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Do you just perpetually live in a state of PC vs Mac, XBOX vs PS4, Apple vs Android?

I don't understand.

Do you just circlejerk and read spreadsheet specs all day?

At least PC masterrace people get to build their own rig, which would count as a bit of a hobby, I guess. Buy all you do is go to the store, purchase, then yell on the internet how your machine is great?
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truth nuke
I use Panasonic and Pentax, because I'm a real photographer who doesn't care about brands.
>subpar cash grabs by washing machine, scope, and printer companies

As opposed to the printer and games console companies you mentioned?
By your definition ZERO companies are fit to make cameras.
>You have two choices in photography. Canon and Sony. Both are amazing. Everything else is for neurotic copers, contrarians, and the clueless dadographers who are nonetheless gearfags.
Agree except for Sony. Sony cameras are not true photographic tools and never will be.
Sony is the best representation of reality, they make video games after all

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Nikon-bros, we are so back.
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Huskyfag tier response
>i took a snapshit of my dog i am the camera buying expert
>Huskyfag tier response
Better than being a nophoto.
>i am the camera buying expert
Unironically, I bet I have more camera sales experience than anyone on the board. All I said though, was that Zf is kinda bulky in practice, and Z 40 is decent for the price. I take shitty photos, 100%, which is why I encourage others to post too, show me up instead of being a nophoto.
>i buy a new camera every week to snapshit my dog. i know what really matters.
One day you will wake up and realize a lumix gx8 is more than you need
Jeez, guys, all I was saying was that it's not as monstrously huge a camera as people claim it to be. Anyway, I've just purchased one, so I guess I'll see just how unwieldy my stupid hipster camera is when it gets here. It's certainly not a pocketable camera, but I wouldn't consider the x100 series pocketable either. I wouldn't even put my little Nikon A in my pocket, unless it was a winter coat.
Oh for sure, I don't need much, different cameras are fun though. Last I bought was the Zf, which is coming up on a year. Maybe one day you will take photos.
It's sick, enjoy.

Anyone ever got tail with their camera?

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>average /p/ creep
keep in mind that all the chicks that were fucked in this thread were 6/10s.
Exactly, the average creep on here needs a gimmick
Implying men here are higher than that or even deserve a 5
Not even

Its an open secret all men with cameras are creeps so all the models that dont have an agent and a bodyguard are desperate 3/10s that are afraid to stand next to a semi-normal man at a bar

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How does one achieve this look? I understand that source subjects (in this case two edgy people) are important part of this aesthetic/vibe, but when it comes to the rest of this image's texture what is the trick here?
why don't you try looking at the catchlights

What would you even do with this?

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You sound like one of those MFT shills lol
As much as medium format film cameras are still expensive (though I have no idea what the price at launch was) I highly doubt digital MF will retain their market value as well over time.
That's the best part, I got mine for dirt cheap and the quality gap is objective
the fuck? sony a7iii came out at $2000 6 years ago, try finding one without 300k shutter count below $1300, they don't lose half their value in 5 years

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>The fujislugs are waking up
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i think it's because normies rent everything else in their life, so the few things they buy to own are getting more expensive
Consumer digital cameras peaked in the mid 2010s and were superseded by mobile phone cameras. With nothing recent worth buying and entry level MILCs dead, the handful of niche camera enthusiasts only have the small collection of late 2010s camera to buy from.
>check eBay
>imported from Japan
>Top mint exc+++++

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I visited a museum and I got this pic, I rly like it :3
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washed out gross color
needs more saturation
Sony really need to fix their colour science
I like the color, but I could have experimented with different tones and saturation for sure
I can imagine this in the cover of my high school chemistry book.

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This was taken with Canon PowerShot SD10

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I read somewhere that this was taken on a Canon T90 but I can’t find the source.

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what does it matter? You'd have to be pretty pathetic to want to seek out his attention.
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Do zoomers care about CCD videography? I have some old VHS video cameras I restored that have 1/2" CCD sensors inside and they look great if you bypass the tape and export the raw video right to a capture card.
I've been trying to market myself to zoomers who want the VHS effect but nobody is biting .
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I know you were looking to do actual a/v with the setup anon but if you take these crt tv videos with sonic or other 90s games and intersperse the tv flipping to channel 2-3 with the blue screen or fuzz and maybe some vintage ads and some decent audio work you could probably make a 10-15min ty vid of "pov you got home from school in 1994" or whatever and that'd pop off and be viral. if you can really stack up the footage you could make one of those ten hour videos too (even if it loops or has long periods where the TV is just time counting up/static/whatever) for the nostalgia nerds to watch while they sleep
Thats not a bad idea. Originally the idea was to piece together the whole game as a 1-2hr video and call it POV: watching your brother play sonic because you were too young" or something.
not sure exactly how your idea would work.
i have 3 inputs on this tv, one is for the game console,
one could be for a VCR playing old tv shows on a loop.
the third could be a signal out from my laptop with a fullscreen of a site that shows old commercials streams
Could be a lot of fun but the fact i have to think so hard about what to do to go viral makes me think im not cut out for this
I just got a new battery for my DVD camcorder in the mail and it seems to work fine. Can anyone recommend any specific DVD-RW discs?
Don't ever use RW discs. Rewriteable DVDs have and always will suck. Just use one time use discs and buy a 50 pack of whatever from wherever is cheapest.
>Don't ever use RW discs. Rewriteable DVDs have and always will suck.
how badly? I actually just got a couple in the mail, lol. They seem to work fine (for now), and I'll be using them as temporary storage before I save them to my computer. I don't care about their long-term stability.

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>must not compress photos
>not a social media like IG
>sleek professional look
>meant to show off best work, not photodump
>no coding/webdev knowledge required

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Host them yourself
>no coding/webdev knowledge required
>I want it all and I want it for free.
Stop making these threads >>4358182 and fuck off you retarded little shit.
git gud scrub
Bruh it doesn't exist.
Pick two. At most kek. Also see >>4359684

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Previous thread at limit >>4350809

This gives me vertigo when looked at fullscreen. Don't think I've encountered that before.

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thanks man
How are Fuji colors so good?
Anon you should have told those asshole birds to get on the high value side of the image. In the shadow it means the eyes drawn to the bright spot, the people in the background, who then fight with the fighting birds for attention, and the people aren't thrown out enough to make them irrelevant, esp bc they're both looking at us Maybe try a tighter crop on the birdies, like this. And a shorter depth of field would have halped blow those people out somewhat.

But then theres a bird directly behind the other two that should really be clonestamped out bc its white is cluttering up the geometry of the one ahead of it. ...but I'm not going to spend the 2 minutes that would take.

I forgot I'm also wearing my bluelight blocking glasses which make everything more yellow, so I prob fucked your colors to bejeezus and back.

Just like in film, you should develop your photos if you want them to truly be your photos. Otherwise they're just some image data the camera puked up.

Well I fixed your image, but you can't see it.
Nice, contrasts a bit hard.

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Do I use silent shutter or not?

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haha nice

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Nice nails

where to learn editing basics? how to have a good personal ig profile? i'm training to socialmaxx in 2025. i want to have an aesthetic profile and a retarded amount of dm's from hot chicks.
i want to learn.

equipment im working with: iphone 15 pro
willing to buy: tripods, lights, etc.
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Tap into gay internet subcultures which are popular in women like dark acedemia, cottage core etc. you have to make art aimed at a community. Choose a subculture and start making curating your profile according to that aesthetic.

Spend two or three weeks on the research about that topic, study everything about that niche. and then when have dissected that aesthetic then start making your shit based on your choosen aesthetic frame work. DM other "creators" and shoot shit with them and if they're in your area try to hang out with them.

Pick a niche
Study that niche
Steal whatever aesthetics that you like
Apply your study on to your practice
Start networking with other creators from your niche

Once you'll put yourself in the cycle for 5 months or so you'll start rolling. Networking is really important don't forget that part, even if you're an introvert you gotta put yourself out there.

For equipment iphone is best for reels and photography.
But if you want hipster points then buy a Fuji x100T

On editing: checkout editing vids on YouTube for whatever fag aesthetic you'll pick
so fucking gay it hurts... this is going to be pretty difficult right lol

thanks for the info mate
>Once you'll put yourself in the cycle for 5 months or so you'll start rolling
yeah i'm thinking the actual start is going to be really hard, growing an account from scratch... but then it should get easier... thx

There is a secret curves preset you can apply to your images and it makes women sleep with you or dm you, they don’t care at all how you look or dress it’s just that exact shadow depth that does it. It’s also critical to have the exact Fuji camera and lens or it won’t work.

It’s strange really that after a million years of evolution it all came down to one Fuji camera and lens but it did.

Good luck studying the test charts, maybe you can figure out which one it is.
>aesthetic = gay as fuck
What has the world come to, bros?

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Has anyone actually experienced damage to camera film from airport x-ray scanners?

I recently came back from a trip after carrying unexposed film once in my checked hold luggage and once in my hand luggage, so it's been through the regular scanners and also the (apparently more powerful) hold luggage scanners. It's 800 iso, so according to everything I could find online it should've been cooked. But it wasn't: photos came out completely fine.

Has anyone ever actually had a problem with airport x-rays or is this all just a meme?
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Just get a lead bag and always ask for a hand inspection. Just say its photography film and needs to be hand inspected. The bag is like $30 and its just extra insurance if they do end up putting it in a machine.

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I get around this issue by just buying and developing the film in whatever place I'm visiting

I know this isn't an end-all be-all solution but it works for a lot of places, especially capital cities.
It’s not the cray scanners, it’s the newer CT scanners. Not all airports have them.
Is that Reykjavik?
looks real familiar
Charter a private flight with carry-on baggage

Just a sensor that attaches to the smartphone.
The best of both worlds.

The smart part of the smartphones.
Plus the big sensor of an ILMC.

If you replace your Iphone 15 with the iphone 16, this device will become smarter too.

Meanwhile the standard ILMC and DSLR will become dumber and dumber as years pass by.
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>Storage Internal 64GB + External storage available via USB-C SSD
Not even an SD?
>Meanwhile the standard ILMC and DSLR will become dumber and dumber as years pass by.
Good. Fuck your glowie botnet.
>increasing the risk
>we predict that from 2060 to 2100
This is a speculative paper, and not even stating what you reported.
>nobody said you're dumb because you spend time behind a Leica
If that says something about you is rather that you might be a tad autistic.
>The smart part of the smartphones.

From the FAQ:
>Alice Camera has its own hardware and software processing pipeline inside the camera tightly coupled to the image sensor, allowing fast readout speeds and enabling cutting-edge multi-exposure AI-based computational photography techniques such as those found in high-end smartphones like the Google Pixel. The attached phone is used to run the Alice Camera app which acts as an electronic viewfinder and control interface, taking advantage of the extraordinarily high-quality screens found in modern smartphones, and can also be used to post-process and share images and video taken with Alice Camera using popular third-party apps such as Adobe Lightroom and Youtube.
They are pricing this thing at $1300 kek.
>he needs his camera to be 'smart', whatever that means
Have you thought about becoming smarter instead?

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