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>call themselves rich
yeah no one did that but you lmfao
Projectus Maximus

Just work harder for the things you want and save your money if you are too poor / bad with finances to qualify for 0% financing
Don't worry, you'll get there!
It's not sprint, it's a marathon
great thread
Apple is for poorfags. I'm sorry you have to cope over this, but it's for poorfags. Poor people buy apple. It's just what they do. All of the lower class, all of the sub-90 IQ score retards, the people who struggled to get a GED or didn't even get one, all of the worthless potheads, drug addicts, and criminals rolling around in clapped out caddies whenever they weren't in jail, a 1 bedroom apartment, or a single wide trailer, all saw apples advertising on the bar TV and some shit "studies (surveys) show apple users are loaded and handsome" articles in wired (totally real and not paid off btw) while they were waiting at the child support office, and they thought
"yknow i should get me that shit so people know i aint all that bad"
And so they all bought apple. Constantly. Apple responded. They made the SE. They went from "THE iPhone" to multiple iphones targeting different price points. They started their own financing biz. And apple rolled in irresponsible poorfag cash. Every cletus, jamal, and jose in the $30k and under income bracket financed an iphone and a macbook air.

Now whenever you flash the fruit in public most people who see it assume you're a broke bitch trying to hide it. Just like when people see a used mid-2ks cadillac. You're old, or you're poor! Then you come here and accuse people who own $13k gaming PCs, live in mcmansions, and post snapshits with $10k camera setups that don't make them a dime (and they don't care), and say
>you guys must be too poor for a mac
And we're like nah. And you just repeat it. And repeat it. And repeat it. "Coping poor, keep coping, poor poor poor"
But no matter how much you say it, the poor won't unstick from you until you ditch the smartphone and laptop equivalent of a used cadillac. I'm sorry. That's just how it is.

Apple is for poorfags. And I derive a lot of satisfaction from telling you, because I sorta miss interrupting apple sois flashing my bank balance IRL where they couldn't "c-c-trl plus i!" cope.
with how many bugs and build quality issues apple's been plagued with since jobs died i'd compare it to a used buick myself

android's a used cadillac. it gets nice new things before the used buick.
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No an idiot admires a companies cuckoldry like yourself having a walking slave machine that constantly sends data back to Apple with all your info and data. Oh and all the separate "apps" you have to download for a even more of a gimped look.

A genius admires specialty, not a cuck of all trades

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So, i'm really into the gritty b/w photography of Moriyama, particularly his late 80s ish work but generally a fan of his. I like film but understand it's antiquated nature not necessarily being beginner friendly. Regardless should I just cop any digishit or decent compact film cam(like Olympus M2), in the moriyama spirit or would getting a reliable camera like a ricoh GR serve me better long term? I have bad experience with a Konica Big Mini that just up and died on me. Also how expensive is the process of producing your own film/negatives? If anything putting everything into the post production/negatives would help me better in the long term?

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I think he used a really shit Ricoh digital point and shoot zoom for a while too. Just get some junk like that with a working flash and the rest is PhotoShop.
Dude just takes trash photos that somehow work because he captures a "I never stopped playing RapeLay after I turned 14" aesthetic, which makes it inherently more interesting and intriguing than the photos of 99% of people.
So get a trash camera. Search "Ricoh GR" on ebay and take your pick.
Any specific recs/Ricoh GR models? My plan was to go straight to the thrift my next paycheck and get whatever camera they had behind the counter but I do need to learn the inter-specifics in terms of filmspeed and all that
>"I never stopped playing RapeLay after I turned 14"
A man living out all of our dreams, holy gigabased.
The cheapest one. Imagine you are living in the middle of tokyo and struggling to afford rent, cigarettes, and booze simultaneously. If you can not afford a ricoh gr, you will have to get another awful camera. Don't sacrifice your sake budget.

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Summer 2024 edition

All video related questions and discussion is intended for this thread. Here we discuss techniques, gear and anything else related to capturing video footage. Please don't pretend to be an expert if you don't know what you're talking about. Kindly leave your ego at the door.
Posting short films/scripts or other work you've done is encouraged.
We tend to use and recommend DSLRs/mirrorless cameras because they provide phenomenal picture quality for their price, have large sensors (ie the same size used in high-end cinema cameras and higher) and have interchangeable lenses.
In contrast, consumer camcorders often have much smaller sensors and a fixed lens.

>STICKY - https://text.is/QZ1J
>Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://web.archive.org/web/20200926115310/https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ


Previous thread >>4307820

Quick FAQS

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you could set a cheap zoom near stage and do better than a camera mounted videomic
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For VIDEO, what's considered an upgrade to the r6ii? Can't afford a $5000 c70.
Hybridfags deserve the rope
R5 C, but you'll need to invest in a cage and a v mount battery because it'll chew through an LPE6 in like half an hour
Bump limit reached, new thread

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how useless is it?

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The same reason I do anything; because I felt like it.
Show me a photograph you felt like taking.
Maybe you should take a good photo sometime
>pointless VR
Anon was asking about F mount lenses.
I'm referring to the AF-D.

>and wide aperture
Even if we were talking about the Z optic, its aperture is the same as all other small format ~100mm macros made in the last 40 years (the Leica 90mm f/4 excepted, which isn't even a true macro lens).
I will, when I feel like it.
Aside from architectural photography, it allows you to have your depth of field on a tilted plane in respect to the sensor. Great for still life, portrait of groups of people and many more things.
Not essential, but a game changer if you "need" it.

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I want to start processing B&W at home but don't know where to start. What tank do I buy? What about developer; Rodinal, D76, XTOL, etc? What's the best develop/stop/fix kit out there? Are bleachers/wetting agents necessary? Do I need a darkroom or can I just do everything in a changing bag?

TLDR: I just want a grocery list and rationale for each item. I'm starting from ground zero.

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Get at least a two reel Paterson tank so it can fit 120, and a large changing bag/tent. Chemistry for bw is pretty interchangeable so go with whatever is cheapest or easiest for you to acquire, just to get used to the process, and any fixer. Stop bath isn’t absolutely required and neither is a wetting agent. Bleach is more of a colour thing as well. The trickiest thing will be getting used to loading the film more than the dev process itself. Might need a film picker as well if you want to save/reuse your canisters.
TLDR, dark bag, 2 reel tank, cheap developer like rodinal, fixer, done.
Thanks, I'll probably get a Jobo 1520 since I heard the Patersons have some leakage. Is a stop bath only required if I'm using more concentrated developer ratios? And will the bleach improve contrast? Blix recommendations would be great as well.

>film picker
I'm not enough of an autist to implement bulk loading into my diet.
Patersons dont have leakage if you use the spin to win stick and just develop with the top off. Hate inversions. Most autistic thing I've ever done.

But yeah fuck paterson.
You could use bleach for black and white for contrast adjustment, sure, but why do you feel the need to? It’s pretty uncommon and It’s probably the last way I’d pick to address that. Either adjust contrast when you print, or in software after you scan. Did someone tell you it’s part of the process or something?

Considering the newly announced Pentax 17 is an overpriced toy camera failure what are some alternatives in the half-frame gear world for half the price?
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onions cuck
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I have one of these, olympus pen EF. Its fun

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The new Pentax 17 is not overpriced. You get a thumb winder, a leaf shutter, and a zone focus system.

But, film is a horrible choice for newbs. Get a dslr, to learn photography. You look through the optical viewfinder and try to imagine the resulting image, then immediately see if it worked out. tight loops, quick learning. And cheap dslr are fine for learning. Your first 1000 photos will suck
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What would be a good half frame with built-in flash, a non fixed ISO and multiple exposure capabilities?

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p1000 or 300mm (same price range) of quality lense?
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Women are stuoid. Time women did my dishes and mended my socks.
>reduced to an incoherent mess because someone used a 100-400 in a church once and refused to post their paying customers first kiss snapshit
me: got paid $3500
you: 35 years and counting, still hasn't gotten laid or paid
Shocked that abnoying bitch hasn't been raped already. Not me, I don't want ass eater AIDS.

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>"noooo you just believe because someone told you"
>nah, here's how you can verify yourself
>"UR DUMB!!!"
About what I would expect.
-full moon
-lunar eclipse
-day / night cycle
-different constellations of stars on northern and southern hemisphere

these can only happen on a spherical earth, pizza disk earth can't explain these phenomenons logically and rationally

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Hey guys, so I'm an amateur street photographer, and I'm trying to achieve a fisheye effect, as you can see.

The matter here is that I can't get the same effect that the Windows Photos app gives to raw wide photos (like the 3rd one). In my attempt, I created the 1st image, but the Photoshop lens correction doesn't achieve the same effect. as it expands the center, unlike the Windows algorithm, and it also loses information from the edges. Plus, the black corners don't blend/blur with the image. How would you guys achieve that effect?

English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse me if I'm not explaining my ideas quite well. I hope you can help/advise me.
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Windows 10 looks like shit though.
>I think I want a diagonal fisheye for this effect?
You should just post an example image of the look you want to acheive.
Doing it digitally will never be satisfactory and you'll lose quality trying to emulate it vs a very short focal length lens..

Go for a Stereographic diagonal.
7artisans have a nice 8mm that's really cheap and you can experiment a lot with it. It's not extremelly sharp but wathever.

Fisheyes use several different mapping functions (i.e. how the reality is projected on the sensor). The lens correction usually use the "imperfect" rectilinear function of each lense (when thos data are available) to compensate for the distortion.

You could teoretically achieve fisheye effects applyng fisheye mapping functions to an undistorted rectilinear projection. The problem is that you will have a limited FOV so no real fisheye look. 100-120° instead of 160-220°.
This is why the software you can find only do the opposite: they apply an inverse fisheye mapping function to a fisheye pic to obtain a rectinilinear projection.

Anyway, there are a lot of problems related to "information density" that in fisheye projections is uneven, so you have problems during the conversion and usually rectified fisheye images have very bad corners.

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prove me wrong
>protip: you can’t

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boohoo, sony fag
I used to use Sony + iPad Pro, but now I use Sony + S9 Galaxy Ultra tablet for editing now (Lightroom).

My phone however always been android and PC always been Windows.

micro four thirds
I heard Sony phone has app to be external monitor for the camera.
How useful is mobile software for sony?
I'm thinking about switching from XT3 to A7ii or a6400 if i can remotely control the camera and edit on the spot.
Have nonestly never tried it. I use Lightroom on a tablet for editing and thats it.

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>mogs your m43 camera while being smaller and producing better images
How does Canon keep doing it bros?
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Yes because going from 2x to 1.6x crop isn't that huge of a leap. You do get magic Canon bullshit, but if you're going to invest in a new set of glass, you get an R8 at minimum now
>If someone doesn't like my garbage camera, they must suck at photography
/m43/ threads have the worst photos ever so nah

it's garbage
I shant be doing that sister
The funniest fact about equivalence is that in real life, you almost never would have to shoot "equivalently". Some nerd would whine that your background is slightly blurrier and you cheated, but people would care more that their skin wasn't made of bayer branded sandpaper
Build quality seems pretty mid on the entry level FF canons. Dunno would rather just get a lumix S1 or something
Correct, but my point is buying even an R7 - Canon's ***best*** APS-C is not much of a better alternative build wise either for the cut in IQ you're getting.

Don't get me wrong, I own an APS-C R series and love it, but fuck Canon and FF is objectively better even if you have to deal with plastic fantastic.

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how do i make adobe not check my lightroom legitness? This was a fresh install a week back but now it's acting out again.
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You aren’t the target demo, lol.
right, colleges forcing students to learn adobe are

capture one is a lot better. and industry standard, but remember, statistically most pros shoot jpeg.
You aren’t the target demo for capture one either.
Weird post. You seem insecure. Did the anime girl you're dating in your imagination make fun of your weiner?
>You seem insecure. Did the anime girl you're dating in your imagination make fun of your weiner?

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Which one should I load?

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
PhotographerMarkku Vimpari
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So are you going to use it or just be a nostalgic lil bitch and keep it in a box in the closet?
Of course I'm going to use it. Vacations with the family coming up lads.
Based. Be sure to take some to share with us as well.
I have a cupboard full of pictures taken with that camera. I'd post them if I wouldn't literally dox myself lmao. End of the 90's to late 00's germanycore nostalgia would kill anyone who saw them kek.
I just loaded OP's mom. lol

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Now that the dust has settled and it's clear that DSLRs were the peak of digital photography. Which is the offically the king of digital? Pentax K1 mki or Nikon D850 and who is your honorable mention?
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Your photo is a good demonstration of what sucks about the k-1. that lens.
>weather sealed meme modern camera
>the weather sealed meme modern lenses are snoy gm pricy, canon RF L big, and perform like old AF nikkor lenses
>best glass for it is all old screw drive and manual lenses
pentax is acutely aware of this. it has a trap focus function for MF users.
yes you're meant to do that
some cameras and lenses look better processed one way others look better processed another way

the takeaway should be that the 5ds produces amazing fine art quality but it's not necessary for every photo
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it is the same, but you do not need to hone every picture
So no laboratory grade tests. Got it.
is it the
>DOA irrelevant mount
>factory backfocuser
neither its the 5DSR /thread

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Since the world is soon getting filled with wind turbines, I want to document what little is available to me through photography. What do I need to know about landscape? What is the standard gear for this? Can you do landscape photography with a shitty APS-C? Do people who do landscape usually know about predicting weather conditions?
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>almost none = none at all
Work on your reading comprehension. Most landscape photographers are bad, I'd say to a greater extent than other genres.
most landscape photographers are good, average at worst

and then you have womens portraits. i genuinely think 99.9% of womens portraits are awful, and if humans of both sexes were not programmed to have an involuntary dopamine response to women with certain physical characteristics, and culturally programmed to admire those who maintain the company of women, the photos would be more clearly trash. like replace the woman with a cat or something and all of a sudden its just clearly garishly lit generic junk.

why even bother being a good photograper, or a good artist? take photos of women. spend time with women. make sure everyone knows you do. and make sure they are pretty women. it doesn't matter if you go ham on the colored gels and never hire a real makeup artist and your only lighting setups are offset softboxes and clamshell umbrellas, if pretty women good photo right?
I don't even think I disagree but you might just hate women and like nature lol
>you might just hate women
I like women short of wanting to fuck them desu
it's a sad state of affairs

>Canon RF $1500
>Sony FE $1400
>Nikon Z $598

How does Nikon keep on winning?
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>is any Nikon anything Japanese?
You mean current?
Only the original Z6 and Z7 were made in Japan.
Even the D6 has been outsourced to Thailand since the closure of the Sendai plant.
Nearly all Z primes are made in China, with a few being made in Thailand.
All diffractive optics are manufactured at their Chinese plant.
The Z zooms are a mixed bag of Japan and Thailand (maybe some from China, I can't recall)
Some of the non-DO super telephoto primes are made in Japan.
Thank god too. Just look at sigma for an example of japanese manufacturing
>copy variation: the brand
Or this

Mmmm japanese quarity

US made cameras make a comeback when? Who is most likely to move production stateside? Sony, since they’re essentially an american movie studio company?
>Japanese quarity
Oldfags know
Yet, america is never making a consumer digi stills camera, ever, only machine vision cams and security systems. we hate fun.

Optical softness is rarely good. It's an effect, like a diffusion filter, not something you want to be forced to have, but specifically for digital cameras. This is because the blur can confuse the bayer filter and make it look even lower resolution than it actually is. On film soft lenses are ok, they just look glowy instead of smudged.
this was caused by the phone connection with the canon app, not the camera'a build quality retard
No it's not. The Tamron is a lot bigger and heavier and has more elements. It's also a lot sharper.

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