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What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
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Should i watch the old or the new one?
Weird, disjointed movie but it's the best we have for zeppelin movies
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Trains and street cars are quite prominent in Reds
the whole 3rd act of this movie is on a Zeppelin

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thread for /n/ related AI-slop
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>You dont need fenders, they make your bike ugly
Imma be fr witchu senpai. This thread is even more of a waste of board space than sidewalkshizo and co could ever be.
So which of the AI sloppa referred to you?
>"/n/ related"
>OP pic is literally /sp/ related
longest inactive thread hasn't seen a reply in three weeks

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Is this better than a kenworth or peterbilt
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they all use the same engines anyway
It's full irony. They were the only truck that didn't smoke cause they used swedish injectors....now owned by swedes....who are owned by Chinese...
This is /n/. Every Class 8 rig here should be a Kenworth W900 or a Peterbilt 379.
What about Western Star?

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The Illinois approach to gun control:
>pass blatantly unconstitutional law
>enjoy this law for a couple years while it's in legal hell getting overturned (but still in effect) and appealed and overturned and appealed again until it's finally permanently overturned
>pass new blatantly unconstitutional law
But anon, that's a waste of money, and voters would NEVER vote for a government that wastes money! Especially in Chicago, of all places.
politicians don't pay taxes, so they don't give a shit
you forgot
>assassinate/bribe judges to retire in the hopes the court will agree with you
Hopefully their retarded AG appeals it all the way to SCOTUS so the ruling can be national.

Inner city leftoids will never, ever, ever keep the aids zombies off the trains, which would be preferable, but at least normal people will be able to carry weapons.
Say it with me: A cop on every train car.

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been dead for a couple months
what's happened this time?
Why don't you send them an email or text?
What the hell is that?

Btw, this nigga bought train for this town in Vermont: KunstlerCast - Suburban Sprawl: A Tragic Comedy: KunstlerCast 298

Episode webpage: https://sites.libsyn.com/19046/kunstlercast-298

Media file: https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/pscrb.fm/rss/p/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/kunstlercast/KunstlerCast_298.mp3?dest-id=14822

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Sup, hoes. Where do Anons that want the walkable city experience live? I am a software engineer, young guy, looking to grow my career so it has to be a city that at least has a tech sector.
I currently live in the 'burbs and it's fucking dogshit.
>go outside
>get in car
>come back
>get in house
>go outside later to walk the dog
>only children playing and parents outside
>people my age only leave their house to get in their cars and despawn from the map
>feels like nobody really lives here, just come to die
>everybody in their pod home

>I just want to live in a place where I can walk to most places and see my neighbors doing the same.
> I just want to live in a place where some dumb roastie on her phone can't dictate how quickly I can reach my destination.

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Why do you think it's so difficult to read on a train? Not hard unless you're carrying some massive hardback around. Not my fault you fucks spend all your free time doomscrolling instead of reading a fucking book.
>Why do you think it's so difficult to read on a train?
I didn't say anything about difficulty
>Obviously you can take this to the extreme and you get the nile delta with hyperdense slum towns, which don't seem nice places to live
The Nile Delta is a perfect example of geography (and history) informing population distribution. The population looks like that because they bred like rats and there's nowhere else for them to go. The land beyond the extremely fertile delta is a desolate, inhospitable wasteland. So the population is forced to cram itself into cities while leaving room for precious farmland.

There's literally no amount of districting or planning that could turn Egypt into Indiana. To even start the conversation, you'd have to cull (literally) 98% of the population of the country, leaving less than 2 million people. Then you'd have to realize that the majority of Egypt is long and thin, with the river as the historically primary means of transportation. Imagine 5,000 people in Indianapolis are all given a completely random coordinates up to 120 miles away. No matter what coordinates you get, you'll wind up near a town in a place suitable for comfortable human living. Now imagine the same thing in Egypt. It wouldn't work. Even in smack in the middle of the delta, you're 30-60 miles from the sea or the desert.

Americans settling Indiana were free to spread out in every direction, and would naturally design cities and transportation to support their needs (which might include hundreds of people wanting to travel in a hundred different compass headings).

Try the same thought experiment with Aberdeen. You'll find half the people wind up in the North Sea and many of the rest stuck in the mountains.
>Even comparing aberdeenshire to indiana, the towns and villages in scotland are dense and the towns and villages in indiana are not.
And again, my point is that this is heavily influenced by the very different geography of the two locations.

If you actually want to try comparing at least vaguely similar cities geographically, at least try comparing Aberdeenshire to Portland, Maine or Portsmouth, NH. You'll still find the American preference for bigger yards, bigger cars, wider roads, and parking lots as well as more frequent indifference to meticulous landscaping. But it won't be as different as Indiana.
I see scrolling, looking out the window, reading (even real books), playing games, listening to music, having conversations, doing private phone calls, sleeping and on weekends drinking a lot. The rare activities are knitting and working on some paper.

What causes this?
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Only the North was heavily involved in the fighting, the South was mostly unscathed aside from the harbors. Also aerial raids were focused on major hubs and strategic lines, not the countryside lines that got wiped pre- and post-WW2 to cut costs.
Switzerland used to be so comfy, not its just globohomo inc. without a soul
Originally German land
German occupied*
I'm halfway through this book. Really puts things in perspective.

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How do you tell a pantograph is about to break or stop functioning?
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Trump gtfo
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Electric in the poo
the purpose of my reply is that it disrupts the waveform, this is an electrical engineering question that is arguably better done on /diy/

not being dismissive, because there are studies on this. Is there any specific reason you need to know what arcing does to an AC/DC transformer?
i don't know i am not an electrician
>doubly so if you do this on a wire frog
This is an honest to god pet peeve of mine.

Nothing pisses me off more than seeing a streetcar/tram draw power through a frog.

Learn to fucking drive you dumb cunts. It's not hard.

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>8/9sp cable pull
We are so fucking back bros.
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The important thing is you can slap this bad boy on any 8/9 speed bike. Road brifters included.

8/9 was peak compatibility era and the last good thing that industry ever did
35-45 is gonna feel like your chain fell off
Nah it's 1x specific
Only if you're a coward
So this is the new claris/sora? Or altus alivio what the fuck ever idk mountain. We getting brifters? If 8 speed then it could be the new thing to put on 7 speed shitters to replace those deathtrap A050 thumb shifters

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What are your thoughts on modifying conventional railway infrastructure, including traditional railroad switch technology, to allow conventional tracks to be used for maglev trains?

I was considering whether improvements in electrification could enable this modified infrastructure to reduce the need for frequent electrical substations or repeaters, potentially allowing them to be spaced much farther apart than the catenary poles used on the fastest high-speed railways.

Below are some suggested ideas for improving maglev track-switching technology, inspired by the widely-used standard gauge tracks:

>Track switching for a magnetically levitated transportation system and method: https://patents.google.com/patent/US7757609B2/en
>Magnetic Transport Systems (MTS) has developed a game-changing breakthrough in railroad technology: https://www.magnetictransportsystems.com/magLEVrail.shtml

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>What are your thoughts on modifying conventional railway infrastructure, including traditional railroad switch technology, to allow conventional tracks to be used for maglev trains?

Literally why would you do this you wouldn't be able to run trains any faster. If you want a 0 emissions train just electrify for Christ sake.

Don't take techbros seriously when it comes to railroads, they have no idea what they're doing and just make a shittier version of what already exists.
Sounds like a lot of money and effort for small gain.
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I just don't believe regular train tracks can be modified to accept maglev trains without significant compromises to both systems. At best, you could install regular train tracks in an SCmaglev trough, since it's basically just a concrete road with magnets on each side wall.
Maglev is a meme.
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sounds retarded. if maglev trains don't have their dedicated right of way they still are limited to all sorts of restrictions, especially from conventional trains using those tracks. people that would even consider that idea are also people that think using a freeway shoulder as a bike path is a good idea (no joke this actually exists in sydney)

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I didn't see one or something similar in the catalog so here we are and I need help.

I had my chain skipping in the hardest gears on my road bike, 10speed cassette and double crank, which I don't normally ride in. But no issues otherwise
So I thought maybe my chain was to blame but never measures and don't have the tools for that anyways. I bought a new chain and now it starts to skip on the front sprocket.
Now I'm starting to wonder if I have worn out both the front large sprocket and the middle of the cassette to the point I just need to replace all of it... thats a little pricey and I'm cheap.
How should I proceed in trouble shooting this?

thanks in advance
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I put a new hub in my rear wheel the other day. I find using a dial gauge is the fastest way to true a wheel. Just keep picking off the highest and lowest spots and you can get runout down to a few thousandths of an inch.

I was going to modify my magnet gauge holder to fit on a camera clamp but I was missing the 8mm tap from the tap kit. I ended up using some copper shims to hold the rod tight.
Only the back wheels white wall was so rotted on both sides they had nothing. The front had a barely perceptable in daylight "28-630 ( 27 x 1 1/4) C-678-2"

Conversely one of my 700C say: "28 x 1 5/8 x 1 1/2 (40-622) 700 x 38C"

These are the same? I've never owned tires this slick and domed and high pressure.
>it's either 700c (road standard) or 27" (archaic road)
>700c, 622, 28", 29, Those are all the same size.
>It's probably that and those are just 'tires', there almost isn't any other size.
>27" is larger, i doubt it's that, and if you hadn't said 90 psi i'd have thought maybe mtb but it'll be 700c, just normal ass tires my bro.

there you go. read the post

I'm really not sure why you're so oddly obsessed with the tires being slick or 'high pressure', as if that might indicate what size they are. FYI road tires are 120 PSI, and track tires go 160. 90 isn't even high pressure.
so yeah, they're 27" it's the archaic road std. 1 1/4" is the width.
27" tires are commonly available in 1 1/4 (32mm) and 1 3/8 (35mm).
You should measure your frame with a ruler and consider going to the wider size if it will fit.

CST (Chen Shin) and Kenda make the cheap ones. Panaracer Pasela or Gatorskins are the nicer tires you could get.

On 27" road bikes, you can convert to 700c wheels and get more tire clearance.
But the sticker.....highest pressure before I had was 50.....don't crush my dreams, sir. I'm obsessed cause I've wasted my life biking for a decade on MTB tires in the roads....now being on something that rolls forever....I WANT MORE.....

Why do I want wider? And where to buy?

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How do the Japaneee get away with branding their folding bikes with car brands?
Anyone here tried these folding bikes?
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Hey thanks for answering. I really need to sleep but I'll ask a few more questions:

What is the criteria for residency now? Is it easier? I'm sure the easiest way is a wife but I'm not that much of a rush. Being single in Japan is something I've always wanted to experience at least once in my life.

As for salaries, I'd prefer to work for myself online when I get there. I don't want to go through the trouble of finding a job if I don't need to.

Aren't lower birthrates and high elder population still a huge issue that will affect everyone?

What do you mean Tokyo is too big? I just hit my record of 70 miles in a single day and want to do more.

How do you feel about natural disasters? I hear they still haven't had "the big one" yet?

I've only lived in the US (New York), and Thailand long term.
Unlike the stereotype of Japan being closed to immigration things are changing very quickly now, due to population decline there is no choice. Japan is much easier to immigrate to than the US for example.
If you find a job, getting sponsored for a visa is something very easy and cheap (which your company will take care of). Once you live here you can get permanent residency (like a better green card) quite quickly as long as you don't commit crimes and pay your taxes and pension properly.

>Aren't lower birthrates and high elder population still a huge issue that will affect everyone?
Why would that be an issue for you specifically? In the big cities population is still stable because young people flock there. Japan is an extremely dense island. Having a bit less people wouldn't be such a bad thing. Birthrates are higher than anywhere else in East Asia and immigration is quickly increasing.

>What do you mean Tokyo is too big? I just hit my record of 70 miles in a single day and want to do more.
Tokyo is the biggest city in the world. It doesn't have a grid pattern like Osaka or Kyoto, so you cannot use calm parallel roads to cycle, you have to use busy arterials with no cycling lanes (so most people just cycle on the sidewalk, which is legal but not great if you have a road bike with skinny tires).
Cycling is also much better in the Kansai area (Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe) because there are many beautiful mountains nearby. Not so in Tokyo which is just endless city as far as the eye can see.

>How do you feel about natural disasters? I hear they still haven't had "the big one" yet?
Japan have a very high risk of earthquakes especially, but it's also the country most prepared for that in the world. Any post 1982 building and you are very likely to survive even in the event of a massive earthquake. It's just not worth worrying about if I'm honest.

>I'd prefer to work for myself online when I get there
Start with 90 days as a tourist since you're american. See if you like it, explore and try out different cities.

If you want to work for yourself, remote or something, then you can start with the digital nomad visa, only up to 6 months.


Longer term at least in the beginning I think you'd need to either work in Japan with a company that sponsors your visa, start up your own company (there is a special visa for that), or have a Japaense waifu.

Not sure about more details since I'm Japanese so never had to think about the visa situation.
thanks. is the 6 months worth it when I can just re-enter twice for 3 months?

>Japan is much easier to immigrate to than the US for example.

Now is the time then, damn.

I appreciate your info and I like your confidence. I'll give Japan a second look, then.

I don't think I could find a job in my past field there, but I just hope they aren't still so closeminded about online work. Just in case, any job agencies that work with foreigners that you know of?

I've lived in NYC for years so yeah I do love my grid streets and bicycle highways. I wanna do something like pic related someday.

You're not worried about earthquakes but what about tsunamis?

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No but I've seen a Bugatti electric scooter at Costco

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Post Your Bike Thread
Frenly Fall Edition

Previous Edition
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How the fuck do you ride with seats that high? I know the deal about the full leg straightening, but do you really feel comfortable when occasionally riding on sidewalks and having to maneuver between young moms with trolleys/children/dogs/old people/other unpredictable obstacles? I tried to raise the seat but I just can't ride confidently if I'm unable to support myself with my foot in risky cases.
I prefer to use heel to pedal at full extension. That works for me when you use your fore foot it's pretty close.
I am fine maneuvering on my road bike>>2019036
I have always had good reactions and look far ahead so I am prepared. I don't do much sidewalk riding, but on the bike trail when I spot a potential issue I judge the possibilities
Dog walker+leash?
slow down and "on yer left" from far away
2 people walking on the correct side
on yer left
Hamplanets blocking the path?
on yer left doing 1mph to let them move.
same, go really slow.

Dabbing my foot? I used to mtb a ton and practice slow speed movements so I am very confident at that. So mtbing or doing tighter and tighter figure 8's are a good way to practice.

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Lol git gud

Seriously though, it’s not a problem once you’re used to it. You will however never have the same amount of control on a slammed road bike with narrow bars.

Consider it ”technical terrain” and have some fun instead if being anxious
learn to do a trackstand (point your front wheel to the right, up a small hill, and balance to stay still)

you've got it when you can do it no hands, forever
>point your front wheel to the right
>t. left pointing, left foot forward

T/o/urist here, can one of you guys explain to me who buys these things and why
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The tour de france race camera uses one as it is more stable in the mountains at slow speeds.
No,they were (not so niche, yet) cheap, hence why retirees; they were shit though, hence why cheap. Now that the novelty is gone and retiree fleecing with it, it's uber niche and expensive and not even 16yo buy it.
youre forgetting that these things are locally produced by shitty local companies with shitty red tape and shitty supply lines
theyre also inelastic as fuck meaning they can charge whatever they want as nan has the choice between driving one of these or nothing at all when her car licence has been revoked
1st, what the fuck that's got to do with anything; just mentioned them because some retard put a 4 wheel car and called it a scooter.
2nd, No they're not lol; Aixam is french and well known, and is producing and exporting these for maybe a couple decades, now. Engines are Kubota or similar, iirc.
I don't care either way, anyway.
well known whatever but ive worked on them enough to know theyre built like absolute garbage

If fucking on a plane gets you into the mile high club, where does fucking on a greyhound get you?
VD clinic
based grandpa
rock bottom club

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