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what the fuck
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no crank no buy
bro it’s a $1500 piece of pretty plastic you can get a free iPhone app to do the same shit with
You niggas retarded
It’s a $1500 tape recorder. Big deal.
Why not just get a Nagra IV-S, the gold standard in the industry.

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>posted one day ago
> a bunch of shite ive enever seen before

fuck off millenial mong
go back
a much better era than 2024 /mu/ that is interested in the likes of sabrina carpenter and charli xcx
I'm a zoomer and I could name every album on that chart except for the ones from the shins. Who cares? It's all fine but there's nothing all that exceptional here, besides Songs: Ohia or Grouper. It's mostly just indie rock for midwit college students.

The millenial indie fag side of /mu/ was always gay. I remember when people championed bands like Opeth, Deafheaven and Liturgy... really gay. The outsider/autist side of /mu/ was always more interesting. I'd much rather see a thread about Coil or Throbbing Gristle or some shit rather than see lyrics from ITAOTS posted again for the millionth time.

more soulful but hospice stinks
you just can't into music, that's why categorize Grouper into exceptional and Built To Spill into Indie Rock for midwits. kys

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id say each member knows about half the group
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swissy we actually LOVE meovv

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They don't own shops. They're good, but not virtuosos usually. Nor are they galaxy brain theorists. Most of the time, not even well rounded boomer rock nerds like Beato, but something more Nashville adjacent. Not producers. Not meme types like the bass dude or the djent shit. What are their channels even about except visiting guitar stores? And Mary Spender is cute, but I think a lesbian. So no sex appeal for the chick either. And why do they keep getting recommended.
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This guy has no personality himself. That's kind of the problem. Or one of them. And his content is pretty much a diary of looking at gear.
If you were a storeowner, it'd make more sense. Those guys are sometimes funny and play and actually are trying to sell gear. Not "today I felt like a Gibson.. lets go windowshopping". Wtf is this? People used to keep this to themselves. "Today I learned this one hard part in a Fleetwood Mac song. Lets explore it". STFU.
For me it's Trogly
it's easy to just make a shitty video and shill gear and get ad revenue than work a "real" job

Nepo babies that crashed out and shill gear, gig bars/festivals from time to time, and have music projects that I imagine bored retirees and tweens listen to.

That's about it. Rhetts claim to fame is being a beato orbiter. He seems okay, definitely better than music is win guy, but not really great.
cockbreakers brother lol

For me, it's Hanky Panky No How
I despise everyone who starts a thread with the “For me” thing, but it’s partially redeemed by posting an exceedingly based song and album.
Macbeth for me

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>The most sampled drum beat, "The Amen Break", dates back to 1969.
>Albeit The Amen Break can be found in a wide variety of genres, is especially used in jungle and breakcore.
>This video of Karen Carpenter dates back to 1968, a year prior to The Amen Break inception
https://youtu.be/vdECtVO-Epo?t=206 [Embed]
In summary, Karen Carpenter set the cornerstone that made jungle/breakcore exist.
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Alright he does talk with one but it wasn't too terrible
Bump for KC FEET
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thats just basic syncopation. james brown was playing on tv years before thiaa0h8s.

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New soijack?
Now that /mu/ has moved on from Radiohead, we agree that nothing they produced could really be described as "kino".
I liked the music video for burn the witch :)
>mum brings 4 tendies instead of 5

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Mike Shinodaberg has no shame
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the angsty teens of that era are house cats now
Not entirely wrong. But at least there were some proper riffs on many of their early songs. The new track is continuing their late period sound but making it even safer and dumber.
It is annoying how much money Shinoda is gonna make from this. No amount of bad publicity can sink nu-LP, the industry demands it. They were the #1 rock band on Spotify before this 'reunion'. Band is too big to fail.
she wants some Money Boy
Empathy is a good starter

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The lyrics are almost complete.
How the fuck do I rap to my own tasty musical treats?
How do I develop my own sense of flow/style/rhythm so it sounds like I'm from the streets and not a NEET?

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Who the fuck pays for this shit? They mostly publish leftist politic ragebait articles these days anyway.
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Nobody's paying for online paywalled journalism. Archive.is + reader view + inspect element
Digital probably comes with an archive and other online exclusives
That was precisely my point, anon
Beyond the political changes, RS used to go very critical on big name artists/albums routinely back in the 90s. Now the industry protects its own at all costs and big names do not get attacked.
their lists are so bad nowadays, you can easily tell which placements are designed for bait

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Dude what the HELL where they thinking?
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>he doesn't like prog KISS
it's in their blood
70s KISS is very 70s, 80s KISS is very 80s. They do good at both but I think for a lot of people the "80s sound" is more dated and "cheesey" hence it having a less good rep, that and it not being their peak of fame, they were more like a 70s band who stayed afloat in the 80s and that's probably because a lot of the 80s rock was influenced by them anyway so they managed better that other acts who just kinda went away at the time

If you like Lick It Up, I also rec Creatures of the Night which has the same lineup despite Ace being on the cover due to contractual shit (Vinnie was on the album, not him). Those to me are probably their best 80s albums but others have cool songs too if you dig that 80s sound. And yeah the drummer Eric Carr definitely gave the band a more hard hitting sound, Peter Criss in the 70s had an odd style for a hard rock band, was more influenced by RnB and stuff like that.
Some might hate that I say this, but I think you need to jam a little KISS to understand the beginnings of NYC punk too. They're like from the same environment. Younger glam inspired rockers in the 70s. Kiss just happened to have a really good guitarist and mainstream hits.
It's like they both belong to the "real" soundtrack of the Warriors movie. Just different parts of the city.
Ramones and early KISS are like two sides of a coin desu. Then there's also NY Dolls who kinda fall in line more with The Stooges, but KISS appealed a lot to those Detroit crowds who liked Stooges and Alice Cooper, and blah blah. Just an interesting time for music, genres jizzing all over.

Goddamn the melodica is so fun bros, especially when you add a delay pedal to it.
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Do you like Augustus Pablo?
The ukulele is punk as fuck!
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I usually play this in "Arkansas" tuning (G D A E) but many people also play it in "Chicago" tuning (E B G D)
Some also tune it like a banjo, or mandolin.
I even heard that some people tune it like a Viola. I tried tuning it like a ukulele, but it didn't quite sound right.
Isn't this the instrument you need to blow air into to play? We used those things in school for the music lessons and they were nasty, the saliva would accumulate in the tube you blowed into, cleaning those things became a meme in my school, desgosteng

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Star. Star. Star. Star. Star. Star.
Music industry is evil and demonic
wow this would've been edgy and interesting 25 years ago

What are some good beginner piano pieces other than Prelude in C Major BWV 846?
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Anything by Sorabji
Minuet in G by Bach
Scarlatti K141
Prelude to BWV 1007 in G
>My Scarlatti book omitted this one

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Why? What do they gain from this?
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not music
Crazy Frog is far more music than your favorite artist, I assure you that.
Fourteen frog threads at this moment, and the problem is only going to get worse unless we do something
rip froge
What’s the plan, sir?

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