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If 85% of the universe needs to be composed of dark matter for general relativity to work the way it does, isn't it simpler to conclude that general relativity simply doesn't work the way we think it does?
When you presume that the standard model is correct, and that dark matter is needed for it to work, you're way more likely to just point at the few bits of evidence for dark matter detection and ignore all the failed attempts to detect it.
You've already decided on the conclusion beforehand. The experiments and research don't matter.
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>duuude, i know everything about the entire universe!!!!!
>i'm soooooooo smart!!!
>muh iq, muh iq muffugguh
>i'm smarter than god an sheeeiiiiiiiiitttt
>The experiments and research don't matter.
they matter in that they justify the massive exorbitant salaries that the academic clowns presume they deserve for producing nothing of any value
Sorry for the bad news, anon. many people are stupid. you just happen to be one of them.
OK but the problem is that virtually every other physical phenomenon can be explained/predicted by general relativity and the standard model. So as well as explaining the same observations that dark matter accounts for, your alternative theory has to explain/predict everything else too.
did our observations of large formations of matter billions of light years away (distant galaxies) necesitate the "dark matter" theory? Could gravity getting weaker over time (thus was stronger billions of years ago) explain this discrepancy? If for some reason gravity was losing let's say 10% of its strength every billion years how would we know this other than by making observations of distant galaxies? (and please nobody say "because the item we weigh on our lab scale today would weigh less tomorrow" or something equally stupid)

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I want to get nuclearenergypilled. What are some good books about nuclear energy? Im mostly interested in the logistics behind it and how feasible it would be to carry out a nuclear trnsition instead of a wind/solar one. Im also fascinated by the prospect of nuclear powered cargo ships and other new developments in nuclear power.
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Wind and solar actively lobby against nuclear, brainlet. BP has stake in many of these too.
Wind is overpriced trash. Massive photovoltaic farms are a waste of resources. Simple as.
Steam Turbine for Dummies

Nuclear core is just a magical rock containing free energy
The best thing about nuclear energy is that building nuclear plants costs so much that you can convince people to keep using fossil fuels instead of switching to renewable energy while they wait forever for the market to build nuclear power plants.
pro nuclear podcast

anti nuclear podcast
Nuclear hotseat

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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the professors would also have time to do their jobs as teachers if that were the case. the fake research and replication crisis publications they spend their lives chasing is a big part of why stem students are so stupid these days. teaching should be the university professors' primary goal rather than something they consider a waste of time and an annoyance
Wrong, the Amish are smarter than univeristy soience faggots, by a lot
right, thats why they're outbreeding everyone else. mormons are pretty clever too
>>16128939 CERN is a team. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that.
They're a useless failure

Yet another major plagiarism scandal in STEM.
Why does this keep on happening?
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>This time period is going to be hilarious to future generations.
Only if we actually fix the trajectory we're on.
Notice the way it is only DEI people in these scandals. The Jews put them there through shady means to fuck with white people's heads and now that the plants are causing problems with the Jews genocide in Israel, they have to be ((((temporarily)))) deposed from their positions, until such time as the genocide is complete. Then it is back to calling you a racist.
Medicine isn't STEM.
nice cope
this mystery will never be solved

why does everyone hate him, I like listening to his show even if it retreads stuff a lot of the time :]
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All I'm hearing is the absence of an argument. I'll take that as a concession.
Do you have a single reason why anyone should respect him as a scientist or are you going to keep seething about /pol/?
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He is important because he is a negro
Jews and negroes hate whites out of jealousy and envy. Whites trigger their inferiority complexes
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The scientific method was used and the official science man was in charge of the science been established up in here. White monkey ass, yeah sorry not sorry that just science
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Context? Please?
Shit up racist
>Science determines that whites are monkeys, blacks not
Fine by me. As long as we are not the same as blacks.
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>noooooo you can't say that!!!

Do paper straws really contain gluten?
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I don't think you're supposed to eat the straw when you're done
How would they know? They're not in the paper products manufacturing business
Because gluten is wheat protein, not tree protein.
you have no idea what you're talking about
Holy shit. How can you make any informed purchasing decision as a consumer ? After all you're not in the business of manufacturing 99,9% of the goods you consume.

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>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?
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Stop noticing goy
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If you think that's bad, wait until you see the 500 billlion handed to israel every month
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ivy league kids don't have loans, they have daddy to pay all their bills for them

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It doesn't matter.
Just adapt.
Change only hurts rent seekers.
Robinhood didn't steal from the rich to distribute to the poor. Robinhood stole from an overtaxing government. Communism is trusting the government to be honest and fair equally. Goodluck
>Robinhood didn't steal from the rich to distribute to the poor. Robinhood stole from an overtaxing government.
Under Feudalism, they were one and the same. Wealthy nobles used tax money to enrich themselves; Robin Hood wanted the tax money to be used for wealth redistribution and took matters into his own hands.
>That kind of poison that makes plants grow.
>nuclear energy...
>allows individual ownership and individual means of control
If you wanted real ownership and means of control you'd want decentralization not multi-billion state megaprojects

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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EMpathy is the ability to UNDERSTAND someone else's perspective. You can fully understand why someone thinks and feels the way they do WITHOUT AGREEING with them about it. If you actually agree with someone's perspective you are expressing SYMpathy. I can understand that an addict feels they had no control over the situation, and even understand why they think that way; however, I don't agree with their perspective or conclusions and have very little sympathy for them. The complete misuse of "empathy" as never questioning or correcting or disagreeing with anyone because of "muh feelings" or whatever is a big part of the societal problem that anon was describing. You're not helping anything by just letting addicts shift blame away from themselves and never improve.
""""empathy"""""" is almost always misplaced psychological projection.
nobody can read minds, but a lot of people seem to like to presume they can
>a lot of people seem to like to pretend they can
And whose mind told you this?
Is /sci/ the worst board?
>monthly multi billion dollar gift packages to Israel and the Ukraine = CONJURED UP WITH SEEMINGLY NO EFFORT AND NO END IN SIGHT
>a few dollars to get a homeless American out of the gutter or a hard working American a break = THERE'S NO MONEY FOR THAT, GOYIM, MAYBE IF YOU SELL YOUR CAR AND TAKE THE BUS YOU'LL MAKE ENDS MEET

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>we descend from monkeys
>we come from Africa
What did they mean by this?
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>need to read Hegel
If that nigga actually wrote like a real human I would maybe read him. Schopenhauer already shred him into pieces for writing like a elitist faggot. Hell, even Gauß dunked on him for that.
>Contradictions are in everything.
ex contradictione quodlibet
>That's why people get so angry when you point out holes in things like abiogenesis and human evolution, it's the central pillar of their faith
Usually it’s more because the holes you’re talking about are either a lack of knowledge on the subject or just plain untrue as in the last five evolution threads that have been posted here
>So we are to suppose this creature with upright gait, advanced thermo-regulation, and a larynx (none of which are present in chimps) as well as a hundred or so smaller anatomical differences must have appeared pretty much all at once
No, because they didn’t appear all at once
What's the point of the bible then? Just a recipe for making up your own religion in your head?

Do you think that artificial eyes that work almost or even fully identically to real eyes will be a reality within your lifetime?
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>Neuralink is working on
They will only help a cripple move a computer mouse and nothing more
They already all, we call them cameras.
Elon tranny hasn't delivered anything worth while since the Tesla grift started.
kys Neurolink troon.
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That tech is banned by the deep state, so not at all kiddo.

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Twum edition

previous >>16165415
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Damn, even kinda visible from Geraldton. Kinda hard to see though.

I don't think the carrington event got that high.
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They could be red or black or white or brown, like on Earth. But they're aliens so maybe even blue, like in this artist's depiction! Who knows?
I think getting infrastructure across that much of Russia would be difficult, anon
Are you a Turk or a Russian or a rare Africanon

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Yes, Renaissance Technologies pays CS/math/physics/statistics PhDs 7 figures starting total compensation.

>Please wait 300 seconds before sucking dicks.

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Where the fuck is my assembler edition?

That's right it's time for another molecular nanotechnology. Remember keep your discussion limited to actual nanotechnology applications, inventions, and theorizing, not sissy boy nu-nanotechnology.
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>>molecular printer
read: fancy plumbing. Because it uses conventional chemistry, yields drop exponentially with molecule complexity. It's neat tech, but sort of a distraction. The main motivation isn't automating chemistry, it's actually making chemistry reproducible. Chemists often forget to write down reaction steps, so reproducing chemical reactions is hard. Robots require that everything is written down. Cronin is very fucking based though. He's absolutely wild, he's trying to make what's basically the lifeform from the andromeda strain for shits and giggles. He's risen high enough that he can do and say whatever the fuck he wants.
Yeah, I saw that. Would love to see them publish something, but it basically seems like it's a really souped up scanning probe microscope. Kinda of letdown.
lol no. They're incredibly paranoid. Rumor is they moved the entire company to Canada because they feared the US government would steal the tech. So no, they ain't publishing shit. They might even be planning to destroy all their work they did on bootstrapping once everything works. I think Drexler or someone else proposed doing that.
>>but it basically seems like it's a really souped up scanning probe microscope. Kinda of letdown.
If you're let down by actually trying to do mechanosynthesis you should get out of this thread. They're trying to bootstrap MNT
>Rumor is they moved the entire company to Canada because they feared the US government would steal the tech

Why would they scared tho? Canada is practically an part of the US economically. Most of these guys seem American,

>> If you're let down by actually trying to do mechanosynthesis you should get out of this thread.

Don't get me wrong I think it's great anyone is working on mechanosynthesis. And glad that if it's true to seems they solved theoretical and practical problems to enable it. And maybe this Burton guy was lying at Foresight meeting, but from what heard it seems that they can't make useable machines from their research.

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