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i was just perusing nairaland and i noticed they like the same kind of memes that /sci/ does
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Good news everyone, rice, which is possibly the world's most important agricultural crop, not only grows better under CO2 enhanced atmospheric conditions, it also becomes more disease resistant when atmospheric CO2 is increased.

>Effects of elevated CO2 on resistant and susceptible rice cultivar and its primary host, brown planthopper


>The elevated CO2 (eCO2) has positive response on plant growth and negative response on insect pests. As a contemplation, the feeding pattern of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål on susceptible and resistant rice cultivars and their growth rates exposed to eCO2 conditions were analyzed. The eCO2 treatment showed significant differences in percentage of emergence and rice biomass that were consistent across the rice cultivars, when compared to the ambient conditions. Similarly, increase in carbon and decrese in nitrogen ratio of leaves and alterations in defensive peroxidase enzyme levels were observed, but was non‐linear among the cultivars tested. Lower survivorship and nutritional indices of N. lugens were observed in conditions of eCO2 levels over ambient conditions. Results were nonlinear in manner. We conclude that the plant carbon accumulation increased due to eCO2, causing physiological changes that decreased nitrogen content. Similarly, eCO2 increased insect feeding, and did alter other variables such as their biology or reproduction.
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How come the people who claim to be concerned about the environment get upset when they find out that CO2 is good for plants and good for nature?
Shouldn't they be happy to learn about that if they're concerned about the environment?
>How come the people who claim to be concerned about the environment get upset when people use half truths to lie to truly ignorant people
CO2 is good for plants, why does that upset you so much?
I'm tired of seeing this stupid lie everywhere. CO2 will not increase plant growth outside of highly controlled conditions.

The law of the minimum governs plant growth. It states that growth is limited by the most scarce factor. Adding CO2 to the atmosphere is like building a barrel with one stave taller then the rest and the "CO2 is plant food" crowd insists that it will make the barrel hold more water. It won't.




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take that climate freaks


he said EV (el Vehicle) pollutes 1850 times more while driving 1000 miles than what happens if you drive 1000 miles with gasoline

tire wear was calculated into the equation

he noted that the tires of EVs, due to their added weight, will also emit more microplastics into the air

particle pollution from EVs can also increase the risk of health problems,

>including heart disease,

cough, lung disease and, in extreme cases, can even lead to hospitalization,

>cancer and suddendeath.
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>They get outperformed in every metric.
don't worry, they're on their way out. Economics will will, as always, in years or centuries, it will win.
Why did it cost $11 billion to build a concrete rectangle a few hundred meters long?
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its funny because its true

Is there a scientific explanation for why these two trends were so tightly related before the early/mid 1970s and then because completely unlinked subsequently?
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Wrong. The productivity statistic we're discussing is, by definition, a ratio of real aggregate output over real aggregate input. One of these aggregate inputs is labor.

Opinions are like assholes. We've all got one!
I gave you a reason for the correlation.
Due to fundamental reasons all wealth must basically be given to workers, not all but most of it. So productivity must be correlate with workers total income, on average.
Because otherwise you have to answer what is done with that wealth. Products are made to be consumed and the masses of workers are the bulk of consumers.
Thats a good reason for production to correlate with consumption. It doesnt mean it has to be 100% because some wealth is consumed by non-workers, and also some is invested. Also exports and imports change the math a bit, as for instance in a place like Japan the production is much higher than consumption, because a lot is just sent abroad, exported.
Dropping the gold standard turned the economy into fiddling around with the Fed's excel sheet. Of course they can get away with a bunch of financial shenanigans, including fucking over workers, when money isn't real anymore.
what a meaningless word salad
>money isn't real anymore.
"money" was never real. gold is real, so are other tangible items of value.
the word "money" originates with the temple of juno moneta in rome, in ancient rome at the beginning metals were traded by weight , but then the the temple of juno moneta started circulating coins, which were initially weight denominated, as a means of facilitating small transactions. eventually the coins became value denominated rather than weight denominated which was when the juno moneta cult realized that they could get rich simple by buying back their old coins and stamping larger numbers on them.

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How advanced is it? Does it constitute a language? Will humans ever be able to learn it and communicate abstract concepts to them?
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Of course, even negroids have something that resembles a spoken language.
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Of course they can do it. That is how crows know who is the enemy.
I bet those dolphin faggots insult us all the time, they are yelling nigger at us right this very moment, its just that out ears did not evolve to hear such an autistic screeching.

Is origin of life research a scan?
Why can't we recreate life in a laboratory?
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Because we just can't!
>why can't we replicate a win in the lottery int the lab?
>is winning the lottery impossible?
You need all of Earth's water when life appeared, in your lab, for some tens of millions of years. Long experiment to replicate in lab
Miller Urey Experiment and Formose reaction. If we spend only a few millions on a big reactor with hydrogen nitrogen or ammonia and oxygen I think we will get a lot of results in a few months.
He's also unaware of panspermia, let's point and laugh at OP.

BTW panspermia is the solution to your problem OP, we came from space.

110% incorrect. You can recreate that. Just run a simulation enough. They have simulated gambling games that do just this, eventually some player wins the casino game grand prize aka the lottery. I am autistic and have been studying the lotto in my state and it seems to be rigged somehow, scratch offs for sure. Specific gas station in specific majority black towns in the inner city often get huge wins that seem statistically impossible. So perhaps winning the lottery is impossible, if it's rigged and not rigged for you. Scratch off's may be shadow reperations where lotto officials flood poor black areas with winners. I live in a poor majority white rural area, statistically far fewer winners. I've done on the ground tests in various cities across the state and this data backs up my hypothesis. Poor white communities get less winners, poor blacks and big cities more winners.

inb4 big cities play the lotto more so have more chance to win!

I accounted for that and the data points to specific parts of a big city that are majority black get impossible win rates.

Cope, i've studied abiogenesis and this is a misleading and down right lie about what is needed to runt he experiments. They only need to prove basic concepts to prove it "could have happened this way" and they have failed over and over and over.
>We can't prove our bullshit theory because it's impossible to prove. That's how we know we are right now STFU!

That's called an "unfalsifiable theory" and considered taboo in science. If it's unfalsifiable it's not science. Such hypocrites accuse what they don't like as unfalsifiable junk science when it's not and then hide behind the same logic fallacy when it suits them.

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Does coffee cause global warming?
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>noooooo, not my heckin 'ffee
>I need it to raise my blood pressure so I can be awake in a zombie state of mind at an unphysiological time - how else am I supposed to be a good wagie slave and generate profit for people who hate me?
try tea instead.
anything, any activity, increases CO2. they're just getting us used to taking shit from us with this excuse. no coffee won't save the world, they'll just take that CO2 allowance and spend it on themselves. fucking gretoid idiots

Any way to decalcify the brain from fluorine/fluoride? I have been injected with APs which are basically fluorine, any tip? They stopped my paranormal activity

>need mo money fo dem space programs
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Is that you buzzfeed?
inefficiency is because of managers.
fire management, hire engineers.
we do.

thank you for pointing that out OP.
This is just wrong. Both are designed for LEO. Orion (i.e. the actually US lunar capsule) has a Boeing interface but otherwise it was exclusively a Lockheed Martin + government program. Starliner does have a connection to a long-abandoned design for an LEO capsule under the Orion program's umbrella, but that undermines Boeing's competence yet further since it means they were building on another company's (Bigelow Aerospace) work rather than starting from scratch like SpaceX.

How come soience can't save him?
Is soience really that useless and impotent?
In 1971 Richard Nixon announced "the war on cancer" and since then trillions of dollars have been spent on 'research' and even with over half a century of study the issue and infinite resources available, soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer, why not?
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that's an umbrella term for a huge set of different and distinct diseases. There are many varieties of cancer and many places in our bodies to get it in, and each case is still rather personal and unique, so the permutations are endless, and finding a cure for all that, a dauting task.
pedo charlie took the vax
pedo charlie suddenly went ACK
Imagine the amount of gold that was buried or hidden back in the 1930s in order to keep it out of the feds' hands and then grandpa died without telling anyone about his stash
so the trillions fruitlessly wasted on soience research only bought excuses

EU finds that food products from India are all filled with carcinogenic chemicals, even products labeled "organic"


How dangerous are the chemicals listed in the article?
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If anywhere, that wealth was and is accumulated in the bank accounts of specific individuals from good families, not in the streets for the average commoner to enjoy. The notion that the average person profited is preposterous.
I'm starting to get the impression that India is lagging behind Africa in terms of civilization
>If anywhere, that wealth was and is accumulated in the bank accounts of specific individuals from good families,
Sure, and then what? Did they spend all that money abroad?
>not in the streets for the average commoner to enjoy.
At least Rome left an impressive network of roads and streets. The end of the colonial era left the British with a capital that the ROmans made.
>The notion that the average person profited is preposterous.
Oh, I never dreamt of that.
Africa has better sanitation, india is on par with the worst parts of Africa, see >>16150779 picrel
>undeniably, vast wealth had been channeled ionto the country
Incorrect. The Empire was a huge drain on Britain's finances. A few private individuals and corporations became rather wealthy, but the people and nation as a whole paid a steep price to maintain the colonial administrations and military force that enabled the private few to accumulate their wealth.

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Soience now says basic hygiene is bad for you. Does anyone here trust this latest new soience?
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while begging for an h1b visa out the other side of their mouth
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>has no real health benefit
>bad for you
>lead pipes in the aquaduck slow poison
*fluoride stares at you*
Nowhere does it say its bad, just has no health benefits. Author is still complete moron and every sane person will shower daily because of "smell benefits" alone.

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why does "the science" attract this kind of charlatans?
what's the chance that this buffon cured alzheimer, considering the most prominent research in this area has been shown to be a fraud?
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well thats gonna be expensive af
meat aren't that expensive because they're calorie and nutrition dense. if you are on a meat diet, you need to eat less in volume otherwise you'll become obese. however, eating only meat is retarded, just cut back on grains, don't need to remove them, you'll be fine.
the most expensive diet is pure veggie actually.
I can't tell if quantumfags are schizos or are actually brilliant.
they're retards
Aaaaaaaand something else will fuck you up instead. Whatever. Its either immortality or cope.

why does everyone hate him, I like listening to his show even if it retreads stuff a lot of the time :]
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>everybody who says something I don't like is /pol/
Admit you only like Nigdegrasse Tyson because he's a trained monkey who spouts off popsci, just admit it, everybody else knows.
Good little 17 year old /pol/kid just going off in his room
Whites to be honest deserve every "hate". Just look at history. They treated people as subhumans just because of skin color and ethnic backgrounds, while at the same time, ironically, worshipping a jewish man on a cross. Maybe it's time for you retards to introspect as to why others hate you.
I couldnt care less that you hate me suhuman, I just don't want you near me.
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NDT was a pretty good baseball player himself

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If 85% of the universe needs to be composed of dark matter for general relativity to work the way it does, isn't it simpler to conclude that general relativity simply doesn't work the way we think it does?
When you presume that the standard model is correct, and that dark matter is needed for it to work, you're way more likely to just point at the few bits of evidence for dark matter detection and ignore all the failed attempts to detect it.
You've already decided on the conclusion beforehand. The experiments and research don't matter.
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Because the question doesn't make sense. "if angular momentum is conserved" is completely irrelevant to the first part of the question. angular momentum has no bearing on whether or not an object can gravitationally collapse under its own weight until its escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.
>t. low iq ignoramus
Explain your question better or click the little x button on the top corner of your computer screen, anon. angular momentum only affects the distribution of mass, it's not strong enough on neutron stars to fight gravtitational collapse.
Most likely GR is either incomplete or its on point description of an entirely different phenomena that we have yet to discover, that's why it doesnt work everywhere. DM is probably bullshit.
The Schwarzschild black hole idea specifies a progenitor that has neither electric charge nor angular momentum, nothing of that sort has been observed to exists anywhere in this universe. Its just a stupid soience fiction fantasy.

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