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What number are you most sexually attracted to? For me, it's 459567.
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For me, it's π
Thank you for reveling your secret code, I'll make good use of your bank account.
>What number are you most sexually attracted to?
I am not sexually attracted to numbers.
I am sexually attracted to women.

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your apocalypse won't happen
But if he did, one of them definitely would have taken a nearly fatal sword wound.
Trump has seven heads?

I think this would be a fun idea. Try answering these questions with minimal scratch work or calculations.
not really science related though is it
160 mil working americans, lets say 1h total driving per day.
160 mil hours/(24*365)
then times 1.1818 minus its old self
gives 3321 years extra spent
>minimal scratch work
I'd say then about tree fiddy

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If you remove the Sun.

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nothing is guaranteed in this universe. anything can happen. a slight turn of the head can change an entire timeline.
Just be pro life and pro human and demons all around you will start to dissipate.
The most trite and true thing any faggot hippie ever said was "be the change you want to see in the world".
You create reality brother. Don't like pollution and pesticides? Buy land and save it from being sprayed.
Don't like factory farming? Spend all your money on the alternative to factory farming.
Every action you do competes in this battle and you either benefit the shit or you fight against the shit.
>the world sucks and we are doomed
Yes, if you buy stuff at walmart, work for globocorp, eat fake food then that is the world that you have created.

At the drop of a hat you can start creating a better world.
I updated the Sun

RFP: parts have the effect of being removed now.
Non-schizo whitepill: Total energy in the universe is constantly increasing, maybe it could be harvested?

With unlimited energy you can do anything.
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Thanks guys, you folk gave me motivation to do something, young people really need to stand up and change the world for the better. It's either that or corp slavery until death, having nothing to look forwards too.

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Why are mathematicians so obsessed with finding a pattern for prime numbers? How does it benefit humanity?
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It benefits those of us who work with radio frequencies/EM and I think most people would say we benefit humanity unless they are really big on "5G gives you cancer" or something. If we got to the point where we just had a single equation to watch out for, it would make a number of systems more reliable.
well done
RSA encryption relies on large numbers not being "easily" factored into a product of primes. If there's a pattern then whoever finds it breaks RSA.
>There definitionally can't be.
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>Why are mathematicians so obsessed with finding a pattern for prime numbers? How does it benefit humanity?

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Hi, today i've received the notification that my paper was not accepted for a conference. The subject is AI.
I submited this paper in april, and between this day and today another paper has been published with the same core idea as mine. Mine was not published on Arxiv, and now i don't know what to do with that paper since the other paper is better. Can you help me please ?
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what's wrong with you
If the other paper is better than yours, then why does society need yours to be published
>I need to publish it for myself, not for society
seflish, innit? typical scientist.
since you can't make money on it, dump it here. no sense in letting all that time working on it go to waste.
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your paper was rejected. that is a great dishonor and the only honorable thing to do is kill yourself
Have you considered that papers on the subject of AI should be Arxived infra 200 or 800? Maybe you tried to misclassify yours infra 500

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I had to grind back some old concrete. Wore a mask but obviously not the correct one because dust was behind it and I had breathed some in. It was outdoors but I was exposed for about 2-3 hours. Can you develop Silicosis after one time exposure?
Someone with chatgpt help this man
yes, you will now get lung cancer
>Chronic silicosis: This usually happens when you’ve been exposed to breathable dust for more than 10 years.
>Subacute silicosis: This type, also called accelerated silicosis, happens over a shorter period of time, like two to five years. Even though the time is shorter, your exposure is heavier.
>Acute silicosis: You can get this type by having intense exposure to particles made up of a large percentage of silica over a period of time that is as short as several months.
>This is a progressive disease that normally takes 10–30 years after first exposure to develop.
You’ll be fine, but in the future make sure you understand your safety equipment better.
You'll be fine, I did concrete foundation repairs without a mask for like 2 years and had concrete boogers every single day

I run a sub 3 hour marathon

That said, I did quit that shit because I thought I was pushing my luck. Why no mask? Rednecks are bad people. That's why.

If life can form spontaneously why can't a scientist make this happen in a lab?
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So you're willing to admit it's NOT a bird, then. Thus it's evidence of transition even if it itself isn't the main transition. That is what we call transitionary.
what did God mean by that?
a bird with some changes. still a bird, just a bit screwed up. no evidence of a 'transition'.
What makes it a bird?
put a somali in a lab with women unsupervised and we'll see about spontanious baby making

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What if the earth started as a cell (or is one big cell) and continental drift was a result of it growing/splitting as it expanded. All the inland undersea places, like the Grand Canyon, could've been "underwater" while it was smaller, and it cracked as it grew...
I can't help but find the idea of the continents being all cuddled up as Pangaea then pushing apart while being the same mass as illogical.
Also there are very distinct polar properties (air and water currents going opposite directions, for example) between the north/southern hemispheres.
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Very related.
As far down as we have been able to sample, we have found microbes. There is life in all levels of the earth, even in permafrost. We might find dormant microscopic life, but we still haven't seen non-life turn into life.

We see no microbes or evidence of any life until 500 million years after earth's creation.
Can you show that earth is expanding? Your claim, not mine.
You claim it's expanding, but measurements show it's not. How do you feel about that?
I said several times it is not still expanding. Stop asking the same question over and over again, dumbass.

That's false that it only dates back 500 million years. Micro fossils have been found dating back to 3.5 billion years
>I said several times it is not still expanding. Stop asking the same question over and over again, dumbass.
You're the one making a false claim and seething you can't support it. So go on, show earth expanded from the time of pangea. Disprove tectonics, go ahead.
>That's false that it only dates back 500 million years. Micro fossils have been found dating back to 3.5 billion years
reading comprehension. Reread my statement and try again.
>I said several times it is not still expanding
That isn't the question you're being asked.
You are being asked to provide evidence to support your claim that the Earth grew since the breakup of Pangea. Not that it is CURRENTLY growing. That it DID grow.
Your screenshot is not evidence because they are not saying the Earth grew like a fucking amoeba or that it has grown at all since Pangea. The Earth grew during the very, very early period of its formation by accreting matter from the dust in the protoplanetary disk and then accreting matter from other larger bodies that had also formed in that disk. This growth stopped over 4 billion years ago because there was no longer enough material left in the inner solar system for Earth to continue accreting any meaningful amount of mass.

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Since it was this board where i first learned about how to unfuck your eye sight, i decided to share my scientific findings. Pic related very related and in next post i will post my preliminary findings paper. I do not doubt many anons here have higher education tiers (or stare into monitors 24/7), so probably majority of you have myopia as well. So just you know, it is reversible.

here is the original video, in case you dont like reading

Here are raw unedited notes

i am wearing the blue -0.75 for the time being, using them for all computer work, i have a very big tendency to close my head to monitor to counter the blurry text, it takes some restraint to keep normally in chair. the very first test showed i need a better eye patch.
so i have been doing the meme eye improvement thing for a month and i can already show some data showing a very minor improvement. obviously measuring eyes is EXTREMLY subjective, the brain has build in 999 ways how to counter shitty eye sight, so it is hard to properly measure it in home conditions, but the way how i do it with zero to minus 1.75 eliminates possible measure errors by simply having a lot of tests. if i was very optimistic (and assumed linear progression) and said that by 1 month i reduced my eye shittiness by ~0.2 dioptrie, i can extrapolate the data and claim i will be glasses free in 10 months.
This is the first time i have been able to read from line 7! Sure i mistook the first letter F for P, but nontheless it is undeniable improvement. Before the line was unredable blur of symbols, now i got 6 out of 7 letters right from my left eye. And it really looks like the improvement in vision are lienar, suggesting by the end of this year i will have 20/20 vision. Eye maxxing to the moon!
I feel like the blue (-0.75) no longer provide enough eye strain for my daily computer life. I am switching to light purple ones (-0.50)
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Literally that video took me 30 mins to watch, just for 10 powerpoint slices, and I learned nothing new, once again I must admit, that you robbed me my time and I won't ever watch video again.
you should've done what I did: >>16282396
if not at once, then after five minutes of the video sucking. Now that is what you were to learn itt.
I feel sad for this retarded word, I realise this specialised protocol how to do it without any advice from others, meanwhile 30% of population can't see.
Is your condition just myopia.

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I'm a simple man. I don't do; I teach. Sometimes I look up things on wikipedia and if it's spelled wrong, I correct it.

There is a cancer in wikipedia. Please submit names and examples of administrators using automation to revert *non political* revisions. If you were banned after correcting the automated reversions, please include that, too.

Known fascists include

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OP here. Our communication is limited to the language we share. "White savior complex" describes, exactly, the complex on which these old white men have immolated themselves. Is there a "black savior complex" in the vernacular?
What's more obscure than whether the name of fictional TV character is spelled "Kornish" or "Cornish"?
"Disruptive editing" lol. Making you and your old white circle of death look bad by being perfectly correct.
Is it a popular show? I am more talking about minutia from my own field or some obscure historical even 5 people have heard about.
Such as?

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you are living through the 6th mass extinction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP8FXbPrEiI

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Since the total energy content in the universe is increasing all the time, could we harvest it somehow?
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It would become a void system, thus cancelling harvesting equipment.

It's called a full energy transfer. Like uploading the universe to a computer but also voiding it.
>Where does it come from
It’s just a feature of the universe that energy is created at times. Total energy increases since things are accelerating and it has increased in the past to give us the energy we see toda. If energy could be created we would be hardstuck at 0 energy which is not the case.
1st law of thermodynamics says energy can't be created or distorted idiot
Retard, total energy is increasing and has increased in the past or we would be stuck at 0 energy.

And you end up in another galaxy in a star system in which there are multiple planets orbiting. You have enough fuel and resources to perform a multiple-year long survey of the system before returning through the wormhole to report your findings to Sol. For this excersise, let's say the planets in the system are in this order: a small airless rocky planet orbiting closely to the sun, a Terra-sized hot rocky planet with a dense atmosphere and an irregularly-shaped airless rocky moon, a larger-than-Terra rocky planet in the habitable zone with a non-breathable atmosphere and two moons, one rocky and one glacial, a gas giant similar to Saturn's size without rings, but three moons, one large and rocky, one small and glacial with visible water and a thin atmosphere, and one medium-sized with geothermic activity and an atmosphere, and finally, a smaller rocky planet with a barely-visible atmosphere with interesting patterns on its surface and a small rocky moon orbitting it. NASA/ESA/whatever have given you permission to name the system and its celestial bodies if you are able to return with your findings. What would you name the:
>star (system name)
>small hot airless rocky planet
>Terra-sized rocky planet with a dense atmosphere
>its irregularly-shaped airless rocky moon
>larger-than-Terra rocky planet in the habitable zone with a non-breathable atmosphere
>its rocky moon and its glacial moon
>gas giant similar size to Saturn
>its large rocky moon, its small glacial moon, and its medium-sized geothermic moon
>small rocky planet with a thin atmosphere and interesting surface patterns
>its small rocky moon
I understand this isn't really very "scientific" but I enjoy thinking about things like this. I would personally continue the tradition of naming them after deities.
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If you agree that it's warping space then why do you think it's FTL
Are you retarded?
Because you're travelling between two points in space almost instantaneously, therefore FTL.
But at no point do you go faster than light. Any light moving through the wormhole would still be faster than you going through the wormhole.
If you bounce light off a mirror at a steep angle, you could theoretically beat the light by traveling to the destination before the reflected light.
You traveled a shorter distance, but you didn't go faster than light.
You're wrong, but that's ok, because you're not smart.

Is it possible to become conscious of your ego?
yes, you don't need to be smart to know that you are a bad or a good person
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Ego smeago. Ego is opposite to Petty Imagination, or the INDEX of the brain. (Petty Imagination is the physical use of the index, which is why Petty Imagination is a attribute.
In a sense, but only in nominal sense.

When you look at whats infront of you, if you can feel that you are looking out through a window of the world, thats the ego that people become aware of.
And further, you can even get an awareness of the awareness of this "ego" feeling as well. So it sort of becomes a recursive awareness. And thats what "ego" awareness is basically a recursive awareness with subject self reference.

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