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Other than cosmetic features that could be covered with makeup, what are the diagnostic differences between the later stages of syphilis and Parkinson's disease?
Both disease seem to cause very similar loss of motor coordination and other mental difficulties
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The only people who got "long covid" were the ones who got vaccinated, getting all 10 shots pretty much guarantees that he has it
>Why would they even leap to that conclusion?
could it be because he is a degenerate who has all sorts of sleazy habits and owns a private island not too far from epstein's?
Syphilis can be treated and has had effective treatments for decades while Parkinson's can't reliably be treated yet and medicine is still largely experimental.
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No it doesn't, chess is 90% prep.
Barkon is a grandmaster at chess. You wouldn't beat him. You'd need more than anal beads.
Physics is just too non rigorous for autists.
Used to, this days all the quantum field tards are collapsing due to thermodynamics still going strong in subparticles
Boo fucking hoo Tesla couldn't scrap up enough money to fund his projects fuck him

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Tried doing this a few months ago, now I see more interest.

What is atomic energy general?
Discuss anything related to nuclear technology here, from particle accelerators and fusion rockets to nuclear bombs and power plants. It is supposed to be similar to /sfg/ but for people interested in (or skeptical of!) nuclear or general energy industry things.

happenings in the power industry

You can learn about fusors here, a good intro to DIY nuclear physics experiments.
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Like the nuclear industry, progress is slow
it's cheaper to mine and burn coal than to mine and process magic radiation rocks. As a result, coal is more economically viable.
I don't care how efficient it is, it looks fucking stupid to have some big gay plunger stroking back and forth to produce thrust.
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you've forgotten the first rule of any long running general, you need an anime girl as a mascot.
Anime is for pedos

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is it really possible for software to accurately identify someone's gender from just a picture of their face?
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>Roxanne Tickle
>is it really possible for software to accurately identify someone's gender from just a picture of their face?
even if it's not, you're weeding out lesbians so ugly they look like trannies, which obviously they still wouldn't want on their platform.
The new EU rules on AI banned this, by the way.
go make your own app you deranged fucking lunatic You know anyone can clock you instantly right?
Based lesbos

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How has no one been able to replicate Starlite? It's been decades
they have replicated it.
Really? Last I heard no one has made a material with its exact properties
I gotta be honest man given the timeline it's more than likely the old man was exaggerating somewhat. You ever talked to a old guy like that? Just last week some boomer I was buying hot sauce from claimed to have invented a process in my industry that would've made him a millionaire. Anyway it probably had some fatal flaw that made it useless for practical application, like shattering after sustained heating or something. It just needed to hold up for tv demonstrations, which is not a very rigorous testing environment
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He sold the formula to a company but it's not commercially viable. It's basically just starch grains and a binder with some other shit thrown in. It's too fragile and I'm pretty sure it's water soluble.

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now kith!
That movement looks pretty snappy.
So we can finally beat cancer and fix fertility?
>beat cancer
microscopic mechas fighting tumors when?
Those aren't robots, they're fancy fucking puppets. Aside from one or two very specific biology experiments, what are these gonna be good for? They're just optical tweezer driven puppets, they don't fucking scale.

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I thought that Ivermectin was a very safe drug, but this blog argues that it's not at all:
The same blog is very critical of vitamins btw.
What's your take /sci/?
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I was interested in Ivermectin for the (((parasites))) conspiracy theories from /pol/.
But now I guess that I will resort to natural cures.
how does ivermectin cause pancreatic cancer?
inb4 the horse meme
after seeing this video
I consider that site of yours a nest of the well-poisoners
(you shouldn't take vitamins in pills, but that's it about them)
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The amount of money and exceptional minds we’ve blew on a Unified field theory is fucking absurd.

I said it once and I’ll say it again, we’d be better off walking away and coming back to this issue sometime in the distant future and directing our energy on MSE.

No other field of science can even compete with the most bang for your buck regarding MSE. And we’d live in a world mirroring Tomorrowland by the middle of this century if both private and public funding for R&D was redirected.
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And only fags post on this board.
Are these the people that create fancy alloys and strong magnets?
Whats the strongest theoretical magnet? Say some substance where all the electron spins where aligned in the same direction. Maximum magnetization ever. How many Teslas?
And supra gain effect from multiple levels of electron spins
you're right.
graphene is the future
1200 tesla

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new paper on time travel uploaded to academia.edu
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Whatever you wrote is irrelevant, as your premise is already faulty.
i'm more interested in whether it will work than whether i chose the wrong wording. i see no fault with the method.

Your likely response is "it will not" as a passionate critic however you likely havent done that experiment.
i'm not sure youre right about that
You have no idea what is being said there
ok einstein

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is resisting arrest a valid medical condition or mental illness? what training should paramedics have when administering injected medicine to a patient diagnosed with resisting arrest?
Meds. Now
Maybe ketamine?

>Oh wait, Elijah McClain...

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Is there some truth behind it?
Is this kind of research just not considered politically correct in this day and age or was it just bullshit all along?
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If they have equal intelligence to whites they should have been able to figure out how to have equal quality of schooling without sending their kids to white schools
It's true at face value, but it mostly ignores cultural/societal factors. Blacks on average have lower IQs, but it doesn't mean they're less intelligent, or that such differences are a result of their genes.
>but it doesn't mean they're less intelligent, or that such differences are a result of their genes.
yes it does, if they were equally intelligent then the cultural/societal factors you're inventing strictly for the same of making excuses would never have developed.
>cultural/social factors are genetically deterministic
So cultures and societies change through genetic mutation. That's what you're arguing?
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Flower of Life general
>Schizos and their Symbols, Carl Jung (1964)
if it's not been beamed into a crop circle (not the fake ones), I don't care. alien bros know what's up.
The Daisy of Death is a metaphor for Closed Individualism, whereas the Lotus of Life is a metaphor for Open Individualism.


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Weinstein is referring to critics from /sci/ and discord, one of which frequents /sci/. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LRjAWstrPc&t=3916s
At 01:09:00 Eric calls out /sci/: "4chan has no future in science" is he right? Apparently, people from Discord and /sci/ are harrassing him and Sabine Hossenfelder. This is part of the reason why he visits /sci/ and discord less now.
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He's senile
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Just because you took the meds they gave you doesn't mean everyone else needs them or should also take their meds.
Again, re evaluate your entire life if you took the vaxx.
RESTART. REPENT. But you can't just go on like it's no big deal or it's over for you intellectually.
ye she liked here GGG mature porn
>NPD: the post

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Does there exist a space-filling rhombic disphenoid?
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I'll just analyze the obvious way to try to do it: join edges of the same length together. In order for this to work, at each edge the angle between the two faces that meet there must be [math]2\pi/n[/math] for some [math]n \geq 3[/math]. So let's try to calculate the angles between the faces.

Line the x, y, and z axes up with the rotational axes of symmetry of the disphenoid, and let <a,b,c> be a normal vector to one of the faces. Then <a,-b,-c>, <-a,b,-c>, and <-a,-b,c> are normal vectors to the other faces. The possible angles between the normal vectors are [math]\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{a^2-b^2-c^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2}\right)[/math], [math]\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{-a^2+b^2-c^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2}\right)[/math], and [math]\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{-a^2-b^2+c^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2}\right)[/math], and the angles between the faces are the supplements of these angles. We obtain the result

[math]\cos(\alpha) + \cos(\beta) + \cos(\gamma) = 1[/math]

where [math]\alpha[/math], [math]\beta[/math], and [math]\gamma[/math] are the angles between faces, each of which occurs at two opposite edges.

Now we just search for angles of the form [math]2\pi/n[/math] ([math]n \geq 3[/math]) that satisfy this equation. There is exactly one solution,
[math]\cos(2\pi/4) + \cos(2\pi/6) + \cos(2\pi/6) = 1[/math].
But this would give us a tetragonal disphenoid rather than a rhombic one.

I don't know whether or not there might be a more clever way of doing it that bypasses this issue.
So that's a no, then?
No under the stated assumption. I would guess it's no in general, but I don't have a proof of that.

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Elon officially moving SpaceX (and Twitter) the fuck out of California to Texas. Discuss.
I thought they were already based in Texas

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