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hey guys. /g/ here. I'm getting fed up with tech and vidya and living in degenerate filth. ever since I watched Varg's videos I really wanted to live in the country living a minimalist lifestyle, and then reading Industrial Society and its Future completely made me lose ALL interest in tech completely. but I really don't know how to get started. I'm completely stuck. I have no car and I still live just a little outside the city. what are some ways I can start living a more minimalist independent lifestyle? I can only thing of using the garden to plant and grow food.
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>you can't live an /out/door lifestyle in the modern world without a car
Yes you can. Your feet will also last much longer than a car.
me me me me me me me
he's right though you really talk like a jew
>t.hobo who lives in a tent under a bridge
Isn't it interesting how brown 'persons' tend to think encouraging someone to try to be an autonomous, functional adult is "jewish".

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He is so twitchy and nervous the last year or two since the ''incident'' and really not fun to watch anymore

Are all Canadians this highly strung and nervious all the time? is it part and parcel of living in a dystopia that you will take zero risks even when engaging in things like stealth camping
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None of this is remotely true.
Fuck off Steve.
i just want to see steve have the balls just once to say >hey mofo i'm fuckin campin here
9 times outta 10 anyone who's ever seen me camping has just said oh hey and went the other way....steve on the other hand has a panic attack packs up camp and runs off like he's being hunted by the cia
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I just wish he'd talk about how his wife died (((suddenly))) with no pre-existing condition
He killed her

"Hiking boots" have become a marketing meme.

I had a good solid pair of Vasque boots for almost 12 years that I used on my more challenging excursions, I replied them twice and re glued the sole once. A good pair of boots worth the 320 or so leaf dollars.

I've had other "throw away" day hikers when not using the Vasque boots.
But when I went to go replace my good boots I found that for one, Vasque boots are now shit and got rid of all their good models. So I naturally branched out and found the similar vibe, "Hiking boots" have become expensive, overly flashy designed garbage.

I eventually had to start looking at hunting boots to find what I wanted. Better boots, better quality for a cheaper price.

Anyway, rant over. Fuck modern "outdoor" equipment. It's only gotten worse since I was a teen.
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nah zamberlan's a good brand, i've had an EDC pair since a couple of years now and i wouldn't want to trade them. i like joking about italian leather as well.
Redpill me on these, the AR8 seems to be perfect to me as a duty boot. Brown, non membrane, light, leather, wide toebox. I'm pretty sure I can get the weight down even more of I get a custom pair without the inner lining. Is it worth getting the buffalo skin over the regular? Are they good or just overhyped?
I got the razorbacks with the tire tread sole, literally best shoes I've ever owned. Wear them while hiking, hunting, and to work.
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for those who want to surive underwater this is a thread to dicusss methods such as simbu breathing technique
fish singing
how to trade with Murlocs and mermaids
how to befriend whales
how to evade sea beasts
how to kill sea beasts
share knowledge and wisdom
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Check out my new headlamp.
Question for open ocean anons, I'm accustomed to camping near shore, with access to various overhead obstructions, such as logs and docks. Usually I hang my food bag from this type of stuff as a precaution against stingrays and other curious wildlife. I've been thinking of venturing farther from shore. How do anons manage their supplies in the briny deep and keep pests and predators away?
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one needs a Nomad™
sea king is asking for pearls again...
avoid the south pacific he is being a cunt
It's Dogger* Bank numpty

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Are there any fellow pigeon shooters here? I managed to get these two earlier today, along with the two confirmed, I had half a dozen hits, but was unable to confirm the kills.
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I'm American and I do this
It’s especially pretty fucked up when you realize pigeons are so widespread because we bred and used them as forms of communication and then immediately released them and abandoned them when radios and phones became a thing. They’re really only native to Asia. There’s no way to truly put a dent in their population unless everyone were to begin hunting them like with the passenger pigeon and that’s not gonna happen. Like these things are absolutely a problem and should be killed they spread disease to native birds and shit everywhere but I promise even if you kill 100 birds there’s just gonna be another 500 within 6 months. It’s futile. So it effectively becomes little faggot who’s too bitch made to hunt larger game and spend time actually outdoors to get a kill larping like he’s some hunter. Next this nerd is gonna claim he fishes and then mention how he just plops live bait right into fish beds/nests.
Never understood this line of forced machismoism. It’s BPD thot tier reasoning
>nuh uh actually you’re [the thing] not me haha because I said so so it’s just true now haha
Like imagine someone covered in shit eating fecal matter saying you’re the weird insecure fuck for not partaking. Of course to acknowledge this and then improve and do better, maybe even get into real shit like actual hunting, requires an ounce of self confidence in the first place so this geek will just cry and deflect and project further in response to this. Just a weak loser who wants to feel like le badass primal hunter. Go duck hunting at least. You get food out of it, actually go be outdoors. Takes some skill. These rock doves any retard could kill them with a pebble or even too loud a noise
>actually does what I predicted and responds crying
Post body, you wont
Passenger pidgeon had been hunted to extinction by the 1914. Humans have been quite benficial to many sub species, but it's not like we farmed these birds. Same as with all animals that find a way to coexist with humans, they thrive well where there are humans.
Big fan of the slip.

No interest in the bollocks being said here by the first two responders.
This, I eat every fly I swat, and every weed I pull. Its sustainable.

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I'm 22, completely anonymous autistic loner, sick of working for nothing. Im taking a break from life and pitching a tent.
I live in Philadelphia. Ive got a bike, a rack/bags on the back of it which i can throw a tent and some clothes into, and $20,000 in savings, so grocery stores, laundromat, supplies, gym showers etc. are taken care of for a long long time. I'm happy living minimally, all I need is a nice spot to sit and read.
First of all Im going to head west out of the city. I know a couple of nice spots in and around the suburbs, then from there there is no set route, I simply feel like traveling for a few months, visiting parks, trails, landmarks etc. I can travel via bike 50-100 miles each day.
Any /out/ points of interest I should hit up in Pennsylvania or surrounding states? Activities I should try? Any advice to offer?
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how small and androgens are you?
OP, i run a discord for vagabonds and homeless traveling ppl and you might fit in. most of us are autistic (including myself) or some other form of mentally ill lol. the invite code is kZy24H8xt3

pic rel is me on a freight train
Based and truthpilled

Lmao go hike the AT like a normalfag instead of crying like an autist
Depending on where you want to go, there's a lot of good bike route options.You have if you want to go through PA itself the Enola Low Grade trail going towards Lancaster and the rail trail out of York that dips south, although that basically ends north of Baltimore. Gettysburg is a neat stop too if you've not been or haven't in a while. You could basically pick any spot along there, dip south west until you land on the C&O and then head west into Pittsburgh, then start heading to where you can pick up the Ohio to Eerie trail. Along that route I would definitely aim to check out Harpers Ferry and Ohiopyle State Park. I am guessing if you are leaving in early fall I would guess that you are going to want to head south west to avoid colder weather and that would put you in a good spot to do that. Or to then hop an Amtrak and go a little further south.

I am actually in Philly as well, it would be neat to at least see you off depending on when you depart.
Hello sir. I am a 2005 YTMND/Habbo era Anon (met moot, Snacks, and Kalyx (lainchan)...but never Kirt) who also did a lot of autistic loner traveling in my 20's, hobo'd out of a hatchback for a bit, lived in a variety of states (including WA, CO, and OR), resided in a handful of squats, etc., over the years.

Now I am 37 and work from home an inane, but high paying dev job. Please take this simple Philly Underground Yellow Pages website I made, for your times in Philadelphia (P.S. Fuck Portland, OR):


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https://pastebin.com/Mvfh8b87 (embed)

New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png (embed)

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous >>2763405

"Rose of Sharon" edition
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that plastic won't stop mother nature.
nice stones you're growing there

You have poisoned the earth and you'll still be pulling weeds out, in time the EB will be exposed and it will look like shit
Enjoy eating plastic
looks good to me bro
Based. Chop them up, mix them with veggies, and make squirrel stew
My neighbor has a tree removal company here to cut down the tree in their yard. I don't care about that, except I have a bunch of tomatoes planted under the branches so I fully expect the company to destroy them in the process. It's sad but the neighbor is a nice enough guy, not his fault.

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Does anybody know places like euphrates or Nile (anywhere in the world but preferably usa) where it's a lush river valley surrounded by desolate arid desert?

Pic is Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge in western AZ
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are the reservations as bad as people say they are lol
the Navajo at least, not really. A lot of it is reallt just a different way of life that seems scary to suburbia americans. Like people see dogs alone roaming along the roads on the res and think "what poverty and suffering that animals are abandoned in the desert heat to fend for themselves" when really those are all owned dogs that are let to roam free like dogs want to do and the dogs know how to safely operate in the desert better than most people anyway.
The Rio Grande between ABQ and Cruces in NM is basically this. Primo fuckin chile growing
the bosque in NM

portions of the gila and pecos in NM also
Yes. Some of them worse than people say.

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Also general map/satellite anomalies thread
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I can't decide if the thing in the OP is a pepe or a pair of titties.
They're actually craters, not mounds

I am moving to CT for work.
Best places to camp, kayak, and fish?
It's not looking good desu senpai
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don't listen to this troll OP, Dudleytown is perfectly safe for camping. Ghosts have been debunked by science and even if they were real it's not like we would possess you or anything stupid like that.
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Thank you anons
>the loop
There’s only one? Maybe CT was a mistake… I will definitely check out those places! You can walk to Charles island at low tide but it’ll probably be nicer at high tide without people on it.
even Iowa is better than connecticuck
He can literally drive 3h and be in two of the best mountain states in the NE. Weekend trips to
Maine or Adirondacks even with ease. He's got this made.

What is this?
Its very elestic. I dont think you can hang anything heavy on it. Theres one on the bottom of the backpack too
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bike helmet strap?
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Holding running poles?
>elastic loops aren’t replaceable
>straps work almost as good
there is another loop at the bottom of the pack to put a hiking pole...then use elastic pull to secure pole handle.
That’s not what this is. The loop would have to be in the shoulder strap, and it’s clearly in the side of the pack.

>15 co-workers of an insurance underwriting firm goes on a hike part of the 14,230 foot Mt. Shavano as a team building exercise
>everyone drops their packs near the trail as they make their final hike to the summit
>one guy is going slow so the other 14 co-workers just go on without him and told him to summit on his own
>he reaches the summit at 11:30am and goes back down
>but the co-workers didn't wait for him and took all their stuff (and his stuff) back down the mountain so he couldn't find the right trail down to his co-workers
>he messages his co-workers
>they tell him he's on the wrong trail and to climb back up the summit so he can go down the correct trail
>dude does so but a storm comes in and he gets disoriented and lost
>co-workers don't call the authorities until 9:00pm
>the wind and rain are too hard for an effective search
>he was only found due to luckily getting a signal back on his phone and calling the authorities so he could locate him

how would you survive in the wilderness from a clear murder attempt by your co-workers who stole all your gear?

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What an idiot. Zero sympathy for this dude. If you can’t keep up with the pack, especially a pack of average American office workers, you deserve to be left behind. Don’t ruin the outing for the group because you’re so out of shape you can’t keep up
Based. You're an underwriter. You should know risks.
They have a reputation for being bloodsuckers
This, he should have been carried up on a palanquin as king fatfuck donut lord of the office.
>>don't stay with them or hike back down together
he chose to not hike back down with the half that couldnt make it to the summit

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i made my first foraging find today! i was far off the trail trying to make my way to a peat bog when i saw this cutie chilling under an upturned stump. unfortunately he was by his self but im still so excited to try it
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what do you do with rose hips?
also divided basket anon is making me extremely jealous
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Ranjit, we talked about this

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how do i survive outside?
Watch some Ray mears, Mors Kochanski and others relevant to your location then come back with relevant question
what about the streets
or underwater
Eat grass
you don't. eventually you'll have to go somewhere that's not outside or you will expire
It's just like Minecraft

>you have to buy the latest hitech ultralight neon colored plastic turbo basedpoly dyneema gear or else you’ll literally die
gear chasing was killing my motivation. i said fuck it and started going /out/ with my steinkoglers (austrian mountain boots) and a grandfors bruk strapped to my pack wearing a bunch of wool and cotton clothing. it’s reminded my why i love it. it’s supposed to be challenging, it’s not supposed to be comfortable. they’re bringing everything i hate about the modern world into outdoor recreation with consumerist, elitist minmaxxing. all the gear is fucking ugly and overpriced for what it is anyway. i don’t care if i can do without this item or if there’s a better ultralight version i’ll have better performance with, i’m bringing it.
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>waahh there's no reason for lightweight gear it's just gay and annoying
>whoa bro who said anything about climbing mountains bro? stop moving goalposts
its amazing how retarded this board is
do the backpacking amish ITT have a specific cutoff year for which level of technology it is that disconnects them from nature? or is it purely aesthetic? (lol). if I had to guess based on the larp gear that gets posted its likely the early 20th or late 19th century periods but surely that cant be the case because both of those are well into the industrial revolution. if you are using machine woven textiles instead of things made on a hand loom you may as well just stay indoors
the board makes more sense when you realize it's 60% fatherless 16yos who live within a major metro area with no drivers license, 20% 300lb boomers trying to recover from getting groped in boyscouts in 1982, 10% asian ULgearfags who enjoy spreadsheets more than going outside, and 10% people who can actually walk more than 5 miles.
Not one of them but most are just against non-natural materials. Which is a bit hypocritical because I guess most of them don't take the same care to avoid them in their day to day life, but I guess it's part of the general escapistic nature of it. I myself considered making an all linen and wool outfit just for the feeling, but it would frankly just be more consumerism because I don't wear wool casually.
Is the swagman roll response for bugs just to not care about them? Seems goofy

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