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Why would you want other people to see you before you see them? That would make me very uncomfortable, like sitting at the very first table in the break room with your back to entrance. I don't own a single piece of clothing or gear that is any color except Earth brown, olive drab green, and stone grey. The whole point of going out in the woods is escaping humanity and becoming invisible and being left the fuck alone.
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Because contrasting colors make for better pictures on social media.
There are higher mountains that are completely forested. Elevation is why this is a barren wasteland, but you can go ahead and pretend like you already knew that.
>The easterner copes about bigger mountains than his by pointing out that there are even bigger mountains that also aren't his.
Lad. No.

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Have you ever visited the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina/Tennessee?
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No, I don't want to get shot.
Only for reunions since relatives own land there. Haven't gone to one since I was a child though.
I tried to tell my family that I bet that the big houses we see that look like vacation rentals up on some of the mountains are probably especially for family reunions and they didn't believe me.
Is this a joke? That haze is caused by trees releasing VOC’s that then react with with humidity. It causes a blue tinge (“Blue Ridge Mountains”) that looks almost like smoke (“Smoky Mountains”). The animated gif I posted was taken on the AT maybe 10 miles from Clingman’s Dome. That’s mist rolling through the woods.

What, did you guys think we were joking when we said condensation is a serious problem here?
can you tell the trees to stop doing that so I can get a clearer view

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What is your favorite color of Azalea?
Have you seen any wildflowers of note this Spring so far?
I personally love a deep dark purple Azalea but I haven't found one in bloom so far. This is Cinnabar and it caught my eye from 20 feet away.

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The Ohio River overflowed its banks.
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Is that the one that caught on fire?
Aight no more blackpills.
no, that's the cuyahoga river
at least this is a thread not about consooming
anyone have any good photos of big rivers they have taken?

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How green are my valleys?
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It's NC, with Linville Gorge on the left and the Black Mountains on the right, likely taken from somewhere near Roaring Creek
which part is linville gorge? I've been trying to figure out what it looks like in the map but I can't
The pointy mountain on the far left is table rock i'm pretty sure. I was just climbing there today and it really is the only thing in the state that has that pointy outcrop shape
not very.
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I like the first pop of green of the season. It makes for really nice photos. It's so hard to catch that time between when its bare and totally green and I'm trying not to miss it this year.

>be bong
>go on convoluted trip for meaningless glory
>get stuck on an ice pack for almost 2 years
>kill scores of animals
>ditch your men to try and rescue yourself
>by some miracle you survive and are forced to save the crew you deserted.
Are anglos stupid? All the stories of men dying for non existent glory seem to come from England.
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Had to check which board I was on lmao never change you fucking /out/ists
We don't talk about the Antarctic natives.
Just stay away from Antarctica, for your own safety, for all of our safety.
There's a reason all of the major powers of the world have agreed to leave Antarctica alone, and it's not just because of the cold.
that is a lie, they crashed at about an hour walking downhill to some local rancher's place
Why would you need rain gear ? It doesn't even get warm enough for it to rain there.
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For me, it's the car Shackleton took to Antarctica
If you read up on all those early polar expeditions it was always the Scandinavians who did well and know what they were doing, a lot of their stuff isn't well known or translated though.
Guys like Shackleton and Scott were performers, not proper adventurers. They were the ones who managed to convince English donors to fund their adventures where they got up to all kind of retarded high jinks, came back and got good publishing deals from their rich buddies for their accounts.

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what's your gaymen/entertainment setup when backpacking, /out/?
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You think you do, but no you don't
>t. /g/
What portable can play shit like Prince of Persia 1 and 2? Don't really care about more advanced games my backlog is huge I'll be old when I reach 2020 games
Thats pretty niche, there is a version of Prince of Persia 1 on android, PoP2 you will need something that has an MS-DOS emulator. A lot of these new handheld emulators can support a lot of different retro consoles
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>cable guy
"wireless" is a fucking lie; it's all cables
picrel, about 6 hours ago. 150ft.
Sometimes I bring ketamine and a movie on my phone when I am settling in for the night and maximum cozy.

Also books.

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tell me all your weird, unexplainable, and creepy out stories
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Went camping in the Everglades in July once. I don't recommend that. The weather is basically pure hell with a side of mosquitoes. My buddy nearly got killed when he stumbled across an American crocodile guarding her nest.

Never had any supernatural experiences, though, despite being stuck with a disabled vehicle in two different national forests. Thank the gods for kindly rednecks.
damn you were that close to him? I just watched a video about him literally 2 days ago and there was no mention of him with a van, only that he was at the end of a prison sentence and he had the perk of leaving un supervised during the days.
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pitbulls are the closest we have to actual monsters
>Went camping in the Everglades in July once.
what made you think that was a good idea?
Another kayak fishing close call that happened last week. Kayak fishing a bayou right before sundown had caught a couple specks and had them on a stringer attached to my kayak. I navigate the last couple of bends around some grass flats and take a second to cast before I head out. Huge thump at the side of my kayak nearly tips me over, the wake from whatever just hit me is churning the water to my left and right. A fucking family of gators decided to sneak a free meal off my stringer and are taking turns darting at my kayak. I cut my stringer loose and very slowly paddle backwards towards the shoreline. I can see them pretty clearly now tearing up the specks I just jettisoned. I've never seen gators be so aggressive before, maybe mating season or a scarcity of food? No way in hell Im fishing that spot again in kayak, only a retard tests fate twice.

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Looking to get some nice fancy outdoor apparel. What's the /out/ recommendations? Any charts?
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Been looking for some good pants. Probably gonna buy something with some discounts on marmot, their clearance sales. Get something for me and my mom.

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how do you deal with disabilities, thing wrong with you out of your control. bad eyes, joints, anything else that can hinder you?
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Probably 95% of adult women are stronger than me anon. I'd be quite fine with being on the strength level of a woman, it'd be a big improvement than where I am. I meant 40-60% weaker than a sedentary adult, not a fit adult - because remember, my muscles don't really grow.
Glad to see others have the same observations as me. Most of these boil down to good communication and basic empathy, but it's worth spelling them out to anons who might be younger or lack certain life experiences.
Actual "flat earth" tier retardation
don't engage with him anons, morons who are judgmental like that are going to KYS the first second they have health problems.

your experience mimics mine in how I had to deal with social situations (brain damage anon here) except yours is worse.

just fucking nodded off 15 hours in the last 24 hours
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>it's worth spelling them out to anons who might be younger or lack certain life experiences
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These things are so brutal and scary it aint even funny

Your pretty much fucked if you encounter one of these in the wild and get too close,at least bears theres a chance they wont maul you...
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Sowapotamous. They roam The Chicongo with their offspring, Dindo Nothin's. Avoid.
If attacked, yank on dey weave.vwwk
Yes he did
Nah I'd win I have a gun
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It had better be a big one.

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I've never used one of these
Are they really that useful? Are they a real game changer?

I see everyone using these but dunno... never felt the need
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Pretty much this. Going uphill is a "game changer", if you're fat, you'll still get tired, but if you are fit, you will see an improvement in stamina. Going downhill you will go a bit slower but you knees and ankles will suffer less. Since I have no joint problems I dont use them downhill, but I always carry them uphill.

Also, they have save me once from a big storm. Had to put a tarp where there were no trees and I used them to set it up, didnt get wet that night
A stick doesn't have the little metal stud on the end that sticks to rocks and roots like velcro. That little point is where 50 percent of their effectiveness comes from.
They're good for rocky, uneven water crossings and flat lands that are flooded/mucky. You can easily catch a toe or sink in the mud unevenly and the poles can prevent you from falling. A must have in mucky Alaska unless you enjoy being covered in mud or shredded by falling on stream rocks.
One is the way to go, all the functionality none of the faggotry
>doesn’t know if he wants them or not

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Has anyone here done the GR11 trans Pyrenees trail?
Is May ok to cross it or is there still too much snow and ice left on the path?
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how long does it take? i probably don't want to the whole thing but maybe some parts
This post didn't need a bump you fucking numpty!
It can take a whole summer, but depends on how long are you walking per day
Nice to know. Any tips?
that trail will never be a woman

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Those look like hot coals underneath it, do you let your fire die down enough before setting up hammock or no?
You think is boring? I'm from AZ and I loved Florida on my visits. I was in the St. Cloud area. Did you bump into any gators or skeeters?
I'm at my local nudist resort rn
as out as it gets. fresh air for your lungs and your balls. love it
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Yes. Except for the balls part. Here's a pic I took on my hike up the mountain.

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Mount Audubon, 13,229 ft. For some reason I just never got into hiking up tall mountains -- probably because it interfered with crag climbing.
about 900 meters actual. there's nothing really high nearby.
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We didn't really have option.
Ben Nevis in Scotland
>not very high

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