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when did you realize STEM degrees are a massive scam and that you should have gone to med school or a top tier business school instead depending on your strengths?
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>but how is my engineering degree a scam??
oh no no no, I hope you're doing EE.
if I like to date smart women and do complexity analysis for random processes and algorithms, where else do I go, retard?
business school are for massive retard losers. if you like finance, do a math PhD.
medical doctors are just glorified pill pushers. no, I don't want to do a boring hours long shift that even retards can do.
>does not explain his point
NEET envious that I'm doing something with my life and studying for a job with a median salary of 100k (no, not EE)
There are some things money can't buy. Like living in accordance with the Dao. Some people get drawn away by greed and get cosmically punished for it.
>too far ahead to quit
just do it

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Yeah bro, just a couple more billion dollar gibs to the poor, it will work this time promise
>which is physically impossible.
photons seem to have no problem reaching such speeds, chud
I doubt it is that bigger than earth! But not too much.
I should make a bingo chart for "habitable exoplanets"
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>new planet detected
>gravity is higher than Earth
>every time
Could this be the so-called Great Filter that's preventing spacefaring ayys from visiting us, or are we just incapable of detecting and analyzing low mass exoplanets?

How do I determine if my phone is in a botnet? These are free phones given to the poor in San Francisco. So when someone in the place I'm staying places gunshot noises on their phone mine starts adding dots when I type. The phones are linked somehow.

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What's stopping me to put PhD after my name? Who's gonna check?
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They don't have time for that anon, and, I now know they don't give a shit. welcome to the real world
>I think I'm smart because of objective evidence. For example i noticed you broke minor spelling rules that have no effect on communication or understanding.
Let me guess. You're always the first person to point out typos of your/you're, or there/their/they're or to let people know it's "fewer" not "less". Are you a literal 14 year old or just a mental 14 year old?
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>And my reason for thinking you're stupid is that I'm bleeding from the ass.
It's pointless to try to distinguish a person who is too lazy to follow the rules of English from one who is too stupid to follow the rules of English.
I can tell you checks are not common, at least in my field (coding).
So you could lie, even if most people just lie about their previous work experience pretending to know more than they do.
Even companies don't admit it they evaluate people more using istinct, they think they know if you're lying.

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what has he done? no seriously what the FUCK has he done that's of importance, if anything? every time i see him he's being interviewed solely because he's the "world's smartest person" and people just need to know what he thinks.
Why does he need to have done something to impress you? You're completely free to ignore him while people who are interested listen. This thread sounds like a new variant of the typical midwit whine about how people smarter than them won't allow themselves to be enslaved to entertain their inferiors.
>This thread sounds like a new variant of the typical midwit whine about how people smarter than them won't allow themselves to be enslaved to entertain their inferiors.
massive projection

>You're completely free to ignore him while people who are interested listen.
so you want to listen to someone solely because he got high score on thing and nothing else? sounds like you're the easily-impressed midwit.
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He's woken up.

Were his overtly sexual psychological theories just schizo ramblings or was he right?
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He's a jew, so he delighted in being infuriatingly and confusingly correct.
I think the iceberg comparison was onto something but I suspect his personal beliefs and motives fueled his work.
I am realizing his analysis of defense mechanisms was genius. Does some of psychoanalysis have real scientific method based backing? How do I separate the bullshit psychology from the stuff that could save my life?
You were the parent or the child?
Nah it has to do with structure. If punishment and reward coincide with the proper structure of higher social realities than the parents are seen as doing a good job. When punishment and reward are totally incongruent with that then they've created demented offspring who understandably dislike many things including their parents.

Dark matter is solved when you realize galaxies are just spacetime swirling around a cosmic drain. Of course you see extra rotation and lensing when that whole region of spacetime is swirling.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
that actually sounds intuitive and feels right and I see it similarly.
the problem is that GRT doesnt offer that and works extremely well both on way bigger and way smaller scales.

I wonder if we are lumping several phenomena together without realizing it when it comes to dark matter.
and I wonder if there could be a counterpart to heisenberg for large dimensions and masses, a mass blur through motion.
How about irregular galaxies?
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Space and time is made up of petal sets.

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Scientifically speaking, why is life so shitty for everyone?
Why doesn’t the universe exist as a place where fewer than 99% of people and animals are getting fucked over?
Is this a universal constant? Wtf?
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>So what have you done for your fellow man?
I always make sure to treat him as I am treated.
>I always make sure to treat him as I am treated.
That could be rather grim. To build the world, we have to better than that.
What did anon mean by this?
>Because god is either ignorant, sadistic, or powerless/selfish.
Lack of understanding of nuance, completely teenager/aspiepilled response. Most evils are a consequence of being given free will, without the juxtaposition between each other there would be no "good" nor "evil".
Also good and evil is a manmade concept. Retards who spin this nigger platitude of yours are dumber than the christcucks they are belittling.

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Caturday space cat edition.
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>Cats understand physics, according to a group of scientists in Japan.
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>engineers are big gay babies
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I was obsesed with this movie when I was a kid

The Cat From Outer Space | Full Movie [Full HD1080p]


If you believe mathematical singularities(math error) are real physical objects that float around in space you belong in a mental asylum.
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>muh math model stops working because asymptote
>it must be a freakin' time machine goys!
what a retard
everything has angular momentum.
The fact those mathematical curiosities back each other doesn't mean they reflect reality, at most that shows the model is consistent and that is a bare minimum.
Anything requiring stuff to magically pre-exist is nothing more than bailing out when things get too difficult to continue onwards.
cool story, make a more consistent model.

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how do we stop mass-murdering scientists?

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stop putting them in charge of anything
It's symbolic of bare chested justice or truth or something
Governments gotta step in. It's the only way.
Considering that those who knowingly commit academic fraud are basically fucking over the entire human race, execute them.
uh oh someones triggered

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How did scientific fraud become so normal?
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Fix this
Atheists are perfectly capable of being their own godhead, you slave morality faggot
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>another anti china post
So brave, so unique
indians and chinese have huge brains compared to their bodies.
extremely cerebral cultures.

leave your science to them
This is America's way of coping with how quickly Chinese scientific research is growing, already surpassing America. We have a problem with people believing in science in general, so being concerned with academic inflation in China seems very poltical.

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Cheating aside isnt it basically impossible to fail at at mathmatics now with tools like chatgpt? Its an impossibly perfect tutor that isnt constrained by time or energy. The main reason i sucked at math in school is because i was scared of annoying my teacher with
too many questions that were potentially retarded. With chatgpt all of this is irrelevant because it doesnt judge you.
itll just copy paste code for you with numpy or something
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I asked o1 to prove that tan(1°) is irrational
Anon, half of the time ChatGPT will just hallucinate something out of its digital asshole and present it to you as a fact.
Right now it’s one of those things where it can be helpful but only if you’re not totally ignorant about what you’re asking it. I posted an image from a set theory book about Hilbert’s Hotel, and it actually gave a great answer. There were some minor mistakes but the overall idea was there. I have asked it other things where I don’t necessarily use the answer that it provided but it gets me started towards the right approach for solving a problem.

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Why, exactly, do scientists believe this shit makes up the vast majority of the energy in the universe when it's completely undetectable by any means known to man? So far the only "evidence" for it I've found is scientists are completely incapable of explaining the expansion of the universe without it. Is there more?
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This image has literally never been refuted
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Dark matter is what's left over from galaxies ravaged by alien civilizations that reached a technological singularity.
First of all, it's cosmologists.
Second of all, it's either assuming "dark matter/energy" or acknowleding the physics as we know them here in Earth is not what is going on out there, in which case nobody then actually have any clue what is going on out there.
That's a prospect too inconvenient for people to care to admit.
Is not that simple at all. There is far less dark matter in young galaxies and there is also far less dark matter in far away galaxies. Is not as simple as just adding some numbers to fix equations.

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Hey medfags, How did studying medicine improve your health (teach me doc)? Is it true that it makes some of you stressed?
Basic healthy literacy (i.e. correct diet, exercise, avoiding smoking and drugs as well as having a technique for mental resilience) is easily achievable by anyone who has completed school.
The problem is implementing those principles. The hours in residency fucking suck so it becomes a battle to not compromise form or pick up a crutch. Of course, such battles are faced by almost everyone.
No I ended up with a vore and self harm fetish

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