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>researches at the top universities and tech corporations in the world have it all wrong!
Category theorists recently have shown that the current AI models are severely flawed and a more categorical model is necessary.
Is the Derrida text AI generated? Considering he died like twenty years ago, and it just reads a little too much like something out of a "Derrida but make it even more pseud than usual" kind of prompt.
Does Derrida have one ounce of self-awareness he is precisely the same meaningless post-modern text generator as the AI he maligns are?
>You didn't understand it
I studied philosophy and understood it just fine.
Once you have read a shitton of philosophy, text walls of tightly, intelligently written prose start to lose their luster hard.
On the contrary, being impressed to the point of considering something "unassailable" seems like a very undergrad disposition.
>But unlike AI, his text contains soul
Soul is what we make of it. I agree AI drivel is pointless, but I would also say 95% of texts by reputable philosophers are. 99% of all texts humans have produced are. What matters is what we make of it it and what meaning we imbue them, be it AI-made or manmade.
pure cope

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Reminder that a vegan diet, because of it's nutritional deficiencies, will cause your IQ to drop by roughly 10%
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its always the latter, dumb people are more prone to delusions of grandiosity about their own intelligence because they're too dumb to be able to discern reality accurately
So Dunning kruger?
It's a good thing everyone on /sci/ is smart enough to realise they actually are all geniuses huh
The average self identified IQ on /sci/ is more than 4 sigma above the global average IQ
>4 sigma
3 sigma is sort of plausible 4 sigma probably isn't
although africa keeps expanding so maybe soon

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Schizophrenia is a physiological condition where the body says 'no' to society.
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P'choo-P'choo! Shhhh.
Nice foot.
>get 1 million emails
>split in half send opposite market prediction
>keep the half that panned out and repeat
>do 10 times in row get left with 976,5625 people believing you have god prediction powers
I too listen to DD podcast
I don't know what that is, but this is an older trick

>mogs a billion dollar company
>mogs any 'wanna be space experts'
>has a PHD from a useful country unlike the US
/g/ here how come I haven't heard much of this guy? How is he able to basically break down so many experts and stuff? Shouldn't spacex or blue origin hire this guy to work for them?
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Ugliest spacecraft ever made. It looks like a botched circumcision of a microdick. Would it have killed them to match the diameter of the service module to the capsule?
>the cost can be reduced to ~500m a launch which is fine to keep as a flagship rocket to launch expensive spacecrafts
If it could be, then that would be one thing.
But what would be required to achieve that?
A 50 launches program spanning 10 years?
The problem with SLS never was that it wasn't reusable but that -- if it isn't reusable -- that is can't be factory churned out, either.
To what end?
To what end is Orion at all? The whole endeavor is pointless if it's not cool and inspiring.

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Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
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Jews want special protections for their 'indigenous' poltitical weapons to use against whites.
Climate change wipes out arctic species first
global warming is fake tho. all the arctic and antarctic species are doing just fine
stop asking questions goy
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Hi, so basically I am currently in University and I am struggling very much in Math and Physics, those subjects were always hard for me, heck even 7th grade Algebra is still a fearsome challange for me. The question is: Is it possible to learn Math and Physics if you never understood it and always failed it. I tried to read many books and solve many questions but even the easiest ones are just a huge wall for me. I destroyed my nervous system so many times trying to learn it and understand it, I even beat myself but in the end I fucking failed it, it just doesnt work out for me. I cant change the degree because others dont give any money at all, and considering the current state of the world I dont want to starve or whats even worse die.
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

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Proper site for gluteus medius IM injection edition

Previous: >>16102781

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

Nursoids post tits
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So, I will pursue medicine next year, how fucked am I?
Also, anyone know with what book should I prepare for it during summer, started reading Campbell's Biology to improve my knowledge about biochem and fuckall, shit hurts my eyes too since I'm a eastern-european poorfag and can't waste 300 euros on a book, at least not now
Books are for boomerfags. Get an ipad and an apple pencil (or a logitech crayon if you're poor) and you'll have unlimited access to read and write on every pdf you'll need in your career.
Also why the fuck are you studying. Go outside and touch grass this summer, you may not get the chance to do it ever again.
I have an Ipad, but I prefer much more to work in books and notes I can spread all around the table
As for the summer part, that's why I want to study I will have too much free time in my hands as exams and things like that are not a problem for me
See >>16129124
>viral infection that spun out into meningitis
I had numerous neurological issues afterwards, but they all healed within a year (headache, shaking hands, vision problems, vertigo, numbness on my face). What left is absolutely debilitating fatigue and, weirdly enough, gastrointestinal issues, as described.
In the European Union, mannitol is indicated for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) in adults aged 18 years and above as an add-on therapy to best standard of care.[4]

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What causes dreams? Do hormonal urges affect dreams?

>She could have had a baby, but instead science gave her an abortion
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are you the gray apple or no apple?

The historic data on Arctic sea ice extent had been severely altered to fit the global warming narrative. This gif shows the data before and after it was changed.
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pro scientists fake data all the time, thats why the replication crisis exists to begin with. you'll never be a pro if you don't learn how to fake data
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the peak oil meme actually goes back to the first decade of the 20th century. the oil industry was only started in the 1870s, so they've been shilling the peak oil meme for about 80% of their history
The first oil field that was ever developed for commercial exploitation in Titusville, PA, is still producing. There is no oil field anywhere in the world that has ever run dry. Peak oil is just another big lie

Is 'NPC' rude to NPC's or do they have reigns on this conversation?
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They’re not intelligent enough to understand it, and they don’t have enough memory to remember it.
That’s basically a good way to test if someone is an NPC.
If you call them that, then they forget like two weeks later, they are probably an NPC.
How do you know you yourself are not an NPC? Because from my point of view you are one. So maybe other NPCs are not even aware of that so they don't give a fuck like you.
An attention whore schizo larping npc kek
They don't understand what it means and implies (besides being able to recite literal definition of the meme, which is being a person without inner life), but they still take offense to it because they understand you are using it in a dismissive sense, which hurts their feelings.
It's like a dog that responds to baby talk. He doesn't understand what the fuck the lady is talking about, but he is still happy and excited he is baby talked to.
Normies are the same, but in a non-positive way.
I generally assume if you use the term "NPC" you are an NPC. Non-NPCs don't try to stick out by using language like that. They stay low and try to fit in to avoid social friction because making yourself stick out is the #1 way to get hammered down.

Puberty blockers no longer viable treatment for children. Is "science" finally healing?

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>These people are running a pretty simple algorithm:
>"Become what defeated you"
Looking forward to all the tranny children's authors.
John Money may have escaped justice, but it is my sincere hope that you will hang, you sadistic pedophile.
You'll also find a ton of pedos in childcare professions
>its almost as if the "trust the science" crowd as absolutely zero critical thinking ability
They are extremely low IQ

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What is our best explanation for consciousness? And is there such a thing as reality or is reality is just something hallucinated by our minds? What the fuck is even going on?
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>like 99.9% of quantum physicists
Try 100% ;)
if I'm being honest with myself I'm closer towards christfags than atheists, just that in a way that I feel embarrassed by them. they're like my retarded cousin or something.
if all of this doesn't scare you then you haven't been paying attention. the mere fact of anything existing at all is what should ring all alarm bells for anyone. science at least did this thing wrong, took all this strangeness out of it, like all of this IS FUCKING NORMAL! which it fucking isn't. and science may have had a point if it wasn't for the fucking quantum bullshit. I'm agnostic but there is fuckery with our "reality"/experience. so life after "death" is quite possible, and not only that, it will make fucking sense, once there in "afterlife" whatever.
Do you need consciousness to experience dreams?
I honesly don't know.
You know what? Try taking a walk, or watching a youtube video, or whatever you want, and just watch, and don't try to judge everything you see, just observe it. You need to build it from the ground up, build it up from your senses, rather than coming up with some meaning right now, let it come, don't try to interpret it. Just shut your mind for a while and try to see, hear, smell, whatever applicable, as much as possible. Hope it helps you to connect with the world.
No, he wouldn't have a concept or understanding of death, so he also can't fear it.
If he is top tier smart (130+ IQ being a necessary but not a sufficient criterion) he will have a tendency towards philosophical musings. And if that is the case, he might derive the existence of death from his own non-existence prior to a point. But merely above-average or below person? Forget about it. Billions of people have been born, lived, and died happily never once wondering what it implies that they apparently did have no pre-existence, either (but they wonder very much about their post-existence, hence Abrahamic religion).
You have not thought this through. Getting older is neither conceptually linked to dying, nor is death as a consequence somehow an obvious inference for someone of average intelligence. Though I do think what I said also applies here: the high intellect could derive the conclusion that him getting more frail => at one point, so frail that a critical life support system fails.
But again, the subject is raised entirely without knowledge from the outside world. To him, it isn't even obvious he is made of organs, or that organs are necessary to life.
No he isn't. You are most likely a spambot.

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Going to be brutally honest, think she just needs an alpha boyfriend to stick it in the gob hole. While she's doing the deed he yells "global warming is overhyed".
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I hope we're successful with this geo engineering but it doesn't look to good for us northies -_-,,
there hundreds of picrels just like that picrel. no climate catastrophe prediction thats ever been made has ever come true
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Biologist Allan Savory says that peer review is ruining science
What does /sci/ think about this issue?
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Dark matter was just debunked so science is so back.
Dark matter was never bunked to begin with
This is a surreal simulation, so dark matter IS real. Proof.
>Allan Savory isn't a biologist.
but also
>He taught the boys how to more effectively track and kill animals

schrodinger's biologist
maybe he is a hunting guide

why haven't the ice poles smelted yet? growing up they where always talking about how they would melt. But they are still intact. Why is that?
esl sama.. I kneel
in a lot of areas they have to put blankets over the ice so that the ice doesn't smelt away and to make sure the ice is comfy. You want the ice to be comfy, don't you?
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