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>6 month old Liam received 5 vaccines (Hep.B, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) died within hours of vaccination

Nice job, science, way to go
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I miss the days where society celebrated the killing of the deformed babies. Now it is just deformed faggots destroying the healthy.
Me and everyone I've ever known were vaccinated as children why am I not a dead baby?
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Haha, cool youre one of those "healthy" one ? (Developed himself into a Satanic perspetive, justifying his evils and being paid in NeuroChemicals....as if I dont know exactly what I am talking about.).

Face the wall, heret-[sigh]....nevermi-[burst fires in your face].

Why does God keep failing to make a worthy creation?
[sigh]....bud, its ots a skill issue, I can help, but not when you have Giga-Arrogance and Pride as your fuel to "out do me" (never will happen, go ahead and an hero if thats the goal).
>Haha, cool youre one of those "healthy" one ?
No, I don't think he implied that, he could equally recognise his issues, like those deformed kids wondering why they were ever allowed to live and suffer like this.

I don't know if this is the right board to post this, but I am currently studying applied electrical engineering and I have to choose between these subfields:

Energy engineering and machine automation
Information and communication technologies
Quality Engineering
I am losing my mind because I don’t know which one to choose. Any advice? Which one is the easiest? Which one pays the most? I live in Central Europe, so keep that in mind if that affects anything.
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Everyone will tell you do this or don't do that. Truth is everything is fucked. Focus on doing something you like and can do well, the money will come to you. If you don't make decisions for yourself you will live your whole life following "the next thing" like some soulless normies npc.
They're likely all gay. I would recommend to try find out what the day to day work of those kind of engineers are because that's what you'll be doing for the next 50 years or whatever. I did a structural eng degree and the actual work after uni was boring so I don't do it anymore, but I wish I knew it was so boring before doing the degree otherwise I wouldn't have done it
>Which one is the easiest? Which one pays the most?
Fuck off money whore
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media
Hah get fucked fag mechE lords over you scum

Why is there some much weird shit about race on this board? It's like half legit science and half retard racists trying to backfit their stupid ideas using buzzfield tier cognitive bias ridden garbage
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yeah this is a positive gathering of objective intellectual
Not science or math
>Why is there some much weird shit about race on this board?
4chan.org, go figure. Just keep reporting the explicit racism.
>evolution only affects the appearance of a species
no man, no. On the contrary, evolution mostly affects things which aren't obvious at first glance!
OP, you could just shorten it to
>I'm a jew
Now leave the gentile space please

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This is a comparison of different animals brain size. Bumpiness correlates to intelligence, so what the fuck are dolphins and camels doing with so much intelligence? Can we train them to do complicated maths and shit like Alex the Parrot? Based on this image, it seems like they should be able to intellectually mog apes, who we do most of our experiments with.

Pepperberg said he could identify 50 different objects and recognize quantities up to six; that he could distinguish seven colors and five shapes, and understand the concepts of "bigger", "smaller", "same", and "different", and that he was learning "over" and "under".[2] Alex passed increasingly difficult tests measuring whether humans have achieved Piaget's Substage 6 object permanence. Alex showed surprise and anger when confronted with a nonexistent object or one different from what he had been led to believe was hidden during the tests.[16]

Alex had a vocabulary of over 100 words,[17] but was exceptional in that he appeared to have understanding of what he said. For example, when Alex was shown an object and asked about its shape, color, or material, he could label it correctly.[15] He could describe a key as a key no matter what its size or color, and could determine how the key was different from others.[7] Looking at a mirror, he said "what color", and learned the word "grey" after being told "grey" six times.[18] This made him the first non-human animal to have ever asked a question, let alone an existential one (apes who have been trained to use sign-language have so far failed to ever ask a single question).[19]
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>Frog brain is a penis
Humans are monkeys. What species of monkey is it even talking about?
Monkeys and apes are not the same thing......
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Sperm whales have the largest of all brains, what's going on in there, I wonder?

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>Switch to a 90% meat and fat diet
>Suppliment with some fruit
>Literally every physical or mental problem I have dissappears within a week
>Lose 10 pounds a month every month of fat
So, at this point, it's beyond any reasonable doubt that the best possible diet for anyone is obviously a high meat diet. Now, the question becomes WHY is anyone still holding a different position? It's recently been proven that the carnivore diet can literally cure bipolar.
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LMAO, you are complete imbecile moron.
I do bad on an all meat keto type diet but really well on a 50% meat Paleo diet
OP says high meat, not all meat
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food for your thoughts
Now take a quick look at the digestive tract of humans compared other primates, what do you notice?
also taking a quick glance at your supposed facts many of them appear to be wrong or completely unrelated

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Is it true that far, far more animals die in order to produce vegan food than do to provide food for normal sane people? Has science ever bothered to count up the animals dead from all of the pest control operations that farms do?
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How many insects die to the chickens or does that not count for some reason?

Meatfag bad faith "arguments" will never change reality. A meat-heavy diet is unhealthy and globally disastrous. These are facts. You're not permitted your own facts. Only your own stupid opinions. Nor are you permitted propaganda. That's finished now.
>>deer everywhere
Deer don't manage their own populations, they will just over breed and start wandering into the city leading all the predators there too.

>>OH NO there's bovines standing on that field, how am I gonna fill my belly, I'm gonna starve noooo
Are you dumb, they are going to eat the bovine just like they would have eaten the deer, so they won't have to wander into town chasing deer or looking for human food.
>hey goy, eat the bugs
>whaaatt!!?!?! chickens are eating bugs!?!?!
>noooooo!!! chickens can't eat bugs!!!!! thats like racist and stuff or something!!!
>muh social conscience!!!
>muh social conscience mufffugguh!!
>muh smug sense of superiority that i conjured as a coping mechanism because i have nothing genuine or tangible to base my self worth on!!!!
When deer get overpopulated they'll end up eating all the crops that vegans depend on and the farmer will have to start shooting all the deer to assure that the selfish greedy vegans don't starve to death
How do vegans respond?

>Trans-neptunian object
You will never be a real planet

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>Be me
>Be raised to allways give 101% so I become sucsessfull
>think all the people who tell me I should allow myself to be helped are just lazy people wanting to make me lazy too
>to maximize effectiveness, learn in elementary school to work alone and not be disturbed by anyone
>Learn more than others, have an IQ of 140 around the age of 16/17
>basically "on that grind"

>be me now
>reflect upon psychology and how fucked I truly am
>Go to Therapist to not be "I self diagnosed"
>Therapist diagnoses me with Depression, BPD, Imposter syndrome and cPTSD

At least Im smart, r-right?
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>imposter syndrome

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media
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I like complaining when Im suicidal, yes. Not for attention, wich ia why I post on 4chan and not on twitter
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>you sure do seem

>believing anything a therapist says
I diagnose you as stupid.

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why were doctors forcing vax on everyone when covid became nothing burger soon after?
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>They were not forcing anyone doing anything
Is this how you people have decided to shield your egos now?
Sorry, but coercion is a thing. How many times does this need to be explained?
Food and drug markets were open for everyone vaxed or not but they made it difficult to buy food with the the 1 person in the store at a time policy.
Many people digitised and started ordering food/grocery deliveries online.
After covid this online business died and now everything is back to how it was .

This was also case for the banks very difficult to get in line, lines were huge and things were very slow.
Everything moved online from bills to plastic cards and loans.

Doctors were not forced to take the vax and the state did not impose it on them to keep their jobs.
Although 90% took it on their own.
MDs only got in trouble if they said anything about not vaccinating or question the state narrative about the decease for which the medical chamber straight out said that it will take your medical license so you could not practice medicine.

People became weary when the lockdowns started and movement was limited. There was no reason for this.
Our best virologist from the cold war era did and interview on tv in which he said everything that is happening is because the ministry of health signed some agreements with WHO and UN to participate in these programs with lockdowns, mask mandates and what not.
For most this was enough to wait things out and not vax.
The White House in a hilariously unconstitutional effort tried to make it illegal for most companies and the government to employ unvaccinated workers. New York, Seattle, San Francisco, and other cities restricted where unvaccinated people could go and work. This all really happened.
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What is "Cognitive Infrastructure"?
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That would be an interesting project
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If that could be quantized or not is irrelevant because publishing it wouldn't be permitted
It turns out that because we live in a democracy, your opinions do in fact become a matter of national security due to a hilarious reducto ad absurdum which posits that because you can choose bad political candidates (what's "bad" here?) you are a threat to the US, which as a circular argument for democracy is breathtaking in its authoritarianism but exactly the kind of sharp-toothed edgy realpolitik that gets the pundits excited

It is a well-known weakness of the political system that people can be manipulated into voting for anything, but this is a trial balloon for gatekeeping your vote

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>hey goy, protein is bad for you
gee, thanks for the warming, soiyence
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Coping fatty
Retard. And protein isn't hard for it to metabolize, its just that your body wants it when it gets it
Oreos spotted in the 'read
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Protein literally is good for you. It's far easier to process by your body than carbohydrates. Stupid sneed oil salesmen and insecure betamales have convinced themselves carbs are healthy and bread is good because the grifters are trying to use fear of appearing to have masculine insecurity to sell gay products.

The fact is, the human body doesn't require that much carbs to function, unless you're a growing juvenile or building mass for some reason (even then not so much as people think - the average male gorilla is more buff than any human ever will be, despite being like 99.9999999% herbivorous since they target plants with a high protein content, especially nettles, instead of eating carbs).

Too little protein causes all sorts of negative bodily reactions. It's like under fertilizing your lawn. You're actively damaging your tissues. Carbohydrates are the body's favored energy source and too much carbs just makes you gain fat, which is a natural response. A high protein diet is highly natural for a human. Vegetarians that are slightly overweight are far less healthy than people who don't have eating disorders, which is why vegetarians inevitably die 20 years younger.

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>Our Moon
Moon bros...
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Triton is my favorite.
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How bad do things have to be such that you finish behind the [r9k] moon
Ganymede looks pretty trippy
but Luna is still the best imo it's just so pretty
There's a simple solution to this, /sci/ just needs to make its own Moon power rankings.

>IN my previous lecture I criticised the concept of matter as the substance whose attributes we perceive. This way of thinking of matter is, I think, the historical reason for its introduction into science, and is still the vague view of it at the background of our thoughts which makes the current scientific doctrine appear so obvious. Namely we conceive ourselves as perceiving attributes of things, and bits of matter are the things whose attributes we perceive.

>In the seventeenth century the sweet simplicity of this aspect of matter received a rude shock. The transmission doctrines of science were then in process of elaboration and by the end of the century were unquestioned, though their particular forms have since been modified. The establishment of these transmission theories marks a turning point in the relation between science and philosophy. The doctrines to which I am especially alluding are the theories of light and sound. I have no doubt that the theories had been vaguely floating about before as obvious suggestions of common sense; for nothing in thought is ever completely new. But at that epoch they were systematised and made exact, and their complete consequences were ruthlessly deduced. It is the establishment of this procedure of taking the consequences seriously which marks the real discovery of a theory. Systematic doctrines of light and sound as being something proceeding from the emitting bodies were definitely established, and in particular the connexion of light with colour was laid bare by Newton.

Why do they still cling to erroneous Cartesian concepts?

I am not against vaccines in general, but after covid I started to question a lot things going on in the "scientific community".
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The purpose of the chart is to rethink the cost-benefit analysis of mass vaccination, retard.
If the actual drop off in cases of disease is much less than what is widely thought, maybe the skyrocketing cases of autism and sudden adult death syndrome become not worth it.
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or the ruse of chronic inflamatory diseases, which are mostly declared as :
>autoimmune disease
Which is like "Dark matter" of medicine.

the studies that look at incidence of autoimunity, do not count the "diagnosis term or ICD-10 code", but also the clinical manifestation which in the past had different diagnosis but the same symptoms.


Could it be because we "interfere with immunity" with substances that agitate the immunesystem?

"net % increased /year incidence and prevalence of autoimmune diseases worldwide were 19.1±43.1 and 12.5±7.9, respectively. Rheumatic, endocrinological, gastrointestinal and neurological autoimmune diseases revealed the following annual % increases per year: 7.1, 6.3, 6.2, and 3.7, respectively. In all of these, differences between old vs new frequencies were highly significant (p < 0.0001). Comparing various autoimmune diseases, celiac disease increased the most and the highest increase in incidence, comparing old to new surveys is allocated to myasthenia gravis. Despite considerable variations between the countries, celiac, type 1 diabetes and myasthenia gravis frequencies increased the most in Canada, Israel and Denmark, respectively. Frequencies of the autoimmune diseases increased significantly in the West and North when compared to East and South, respectively."
And apparently it's now totally normal that children have "rheumatic athritis" with 0-14 years.
>Usefulness is determined when measles outbreaks happen in the US and are concerned in vaccine denialist communities.

>vaccination rate over 90%
>rash never diagnosed as measles
>cannot be measles because vaccination gives immunity, right?
>what an effective vaccine
>vaccination rate drops below 90%
>general practitioners are instructed to run diagnostic tests for measles whenever someone has a rash
>but only for the unvaccinated because vaccinated cannot get measles, right?
>positive cases necessarily appear
>vaccination campaign begins
>people go and get vaccinated
>vaccinated with a rash don't get tested because it can't be measles if they're vaccinated, right?
>fewer tests = fewer cases
>outbreak is gone
>what an effective vaccine
Thats an extremely plausible scenario
That is exactly how its done...

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what will YOU do to fix this /sci/
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and they're still flooding in, more every day
>irreééevant youtubers
yeah the people blocking streets are all just because of youtube, you got it champ
death to both israel and palestine faggot
lmao same fag in the youtube comments.
filthy fucking jew rat. you dont want a homeland because your a filthy parastie i genuinely wish death on you all
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>settler colonialism isn't exactly a very Jewish thing
How come jews were kicked out of 109 countries if they weren't trying to settle in foreigners homelands?

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