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>be me
>adult now, so i wanted to buy a good knife
>always wanted one since i was a kid. No money and time so i waited
>was going for a gerber but decided to do some research
>find an esse 4
>"wow that's an amazingly durable knife"
>buy on blade hq
>2 days later
>turns out the same knife can be made with 2 different steel
>didnt know this until now
>check the knife i saw on review
>it's s35v
>check mine
>it's 1095
>"Your order has been shipped"

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Ahahahahahahah go have a jousting in the local bathouse ahahah you complete cretin ahahahahahah.
Do you really talk like that? Jesus, that's embarrassing.
Sounds like you got some vaginal inflamation.
I like the thread ive started
Anyway op here and my esee came

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Any of you /out/ists done it? I'm thinking of doing the Camino Frances starting in a couple of weeks - is this a dumb idea?
How feasible is wild camping along the route? I know a lot of it is farmland
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I did it in May-June 2019 and was very happy with that timeframe. Weather was excellent, only 3 days of rain in the whole 5 weeks. I have friend who did it in winter and it's feasible, although a lot of pilgrim hostels will be closed. As far as I observed, you can do some wild camping if you are not an asshole about it (if you are near private property, be nice and ask for permission if you can). People are generally very supportive towards pilgrims. Also, if pilgrim hostels are closed in a town and you dont want to pay extra for hotels, ask around in the church / municipal buildings for accomodation. Sometimes they let you sleep somewhere inside, or at least they will give you tips about cheap hostels.
Thanks anon. Did you enjoy it?
I enjoyed every minute of it. The Spanish countryside is beautiful, their food and wines are great, you hike all day, it's stress-free life at its best. Also, I recommend that you walk to the ocean at Muxia / Fisterre after Santiago if you have time for it. I'm not a religious person so walking to the ocean as a "physical barrier" gave me more closure than the cathedral in Santiago. It's an extra 3-4 days and well worth it imho.
Glad to hear! I think I might do that actually, I have nothing to be back home for and don't have the return journey booked

Inb4 schizoids tell me to pay for an ad. I just want to get natural fiber clothing that isn't going to give me PFAS-linked cancers a decade from now.
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Yes, it's true. Google it.
If it goes in the washing machine, it's most likely superwash. Normal wool is hand wash or dry clean only, which you can probably still wash by hand.
It's not out approved. This goes the same for the Mr cut boots in half guy that shits up YouTube with his opinion. Both these faggots are yuppies. They can break down the little details of a garment but they can't give you the big picture.
The best example I can give you is Mr boot cut in half man flower anvil or something reviews mostly 6 pound logger boots that the other redditers on goodyearwelt like to jerk off to all day but doesn't even wear welted boots. He said in his hunting video that he wears some shitty off the rack keens, which is a boot company that went downhill a long time ago. It's basically a more mature unboxing therapy. These are the same issues people have with rtings. It can measure head pressure and other stupid shit but it won't tell you if it's durable or sounds good.
Pic related to show you op is a matching.
If I had to go all natural in terms of durability and functionality It'd probably go like this.
>base layer
Woolnet or even cotton net shirt. If I wanted to go cheaper and more functional then a hemp cotton blend shirt.
I think stanfields 80/20 wool blend shirts are some of the best wool sweater applications out there. Most wool sweaters are so dense they end up heavy and not doing enough to trap air. I'm gonna take a knock here at the Austrian dachstein sweaters as they as heavy as a Chevy and yet also are made to be tight fitting. It's counter intuitive.
My guy you can't just post pictures of you evading a ban lmao.
>outer layer
This is the hardest to escape from. I think it matters the least because it's least likely to touch your skin but if I had to choose something I'd want to stay away from cotton not just because cotton kills but it's almost always too bulky. I'd probably get a swanndri and bathe that shit in lanolin to make it as water resistant as possible but still breathable. I know the inner shirt in those is 50 poly but you can just cut it out. The original swannis were one size fits all 3/4 length sleeve shirts that he just boiled the shit out of and then coated with lanolin. Even if they are Chinese sewn now the fabric is still made in new zealand where the weather is chaotic there.
>polyester vs wool
I still think when you compare the two that polyester is often cheaper, lighter, more durable, so ultimately more efficient. I do believe wool breathes a bit better so has a wider range of comfortable temperatures. You can get around this with stuff like pit zips or just shedding a layer. But I'd say even wool producers in sheep heavy countries like new zealand and Australia have migrated to fleece. Albeit ironically new zealands fleece alternative to swanndri called swazi doesn't use pit zips so it fails the breathe test.
>plastic free wool
Only way to tell is if the washing instructions say dry clean or hand wash cold only no dryer. Only exception to this rule would be felted wool as it was already a fabric thrown in high heat to shrink it. But I'd say even a swanndri can shrink at least 10%
Eat a cock. They can just delete it again and fill this board with more garbage second hand reddit feedings. I spent the time to effort post at 5 am from my gay phone. Boards gone to the dogs already anyways.

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I'm a very amateur hiker looking for good overnight hiking trails in Victoria, AU. Ideally 1-2 nights. Currently looking at the alpine region and Wilson's prom as options.
>alpine region
if you can make it to kosciuszko the weather this time of year is pretty good
a mate got back last monday and told me that i should have came
Cape liptrap can be ok but look out for tas tigers
You could also try French island but I don’t know if they allow visitation and the locals are cunts (just don’t go near other people)

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What can be done about the chaparral menace? It’s the primary fuel carrying the current socal fires.
>not merchantable
>grows quickly
>can easily cause spot fires so dozer line buffers are ineffective
>prescription controlled burns would need to happen every five years and require hundreds if not thousands of personnel to be effective
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Retarded fags like you are why things suck
>there's people of all races more than happy to destroy ecosystems to turn a profit
Yet only one of them guaranteed to do so.
Gods gonna be angry at them no matter what changes get made then, perhaps they should replace Hollywood with The New Vatican
before humans got there, what was the ecosystem like of the places that burnede?
In Australia Abbos used to do burns for hunting purposes. But even before that fire hawks are a bird that intentionally spread natural fires to eat cooked bugs afterwards

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Why do i need snow shoes in winter? My boot seem to do just fine walking through snow as is.
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Incorrect. The Romans proved all you need are flip flops.
you're right, there's no utility to snow shoes and everyone else is larping. Your experience definitely ins't limited and you can't intuitively see how show shoes might be different from boots.
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You need it for deep snow - powdery uncompacted snow, fresh snow on a high mountain. If you've ever been in snow like that, you would know it, and realise "damn I wish I had snow shoes". It becomes impassable.

If that hasn't happened, then no, you don't need snow shoes. The boundary is when it's far above your knees.

If the snow is firm, wet, not deep, or been compacted and/or had many other people walking on it (e.g. on a trail), then you don't need snow shoes.

Once the snow is up to your thighs it's just really impossible to make any progress. It's not walking any more, it's digging yourself out of a hole only to be in another one. You can't lift your knee up any more because of the weight of the snow, and if you go higher into the deeper snow, you risk falling up to your chest or more. The only option unless you want to die is to go back the way you came. And remember next time to bring snow shoes.

If you are just walking around in some snow of a few inches or feet, then sure, boots are fine. If the snow is deeper than your boots, use gaiters to avoid getting snow in your boots and getting wet frozen feet or frostbitten.
Finnish army also uses skis that stay on boots. Here they get attached to the winter rubber boots. Those are surprisingly comfortable to use actually. I guess the main difference on between "wilderness skis" and sports skis is thay wilderness skis are about double the width and attachable to regural boots.
In Finland many hunters also prefer to use skis, since that makes movement in the snowy forest a lot more effortless than with snow shoes or bare boots.
because they're fun? what the fuck is wrong with you faggots? are you all retards?

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What is the best training I can do at home or the gym to make it easier and more enjoyable to hike, ski and climb in the mountains and to to prevent injuries, boost performance when doing outdoor activities?
Please don't cite some men's health article, reddit or some PT bullshit. Only personal experience on how training affected your enjoyment of the outdoors.
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It's not just about not getting blisters. You can condition your feet to the point that 30 miles feels like nothing.
This is why I think most people itt are just talking out of their asses. Walking to the grocery store a few times a week or taking a stroll in the neighborhood in the afternoon isn’t going to do much to prepare you for an extended, several-days-long hike while carrying a pack in mountainous terrain. I guess that would prepare you for a day hike or something.
Anyone can walk ten miles in sandals. You have to be injured or obese to not be able to.
I ran a backpacking MeetUp group that hovered around 120 members. 10 miles is the limit for most people.
>injured or obese
That describes the vast majority of people in the west.
Even if you avoid the fatness and traumatic injury, decades of sitting at desks/couches 12-18 hours a day fucks so much shit up it takes focused effort to undo.

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Now that the bears are asleep why aren't you hiking gizzly territory?
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its an orb. they keep me company as I hike thru the woods.
Bruh you killed the thread.
What does this mean?
It means don't respond to bots. Also why'd you necrobump the thread?
>why'd you necrobump the thread?
cuz I wanted to know what it meant.

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im curious what /out/'s stance on delta smelt and trying to maintain biodiversity in californias water ways?

seems like the argument is that the smelt is not worth the hinderance to growing food or the inconvenience of rationing water in an urban setting. ya/na?

and isnt the argicultural issue that they would no longer be able to flood fields for cheap food and have to use drip irrigation which would be more labor intensive? (meaningful jobs growing more food)
I think we need to step back from consuming the ecosystem. Sure, it's sad what happened to people's homes in California but they shouldn't have been there in the first place:
>Overpopulating an area with very limited water supply
>Building on hillsides covered in chaparral that has natural wildfires
So my take is remove the city, not the wildlife. Shouldn't be a controversial stance for /out/
If Gavin Newsom and the politicians that run
California prefer to protect the Delta Smelt at the expense of the regular California resident it really does not impact me.
If the residents of California tolerate it why should it bother me ?
Are they helpless ? Do they need flyover rednecks to come save them ?
Californians need to unfuck themselves and their politicians.

No we will not be Climate Change Sensitive in redneckistan because you say you suffer the impact. Unfuck yourselves.


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The purpose of this general is to encourage people to go /out/ and find cool fossils and artifacts. This thread is also a place to share our own collections and things we find when we are /out/ hunting.

Rules are as follows,
>To just post and discuss fossils and other related geological subjects.
>When you post about a fossil in your collection, please label it with what formation it is from, what it is, and where in the world it is from.
>If you don't know where it originated or the species that is ok, just label it as so
>You can post rocks and minerals as long a they are ones that you have found while /out/
Helpful Links
Geologic maps of US states (usgs.gov)
A Beginner's Guide To Fossil Hunting - Fossil Hunting Trips - The Fossil Forum
Listing of Historic Resources (alberta.ca)

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You guys still believe in dinosaurs and muh 6 gorillian year old earth?
compared to what, that the early is only 300 years old cause muhhh bible said so. fuck off christcuck
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Found this one at the lease in SoTx.
fucking retard
Why wouldn't you be allowed to dig on your personal property??? Just dig dude, anyone who says otherwise can't stop taking dick in their ass.

Hello /out/, I decided to jump the gun and get a ski pass + lesson for this weekend then promptly realized I needed winter clothes since this center does not rent them out. So I got all this crap in Amazon, wondering if it looks retarded to those of you who ski often. I also got some The North Face snow gloves but those look rather good (posting pic later).

The jacket is probably shit, I wanted a Columbia interchange one but they wouldn't get here on time before I drive out. But it was just $33... I would imagine a rental for a day or two goes for around that much, so meh
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Independent of obesity / chronic disease trends, people definitely became more adverse to strenuous exercise after the covid vaccines, in most cases probably because they're afraid their hearts will explode rather than actually receiving myocarditis from the shot.
I ski carrying a live grenade of which I've removed the pin. If I'm knocked unconscious, I will have my grand finaled.
Good Goggles, good Gloves and good Socks go a long way.
Helmets that match with your goggles are also really nice. Nice helmets usually have an air channel that blows down your glasses so they don't fog up.
But in general, just get out there. Sounds like your equipment is working for you for the most part.
thank you, going again this saturday, got a helmet of my own too and a balaclava

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I just bought a mountaineering jacket that costs more than all my other gear combined and i'm not sure how I feel about this.
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Lmao R.I.P.
Uhh what mountain you doing. Mount Washington during the winter?
What a fucking faggot
Why? Are you mountaineering in -30 temperatures?
Gortex's supposed breathability is a scam. It's only breathable when it's dry. As soon as it gets wet, it's just as clammy as any other plastic jacket.

what does /out/ think of this list? are these good locations for /out/ing?
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>cultural scene
>story of slavery
I don't care about any of this
Lmao as if i would EVER vacation to LA
Genuinely curious, what is there to even do there on a vacation?
Who actually does?
Sightseeing and studio tours

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I have a crippling fear of dogs. The idea that I walk alone in the forest or somewhere in the countryside paralyzes me when I get to think about the idea that there >might< be a stray or even a domesticated dog running free that wants to bite me to death. Yes I know I'm a pussy but it's a part of a childhood trauma where a dog severely bit me. The older I get, the more frustrating it gets. It literally makes all of my outdoor plans impossible. I'm desperate to have a nice, relaxing walk in the forest, but I avoid it with the feeling of paranoia about how many dogs there are inside ready to fucking maul me. Any ideas how to cope with aggressive stray dogs? Bear spray? Knife? Tear gas? How to survive an attack?
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The Chinese apparently don’t like dogs. I’m starting to like those guys.
Pitbull island on the Colorado River, Grand Junction
I'm not one to call the cops, but really considered it this morning.
What the fuck does this have to do with /out/?

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Have you ever had a catastrophic failure with your inflatable sleeping pad when out? What did you do?
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i curl a bit like in fetal position although not so much. this is to avoid rolling over because i can't spread my legs as much as i do in a bed. also obviously lift your head as much as you need, i roll my pants and sometimes add a light jacket as pillow

you need to be a bit careful when moving around because it's easy to dismantle the pillow. i usually switch facing left to right and viceversa several times during the night and sometimes i need to adjust the pillow but it's never too bad
I usually clean the thornes before going on the ground. Nobody is doing that, even at night?
hammocks don’t deflate
hammocks are really good if you like a heavier, less comfortable, colder, less convenient way to sleep
No but that's because I've never been able to justify spending money on something like that.

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