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cows are cute
Why? If people want CN stuff, they'll create a market demand for it. Then companies will grow to supply this demand. No government intervention required.

You're not just demanding CN to satiate your selfish desires to control people are you???
Cows are carbon protagonists
>controlling cows good
>controlling people bad
People didn't care about carbon footprint of cows until they were fed the data.
Then people wanted CN cows and the market provided them.
Now the market will provide CN people.

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Did homo erectus have erectile dysfunction too or is that exclusively a homo sapiens thing?
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ahh you hedged your bets that's cheating
^this is the one right here
You fucking niggers
Let me try
Only virgins can do it
My crush can't do it though, and she's a virgin
Erection drive is connected to some brain receptors, Melanocortin. Every day it seems the brain has some receptor for something.
When you stimulate the melanocortin receptors you get boners. Dunno how its connected to looking at women.

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If we can find out the mechanism behind this, we can figure out time travel
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You have no idea what time or time crystals are, fuck off
we do it frequently, every day. it's not hard.
gods chosen do not allow it
time travel to the future is (relatively) easy. happens across your body constantly, while standing upright, your head is older than your knees
Pretty sure you'd have to turn yourself into a time-crystal in order to travel through time. And good luck changing yourself back into a human because any tech that could do this would be in the future.

If space and time are one and the same thing, then why is space expanding while time isn't?
The FLRW metric can be written in conformally flat coordinates such that the scale factor applies to the time coordinate too.
who says it isn't?
Pretty sure time is expanding, if it weren't expanding how would it move
They’re not the same intrinsically but that is one way to model it that gives pretty good predictive power.

Are holograms even possible?
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not in clear air. you need something for light to scatter from/interact with, so it gets redirected to your eyes.
but fully doable virtually in your brain, provided you have the necessary augmentation for it.
>you need something for light to scatter from/interact with,
Can't you do it with air alone given a temperature differential.
Aren't those drone swarm shows a really primitive version of free-floating holograms? They're not intangible, tho.
dunno but sounds energetically expensive
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No. A hologram is higher dimensional image encoded into lower dimensions. Typically you see those in 2D laser holographic films that depicts 3D images. What OP is talking about, and what 3CPO is projecting, is a volumetric image.

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V2 Hardware Sighting Edition

Previous - >>16279321
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starliner isn't leaving yet
Musk feuded with Trump and backed DeSantis. Now he is kissing the ring. There is no comeback no matter how shit Newsom is.
>There is no comeback no matter how shit Newsom is.
What do you mean no comeback? Trump won't work with Elon anymore?
>more cali subhumans flooding Texas


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>Ironically, the Chinese nuclear industry has a great deal of just the type of heavy competition that a free market theorist would like.
No its not. What a ridiculous statement you've made. Nuclear is regulated everywhere because nuclear is close to nukes. What a stupid thing you've said.
>They have four nuclear energy companies
Everything is essentially state owned in china.
So free market principles don't apply. What part of "Free market" don't you get? Government is the antithesis of free you commie idiot.
What part of "a great deal of just the type of heavy competition that a free market theorist would like" didn't you get? I didn't say that it was a "free market".

Besides, the definition of free market isn't that market actors are privately owned; the definition of a free market is that the market actors make decisions solely on the basis of market demand and supply, without external intervention. This is not necessarily incompatible with government ownership; it depends on whether the government as an owner instructs the companies to operate based on market conditions alone, or based on other considerations. Free market is not the same as capitalism, and a free market does not necessarily need to be based on capitalism, although it usually is.
This type of pollution is exactly what a free market does. Regulation is necessary to prevent negative externalities such as water pollution
He also talked in another episode about the extremely toxic regulatory environment that was the case for a while

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If it's true that we all exist in a personal biosphere and the people we see are vessels converted for our biosphere bearing a signal of real people in their own biospheres, is there a mental action we can perform that makes our signal in other people's biospheres act how we want?
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Is it possible to catapult something so fast that it goes around the world before being slowed down by the air? Or would it have to be too fast to stay in the atmosphere.
Where do you think the moon came from?
it would take a magical element that doesn't burn and masses more than any known substance, being thrown by a device stronger than anything ever built, and it would leave a trail of devastation in its wake. Thousands, even millions would die if you were to somehow prove the possibility true, so I hope you have a good reason for wanting to know this.
would need to be something that survives forces involved, but also designed into a shape and have properties which allow for extremely low friction. Otherwise you'd have to impart so much speed it escapes the atmosphere, but at that point you could try pitching down to provide lift with gravity.

Let's compile a list of lectures where the lecturer wrote a book/notes specifically for that subject and which shine in terms of quality. I'll start:


book is picrel
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Lagrangian mechanics youtube video series from this book

>differential forms
read Sternberg's lectures on differential geometry
any book that purports to cover a billion topics is bound to be shallow garbage, written to scam impressionable freshmen.
maybe not as high level as some other stuff here but Gilbert Strang mentions his book on linear algebra in his series of video lectures on youtube, they go together.

> Horrible scratchy zoom audio
You'd think smart people would at least get this right

I have recently explored the possibility of doing a FFT entirely with addition, subtraction, and transpose.
Turns out this is indeed possible, however, you're approximating the phase, so you need to project to a lattice and then at the end perform a phase adjustment from a much larger range of phase to a smaller range(project from thousands to billions of radians to just -pi, pi).
Your lattice can be entirely hypothetical, you dont need extra memory.

However, you need to explore and work out the math for each transpose sequence along with the final positioning in the imaginary sparse lattice, so you can get the individual phase adjustments needed. This work only needs to be done once for any FFT size, and then the phase adjustments and transposes can be used as a lookup table. We're talking doing an FFT in only 15% of the work!

Phase Lattice Mapping: Phase angles are mapped onto a lattice using a function φ(k) = 2πk * (L/N), where L is a chosen lattice size larger than N (FFT size). This spreads phase values over a range of 2πL/N.

Pre-Processing: Input signals are multiplied by exp(i * φ(n)), embedding phase information into the lattice positions.

FFT Operation: Instead of computing complex rotations, FFT operations involve simple integer shifts on the lattice. Each butterfly operation becomes an integer arithmetic operation.

Post-Processing: Results are reconstructed by sampling the lattice to retrieve magnitude and phase information, then converting back to standard phase ranges using modulo operations.

What do you think?

for a small FFT this doesnt need a lot of memory but for a 4 million point FFT. you need 700mb of ram

also, since our operations are cumulative, some will cancel out meaning the algorithm can be optimized further.

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simplifying for fellow nerds:
each stage of FFT requires twiddle * previous stage and then add or subtract
In our context, instead, we do transpose and then add or subtract, and the distortion is because of the phase alignment- we need to project into a hypothetical lattice where all phase alignments are whole numbers. At the end, to get our sparse subset back out with the correct values, we need to perform a phase adjustment back.

In practice we need only N indexes and then to do transforms, but we need to learn the phase correction needed at the end, and it's different for every FFT size.

We do less work by pre-computing some of the work and eliminating hidden redundancy
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Sounds like schizobabble

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If I have haplogroups does it mean I am Germanic or a mutt? Pic unrelated.
every person is a mutt
>Pic unrelated.
You sure?

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I am going to have to spray this on sugarcane in a few days. This sentence is the most horrifying thing I have ever read. I am going to be spraying tens of kilograms. Pray for me.
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Never vaxxed, never tested. I protected my entire family from that.
>never tested
Never fails to make me chuckle. "I didn't take the vaxx more than you did!".
>I agreed
I was born into slavery, I am a peasant.
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So why are you doing it?
people spray chemicals on plants because it works.
t. sprayer of sulphuric spring water, calcium extracted from eggshells and pyrethrum extracted from dalmatian chrysanthemums. i also dust with diatomaceous earth

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In case any of you are unfamiliar with tetration, it is the next hyperoperation after exponents.
For example 2 tetrated to 5, 25 = 2^2^2^2^2 = 2*10^19728
There is an interesting relationship between tetration and factorials.
Take, x!=yz
(better written as Γ(x+1)=yz)
If y≥2 AND z≥2, then (yz-2) ≤ x ≤ (yz-1) is always true.
(yz-2): 20=1
(yz-1): 21=2
1 ≤ 2 ≤ 2

4 ≤ 8.23 ≤ 16

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I had up arrows in the original post text to indicate tetration but they got removed when I posted it :(
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Here's a legible version
If x! = 100 ^^ 100, then 100 ^^ 98 < x! < 100 ^^ 99 is a contradiction.
what is a "gamma" function and what's it for?
Gamma function is a generalization of the factorial but not factorial itself, faggot. Factorial is a discrete function

>IQ 163 at the age of 12
>always acted as a low IQ to avoid problems with midwits
>now I'm 30 and my IQ is 110
How did that happen? Is fake it till you make it the reason for that?
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the radiation your tv growing up melted your brain
what a meme
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Industrial pollution and media propaganda
10 points increase in iq as a kid basically means you are about a year ahead of your peers on mental development.
An iq of 163 at 12 basically means you are about as smart as a senior in highscool, which really isn't all that smart in the grand scheme of things.
How'd you end up with a 163 IQ at the age of 12 is what you should be asking us right about now.

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