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>going back to college (STEM) at age 31
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I'm going to med school at 28 next year.

Honestly doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Worst case scenario I'm going there to study, don't need to associate with kids. Best case scenario i bang some teens. What's the problem?
how do you even prepare to go back after this much time? I'm certain I forgot most of the stuff I learned so.
With microplastics in human brain tissue, its going to be harder
yeah but younger ones have more since it is generational

Why is it ok for scientific theories to so badly contradict history?
Can we really afford to think that people of the past were just stupid and had nothing to teach us?
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Written history anon
Science contradicts written history
You are generalizing. Give an example worth discussing.
Maybe the history of your third world shithole is false?
If you knew history you would know exactly what I was talking about
What do you mean? Are you talking about how theories get refined? Like how we went from Expanding Earth to Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics?
That's just us getting more information over time and being able to build a better and better picture of things.
Like how modern theory of evolution has moved on so god damn fare from Darwin, because the dude didn't even know what a gene is

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>product won't elute from the column
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>attempt recrystallization for the 4th (fourth) time
>oops still a gross yellow oil
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>glass coverslips keep undergoing mitosis on culture plate
what the FUCK is a trituration??

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>TFW Rich and famous
>Everyone I knew growing up was celebs
>I went to a FAMOUS high school in California with KYLIE FUCKING JENNER

I'm sick and tired of you NORMIE FUCKS SHITTING UP /sci/ with your normie talk and I know what you fucking dumpster rats are gonna do as soon as you have read this thread. You're gonna search up kylies high school and think. "OMG maybe I can call them up, maybe I can get in on a scholarship if I beg really hard." SHUT YOUR FLITHY FUCKFACE MOUTH, I WOULD SMACK YOUR RAT FACE IF I COULD THROUGH THE SCREEN. We will NEVER accept you. We don't have the fees because the school needs the money, its to keep FUCKERS LIKE YOU OUT OF HERE and I know you FUCKERS are gonna JIZZ YOUR FUCKING PANTS KNOWING SOMEONE FROM MY BACKGROUND WHO WENT TO MY HIGH SCHOOL FUCKING WAS POSTING ON HERE TODAY. The NERVE OF YOU FUCKERS.

Do you know THE FUCK who goes here?
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Thanks flithy anon

Now I can ask her if you were already an nsa prick
>I went to a famous high school in California
>You're gonna look it up
Ignoring OP and the people taking the bait, I've noticed a huge uptick in off-topic troll threads across the whole site in the past few days. Is it a raid? Did something happen that I'm not aware of?
No, that's Bruce Springsteen

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scg - STEM career general

Postdoc outcomes edition

Previous Thread: >>16347256
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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postdoc or Industrial post doc

YouTube channel because ur PhD now
Does having DoD clearance help with applying for NDSEG or other fellowships? I'm planning on applying to ECE Ph.D programs next year, and I was looking at either taking a national lab internship which would give me clearance or doing research in my university's lab over the summer with the lab I've worked with throughout the school year. The national lab internship would be pretty unique and involve a bit of research if that matters. However, I already have 2 national lab internships under my belt at other institutions, so I was wondering how much having a 3rd would really help. What would you recommend going with?
stop doing more degrees oh my god go join a boxing club maybe enough knocks to the head will unlock your ability to pass interviews
This became the official "3rd worlder tries to get PhD general" at some point
I thought EPFL and ETH Zurich were PhD feeders to MIT, Stanford, Caltech Etc

What about colleges like KU Leuven, KTH Sweden etc ?

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Imagine if science did not separate from philosophy, but would be a large section called natural philosophy. Do you think it would be good for the development of science or not?
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If you want to be a philosophy fag, you should at least be able to come up with a viable reason to bump.
I'm a natural philosopher and have phd title
more like governments quickly realized the danger of people questioning their authority
>asking why an apple falls? you can do that. But questioning why I get to steal from everyone and call it a tax? death.
Enlight us
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How is it not? You appear to be blind to basic simplicity. Do you also think that science isn’t just repeatability? It is.

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Name one non-physical thing that can be proven to exist independent of physical objects. Just one.
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Eternal possibility
A retard exercise, literally everything boils down to le brain because that's where thoughts of concepts come from, we think.
(1) You started by splitting "free will" as "free" + "will," which is already ironic per se.
(2) You then chose an arbitrary antonym to "free" in order to state a tautological definition, furthering the irony.
The list goes on but start with that.

How old ware you, when you discovered that space we experience is just luminoferrous aether?

We need whole quantum mechanics, just to explain, that light is not wave in a medium, space is not medium...

Can't you just accept that old man was true and mainstream media spreads true?

Light is a wave, propagating trough medium, now we call it space. Medium can bend itself to form minkowski space, but space itself cannot?
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I tough space is a field, having density function in true platonic euclidian thing, to comply with relativity.
We only know vacuurion is there by the way it interacts with other particles. If there was no vacuurion, then the speed of light wouldn't matter as photons would be everywhere, all at once. Vacuurion has a variety of properties which retard EM. It also explains black holes.
Do you also have particle that makes time tick? Also if it's a particle does it mean it comes in discrete quanta?
What the fuck is all this nonsensical jargon? What the he'll does it mean. Sounds like jumbled technical jargon with linguistical manipulation. Hmm

The reason I don't believe we are on the cusp of a singularity or something like that with AI is because the universe is incomprehensibly vast and massive and complex and old and the timeline with which intelligent life on Earth has existed is relatively short and our accomplishments and power are still relatively small compared to the scale and complexity at which the universe operates at. We've definitely found/invented an exciting new technology that has inflated our collective egos and collective pride in our intelligence and what we can accomplish. However the notion that we've "solved" intelligence with computation and soon will have no use for biology or humans is pure sci-fi fantasy. The road from here into the cosmos was never going to be that easy.
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True, but it's double edged, some aspects of my cognition are dulled by silicon and some are amplified beyond a caveman's wildest fever dreams.
i'm not here to dox myself, besides I have done lot's of stuff, more than others, less
Porn isn't enhancement
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I mean i've made video games that have made me millions of dollars and given me an unprecedented amount of freedom and control over my life, without computers maybe i'd go on more hikes or something? I dunno I think computers have given me for more than they've taken.
retard spotted

/bio/ general — corporate victim edition.
Any discussion about biology, genetics, biochemistry, botanics, zoology and pharmacology are welcome.
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Define soul
Well, I'll post the info from the dying thread
Basic Info For Tourists:

Biology Journals to Read New Research:

Top Bio News Headlines This Week:

QOTT: Tell me about your professional life. What's your specialty? Which of your research projects has been the most enjoyable/rewarding? What are your career goals?
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Is khan Academy course worthwhile?

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How do LLMs impact science?
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Another funny consequence has been in the job market where employers started requiring cover letters once they were able to use LLMs to read and summarize them. In response, candidates are using LLMs to write cover letters for them. And everyone wonders why the job hiring process is so broken.
Efficiency of research

Every chem lab is going to use it to calculate shit and what not

Basically EMH but applied to all shit we know
AI powered bullshit accordion.
I recently managed to shave my paper down by 1 page to fit the conference page limit by using chatGPT to rephrase paragraphs.
That's pretty much all it's good for right now
He didn't ask undergrads

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I seriously think tobacco snuff (sniffing tobacco) like rapé is healthy for the lungs. I used to smoke a lot so have mucus in my lungs but it feels like tobacco snuffs burn out that excess mucus and restores lung function

Why is there never an honest discussion about health benefits by these intellectually dishonest antismoking zealots
This week I decided to buy snuff instead of cigaretes, on second day I already wasn't out of oxygen while excercising.

Maybe they help lungs, because you don't smoke anymore, but I wouldn't expect more.

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Nuclear has never, and will never, enjoyed exponential growth. Wind continues to approximate an exponential curve.
This is true
Really? Nobody mentions big oil's influence on renewables? Damn you are all behind.
The more I see of green energy garbage the more I realise it's nothing but a government scam
>beyond a certain point their disadvantages start to show
Nuclear's only flaw is that it was subject to a Cold War propaganda campaign.

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Is there a limit to human intelligence or can we far expand our ability from current standards? For example, if a country pushes for immigration but is very selective so that only the best get in, would the population of that country become more intelligent than the rest of the world in a few centuries? How much can we increase intelligence?
this nigga just invented eugenics

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Are there any notable biological effects if you only ate a plate of fruits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
well it's probably mostly fibre, sugar and not a lot of protein
this. you also need protein and a little fat.

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