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Is grant petersen's quote still true?
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Look at how angry you're getting over the idea that a fellow pudgy slowpoke might not actually be PROUD to be a pudgy slowpoke. I believe aussies call this "tall poppy syndrome". Go buy your $5000 surly from a washed up hippie in walnut creek, knock yourself out, just remember that to cagers you still look like you got a DUI and you're "blocking traffic", same as the rest of us.
You don't know what tall poppy syndrome is. Nothing I said was bragging and I don't care how you want to ride your bike, only that you should have fun doing it, whatever that means to you. You're inventing your own persecution. Sometimes I dress up in full kit like the average club faggot and ride, most of the time I don't.

On a side note I find the cagers are a lot more polite if I'm wearing athletic clothing, as opposed to full kit.
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>wearing athletic clothing
Who the fuck you think you are, Larry Bird? This isn't the NBA super bowl, uuuurrrrgh this extreme sports athlete anglophone anglo american uuuugh AMERICAN competition sports culture is RUINING my fun STOP BEING BETTER THAN ME this is spozeduh be a JUDGMENT FREE ZONE
RIP ;_;
You're not going to be slow because you're only rocking 2x9. That would happen because you're slow.

Do you guys ever talk to fellow passengers on your public transit?
>another week of riding the subway
>another week not talking to anyone, barely making eye contact, just standing facing the door/looking at the floor
>another week seeing the same people at my home station and never talking to them
>another week seeing the same qt girls and never looking at them let alone talking to them, even if a seat opens next to them
I know it isn't common for people to talk a lot on the train nowadays with everyone having headphones on but it still feels horrible
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Yes. Often. But it depends on the situation. I mean if you sit next to someone who has bored look I do engage into conversation most of the time, whereas when there is someone who is clearly bot in the mood or busy, I won't. I think it's always positive. Never had a bad experience, even when I argued with people who clearly had other perspectives as me. We always left the train with a smile. As long as all are genuine, I think it's good
Strangers often look at you like you have a third head if you talk to them unprompted.
And that's from my experience living in the Southern US. Going by the commentary I've seen from across the world (which can be unreliable, I'll admit), if you do that in most places they'll not only respond like that, but also make a frustrated post on the internet later about how a subhuman dared to approach them on the tram with conversation and human interaction.

I think we have a widespread crisis of millions of people, who would not have been anti-social in past eras, adopting a sort of quasi-autism where every minor interruption in their bubble is an affront to their existence and wellbeing. The mental illness induced in people across the world by social media does not help.
exhibit 2,345,629 of /n/iggers trooning out
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I also see a lot of older women who become very chatty with each other on the morning commute, and I'm a little jealous of it. I guess if you're seeing the same people every day you can't help but get to know each other a little better. There was one time that a bus driver had to take a bathroom break in the middle of the route and came back with coffee that he offered to passengers (and a few people took him up on it).
nobody here was around for bianchi-kun (now bianchi-chan)

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Oh hey guys, just going to walk my herd down this here road a few miles. You don't mind waiting, right?
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I wouldn't raise a hoof about it
*snatches one cow in the chaos*

Couldnit he have just kept his tiny horse even though they were losing the farm?

I mean, it fit in a box and all , he could have kept it under his bad
>scares all the cattle
>road clear, farmer seething
They are you roads more than anyone else's, local resident. Thank you for letting my parasitic ass use them at all. Maybe I'll use this as a lesson to not pointlessly travel through land I don't own to other things I don't own, at the expense of everyone's time, resources, and the surface of the earth.

>The Missing emergency escape slide that fell off Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300 aircraft (N176DN) on 27 April, have been found, as it washed up in front of house of lawyer whose firm is suing Boeing.
>Jake Bissell-Linsk a New York based attorney whose firm (Labaton Keller Sucharow) filed a lawsuit against Boeing in an Alexandria, Va. federal court following the Alaska Airlines door blowout in January.
>He saw the emergency evacuation slide Sunday around noon ,when he looked out the window of his oceanfront home in Belle Harbor, Queens.
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Whats the point? the cat is already out of the bag already, killing all the whistle blowers wont help at this point.
>killing all the whistle blowers wont help at this point.
rent free
I don't disagree with you but I still fully support the geopolitical agenda of the People's Republic of China.

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Here is mine:

Just do it:
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新世紀エヴァンゲリオン OST MISATO Neon Genesis Evangelion [ピアノ]
『Bling-Bang-Bang-Born』EASY to EXPERT PIANO COVER

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Is there anything more based than 90s mountain bikes?
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fair enough. The folding version might be OK. I wouldn't go Rene Herse if you can't run them tubeless. It's a puncture fest. GKSK, Race King, Mezcal, Rocket Ron, Racing Ralph etc. are all have good puncture protection. And always pay extra for the better compound. 26 inch is very much alive.
Your pic gives away your fashion based perspective.
smoke/dart (and fire xc pros) are sluggish compared to nice DJ tires like billy bonkers or DTH.
They only make sense on terrain where classic mtbs themselves don't make sense. They're too aggressive.
I simply wouldn't buy Billy Bonkers because the text on the sidewalls is hideous and i suspect you only dislike them because of reddit builds.

XC tires are great though, and so are 26 gravelkangz and other panaracer meme variants.
>It's a puncture fest
ime they puncture less often than non sk gravelkings.
I've had them back in corona times and my opinion is purely based on that, they sit crooked, "tanwalls" are uneven, sluggish and I punctured them twice too many for how long they were in use. Just overall shit tire when you can have perfection aka Race King Protection.

They are probably the best tire if you manage to set them up tubeless. I've read a few bad reviews on that though. And yes the slick GKs are very thin, just like RH.
>"tanwalls" are uneven
that's normal dude, charming, and bespoke looking even

>muh steel drum conti autism

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Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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did HSR get coverage in syria in 2015? Didn't they have other things to be worrying about in 2015 syria?
Good thread OP. When I visited for a school trip >>1928055 this spike was the only thing I remembered so thanks for showing off the stuff I forgot.
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I took the tour at TVRM awhile back and I felt like the only railfan there. It felt like nothing more than a tourist trap for bored parents to bring their bored kids. I wish they'd get this beauty running.
May 13th
I like TVRM, it's fine that museums cater to normies because that's where the money is. If you want museums that cater to railfans find examples that don't have anything you can ride, that usually filters out everyone except people with a serious interest.

Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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I was meaning more in terms of the alloy vs the crabbon. Like if I were to build up a pair with GR531 or Belgium Gs and put some good spokes, assuming it's all tensioned properly, is it going to feel mushy compared to 45mm carbon rims?
>assuming it's all tensioned properly, is it going to feel mushy
spoke tension and spoke count have more to do with stiffness than material choice and even then, there's also rim width and height that influence stiffness more than material. Casuals get stupid about carbon because it's easier to sell fancy shiny stuff than being all autistic about numbers and design. The same with frame design, people immediately assume carbon means better and while that's generally true because carbon is a more difficult material to manufacture so companies spend more time making sure their carbon products are manufactured correctly, however, the truth is, the characteristics of a frameset is found mostly in its geometry.
>there's also rim width and height that influence stiffness
Yeah maybe my question was not well phrased. Let me be more specific.

I have currently some 45mm deep, 28mm wide carbon wheels. I have also had some 29mm deep, 23mm wide alloy wheels, which were ok, not amazing, but ok - pinned, which I understand is considered not so great (though if it's disc, not sure how much that even matters).

In a grungy hippie bike shop recently, I saw that the staff had put together a rather attractive gravel wheelset with some shiny, allegedly very high quality alloy rims and hubs. I can't remember which, but they were nice. Pretty wide, maybe even wider than my crabons. Not so deep, of course. I assume welded.

I'm not necessarily planning anything now, but my second bike, which I don't use often, has some not so great wheels. I am very happy with my carbon wheels. And I'm not dying to spend a fortune on a bike that gets a couple thousand miles a year at best. But what (if anything) am I missing with those shiny blingy high end legacy style wheels? Other than looking really nice. And the environmental aspect. And I guess if I crash them, which I tend to do inevitably, it's easier to tell if they're ok or not. Obviously it's not apples to apples but is there something actually good about it? Like I know alloy is a little more bendy, so is it more comfortable? I doubt I'm going to notice pinned vs welded on disc brakes, but hey maybe there's something in the manufacturing that changes "ride feel"

Or maybe it's like the bike frame materials debate where the shapes and use cases are so different that nobody can ever really come up with a straight answer because there's too many variables.
Alright, I hate saying this but the answer is "it depends." Bikes really do find themselves in that position that's hard to find a straight answer for many times, just the reality of such a highly optimized and efficient tool. With regards to aluminum, I wouldn't call an aluminum wheel or frameset "legacy" just yet. There's a continuing field of exotic alloys that is changing the game for aluminum but the same could be said for reinforced composites. The optimal material then becomes application specific. When it comes to ride feel, I think rim/hub design, wheel weight, and tire choice are bigger factors. Speaking of material though, where aluminum has an advantage over carbon is failure mode. (and rim brakes, but let's ignore that) Aluminum is a very ductile metal, that means a hard hit will just bend an aluminum wheel instead of causing the carbon to explode. That ductility also means some hard hits are repairable (although, not advisable unless desperate). Recently discovered exotic alloys have properties that make aluminum 30% stronger, there's even an emerging class of metal-ceramic alloys that are aiming to be even stronger. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those new age materials are finding their way into niche products like bicycle parts. Anyways, I'm going out of the scope of the topic now, for your bike, I think it depends on how good/shit the bike is and its current setup for you to really weigh if it's worth the upgrade, wheels are a huge part of a bike's performance, I'm sure you've felt how much by going from alloy to carbon, good feels incredible.
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Been wanting a dynamo/touring wheelset, but I'm not super certain on what rim I want to use. I want something and wide, so the Velocity Cliffhanger looks like it fits the bill, and velomine has this set for pretty cheap even though I'd be getting a new hub and spokes for the front, which would still be cheaper than building my own set from scratch completely.
Are there any other (maybe cheaper) options? I'd re-use my rims but someone reamed the fuck out of the valve hole and now they're too big for a schrader to presta adapter even. I also have some wide 28h rims, but I don't see any 28h dynamos for a comparable price to the Shimano dh-3n72. I didn't particularly want to spend $300 on a SON hub.

Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
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Few storage overheads...
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Good article on American rail upgrades.

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You’re there unemployed guy who posted his schizophrenia meds on here, right?

That explains a lot.
The Teslabro commenter isn’t subtle with his trolling. It’s probably you.
They should help with the Texas Central line, then they can get tourism bucks while beating the convenience of both airplanes and cars.
uh oh the YIMBY woke up from nappy time
Yes! They should definitely help with Texas Central, which I understand is mere weeks away from happening, Chang.

>Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its $1.5trillion plans for a 106-mile linear desert megacity, according to reports, in a humiliating climb down for the kingdom.

>The Line - part of the country's audacious and futuristic NEOM project - was meant to be home to around 1.5 million residents by the end of the decade, with plans to ultimately increase its full capacity to nine million people.

>Now, according to people familiar with the project, the development will only stretch 1.5 miles and house fewer than 300,000 residents by 2030, according to a new report from Bloomberg citing sources close to the project and documents.
Lol it didn't take long to happen exactly what /n/ said would happen.
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Jeddah even has it's own weeb anime district now too. It's a long road to transition from a pariah state to a fully modernized international hub that people actually want to live, work, and possibly raise a family in. Jeddah specifically couldn't be anything like Tokyo without major changes to the cultural structure. Japan has it's own problems but there's enough to balance out the bullshit it's attractive for expats. Meanwhile in Jeddah the cost of living is relatively high, shops and restaurants close for 20min 5 times a day every day, no alcohol, car dependency, you're certainly not going to be dating anyone there, etc.

With NEOM it's not just the Line, it's a collection of some absolutely ridiculous projects as part of a massive international zone far away from the interior and cultural bullshit and close to Jordon, Israel, and Egypt. They want to be everything to everyone so long as they're wealthy, that's why the scale is so ridiculous. The Gulf of Aqaba plan contains 11 different districts: private beach clubs, luxury hotels and residences for the super wealthy, a nature reserve, an outlandish outdoor immersive theater, and so on. My personal favorite is Aquellum a "subterranean digitalized community of the future".

As others have mentioned between governmental structure and the directives to build the unprecedented and transformative "no" is not in the vocabulary. Especially for all the engineers, planners, architects, and corpo partners being well compensated to lay and promote the plans as technically feasible. The Line is supposed to be the ultimate expression of mastered planned urbanism and a scifi "Revolution in Civilization". Walt Disney's EPCOT is quaint compared to any one of these projects. Assuming these reports are accurate, The Line scale back is what happens when reality comes up quick, and the people in charge have to revaluate their grand ideas and compromise.

Forget Tokyo, MBS wants to outclass every metro area on the planet
>we will build a city, the best in the world
>we will build a nice mixed-used development, as a project to prospect investors actually
>we will build some condos, people might like it I think

you know I really hate these sand people with infinite money glitch. They, unlike some african-american that bought a social media, can truly solve most of world issues. But they simply choose not to.

You cannot build a city. Cities don't just spawn outta nowhere. Especially when you have zero cuture.
Come on, don't tell me saudi arabia has a thriving culture.
How much did MBS pay you? Just joking, nice post with a lil bit of their pov and some interesting aspects
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>You cannot build a city.
>Cities don't just spawn outta nowhere.

If you can’t build it, and it doesn’t spawn from nowhere, where the fuck do they come from?
If they actually wanted to build something environmentally-friendly (as they claim) they could just build walkable neighborhoods.

Anybody know the year and model on this?
2016 gt MACH one

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Ebikes should require registration and an active insurance policy. $15 million in liability insurance per bike, minimum, to cover the average damage they do every time they explode. That doesn't even cover the loss of life but it's a start. Possession of an unregistered ebike or unregistered parts such as batteries should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison and being banned from touching another ebike ever again. Second offense is life in prison, you can't prove me wrong.

>but muh cost of deliveries
Muh cost of rebuilding the entire block after it was leveled and rebuilding the lives destroyed, cash me outside howbou dah?
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Reddit spacing
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I agree, knowing how to format a paragraph to make it readable is indeed reddit behaviour, and not welcome here.
That's not reddit spacing, newfag
yes it is, dumbfag
Oh no... blame reddit spacing, and deflecting from the truth of the matter. Chinese garbage is the cause of the problem. Stop being poor fags.

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Why not take the boatpill?
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Motor sailors are terrible motor boats and terrible sailboats. Just pick one.
what's the difference between a motor sailor and sailboat with a motor? Every boat above 25' or so seems to have a big inboard anyway
Usually superstructure looks more like a trawler, and sticks up farther from the hull. This is an issue for actually sailing >>1982906. Motor-sailers will usually often have a more powerful one engine than a dedicated sailboat since they expect to spend more time motoring.
i almost capsize when i was in the academy with a captain professor. wind is no joke
living life in landlock country where even the river is chicken feet deep lol

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Post some cool /n/ webms you have
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One a nigger another one is a yellow subhuman~
>Spray with greasy insects repellent before installment
easily the most beautiful thing Ive ever see on 4chan~
I bet you $7 David , his ass not millennial , this is absolutely braindead niggerish Zomies behavior
I never noticed how hard his head hit the ground in this video, imagine if he wasn't wearing a helmet

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