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>one week later
>still no statement disavowing his bandmate
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>I don't care.
>- Jeff Mangum
hasn't he lived in Tibet or something for like 20 years? he probably doesn't even know.
i don't feel so good semen bros...
He's not "in hiding" or anything. Until last year everything you bought off his website would ship straight out from his garage. That should still be the case for the drawings but I believe Merge is handling vinyl now because it's been such a pain.
If anyone is spending a suspicious amount time outside of the US in this situation it is probably Julian, camping out in Japan or the Netherlands dodging the fuzz and debt collectors and the like.
Nearly everyone in the band seems to be stuck in arrested development that deep in the back of my head, I knew that something like this would happen

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Can someone list the best ones?
I can't find what I'm looking for on SoulSeek...
Apple Music
If you can't find what you're looking for on soulseek I really doubt you are going to find it on any streaming service.

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What's his legacy?
i dont think he can cy his legs honestly
This thread (saged)

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>complaining about bad linguistics
>praises VU and Lou
Fukkin kek
it's supposed to sound beautiful and it does, i've literally never been so moved by a piece of art before, the only thing that comes close is Yeti by Amon Duul II
Those are two completely different ideas. Stop this forced VU hate just because one obnoxious prick likes that band
>it's shit
>>it's supposed to sound like shit
It all evens out into mid in the end to be honest

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It's too dark and weird
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the accents were the point of the album and are one of its biggest lasting influences
>weird beard
I refuse to acknowledge that weird beard Em is even real
Relapse was Eminem's last album
I appreciate the random daily Relapse threads where everyone just quotes the weirdest shit they can from the album
>my my little pony

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>”fuck me like a whore”
Yep, this is the one fellas
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They would've been more well received if they had quit a long time ago, their later stuff just seems derivative. More bands need to learn when to quit.
Hot take: Anon, you’d be sexier if you’d shut the fuck up.
>Their best album cover is a painting of Greta Thunberg
>schoolshooter music
Agreed. Anything after Adios is hot garbage. Lucia Cifarelli is still a total babe though.

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highest grossing tours of all time adjusted for inflation:

Taylor Swift (2023–2024) $1.8b (estimate, should gross around $2.2b)
U2 (2009–2011) $997m
Elton John (2018–2023) $939m
Ed Sheeran (2017–2019) $925m
Coldplay (2022–2024) $900m (estimate, should gross over $1b)
The Rolling Stones (2005–2007) $820m
Guns N' Roses (2016–2019) $696m
Coldplay (2016–2017) $650m
The Rolling Stones (1994–1995) $640m
AC/DC (2008–2010) $617m
Harry Styles (2021–2023) $617m
The Rolling Stones (2017–2021) $614m
Céline Dion (2003-2007, Vegas residency) $608m

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>Some of these artists have tours that have been going on for four or five years and they’re being compared to acts that tour for a year. Just complete nonsense.
yes, OP should have included the years during which these tours took place, what a faggot piece of shit
>Roger Waters - The Wall Live (2010–2013) $600m
>Pink Floyd (1994) $514m
he won
The Wall is gay though.
He wasn't in Floyd in 94 anymore
>Harry Styles on the list
>Coldplay 2022-2024 being higher than in 2016-2017
>Ed Sheeran below Elton John and fucking U2
This list is terminally ill, it has to be put down.

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>Taylor Swift bad
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I agree.
She's the Bryan Adams of her generation
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That actually made me feel bad for a second. Not because it's true, but because Bryan Adams is not something I'd want people knowing that I like or listen to, as if I should feel bad and ashamed of liking his music. And I do, honestly, but I wouldn't mention it to anyone.
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>Taylor Swift bad

Why are metal shows full of fat balding guys with beards and 0 women?
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>Reject art/music/sex about men and their dicks
>AC/DC logo on the same vest
Oh yeah women are so attracted to high t. That's why they are into sports, cars and action movies. Oh wait...
>same seething reply everytime he gets called out
Way to prove him right, retard.

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Queen of /classical/ edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>122753967
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Bach's organ trio sonatas are peak music
Take a break. Don't listen to music for a day or two, maybe even more.
I think it's just because I like listening to loads of new music at once. When I hear it again it'll click more
Interestingly, I think while he's solidly like third-tier, he might be the most universally likeable.
Alternative between pieces you're familiar with and new ones, that's what I do.

>lets gooo
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kinda feel bad for him, one wrong move and he lost it all
are you talking about the shit he said about gay people having aids or something else
It didn't help that he was garbage, I mean not any more than your average rappist in the mainstream today but still.
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demon worshipping death lover
I pull up

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more like mega faggot
cryptograms, microcastle and halcyon are some of the greatest rock albums of the 21st century for sure. What a fucking massive and unique sound they used to have.
...and then they shat out Monomania and everyone stopped caring about them
it's wild how quickly that band became yesteryear's news
That's a good album, though. Their last one worth listening, unfortunately.
Neither Of Us, Uncertainly is one of the greatest songs of all time

>charli's most popular song after the one hit wonder boom clap hit 48mil only and it was a collab with one of the most popular pop artists at the time
>I'm supposed to think that she's some sort of mega pop star
>literally had a collab with the most successful popstar at the time and managed to drag her down to 48mil views only
Are charli fans braindead? Do they even exist?
you sound insufferable

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ITT: post digicore, emotional hip hop, cloud hip hop songs that are heavenly.
Statement of purpose: a shrouded of audictory rejection in yamnayan retrose is unearthed by Subterreanic explorers. groundwork was laid a long time ago, nowadays the pieces are in motion, summoning angels in human form to deliver teh new message of God. a reclarification of beliefs. its not wifout attacks from the corrupted, not even close:
pan mój i bóg mój.
bringing you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but!!
you doubt & you falsely evaluate.
your lord is not my God.
your record label CEO is not my God.
God has brought to you a new form of music spawned organically at teh intersecting of the mind heaven and earf.
what do i choose to close teh deal?

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cross its path one day!
EMO! its bin emotional, emotion is teh only way to experience a world that's REAL! ur musics ide-unlogical, bro
man dis shit is cooked bruh
on this day, op ascended to gigafag

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