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>Generative artificial intelligence uses 30 times more energy than a traditional search engine, warns researcher Sasha Luccioni, on a mission to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the hot new technology.

>Recognized as one of the 100 most influential people in the world of AI by the American magazine Time in 2024, the Canadian computer scientist of Russian origin has sought for several years to quantify the emissions of programs like ChatGPT or Midjourney.

>"I find it particularly disappointing that generative AI is used to search the Internet," laments the researcher, who spoke with AFP on the sidelines of the ALL IN artificial intelligence conference, in Montreal.

>The language models on which the programs are based require enormous computing capacities to train on billions of data points, necessitating powerful servers.

>Then there's the energy used to respond to each individual user's requests.

>Instead of simply extracting information, "like a search engine would do to find the capital of a country, for example," AI programs "generate new information," making the whole thing "much more energy-intensive," she explains.

>According to the International Energy Agency, the combined AI and the cryptocurrency sectors consumed nearly 460 terawatt hours of electricity in 2022 -- two percent of total global production.

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I get that we're blaming generative AI, but it's always a really shallow conversation. Why not a conversation about the carbon emissions from x86 processors compared to ARM or RISC based ones? It's always a gotcha piece that checks the corporate box of "we talked about ethics without taking any responsibility"
Carbon emissions of bloatware could be a fun topic in fake and gay world.
Imagine all people would drive to library to get that amount of information instead of AI. We would consume all remaining oil in a 6 months like that. I think it's good value/climate credit price tradeoff to have AI. Now it's our purpose to use it against climate change.
>(((they))) deployed a "think about environment" argument
uh oh, AIsisters...
but I guess I understand why. Too much of an unemployment will cause huge destabilization and people might get angry and start asking questions who is responsible(the government)
I keep my computers running AI 24/7. Get fucked faggot leftists

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Hello /sci/ im curious. Can this actually happen in the real world? An asteroid that just orbits our planet for 2 months? This seems like something out of a video game but i dont know you tell me if its possible.
>Can this actually happen in the real world?
As the article mentions, it has happened in the past. And this new one is clearly not gravitationally bound as it will escape.
>Yet despite this 57-day close flyby of our planet, the asteroid will be hard to spot as it's just 33 feet (10 meters) wide.
Most media reports leave this part out and claim you're going to see a second smaller Moon in the sky.
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First of all, I would like to say that I don't care about the opinion of potential women who may read this thread. sorry! will not be considered.

Well, does the fertile period really leave them with greater sexual libido? and if so, is it similar to male libido? I'm talking to a boy and she said she's in this period and says she avoids men as much as possible during this time.

It's a subject that I find strange, could someone explain it to me? Some say that this period is dangerous because some even cheat on their husbands.

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If someone plugs this cable into two outlets in their home?
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Yeah, i have 3 phase. It's very common every new or upgraded house here has it.
nothing, the hot terminals are already connected to one rail
You have to put your tongue on exposed prongs to know if it’s doing anything
Xpol is best pol.
You break that circuit when the generator is not in use.

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Mandarin is a gigachad language scientifically speaking
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His = tā de
chinese people learn pinyin now, but still respect the pictographic roots of chinese
is chinese grammar really as orc-like as everyone claims?

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what's up with ultrafilters? Anyone know any good applications in physics and CS?

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If /sci/ is so smart then explain this.
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The wood is varnished; it's pores are rather well sealed off from absorbing the moisture from the sandwich.
The serviette is bleached pulp from a tree; it's purpose here is not so much structural, but doubly functional; protecting both the finely varnished table and the subject's hands from directly contacting any oils and grimes excreted from the the sauce and the cooked ingredients (includes the bread as well as the tomatoes and miscellaneous meat).
The bread is toasted, it has become stronger yet brittler. In it's strength, it supports likely several hundred grams of organic matter, without being squished or squashed.
The sauce is a classic emulsion of some kind, probably egg based, perhaps with some diary. Emulsions are not yet understood by mainstream science, perhaps a little more by /sci/ (I shall allow someone else to chime in here, be sure to use ** asterisk so we all know where **).
Next appears to be a fine vegetable - the so-called butter lettuce. Delicious and perfect for a multilayered organic edible structure as shown here. Structurally it acts the same as the serviette, interestingly enough, but functionally it provides certain delicious vegetables sugars, and probably lactones of some kind. Yum.
Next, the tomato. Again, not much is known about this mysterious vegetable which science can explain, perhaps /sci/ can shed some light (use ## this time plz). A strange fact is that is seems to soften up when cooked - totally opposite to what happens with the bread and meat... It is quite tasty, and still just structurally sound enough to be stable, but be careful when biting into it, and they can also be slippery (really strange and unexplained vegetable, at least we think, no good theories yet)...
More of the same butter lettuce, of very little structural importance, though it does have a suitable coefficient of friction unlike the non-Newtonian tomato.
Meat. Unfortunately I cannot provide much as I don't know what meat it is.
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damn thats a nice sandwich
What sandwich

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Are there any architects or engineers on this board? Would it be possible to build this stadium IRL, or is it impossible for the roof to be structurally sound?
Possible, sure, practical no
The real problem is the covering material that must be very lightweight, strong and cheap to manufacture at industrial scale.
Industrial designer who works with architects here.
A dome like that is structurally possible but I'd make it using inflatable or semi-rigid structures, probably in a tensegrity. Also I'd build some kind of light channels into the structure instead of putting the lights in the dome.
>it's still kinda stupid looking, DESU
>it's still kinda stupid looking,
Most starchitecture designs end up being quite underwhelming when brought into physical reality. But rendering porn is what gets funding so it will continue to be used.

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Back in May it was confirmed that the shield has an issue that would have killed astronauts in reentry


Now it appears that the shielding cannot be fixed

Orion cannot take a human crew. It would get cooked in reentry
No humans will fly to the Moon in Orion
Years and billions of dollars wasted in both Orion and SLS
The only alternative is Starship
And development of starship is being halted by the FAA.
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We'll never reach the Moon again.
What is the issue with a Dragon to LEO that docks with a Starship? It may need one more refuelling than the current mission architecture, but that doesn't seem to be a big issue. Maybe it`s an issue for the Artemis missions after Artemis 3 because there they are supposed to assemble and use the Lunar Gateway
>if FAA keeps indering Elon's efforts, there's a point were development stops because is too slow and expensive.
You're retarded, my dude
it will be a hard thing to face if they can't get a reentry shield to work on what is basically a modern version of the Apollo CM. Very hard. Sadly they will likely double down instead of facing facts/
The answer is right here. Single throw to Lunar orbit for the crew, launch a lander separately.

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And why is it Elon Musk?
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I asked chatgpt what we should do with unemployed people replaced by AI, it said we should give them online courses
not everyone is a nepobaby
but a lot are. and it's not like his money is inherited.
>yet leftist love them?
they preach resentment, which always find keen ears among the deformed and losers in general. that their resentment is dressed on marxism instead of another sort of theology is incidental.
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>See a video of Musk
>He appears normal for a tech bro billionaire
>See a tweet from Musk
>Literally the most retarded words strung together even by 4chan standards
Am I receiving cherrypicks from both sides or something?

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>mass nanomanufacturing will give us hypercapacitors, multi-junction solar panels, and solve plasma and electrothermal instabilities
The future looks bright for once, bros.
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That shit is retarded.
To build any kind of paradise on Earth first is necessary to eradicate all kinds of parasites, including globohomo bankers and all the leftist trash that do nothing but commit vandalism while getting paid by the government without contributing anything of value to society.
There is no other way.
Jamie, you know what to do.
Imagine it with you mind bro, capacitor? 10. Super capacitor? 10^2. Hyper capacitor? 10^2^2.
Keep dreaming

Our leaders are bunch of power drunk pedos and our police/military are bunch amoral fucking cunts

It’s dystopia for most, utopia for the few
The picture is from a northern part of Norway, where the water is crystal clear. There is plenty of fish around. perhaps you confused this with Spanish waters.

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It appears that my 7-year-old son likely has ADHD, as suggested by a recent conversation with one of his teachers. He's struggled with focus and hyperactivity for years, but we’ve often attributed it to "just being a boy." However, his behavior has recently become almost intolerable, and his school performance is beginning to suffer, which prompted us to consult a doctor. We're now faced with the challenge of managing his behavior, including the possibility of using amphetamines to help control his impulses and improve his focus.

Given the number of smart and high-achieving individuals here with ADD or ADHD, and the many threads we’ve had on this topic, an update could be useful.

How were you diagnosed with ADD/ADHD?
Did/do you take medication for it?
Does the medication help? What specific effects does it have—on behavior, focus, or cognition?
How long have you been taking the medication?
For everyone: What are your thoughts on using medication to manage ADD/ADHD? Do you believe medication is essential in treating ADD/ADHD, or can non-medication strategies alone be sufficient?

Thank you.
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It's not so hard to believe. Amphetamines are quick acting and hit right where the ADHD brain doesn't work. People have changed entirely on them.
That doesn't answer my question, how is vasoconstriction neuroprotective?
Hahahahaha he got another one out of it suck I off
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beat you with a shovel beat beat you with a shovel with a shovel i beat you with a shovel i beat you with it the shovel that i beat you with it the shovel the shovel the shovel i strike.
What do you mean when you say it was so severe and obvious? What kind of behaviours was he exhibiting?

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[math]\overline {mg}[/math]

Assign yourself the exercises edition.
Type mathematics.
previously >>16318596
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Just wanted to bitch about the GHETTO-ASS language of German for a quick minute.
I can never automatically remember what "rows" and "columns" are in German. I always remember, of course, but it feels manual and semi-effortful, like you sometimes have to manually recall what West/East or Right/Left are.
You see, the German word for "column" doesn't, like the English term "column" recall actual vertical structures. It's "Spalte", which you can see is related to "split". In Germany, do splits always run vertically? No, they fucking do not. It's completely arbitrary math lingo.
"Row" is "Zeile", which is a bit better, though as it's a less often used term in German than row is in English, it still does not feel natural. The direct German equivalent "Reihe" interestingly is used for series. I find both the German and English term here retarded. If I were some 1700s mathematician, I would have introduced the term "aggregate" or "accumulation" or something like that for series.
I would point out that the first time a German kid hears the word "Zeile", it is a line (of letters) in a book or a newspaper. So the horizontal part is deeply ingrained. I am sorry that you need to learn this word later and only in the context of math.
Today is the day if what you said in reference to what I seemingly did is true and now I am doing, it will be over soon - we'll become the best in all of existence.

No joke.

You will be trained
You will be paid.
We will exist as the hardest to defeat. I could even train you to become the nightmare of the ultimate pain takers, but we are going to go a different way.
How exactly does this post come to exist 7 days prior to pagers exploding?
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Some faggot jumping around like a retard or some other. Either that, or that group of anons who said they were getting together to build a time machine actually did it.

how does hypnosis work from a scientific perspective?
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Tell us more
Would this be considered a type of hypnosis?

>brain games conformity waiting room

Is this a bot thread or are all posters actually schizos?
You're the only battle bot roun' ere FaGPoT

Infinity, infinity, infinity, etc, etc...
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I like how we have so many infinities they make up a proper class instead of a set but we only use the first two. I've never seen a model of P(R)
Then when universe ends nothing exist ?
Like reality is just a blink that appear a certain moments ?
If that's the case then existence is infinite or finite
I can't grasp the idea that we existed for a moment and then just "..."(Silence)
We can percieve only "space"(luminoferous eather) which is evaporated from black holes, to fill our universe with well, space we can move on as electromagnetic creatures. Beyond the edge of thing we move in there's space, but there light doesn't propagate, because it's no luminoferous aether there.
Sorry but what does this mean, I'm interested in the "aether" part
That's the space we live in, it makes more sense that medium that carry photons is stretchable, than that space itself is curved.

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