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If he was born in our specialized lifetime. What kind of scientist he would be? Logician? Physicist? Biologist? Or he would not be part of stem at all?
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Thomas Edison
He'd be a Yudkowsky analogue, i.e. a self-made philosopher who got big purely on the merit of his ideas. No way he would find the patience to climb through academia, he'd have too much IQ for that (135+).
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"We wuz greeks n sheeeet, das rite!"
He would fight against LGBT, he was definitely not in favor of homosexuality.
No ancient Greek would be anything ever in this gynocentric, life-denying drone society.

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Caturday space cat edition.
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>Cats understand physics, according to a group of scientists in Japan.
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>engineers are big gay babies
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I was obsesed with this movie when I was a kid

The Cat From Outer Space | Full Movie [Full HD1080p]


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Will we see aging cured in our lifetime? How would we stop and/or reverse it?
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Your hero has quite wrong approach,...
Should have added that these are middle aged mice, that haven't been genetically modified or received any interventions, and all groups started treatments at the same time.
We already have the cure for aging. You circulate your body with younger blood.
I personally think the approach that will bring the biggest gains is either growing or regenerating organs in vitro or vivo. We don't need to know everything about how the organs work as long as the cells "know" what to do and build up a healthy part, and we can transplant it. As Michael Levin said, since human babies can regenerate the tip of their fingers, we must have a blueprint in our bodies somewhere for this sort of in vivo regeneration.

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How much longer until we get a particle physics breakthrough?
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Just shut the fuck up. You'll get your fucking new iPhone in due time.
Of course not. Then you're just trading bullshit throwing particles at each other and instead just keeping brown people alive despite their tendency to unlike themselves.
So how do they know what is made in those collisions?
At this point cern is on par with deviantart fanfiction, its a hobby that leads to no useful knowledge. Problem is we are only funding the former.
>you remember what happened to the indians when the spanish showed up?
NTA, Yeah, they died unintentionally by the germs and virus's that the Spanish brought with them. It swept across nearly the whole of North America at the time, if anthropologists are to be believed.

But I get what you're saying otherwise. You're talking about meta-materials. Still, there's no indication that the discovery of different unknown particles will assist in any way. There's the prediction of the "island of stability" but there has to be better ways than what we're doing now.
Look at how many times we've smashed shit at this point. The LHC is a waste of money at this point. We'd probably have better luck creating and manipulating artificial neutrinos and working off those than praying to hit the lottery by smashing shit forever and wasting money.
I've been following that work of Malcom Bendall with his "plasmoid generator" just to see how, exactly, CO and CO2 are being "transformed" into O2. Working from there and understanding the process seems more likely to end up with better results than the LHC. At least it's a solid starting point.
But hell, the science community is slow as fuck in looking into his work because they simply don't believe it's possible, even as it happens right before their eyes.

If you believe mathematical singularities(math error) are real physical objects that float around in space you belong in a mental asylum.
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what a retard
everything has angular momentum.
The fact those mathematical curiosities back each other doesn't mean they reflect reality, at most that shows the model is consistent and that is a bare minimum.
Anything requiring stuff to magically pre-exist is nothing more than bailing out when things get too difficult to continue onwards.
cool story, make a more consistent model.
in the case of black holes thats already been done, the century old schwarzschild model has long since been disproved by subsequent science on many occasions, you're just not familiar enough with the nuts and bolts of the schwarzschild model to understand that its been disproved.
for example, the schwarzschild model was created on the basis of calculated limits for neutron degeneracy pressure, which is the pressure at which neutrons are no longer capable of supporting their structure and decay. back in schwarzschild's day neutrons were considered to be fundamental particles, so if they collapsed there was supposedly nothing left to support the structure. however subsequent science showed that neutrons are not fundamental particles and that they're made of quarks and since its been proved that quark degeneracy pressure has no calculable limits, its impossible for black holes to form in the way described in the schwarzschild model.

Why has the science been so wrong for so long about the causes and treatment of conditions such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, auto immune disease, etc, etc


A talk given by David Diamond on his findings.
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I'm not sure it is if as you admitted you don't know what glycated ldl is, perhaps you should clarify your understanding first.
You have autism. Terminally conflict seeking when you shouldn’t be, making some sort of autist duel out of what blood tests to make, spaz.
I just want to be sure we're on the right page here, but what data are you relying on to make your association with apoB?
What is your ultimate reading of the causative process of atheroscleroses?
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no amount of contrary evidence will ever convince an activist that they're wrong, they'll just make up paranoid conspiracy theories or other excuses explaining away the evidence presented to them

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how do we stop mass-murdering scientists?

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uh oh someones triggered
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They prefer the soiyentific method
thats who is funding the scientists
people just need to stop worshipping scientists like false gods. scientists are just dumb nerds who fuck dogs

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How did humans supposedly cross the Bering land bridge in the middle of an ice age when it would have been beneath an ice sheet miles thick?
Also why was there even a How did humans supposedly cross the Bering land bridge at all give the way massive glaciers are known to have compressed the land causing effective sea level rise throughout the far north during the last ice age?
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Asia and Europe are not separate. Especially North-east Europe is not separate from North Asia. If you can characterise them as coming from Europe, then they could've still crossed at the same place.

No one is crossing such open ocean in that time. It requires sophisticated vessels and navigation to even achieve on luck, never mind do reliably (which is much more important, charting a reliable a route). But it is possible to get to North America from Europe pretty easily, I think doable in that time, but that is seemingly not the entry point of humans in North America and it is a big place in its own right. Part of the assumption is probably that Native Americans look Asian.

>Map showing the extent of the Norse world
Isn't it established that at least some humans settled the Americas from across the Pacific, and earlier than 10,000 years ago?
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>Graphical description of the different sailing routes to Greenland, Vinland (Newfoundland), Helluland, (Baffin Island) and Markland (Labrador) travelled by different characters in the Icelandic Sagas, mainly Saga of Eric the Red and Saga of the Greenlanders. Modern English versions of the Norse names.

The sea between islands would've been walkable ice at that time. But even not being, it is easy to cross island by island. You just have to have a reason to since it's not obvious that there's better land further along. The migration of such primitive peoples is interesting in its own right. Migrating across such distances into unknown territory is not something you do on a whim. For Norse and other cultures, there was a strong culture of exploration and seeking trade.
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>It requires sophisticated vessels and navigation to even achieve on luck,
How did old world monkeys end up in South America 30 million years ago?
If stone age savages in North America could build seaworthy boats hundreds of years before their first contact with civilization why couldn't stone age savages in Europe tens of thousands of years ago build seaworthy boats before they invented the trappings of civilization?
if you live in a coastal location eating fish all day errrrry day and migratory whales come by to eat your fish twice a year and occasionally die and wash up on the beach reliving you mountains of fresh meat and blubber then you might start to wonder where the whales go to eat fish for the parts of the year they aren't in your region. so why not build a boat and paddle off into the sunrise and see if you can find out where the whales are chillin?

So it turns out that goldfish crackers contain yeast extract which is a contributing factor in brewers syndrome where your gut produces alcohol. Pure boost every drinks and anything that does the fizzy thing makes it worse too. So that plus sugar eases the headaches I have but I might be dying of alcoholism just by eating. Does anyone have any idea what to do? Meanwhile here's a picture of a car with a vanity license plate. They follow me for unknown reasons. If there's a vanity license plate in the city San Francisco I'm within a block.
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>So it turns out that goldfish crackers contain yeast extract
That's probably why they're such a satisfying snack.
OP has full-blown schizophrenia.
I know that's why I was pretending to be someone following him
stop eating goldfish crackers?
Can I get out of DUI by claiming I was eating Goldfish crackers?

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Is this what publishing has become
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>an Indian pay-to-publish journal
>peer review
Newspapers work the same way. If you want an article published, they will publish it, costs a few thousand dollars for big papers like NY Times & Washington Post
In my uni we are encouraged to use AI, especially in research. It pisses me off a lot. When we have a class where we have to do presentations half of the class just read chatgpt nonsense and teachers pretend like it's ok. Literal generation of dependable imbeciles is on the rise.
holy kek
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MATTIAS DESMET IS professor of psychology at the University of Ghent (Belgium). He is well known in academic circles for his research on fraud within academia: Desmet analyzes the psychology of the researcher who gives in to the need to provide interesting results. During the Covid-19 crisis, Desmet played a critical role in pointing out fundamental mistakes in the way in which Western governments responded: according to Desmet, the policies of lockdown have been more detrimental and harmful than the virus itself. Governments are hiding this fact in the statistics that count victims of the Covid-19 policies as victims of the virus, thus creating an ever-growing monster. In his new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, he gives an account of how the mentality responsible for this mistake is shaped historically and psychologically.

At the origin of this psychology of totalitarianism is not some diabolical plan to control society, Desmet argues, but the way in which the world has become disenchanted: the success of science has led to a paradoxical “faith in science.” This faith in science is paradoxical because it distracts from the fact that science is essentially a methodology, not a consistent worldview. Taking science as a worldview, the world appears as a meaningless substance. As a result, the subject is cut loose from its traditional connections to the world and to society, which causes immense existential stress and anxiety. The ensuing atomized subject, Desmet quite plausibly argues, is highly vulnerable to totalitarian narratives.
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"ummm, define communism" in 3... 2.... 1...
Please. The Western working class lives in luxury compared to a century ago when they lived 2 families to a tenement and had to regularly risk bodily injury for half of todays minimum wage (even adjusted for inflation).
materially perhaps
this is a thread about the science of psychology, you're just too emotionally unstable to be objective about the topic and think about it in scientific terms only because you're obsessed with politics in your emotional life, you're the one who belongs on /pol/. please take your cringey "this is what I'd do if I was in charge" power fantasies and vamoose
>power fantasies

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How did scientific fraud become so normal?
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>another anti china post
So brave, so unique
atheists are not capable of being honest.
indians and chinese have huge brains compared to their bodies.
extremely cerebral cultures.

leave your science to them
This is America's way of coping with how quickly Chinese scientific research is growing, already surpassing America. We have a problem with people believing in science in general, so being concerned with academic inflation in China seems very poltical.
>Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

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Greetings to this board. I am from a 3rd world shithole, and somehow got into university in the united states with a good scholarship. I need to do research in the Physics division but my professor wants me to "tryout" and he has given me the subject of making a fucking poisson's equation solver using the gpu accelaration. hOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS
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>incoming /pol/tard is totally not offended and never felt directly adressed and isnt accompanied by even more /pol/tards
I am Polish. If that matters.
Poltard spotted
sure, ranjesh

>somehow got into university in the united states
Most US institutions are absolutely opening the floodgates for international students, since they can charge them more. They're going to try to make you feel special and that you barely got in by the skin of your teeth, but then you'll find that its 70% indian and chinese when you get there.

Surely you know that this board is not for homework help, and that it pisses us off when people ask for that.

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How do I increase my dandruff production without turning my scalp into a pus riddled wasteland?
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>without turning my scalp into a pus riddled wasteland
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 jack
t. Jeff the Killer
May I ask why?
He wants to store large amounts of dandruff in glass jars around his house. Ladies love it
This but unironically.
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Yeah and?

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Cheating aside isnt it basically impossible to fail at at mathmatics now with tools like chatgpt? Its an impossibly perfect tutor that isnt constrained by time or energy. The main reason i sucked at math in school is because i was scared of annoying my teacher with
too many questions that were potentially retarded. With chatgpt all of this is irrelevant because it doesnt judge you.
itll just copy paste code for you with numpy or something
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I asked o1 to prove that tan(1°) is irrational
Anon, half of the time ChatGPT will just hallucinate something out of its digital asshole and present it to you as a fact.
Right now it’s one of those things where it can be helpful but only if you’re not totally ignorant about what you’re asking it. I posted an image from a set theory book about Hilbert’s Hotel, and it actually gave a great answer. There were some minor mistakes but the overall idea was there. I have asked it other things where I don’t necessarily use the answer that it provided but it gets me started towards the right approach for solving a problem.

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