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Share a scientific paper that is easy for noobs to read, while also being interesting and coherent. Preferable fiels: physics or philosophy.

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With so much historical, archaeological, and geological evidence to back it, why do many still doubt there was a massive global flood in the not-too-distant-past?
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explain all the underwater archaeological sites in the black sea
People in the ancient world initially built cities underwater because they hadn't yet discovered that building their infrastructure on dry land was a better strategy for creating civilization than submerged construction was. It wasn't until about 10000bc that someone got the idea for building cities above the water line.
The /sci/ jannies would never make it a bannable offense because if we ever ran the /rel/ shitposters off this board, the jannies would lose their jobs since they'll have nothing to do
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>giant space rock strikes ice sheet
>gigantic shockwaves ripple through hundreds of thousands of square kilometres of ice
>the energy fractures the ice sheet
>since ice isn't a fluid, the energy dissipates throughout the ice sheet, creating rifts and canyons that enable meltwater to leak towards the ocean
>eventually, the meltwater flow starts to grow in intensity
>cue meltwater pulse
That's my speculation.

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My primary goals are :
and i seek to achieve them at the lowest industrially acceptable (((ethical))) standard legally possible. Why does the indigenous population of every country keep trying to stifle progress at the expense of "muh morals" or "muh overbearing polution" ( the effect of which are mostly exaggerated and exploited by 'activists', media companies, and food production corporations )? Can you imagine where we'd be without the interference of these pesky luddites?
Please remove this slide thread.
i can't do it. I can't delete a post this old.
ITER would make a sick skate park
pretty deadly if you fall tho

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idk my race
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If you're American, you're not European. In terms of DNA, your papist moorishness has been genetically European for 1300 years. The more useful question is why does no geographic area "want" you?

And they don't want me because 90% of italians here are southerners, so basically africans. My eyes are too dark to have visible pupils. If you have to go around convincing people you're white, you're not. I find it funny i'm expected to bend over for people who hate me. Finding out what nazis thought of southern europeans is public knowledge
It's not a choice. Your DNA is moor papist. Who is "they" and why don't they "want" you?
you're obviously just trying to antagonize me since you keep calling me that. I'm sick of having to prove my racial supremacy to european mongrels.
Call yourself what you will. I'm only interested in whether or not you can describe the person or group of people who "don't want" you. Or whether it's a generic feeling of being bullied that perennially transcends DNA.

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Why do clever dogs like border collies generally have much smaller brains than dumb brutish dogs such as pitbulls? Like I've seen pitbulls with human sized brains but they never seem to listen or do complex tricks like dogs with brains the size of McDonald's burgers.
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kill all these hell spawns
and pitbulls have higher body mass than border collies, so you answered your own question.
> pitbulls with human sized brains
LMAO, the typical pitbull brain is 1/6 the size of a human brain. You must be confusing skull size with brain size.
He was comparing them to the brains of their owners
pit bulls are actually very smart predators. it's the main reason they are extremely dangerous if left unattended and uncontrolled

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passed out during my blood test
same bro
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solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear power plants.
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>There was a guy who did that with uranium to demonstrate how safe it is. It passes through your digestion and you shit it out
post proof of you doing it or shut the fuck up, lying bot
I haven't been able to find the original footage of it on youtube (I do remember seeing it at some point) but here is a stupid youtube short that edits in the footage
He was careful to eat uranium oxide which is relatively inert, so he would shit it out. Uranium metal or something more chemically active might absorb into the body and give cause something resembling lead poisoning. Uranium itself is pretty weakly radioactive so he would shit it out or get heavy metal poisoning before he accumulated enough to cause issues
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the savior complex twats lie constantly because they see it as their best possible means of seizing political power for themselves.
that they don't see any possible way of themselves earning power through honest means is them as much as admitting that they know that they are worthless losers who should never be paid attention to
They lie because they're disconnected from reality too. Mentally ill people are not capable of discerning truth or speaking truth, they live in a delusional state that they confuse with reality
>solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear power plants.

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Good news fellow environmentalists!
Regions regions that the scientist said were going to become arid wastelands due to increased atmospheric CO2 are instead becoming healthier than they ever were before.
Sure is nice to see nature becoming so vigorous and robust. Are all my fellow environmentalists happy to see this? Of course they are, only someone who hates nature would be upset to see nature getting healthier.
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>source: my ass?
200kb twitter screenshots and googled graphs aren't sources.
You're attacking the source because you can't refute the central part of the argument being made and the fact that you can't refute the central part of the argument being made means that you're as much as admitting that it is correct.
It is laughable how outraged people who call themselves environmentalists get whenever they see good news about the environment.
No dumbass, I'm attacking the source (or lack thereof) because meaningful discussion is based upon sharing and comparing multiple well-vetted sources.
Those that can't understand the importance of solid sources don't actually care about discussion, they're just looking for the tiny pathetic adrenaline rush that comes from reddit-tier virtual arguments.

I want the good news, just like you. The subject of your thread is interesting and one I would like to learn more about. I just want to make sure what I'm absorbing and engaging with is reliable and built upon a well-studied foundation. I do not want to absorb or engage with twitter slop that was generated specifically to prey on emotional adolescents.
>see good news about the environment
>become outraged and angry over it
why are the self styled "environmentalists" all like this?
how come seeing good news about the environment makes them angry instead of happy?
I think you replied to the wrong post.

Mainstream health advice is telling us that any amount of sun exposure is harmful and carcinogenic and therefore we should wear sunscreen or UV blocking clothing at all times. The US and Australian governments officially endorse this belief, and probably other governments as well I can't remember at the moment.

How true is it really?

I have trouble believing that any amount of sun exposure is potentially harmful considering how modern this view is. For millennia people did not all die of skin cancer and many thought sun exposure was good for you. While health authorities sometimes accept that some amount of sun exposure is good for you, they always say it's only a little bit of sun exposure and insist you still wear sunscreen.

Something else I know is that in the past several decades myopia rates have been greatly increasing, and myopia can be caused by a lack of time outside. Could our discouragement of going outside be causing myopia?
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>I have trouble believing that any amount of sun exposure is potentially harmful considering how modern this view is. For millennia people did not all die of skin cancer and many thought sun exposure was good for you.
Lmao have you ever been severely sunburned? What is your definition of harmful?

For millennia, if you lived in sunny areas, you either were black or you covered your skin from the sun. All desert cultures are either black skinned or have skin coverings that they wear most of the time. It's how it's always been.
idk, staring at a CRT too long as a kid damaged my eyes. more than one optometrist has asked if I had a CRT after looking at my eyes. apparently some used to leak radiation way more than advertised
nobody ever got skin cancer before >muh scyence invented carcinogenic sunblock products
the bigger issue is that it ages you and makes you look gross prematurely. most skin cancers are easily detected and excised if you're not retarded
>I'm a pasty friendless loser nerd virgin who is destined to be a genetic dead end and I never go outside because the sun is unhealthy
>Chad who is tanned, physically fit and will have a plethora of children is unhealthy because he exposes his skin to the sun
Is there a name for this cope? Why do genetic dead ends always want to imagine that they're some how superior to people who lead successful lives?
If genetic dead ends didn't devote themselves to coping mechanisms they'd have the possibility of improving themselves to the point that they didn't end up as genetic dead ends, yet instead they insist on developing fantasies and copes that prevent themselves from self improvement and condemn themselves to being genetic dead ends, why?

Since the planet is generally cooling off since the height of the current interglacial period, sea level should be falling currently.
And observational evidence shows that sea level is currently falling.
Hypothesis proved true
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>theres no photographic evidence
Q: Take a photo of the shoreline at 6am, then take a photo of the same shoreline at noon. What do you see?
A: You see that the sea level isn't the same, and slowly come to the conclusion that you're retarded.
>reeee football players are fat!!!
>they're dumb too!!! reeeeee!!!
meanwhile football players fuck stacy and have children while nerds are all genetic dead ends.
how do soience nerds dovetail their belief in evolution and their belief that they're superior to athletic chads? both can't be true
They have a cringey collection of dishonest pathetic copes and excuses devoted to just that topic.
You're not pissed off with me are you? I don't even know why I'm here I don't even know I yam
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If sea level were rising there would be millions of "before global warming and after" pictures all over the internet showing formerly dry locations that were consumed by the rising seas. The internet is swarming with global warming activists, why can't any of them produce any such images?

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Unironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?

Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
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Is this your stupid moment where you say stupid things even though you're already retarded?
he is not wrong though you goy cattle
nice revisionism and victim mentality you subhuman third world shitholer faggot.
your brazilian shitskin cope does not work when you talk to people who know how planes actually work.
third worlders are third worlders because of their inherent mental deficiencies, so you should be expecting them to behave foolishly and stupidly.

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A recent study has exposed a method of artificially inflating citation counts through "sneaked references," which are extra citations included in metadata but not in the actual text of articles. This manipulation, uncovered in journals by Technoscience Academy, distorts citation metrics that are critical for research funding and academic promotions. The Conversation reports:
The investigation began when Guillaume Cabanac, a professor at the University of Toulouse, wrote a post on PubPeer, a website dedicated to post-publication peer review, in which scientists discuss and analyze publications. In the post, he detailed how he had noticed an inconsistency: a Hindawi journal article that he suspected was fraudulent because it contained awkward phrases had far more citations than downloads, which is very unusual. The post caught the attention of several sleuths who are now the authors of the JASIST article. We used a scientific search engine to look for articles citing the initial article. Google Scholar found none, but Crossref and Dimensions did find references. The difference? Google Scholar is likely to mostly rely on the article's main text to extract the references appearing in the bibliography section, whereas Crossref and Dimensions use metadata provided by publishers.
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Up to you saar,
If someone queries and your post is referenced you receive bonus good boy points
Paid per you?
ah benchod fuck your mother
In current LLM world you can make your response extra spicy by adding context, like a filter or magnifying glass atop the AI. A way to make these filters is called RAG. By scraping 4ch /sci/ with chromadb, langchain and a locally deployed bigscience/bloom model from hugging face ill make a bunch of these filters. I will charge a small subscription fee to access these filters, but if you append an ethereum address to the name field, you will accumulate some good boi points if i scrape your comment. Additionally if a user uses this filters and it returns your comment as a source, you will earn extra good boi points.

I meed to do this for work anyways
Money from scientists using these RAGs will than support content generation here
how much does it cost to buy a "sneaked reference"?

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Some statistician account on x posted this. How do I scientifically prove that black people have worse economic outcomes in life because of racism and not low IQ?
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Can't prove something that isn't true
funny how the burden of proof never falls on them
its because of low IQ
has the DSM-V undone this?

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Why do scientist need money to do things like go to space or cure diseases? It's not like money magically creates resources we have all the tools to pretty much do whatever we want, why would money be a factor?
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>t. retard who doesn't even understand the technology produced by multitudes of scientists that he is using right now to make his retarded opinions known by a worldwide audience
sorry I will remember to draw some magic circles next time and just materialise a space ship.
How silly of me to buy the parts and materials needed for construction and paying my workers so they don't starve
Be like Nike and just do it. You are morbidly obese, eating isn't your problem, eating too much is.
>. publishing replication crisis papers isn't work
Yes it is
>workers produce something of legitimate value,
The labor theory of value was proven to be a sham. The market has valued Science! as a high value product and pays for it. Quiet simply, rich people pay scientists to work for them, they provide them with the neccessary tools and pay their salaries, as they believe that scientific work is worth a lot more than what it costs to pay scientists and their tools.
Your preferences here dont matter, the market has spoken
you're not a scientist and you aren't building a spacecraft
>Two characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder are:[28]
>A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior)
>A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, wealth, beauty, or ideal love.

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I don't trust science because scientists were bribed to make us consume seed oils and sugar
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you have no idea what the scientific method is
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Isn't that medicine you should not trust? The most corrupt 'science' there is? People only get into that field for the money not to help people.
But scientists do, and without them there's no science. I've always found ironic how similar science and religion are, in the sense that both are supposed to be manifestations of the human spirit of the highest order while their representatives are completely crooked. Yet both are completely repellent with one another. Guess it's both sides of a same coin.

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