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ive been riding something similar to picrel daily as a commuter for the last year or so, and i really dont see why everyone dismisses these
>easy to maintain
>durable and shitty enough you dont need to worry about it getting messed up in public bike racks or on the front of a bus
>if it gets stolen you dont loose sleep about it
from what i can tell, the major arguments against it are
>but walmart bikes arent assembled correctly!
splendid, it means they will give it to you for a discount and you can easily fix it yourself
>but its heavy!
this one is legitimate, but where i live its relatively flat so thats not much of an issue
does anyone else ride a big box store pos daily? or am i just insane?
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I clean my stuff and don't ride through corpses to begin with, peasant
That's really just BD or some direct mail order place that has that. They have erattic stock becasuse it's usually paint blemishes or overruns on other places' chrommolly.
My commute leads me through public parks and some unpaved areas which are basically not maintained + it rains for 60% of the time so it's always muddy. It makes no sense deep-cleaning your bike when it gets dirty ever day.

There's dead birds and rats in public parks so their corpses inevitably mix in with the mud over time so they end up in your fenders. Nothing you can do really.

The worst crap I ever had stuck to my fender was a used condom and literal bleeding intestines from some kind of small animal.

Bike life is grim sometimes, but still better than bus & train.
>he department store employee tasked with assembling these bikes.
walmart often contracts with outside companies to assemble bikes and furniture, they don't often let their employees do it for liability reasons.
Find yourself someone who loves you as much as youtuber Kevcentral loves affordable Walmart bikes.

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if it's Boeing, I'm not goeing
simple as
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Boeing have admitted all this in court, anon.
>How do I avoid Boeing flights?
You can look up the usual equipment (plane type, sometimes even which exact plane) for a scheduled flight. It's needed so that seat reservations can be made.
Late substitutions are possible so you're not guaranteed. Can't do much about that.
>reading pilot forums
Oh you mean like this one? https://www.pprune.org/passengers-slf-self-loading-freight/656765-anybody-getting-737-max.html
It is an objective fact the 737 is an obsolete 60s design. Boeing already figured this out in the 90s with the 737 NG whose engine cowls are flat on the bottom. Boeing management instead of committing to a brand new design which would take a decade and billions of dollars. Decided to coast until the A320NEO came out and started stealing their market share. Boeing rushed out an upgrade and lied about the scale of changes using software to fix hardware problems in order to get the FAA to sign off on allowing existing pilots to do a conversion course via reading a PowerPoint presentation rather than sit in a simulator.
A misrepresentation in its not the whole picture but what Boeing did do is no less damning. The aforementioned lacking corporate culture does exist and was responsible either way. In fact it’s worse, Boeing was not just trying to avoid engineering cost but also regulatory cost- putting lipstick on pig and making it more attractive to airlines. Which is hilarious when you think about the ridiculous self regulatory privileges the FAA has given them

>just a couple simulator hours maybe, no new type training required!

$1,000 for this hunk of shit.
Remember when cycling was exciting? There were new design innovations every year. Now it's all static. Just the same shit over and over at lower levels of value. Surly is an embarrassment these days
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How did they play it safe? Really what more could they do? The new moonlander is the most extreme fatbike I've seen, the rest is keeping up with the times. Nobody wants rim brake bikes anymore.
Get a Jones.
just move to Taiwan and fall in love with a gay bike welder already

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do you cycle to work? how do you deal with the sweat (and smell) and how sure are you that your coworkers don't hate you and think you're weird for cycling over 10 miles to work ?
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take a shower before going out and wear a light shirt, you might sweat but probably wont smell.
if you have a backpack put it on a rack instead, let the bike carry the weight.
i also dont need to be careful to not sweat because i work a mix of open air and office so noone cares because here is hot most of the year.
my commute its 2km by bike + 30km by bus (company pays)
bike is picrel
Sorry but 2km is insignificant distance, you'd sweat more if you walked that
sink shower & a fresh set of clothes
>do you cycle to work?
Yeah always. Even in deep winter or heavy rain. It sucks but I'm poor and hate public transport.

>how do you deal with the sweat (and smell)
I start work early and when arriving I go to the rest room and abuse a shit ton of paper tissues from the dispenser to wash my face and under my arms. I always wear merino wool underneath so that dries super quick and doesn't smell bad.

>how sure are you that your coworkers don't hate you and think you're weird for cycling over 10 miles to work ?
LOL everyone at work knows that IDGAF and I have no problem to let anyone know they can suck my dick. That being said, I've never had any negative comments at all. Ever. A lot of people commute with bike so that's no uncommon I guess.
>t. flatlanders

Winter is about -5 up to 10 degrees C here (23 to 50 F), mostly above 0. I have albion three season tights (thermal fleece top, windproof panels around knees) that are pretty good down 2-3 degrees and up to 15 or so, really good coverage. Around 3 it gets a bit unconfortable. Now, I would like to extend the lower range of the tights to feel comfortable at freezing temps, if possible up to -5. What's the best way to do this? I know other roadies avoid overpants for some reason and some wear running tights over short bibs, what's the best way to do it with tights? Something thin but comfortable to protect my junk as well as keep legs warm.
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And for my (trans) cock and balls?
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just wear underwear or a liner bib under unpadded tights if you're paranoid about chafing
I would be cautious with a trans-vagina tho. Always wear somekind of underwear with your bibs because your discharge and mucus will destroy your expensive bib. Maybe even use a tampon.
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god youre a faggot
tights + running shorts are good for April weather
in winter, just use simple wool long johns + work trousers (+ maybe keep regular rain overtrousers with you for when it gets really really wet)

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Trams are a terrible idea. Who actually thought it was a good idea to take a train and put it on a road? Whenever a regular train crosses a roadway, you have to have bells and lights and barriers to warn drivers that it's coming. That's because trains are big, you can't steer them, and you can hardly stop them. They're designed to run on dedicated tracks where they can only go in one direction. And if someone walks out on the tracks in front of you, apart from blowing your horn at them and hope they notice you, you as a conductor can effectively do nothing but look on.
Meanwhile, road traffic especially in cities is busy and full of cars, cyclists and pedestrians going every which way. Now add to that that you're gonna be sharing a lane with a TRAIN. What happens when there's a red light? Can't stop. Sorry, everyone else. Mum crosses the street with her stroller and doesn't see you coming? Oops. All of the accidents that happen with trams speak for themselves. Did you know 48 % of all pedestrian injuries and fatalities in Gotheburg were caused by trams? 52% for all the other vehicles combined. How many trams are there in comparison?
The perfect urban transit method has already been invented and it's called a bus. All problems the tram "solves", all of its supposed advantages are done better by BRTs, buses (can go anywhere on the road, don't need dedicated tracks) and metro trains (carry more people faster over longer distances). There is simply no argument to be had for trams. They are a nostalgic gimmick at best.
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Melbourne would be a pain in the arse to get around if there were no trams.
>take a train and put it on a road
In a majority of tram systems I've ever used, the tram is placed in its own right of way (usually a road median) everywhere except the urban core.
>everywhere except the urban core
i.e. the worst bit?
Ex-Melbournefag (now Seattlefag) here: agree.
>In a majority of tram systems I've ever used, the tram is placed in its own right of way (usually a road median) everywhere except the urban core.

The Kansas City streetcar uses existing roads and an existing lane of traffic that may be used by cars as well IIRC. They don't have the right of way to traffic per se but S.C.O.U.T. flips the lights when they see the streetcar approaching.

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Los Angeles BTFO
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>You forgot the Trainorama?

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Why would anyone ever want to go to London?
I was there. All i saw were indians with earpods talking very loudly and thats it.
Hey man we are trying to do something about it here in LA

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Theoretically speaking, if I was an entrepreneuring billionaire and I wanted to bring back one of the great American passenger trains (Super Chief, California Zephyr, Panama Limited, Empire Builder, City of Los Angeles/San Francisco, 20th Century Limited, Broadway Limited, Powhatan Arrow, Coast Daylight, etc.) to run on a regular basis (let's put it at at least two times a month for a start), which option would be more feasible from an economic/technical/legal perspective?

1. Acquire all of the surviving rolling stock (sleepers, dining cars, dome/observation cars, baggage cars, etc.) from the original consist from private owners, heritage railways, and museums, as well as matching surviving locomotives (can be from ones different railroads since thousands of functionally and aesthetically identical EMD F and E units were sold to all Class I railroads). Renovate them as necessary to make them FRA-compliant, obtain waivers wherever possible. Put them into service as a part-luxury train, part-mobile museum.

2. Commission the construction of a replica consist. Building entirely new streamlined cars from scratch, designed to match the internal and external appearance of its original as much as possible, with changes only being made when it's literally required to make the car FRA-compliant/modern user friendly (updated wiring, HEP, power outlets at seats, WiFi support, replacing wooden paneling with MDF paneling etc.). Motive power consists of custom-built Siemens Chargers designed to resemble the original E and F units (streamlining, bulldog noses, matching paint schemes, etc.) as much as legally possible.

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Assuming the funding's there, Option 2. Getting the FRA to stop being faggots and approve a bulldog nose engine design might be a bit of a hassle though.

I think the only train you realistically resurrect in this way and have it be economically viable would be the Super Chief simply because of how famous it is. One might argue that it's THE face of pre-Amtrak American passenger rail.
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They could probably run somewhere flat like Utah
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After decades of waiting, the metro of Thessaloniki has finally been built.

Unfortunately I haven't gone to it yet since the bus is more convenient where I live, though it looks impressive from the photos I've seen, especially by Greek standards.

Though I'm not sure what they were thinking with the logo(they paid 30 thousand euros for it btw)
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Is that to mean the only worthwile metros are ones mde using cut&cover?
Modern Greece does not have a single relevant place, you bringing up history says it all really. Athens is basically indistinguishable from Gaza.
Not necessarily but I wouldn't wanna spend 5 minutes all the time getting from street level to platform in a hilariously oversized station that seems more like a gadget than a proper metro station.
> Though I'm not sure what they were thinking with the logo

It's meant to be a clever design that looks like both a 'M' and a 'μ', but I don't see the point since they could have just used a 'M' and foreigners would have interpreted it as a capital 'm' and greeks as a capital 'μ'.
This trend of "clever" letters that can be interpreted in two ways should have been left to die in the early 2000s.
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greek stronk

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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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gotta be BS. the bike lanes are completely disconnected and barely functional and most walking is beside extremely loud motorways. there is an express bus and the skytrain terminates here but 91 rider score makes no sense. also it sucks ass to drive too.
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small new england city scored worse on biking than the small texas city i moved from, almost identical scores otherwise. on one hand, the hills in new england make biking considerably more difficult (but also fun); on the other hand, in new england i'm not prey to roaming packs of large dogs and lifted F-150s on the streets
>unemployable, poorly socialized yimby neet blames indians for his inability to complete a job interview without making the interviewer send a confidential report to HR to never hire this person for anything
elevation changes should increase the bike score, flatland cycling is hell and encourages obnoxious behavior see for example amsterdam

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You move above the streets, on the roofs. The streets would be free of pedestrians for the most part, imagine how many thousands of senseless deaths would be avoided yearly with people ran over by cars, bikes, buses, trains, etc.
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My main gripe with skywalks/undergrounds is that theyre inaccessible during certain periods, or in the case of open air pedways become possible ambush points to be used by hoodlums
how would cripples get on the roof?
In my country trafficable roofs on residential buildings will require a complete overhaul of the building code and national standards and push construction costs through the roof.
or we could just ban cars you retard
You'd probably need to revamp all the property and trespass laws as well. It basically wouldn't work outside a culture that's been doing it from the start.

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Why do people (especially redditards) try to make excuses for van Zanten or otherwise over-complicate Tenerife?
>the airport was crowded
>the visibility was poor
>the Pan Am should have gotten off the runway faster
The guy tookoff without clearance, full stop.
It was his fault.
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Because it makes you mad.
>The guy tookoff without clearance
i don't see it
>full stop
you're a faggot
That fucking loser tower controller forgot that van Zanten had every right to disregard his orders as the superstar of KLM. Jacob had important shit to do upon returning home like banging his six wives and making every air hostess cum just by entering the airport lounge and radiating his cologne
when will this tired reddit meme die
Anon, ritual posting is all they have.

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From a logistics perspective, does it make the most sense to put factories on the outskirts of major cities?
Nabisco built a big factory in my hometown a few years ago, but we're like 2.5 hours from a major city. So I'm wondering why they didn't just build outside Atlanta or Nashville or Charlotte.

Inside city limits you have to deal with a lot of traffic, but right outside the city you can still get trucks around. Though maybe they built in my city because we have freight rail.
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why tf is the broad wearing heels?
This. Put the factories on the outskirts of major urban areas so the noise/pollution doesn't bother anyone, but you still have access to labor and distribution centers and customers.
Neighborhoods far from the urban core are more affordable anyway, so if you put them near the outskirts, the employees can live there.
That is true for some local distribution centers, but generally factories that supply regionally or nationwide don't benefit from being close to a single city.
>why they didn't just build outside Atlanta or Nashville or Charlotte
Might be balancing costs of moving raw materials in vs cost of moving finished goods out. That tends to mean factories moving closer to the farms that supply them, as the finished goods are easier to ship (per dollar of sales).
>That is true for some local distribution centers, but generally factories that supply regionally or nationwide don't benefit from being close to a single city.
Even modern distribution centers can service everything within a four hour radius, plus some. New industrial development is on the outskirts of town because they need lots of land. In-city, you mostly find legacy operations that have been operating for decades.

Factories are usually multi-step processing, so for agricultural products, you'll have one plant that does the initial processing (collecting all the grain/fruit/whatever) and shipping them to other warehouses/further processing. A bag of American supermarket bagged rice goes from farm to mill, then train to process into small bags and processing for other factories, then trucks to the distribution center, then distribution center to stores.

In general, logistics depends more on operations than location.

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Going to have to be a 300 km/h average speed for a 5 hour trip.
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Vietnam already won. motorbike is the comfiest form of transit
I agree, what a horrible place of only pain and suffering. Now if only we could help more people escape it to their homeland...
Yeah. And we should start with anglosaxons.
Least mind broken vatnik shill.
That's because Vietnamese infrastructure isn't controlled by oil conglomerates. Can't say the same for USA.

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Here is mine:

Just do it:
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I'd let this obviously exercise-averse lady ride my bicycle, if you know what I mean.
I just play some Coltrane album and let it autoplay, been listening a lot to My Favorite Things lately.
I'm usually listening to techno mixes or some other very monotonous music while riding. It definitely gives me that 10% boost.



hips are too wide but I like her twinkhon face
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【MASHUP】Good Luck, Babe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i47tWzPd70k

I don't get what you mean...

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