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making music is less about the composer skill and more about knowing which chords to use.
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It's about the chords you don't use
making food is less about the cooking skill and more about knowing which seasonings to use.
It kind of is actually, unless your baking or something. I think cooking and music making are similar
knowing which chords to use IS the composer skill
It's about expressing yourself authentically. Of course proficiency helps you express yourself authentically. But the best art comes from the heart hehe.

let's try this again.
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Hi, I'm >>123670371
I'm not really even talking about the album, I don't care if you like it or not. I'm not asking you to stop posting just in this thread. I meant that I want you to never post again on 4chan. I don't like any of your posts on any topic whatsoever. No one does. You never say anything remotely interesting. It's all just very obnoxious and childish. Ironically, the way you interpret Captain Beefheart's music is how everyone interprets... (You).
im gonna shove my dick and balls down ur throat so hard u choke on my ejaculated cum and die
In 2014, you probably thought you would make something of your life but look where you are now
For me it's The Clouds are Full of Wine

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Where to go from here? Not necessarily video game music; the female vocals, faux-language and beautiful clean instruments comfort me on a deeper level than anything else
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Try Koenji Hyakkei.
Chances are you won't like it, but if you do you'll love it.

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Wait, so this is actually good?
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What do you mean "actually good". RYM rated it highly didn't it?

Does she not shave her armpits?
rym overrates actual dogshit and usually hate on anything that isnt overly artsy and weird just for the sake of being weird instead of actually being good
you can buy rym reviews as part of a shill campaign, which this artist obviousl did
Why did they name themselves after the hotel where the biggest mass shooting in US history took place?

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>another Ai-generated video again
You absolute fucking retard.
Is Clanton a relatively obscure musician? I’d never heard of him before finding this music video
Slide was pretty popular
What movie are the clips from
it was put out 6 years ago having hyper realistic or having a ai generated video wasn't a thing back then. The closet I can think of is an a Aphex twin video and the creator only used an ai rendering software to abstract images into the video


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>rip Beach House off
>get 10x more famous than them
other similar examples?
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superficial similarities at best, Nirvana's music was much darker than the Pixies'
I don't really see it. Muse music sucks but it sounds ''uplifting'' in that kind of gay orchestral way, kinda like Queen. Radiohead music sucks but in a depressing and maudlin way
honestly don't pay attention to official charts, they're either a) promotional tools targeted towards NPCs b) useful data for nerds studying chart runs (not chart peaks), in 2024 the only way to measure success is streaming, on Spotify CAS are gaining 100k followers weekly, BH are gaining 10k
nobody cares about charts anymore except for obsessive pop fans
the strokes
arctic monkeys, the killers

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Juan Brujo, leader of Brujeria has passed, a month and a half after his cousin and second vocalist, Pinche Peach.

Paguen sus respectos, bola de güeros maricones.

Damn, F
Saw Brujeria live in 2012 and in 2022, both great concerts.

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some of the best shows I went to see. rip.

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As a guitarist are you expect to play shirtless and have a sic pack abs?
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To a point I imagine so. My friend isn't too fat but hes quite tall and he struggles with certain easy chords because he can't fit his big ass fingers close together. They do have big nigga guitars with extra string spacing though. My dad has worked in construction his entire life so he has gigantic fingers too even though hes a borderline midget and it's practically impossible for him to play my guitars without touching multiple strings.
MOST of them didn't but it depended what the scene was like etc. Like Naked Raygun leftist as they may have been were still like probably blue collar Italians. They fucking worked out. The more artschool scenes were different,and then ofc if you're really severely mentally ill or actually on heroin you're probably going to look like shit a lot of the time. Steve Albini was maybe not taking care of himself much or Wesely Willis or GG Allin.
I don't care about your views on music
I'm merely pointing out how you talk like a retard
stfu already
kek this is true stay behind the damn amp theyre not there to see you
Was it Spinal Tap where the drummer kept dying and getting replaced? Same could be said for bassists.

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Like ya do, la

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How comes there's not a single album better or even as good as this?

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it clicked when i listened on shrooms. i get it now
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did you actually make this for the thread?
shillspamming like an annoying faggot only gets you negative attention, wow what a discovery
those fingernails tho
i try to do that with everything i listen to but it doesn’t always work. sometimes i bring a lot of my expectation based on prior work into the experience and cloud the listening
i’m gonna listen to it with cyanide for the real click

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Looks like drunken drama queen Moz was bullshitting once again.

This is what happens when you don't read your emails
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Manlets keep seething
I personally like Electronic more than The Smiths, and I like Modest Mouse too. But yeah Marr's solo stuff is kinda bland.
I've noticed the friends thing more and more because no one cares about his book or his albums. They might be the sole person that knows that shit exists. The mental gymnastics they have to do to try and give their boy praise is crazy.
Yeah. The Electronic album isn't anything mindblowing. It's alright listen but that's about it. I like Modest Mouse too but i wouldn't say Marr's contributions were anything amazing either. Definitely one of their crappier listens though.
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Clap this, homo

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happy birthday, angel.

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There's been other deconstructed club artists but nothing like the sounds she was making, I still haven't come close to figuring out how she made some of those complex reverbs inside a DAW alone
yeah, i mean if there's one thing thats really difficult to do in a DAW is stack endless reverbs..how did they do it?
I'm talking about the metallic shit in her minimalist stuff, not the ambient reverb
Is there a complete list of her known compositions anywhere? I want to make sure I catch all of the leaked stuff.
Listen to more music

Been a while since we had a good noise thread.
>good noise thread.
>posts bad noise


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now that the dust has settled... were they heavy or they are le'bad because they become too popular
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>but i don't agree with how evil their music and their image is. straight up.
are you 12?
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For me, it's MFKR.
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Pic related is one of the heaviest albums to have ever reached a very wide audience on a “commercial” scale. Whether you like it or not, this album changed the game and brought blast beats to the masses.
Basically this, although, they have had their moments since Vol 3. It all hasn’t been garbage.
They were the band that resonated most with me when I was experiencing psychosis. If you're in the headspace for them they're amazing. But a lot of the time now I find their music a bit grating.

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