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any of you ever burn or paint your paddles with cool designs? im thinking of getting a simple wood burner to make some tribal patterns on mine
>>picrel the tybrind vig paddle from mesolithic denmark
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Mine just says "YAOI" on it.
I will post a picture of mine in the morning. I used to sew patches onto my pfd, but my new one doesn't have any.
A friend of mine had his GF paint an octopus and some bubbles on it. It was pretty cool.
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Well that only took eight days to remember.
Heh, yaranaika?

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Now that the dust is beginning to settle, which one is superior for the true outdoorsman?
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No one has posted it yet? sure is newfag ITT
I never made any claim as to the quality of restoration work or corruption within these agencies, schizo, just that they do in fact hire people in that work
>Since college, I have been able to do much more work with local agencies than federal ones
state ones are much better than feds in this regard because of habitat restoration mandates for hunting and resource management
>t. unhinged kike
lol, stay mad
Not sorry I fucked up your recruiting thread.
I don't expect your pilpul to be coherent--that wouldn't be fun for me at all.
>habitat restoration
lol nope
>Resource management
weird way to describe clearcutting and completely fucking the mycology and topsoil.
This. They're fucking everywhere in the parks. They smell bad, they shit near the trail, they're loud and annoying.

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Just picked up the REI Flash Air 1 tent from a gear sale for $10! What am in for and what should I expect?
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Condensation can be an issue on most single wall tents, but it’s really a factor of your location. Might want to seam seal it again.
Buy an ad you faggot
I would but I bought your mom instead
I've used the flash air. Single wall tents suck for condensation, so bring a small towel. Very light, but non-freestanding, so bring good stakes. Hope you got a footprint too

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General thread for freediving and/or spearfishing, since I don't see one mentioning either.

My personal questions:
I've been thinking about taking a certification course so I can learn to do these things correctly and safely. I'm probably happy just doing the diving, but spearfishing seems like an easy and practical extension. I only casually skindive and rod-and-reel fish at the moment. Does anyone have experience taking such a course?
I know I'll need my own gear early on, but each instructor I can find seems to have their own equipment shops, so I imagine they wouldn't be impartial about the quality of other gear on the market. I live on the Pacific coast of the US, so I see that a 7 mm open cell wetsuit is strongly recommended. What good/bad features should I look out for on wetsuits and other equipment? For non-competitive diving, carbon fiber fins are almost certainly not worth the price, right?
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I don't dive so just tell me if I'm the idiot here, but isn't it obvious that the mouth can't be compressed the same way the lungs can because the lungs are soft bags that inflate and deflate and are not made of/tied closely to bone structure, while the mouth has bone all around it to maintain the shape? Even the fleshy parts like under your jawbone is covered by muscle that's anchored to bone very nearby.
Well, the ribs surround the lungs partially, and on the bottom they're basically wrapped by the diaphragm, so, muscles and bone. Your mouth is like 30% surrounded by your cheeks, which feel less structurally sound to me than muscle or bone.
Right, your lungs are surrounded but not actually structurally supported. Your cheeks are backed up by your teeth. I think the mouth is better supported from inside and thus won't compress as easily, whereas the lungs are surrounded on the outside but not actually supported by muscle or bone. The lungs are just flimsy sacks, the diaphragm doesnt firmly support them, it just moves down to stretch them open. The ribs are outside of them and not stopping them from getting compressed. Plus the actual space inside the lungs is much larger than the empty space in the mouth, so when the air in the lungs shrinks there's a bigger difference in volume than the small amount of air able to exist alongside your teeth and tongue.

What a bizarre discussion to have on this board. Like I said though if you do any free diving at all you're surely more experienced in this than I am
Anyone here have a blackout before? Or see someone have one? I wonder how common they are outside of depth competitions.

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Have you found any cool rocks recently /out/?
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Looks like Flint aka chert aka quartz. Could also be agate aka Chalcedony aka quartz.
Jelly. all I have is a single large agate.
Went to a mine up in the mountains and we brought back dat green shit
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Also got some of this blueish albite(?) that seems to fluoresce purple and a bit of red.

The purple might just be from the UV flashlight idk
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Favorite find from the trip by far is this black Tourmaline in a beautiful mica schist
Found a whole bunch of black tourmaline during my trip but nothing as nice as this.
Does it move with the light or is it just one spot? It's the right shade of pink for a calcite inclusion.
It is stationary yes. A lot of my albite/cleavelandite has bits of red fluorescence this is just the most apparent example.

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Hunting season is upon the northern hemisphere. What are you all planning to hunt? Any changes from last year?
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would help if you said what location you're in
where I live you can set traps without a gun license, but you do still need to pass the hunting exam
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small update: brought 5 kg of ribs + thighs to a friend's bday party. sous vide'd the thighs (thanks to vacuum sealing), boiled the ribs. then marinade and onto the grill. guests devoured the meat before the chef (me) could try any of it.. got plenty of compliments about it which was nice. also the hunting and butchering makes decent conversation
>wake up, hear barking
>that's not the neighbor's dog
>it's a kitted out scent hound
guess someone's out morning bird hunting

>be me
>be new hunter
>using a recurve (already training a few years on it)
>hiding between a couple stickerbushes along deer superhighway
>10 minutes before sunset
>turn around to pick up my stuff
>see a deer coming out of the huge patch of sticker bushes
>it stares at me for a minute
>then walks behind a tree
>get bow in position
>deer comes out from behind the tree offering a perfect 7 yard broadside shot
>deer immediately spins around and runs back into the sticker bushes where it came, tail tucked

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why tf are you using a bow when you could use a GAN

Oh what a pretty flower
They quite are

>be me
>2 am at home in bed, still cant fall asleep
>'fuck it im gonna try and sleep outside'
>go to an apartment building nearby where there is zero activity at night
>go to the back of said appartment building thats just facing some shrubbery, very quiet
>'people never come here so I should be fine'
>find a spot clear of any insects on the tiles
>lay out a sturdy folded blanket to lay on
>lay there
>any and all sounds alert me immediately and can see my HR spiking on my watch
>cant fall asleep for the life of me, constantly keeping my head on a swivel
>way too alert and sensitive to all sounds, rustling of the wind, distant dog barks etc.
>spider walks infront of me
>freak out, kill it

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Get less sleep. I sleep on average 4-5 hours a night. Any more and I'm too well rested, stay up late and fuck up my rhythm.

I function much better and actually have more energy when I force myself not to sleep as much as I could. Sometimes I'll skip a night of sleep to force myself to be tired the next day and get back on schedule.

Also wake up really early, personally I keep my alarm clock set to about 20 minutes before civil twilight. Since that time is constantly changing it's not perfect, I just adjust it every few weeks to keep myself aligned.

Also I don't fully activate until about 2-3 hours after waking up, so even though I get less sleep than the average person I spend the first hours of every day usually just sitting using my phone, drinking coffee, watching birds, sometimes go take a walk outside. I think about what I want to get done today but usually don't get to work for at least 2 hours after waking up, whether it's a work day or a weekend. This seems to be an important part of my process, like I don't need to be asleep but I need some quiet thinking time.

It's been a very positive change to my mental health and productivity to consistently wake up with the sun. Well slightly before it, but I think the exact timing isn't as important as the consistency. I have no set bedtime but I always plan to be awake based on sun time, not clock time.
>sleep problems
Stop drinking alcohol.
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>Is this why you need a tent? Or am I missing something?
firstly, you are missing the wilderness/nature. city/town outdoors is horrible. you sound like a nervous wreck too, when i really can't sleep because i am too fucked i just get wasted. Here's my recipe to a comfy camp sleep:
1. thick comfy bedding, atleast 30mm thick foam mat, 50mm ideally. inflatable ones are ok but in my experience, always burst within a few uses and deflate in the night, you wake up on the cold ground.
2. warm sleeping bag. do not buy chink shit, get something that costs over £50. i have a down sleeping bag, very good, but nowhere near as good as sheep skins, i sewed 5 together into a big blanket and i use that in the winter now, it is often TOO warm!
3. balaclava. make your head comfy, i use a folded scarf of jumper as my pillow too.
4. block out noises. the wind can wake you up, and rain, and other sounds, but a tent does help with some of this. I often sleep in just a simple tarp shelter. but noise does keep me up.
5. if you cannot sleep get up and sit up for a minute, get cosy, read a book or play with the embers of the fire, something chill and calming. pretty soon i guarantee you will find yourself nodding off.
>Also wake up really early, personally I keep my alarm clock set to about 20 minutes before civil twilight. Since that time is constantly changing it's not perfect, I just adjust it every few weeks to keep myself aligned
Get a rooster one day and he'll do this naturally
I could sleep right through it, I use a sonic bomb alarm clock with bed shaker and it is barely loud enough. Maybe if I keep the rooster in my bedroom.

would getting a seasonal job as an outfitter’s assistant be a good way to learn how to hunt as someone who’s family never did it growing up?

I was on a forest service trail crew in Idaho this past summer, and I talked a lot to this dude at a nearby outfitter camp who had been hired at 18 with literally zero prior experience with horses or mules. He told me I could probably find a similar gig if I looked hard enough

I know I would just be managing the stock and packing out clients’ kills at first, and it would be a while before I actually start helping the guides actually find and stalk animals, but I figure I would learn a lot just being around professionals, especially since most of them hunt for fun on their off time.

nothing was in season at the time, so he was just alone, dealing with the stock and getting ready for when clients did come in, but he did mention that dealing with whiny rich people all the time was pretty annoying sometimes

anyway, I am still pretty hesitant about this, so I was wondering if any one of you autists had any experience with this sort of thing, and whether or not you would recommend it
>I was on a forest service trail crew in Idaho this past summer
They'd probably hire you since you'd have some experience on trails in the area, but they won't be able to pay you much at all. Honestly those outfitters and packers usually hire anyone young who's interested in keeping packing tradition alive.
highly depends on pay
lol its not the gold rush anymore. just learn to code

Should we continue cutting down old trees to build better quality suburban homes?
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>Be a kid
>Road trips through Oregon were always magical
>"Look at all the forests and fields, mom!"
>Be adult
>Realize that all the "forests" I've been seeing are tree farms of a single species
>The fields are clear cuts
>Not magical anymore
There used to be old growth on the East Coast and in Europe. Why are we living in the concrete dystopia timeline?
i went down a 4 month rabbit hole of wanting to build my own eco friendly house on a piece of land. I only came away from it that everything I want to do is completely illegal even if I made it perfectly i would have to pay 30k here, 30k there, 40k there, to a bunch of uneducated morons and bureaucrats so that I can live legally. At least I did a tonne of research

the whole thing actually spiraled me into depression for a bit. I realized how modern society is really just all about taxes and consooming and nothing else
oh and i want to correct myself. even if I built it perfectly, it would STILL be illegal
There was a war long ago between the demon worshipers and nature worshipers and the demon worshipers won. You're living in the aftermath of a war erased from history.

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>tfw no car
how the fuck can I be out in the wilderness
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>or on the american east coast
Depends on your location. With a bicycle you could reach reasonable distances within one day of cycling, with a moderately large equipment load.

I sometimes go to my grandparents summer cottage with a bicycle, it's 95km away so a one days trip with plenty of food breaks and easy pace.
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college is a scam, this is well known

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What's in your little gay EDC pack (male version of purse content)? I am a fag too, we all men are weird)
Actually I rarely carry anything else but keys and wallet, not even a pen knife to protect me from sudden grizzly attack in middle of city, we all die, there is no escape.
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i too edc a grenade
My EDC is my phone, keys, wallet and a pack of trident gum. I have a duffel bag in my car with shit I might need sometime, not just car related stuff I have some of those single use toothbrushes, a water bottle, umbrella, multitool, and most importantly a bunch of single packs of dude wipes in case I have to shit away from my bidet.
Tooth brushes? Man I thought I was weird.
Like these things

Best city for /out/ to live in and still have a normal city job. DO NOT SAY AUSTIN TX OR YOU WILL BE REPORTED.

Picrel: Burlington VT
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>places like rural Appalachia that are always twenty to forty minutes from a major city, and have an average population density of 127 per square mile
Charlottesville, Virginia
I'm hoping someone can give me some recommendations, I live in a Philly suburb now and hate it. Planning a move in 3 to 5 years. Looking for a nice house on some land 30 to 45mins out of some sort of town/city. Was thinking someplace out west. Want to dirt bike and shoot whenever I want.
anywhere in the world if you're a wfh programmer
The Ocoee River was modified to hold the 1994 Summer Olympics whitewater sports events. The Benton McKay Trail which connects to the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail is also at Ocoee Tn.
Parksville Lake and Lake Ocoee are two large beautiful mountain lakes formed behind the dam on the Ocoee River.
Downtown Chattanooga TN is an easy 1 hour drive from this outdoor recreation area.

Daily reminder that if you spend time thinking about gear, watching gear videos, wondering what gear to buy next, get excited about consooming more gear or otherwise are concerned with gear past the basic cheapest shit you can find, you are not actually into the outdoors, you are just a consoomer.
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Mountain hardware
Yeah backpacking
My plan was a non stick pan of whatever those are made of idk. The one I have is some Stanley pan with a folding handle and some meme layers crap for even heat distribution. The cooking surface is stainless steel.
Good in concept, but in practice, food fucking glues itself to it. Just the other day I tried to cook a corn beef hash in it and I dumped the can into it as I always do with my normal pan and it fucking immediately glued to it. An entire thin layer of the stuff burned itself down in idk, minutes? The hash never produced the grease as it does, I'm not sure how that's even possible.
In the past I've tried cooking using tons of olive oil in it and I can just pour the oil in and it disappears. Where does it go? No one knows.
So to use that pan I would have to bring tons of cooking oil, and a sanding pad and lots of water to clean the pan after.
A non stick I just cook without any oil and then get it hot and wipe it clean with a single paper towel
>heat distribution
boy let me tell you if you think this is bad on stainless you will be amazed at how shit it is on titanium or aluminum pans. im not sure anyone makes a teflon outdoors pan and I wouldnt bother with that anyway, the MSR clean up brush/scraper thing is all ive ever needed when cleaning my stainless pan unless ive really torched something. are you cooking on a prop stove or a fire? it sounds like you are cooking on a backpacking stove and not fully appreciating how intense the heat is on thin pans, the higher setting is for boiling water only as anything else will burn your food immediately. the absolute GOAT of heat distribution will be cast iron but its like 5 lbs for a little skillet and only makes sense when used on a campfire/coals IMO
Tbh I was using it on a temperature controlled induction stove last at a very reasonable temperature.
In the past I've tried to cook on it with two different camp stoves, and a kerosene heater. Nothing fucking works.
My $4 aluminum non stick kitchen pan SHITS on it but it doesn't work at home on induction and the handle doesn't fold and uses a screw to hold it on so it's mid to remove it and pack it
I do this but it's videos about making gear, knives, sheathes/leatherworking, sewing/making shirts, resoling boots, making backpacks. Now I have been consoooming tools and raw materials.

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>no sqt thread
let's say hypothetically I removed the mesh liner from my swimming pants, what would be the worst that could happen? total annihaltion? why are these things in some shorts anways, I assume nobody likes them?
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those were always such a pain. they weren't even very tight or supportive but holy shit you squeeze out one little dingleberry and you have to dance in the deep water for like 5 mins to finally shake it free. one time I made a log that just couldn't find its way out and a really aggressive sunfish started following me around the lake looking for nibbles it was morifying
Arent board shorts the same thing but without the mesh?
I hate the netting because it chafes my bollocks. I just wear spandex underwear under my trunks after removing the netting, or better yet I just buy trunks without the netting
They're good when it's hot you can go commando but still have some cover and it improves airflow.
I was gonna say just get some board shorts. Solves the “problem” completely.

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