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Let's play a game, /o/.

Describe the Engine in your Car in such a way that someone could guess what Engine it is. Ask questions about the Engine or the Powertrain, but you can't directly ask what Car it's in. Goal is correctly guessing a specific Engine Code. We'll call it "Motor Charades".

I'll start.


It's an All-Aluminum Foam Cast Long Block, Bore x Stroke Ratio is Undersquare, it has 10.0:1 Compression, Multiport Fuel Injection, DOHC, 16 Valves, VVT Cams, a Muffled Intake, a Choked Exhaust, Redline around 6300.

Despite that, it makes just enough power to get out of it's own way, probably due to various improvements it inherited from it's bigger, younger brother.

155 hp @6100, 150 lb-ft @4900. Don't let the 2nd Torque number fool you though, it's beefy down low. VVT has its benefits.

2 Timing Chains to be found here. One for the Cams, another for the Water Pump and 2 balance shafts.

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Maximum difficulty - sound only:


10 seconds after, several police siren noises to follow.
oh dang the engine was already mentioned in this thread
Two words, distributor anxiety

fucking Optispark

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I'm thinking big wheels
Roof rack
Tow bar
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Agreed on everything except a contractor I see often tows around his cement mixers with a Suzuki Vitara.
slam it
Is this a direct swap or any engines which are?
Cummins 6BT
>>big wheels
>looks cool. Gives high ride height look down on others
>>roof rach
Sounds German. Very cool
>>tow bar
Very cool. Tow my hog trailee

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Could Elio car have been a success if it wasn’t a scam?
>6k msrp
>84 mpg
>non electric so easy to repair and fuel.
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No I think they might actually make it to market.

However last I heard they will be priced about like a low end Camry or decked out Corolla which imo kind of defeats the point. They were originally going to be "cheap" but of course cost have ballooned.

If they can somehow sell it for significantly less than, say, a base model Kia Rio for their volume trims, they might have a shot at a long term market success, but if you can buy a conventional car for about the same price, nobody is going to buy a weird 2 seater 3 wheeler, outside of rich people buying it as a toy and eco hippies. It will fail on the mass market. You have to beat the cheapest conventional cars on price if you're offering less. Again Kia Rio, Hyundai Elantra, or like, Nissan Sentra, is the bar to beat. All of those are what a cheap new car in 2024/2025 looks like, they are all "normal" and they all have four doors and four seats.

I want them to succeed so bad but I just don't see it happening at the price I last am aware of (27-28K(?))
the original model made it a point to have functional buttons on the dashboard.
the new model is a yoke and a tablet.
A vehicle with those stats exists, it's called a motorcycle. You don't buy one because you're a pussy.
I think the real issue with the Aptera is the steep as fuck cost compared to what you're getting. For $25k you could get used versions of so many infinitely more utile cars. The only thing it would have going for it would be the low cost of operation and I don't know if enough people really care about that to keep the company afloat.
>Could Ellio's Pizza have been a success if it wasn’t a scam?
>$5 msrp
>9 slices
>square so easy to cut and eat

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Had it for about a year now.
I just love it, bros.
The gated manual with NA v10 is an underrated combo, and more manufacturers should've done it.
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What maintenance have you performed since acquiring it?
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It's made by GM so being a shitpile is a given

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Looking at buying a Honda? Post here and discuss.

Need help identifying a chassis?

Old: >>27931906

Honda Kings and Acura Gods
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Anyone know how many miles the batteries on a Honda E last? Cant find shit about when i will feel them going worse. Got about 18.000 miles on it now
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Post maintenance records
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This is them
Autism is a hell of a drug
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god

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They’re becoming extremely popular in gated communities in the south. Kinda like a status symbol.
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>run it over with my lifted Chevy
keep 'yer weird tesla outta the road.
>rolls coal on the corpses
Scum like you aren’t permitted in my gated community.
the "white trash with money" demographic
(((They))) aren't white.

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>1.5L wankel left
>1.5L wankel right
if you set them to opposite rotations you get perfect engine balance.
Gentlemen, the next generation of power.
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dorito is old and busted
we want rotary vanes and quasiturbines
And they'll always stay perfectly in phase with the power of magic, I take it?
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Two sets of these. Connect the crown gears with a shaft.
derp I forgot Differentials are like that exact thing but backwards.
Use a coaxial counter-rotating axle.
Super common in the aviation industry.
That way you can significantly reduce the total volume.

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>diesel engines last longer because they need to be built stronger to withstand the higher compression ratio
>gasoline engines are objectively under less stress
>they could last longer than diesel but it is just viable to cut corners on their design
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Leyland L60 was a great multifuel engine, it just took a day or so to change between fuels and never really worked properly on any of them.
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>Europeans and Americans (the only two regions in the world that DON'T actively pollute and have an environmentally conscious populace)
What kind of subhuman are you I truly wonder.
This post made by evfags
PetrolCHAD actually

Okay hear me out. This is the ZJ Grand Cherokee. It came equipped with the classic Mopar LA small block V8 (albeit modernized with efi), and there was even a rwd version. So, lets say we take this Jeep, put lowering springs on it (yes they do make lowering sprins for these), put some sick 15 in classic musclecar rims complete with bfg radial ta's on it, mod that v8 a bit for more power and boom, we get a classic Mopar musclecar for a fraction of the cost! How does that sound, fellow /o/tists?
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You probably find one of these for cheaper.
>and it takes a shit ton ofnmachining to use Magnum heads on an LA.
no it doesn’t. magnum head will bolt straight to a LA, you have to change the pushrods, change the lifters, change the rocker gear and the intake. That’s it
What's a ZJ?
never heard of the shilling until now, but cosmo and vitour can't be any worse than the bfgs and coopers everyone seems to use on classics
Bet you're a ford queer

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is it vaporware?
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No its Hydroware
well that rc car fertainly looks real, there already are some for sale on ebay even
Just like Cadillac, they will never make the concept cars that people actually want and get people hyped for their brand. Instead, they'll continue to make shit.
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Why not call it the Fusion again?
the Fusion was just America's name for the Mondeo

a more fitting name imo is FALCON, cause it's linked to the Mustang historically
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Ford is run by pozzed faggots who don't understand the significance of its storied nameplates
I guarantee there's a 'Mustang guy' collage on the wall of thier office with photos of leather jackets and redditwing boots
Yeah, the Falcon does make more sense. I guess I'm just thinking the Fusion/Mondeo hasn't even been gone for 5 years.
Ford doesnt know what to do with their small cars, just making a 4-door sedan again would be admission that their SUV/Truck-only sales plan was a failure.

a 4-door Mustang will still be called a Mustang, just like the Mach E falls under the "Mustang" sub-brand.

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so every time i read any discussion about cheap cars online, everyone trashtalks fiat for being unreliable and badly made

my family has had multipla, panda(s), and 500(s), and they have all done exceptionally well. all passed 20 years of age with less than 3k in repairs over that time, worked reliably, and were all round fun to drive. they never were destroyed, just sold to upgrade to a newer model

parts are cheap, the cars are cheap, they look good, and they work. multipla is polarizing but hey its basically a minivan in SUV form factor, plus could get it with both gas and CNG tanks (which halves your fuel cost in europe)

so, why the hate? if they are treated badly they break, just like anything else, but driven relatively normally (never go over 100mph, smooth braking and acceleration, etc) they do just fine, they're not luxury cars after all

is it just that fiats outside italy are treated worse or have worse servicing than the local 65yo mechanic that is also a gas station? i agree the 500 is a little more problematic than the panda, but it's literally the more "premium" small car (less cargo, more wasted space, more expensive, more "fashionable")

and yes, id rather have a multipla than a PT cruiser. imagine how many heads you'd turn, picrel, literally got that "hand drawn by a child" cybertruck vibes, except its late 90s
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Because there's nothing exceptional about them and you could buy a Japanese car that's 100% reliable instead
>Japanese car
pick one
I had a 1997 Fiat Brava back in 2010, and I drove a new Panda in Italy last year. They have some charm and the interior are well laid out, if basic. They do the job and they have a certain charm about them.

But as this anon says, if you are looking for a small cheap car, something Japanese is going to be my first idea.
They're not built to last. I had a Panda 169 4x4 for a few years. Lots of funny stuff like rear dampers that wear out so quick you could replace them annually. No real underbody coating, some wax that covered only half the seems it should have covered. Shifter boot came apart, I replaced it, ripped again within 3 weeks. These cars are just big "fuck you" to whoever makes the mistake of buying them. Put it through another safety inspection to sell it, front end was really worn out for just 80k and it started getting crusty already. Sold it to some italians kek
I replaced the Fiatwith a really cheap and much older Impreza, much better car in every possible aspect, I even got the same fuel economy out of the Impreza 1,6 as I got from the diesel Panda. And getting spares was much cheaper and easier than Fiat shit
TL;DR: Just shut up and buy whatever Yaris you can afford.
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I've mostly heard good things about modern FIAT reliability.
They also made a pretty cool rally car once upon a time.

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>US corporations outsource manufacturing jobs to china for the past 70 years
>US factories close, employees laid off, no one except workers give a shit
>sometimes US corporations maintain ownership of these factories overseas so they still make money
>however oftentimes it's drop shipped chinkshit so US corporations aren't benefiting at all
>chink EVs produce a minimum viable product $15k electric cars
>US corporations flip their yarmulkes and demand tariffs to protect US factories
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The system is completely fucked They're trying to build a high speed train from la to vegas right now
one of stipulations is that the rolling stock must be 'US made' except no one in America makes 200mph trains so a pair of yuropoor companies who got special exemption and are now suing each other for not being American as per the original contract
Outsourcing to countries with substantial lower standards of living is never fine.
Keep it domestic and innovate the production process to make it cheaper or use less workers if you lack them.
That way the "big brained" people do something that effects and improves the physical world instead of figuring out ways to add yet another framework to some shitty website.
Current IT bloat would never have happened without the "services economy" meme.
If we wanted self-immolate there’s plenty of more affordable options than spending fifteen thousand US dollars to import some Chinese plastic
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>lol lrn 2 code bro
>replaced by jeets and AI
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>we're protecting 'American Jobs'
>*import 20k Haitians to do said jobs*

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Hi /o/
This is my first car, I'm over the moon with it.

Please tell me how dumb and wrong I am for going with it as a first car. It's the 1.8 petrol manual. Ta.
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>400cc v8
damn bro got a v8 in his mobilty scooter
>diesel with a ricer wing
Those diesels are quick desu. They keep up with the Type Rs, they have more torque too.
type rices are slow as fuck though lol
That is sick br0

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>give a rally widowmaker to a woman
>she drives it into the crowd
you DO let your girlfriend drive your car anon, don't you?
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Group B car, it yearns for the crowd
>over 2 bar of turbo boost
Fuck off.
If only there was a place on the web where you search for such things
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Nice bait.
I thought the pic of her was a publicity photo of Lou Diamond Phillips for the movie premiere of Young Guns.
They should've fed its intakes with fingers to appease it as is customary.

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