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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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>Carry some bag
You could carry a backpack. Like that guy in NYC.
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Walking cyclist FAUNA
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Always wear a helmet

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How would you design a railroad network here?
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*WEST to the pacific i am retarded
You usually don’t see our word map displayed this way but a worldwide railway network is possible right now. This image was actually hard to find, what are they trying to hide?
Good old ancient technology.
7 lane highway
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December 2024 will see the launch of the first direct train serving Paris and Berlin in decades, which will use DB's ICE3 sets.

Paris-Est 09:55 - Berlin Hbf 18:03
Berlin Hbf 11:54 - Paris-Est 19:55

...so around eight hours in total, calling at Strasbourg, Karlsruhe and Frankfurt. Prices will be €59 in second class, and €69 in first class.
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And give the south to the Jews so the Middle East can finally know peace.

It’s time for the krauts to put some Deutschmarks where their Staatsräson is.
Kek from one muzzie infested city to a nigger infested city in 8 hours.
And yes i've been to both citys and they are fucking shit. The architecture in paris is great but the nogs and gypsies are unbearable. Chink tourists standing in line to buy at some 'luxury' boutiques made me piss my pants laughing tho.
Berlin is just shit, it smells like piss everywhere, junkies, filth and every street and sidewalk is damaged.
And the worst demographic are those hippie type snobs that love the mumbo jumbo of a big city and dont see any problem living like that.
Honestly, if you plan to visit either city, dont.
Get to the countryside, bretagne, the swabian alps or something like that.
That's more to do with there being more distance to cover and more stops than the absolute state of DB.
It's more the state of the network.
The most interesting choice is bypassing Mannheim, which might be the first time a scheduled passenger train does this ever. As such, the high speed line from Stuttgart (280 km/h) and the Riedbahn from Frankfurt (200 km/h as soon as ETCS works) feed directly into Mannheim. While the bypass via Schwetzingen, Friedrichsfeld, Weinheim and Darmstadt is only built to 160 km/h and most of those towns have stations that have passing trains slow down to 80 km/h.
It might even be faster to use the fast lines and roll past Mannheim's platforms at 60 km/h, but then you might as well stop.
>Get to the countryside, bretagne
Please go to paris instead

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Ocean liner fans rejoice! The Queen Mary reopened for hotel guests in May and in June, I had the privilege of spending two nights on board. I'll be uploading my album of the ship over the next few days and discussing the history of the ship that I learned while onboard.
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And finally my friend and I visited the bar at last call to grab a quick drink before heading off to bed
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I hope you guys enjoyed this thread. It's been up for a whopping 482 days (so long that the image previews don't work anymore wtf) and I figured that it should make way for a new one and I should send it out with a bang.

Thanks all of you for bumping and keeping it alive. Unless any of you have questions about the Queen Mary or just want to chat, I'll let this thread go into the archives. Until next time frens.

OP signing off
your photos somehow look like you've taken them on film; color is warm but the quality is excellent
what model of camera is that?
some of these look like you've taken them 30, 40 years ago
I enjoyed browsing, thank you OP
No way!

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Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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but where did they go? this has never happened before
Stop bumping your now-worthless thread
oh cool, didn't know /n/ had an archive, I was looking for it few years back
it keeps changing as old ones die and new ones respawn, that's why no /n/ archive covers more than a couple of years
what is wrong with OP?

Anyone else noticed that post-covid, pedestrian density has dropped massively? Walking around downtown now feels like I'm playing GTA3 for PlayStation 2, and if you move off the beaten path, humans (beyond occasional delivery guy buzzing by) cease to exist entirely. Number of cars doesn't seem to have gone down though, anectotally it even seems that there are more traffic jams now. What gives? How do we get people to walk again?
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Over here it's mixed. The outer urban areas hit hard by exodus never recovered, many of the business casualties of the pandemic still have for lease signs over their retail space but downtown and core urban zones boomed and now experience more people than before, like waaay more.
Outside of exercise, people don't gather in areas if there's nothing to do. Some of the California outdoor malls still are suffering from vacancies related to COVID and subsequent crime wave. No stores/restaurants --> no people walking around, it's that simple.
wear the mask, chud
Nyc started feeling normal again by summer 2022
maybe where you live things are dead but the shopping malls and downtown shopping districts are as crowded as they've ever been

the only thing different now is that Black Friday isn't really a thing anymore (and good riddance desu)

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Boeing keeps collecting bodies, this time in South Korea.
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Someone should make a dramatic reenactment, with cockpit greenscreen and full on buckteeth and rice patty hats just shouting gibberish at each other in cartoonishly racist accents while alarms go off everywhere.
>cockpit greenscreen
gif related
>ctrl f pajeet
0 results
odd, since corporate greed and incompetent pajeets are responsible
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Military airfields have an emergency landing section that get's flooded.
Black box data format should be adopted as industry standard for home computing

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Ironic. In cities with no nighttime transit, first and last shift bus and tram and train drivers cannot commute to their work by mass transit (unless the company launches a pickup bus service for them)
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wouldn't they drive the bus from home?
what bus? the one they left at the depot?
On job listings for transport drivers, at least in my cunt, it always says you must live within an hour commute in your own vehicle.
Nice try, Chang. Only homeless people take the train.
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ha, check and mate!

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What do you think about the new plan to tunnel under the 401 highway in Toronto?

They want to build trains and additional express lanes underneath along a stretch of about 40km of an 15-20 lane highway

Over 500,000 vehicles use this stretch of road per day
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I'm starting to recognise you as a poster here. It's interesting how I never see you post like this on any other board.
those condos replace parking lots and strip malls you're retarded

also the Indians can't afford to buy the condos and live in slum housing outside of the core. Brampton is like 20km northwest of downtown. those condos aren't actually being occupied lmao a lot are just investment pieces that are driving the housing prices up
They live 4-8x the standard occupancy, tenement style to afford it. It still drives development and rents up.
Given how big and dense Toronto is, they need to heavily invest in rail and bike lanes.
Yes, Toronto definitely could use more of that, Chang.

Are 24"x6.2" the future?
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Goretex is now outlawed for being made of PFAs.
That's why we force turdies to make it for us
250w is plenty of torque, on top of your own.
>being hot/sweaty is worse then severe injury, broken body, missing limbs, brain damage or death
Man I hate that most bike people don't do protection.
This is why most bike people suck.

I hate cars/car people too (i will ride in cars) but I'm ok with them Hitting bike people (who have no protection.)
Sometimes i want to drive a car and mow down dozens or 100's of UNprotected bike people.
Obviously would avoid the protected ones, cause they deserve to live.
Psychotic conformist who wants to violently punish anyone with the guts to not conform. You are worse than a dog

Sup anons.
I have a question. Shimano has two types of front derailleurs - For 63-66 and 66-69 angles. Am I doing it right? Is that the angle shimano is talking about? If so - the derailleur for this particular bike would be 66-69 one, correct?

If I'm wrong - what's the correct way? I've read that 63-66 are for hardtails and 66-69 are for full suspension bikes, but holy shit, every bike I've measured this way has the angle wider than 66 degrees - EXCEPT some full suspension MTBs. I'm confused.

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On Christmas Eve, 1985, British Airways flew four Concordes in formation to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first commercial Concorde flight.
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That's where all the Concordes retired to, Billy. There's all the airspace they need, all the jetfuel their engines could ever guzzle, and the skies ring out with BOOM-BOOMs as they frolic at Mach 2 cruisespeed.
This isn't reddit

4chan has always been reddit how new are you?
Can't have good shit anymore
You'd know, you cunt

Jet Time Edition

Previous thread >>2007661#
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cool effect by the snow
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i used to drive these (they have really nice seats and bluetooth)
New thread

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If someone took it over and cared about intercity bus transportation could it be good?
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bought a "flixbus" ticket, it turns out they were selling tickets for another service on their website, ended up on Miller Transportation, 40 minutes late to the station, be aware
I think the key problem is GHETTO ASS BULLSHIT. Not easy to solve.
>they will never want to do anything that contributes to a public benefit
People who say these things like usually have nothing to give themselves, it's always someone else's problem

>my home region of the bay area california
So one of the most liberal, highly-taxed areas is not enough because people are too "selfish"? Is this an admission that liberals are worse people and taxes are meaningless without charity, or whining that it still isn't enough?
>does nobody care about fixing things? is it an ideological issue?
yeah pretty much. everything must be private, and the profits must always go up, infinite growth from a finite world, etc, etc
Greyhound buses are literally only used for one thing and that is dumping homeless and illegals in California and then immediately heading back to go get more homeless and illegals to dump on California.
>as a California resident I can whole heartedly say we richly deserve what we get for all of our faggotry.

Biking in the suburbs tends to suck. Sure, they sometimes have some nice recreational pathways, and many residential streets are fine for short trips. But most suburbs are not set up to support cycling for transportation, especially on the enormous arterials with the most destinations. But what if cycling in the suburbs sucked less? And what if, eventually, it didn’t suck at all?
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did you sage?
I cycle in the suburbs easy. You take the lane. People want excuses not to ride.

Stroads, the demon torturer of urbanite doofs, are great to cycle on. It's a road separated by a median or suicide lane. Cars have a lane to pass you and they rarely get over 35.

Planned neighborhoods provide safe side streets and have flat tarmac and observant drivers.
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in cities, its so much nicer to ride on real cycle lanes than on the road. In suburbs riding on the road is sketch because (UK) roads can go from 20/30mph to 50/60 mph pretty quick.
>oh the urbanity
I dont think I've ever heard such a cucked voice, it's like the guy is the cuck in a leddit relationship with a fat foid. What is wrong with these people and why are there so many of these in cucknada?

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