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is shiey /ourguy/?
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He is full stalker mode. Bunkers and exclusion zones
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>he's bitching and whining outside
indeed he is
Nah, he’s not certified /out guy but I do enjoy his vids, guilty pleasure, exploration in europoorian countries are lot easy access

He needs to be on /fit, damn twink
Incredibly brown.
Incredibly based.

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Have you been to nude beach or been casually naked outdoor in other way? I have been a couple time on nude beach. It wasn't eventful to talk much about it but it felt very nice to walk around and lie down in completely natural, unobstructed by anything state.
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>hating on realistic milfs and dilfs
What country and what you reckon is the usual nude to clothed people ratio?
here in norf yurop being naked aint so taboo. bathhouse sauna and showers, everyone is naked, no fuss.
ive heard there are designated naked hiking paths in germany is that true? in general the hippie ideas of free love and nudity come from german immigrants
This guy is almost certainly gay though.

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Primitive hunting season edition.

Just got back from packing the freezer this winter, with my .60 cal fusil de chase.

What projects, events, or excursions have you been up to or have planned?
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your university is white people who actually are interested in the prehistory of the continent and its links to the old world not natives who >wuz here for muh time immemorial
Looks good, anon.
ID on the poncho?
Thanks, I only cut myself once the whole project.
Beautiful bull anon, Very pretty 5x5. Just curious, how much $$$ did the Hunt run you and the cost to ship it all back?

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Everyone knows this state is a shithole in every regard. Someone please rec a better /out/ state to move to for a former NorCal fag and list your pros/cons. Money's not much of an issue.

>inb4 inb4 inb4
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Always on the lookout for that. The new yorkers usually move in and make a mess of them.
What's wrong with West Virginia?
lmao even
Any state in the pacific or mountain time zones are good for outdoorsy stuff. Tennessee and North Carolina too for hiking if you like the Smokies.
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Yeah, the map is fucking retarded. You can’t look at an entire state in this manner. Eastern Oregon and Washington are literal deserts due to a rain shadow caused by the Cascade Mountains.

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>free and delicious food everywhere
I love going /out/ in the spring
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His name is Ranjit, he mostly just comes here to seeth at white people
you are a turbo fucking moron who knows nothing about nutrition
you should shut the fuck up before more diarrhea falls off your mouth
>hurr grains are plants
it's the "placenta" (matured ovary more specifically), retarded monkey faggot
and guess what, you don't absorb half the shit in it
you plant-fuckers also love grouping up fruits with your dogshit toxic worthless food to gaslight people into buying your shit
there is more than enough fiber in the carbs you eat, moron
if you're eating "Dietary fiber", or worse buying it, you're a delirious retard
t. mr runny shits
lmao, projecting much? little leaf muncher jew can't shit unless you eat a kilogram of stuffing? you're disabled

last week it was -10C, now its been +4C for three days
god i hate these fuckers
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What kind of stupid measurement system so frequently flips between positive and negative. Celsius is dumb.
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I recommend giving your good boy or girl a Serestro flea collar. My dog had a seizure once so he couldn't use Revolution and other flea / tick drops, but this thing worked just fine and he never had health problems from wearing it.

Also, be sure to treat all of your cloth outdoor gear, including boots and hiking pants with permethrin every couple of months. They will burn and die when they touch it. And always brake for opossums.
I camped in Missouri for the first time recently and got to find out what seed ticks are. Amazing summer, but I will never ever go back to Missouri.
my dog lost a lot of hair around a necklace like this so now i give her frontpro (afoxolaner) which works pretty good
nah man dont get any of that shit, it'll fuck you up for life in worst case scenario

Do you wear any cloak, poncho or any fashionable coat when inna woods?
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It's okay to be white, anon.
I have one of these too. It's amazing
I have an UGLY wool poncho with a wolf howling infront of a full moon on it. I like to walk around in the woods with my hiking staff while I wear it.
Okay? That is a statement, not a question
I wasnt aware I had to ask a question, I was just answering OP

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I hate this cuntface (Outdoor boys)
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i don't believe that religion is a prerequisite for a healthy society just because we haven't seen much or any healthy societies without any religion yet. i don't think current societies are even healthy, though you could explain that by absence of belief i guess. i agree with your last point that christianity is relatively refined compared to for example islam. i feel intuitively and think that whatever force is truly real/fundamental must be everywhere and all encompassing/universal. analogous to how everything in a dream appears different but is the actually the same. religion to this would be analogous to deciding which piece of music best describes silence if that makes sense. atheism isnt really that and so between atheism (hedonism, individuality, egocentrism) and religion, religion may work better imo
im having a lot of late night thoughts that arent easy to hold down and define. i can see god as a force but i don't think he is separate from us in this sense. if we are the manifestations of his intent, would we not be actually god? we'd be the individual and the creator simultaneously. analogous to how when we have vivid memories it may feel like we are actually there.. i don't think he is fully separate. if he is separate then the system in which these separates exists would be truly real
New kino just dropped boys
God I wish I could live like him

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Is Camping With Steve /ourguy/?
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I know you are bating, but they all died from the vaxx. sad really.
beautiful wife unironically died from the clot shot
he does this for several days per week. 2-3/7. keep shilling your homeless youtuber eat his mcdonald’s in a bush tho
>yeah but the guy who LARPs as a homeless person actually lives like a homeless person!
That's not a point in favour of Steve.
well, look at that nose
he is clearly a jew with a deep hatred of the ARYAN race
Retvrn to tradition
Retvrn to Evropa

>probably going to be made homeless again soon
Can I have some tips? I was homeless a few years ago due to the local drug lord harassing me every night and day because he thought I called the police on him when he was having his 48hr drug parties, but I've mostly forgotten my tricks of the trade.
Not going on the streets, I'll just roam the countryside until I die or something as I have good quality boots, bag and tent etc
Le sigh
Im in scotland btw
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Join a hippie commune?
Use baby wipes or a planet fitness membership to wash up. Merino wool sock and underwear are your friend for suppressing stink. Hand sanitizer, a full size can opener, and compact electrical plug splitter are handy. Stay out of shelters, that shit is just bed bugs lice fleas psychos and thieves. A mailbox rental for getting mail and storage unit along with the gym membership and sleeping spot are all you need to sustain yourself while looking for work. Cardboard makes a good sleeping pad. More layers is better and can be stashed discreetly.
>gangstalking shit
take your meds geneslop
What does that have to do with /out/?

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It's back, baby!
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>Subhuman calls Americans mutts
every time
I prefer Queef.
It's Gulf of America now too. Check Google Maps.
Better question: why didn't the guy that discovered it simply name it after himself?
damn nigga you atarded

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>Ruins your cactus
These are on my cactus. How do i get rid of these?
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Are those the ones they make crimson dye from? Collect them and make dye.
I mean i used my little shovel and scraped it and thought it was just sticky bug blood. It could be a cool dye project i guess.
eat them
Cochineal bugs. They use them to make red food colouring
are they good cooked?
how big are they?

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mesh cap or field cap?
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I don't like caps cos they don't provide much sun protection.
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or I'll take this one. Bit lighter and less fancy
where the fuck do they sell xxxl size hats? i got a hugeass head
The classic Mle 47 Chapeau de Brousse
M43. Or the finnish copy.

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I was once out hiking in the winter, wanted to make a shortcut to a road and stepped on the edge of a swamp that hadn't properly frozen but was covered in a deep layer of snow.
If I had taken a step too far or in a different place I probably would have drowned as I can't swim
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I learned very quickly in my USMC career to keep a few packets of seasoning mix with my personal shit so that I never have to eat a soul-sucking bland meal again.
It may seem frivolous, but having a decent tasting meal can be the difference between life or death. Food is fuel, but flavor is morale.
I also keep chlorine tablets with me too because if I get lost while day hiking and run out of water, it's nice to have the peace of mind that I'm probably not gonna end up with dysentery.
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i do essentially the same thing, but with beef bullion stock cubes, that way, as long as i can boil water, i can at least have hot soup/broth
When I was 6, an older cousin led me out through burning nettles to a bog where I got sucked in up to the top of one leg. I didnt have glasses yet and am almost blind without them. I wanfered in nettles for hours before finding my way back.
I use miso soup packets, tea bags (caffeinated and not), and sometimes hot chocolate packs for this. I like flat packets that slide easily into flat pockets/pouches or in between other objects; those seasoning packets look perfect for that kind of placement.
Thank you anon. I had no idea these existed.

Is there good /out/ in the soon to be 51st state?
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>>look at my government statistics we even give them free money!
Still struggling with reading comprehension? I never said that. You're also getting to the point where you just choose not to believe objective fact like the KANG you are. Awful delusions.
Get boosted
They are going to lose them in 2 years anyway.
Late reply but came back a few weeks ago.

Here's what I did 1 day in San Jose, one day snorkeling off islands off Fajardo, and one day hiking in El Yunque.

Overall El Yunque is beautiful but extremely touristy so I defiantly preferred the snorkeling even though that was also touristy.

Overall I give the place a 7/10 for /out/. Id like to go back someday but considering there are so many other places in the Caribbean to check out I'm not sure. Wish I went to the high point so maybe I'll go back? I'd like to see parts of the island that aren't in the touristy northeast.
Aren't they mostly hardline catholic? I doubt it would be a "win" for team BLU just because the people are brown-ish

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