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Nikon L35AF
I am about to buy one. Any last second things I should know?
Looks like a pretty good camera to me.
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The cost of film cameras is going through the roof, especially point and shoots above all else.

I actually might have to cancel the plan and just skip it.

but yeah I agree, why the fuck is an extremely dodgy old point and shoot film camera selling for $500? The price is totally ridiculous for something that prone to breaking down.
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this is one of the nice early models you want, just sold with the lens filter/cap/case for less than $189
if you're paying $500 you're actually retarded.
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I’ve also seen Olympus mjus and Pentax espinos listed for 4-500 dollars. But if op watches those ads he’d see they rarely sell. Just needs to keep looking and wait it out a (relatively) good priced one eventually comes along. Sniping eBay listings is a fun time. Picrel bagged this today

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>taking a fucking cosina made meme licensed brand dog shit over one of the best minoltas

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because normie consoomers don't get a lot of mileage out of their rational mind, duh

>normie consoomer living life moment to moment and paycheck to paycheck: it is my duty to buy and lose money on garbage before buying something nice. once i reach the limits of the R8 I will buy an R6II.
>high IQ: if i was wasting money on trial garbage i'd spend closer to, oh, i don't know, $100, not $1300. olympus om-d for me, or actually i'll sit and think and decide if i really want to do photography then i'll buy a nice camera and use it for years.
>Went from an old D7000 to a T7 when I was broke after college
>Had it for years, felt severely limited after having shot with some professional cameras
>Finally decide to upgrade
>R8 and R6MkII as my choices
>Not sure if the extra price of the R6 was worth it
>Try out my friend's R8 for a day
>Bought the R6MkII and never looked back
The R8 is basically a camera for beginners who want to brag that they have a full frame sensor. I grew out of the T7 immediately, and the R8 was no different.
Heh you can see a lil ant on the 'comb, quite neat
You know what would actually perform the same as an r6 in the hands of a total retard who uses AI cope? a micro four thirds setup for 1/4 the price
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Here's the same image without the AI "cope"
Can you pinpoint the difference?

Also absolute retard take, since both the R8 and R6II have the same sensor and the same image processor

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didn't we use to have an aircrafts general thread? anyway here it is revived
photos from the faggotville air show last weekend. weather was objectively shit. no good position on the flight line to be had either
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I'm airport ops. I'm a fucking moron with no idea how to take good photos and my Thinkphone takes ass pics from a distance.

I will contribute if I get gear recommendations for a first timer at photography with a $3-400 budget, since I have access to everywhere other than stuff that will put me in danger or active runways. There's a lot of things I see with my two eyes that look fucking cool but my phone cannot capture without looking completely underwhelming
Used D3400 (or D5x00/D7x00) + kit telephoto zoom lens (get the one with VR if you feel like spending a bit more, it's worth it)
How important is a telephoto lens? I was gonna do this >>4335593 but I'm now realizing from reading that the R50 is a great body with expensive lenses. I'm not scared to buy used...but mind you that's $600 for a refurb R50 just not sure if the 18-45mm lens gonna be enough.

I can set myself 5-700 feet from centerline of most runways here I would love to take a few pictures of planes on touchdown. It's a major airport so I'll get to photo 747/777/A380s.

The dual lens Nikon is uncommon, when I find them they're like $600-800
EF adapter for $60. EFS 55-250 IS STM for $350 new, $150 used. Sure it's old glass and not the best telephoto but you want a budget option, there us ho

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it's been almost 6 years since Canon lauched the EOS R series.
What's the veredict?
Has it lived up to the expectations?
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kek I use linux on and off(primarily for work), but those types are fucking awful, they made /g/ turn to shit over a decade ago.
I don't even have pricey camera gear, hell my most expensive lens is the rf100-400mm lmfao, I don't know what it is with this board and actually giving a fuck about what brand they and other's use.
As long as you're having fun, getting out there and shooting, doesn't matter if it's a phone or the most top of the line shit.
It's like their camera is a fucking fashion statement and their brand represents them, when in reality normal people could not give a single fuck lmfao.
>Turn it off if you shoot with a tripod though
Don't the more recent lenses automatically detect a stable mount and turn off the IS group?
>That mile long surveillance link trailer
What are you doing, friend?
Drop everything starting with the question mark.

That would be news to me, but how recent are we talking cause homie is getting an EF kit
>how recent are we talking cause homie is getting an EF kit
At least since stepper motors were introduced, I think.

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Hi /p/

Two weeks ago I was attending Japanese culture festival in my city and I wanted to upload some of the photos I made to ask you for your opinion. I honestly think I should made better ones so any advise is welcomed. I regret actually taking only 24-120 f/4 lens with me, especially in-doors I would really make use of something more like 70-200 2.8 but wanted to carry less weight for whole day.

Hope its not a problem if I would try to pload ~50 photos one after another. If it actually is, just say so. Thanks in advance for any reply.

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Okay, to use same thread instead of making new one, did some tests with installing new Darktable version on laptop (normally I work on 2.6, it now have 4.6 or something) and Im honestly feeling both irritated and helpless.

No matter what settings I try, each time I attempt to use color profile extracted from Nikon photo with NX Studio, it always ends up with either all colors washed out greatly or way too dark (and attempting to use "unbreak input color profile" function ends with overblown lights no matter what. Worse yet, each new DT version seems to replace, add or remove modules which means I can't even use same methods as with 2.6 to get colors close to original Nikon ones. When I try to find answers on search egnine, I 7+ years old posts about people using default settings or importing color profiles without fuss and getting same results. DT manual explains nothing and even refers to some old sister project "for more info". Not to mention YT "tutorials" with 1.5h lectures about color theory instead of just telling what needs to be done.

Either Im stuck with old Darktable and different colors or I will have to do bulk if not all the work with NX Studio now. I honestly don't now what to do. Here is one example.

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At the other hand, I don't see much difference in noise reduction. Except washed out colors mentioned earlier.

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in other words, nx studio gets slightly better results for less effort

you even have a 3 part sharpening control and a tone curve
you're using way more noise reduction and different sharpening. the settings aren't equal.
Thoroughly enjoyed your pics OP, looks like a fun time all in all
Can't get over white people rp'ing as japs though, so weird lmao

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Marine Edition

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development

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Nice one anon. In an alternative reality, I took a photo of that same car, right here. :)

I have a II. I used Ikelite silicone grease, but really any dielectric silicone grease will work. Do the main ring and all the rings on the lenses. They have a separate seal on the back of the lens where it mounts on the body. Also doesn't hurt to put a very thin layer on the seat of the lens mount where that seal goes.

Fresh and salt doesn't matter but after salt water use you will want to clean it in fresh water or let it sit in fresh water for a day to get the salt off of all the seal surfaces where it interfaces with metal.
should I get it serviced, if the rings look good and not flattened?

It's probably fine but remove them and put some silicone grease on your fingers and run it across the seal and its surfaces.
I'm talking about the non-user serviceable seals in the camera, like spindle, advance lever and film counter

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I want to buy a cheap microscope and connect my Nikon to it to make photos of tiny shit. Is Levenhuk 740T a good entry point? It's absurdly cheap and seems to be very popular in Russia.
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Optics are more or less same in all cheaper real microscopes. Non-toy microscopes are limited by diffraction and lightning. Expensive microscopes have massively sturdy mechanics and fancy lightning systems. Optics also may have sightly more aperture which helps with diffraction and pass polarized light unmolested.
You do understand that depth of field through microscope is really thin? And anything you put under scope needs to be in mounting medium (which can be water in lower magnification) between a microscope slide and cover slide for optics to work properly. If you want anything but 2d slices of "tiny shit" a microscope is not ideal tool.
This, though it probably won't be that cheap. Otherwise just get a cheap CH-2 or some such and take photos through the eyepiece with your phone. The optics that matter the most here are the objectives anyway.
OP here. Forgot to explain that by "photos of tiny shit" I meant documenting my penis.
you shotposting days are near the end when EU starts reporting your hohol ass back to ocraina to be FABed and droned by Russians
A good cheap microscope is significantly cheaper than a good cheap telescope.

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Why are some photographers so worked up over that?
>Aspherical optics are creating sharper images than ever before, new technology makes it easier to manufacture.
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Cat surrounded by catseye bokeh balls would be peak kino
The distracting part there is the soap bubble balls and busy nervous looking bokeh
I think the soap bubble effect is more distracting than the cats eye effect
>it is the self interference of light waves within a lens which creates this pattern
really? coz I'm pretty sure it's because of the "ridges" or unevenness on the surface of the asphere due to imperfect molding or polishing
Poor quality finish on the optics. I bet it's sigma
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Summilux-M 50mm f/1.4 ASPH.

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>new Adobe terms and conditions

What's the best Lightroom alternative? I could go cracked, but I'm interested in other options away from Adobe software.
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I just got Affinity Photo 2 (actually, the whole bundle) and I'm pleased with it as a lightroom alternative for my needs.
It's not a lightroom alternative for everyone's needs -- e.g. no batch processing, the tools aren't as deep.
But I'm just a hobbyist and focus mostly on the artistic side of photography, I'm not trying to process 1000s of wedding photos. I want to edit my photos and have fun and make some nice results, and I think Affinity Photo 2 does a good job of that. It might also be my style -- I tend to take more time on fewer shots vs. just spamming the shutter release like most of you all do.
For the hobbyist, the main missing feature IMO is library management. You'll need a different tool for that.
Definitely something I recommend to hobbyists as a Lightroom Developer and Photoshop alternative in one software package.
Darktable is a great example of why open source software will never properly take off. It's dominated by autistic developers who shouldn't even be in the same room of anyone with a say in UX.
>darktable is created for photographers, by photographers.
Correction: by autistic photographers for autistic photographers.
Sure, it's "technically correct" in practically any regard you examine it.
The software works great if, at the beginning of the process, you can look at the photo and know just about what modules and settings it's going to need to get a desired final result. That works great for optimizing fidelity of over-the-horizon wind turbine pictures and other autistic photographic obsessions.
It fucking falls apart for the vast majority of photographers who need a degree of explorability in their developing process, because frankly, the vast majority of good art is inherently ambiguous and has too many variables to consider with various compromises and no right answer.
This makes the autistic photographer seethe, of course, who'll find ways to dismiss this art on technical grounds then blame women as to why 99% of people prefer that photography over their autistic train photo collection carefully curated for maximum sharpness and details present regardless of any compositional considerations.
And that's the kind of photographer Darktable works well for (and generally, the example of the failure of open source software to succeed).
People seems to recommend Phocus but is it actually working with other camera systems?
apple photos, hit a few sliders, crop and export... i don't get what y'all are on about, make better photos
sunk coast fallacy imo
It's perfectly usable if you aren't braindead, you are just salty you overspent on something that's hardly any better

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What raw editors are you guys using? I started with Lightroom a decade ago but eventually left to us Darktable since it wasn't subscription trash. I recently tried Capture One though and found it to be much nicer to use and it gave better results than Darktable. Now i'm debating if it's worth the 300$ for a copy of Capture One. What do you guys you use?
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Shooting jpeg is not really different than shooting film and having someone else develop it for you exactly the same every time. You do relinquish some measure of control but it's not inherently good or bad.
scanning/printing is where the jpeg, raw+jpeg, and raw analogies exist

development only matters for B&W and lomoshitting
Install GIMP and darktable/rawtherapee instead.
How to actually apply colour profile properly in Darktable? Each time I try to apply my Nikon one, extracted from NX Studio, I get very dark photo instead and trying to "unbreak entry profile" at any setting leave it either overblown or washed away from colours.


I am located in Hyderabad India. My Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 80-400mm f4.5-5.6G ED len cannot aotofocus. It focus little then stop. Please kindly refer trusted len repair service in Hydrabad India to service my len.

Thank you kindly Sirjis.
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Hello Saar,

This is the joke

Thank you Saar
this isnt a repair service board you fucking pajeet
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You don't needful that lens.
Saar Sony camera is outside budjet, please advice other camera to me.
saars get a medium format philm camra its better than daljeetal and also very chep

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Post your black and white images, and tell me how much mine suck!
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Yeah, I rotated it a little, and it looks much better.
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Some sort of carving
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Very nice gallery here OP. Do you have any site to share? A friend of mine just got into B&W and I would like to show him your work.

Post your favorite shots of animals that you've taken. This isn't so much a gearfaggotry thread, but discuss your favorite telephoto lenses if you'd like. For me, it's the Sigma 150-600 F5-6.3.

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First time seeing a mole. Think he was sleeping, or maybe sunbathing

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With super-telephotos you're better off upping your ISO speed a bit and speeding up your shot. The barrel jiggle is significant at 500mm, even if you're holding on tight, or even on a tripod.
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That nigga dead
New bread for images

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Do you have a D(esk)SLR?
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>was a gift from my sister
Cute; why'd she get it for you?
>do you have an anime figure
This is the part that needs to stop.
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She went to Japan and knew I was watching NGE. It was a blind box and I got the best pull, but I'm more of a Misato guy.

Not posable sry.

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What'd she go to Japan for?
Too bad she didn't get you an Asuka themed Pentax Q.
But anime figgers are goted

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A while back I sold a 35mm camera to a random dude online. He asked me all sorts of newbie questions about how to use the thing. I replied to the best of my abilities and the transaction went through. We chatted a bit and it turns out the dude works as a photographer and is educated as one. Even has a portfolio online of mostly portraits on his studio's website. A bit into the conversation he told me that he was "tired of using his Sony on automatic mode and wanted a challenge".
It made me wonder how many photographers by profession chose that field of work as a last minute decision when choosing where to study and what exactly it is that they learn. Probably not much beyond composition and lighting would be my guess.
In the dudes defense it has to be said that he was a zoomer.
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Why would he? LED continuous lights are relatively cheap, no need to go flash route
I never said anything about flashes but nevertheless, you're wrong.
I loled imagining the dude moving lights and the camera kept readjusting his settings until he got absurdly close with it that it looked goofy
I'm an entrepreneur by profession and back in the days before I picked up photography as a hobby, I used to go to a professional near my house who took photos of all my products that I sold. He sat and manually removed the backgrounds from all the photos and then started saving them as JPEG files. I asked him; "Hey, can you not save them as PNG instead? Since you removed the background. If you save them as JPEGs, they will be generated with white background. Also the PNGs will have higher quality". And he said: "No, JPEG is the highest quality. Those are uncompressed files".
Most LEDs have shit CRI compared to flash.
Most flashes are much more bright than LEDs you can find.
LED makes sense for video, not so much for photo.

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