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Journey to Snatchlandia is better
How did she managed to be even greater than John?

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Post underrated albums Albini worked on.
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I will second the Electralane reco. Great band.
What did he mean by this?
>Albini was an one-trick pony.
ok tourist
I love this kind of shit

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>the "a minor" thing

This is the ONLY one he used that was a generic old joke.

The others were CLEARLY copied from twitter posts.
the point is that none of these jokes require more than two seconds to think of, and you don't need to read some random tweet to come up with "more like certified pedophile lmao"
OVHoe is a cringy ass insult, sounds like something catty high school girls would call eachother
meanwhile the tweet Kendrick stole his big punchline from was literally viral
2 can play at the social media game it seems, would rather kendrick take inspo from random clever takes on twitter than drake using bots to force people to idolise him

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Is clicking a virtual piano with a pitch monitor enough to learn how to sing?
Probably not but it can't hurt.
What else should I do?

It's up bros!

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Wanna bet that Poop fetish will unironically be the new wave for zoomers, how ass eating was for millenials?
The ((influencers)) will not stop. Eating ass is vanilla and boring now according to the mainstream.
Coomers need forever increasing degeneracy, that's how the elites end up raping and sacrificing children, because they have done everything they wanted, they have probably even gotten desensitized to cannibalism and children sacrifice kek.
shes entry tier to new york drill, there are much better artists out there that dont get the shine because they're not as poppy
Ice Spice is just Pop Smoke but female. They have the same vocal style and flow.

Any recommendations?


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>I was born with a dick in my brain, yeah, fucked in the head
>My stepfather said that I sucked in the bed
>'Til one night, he snuck in and said, "We're going out back, I want my dick sucked in the shed"
>Can't we just play with Teddy Ruxpin instead?
>"After I fuck you in the butt, get some head
>Bust a nut, get some rest," the next day my mother said
>"I don't know what the fuck's up with this kid!
>The bastard won't even eat nothing, he's fed
>He just hung himself in the bedroom, he's dead!"
>"Debbie, don't let that fucker get you upset
>Go in there, stick a fuckin' cigarette to his neck
>I'll bet you he's fakin' it, I'll bet you, I bet he probably
>Just wants to see how upset you would get
>I'll go handle this, of course, unless you object?"
>"Aw, go fuck his brains out if any's left in his head!"
I love Relapse, it's just so fucking funny to me. Like, a lot of people like it for the horror element, I just like it because it's hilarious. Just so many out of pocket verses like

>I think I might just do somethin' a little less subtle
>Shove a fuckin' Tonka truck up a little kid's butthole

>In the bed with two brain dead lesbian vegetables
I bet you they become heterosexual
Nothing will stop me from molesting you
Titty-fuckin' you 'til your breast nipple flesh tickles my testicles
Is what they said to the two conjoined twins
How's it going girlfriends? You needs a boyfriend?
You need some ointment? Just set up an appointment
Who's gonna see the doctor first? We'll do a coin flip
I just got my one year sobriety coin chip

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When I'm drunk, all I do is DM girls telling them I hope they get raped and that they're used up aging whores
What do I listen to?
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Not sure but that is pretty based and I wish you all the best on your misogynistic endeavors. Keep doing God's work.
Steve Albini
your drink of choice good sir?
Yeah I remember going way overboard when I saw my ex at a bar and I was talking shit about her dead dad and making jokes about how hard it just be for her to suck his dick cause he can't get it up being dead, they just had a close relationship and I was jelly
Shit got me chased out of the bar, I ran like 10 blocks
Fireball, budweiser, he'll anything cheap
You're based as fuck. I've been chased out of bars as well, thats so funny man

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Remember mothers-day anime fans!!!!
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they finally made a track for people like us!!!!
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It's off this album and it's called "Anime" sorry for broken link. Dope album.


4channel R@V3R5, sit back, relax, enjoy this massive choon
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This album SUCKS!
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Stop spamming this
Truth ain’t spam.
It's not a truth, it's an opinion.

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I wouldn't say it's their best album, but it is the one I revisit the most often. It also completely mogs the vast majority of 2000s indie rock.
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The younger "indie" bands in the 2000s were well on the road to becoming corporate mall sound system slop, they were product, not artists. Even a mid album by a bunch of 50 year olds easily beat whatever the fuck Parquet Courts did.
this and the eternal are great.
nyc ghosts and flowers is great
love these mother fuckers
see you in heaven, steve
A thousand leaves is great too
I was in college when OPs album came out and it definitely was one of the better albums in that timeframe

That said their older stuff holds up better on repeat listens (goo, washing machine, evol, there are a bunch of good ones)
>completely mogs the vast majority of 2000s indie rock.
if you focus on p4k indie landfill only yeah. so listen more music
listen more music

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I'm hanging on the Old Goose moon
You look like an angel
Sleeping it off at a station
Were you only passing through?
I'm dying for you just to touch me
And feel all the energy
Rushing right up a me
L'Amour looks something like you
L'Amour looks something like you
L'Amour looks something like you
for me it's Them Heavy People

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The Rain Song is their best song
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For me, it's Since I've Been Loving You.
actually Dazed and Confused is their best song
fag blues
homosexual singer
proto rym core
You spelled Kashmir wrong
that used to be my goto emotional ballad from them but now I'll swear up and down that Ten Years Gone is their best song, another that grew on me hardcore is Sick Again that song is masterful sleaze and if you find that live video where he smokes 2 cigarettes at once while playing the song you will be blessed

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Directly from an insider, cry and weep
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My beef with Drake gets more and more personal each day.

Nice q drop bro
Both retards, beef is a cash cow and fans are exchanged like currency cause their views and attention are what garner profit

None of the allegationd are true, rap fans are just mightily fucking retarded
Captcha: K0HK
I really doubt Drake wants to be labeled as a pedo and Kendrick as an abuser just to run up their stream numbers. Theyre both already rich as it is and the billionaires at UMG have enough money as well
Kendrick owns his own company pgLang that is partnered with UMG for worldwide administration which means they don’t have any say other then advising Kendrick on international deals, brokering said deals, and logistics of said deals. UMG has a financial interest in Kendrick but way more financial interest in Drake since his deal relates to his merch, recordings, and publishing. Kendrick said fuck the industry because they are obviously backing Drake as seen when pre-Euphoria post-Push ups but now they’re forced into silence by overwhelming public organic support biasing Kendrick.

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What's the best way to learn to read music?
There's not too much to it, learn the notation in a day and it's gonna take you like a year to be able to sight read.

Early Morning edition
Game - Freeway's Revenge (Rick Ross Diss)

Here's a complete list of the diss tracks in order:
>Drake ft. J Cole - First Person Shooter
>Future, Metro Boomin', Kendrick Lamar - Like That
>Big Sean - The Whole Time (freestyle)
>Future, Metro Boomin', The Weekend - All To Myself
>Future, Metro Boomin', A$ap Rocky - Show of Hands

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323 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
look, im sure drake isn't the only faggot in the world who got the dick surgery. why don't you ride one of their cocks instead?
>dude i brought up plato's cave i'm so smart and intellectual
ask me how i know you're a kendick fan
are you retarded? The children were the first to get slaughtered. What happened was they captured the working men and young women because they could be sold as slaves, and killed everyone else. Spending a ridiculous amount of resources to raise a child that will grow up and possibly take revenge on you was the last thing they would ever do.

new thread
if you treat your children like cattle then you're gonna get revenge taken on you regardless of who the bio daddy is.

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