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It finally clicked.
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haha yeah totally right guys hahaha
>genesis was a poseur before it was cool.
chris and sleazy were so ahead of their time. TG and coil get a lot of praise, sure, but chris and sleazy's names belong on lists of the great pioneers of electronic music. inventing samplers before they existed etc. just listen to the beat on six six sixties - it's incredibly phat and sounds like post-2010 hip hop
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Pls post Cosey pics. I love sleazy British slags so much
how did genesis not get shit for grooming his first wife

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what the hell happened to all of the experimental indie of the late 2000's
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>reddit of the pier
>reddit the ghost
>tim reddit from midreddit
>reddit trip and reddit castles
>low reddit
Reddit Projectors
That's just how movements in popular music go anon. They get old, get off the drugs so they don't die and become complacent. Experimentation is risky and the older you get the more you hate risk. So you write some poppy bullshit that still resembles your old stuff but without the vitality of youth. Art will always be a young person's game.
but i want to stay young forever anon
and i want my favorite musicians to always make similar enough but not the same music at least 1 album every 2-3 years forever
Same what happened to the rest of guitar music.

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the boomers on that site that go back to "fix" their reviews according to the current political climate are somehow even bigger faggots than the zoomers are
the fact people are still having the same goddamn conversations about sotos as ten years ago makes his crap kinda based honestly. wouldn't let him within a 50 foot radius of a child thoughbeit

It's also hilarious how zoomers think everything edgy was "acceptable at the time" and now the enlightened gen z has arrived and supposedly knows better. It was never acceptable, that's exactly why acts like Whitehouse and Throbbing Gristle did what it did.
Imagine getting unironically upset at Rush's randian inspirations, it was the tamest shit aside from the odd antisocialist song like The Trees and Something For Nothing which is indinstinguishable from a normal conservative's point of view.
Isn't that like 90% of music?

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yejibros we finna learn this
sieun doesn't even have double eyelid
i never bothered to research that term and i'm not going to start now.

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Name the song
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Kanye isn't Kanye without him saying weird shit
Came here to post this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS2EfI4pUac Does anyone remember a version of this without that awful shuffling sound? Sounds like a drum brush being rubbed on a snare or something and it's so distracting
>He went too far, the fucker
nah it's based

Does /mu/ like Mastodon?
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They are metal albeit
They are very committed to playing that album live, when it first came out and during anniversaries. Saw a full play of Crack the Skye twice and it still holds up as one of the best shows I've been to.
Remission > Leviathan > Crack the Skye > Blood Mountain > the rest
Are they good live nowadays? Every time I've seen them (granted it was in festivals where they had 45 min slots before the headliners) their sound hasn't been very good, and their singing left something to be desired.
I'd love to smoke chronic dank with them and watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force. The movie of course, LINOLEUM KNIIIIIFE!!
I liked Fiestodon, a nice moment. But maybe that's just cause I saw Feist open
for Bon Iver in 2012 and that'll forever be one of the greatest shows I'll ever see

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Telecaster edition
house music
Henry Rollins
Tom Waits

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This shit is super catchy but what’s the deal with people intellectualizing Charli XCX and treating her music as high art?
It’s exceptional pop music, but it’s not that deep.
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twinks are gonna twink
reddit and it’s the same but there’s three more subreddits so it’s reddit
>Charli XCX and treating her music as high art
Idk it's the only pop music that I genuinely enjoy, everything else just sounds like Maroon 5 tier trash to me
Zoomers are easily impressed by the bare minimum
it comes out of a cool and influential music scene from the past decade, but it waters it down for mass appeal while referencing it lyrically so normies can pretend that they've always cared about it. this pedigree means it's smart btw

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Your mom calling you handsome doesn't mean youre good looking.
I wonder if it would have headed that way anyways. Nirvana didn't have much involvement with shit like Offspring and pop punk become popular.. and all the lame REM offshoots
He never said anything like this. You’ll find that Kurt’s lyrics are all nonsensical and only exist to serve a rhyme or melody.
he might have been a proto white knight simp, judging by how he put some women on a pedestal

due to being a chronic incel at heart but one that through angelic looks and having a rock band managed to impress some hoes enough to want to be with him, though it sounds like he wasn't fun to be around at all

for someone in his early 20s he writes very well, very complex vocabulary and fluid stream-of-consciousness syntax
I wonder if Kurt had autism

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I don't like how popular Charli is becoming
you think you're special for noticing her before having a comeback? this isn't even the first time she's been mainstream

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Post your old burned CDs
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post your mom’s old cunt
Turn your monitor on
My friend used to burn me CDs but he'd write joke things on them. So I had a case full of CDs that said stuff like Barney & Friends Christmas and Mary Kate & Ashley. But I kept them because I liked the music
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you literally just made these for this thread

I'm trying to remember an album based on the artwork. It was an illustration similar to picrel, but depicted during daytime. The album is post rock I think. Help me please? I love you.
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That is a heterosexual couple depicted as far as I am aware
It's not really post-rock (I mean it might be?) but this looks a lot like the album cover of Eingya by Helios. It's a pretty good ambient album with some post-rock elements.
That's it. Many thanks anon
No problem
In the spirit of this thread, Ia lso need help finding an album of which the title was lost to me. The album art was a bunch of people with a red string all atound them, the background color is blue and the album was in russian or something, I remember it was about friendship and summer and such and it was posted in one of the sharethreads here ages ago.

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The 2020s are really fucking shit. I want to create a new hip scene to save this decade Thinking of setting up a vinyl and heroin night. Shooting heroin is what true artists (TM) did. Who would want to come to my house to shoot up and listen to rare jazz/rock vinyl? Everything from Thelonious Monk to Nirvana and you get 1 bag of heroin free. Bring your own needles.
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I'm actually so fucking down
>The 2020s are really fucking shit
so were the 2010's and 2000's
Only if we could go to a cool show before hand. Just lounging around doping up aint too much fun unless you did something adrenaline filled earlier like mosh at a punk show so that the heron rush really chills you out like Ice cubes rubbing against your spine.
There's a balance to these things, socialize first in public then go home and get fucked up
At least the best we can. Sometimes the drugs make the public more bearable.
If Jesus could fill your heart and soul, you wouldn't ever want heroin. But I want to start a band or perform live music even solo more than any drug. Enough to have supporters, but I don't know how to please people who will never care about me.
Is heroin like indica weed? Be honest is it like that scene in pulp fiction where Vincent is feeling cool as a muthafucka riding his car from the dealers house? Cause weed makes me feel like he did as far as I'd know. But with a tolerance to bud it seems like maybe heron would be a nice diversion. I heard basketball players would shoot up and feel warm and energetic back in the day
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>ywn do blow backstage with the bros at Viper Room in the mid 90s
its over why live?

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that doesnt happen ok
we like big girls here
i have no clue about vtubers what so ever bro but good for yoon i guess

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>bad albums gassed up because they had a lot of influence
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cool. still not listening to this wet garbage can though
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>Actual photo of Nico Tran seeing Odin on mushrooms
holy shit, how can Nicotranny be this based?
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