whats the most helicopter friendly country(ies) for foreign pilot looking to build hours fast
UK or Norway and speedrun oil and gas rig journeys
>>2034292After the US, Brazil has the most helicopters in the world.
I understand the 747's four-engine design consumes more fuel than modern twin-engine aircraft like the Dreamliner and Boeing 777, leading to higher operating costs for airlines but doesn't Airbus A380's massive body and 4 engines consume even more fuel? Why are they in such high demand?
>>2033206Not many airports can house A380s due to its wong size. They could have neen shorter if Airbus didn't want a one size fits all solution and the plane would have bukakked all over Boeing but such is life. The 747 killed PANAM. The operation costs where insane. It was like using a Truck instead of a bus to hall people.
>>2033492They designed the A380 wing to fit a stretch version, rather than for the original -800 version.Making it thicker, heavier, and less efficient overall. It was unfortunate too that Airbus didn't wait a few years. An 380 incorporating the current or next gen engines (e.g. RR Ultrafans), composite airframe and/or wings would be a game-changer.However, I think Airbus will be focusing most on the A320 then a330 replacements. They've captured most of the long haul and mid-distance markets. They need to get a design for a composite a321 sized aircraft out there and have a shrink and stretch variant.
>>2033206It's mostly about ETOPS limits being changed to allow twin engines to fly a lot further (or over oceans) from the nearest emergency landing spot. Back in the day, engines were unreliable and so you generally had the rule of four (over water) and rule of two (over land) but since engines and planes in general are much more reliable, the ETOPS relaxed rules meant that now twin engined planes can be used for long hauls. There's also the obvious fuel cost savings that came with it so 4 engines is now basically redundant, they burn more fuel and add more weight and cost more to manufacture.
>>2033206Man I love AI. I can just ask "what's the airplane poop hole engine thing for" and it'll know what I'm talking about and give me an answer. I spent so many years not looking this (and many other things) up because I was tired of trying to find the right keywords for the search engines, then you gotta look for something that's not quora or reddit or stackoverflow trash, then the answer is somewhere in a 15000 SEO essay.
>>2033264747 was literally created as a (mil) cargo. It lost to the C5, though.
which one of you faggots wrote "sneed's feed and seed formerly chucks" in the bathroom of CP 8168
>>2034559*suppressed laughter*
Wait, they have bathrooms on locos? I never gave a thought on where drivers shit. Do they just hold it in?
>>2034635They cut a hole in the floor and shit on the tracks. It's the Canadian way.
>>2034646A hole in the floor would be better than The Worst Chemical Toilet In North America which is what it actually is now after the environmental lawyers got rid of the holes in the floor.
Can i use motorcycle handlebars with bmx stems? Most manufacturers say that their bars are 22mm and bicycle stuff is 22,2mm. It must fit just fine right? Knurling is on a different spot but i dont think you need it for a secure fit anyways.I would like to put high rise moto style steel bars on my mtb but but any bicycle specific stuff is so niche that it makes them retard expensive for what you got. On the other hand you can get motorcycle bars very cheap.
>>2034645Just use a normal handlebar with a rise?Or combine that with a higher stem?Motocross bars usually weigh a ton compared to nice enduro bars.
>>2034645It's doable but way heavy
The knurling isn’t a huge issue unless you’re doing some pretty hard hits with the bars, you can use carbon assembly compound to assist with grip for peace of mind.Problem is those bars will use pretty thick gauge steel tubing and they weigh a lot more
>>2034645i've used carbon bicycle bars on a motorcycle before, it's doable
>>2034645yes you canpeople used to do that all the time back in the days kinda dumb though because they're fucking heavy.
another one down in Philly boys, reports say fatalities on the ground
>>2034531Each survivor was offered $30,000 with no strings attached in hopes they would decide not to sue, lol
>>2034484DEI pilots are kamikazing to spite dj trump
>>2034484Actually, it's fewer than usual so far.The media are going bonkers, because they are desperate for anything to attack Trump with.Going for "DEI" instead of merit (as in skill) is an EXTREMELY bad idea - especially when it comes to air traffic safety -, but bureaucrats and the media don't want the gravy train to stop.
>>2034675>actually it's a nothing burger, fake news! and if it wasn't a nothing burger I bet a black woman did itnow this is some cope
>>203453330 thousand dollars is not much after federal and state taxes takes a chunk out of it
>wears a rolex daytona while driving, just like paul newmanFine>wears a rain coat when it's raining, just like gene kellyFine>wears gym shorts at the gym, just like wilt chamberlainFine>wears aviators just because, just like val kilmer in top gunFine>wears tacticool ballistic nylon cargo pants when working, just like steven seagal in under siegeFine>wears cycling shorts when cyclingWhoa wait WHAT NOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU TRYHARD WHAT IF SOMEONE THINKS YOU'RE LANCE ARMSTRONG AND YOU WOULD HAVE TO TELL THEM YOU'RE NOT A PROFESSIONAL RACING CYCLIST THEN THE UNIVERSE WOULD EXPLODE NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
>>2033889I think I got over that feeling my first 6 months wearing lycra. how long you been doing this?
>>2033894first kit was about 15 years ago
>>2026870My guy, 2 or 3 minutes is what a Daytona would get in a couple weeks, not in 6 months. >b-but muh superlative chro-O/+5 s/day out the factory or service workshop, expect it to drop over time.Also the Sneedmaster, Type XX and Navitimer are nicer chronos that don't require the entire chronograph counter geartrain to be replaced during service.
>>2034658It could be worse and larpier.It could be the Monaco.
Do you cycle in winter, or are you worried about ruining your bike with all the salt on the roads?If you do ride, how do you maintain your bike afterwards?
>>2033544>Do you cycle in winter, Yes> or are you worried about ruining your bike with all the salt on the roads?No>If you do ride, how do you maintain your bike afterwards?I do absolutely nothing and everything is ok.
I just ride a bike where it doesn’t matter if the frame rusts away, I’ll just get another 25$ 90’s low end mtb frame
>>2034621Why would you need a water bottle on a commuter bike?
>>2033544No I don't because we get so much ice and lose snow that even with studded tyres it becomes an impossible task plus the temperature is inhumane
>>2034628It’s a 12 mile commuteI get thirsty
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0NRo0uoehw>GCN puts out bait bike>gets stolen>track it down>homeless junkies living in an alley>feel sympathy for the junkies>don't call police and let them keep itMaybe the underlying reason why bike theft is so common is that bike owners on average just have less balls than bike thieves.
>>2032868Most people don't care that much.If you watched the video you saw how that niner rider went to great lengths to get back his bike, I think 1 out of 1000 might do that.Risk is too high and you can't go full american psycho on them and get away with it.
>>2032868Generally, yes. Until bike owners become more dangerous and start fighting back and making thieves afraid there's not much you can do except stop locking your bike up outside like a poor person.
>>2032868It's a lot easier to get away with crimes if you're homeless than if you have a job and an address. A bike is not worth getting stabbed to death or arrested, and if you attack the junkie who stole it one of those two things is basically guaranteed to happen.
>feel sympathyThey didn't even see their faces. They just saw there were three of them did a 360 and walked away.
$1,000 for this hunk of shit.Remember when cycling was exciting? There were new design innovations every year. Now it's all static. Just the same shit over and over at lower levels of value. Surly is an embarrassment these days
>>2034516Yes it's real. Clydesdale and Dirtysixer do custom builds, and in the next few years 32 is likely to become more accessible as new tires are made.
>>2034553>Dirtysixeras the name implies, I knew they they build around 36 wheels, but didn't know they did 32 also Their bike for Shaq was 36. it actually looked pretty normal on him.
I'm new to biking guys.is there a really big improvement in quality, performance and durability between a $200 bike vs lets say $1000?I've been using way too old, unmaintained bikes my whole life.last month I bought a $150 chinese bike (I live in vietnam), I was surprised how well it felt. but I haven't got to try expensive bikes from reputable brands
>>2034557They are working on a 32 gravel bike
>>2034558Wait for bikes equipped with shimano CUES groupset
Just got my year-end bonus and want to make a donation. What are some organizations I can donate to, to promote bike lane infrastructure and bike advocacy?
buy me a rivendell
I’d check out the Congress for the New Urbanism. Founded by architects and urban designers and they do a lot of influential advocacy. Look for a local chapter.CNU.org
>>2034019>someone paid $5000 for thishow do I get in on this scam
>>2034560Thanks, I'll be making a donation soon. Btw, do you have any recent articles you'd like to share, Chang?
>>2033779don't bother, just get white paint and paint bike lanes yourself
I warned you guys and /pol/ that this was gonna happen today. I know the pilot well and I knew with this gusting wind (which is nothing for me) will result in some time of issue for them and I was right. I literally called. I’ve been flying the dash 8 for 7 months now and I’ve landed in extreme weather
A local DPE of mine will not fail cute girls. One couldn’t even describe a stall and he passed her, then went and lectured the 22 year old white male CFI blaming him for her lack of knowledge while she’s out on the ramp taking photos with her temporary PPL. Surreal thing to watch.Then this is the same guy who interrogated one of my PPL’s on magneto’s for a half hour before failing him on tracking VOR’s and climbing turns under the hood. Kid was a great pilot, I felt awful not doing more under the hood with him but I just figured he’d do all that in instrument.It’s just bullshit. The conscious and unconscious bias from DPE’s in the training pipeline leaves these white kids with derogatory marks all over while these girls cruise through not knowing anything appear squeaky clean to regional HR departments. I’m sure there’s institutionalized DEI practices that help enable this, but even if you were “going on merit” the girls have vastly better resumes because of all that gets handed to them. Except the uggo’s…they gotta earn that shit and for that I respect them.
Speaking bullshit like this can result in prison time
>>2034521Speaking what kind of bullshit?
>>2034235You didn't "warn" shit, faggot.
>>2034235Passenger who filmed this should have his mouth washed out with soap.
Confess your sins, /n/.
>>1989966Urbanism is for basedmen, troons, and weak doughy manchildren who went to Amsterdam once to get legal weed.
>>1991994Quit trying to make other people do things they don’t want to do for your fever dreams.
>>1985790I dont have an license
I just purchased my first ever on-frame pump for my road bike. I got the topeak road morph g (the one that basically transforms into a floor pump when you fold it out) because it went like new on amazon for $26. I ride an average of 3,000 miles a year for the past 7-8 years and have never had an on-frame pump before. It's insane how idiotic I have been but also how lucky. I almost never get flats, and if I do, it's usually either finding it flat at home, or in town and I can get picked up by someone if necessary. I will never be this big of a retard again. But this is also why I've always just used memeskin tires
What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
>>2028386That's not amtrak's fault, that's due to the arcane way that California governs their state supported routes leading the San Joaquin rail authority to be stuffed full of the cheapest motherfuckers and thinking cutting the cafe attendant would be an easy savings. They totally didn't expect the blowback (somehow) and are now scrambling to attach a cafe car order to the next batch of Venture cars being built.
>>1992027feel bad
>>2028861How did that happen? Why didn't people go down to the platform?
>>2034592The doors are closed when not actively boarding or arriving.During the busier times of day they might be left open/unlocked, but at night it doesn't shock me they might've just been left locked by accident.
>>2002428planes take no infrastructure though and thats what they are competing against
65k a year, what a joke
>>2032971Sounds comfy, can't you just sit around and chat on the radio?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILop3Kn3JO8
>>2033088yea but you have to do math.. eww
>>2031996What degree do you have?
>>2032034Good lord imagine a illiterate wetback in command of an airline
>>2031985Well go do something else if it sucks so bad
Any yard jockey /n/iggers on here? I've been offered a position, seems like a slightly better gig than my current local route. What am I missing? How gay is it really?
>>2033194The yard dogs at my company all seem pretty happy