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Toyota has never once turned off a hilux technical. They’ve been making trucks for like 100 years. Musk isn’t ready for this market
oh no!!
what the fuck is that dash? just a tablet stuck on there?
Yes. They call it "minimalist" and retards eat it up. If you think that's bad, wait until you hear about the engine...
death to vatniggers

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everytime I see these on the road, I imagine the biggest pussy in the world
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coming from a fucking civic lmao
Hell yeah I got 3 good fingers let's do this thing
fuck beat me to it
hes got the wings and vents package with quadruple mufflers though ROMFLAMAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
Post hand.

ITT: post iconic race cars and liveries
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Kino video, must rewatch again on Youtube
Luv me marlboro liveries and ferraris

also this thread needs some martini lancias

marlboro chad

as an owner of a 155, absolute chad
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Martini Lancias are here

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>smaller wheels = more torque
So why not ride on tiny wheels
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you can get a shorter tire with wider tread or a taller tire with narrower tread

different schools of though on which is more efficient, and this is an ongoing debate in the world even now. some offroaders swear that "pizza cutter" tires are better whereas some think fat and wide is the best way to go.

this is why you see tractors with varying sizes, different companies have different views. also easier to rotate a smaller wheel as it weighs less. less strain on driveline = less chance of breaking something.
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Watched that on YouTube. Reason it's really dangerous is that he created a new truck PCD and the wheels don't seat properly.
>1990 wheels were 14". Those cars got 30-35mpg
>2024 wheels are 24". These cars are getting 20-30mpg.
Just making shit up now
What did I tell you, about posting retarded shit?
what's retarded about it? Nobody has answered the question

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Had it for about a year now.
I just love it, bros.
The gated manual with NA v10 is an underrated combo, and more manufacturers should've done it.
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Tensioners still crap out even on the FSI engines
WTF is wrong with euro engineers and involving plastics with the timing chain? Bean counters?
"If it breaks outside the warranty period, good"
>R8 V10 in red and manual
Godly taste
>1.80 seconds
>full two seconds

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Why not call it the Fusion again?
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Falcon would be a cool name. I think it would be neat if they branched out into other horse names (or plane names, given that the Mustang was named after the WWII plane which itself was named after the horse).

Ford Thoroughbred could be a good name for a 4-door 'stang. Or maybe they could call it the Mustang large saddle version
Half the car brands are doing that now. Re releasing a new sovless SUV under the name of some old cool sporty car.
Make it stop
Because the Fusion was neither RWD nor did it have a V8?
There's a guy that swapped a coyote and mustang front subframe into one.
>not bringing back other muscles like Torino, Thunderbolt, Fairline..
>lets call it mustang but 4 door

I have found a rolling chassis europa.

Would it make more sense to stick a mazda 13b engine in it and go full loony tunes on it or should I try to find a suzuki hayabusa engine instead?

The plan is to die or go broke trying to, btw, don't worry about my sanity.
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EV conversion is the only correct answer
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Obviously a VQ35DE destroked to 2.0l, for rally regulations.

Sanity not withstanding how about a VAG w12 from a vw phaeton.
Oh hell nah, if I go full stupid and rallybuild I'm doing 4g63.
With Anti-lag.

I'm gonna machinegun tf out of everywhere like I was gonna do with the 13b w/ bridgeport & etc route anyway.

If even that'll fit in there.
LSwhatever, probably 4 because I'm assuming it's supposed to have the engine go sideways.
It'll fit anywhere a 4cyl goes.
Why, anon, why? As ugly as this pic is, they're way worse, in person. there was one for sale, near me, fucking cheap with low miles and it STILL sat for over a year.

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Lemme get this straight, Israel can detonate Tesla owners on a whim? I like teh Jews now.
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And how is CANBUS supposed to allow someone to remotely crash a car that has manual transmission, mechanical throttle, hydraulic power steering, no lane keep assist, no automatic parking, hydraulic brakes with no automatic braking and no internet connection?
Good goy, you'll be blown up last.
>Lemme get this straight, Israel can detonate Tesla owners on a whim
Do they really need to?
These EVs explode by themselves without having to plant bombs on them, it's just a matter of waiting.
No, but they can be remotely bricked, either by the manufacturer or another entity. You are trusting that you will not be deemed a bad goy and have your $100,000 dollar car privileges revoked
>post you don't think Elon Musk is a nice guy on The Website Formerly Known as Twitter
>Starlink internet is cut off
>Home battery bank fries out your computer with a surge
>Tesla autocombusts in garage
Serves em right

Thoughts on slapping a turbo on a car with over 100,000 miles and electrical issues?
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Any engine can be turbod you dum fuck. How much HP/reliability/fuel economy depends on how deep your pockets are
Just keep the boost low and get an AFR gauge
Cars like that are the best to boost.
Worked great for my barra lol gonna do it again!
Chink turbos are great - on utube - where no one gives a fuck if the car blows up a few days later, but do you really want to suck a bunch of shrapnel into your motor, a few months from now?

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What's going on in Europe?
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All who willingly wanted to get vaxx'd have already taken it.
new cars are garbage, even normalfags don't want them
sadly untrue
>What's going on in Europe?
Car prices increased by 50% in the past few years, and governments stopped giving money to buy EVs, so people flocked to chink cars since those are the only ones people can afford.
It doesn't help that all stellantis engines have gone rogue and are shitting themselves, german cars have been left behind because they couldn't keep up with the industry and italian cars are shit, I don't even know who the hell even buys them anymore.

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Why are Euro police cars so gay? Lmao
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because the police got the delivery of around 7000 cars literally as of saying this
jandarma got skoda kodiaqs
normal police got a mix of togg and hyundai tucsons coulndt figure out the rest because the footage barely shows the cars only erdogan screeching
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The carabinieri color scheme looks so much better
I think the Finnish police were considering those, too.
Their current custom vans are pretty expensive, and they drive them a lot (100k km / 62k miles a year isn't unheard of), so they wear down fairly quickly.
Not sure if switching to a VAG car would be an improvement for the servicing costs, though.
they already drive vag cars
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What makes the bottom one look cool while the top one looks like shit?
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Bottom one is best livery on that ugly car, top one is worst livery on that iconic beauty. Here's a better one.
>What makes the bottom one look cool while the top one looks like shit?
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AE86 is two time winner of the BTCC, Winning Manufacturer in the ETCC, plus innumerable wins in Japan, plenty of rally and drifting wins, an all rounder that is still raced all over the world today. You should be comparing to a racing version to racing version.
get out of here, AI

shoo shoo!
I like the dude with the faggot-mobile. At least he's honest.

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I never thought I'd give up on it, but I'm tired of tinkering on this piece of shit. It needs at least $2500 in parts, and $5000 in paint just to not look like a meth mobile. JUST finished fixing something major after 4 months of downtime, and 20 miles later it has a brand new problem. I've replaced nearly everything except the block. It's sat in the driveway more than it's been on the road. This is a retarded hobby FUCK!!!!!!!!! The real retard was me for buying this thing.
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>restoration project is a restoration project
no kidding? why do people keep thinking this stuff is cheap?
You'll bounce back I had to get rid of my second 4x4 project ever this month felt bad drove all over aus in it then it catches fire

Went back to tinkering with falcon sedans
I've been there and I'm over it. Not done with fixing up old cars but I'm gonna wait until I've got the money to buy a car and do a full build in one shot, go through the whole thing instead of trying to fix shit one piece at a time.
Invalid question.
Any car before the 2000's is well within any wrenchlet's ability
C'mon anon, give us more details.
Which car
How much did you get it for
What's wrong with it
Why can't you fix it.

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This is what a 50k eurobux interior looks like according to Toyoda.
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I forgot the E24 635CSi too. I like those E9s a lot as well
>>27988184 See >>27987888
In Japan, it would be 33,000 euros.
Perhaps the higher wages in Europe cause the price to go up as well.
That could use a lot of improvement but at least its not shaped like blocks

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Did you cruise in the left lane today, as is your right?
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The alternative was using his brakes to slow down. Truck pulls out from behind the guy in the beginning of the clip, so there's at least a cars length between pink guy and the car behind. So yes, easily the best thing to do was brake.
Pink shirt only had to brake a tiny bit and both people would not have any damage to their cuckhicles
Fucking lmao
You've never driven once in your life if you think that gap persisted for more time than it took for the trugg to leave the lane
But blackie learned a life long lesson in not fucking around
And fatso learned that there’s a higher authority than him, and self righteousness means nothing at the end of the day. He was likely fired, and there’s a chance his insurance deemed his actions intentional and didn’t cover any damages.

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