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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal

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Starliner got delayed geg. Dubs and it's cancelled.
well, you didn't get dubs, but it was scrubbed.
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Last night S26 rolled over to Masseys on the new mobile static fire stand. The stand will let the ships get lifted at the build site so the test site won't need its own crane.
source of image?
Word has it that the berm between the orbital and suborbital site is starting to be demolished. Suborbital site demo, and start of new orbital pad should be imminent.

You're at the cyclist cafe when this lady compliments your orchid collection.

What do you do, /n/? Oh and she's 163cm and 49kg, all slow twitch.
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peak performance
>he thinks 16.5 bmi is athletic
baste taste
does it mean she wants to suck on them on step on them cause i'm down for both
>bodybuilders look like cope machines
yeah well that's not surprising, it's always true regardless of gender
and you can be a weightlifter without being a copebuilder, you know
Total fixie death. Kill fixies behead fixies roundhouse kick a fixie into the concrete.
Fixie hate is so 2015

So it happened again, we can blame tactics, workers, management but we simply aren't good enough.
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The people knocking together this shit have bailed anon, why are YOU throwing away your one life?
this guy is very lucky to still be alive
>"I have lost faith on the quality organisation here at
If only there were whistleblowers willing to take the aircrafts' faults public.

Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
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Ouch, it hurts, but it's true...at least Florida has theirs
Was on a weekend trip from Germany to Amsterdam last weekend and had the pleasure to ride on a DDZ unit for my first time (and generally using a "classic" Dutch train), even on the upper level of the power unit. Despite being quite simple compared to other train sets, I really liked it. It's not a pretty face, but I kind of fell in love with the design of its characteristic head that just screams "I'm Dutch". Might have to plan another short trip to NL some time since I heard the NS is planning to replace them in the next coming years by new CAF mixed single deck/double deck units.

Now I also feel kind of tempted to get one of those rare 4 car sets as a model (as the unmodernized DD-AR version tbf, dunno if the DDZ also exists), although I have put myself on a break from model RRing.
is this a tungsten alloy? how does the molten steel not melt the torpedo? it's rusting, so there's ferrous metal in it, I don't get it
The inside of torpedos is lined with bricks to avoid melt-through and also keep the temperature even to avoid a solidification of the material during transport.
Here in Europe, they tend to use insulation bricks made of Grog, a clay type material with high content of Aluminum and Silica.


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what is the ultimate form of portable micro mobility? meaning it easily attaches to or goes inside a backpack and doesn't weight you down, is it the penny board? EUC is too heavy and same for a brompton.
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skateboard makes a good contender, so does frootboots, the problem about small boards like that is the skill required to ride that effectly is much more difficult than a standard sized deck, then realize the normies' average dexterity is incompatible with high skill requiring mobility options. I recently watched a video that compared different deck sizes and some guy was arguing for the dinghy for smaller than standard deck with good enough control for noobs to not bust their head skating
yeah I probably have the skill but I realize most people would faceplant on a penny board. too bad landyachtz are so expensive. and yeah roller skates are kinda gay, you can pull them off if you're fit and hot but that's it.

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Eurosistas, they'll make fun of us...
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>because Europe is very fragmented between dozens of different freight companies and state-owned railway networks
...and why have no non-european countries done it?
I accept your concession.
How is that a concession you braindead mongoloid?
How do the threads on that small screw hold the weight of the entire train?

A woman who is in a sexual relationship with an aeroplane has revealed that she travelled abroad 30 times in the last year just to spend quality time with her lover.

Sarah Rodo, from Dortmund, Germany, found love on her first flight with a Boeing 737 - after an unfulfilling attempt to date humans.

Since then, the 23-year-old has also 'met' 60 figurines and three larger models who she considers part of a 'collective being' that she is dating, and so she often refers to her lovers as one.

Keeping up a relationship with an object requires real commitment.

The avid jet-setter is so loved up that she has booked 30 mini-breaks in the last 12 months just to be close to her original beau, the Boeing 737.

Despite their many trips together, Sarah, who identifies as objectum sexual [having a sexual or romantic attraction to an inanimate object], is heartbroken that she's never been fully alone with her partner.

Sarah said: 'I'm proud to be objectum sexual – it's a wonderful sexuality, the only sad thing is that I can't be alone with a real plane.

'I flew a lot in the last year to be with the Boeing as often as I possibly could, I took about 30 flights and always combined it with a city trip or vacation.

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lmao this is hot as fuck
The more important question is why does she have male pattern baldness?
>In love with a Boeing
When the door flies off because the diversity hire forgot to install every screw and it kills her, will it be a plane accident or DV?
have they divorced yet
Still going hot here is her instagram.

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Previous: >>1962890

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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my application to msc finally went through and they offered me a position as SU. i did apply for any entry level position but i was hoping they'd want me as an OS since that seems most interesting to me. i dont mind cooking and cleaning even if its kinda lame, its what i do all day already anyway. is there decent opportunity for advancement at least, or am i gonna be stuck as a glorified busboy for years? i consider cooking one of my major hobbies and being the ship's cook eventually does sound neat.
Youre going to be mopping the floors and washing dishes while ex convict niggers complain and yell at eachother. Think of prison but with a good retirement plan. Just go be an OS through a union.
hey, i know its shit, but it seems like a decent way to get my foot in the door and get some experience. im not planning on sticking around if there arent any good opportunites to move up or change to os or something
Is it feasible to find love overseas?
No all you will find is whores and low iq third worlders who want your money while people at home move on without you

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Last thread hit bump limit

Spring is coming, get the winter stuff when it's on sale. Except people from Argentina, for you, get the summer stuff when it's on sale

Anyone use winter-specific road or MTB shoes? I've been depending on overshoes for too long

Discuss bike apparel. Engage in catty tribalism between "lycra lout aero fred" and "practical normal not-a-cyclist' (actually still marketed to cyclists but with reverse psychology) apparel. Boast of your metric century (not a real century) wearing just jeans and a t-shirt. Conveniently, there is no strava of it but it totally happened I swear!

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Anybody got experience making/using vinyls on their helmet?
Mine is carbon fiber so Idk how it will interact with adhesives?
Any tips for placing them?
I got some designs I wanna work out while I wait for the state to answer whether its legal or not (Europe so laws are weird sometimes)
Polarized are dumb for general use, if you're a sailor or something fine, but for ordinary land use they cause more problems than they solve
That sounds pretty sketch but they have all those helmet mounted camera things so maybe it's fine. Do the kids still say "sketch"? I haven't read the latest slang.

Helmetfags don't get to feel the wind in their hair
And they don't get to feel the wind in their hair

What a cruel world
milwaukee (tool company) and carhartt gloves have always worked well for me and lasted about the same as sports-marketed counterparts while providing more dexterity. lined leather ones for chilly weather and ski glove lookalikes for when it gets really cold.

bicycles should be fun colors, not boring solid colors
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If it's aluminum, strip the paint off the frame and polish it
>v-brakes and road levers
how'd he did dat
Oh interesting, didn't know that was a thing
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bring back the orange color. at least they promised more seat pitch in the new trains. meanwhile RENFE is getting their new Talgo Avril train sets that they want to use on their competing services. I don't know if that 2+3 seating in the RENFE trains will be very comfy.
also Jacques Cooper the designer of the original TGV just died recently. pic related. F
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What could have been...
idk... the only thing I feel looking at that is inoui.
>bring back the orange color.
They chose the white color because the train need less power for air con, the TGV-M is meant to be more cost and energy effective.
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Why are there no container ports for the Great Lakes, like there are on the East and West coasts of North America?
Why is it only used for bulk cargo at the moment?
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The best place to do that would probably be near Windsor. The rail infrastructure already exists, and they're near major US population centers (Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati).
Obviously developing the port, politics, labor constraints, and getting seaway-max container ships are the major impediments. We'll definitely not see any hurry to do anything with the current politicians in charge.
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They couldn't do a project like this nowadays. There are lost villages along the old St. Lawrence that have sunk underwater, a part of the process of expanding the river for the seaway.
You can even see pictures of where the town was, and now there's just roads that lead into the river. You can even see the layout of the towns underwater from satellite pictures.
>They couldn't do a project like this nowadays
What even is Eminent domain/expropriation?
They removed most structures prior to flooding
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True, but that would take political will, which doesn't seem to exist anymore for mega projects these days. I doubt any government would voluntarily relocate and flood historical villages in the 21st century.
You can even see the outlines of what used to be there. Pretty sure some buildings ended up in Long Sault and Ingleside.

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Hi /n/
I'm a bike commuter and i'm sick of dick head car brains shitting up the already shitty bike lanes
Whats the best way to ensure I don't get caught for slashing a tire, breaking a window, breaking a mirror, or all of the above?
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>I do and I love it but dick heads need some punishment every now and then, no?
Not by whatever you have in mind.

>It's why their behavior never changes.
No. It's because you live around dickheads. Though experiment. Take those dickheads and stick them in the train, or on the sidewalk. They're STILL dickheads.

You can't vandalize your way into becoming Japan or the Netherlands.
get motorcycle glovees and punch mirrors
thats what the carbon knuckles are for
yea, mindless vandalism is just counterproductive

picking a fight with a 2 ton piece of machinery is fucking retarded. even if you don't get caught by the police for vandalizing stationary vehicles some vigilante justice idiot is probably going to catch on at some point, especially if you are clearly the angry moron they see riding around all the time.
This will not improve society or make people better drivers.
At most you'll just become a boogeyman in these people's heads as a representative phantom of why they should never change anything.
No, the worst thing is messing with an urban gentleman's vehicle. Depending on what you do and the neighborhood you're in you'll be at best be branded a racist or worst, pic related (except that's your head).

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You WILL fly supersonic this decade
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When considering the price, what advantage will supersonic travel offer compared to ordinary planes? Some hour or two less ETA?
It was about 4 hours less going NY to London. Hardly justifiable especially in the era of zoom and in-flight internet but simps will simp for the lifestyle of the rapacious oligarchy because they think they'll be that some day
Specialists need to fly out to oilsites all the time. They don't have the necessary personnel for every eventuality. Doesn't matter with regard to speed though because you need to get equipment there too, which takes far longer than flying out engineers and technicians.
Oil sites in Jamaica Bay and the Thames Estuary? Or the ones 80 miles off the remote coastline of nowhere? How many 12000 foot runways are there within helicopter distance of an oil field anyway? Am I missing something here or are you grasping at straws?
>American airplanes
No thanks.

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What are the considerations needed to make between choosing a locomotive or MU to power a train?
I know passenger trains in Europe tend to be MU but freight is always locomotive hauled.
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>Jacobs bogies
main downside is that cars sharing a bogie are a bitch to seperate, while the whole point of using sperate cars instead of an integrated multiple-unit design is to be flexible in their combination.
Btw, I've seen similar designs (not sure if technically a jacobs bogie or if there's special terms for it) in car-transporters and container train cars, making two-car consists with 3 or 6 axles respectively.
I've always heard them referred to simply as articulated cars, jacobs bogie I only hear in reference to passenger equipment. Articulated autoracks are two cars, articulated well cars can be up to five cars, at least in US. 3 and 5 car articulated well cars are very common. I don't see it as much with autoracks.
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>Why aren't Jacobs bogies more of a thing with coaches?

When going through the trouble of Jacob's bogies, it makes no sense to have them on 'dumb' coaches. If you want to keep the axle load in check, the middle sections will get about half the capacity of a full coach - or even less when vestibules are considered. Jacobs bogies are also troublesome to rearrange the train, if it's not an EMU, then why limit the inherent flexibility of the wagon consist?

This is why they are popular on EMUS, but not traditional coaches.

However, this does not mean there weren't any. A famous example was British Silver Jubilee coaches originally pulled by A4 Pacifics. Pic rel is a German-made four-car set of Polish railway's double deckers which were phased out a few years ago. Those have three axle Jacobs bogies and were being used as two, three and four car sets. Romania, I think still uses these.
I'm only asking as it seems like most passenger trans are made of coach sets where you have a number of them coupled together for a long period.

The axle loading doesn't shoot up nearly as fast as you might think, a coach is an air-filled with some seats, racks, etc inside. Also, each section in an articulated set is shorter to reduce overhang inside the curves, but there's a reduction in the number of bogies over the whole train length.
The overall weight of the train goes down too, as each bogie is heavy. Maybe ~6 tons each for a lightweight design, which adds up. E.g. for a train of 8 coaches that could be a full coach's weight.

I get that this is probably more of a consideration where acceleration/ high speed performance is needed. As you say, for Amtrak and other long distance/slower services the consideration changes to reliability and easy maintenance.
Germany definitely has some 3 axle two car autoracks, while the container cars have 3 bogies of two axles instead due to weight.

Indeed those consists usually remain as is throughout the day, however from a maintenance standpoint single cars are a lot easier to handle given the facilites used for that.
Single cars can just be decoupled and then spread throughout the maintenance yard with these funny side-swiching bridges they use, while consists with jacobs bogies can only be handled in their full length.
Having properly seperate cars also allows all sorts of switching around when one is due for a service or repair. Up to just running the train without it.
For serious acceleration it's almost always just an EMU anyways, due to better ratio of tractive weight to total weight.

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