* This is a thread for backpackers, larpers and dayhikers need not applyI was having a talk with a friend and it brought up a good topic that puzzles me. We, backpackers, spend hundreds of dollars on good mats, air mattress, and sleeping bag to stay comfy year around to do our hobby. I think we can all agree on that. Why end it at the hike though? I personally use my gear at home as well in place of a normal bed. Beds cost thousands of dollars, why pay for that when my sleeping bag and mats work just as good? My friend of course was heavily against this and told me I needed a real bed for home. I don't get it. Do any of you sleep in your bags at home as well?
>>2803894My big black bull Bovice often uses my bed with my wife - so I’m usually designated to sleeping in my camping gear in the garage like OP while he inseminates her with his large BBC. It’s honestly my favorite part of the week because I get to go on a camping trip and my wife lets me take my Nintendo switch with me. At the end of the night Bovice will give md a ride in his hellcat to McDonald’s and get me some nuggets and a shake while mt wife’s gaping offices recover.
>>2804080I dropped $500 on sleeping gear, I’ve never once considered using it in my house even when I’ve given up my bedroom for elderly family members. My couch is significantly more comfy than even top of the line car camping foldouts of cots. Only time I’ve ever slept in my camping gear is when I’ve had an overnight assignment at work, and even then I’m not sleeping great in a cot. (Pic related my coziest out set up)
>>2803893>>2804086>none of them are as good as an actual mattress.>>2804096>a nice mattress will always beat backpacking sleep systemexcept if you bought a hammockhammocks beat beds in terms of sleep quality and comfort you're just not fucking a hoe the same as youwould in a bed
OP I think your friend has a point. Why torture yourself?Now...I actually do miss sleeping in a sleeping bag. I did it for years when staying at a friends place rent free. Had this old 90's flannel sleeping bag, would tie it up and put it in a corner when I wasnt using it....fuck i miss those days...kinda.
Yes, I have used a sleeping bag at home before. Your sleeping bag will become thrashed and destroyed by you using it at home. I have blown out 5 bags this way over the years and once I met my wife I have only done it once in a while when I was sleeping on the couch and I was working graveyard and didnt want to disturb my wife while she was sleeping. The bags are rated for exposure to the elements so you are going to sweat like crazy which will break down the bags faster. The bags are also not as durable as you would think and after around 50-60 Nights I noticed that they will start to tear. Just get an appropriate set of sheets and a comforter, you will get more use out of it and be more comfortable.
What is the best hiking pliers?
>>2809141>onnahike>about to cross a bridge>bridgekeeping hermit demands I fix his lawnmower before I'm allowed to pass>mfw left my hiking pliers in my car>go back to car but decide to go home insteadSince then I always keep them on me whenever I'm hiking
>>2809659Real answer; cutting fences
>>2809141I have a "thing" about holding my penis outdoors when peeing, so I use my Leatherman.
>>2808389The marki-plier
I have a cheapo Leatherman Rev I keep in my everyday backpack but the only thing I ever remember using it for was pulling nails out of my car's tires.
Uaaaaaaaaaaha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaahahhaaaaaaa
>>2809971>*cool bass solo*
>>2809748les is such a real one for putting every episode on youtube for free
excellent threadhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ntDFfgxKz4
>>2810520Les is /ourguy/
I feel like this isn't the best place to ask, but I'm in the market for a chair.But the thing is, I am looking for it to be compact as possible, weight doesn't matter, it could be 12lbs and made of lead.It's not for glamping but rather for motocamping.I'm also 189cm 110kgDoes anyone here use backpacking chair?
>>2809948Crazy Creeks rule
>>2809948I have the Helinox sunset chair and i am 194cm/100kg. It is very comfy and I have spend hours sitting in it starring into the fire. The best thing about it is that you can rest your head while looking up and if you sit down like a normal person it will last. The only downside is the price.
>>2809948Why in the hell would you want to sit MORE after riding a bike all day?Also the answer is an UL hammock. Nothing with poles is going to pack down smaller than some fabric and straps, unless no trees, at which point, idk, just lay down in the sand or something. t. former motocamper
>>2809948I use that exact one and it is very good
>>2810504>UL hammockthis is the way
Britbong backpacking in USA dumb question: If I'm walking with a 60l pack, will a forest janny ask where I'm camping / for a campsite reciept or just for the trail permit? I want to dispersed camp when I'm hiking but there's literally nowhere near where I'm heading (sanfran bay area, Point Reyes probably) that permits dispersed camping.
>>2809307Holy fuck muttsharts need a fucking permit to be outside????
>>2810359Unironically yes, they don't have "right to roam" They will probably call the police on you for being in their HOA or just "loitering" remember when the cop pulls over Rambo in "first blood" 1982, yeah, that's the future now
>>2809307in SF you can camp in Golden Gate Park quite comfortably, and for free. just don't get caught rent-a-bikes are all over the city, either lyft or baywheels is the ebike rental app.
>>2810360Sounds like you should actually visit here fren. Not all states are like California. I live in a somewhat wealthy suburb and nightwalk without ever having cops mess with me.
I have a gear addiction. For the past 8 months i've bought a new backpack nearly every 2-4 weeks
>>2806847How is it? I was looking at these types of bags, also as a day pack/personal item carry-on for trips by plane. Opted for a Camelbak, 16L model instead.
>>2807004what backpack did you get anon
>>2806815Make bug out bags for yourself and/or loved ones and gift it to them. Turn your vice into a virtue.
>>2807724Just because they do gay shit doesn't mean they make bad packs. They all take credit from the central bank so they're technically all gay owned business.
>>2810375That’s not what I was getting at. I wasn’t discrediting Osprey. I was just pointing out that Mystery Ranch uses the same marketing tactics but in a different direction.
/Out/ in the holy landLooking for snakes in the Judean desert edition
>>2809348Looks like he caught you.
>>2808088> expected snow > never posted snow israel disappoints
>>2802880>>2804655What does this have to do with /out/?
I hiked the length of Jordan a number of years back. The north was a bit too populated for me, and there was a lot of road walking. From Dana south it got very beautiful!
>>2809644The weather people lied to us again>>2809720Looks nice
what strange / spooky stuff have you seen?once when i was in the desert, there was a telephone pole, on it looked exactly like a 10ft tall bird of prey, just eyeing me downit was about a good 5min of walking, which felt like forever, just to see that it was a transformer that looked weird, none of the other poles had it eithersounds dumb, but it really did look exactly like a gigantic human sized hawk, and the "head" even seemed to follow you too, really interesting illusion, since it also hit all the primal parts of the brain that gone "you're about to be fucking eaten by a bird!!!!!!"a year or two later, when i was gonna take a picture, it was gone, which adds a strange air to "it was right there, i tell you!">inb4 go to /x/ for this shiti want real stories, not >i smelled the rotten shit fart gas, and my best friend was turned into a skinwalker, and then i pulled out that gun from videogame and blasted it, dude trust me
>>2807583>"hey watch this"lmao
>>2802680Pop clutchh
For a while in Shasta there was a dude attacking people with a chainsaw and I saw him run into someone's camp fire and get fucked up.
>>2809537>I saw him run into someone's camp fire and get fucked up.thats like saying "so anyway, i skydived with a clown"you're gonna need to say a bit more than just that lmao
Came across this in SlovakiaNot deep in the woods but a few kms away from any village, in a valley surrounded by forest as I was on my way to a ruined castle Not a soul around, gloomy weather
winter is behind us and its time to get back /out/, sea, lakes, rivers, even canals, sailing is fun toofotm vacationer paddleboardfags go to >>>/trv/
>>2810418Very good post, thank you fren, yea current and wind is no concern, I just use it for fishing, and weight isn't much of a concern, I'm not going anywhere in a hurry, would mostly use the motor when actually fishing, otherwise I'd just paddleThis is my canoe, I've posted many pictures before but I believe theese to be the technical specs, it's a "wenonah backwater"
>>2810419And it already has a square back for a motor, so... just begging for one
>>2810419then yeah, something like the $100 minn kota 30lb thrust is fine. I use one on a 17ft canoe occasionally with a small 50Ah LiFePO4 battery.
is there much, or very few, overlap\crossover ,skill and technique, form ,transference between : boat rowing, kayak, canoe, and rafting? I wish to try white river rafting someday, I think it's LESS dangerous than (white river\equivalent) canoe and kayak..because you're in a group, and most likely an expert instructor\leader.
>>2810437I've never gone rafting, I started out sea kayaking, then went to canoing, I think if you already have a "feel" for your watercraft, can rescue yourself, then I wouldn't see much wrong with trying
Is this a pebble tool or just a rock? i find quartzite pieces with chunks broken off all the time but never in such a deliberate pattern..
>>2809677way cool! it fits nicely in the hand so i could see how it could be functional that way
>>2809678it is palm sized or so
>>2809284sorry for the delay, here is the back side of it, its just plain looking
>>2809373that was very poetic lol, thank you
>>2809683seeing as theres no chip-out on the back, i'm guessing its probably just a geofactthough, i could be completely wrong on thattheres also the chance its a geofact that DID get used as a tool too, however rare or common that may be
Ran into a mountain lion today in the Monongahela National Forest around the Bartow area of WV. Pretty freaky encounter. I could see it stalking me off in the distance, immediately started backtracking slowly while facing it. Probably kept sight of it on and off for a good 20-30min. Apparently these things aren't supposed to be on the east coast but some manage to wonder this far over according to the forest ranger I talked to once I got back to my truck. Might see on the news about them capturing it in the next week or so here as he said they will have to post the area and start to try to trap it.
>>2810107what would happen if you met one of these and did the head nodding and blinking with the special blowing noises, could you be friends?
>>2810254whoever said i left?
Wish I was stalked by a cougar.
>>2810107You are a massive pussy, there is a lion that lives near my house and he never bothers anyone.
>>2810107are you a girl?
I need to train and see how far I can crawl and keep trying to beat my time. I'm hoping to do a few miles a day.Should I wear knee pads and gloves so I can do it faster without worrying about injuries?
>>2807808Google it and find out the response time of your local feds.
>>2807795I bump your whole thread!!
>>2807795Anywhere with high grass and bushes. no point in training on smooth ground without cover.>few miles a daySeriously? If you do it properly, a single mile can easily take 4-8h.>Should I wear knee pads and gloves so I can do it faster without worrying about injuries?Kek, you're really retarded, aren't you? Of course, you should wear gloves and pads, if you have them. But they won't make you faster, and you shouldn't be going fast in the first place. The whole point of crawling is not being seen. Go slow, at a steady pace, and try not to disturb vegetation too much.And from my own experience, I'd suggest avoiding places with people. gets really awkward when someone goes to take a leak, and you have to choose between announcing yourself (and looking like a retard) or risking them spotting you and assuming you're a voyeur.Btw, that dude in your pic doesn't know what he's doing. His butt is up way to high, making him easy to spot, and with his hands down that far, there'd be no way for him to keep his rifle out of the dirt.
>>2807795Go to the gym and and do it on a treadmill, you could have unlimited distance and would be limited only by your skills and possibly the gym staff.
>>2807795>Where is the best place in a city to practice combat crawling?At the gay bar inside another man's ass.
>not all those wonder are lost ;)I'm so fucking tired of instagram and tiktok women in the traveler scene. I'm tired of the faggy "spiritual" men who orbit them too.
>>2809809Then don't read their blogs, retard.
>>2810255And yet here you are. Curious.
>>2809999<begin here>>2810366<end here
>>2810373You're doing God's work here, keep it up!
>>2809809I’m good with it if they are hot and their insta is full of bikini ass shots.
/out/ humor thread
>>2801645Is this an extremely abstract shitty loss?
Cavegirl gf expectation: >>2802800Cavegirl gf reality: picrel
>>2801641Get it soon, Hudson's Bay is about to go out of business.
>>2808799God Damnit I guess I be stackin' now
Tell me about the weather, plants, animals, locals, etc. Do you hated there, do you love it there?I'm genuinely curious.
>>2810290do you know any cool spots in the plateau section of (northern) alabama, meaning west of the "proper" foothills? It's kinda a dream of mine to visit there. I realize there's not the sort of prominence to offer sweeping views, but I would like to be proven wrong.
>>2810119Yeah I'm not moving to some rural southern poverty shithole Also, learn to take better pictures
>>2810296>Dauphin IslandNever been there, but whats wrong with Dauphin Island?
>>2810367Still better than my place