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Some douche who use to bang strippers and strippers only told me ages ago two things I don't agree with, totally.

1. Seatbelts do far more harm than good. Seatbelts will make an accident a fatality.

2. ABS kills. I'll say it again ABS kills. It's true.

Do any of you not wear a seatbelt because of safety concerns? What is everyone's view on ABS. I like ABS, I had two cars that were not ABS and stuff happened. I also got in 3 accidents and the seatbelts helped me, but the airbag (twice driver, once passener. Saved my head going out the window.
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That's retarded, airbags become dangerous if you are not wearing a seatbelt
ABS is great, problem is that the vast majority of drivers don't know how to use it properly. But that doesn't mean the feature is bad, just that drivers are poorly educated. Arguing against seatbelts is just retarded.
Airbags were pretty rare in parts of Europe even in the late 90s and when they started becoming common, they had way less effect on accident deaths than mandatory seatbelts did (afaik).
I suppose the bags might prevent some injuries from heads or limbs smashing against things, especially if the person's sitting in a way that prevents the belt from working fully, but I think I'd rather sit properly in the seat than bet on the bags catching me.
The douche you talk about should be shot to death, because everything he said is fake information. If seat belt turns accident to fatal then 99% of those cases the seat belt wasn't adjusted or used properly. Alternatively if its 2017-2019 Seat Arona, Seat Ibiza, Volkswagen Polo then a driver side rear seat belt lock faulty design that caused seat belt lock to open itself during higher speed hard cornering or emergency brake from high speed. 2001+ years cars ABS doesn't kill, it reduces crashes if the system works properly, brakes are in good condition and brake fluid isn't too old. No any safety system or best traction tires can prevent deadly accident from happening if the driver is speeding too fast for the situation. You always have to drive slower in winter time than you can do in summer time even if you had worlds best winter tires or most powerful brakes for your car.

Yeah. There were seatbelt laws in the US, in at least the early 90s but they were add-ons for other violations. When people started getting pulled over just for not having a seatbelt, airbags stopped serving the function of saving people who didn’t wear seatbelts and just became a pain in my neck.
I don’t think so. Hope someone is keeping their eyes peeled.

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My multiple-methhead owned 2001 honda fit that leaks like a bitch in the rain and has a perma CEL finally blew up. looked at prices for <2018 fits because i want android auto and i think im just going to get another methhead fit and swap the head unit

prices in CAD but still
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op is a faggot, yes this is a manual with less than 100k so it'll last to 500k+ FUCK, if I didn't buy my crosstour last year I might buy one of these.
They never should have discontinued the Honda Element
WHAT? You want the goyim to be able to buy a hatchback that offers more interior space than medium sized SUVs??? Are you an ANTI-SEMITE?
>you'll buy 15 year old eco boxes for over 50% brand new sticker price and you'll LIKE IT
This man spoke the truth here.
Cost of living increased and people spent too much on dumb shit like useless trucks doing 10mpg after lift kit, but inflation caught up and (((they))) want you back in the office.

Take my own case as an illustration - bought a 13mpg premium only Hellcat for top dollar 2 years ago, it already lost value with new units being sold at discount. I ended up having to buy yet another car to get back into the office and that’s what this anon is talking about, everybody is looking at the high fuel efficient little cars.
To make matters worse, very few new options are available as manufacturers are still surfing the covid cloud of stimmies and “but I need to tow a boat” thing.

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How much are you legally allowed to exceed the speed limit in your cunt? In my cuntry you are allowed to go 20kmh over until you start getting tickets. I take advantage of that quite often.
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Zero. But most speedometers are tuned to show maybe 5-10% more than what the car is doing, so it's usually safe-ish to drive at "109" instead of "100" km/h. Easy enough to check with a phone GPS or something on a long straight section of road.
The maximum fine the cops can give for slightly exceeding the limit is pocket change, their equipment can have slight error too, and they usually have better things to do, so a lot of people just drive at +10% or so all the time. The risk is minimal unless you spend hours driving every day.
Exceeding the limit by more than 20 km/h results in a fine that scales with your income, which can get quite a bit more serious.
Here in Virginia the cops have perfected the art of money extraction from speeders so I never drive more than 10 over the speed limit.
>10 over in residential, 20-25 over on highways
my state raised it, then they started to hammer hard on drivers who still go 20+ over. now with it being 70 in some places, cunts sit in the left lane going 75ish. i guess its working
carter shouldve got jfk'd
In Australia, literally like 3 km/h. Then you get hundreds of dollars in fines.

In Japan, most people go like 10 to 20 above, depends on the road and speed cameras only activate at 30 or 40 over depending on the road.

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When will they drop the AWD gimmick and go FWD like everyone else?
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Knowing them they'll probably hang half the battery pack and the motors over the front axle to simulate that understeer.
>in a world where every competitor EV has that by default
EV cars are literally a joke. You don't need AWD if you're driving EV. You literally will never go off road or far enough to ever need to worry about needing AWD over FWD
Don't they make an EV cuckover?
when your awd system is based on CV axles and the CVs are the weakest link its a hell of a lot better when something breaks to just drop in a new $65 part than have to replace diffs
I dont like subarus but that at least is cool in my book.
They sell one but Toyota made it.

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I’m not even a libshit, Elon-hater or jumping on a bandwagon.
This truck is unironically a huge piece of shit that is in no way worth its $100,000 minimum price tag. What was Tesla thinking? Did they even think at all?
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>What was Tesla thinking?
"Ok is this is one of Elon's stupid prank again? Did one of his kids draw this? Is he joking? Get ready to laugh. He's going to do his retarded laugh again. That's your cue. Should I laugh? Wait... no. He's not laughing. Steel panels? Is he actually serious? Forty thousand dollars? We can't even... 500 miles range? Now that's... The fuck?! The truck can turn into a boat? Don't say anything. Don't make eye contact. Don't laugh or he'll fire you."
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>having anything as critical as drive mode rely mostly on a screen
Jesus Christ my man
You could also walk, but when you've got money to throw at a Cybertruck or other EV, most people will pick that instead.
>if something goes wrong with the screen
Whatever you may think of the outside styling, the look, the interior features, whatever, is completely irrelevant. Underneath all that is approaching sci-fi levels of tech that no other car maker is even close to replicating. The die cast frame pieces, 48v architecture, etc etc. They are leading in technology development.

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The perfect car is already solved
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The Chevrolet Corvette silly. But back to the matter, why is price suddenly relevant? What's its relation to the VG30 being bloated? Why did you cope with stock vs modified? Is it because you didn't realize how heavy a VG was?
It only came in the ZR1 anon, which is why I brought it up. But all in good fun, its nice to banter with someone who’s not a complete mouthbreather. The VG is an anchor of a motor and I won’t deny it — I just think it often gets a bad rap for the wrong reasons.
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Bumpf 4 h/o/m/o/sex
Or like women when they say their past partners had 7 or 8 inch dicks when they were just average 6 inchers.
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The perfect car is a picrel kit car with the 5.0 coyote and tremec tkx 5 speed

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I have autism and want to get pic related as my first and only car. I know it's a bad choice, but I like it. Send help.
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Smart actually produced a V6 biturbo version.
Certainly cheap AF for now.
I filtered for location, inspection the more powerful engine, turns out you can buy a slightly tired one for 3-4k and really nice boomer owned cars for 4-6k
Make sure you avoid the less powerful engine variant, the 82hp engine is much more reliable for some reason.
Certainly worth looking into if you consider how crusty a similarly priced MR2 or MX5 would be
>worst reliability
Only on /o/. Smarts are not perfect cars ofc, but you can definitely keep one alive for little money. Remember those claims were made by the same people that think NC MX5 are "boats" and ever E46 has lost it's rear axle 3 times
>as my first and only car
that's the bad part. it would be a horrible first car and a horrible only car. get a cheap hatchback daily, save up some money, and get the roadster as a weekend toy.
patrician taste with the roadster coupe though.
Can you please explain how all of you arrived at the opinion that a Smart is expensive to run? It's a cheap ass subcompact, it sold well and for a long time. There's third party spares and people have worked out the kinks. And yes the roadster is mechanically identical, but unlike the regular models most roadsters are garage kept, well cared for and usually just driven in nice weather, often just on the weekends.
They're even really cheap to insure
I just don't get why this car causes everyone to pretend it's not feasble to just go out and buy a cheap old car >>27644707 and keep driving it with regular maintenance like any other used subcompact. This one just happens to be shaped like a sportscar

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What are some SleazeCore cars, /o/? Modern and classics both welcome.

Sleazespo for the thread: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tKBbA6mL6wk
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absolute sleaze god
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any Jag pre-XF is British pub landlord sleazecore
also picrel
Should I start gambling? My friend tells me to try the craps table. Is that sleazy enough?

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peugeot 208 1.4 HDi 2014
166k Kmts
after oil change and filter change it burned 150ml in 1000 kms.
Mechanic proposed to switch to 5w40 from 5w30 due to high mileage.

is it something that I should look into or seems normal for this age of a car?
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Into the trash it goes
Poojoe and Shitroen turned to shit come 2008 because of communist emission laws
Many such cases
Oh wait I just read the rest of your post
150ml is nothing
there's nothing wrong just keep driving it
the direct injection gasoline cars are the garbage ones. The diesel ones can be ok.
Man , my car burn 0,5L of engine oil per 1000km and I am not worried a out it
>150ml in 1000 kms
Those are baby numbers compared to old Audi/VW 1.4 turbo gas engines. Some revisions of that PoS could burn 600 ml / 1000 km or more.
It was supposedly fixable by replacing the pistons, piston rings and maybe the PCV valve with newer parts, but the importer wouldn't pay for that unless the engine was consistently losing at least 500 ml / 1000 km, so a lot of people just kept adding oil every month.
At least they seem to have fixed that in the 1.5 TSIs, or at least I haven't seen many complaining about those.
yeah my civic would go through 1l/1000km
i don't know maybe the pcv was clogged

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>whole brand built on off-roading and being rugged
>only 10% of customers take vehicles off mall pavement
>always has the worst reliability short of super cars
That is their secret?
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Great beer, I wish it didn't give me the shits
Dodges and Jeeps are made by different factories. The LX chassis cars and minivans were made in Canada. The JS platform cars/crossovers and the V6 and V8 engines for the LXes, were made in Mexico. The Tremec TR6060 used in the Challenger is also of Mexican origin.

Jeeps and their drivetrains are made almost entirely in the US with a few exceptions like the Renegade (Italy) and the 3.6 engine in the Wrangler Sport (Mexico) Oddly this is why they are kind of shit. The Trenton, Michigan engine plant in particular has a poor reputation while the Mexican engines are notably more reliable.
This was also seen with the Dart that had it's production move from Michigan to Mexico and actually improved in quality over the first batch of cars.
Also, that sucks man. Good reason to avoid anything honestly. Nobody wants to shit themselves at the beach lol
>>whole brand built on off-roading and being rugged
>>only 10% of customers take vehicles off mall pavement
>>always has the worst reliability short of super cars
this applies equally to Land Rover.

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Whats the point of Honda when Toyota exists?

>not as reliable as Toyota
>more expensive than Toyota
>only sells fwd cuckboxes
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imo Hondas are better than Lexus, other than Toyota 4x4s, their cars are 2nd rate to Hondas
Same, Lexus is just the same garbage as Toyota with a fancy badge
Camry 230 hp with 50 mpg and AWD.
>belt cvt
is not a plus. A 1.5T direct injection making 174hp with a belt CVT is inferior to NA 169 hp multiport injection with direct 1st gear + CVT.
OP the truth is that toyota is not always available. Sometimes there are wait times of months, even year in case of the Rav4
for that reason lets say u get stuck with no car, you must buy one at once, then you go for a honda or mazda for example

low iq liar

ev retard liar, hybrid is the future not EV

>nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon
>go look at cars
>waste many salesmans time
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I bet they are bored to death and welcomed the distraction.
Find the places that give you gift cards for test drives
I buy bunch of crap online with that
Just rent cool ones on Turo. I have a few sluts convinced I'm rich because I roll up in different nice cars. In reality I only blew a couple hundred and had a great time hooning them and getting dome in them.
>Sir, I think you might be drunk, I can't let you test drive this car.
>*burps then throws up over interior*
>find car i know they wont have on the lot
>ask for car and act like buying right now
>one thing it has to be x color
>doesn't have
>ohh wow what a shame

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Post the most kino aut/o/mobiles from television and film.

I'll start: The clapped out MK 2 Jaguar from Withnail and I
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>Funny how many of the cars in this thread are beaters.
"The Love Machine" from Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke
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Eleanor from Gone in 60 Seconds
>Its funny, in 1995 that 73 Impala was supposed to be a shitbox. Now I think Kramer has the coolest car on the show.

driving a 73 Impala around in the early 90s is basically like driving an 03 crown vic today
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What's the equivalent of a 1989 Chrysler Lebaron?
Literally simple as Chrysler Sebring, the successor of that horrible shitbox.We got those even in europe :I

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mitsubishi new logo?
Fuck off dickhead, that's what I think.
What is this satanism?

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I'm fucking sick of seeing trucks on the road with nothing in their beds or nothing being towed behind them. I saw a Mexican man with a shiny red Silverado blasting loud fucking spic music and he floored right passed me at the light like I wanted to race this fucking faggot.

Fuck you and your trucks crowding the road, I hope the government takes you phallic extension mobiles and crushes all of them.
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This, the fact that they make commies seethe is just the cherry on top.
What's Sneed and why do I keep seeing it everywhere?
I drive tall SUV op stay mad low on the ground with the cockroaches and other bottomfeeders. If we both get into accident, we know what happens. so it's fine you go tantrum here but on the road you have to pay respect to your bulls
>completely reliant on the US military invading foreign shitholes at the behest of jews
>self reliant

>pays every fee, charge tax and fine from the government
>follows every law and regulation where possible
>seriously pretending he will ever do shit

you wont do shit, pussy
Formerly Chuck's

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