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How do we feel about her BODY of work?
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I did. Fucking niggress
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Weird name.
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Agreed, still hot tho
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sorry man, have to do it to ya

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>starts and concludes dark ambient
what drugs were they taking?
vitamin water, before it went public. you fucking degenerate drug addict piece of shit
check this out if you haven't
this album is the only one that scares me, it leaves me vulnerable to the unreasonable scale of the universe

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Vargcube edition.

Varg Vikernes (direct quotation):
>What are you? A man who finds solutions, or a Loser?

Det Som Engang Varg: >>122790853
FAQ: https://burzum.org/eng/news.shtml
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QRD on this band?
Which albums are generally considered their best? And at what point did they change their style?
ulcerate are barely death metal at this point
Put your trip back on.
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First two are classics, maybe even the third one, but I haven't listen to that one enough. By the fourth they changed their style but further evolved their sound by their seventh album, which is another favorite of theirs(picrel) along with their Åsgards Fall EP, which is a tribute to Bathory. Their albums afterwards seem to follow along the style of their seventh, maybe not always on the same level but they have some good tracks here and there.
This was very helpful thank you.

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Name the song
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Came here to post this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS2EfI4pUac Does anyone remember a version of this without that awful shuffling sound? Sounds like a drum brush being rubbed on a snare or something and it's so distracting
>He went too far, the fucker
nah it's based
As a kid I used to skip any ones that were released earlier as singles,
like I had played it out before I got to the album.

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What other bands do you think moved away from the original formula and because of that slowly declined. I honestly would be happy if Keane had just made the same sounding album 10 times.
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Gentle kek
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Nuh-uh. They were a 2 hit wonder band, that was mogged by a 4 hit wonder band named Blur
nice album
keane were always a nice band for those more wistful moods...

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>guy is over 15
>listens to metal
>guy is white
>listens to rap
I'm not sure I "get" having the same threar every day.
>posts anime pictures on a georgian caucasian food related forum
>wants to decide what is good and what is bad
>bitch has a dumb looking face
>i knock her out with one punch
posts the thread again award

Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
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Countdown might be their best for sure. Either that or The Royal Scam where they were more varied musically
the final boss of faux-jazz
boring and der club of snore
see >>122807518
>screechy sound
Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz

this album is so wild literally sounds like metallica + 50 cent, straight up fire
>what's y'all thoughts on this bop?
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Red baseball caps, taupe dickies khakis, fluffy bubble blue jacket, Carhart. Impression made; all us kids coped that look.
I like it but i always go right into the skip button when N 2gether starts playing(same as chocolate starfish with getcha groove on)
Three Dollar Bill is overall the superior bizkit album imho, it has no weak songs
It's surprising that Limp Bizkit would be among the few nu-metal bands that aged well.
Chocolate Starfish is 10x better, but we wouldn’t have that album without this album, so it is what it is.
why does nobody talk about their 1997 album?

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If a cheap laptop can do literally anything that any synthesizer or sampler can do and far far more, what's the point of still buying hardware? Why do entire companies exist just to sell this shit? Who's buying enough of it to keep them afloat?
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it is analog, solid state amps are still analog. but yeah tubefags hate solid states too so worth pointing out that they're just as good now.
arent all the sounds coming out going through a digital processor though?
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Rate my pedalboard.
It's useful for quick parameter editing in synths. You can mouse over every single virtual knob in a VST and get the same effect, but it's slow and not ideal.

Real knobs are ultimately just a better way to interact with parameters, and proper encoders that auto update their light ring to show whatever they're controlling are the best way of doing that. It'd be a little nicer if each knob had its own little screen to show what it was modifying right now, but nobody really makes anything like that with a decent knob count.
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anyone have experience with analog rytm? how good is it for live sets? i have digitakt, but don't like how everything is in submenus, it's not as immediate as i'd like it to be. and what about octatrack as pure sampler?

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Ride the Camel edition
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The original Laiho "Wildchild" Rhoads:
>This guitar was Roope Latvala's first Jackson! Roope ordered this guitar in 1987 and it was completed the same day as Jiri's custom Rhoads. Roope played this guitar in Stone until he switched to 24 fret RRs.
Its time we talk about Kevin and Anthony.
Are Kevin and Anthony in the room with us right now?
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About to sell my 7-string schecter hellraiser c-7 and replace it with the ESP LTD M-HT pic related. Wish it would be a gloss paint but other than that perfect guitar i guess.
God damn I thought those were the shit when I was 16... 16 years ago.................
I think I'll listen to all the pre Are You Dead Yet albums now
RIP Aleksi

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>literally listen to boomer music exclusively
why does new music suck so much?
You're just listening to the wrong type of new music. What's really good right now is latino music slop, Bad Bunny and whatever else. Probably start listening to Daddy Yankee and similar, you won't regret it.

whats the deal with this album? Everybody praises it but it sounds like generic boomer rock from whyte people
its insane how corny this shlock sounds but I guess white boys eat it up
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>whats the deal with this album? >Everybody praises it but it sounds like generic boomer rock from whyte people
>its insane how corny this shlock sounds but I guess white boys eat it up
I wrote that retarded GRRM drivel, and feel the need to state that I do unironically love that album, and that song, but I still think the pre-chorus shamelessly repeating those two lines is hilarious, and feels like the band just cheekily tried to see what they could get away with
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is just as bad with Dickinson belting out the title line in the chorus with various ludicrous degrees of operatic melisma
While it’s no Killers, it’s still a solid Maiden album that has influenced countless metal heads across the world for 42 years.
And that's a good thing, subhuman. You don't have to understand it. Now ban the white majority for fighting fore with fire. It's okay I'm not a subhuman

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Tenacious Obesity tour CANCELLED!
It's tha greatest tour cancellation in tha worhurrld
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This. Kikes rule all forms of media/entertainment in this country. If you haven’t come to realize that at this point, there’s no hope for you.
Lol Destiny, his twitter tirade and stream was fucking unhinged, you've gotta respect someone who immediately after a shooting goes ahead and posts a photo of the dead man's blood and says all I'm seeing is a +1 for Biden. What a crazy motherfucker, in the stream he was calling Shapiro and Peterson retards too when someone said his mainstream debate appearances are over after this, fucking based
Kyle did nothing wrong, jokes about this sorta stuff is funny, people should be able to talk shit about anything if you agree with it or not, I feel like Jack is being a pussy for not sticking up for him, anyone who tries to be the "bigger" person over something like this is stupid, we all thought it so why the hell is society so concerned about censoring itself, they'll be back together in a few years time, they just need to wait out all the political bs for a while
So... people are really going against them? People really like Trump like that.

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>My transgender cat's Siamese
>Identifies as black, but acts Chinese
What did Shady mean by this?

Drake bros...
what’s the point of spending millions and millions of dollars on a house if it’s still susceptible to flooding?
do you not know insurance exists?
The insurance can’t fix my emotional damage.
There is no emotional damage.
Drake really can’t catch a break, first the raid on the embassy and now th- oh wait… there still hasn’t been a raid? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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