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>did you know my car only cost three thousand dollars?!?
>did you know i don't care if my car gets scratched? at least small ones
>my car is a shitbox and only cost me three thousand btw. did you know that?
>why did you buy a car thats newer than 2005? you could get a car for $2000 like me
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>You're like a damn woman who hates the fact that theres a solution to your problem other than some Nigerian prince giving you a G wagon, Lamborghini, mansion and rough sex. Those guys arent interested in you
Ripped him a new one.
I really liked commuting with a scooter until some niggers stole it. Then I got another one but a white nigger stole it six months later. Can't have shit without a garage.
what's wrong with small dent on your car?
If you live in an apartment you shouldn't drive a car that cost more than $3000.
Yeah, I’m 137 miles from the nearest town but let me go ahead and pull a spare hose out of my ass and replace the busted one on my “97 Corolla. I said it shows and you proved it.

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>almost 25 year old car
>$10k with dealer fee bullshit
Car market crash when?
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what if, hypothetically, groups of masked men around the country went out one night with spark plugs and just smashed a bunch of the window of cars on dealer's lots? Surely they'd be forced to sell some of them off cheap to cover the repair costs.
That just shows you how much money has been devalued. It's not the car market, it's everything.
A dozen eggs where I live is $9 (free range, but still...)
don't they have busineds insurance or something for that?
the buddha said this a long time ago. everything is decay. flowers die. it doesn't get better. so what are you going to do about it?
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>Bullet proof era Camry
>Entering classic tax
>Why is it so expensive?

Weren't they more theftproof than regular cabrios?
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A lot of weight
Worse for proportions
Theyre a stupid fucking idea and no one bought them
My parents leased 2 of these before
the car that popularised it, the original SLK sold great which is why half the industry copied it and it became a big fad in the 00s

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you guys watch throttle house?
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my favorite cartuber is mkbhd :]
>What does everyone...watch anyway?
CCF, Nathan Karhu, Jennings Motor Sports, noriyaro, Tom's Refurb, Garbage Time, Haters Garage, Auto Autopsy, PrizzaMike, and then Top Dead Center if I want something normie-coded. Also Hunter's Moon, corsicar, and 337 Speed for mini-documentaries.
the only car channels I routinely watch are SavageGeese for reviews of new cars and Driving4Answers for general car related mechanical autism
I think drew peacock is pretty insufferable and has some absolutely flaming dogshit takes but I do like that he makes fun of tiktok/instagram retards
got a good clip?

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>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.
>Do NOT buy a classic and plan to pay someone to work on it. You need to be able to do 90% or more of the work or you will go broke.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>, if i need the whole crank
There's no way. Surely it's just the crank trigger wheel that can be swapped onto your current set up.
If you know your way around a dial indicator and micrometers, it shouldnt be too hard of a swap. Some diffs have more aftermarket support than others, obviously.
8sr40 >>27984717
Yeah I've taken a couple machining courses for fun. What kind of resources should I be searching for to see what'll fit?
>but they're nowhere nearly as plug and play as a carburetor is
heh, saw on a boomer forum thread discussing EFI conversions and one of them basically said that a lot of issues arise from users not taking the time to tune it, and that you'd have difficulty if you struggled with basic computer skills like dragging and dropping files etc.
not sure how i feel about points though. got an electronic dizzy for mine as part of an electronic ignition kit. supposedly made by the same factory that mopar contracted to build for them too so i guess you can't really go wrong with that.

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>le new car is bad
>muh old car is good
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Not a boomer, but he's right.
This. Give me a basic ECU and fuel injection, leave all that other faggotry out of there.
They will, not because the cars now are good, but the cars of the future will be oh so much worse.
$5k plus $1k yearly update fee for a strap-on, cannot redeem foreskin
icon has a $1,800 and $300 a year subscription

those $40 scanners just read simple codes, if your shit is proper fucked you need the big boy. also you dont "need" a subscription but its basically a update fee because if once a new/updated model comes out chances are it wont read it
damn. i think i'ma just stick with my paper clip

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Why not call it the Fusion again?
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the already happened anon. Mustang has been already set by Ford as their "car" division, though depending on if they name the 4 door mustang something else it may just be that any non-SUV/Truck will have a "Mustang design" rather than just be a mustang.that or they will flat out name it the Mustang Mach 4 and we get a Mach H (Hatchback) Mach W (Wagon) and Mach R (Roadster)
T. Homo
>>5. The "Ford fuck-you-Dodge-you-stupid-mother-fuckers-thank-you-for-handing-us-the-sedan-market-on-a-silver-paltter"

Or in the Indian market, call it the "Ford Fucking bloodi charger benchos bich lasagna"
>Mach H (Hatchback) Mach W (Wagon)
Falcon would be a cool name. I think it would be neat if they branched out into other horse names (or plane names, given that the Mustang was named after the WWII plane which itself was named after the horse).

Ford Thoroughbred could be a good name for a 4-door 'stang. Or maybe they could call it the Mustang large saddle version

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I'm a stone cold chudcel who has never felt the touch of a woman. No sex, no kisses, no hugs, no hand hold. Nothing.
What is the best car for me?
Needs to last at most 5 years before i kill myself.
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>having teenage girlfriends
Yeah um the teenage girlfriends also grew up, theyre 35 year old methheads
And 240lb
Believe it or not Mr. ER was a fucking gigachad compared to me
Well im not brown, and so wasn't ER
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Anyone here ever taken a legal left on red? I know it's allowed on one ways, but the one time I did it people started honking and shouting at me. Maybe it's not allowed in the whole US, but definitely is in a lot of the east coast. I don't wanna get pulled over for it.
I get why nobody knows it, nobody has actually read the drivers manual since the exam is identical to the practice test, but still it's legal so why not?

>VA:Left turn on red: You may turn left at a red light if you are on a one-way street and turning left onto another one-way street.

>PA: You may also turn left after you stop at a red light, if you are in the left lane and are turning left from a one-way street onto another one-way street...
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I typically turn on red whenever I want. Haven't heard any complaints from police.
I'll do whatever I want on red as long as it's clear
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It's only not allowed in a few states.
yes it's legal in most states, people who don't drive down one ways a lot aren't aware of it/forget about it and will get mad at you or not turn left when it's their turn.
>the one time I did it people started honking and shouting at me
Oh no, were your feefees hurt?

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everytime I see these on the road, I imagine the biggest pussy in the world
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What about Classics Majors? Ancient
Greek Language and History?
IT here, i agree.
STEM and tradies both have to provide something real to society unlike the fake and gay shit mentioned here >>27985180
OK you are not completely retarded. No bots are replacing problems solvers. You might have brick laying bots, but you don't have bots to solve plumbing issues or electrical issues. Similarly, low end jobs might get automated, but not the ones that require problem solving.

Losing jobs and making shit money is because of recession and outsourcing to India. Not bots.
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I'm with you fren.
Every generation of civic type R is slower than the last one right? $45k to drive a civic and get gapped by a civic.

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Prev >>27919326
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oil filter is kinda a pain but otherwise not really, older cars in general were good about leaving lots of room to work. I recently did an oil change on a friend's mini cooper s and it was hell, I had to move the coolant expansion tank out of the way to get to the filter that was wedged between pieces of plastic.
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That's one crazy looking shifter.
Should be fine. Try rotating the input shaft as you move the shift. to help the gears line up. If you're really worried, drain the oil and look for metal.
Just saw you have the engine in, rock car gently back and forth. Sounds like it's almost ready for a full test. Send it!

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>american car: General MacArthur Comanche Stallion Hunter Super DeLuxe 6.69 Vee Ate Premium Road Max PP420 4x4 w/ Rattlesnake Upgrade Package
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i love this about american cars
all the cool cars have names like challenger, firebird, silverado
all the shitty cars have dumb names like pinto, equinox, and citation
Yeah maybe in the 80s, hasn't been true since.
motorcycle: RR 1000 RR R XRRSRRRRR
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>porsche: 911 across the america tower destroyer mutt annihilator
German car: P235I
P is for poor series and 40 years ago the 35 indicated you had a 3.5 liter motor but we're now just using that as the naming convention for the trim level out of sheer inertia and the I lets you know your car has fucking fuel injectors lmao

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Anyone got some of that internet money I can borrow?
Knowing Italian reliability it will be breaking like mazda rx7
Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, boy
>Plastic engine
>Buy E39 etc etc

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Did you cruise in the left lane today, as is your right?
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I have to pink shirts. They're my favorites. You're a faggot.
The irony is in some circumstances it's the safest thing to do for the guy being merged into. Where the fuck is he going to go in case of contact? No hard shoulder, could be cars behind him tailgating / close enough to not want to slam on the brakes. Yes I can see from the video that wasn't really the case and he just went full send, but PIT manuevers give you a pretty good chance of being perfectly fine when alternatives don't exist.
>Men who wear pink are the lowest of the low. Absolute interior scum.
Every woman LOVES my pink striped shirt but I'm a big strong guy so the contrast is striking. I also have a solid pink I wear with a dark blue tie that drives bitches wild.
No he didn’t. Speed remains 71-72 the entire time the black truck is trying to merge. It drops from 75 well before the truck doesn’t anything.
Yeah. Got pulled over for doing 71 mph on cruise control in a 55mph. He dropped it to 5 over and didn't say anything about my 3 year old expired tags.

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Learn this ONE SIMPLE TRICK to LEGALLY avoid all red lights!

Traffic jannies seething!
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yea i've been seeing more and more of those pedestrian signals making no sense in the last few years. I think whoever sets the programming updates the timings for the light but then forgets the pedestrian signals. The pedestrian signals, admittedly, are more of an afterthought for a lot of jurisdictions. They're there for compliance but they would skip them if they legally could.
If you live in a southern state where pedestrian signals are kind of rare, I can definitely see the the guy who set the lights up just forgetting about them.
Red light technicians are usually just some brokie tradie who happens to have some electrician skills.
>next thing you gonna feel is a gun in your chest
Not when I've already got my gun in hand watching them walk up to the car.
he's in front of you, and that all that matters.
If that were true he would be using the public transportation system
Lmao that little stunt is like how jews try to trick God with a wire and a chicken.

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