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the most critically acclaimed artists and their current Spotify ranking:

The Beatles #85
Bob Dylan #534
The Rolling Stones #240
David Bowie #334
Bruce Springsteen #419
Radiohead #169
Neil Young #1,302
Led Zeppelin #289
Prince #627
The Beach Boys #694
R.E.M. #609
Elvis Presley #304
Kanye West #36

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Led Zeppelin IV:

Pitchfork - Top 100 Albums of the 1970s (2004) #7
Rolling Stone - The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time (2020) #58
Time - Top 100 Albums of All Time (2006) No Order
Kerrang - 100 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die (1998) #4
Mojo - The 100 Records That Changed the World (2007) #20
NME - All Times Top 100 Albums (1974) #35
Q - Top 20 Albums from 1970-1979 (2004) #4
Robert Christgau - Consumer Guide Album Grade "A"
Piero Scaruffi, Album Ratings (Scale 1 to 10) 7
>what is curiosity
is this autism?
>Neil Young #1,302
>rock n roll will never d-ACK!
Nirvana are also above:

The Beatles #85
Nirvana #112
The Smiths #147
Radiohead #169
Pink Floyd #175
Physical Graffiti mogs the everloving shit out of that overrated record

in this thread we name our favorite deep cuts from these top tier pop craftsmen.

For me it's
>kilburn towers
>black diamond
>lamp light
>sun in my morning
For me it's Mr. Natural
I Surrender
New York Mining Disaster 1941

How would people react if Oasis got back together? Would people care at this point?
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It would best work if they became an urban, hiphop act, doing rap versions of their old songs.
That'll never happen lad but you're 100% right
I don't think Noel wants that any more than I do.

LG x
>Would people care at this point?
Only if it was a cage match to the death
Liam i didn't mean Noel wants it i am more so conveying he has seen the beast and has no intentions of going into battle against it.
your happy go lucky northern low IQ lifestyle is un flappable and Noel knows it but can't ignore what the reality is anymore like he can't just get up there and hack away Some Might Say to zonked mix raced trash and not fundamentally understand what is at stake and how you both helped bring it about.

The only reason Kendrick Lamar is acclaimed is because it appeals to the psuedo socially conscious onions laté sipping white bitches and ape brain wiggers. The only reason why Radiohead is acclaimed is because it appeals to dim-witted, unloved, overly sensitive white boys who still live with mommy. The only reason why Pink Floyd is acclaimed is because it appeals to the whitest fuckin boomer ass motherfuckers. The only reason Madvillian is acclaimed is because it appeals to nerdy white dudes who wanna be hip with the hood. The only reason King Crimson is acclaimed is because it appeals to the whitest d&d dragon flying fags ever. The only reason My Bloody Valentine is acclaimed is because it appeals to white boys with so called deep feelings and wanna appear just a little edgy. The only reason The Beatles is so underrated and unappreciated is because it appeals to people of color unlike these stupid white people like you.
>boyband worship
try /wpop/
Shut the fuuuuuuck up
La-di-da-shut the fuck upppp

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Thoughts on Rilo Kiley (Jenny Lewis) and her body of work?
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>nearly 50
>still fuckable
she's achieved something most women can only dream of
nice slag
i have a rilo kiley tattoo kek but don't listen to them too often anymore. loved em 15-20 years ago. only saw them once on the under the black light tour but it was still kino. it seems like her and blake are "ok" now, so it would be dope if they went on a lil reunion tour. can't get into any over her solo shit post acid tongue desu
what does the rilo kiley tattoo look like? also do you have any other tattoos

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How will granny shit ever recover from this devastating loss?
is fake celebratory death posting the brownist kind of post? had a white person ever done it?
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if dubs, it'll actually happen tomorrow
Reddit McCartney

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Neither. Warm Audio WA87.
Depends on the room. If you got a real nice treated dry room, then you'll get good value out of the expensive condenser
If you're recording in a bedroom, a dynamic is gonna be way better
Dynamics are not some magical background noise remover. All that matters is polar pattern and distance from the source.
>Warm Audio WA87
I know nothing about them, but with a name like that it's probably shit. If you want "warmth" (distortion or uneven frequency response) you should add it in software.

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This is the equivalent of a party house toilet full of shit, spit, vomit and trash. Genuinely the most nauseating album ever made.
I hated it on first listen but it's starting to grow on me now. Would have been really good if it just ended at Guilty Conscience 2 because every song after that is a skippy.

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thanks for sharing chingu
you like frogs?
lol Sohyun has such a funny laugh,
why was she laughing when Xinyu was crying? was she acting?
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Gen Z? Well, let's see.
We got racists, transphobes, and Nazis
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kendrick is on mmlp2
I thought he only killed him in his dream... so he's not dead right?
He can relate to Cole since they both get the pussy dry.
Slim shady will never die

For criminal acts and violence on the stage,
for being a brat refusing to act your age,
for all of the decent citizens you've enraged,

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He only produced The Wall. That album and WYWH were self-produced by the band and Dark Side was produced by Alan Parsons.
Wish You Were Here is one of the best albums of all time. The fact that it was self-produced in tribute to the acid-junkie is nothing short of astounding.

Solo Alice is so fucking boring
Yeah, Alice Cooper the Band is so much better than Alice Cooper the person.
The Alice Cooper glam metal albums are great

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Just recently made the switch to trying to keep my music stored locally, does anyone have any cool foobar themes they'd wanna share?
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it's not that, i torrent all of my music, it just seems like a legitimate music player should have an official website to download it from, like i wouldn't download musicbee off a torrent website when i could download it off of the official website.
musicbee, again, cant properly decode MQA files

it doesnt have bit perfect playback on a handful of formats

keep seething timmy
Foobar is perfectly fine and it works but you'll have to work it out a lot, which I guess is fine if you want to learn about software and music processing and shit, but if you just wanna listen to music and sort out your locally stored music there's already programs out there that work perfectly fine and probably have everything you'll want in the future.
If you're mostly superficial like me and want nice UIs then MusicBee is very customizable and it has a lot of skins. I use Strawberry which is a fork of Clementine and it's buggy as shit, but I only use it cause it's extremely simple and it has moodbars.
>the UI sucks
it takes two seconds to put a functional theme over it
>it doesnt upsample, it doesnt have MQA decoding
oh, you're just retarded
>the up/down music discovery is awful
I don't even know what this is supposed to mean
>also shilled by open source trannies
oh, you're doubly retarded. it's not even open source btw

if you can just admit to yourself that you fell for a streaming company's snake oil you'd probably be much happier
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Let me guess, you consumers need more.

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FL Studio is for making "beats".
Ableton is for making music.
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>using drm tools just because other people use it
oh no no no no lmaoooo
All DAWs basically do the same thing. If you are wigging out about your DAW choice you are getting sidetracked
if you want to make a living in music then learn to use the industry standard, if you're a little faggot dicking around with a daw making shit no one will ever listen to then use whatever you want
we both already know you're the latter

Reaper is good everything tho and is literally the best daw out there

Anyway, here's the most based opinion: FL just sucks, Ableton's only redeeming quality is Max4Live, Cubase is an example of unnecessarily overcomplicated UI and thus shit, Pro Tools is an industry standard because literal boomers had nothing else. And yeah, it's overcomplicated shit too
unless you listen to mumblerap, 99% of the music you listen to from the last 30 years was made with pro tools

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>be the Who
>make a shit album
>has your best song and one of the best songs ever
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City pop ass cover
give the acoustic piano demo a listen.
its a good album really. maybe not good for a who album but still good
It’s a put on
>>be the Who
>>make a shit album
that's what they do

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Crazy Train edition
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I dunno…..maybe to educate yourself cause my mom can’t?
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Get a Peavey Vyper. For $200 you a decent amp that can double as a bass amp. Plenty loud enough for garage practice, pissing of neighbors if you live in an apartment complex, or for a teenager who wants to piss off their parents. I'd recommend the cheaper one just because the 40w 1x12 is too fucking loud inside halfway to 1.
You don't hammer them out unless they are stainless steel
People use soldering iron to soften them and then pull out with pliers
Therr are plenty of videos. It's not a 300 dollar job but I'm not speaking for ss feets, I don't know about those
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First one I actually own. The neck is a little thinner than my previous one so its a little weird to play on it rn.

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