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Anyone else notice that music recommendations given by either Spotify or YouTube's algorithm are ass nowadays, and have been for sometime, or is it just me? Regardless of their respective algorithms being shit, one of the ways I like to find new music is through mixes or playlists on YouTube. In years past I had found some pretty good recommendations that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten through my Spotify weekly playlist. It feels like it's pretty hard to find a worthwhile playlist nowadays since every other faggot is making such mixes and putting in loosely-related shit, or whatever's trending on TikTok regarding the genre. I keep getting shit like "Frutigger playlist" or "Shoegaze-type beat" shit recommended to me, and it's just basic-bitch normalfag shit like Sewersvlt or some other "breakcore" artist--kinda a retarded example, it's mostly DnB songs here and there--or shit like Wisp. TikTok niggas need to stop making these mixes NOW! I don't give a fuck about Zoomers getting into different genres; I'm not a faggot, but the niggas on TikTok go about it in such a niggerlicious way.
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I'd read it, just for musical opinions. I suggest op ask other anons for their recs on music he's interested in.
Hello, sir.
I already make an effort to do so. For example, with Shoegaze, I've followed along the charts anons have made listing different artists and where they stand in relation to other artists of the genre. Whenever I find a song I like, I try to listen to their entire discography, though with a few artists, they only had a handful of recordings which are a bit difficult to come by; they aren't immediately available on slsk--the faggots sharing it set it as [PRIVATE] for muh sekrit trades, so your only other option is through private trackers, or to try your luck with the Ruskis which sometimes have it but not always. Usually, the more obscure artists who put out one sole album are shared by smaller YouTube channels dedicated to sharing them.
>Maybe ask other /mu/tants what band sounds like this or more bands that sound like that.
/shugazi/ is kill thanks to /gookpop/ making the board move too fast, and making a thread for the sole purpose of asking for recommendations is a quick way to piss of the resident janny. I'd be better off doing so in /wsr/, but there'd be better engagement on /mu/.
>Sometimes you hear a song at the mall, in the gas station
I'm not interested in listening to that MKUltra white noise.
>Algorithms were never good
They were ok-ish before everyone found out how to exploit it to shill their bullshit and make it their bitch. They might not've been perfect, but they absolutely went to shit around the time TikTok became popular. At least, with regards to music anyway.
>I miss blogs
There are a few Neocities blogs worth checking out. It's mostly the chan and hobby-related ones that are worthwhile. You have to wade through a pool of half-assed Zoomer-made frutigger/Y2K-themed pages however. It's best if someone directs you towards what you're looking for.
Nigga, can you not read? I recognize that the algorithm and its recommendations are ass for the most part, so I don't rely on them anymore since their recommendations are ass for the most part. Your music is ass, and therefore I won't subject myself to it. It's simply that I can't just wander into a good recommendation anymore, I have to purposefully look for what I want; there is no spontaneity with finding songs of adjacent or different genres that I might like.
>You are cattle pushed by the algorithm
>implying you're any different
I don't give a shit what other anons like; everyone here is a pretentious faggot. I'd rather stumble onto something I like rather that go through recommendations other anons have given me.
start a blog even if no one reads it. the best ones are the tiny ones you find in the depths of Google at 2 am while looking for a specific obscure album from 13 years ago you can't quite remember the name of.
>There are a few Neocities blogs worth checking out.
Drop em

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Post funny Metal Archives reviews
There haven't been many actual metalheads here since like 2015 chap
crabcore counts as metal
dumb zoomer faggot
i was born in 91, you absolute rape-meat

fun fact: your 50 year old mother has probably fantasized about this man at some point in her life
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I didn't expect that Morrissey would sorta diss Joy Division, while George Michael praised them.
My mother does not know who this is.
Pretty based of him. Joy Division fucking sucks. George seems alright though.
my mother is 56 and she wouldnt even know who Morrissey is let alone the smiths, she likes Scorpions, Pat Benatar, Iron Maiden, other 80s ballad metal acts
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I have his autobiography. It's good shit.

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What are some of the biggest frauds and scams in music?
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Taking a lesson from Ken is like having someone else poop in your pants.
Where’s the proof he’s a fraud
I paid for a lesson but all I got was a video of like, 20 people just farting non stop. Just non stop farting. NOT what I paid for, Ken.
the farting was autotuned at some points and not even live. wtf Ken.

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What's the deal with all these newish butt metal bands with elaborate costumes?
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20 year nostalgia cycle for turn of the millennium nu metal
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There was a gap left by CoF and Dimmu but zoomers think that is "cringe" so they like much more cringe shit

Also Sleep Token isn't metal, it's pop/rap. It's more fake edgy/fake "alt" shit for fake zoomers who wanna appear metal but don't listen to it. Huge trend, very embarrassing.
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I like Squid Pisser
These guys are British, and inspired by djent, metalcore, nu-metal, plus R&B and Hip/Hop.
You made the sleep token bot mad. LOL
>strictly adhering to one genre.
Yes, going from pop/rap to pop/rock is so stunning and brave!
If only the guitarist could think of a riff idea besides a pick scrape.

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How am I supposed utilize drone tones, musically speaking?
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Listen to drone like that last two anons suggested. This can be from classical minimalism all the way to noise. Try starting with La Monte Young, the father of contemporary drone.
It’s for meditation
Listen to bagpipe/uillean pipe music.

Real advice is learn basic theory, set a done and play over it.
I singing random notes over a drone
Listen to Vivaldi

me too anon
me too
Spic Fuentes

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Stop, I'm already dead edition.

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This faggot ruined ESP for me
Nothing can possibly compare to an amp powered by a fused plug with a glass fuse. Almost like an extra valve.
>Decent import acoustics
no such thing lol
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Who the fuck did he piss off?
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I don't either, just sounds like he was a massive degenerate and tried to be too touchy with guys in an effort to come off as cool and friendly.
the (((owners))) of ABC & CBS iirc, as he tried to buy them out
I dont understand what hes arrested for. Since when are freak offs illegal
Depends on the neighborhood. Usually they'll have a "no freak offs" sign. Sorta like those "autistic children at play" signs. Apparently Dido didn't get the memo.
Whatever you do is illegal whenever they say so

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this is a grown adult male
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Yeah I can clearly see that
This is nothing, he used to do meme reviews.
yes but his fans are not grown adult males
We all are, you gen alpha faggot
This. I dislike fantano for the most part but this is like looking at a child's party clown and asking "why is he acting like that? hes a grown adult male!"

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I got a vision, a teenage daughter
Who's growing up naked in the afternoon
I know a brother close to his mother
Who stays out late in the evening time
I keep repeating, it takes a beating
To grow up naked in the afternoon
You are a cowboy if you wear those boots
He's just a schizo retard. Back in the 90s it was trendy to buddy troll these retards like Wesley Willis, Daniel Johnston etc..
what is "buddy troll" ?
Kind of like what people did with Chris Chan before the motherfucking but with more buddy vibes and less maliciousness

I regret not giving them a chance earlier. Their new stuff is reddit metal but Power Within and earlier albums still go hard.

How often do they play their old shit live? My friend wants me to go watch them live with him.
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Reddit metal is what this board likes.

Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Suicide Silence, etc. You kinda have to be actually counter culture to like Dragonforce these days, it's not the mid 00s when they were briefly trendy.
Nigga they literally have a song called Power of the Triforce. Call them Big Bang Theory Metal then.
i thought reddit metal is stuff like gloryhammer and sabaton

for me I'm into melodic bands (but not overtly pop metal) like kamelot, Queensryche, blind guardian, and iced earth, but i also like some old school trad and extreme metal (think sad ex, angel witch, and metal church)
>Valley of the Damned
Power metal masterpiece. A bit generic, but still all bangers.

>Sonic Firestorm
Not as good as the first album, but still has great songs overall. Soldiers of the Wasteland is probably their best song.

>Inhuman Rampage
A tad bit overrated, but solid album nonetheless. Lost Souls in Endless Time is probably their best bonus track.

>Ultra Beatdown
Peak DragonForce. As good as Valley of the Damned but has their identity more clear.

>Power Within
Continues the thread of Ultra Beatdown. Most of these songs sound like they're from the previous album.

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Only know this song but they're based in my book


Why dont zoomers or young people in general appreciate angelic voices anymore? Why cant we have good singers in the mainstream anymore?
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>don't know music before 2018
What Does the Fox Say, Watch Me Whip, and Despacito came out before 2018
If a person has a really good singing voice it makes it harder to believe what they're saying
Probably a curse
bjork's voice ethereal and zoomers fucking love her
>can't socialize
I teach Zoomers, and if there's one thing they can do, it's talk to each other. I think the debilitating illness is that they can't shut the hell up.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
I dont find it unreasonable that she is creeped the fuck out by him
Only thing he did wrong was being humble among a group of narcissists who assumed he too was a narcissist.
I fucked her and she would probably deny that too so I believe Moby,

Thee Oh Sees / Osees / OCS thread #2

Song of the Day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqrhP89YvXU
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Do they have metal like the gizzards do?
I haven't listened to their new albums so they may have something closer to metal that I'm unaware of, but here
I think this track is underrated, idg why I've seen a few people say it's bad. And the answer is kinda
its healthier not to compare them to King Gizzard. The last time the two bands shared a style was probably 2014
but they do have some heavier psych punk
They both still have the “write so many songs that none of them are good” style so the comparison is appropriate

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