974) #35
Q - Top 20 Albums from 1970-1979 (2004) #4
Robert Christgau - Consumer Guide Album Grade "A"
Piero Scaruffi, Album Ratings (Scale 1 to 10) 7
>what is curiosity
is this autism?
>Neil Young #1,302
>rock n roll will never d-ACK!
Nirvana are also above:

The Beatles #85
Nirvana #112
The Smiths #147
Radiohead #169
Pink Floyd #175
Physical Graffiti mogs the everloving shit out of that overrated record

in this thread we name our favorite deep cuts from these top tier pop craftsmen.

For me it's
>kilburn towers
>black diamond
>lamp light
>sun in my morning
For me it's Mr. Natural
I Surrender
New York Mining Disaster 1941

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