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How would you have felt at the end of your hike if your pack were under 15lbs?
>my pack is a lot heavier than that

Yeah, but how would you have felt if it were that light?
>But it’s not that light. I don’t understand the question.
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This question is so stupid, nobody packs only 15lbs
Pack weight doesn't make much difference unless you're a pussy or to stupid to get a solid frame.

I usually hike with just a 1L canteen and a water filter (and some stuff in my pant pockets that I won't bother listing). About 1.5kg total. Hiking with my Alice pack and 20-25kg of gear in it doesn't make me feel any different in the evening. During a hike, carrying a heavy pack actually feels a lot more comfy than a light pack, since a light pack bounces much more unless you tighten the straps all the way, which cuts of bloodflow.
>inb4 X magic pack doesn't bounce, doesn't cut of bloodflow and has negative weight
Good for you, but I'm not gonna bother testing hundreds of packs to find one that's marginally better. Out of the dozen or so I've tried so far, the only ones that were comfy to carry and lasted more than a few hikes were heavy exoframes, so that's what I'm sticking with.
Depends on the length of the hike, the conditions, the season, availability of permanent shelter/resources and how many other people there are.
This isn't really a "How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning" kind of question.
I guess I'd be glad to have brought a Pulka, since most of my packweight would be off my back.
>how would you feel if you went to the bathroom before you went hiking and vacated 2 pounds of body waste?
>but my stove is 14grams lighter than your stove. i don't understand the question
1-1.5 lbs/day food, max. Since I dehydrate and vacuum seal, there would be some packaging remaining in my fumo garbage bag. Water I just empty. My packweight is sub-15 lbs in the summer. Total carried /out/ is under 30 lbs for 10-12 days.

Current boat vessel is an intex sea hawk 3 inflatable which I have a 3 stroke honda gx35 air cooled motor mounted when going out. It works a dream on choppy and rough waters and its only 2HP, Its light and durable and fast.

The other day I took it out to a river where im from called the Hunter River an hour before sun set. The water was very choppy which then calmed as the tide start coming up. I went a little bit further out than usual. Whilst attempting to return I was unable to get back maybe 300 meters from the boat ramp,

I thought it may have been a the tide and my engine wasnt powerful enough, however I would float with the current and 20 meters down I could start the engine back up and power against the current then get stuck again at that certain spot and just not move. I attempted to row even with the motor going but the raft would not go any further. I tried different part of the water but it just would not let me through. I tried to for hours trying to get back. I put my oar into the water and it wasnt shallow, the engine would cut out after sitting in the sport for 10 seconds and just cut out when id slowly float with the current then Id start the engine and power back up

What cause this? I ended up having to get someone to meet me at a different point 600 meters away.
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They're not a bad engine and the Intex inflatables are okay too, my mate has one and they're really good for power to weight ratio
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god i hope you're wearing a life jacket on that toy
>I have a 3 stroke honda
Explain yourself?
its a 4 stroke honda with 2 hp
>only two HP
Shit CON score, better re-roll the character

When does it stop becoming camping and become “eating food outside”
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when you bring the facilities to cook normal low-effort meals I'd say. car camping is still camping if you're awkwardly crouching over a fire roasting hot dogs. If youre at a place with electric hookups to power your crock pot, then its just eating outside. I mean ffs Ive been to organized picnics with less amenities.
Do boomer camping, it was a good balance.
>drive up to some state forest's gravel parking spot
>hike like 5 miles further in with an 80lb pack
>have lots of comfy stuff but you're actually innawoods
>you brought food but fish and hunt squirrels for even more food
>stay a week or so
Where's the generator?
>eating while camping magically makes it not camping
The mental gymnastics you faggots perform is unreal.
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When you add sleep/shitting/living outside because just eating outside is a BBQ. Also I kinda want all this shiznit for my larger main tent (I have a little light titanium stove and smaller tent) Thinking its about the size you could cut frozen pizzas in half, toss them in a cooler and cook em with it.

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What's up with Krauts, specially boomers, and their kitted out rigs?
I'm in southern Europe and every time I go to the beach, no matter the time of the year, there's always many, many hundred thousand €€€ traveling/camping rigs there and 90% of the time they have German plates.
As I post this there are a couple 100K vans, mercs sprinters I think, fully prepared for world travel and parked on a gravel road right up to the beach.
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Not in Germany. In Canada absolutely you see these vans everywhere, in the US absolutely.
cuz theyre sick as hell?
I wish i had one of those things i would just sell my house
>Not in Germany
Every year I see maybe 100-150 of these with german plates on, french tags are probably second but 1/10 or even less.
If you're a kraut and don't see them then it's no surprise because they all flock south, it would be retarded if they had a vehicle like that and stayed confined to your authoritarian industrial hellscape.
getaway vehicles after you burn a quoran but you get followed in a hyundai hatchback and flipped upside down by high test middle easterners
Only Dutch people drive those though

Why does everybody want to drive hours to some tourist attractions when there's perfect /out/ right under their noses.
I live in the suburbs with a few parcels of green space wood land of several dozen acres in size. It's undeveloped and has no obvious access or trails so I am probably the first person to have been there in years or decades even.
views + waterfalls
normals are afraid and when /out/ they dare not take a single step off the trail. I have stopped inviting people out for this reason
I visit my local park to hike and run the trails 2-3 times a week. It's a pretty big area and the hills really weed out most people so once you get a couple miles in, it can feel like true innawoods sometimes. It's fun on it's own, but I treat it just as much as training for actual innawoods mountain hiking which I like to do several times a year in various locations. Plus my local spot becomes an arid shithole in the summer. You can't just limit yourself to local stuff when there's so much /out/ to see in the world.
As I wrote on another thread, local parks are okay for scratching the itch on worknights or when your weekend schedule doesn't allow for more serious outings.
Those places aren't really "perfect out" like you said, however. They're typically smaller, more crowded, have fewer interesting natural features in most cases, usually don't allow camping, and lose their novelty after you've gone there a million times already. The only real advantage is convenience for people living in urban and suburban areas.
a lot of my cities old fortifications and citadels have been turned into parks, canals too, i trap crawfish ín the canals, fish too

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Just got an REI membership and all I want to do now is consooooom
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The only /out/ store faggier than REI is Dicks/Public Lands.
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and whichever one you're in at a given moment
I need sun protection anytime I'm in the sun, and Mountain Hardware makes great UPF 50 hiking shirts, as well as normal flannels.
Like their trail pants too
Dicks is just a sports store. They don't sell outdoor gear. They sell football pads, golf clubs, baseball helmets, basketball hoops.
Dick's is an 8 billion dollar family of companies with 41,000 employees. Dick's -branded stores do sell outdoor gear. including tents, fishing gear, camp stoves, lanterns, sleeping bags and, formerly, firearms such as duck hunting shotguns and ammunition.


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What this guy says
He's a professional larper and you can take his word for this theoretically correct response
Whatever the tallest 'mountain' in scotland is. Everyone took the zippy zipper sit down thing but i was trying to get in a cali girls pants so we walked. It was windy at the top and foggy
so did you get herpes or not?
9,159 feet on a tourist mountain you can drive up most of the way. I've hiked and camped higher but not at a summit.
About 13,000 ft/4,000m, Nevado de Colima in México.

I'm from Jalisco, I want to try the Iztaccihuatl next.

Modernity is so goddamn gay, decades ago you could hitchhike easily and truckers would pick you up really fast, nowadays they aren't even legally allowed to pick you because laws, company policies and insurance garbage.
And this is just an example of many, as we move forward and as the population grows things get worse /out/ wise.
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Don't thumb it. Hang out at gas stations and rest stops and ask for a ride.
Had the opportunity to hitchhike and pick up a few travelers on Hawaii, seems to be one of few places where hitchhiking is a common sight.
Each had a lesson, most memorable was picking up a middle aged woman who casually invited me to come check out the commune she stayed at, after saying no words of thanks for the ride, which was a suspiciously short distance to the beach. I later drove by the entrance out of curiosity, and decided against visiting instinctively, which was later corroborated by a hitchhiking crone who had more stories than I could handle about what kind of sick shit they get down to at that specific place (involving their children) and on the island in general.
If you ever visit paradise, avoid all devils disguised as hippies, or everyone but the natives who are genuinely cool.
>What was the point of the voucher?

To get truckers and other people driving down the road to pick up hitchhikers, thus moving more people around per gallon of gas.
what? hitchhiking is still a thing here, no laws against it. if i can i will try to pick up hitchhikers when im on my roadtrips, they are usually international travelers and has lots of stories. once picked up a danish girl who had traveled all the way from denmark to north cape, norway and was heading home when i picked her up.
blew my mind when she told me east euro truckers, the kind you really dont want to deal with, they are batfucking crazy, drunk or on drugs, where here best and safest rides. they absolutely wouldnt touch her, no sexual harassment, nothing, just total protective bro-mode.
>can't enjoy riding on the bed

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>west virginia
Holy shit I share a board with plebs
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>live in VA
you must be in DC area?
>any kind of /out/ activities whatsoever
there are mt biking, fishing, paddling etc closer than 5-6hrs.
its an 8 hour drive from chincoteague to bristol, all in virginia
Illinois was fine until you city niggers exported your politics to the rest of the state like the AWB and increased trailer sticker prices. I would gas anyone north of I-80 and east of I-39 in a heartbeat if I could.

t. peoria suburb-fag
>forest preserve
Those are always crowded as fuck when the weather is nice.
Wisconsin has some of the best waterfowl and deer hunting in the country. Trapping is big here too, as is ice fishing. It's also one of the few places where you can still spear for sturgeon. If you like marshes and wetlands, then you'll love Wisconsin. The northwoods/UP is god's country, and we have two great lakes to choose from at any time.

How the hell am I supposed to fit a sleeping bag in here? I got a 50L bag which seems too small now
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I have internal frame packs and probably dwarf this dude in terms of mileage and nights /out/.
>supposed to
How did you manage to find such a cold bag that takes up that much space?
My extreme winter bag takes up a third of that when compressed.
the sleeping bag is the issue
50L is more than enough
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Honestly had the same issue for a while, until I bought a similar specced but smaller sleeping bag. It is just worth it.
But, I'd also suggest a 90L bag or similar. You can always not pack it with stuff, but it gives you so much more options.
1 get a down sleeping bag
2 strap it to the top or bottom

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Go to places where the mobile networks aren't banned on 4chan
my house is one

I'm sick of rich faggots pretending to be farmers and attacking actual farmers.

The term organic is meaningless marketing shpiel, is arsenic organic? What about synthetic pyrethrum? None of these fackwits stand up to even ten minutes of questioning, they're technically illiterate.

And I'll swing this hammer at permaculture fags too, who broadly fall into the triangle of
>doesn't produce a surplus/ commercial quantity
>technically illiterate, unqualified, doesn't know shit about organic/ elemental chemistry
>ideologically motivated.
Fuck off back to the city
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>upscale restaurant closed due to covid
What the fuck is covid
These guys, despite many of whom being a bunch of goddamn hippie commies are essential to preserving agricultural practices that work with a lower level of oil dependency that will at some point become essential.

That's important.
It's a raven.
When did this board get infested by big agro and big timber shills? Or is it just directionbrained idiots trying to own the libs?
>Anonymous tip about unreported income
This shit drives me up the fucking wall. Complete denial of your right to face your accuser or come to amends without the government stepping in.
>But the government is the accuser
Well it has only hersey to base it's accusations off of, so it should have no legal standing whatsoever. Also, stop being a cuck anon.

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Post the next place you are going, if on a roadtrip do next stop.

I'll start: Theodore Roosevelt National Park

I can't wait. Badlands are my favorite environment and I'm going to be doing some back country camping and hopefully catch some heat lightening light shows.
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I'll post about it. I've been through SD before so did Badlands and the Black Hills and this has always been in the back of my mind as a place I need to go. There's also some great badlands in Eastern Montana and the canadian prairies that get slept on.
Maybe Patagonia Lake SP. Haven't decided yet.

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Ouachita National Forest. I've been itching to explore this place for months. Gonna hike all over the mountains and check out Hot Springs NP while I'm there too.
starting with this next week. Big Bend National Park and then heading north
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Turnip Rock, Michigan. I'm literally going to be kayaking there from Eagle Bay a couple weeks from now.

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What job should I work to have the time, money, and energy to go /out/?
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Thanks for the advice but I have never been able to get into programming, it's just one of those things my brain refuses to understand.
It sucks because the things I am good at don't really make any money, or nobody would take me seriously because I didn't spend thousands of dollars for a piece of paper.
I think I might just get an entry job at some insurance company and play the corporate game

that sounds like a reasonable assessment.
and the plan sounds good to me.

nowadays I'm 100% sure that your job doesn't have to be related to your hobbies at all. your job needs to make money and afford you the flexibility you need to live a good life.
and even though I usually hate the timeline we're on, there's a lot more flexibility in normal jobs than there was even 10 years back.

I'd say go for it and make adjustments to your plan as needed
seasonal work in the winter. dirtbag in the summer. works for me
>dirtbag in the summer
What means 'dirtbag'
How old are you?

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>Ruins your expedition path
How do you solve this? Are there any tools to debranch dead/burned down trees? I’m covered in scratches from pushing through walking backwards because I ran out of water on my hike.
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Will that cut through 2-3 inch branches? How often do you sharpen it?
Dead yes you don't need much heft at all. Hell you could probably clear 2" dead branches with a piece of rebar but you'd get tired faster.
>Are there any tools to debranch dead/burned down trees?
yea is called hands, and not being a pussy ass bitch
Literally just walk through them lmao
I've never had a problem... although I walk through them like a ninja avoiding laser beams because I've been doing it since I could walk.
I do it all the time for mushroom hunting and foraging. Get a Carhartt jacket and Carhartt pants--it's fucking inkwoods armor. I walk through wild rose bushes without issue.

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