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Why are engineers chuddy af?
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Case in point lol
Ben Garrison's political affiliations aren't exactly a secret
That's why I'm a communist, the only viable alternative to Capitalism and Capitalism with Rainbows.
>i know them because of my schizo bicameral headcannon
LMAO when ppl leap to the conclusion that Zyklon Ben is a Republicuck
They use "left" instead of "wrong" for the same reason they use "MAP" instead of "pedophile"

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What is "Cognitive Infrastructure"?
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Nobody on /sci/ knows what In-Q-Tel is except for two or possibly 3 people. Even most of the glowniggers have never heard of it
what nobody is gonna admit is they already determined this a long time ago
GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) is all about identifying children with psychic influence and attempting to stop it at a young age. If you fight their shit enough they will not be able to stop you from influencing and changing things.
i actually find that to be particularly disheartening
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can the amount of damage you would have incurred without the crazy surveillance be quantized somehow? like you'd have this much extra damage which can be compared to the loss of privacy?

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Is it possible to study whole 1st year of math degree in 4 months
possible? yes.
but if you're asking this question now, then no, you will very likely fail your exams and resits.
if you put yourself to it, then you can do it, but if you've done fuck all so far, mate, you won't be putting effort now either.
by all means, hit the books and do the work, it will make re-doing your first year a lot simpler.

on a lighter note, 1st year is usually just recap year and at a lot of universities you don't even need to put the work in, but if the uni you're in now is decent, then you should really accept your fate and be thankful that you have time to stretch your learning to more than one year and take that time to actually do the work.
Yeah calculus is pretty easy you could probably learn it off Kahn academy if you are seriously dedicated.
There's real analysis
calculus and some lin alg can easily be learned in 4 months.
calculus with epsilon-delta is still calculus.

I am not against vaccines in general, but after covid I started to question a lot things going on in the "scientific community".
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Fake charts, they start at arbitrary years to hide how these were all short lived spikes.
hopefully they all die of the vax soon
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the covid vax had no randomized controlled trials

the covid vax was completely ineffective

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Background: Symptoms of primary HIV infection, including fever, rash, and headache, are nonspecific and are often described as flu-like. COVID-19 vaccination side effects, such as fever, which occur in up to 10% of people following COVID-19 vaccination, can make the diagnosis of acute HIV infection even more challenging.

Case presentation: A 26-year-old man presented with fever and headache following COVID-19 vaccination. The symptoms were initially thought to be vaccine side effects. A diagnostic workup was conducted due to persisting fever and headache > 72 h following vaccination, and he was diagnosed with Fiebig stage II acute HIV infection, 3 weeks after having unprotected anal intercourse with another man.

Conclusion: Thorough anamnesis is key to estimating the individual risk of primary HIV infection, in patients presenting with flu-like symptoms. Early diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy is associated with better prognosis and limits transmission of the disease.
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Don't complain about the vax side effects or we'll tell everyone you're a homosexual even if you aren't.
now just stop right there
This has still never been proven. as such this is a misleading discussion
AIDS is 80s covid. Complete with masks, social distancing, hysteria and nobody you know actually ever being affected.
AIDS would've been better if wiped out more people, very disappointing, hopefully they learned something from the failure of AIDS and the vax is more effective

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Where do they get their outsized senses of entitlement from?
maladaptive traits cluster together
How does science explain that the most healthy, fit and mentally well people are the ones who ignore science?

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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you're stuck on the dichotomy of
>the brightest visionary citizens
>the retarded horde of free riders and deviants that wreak havoc on society
>Also lots of faggots in government making regulations that ban anything new from being innovated.
They don't want anything to change because they're currently in power and they want it to stay that way forever
I'm not, I've got disdain for people like you who think human genetics don't at minimum influence civilization, and beleive these genetics take millions of years to change.

Evolution happens very quickly when the majority of the population have below replacement rate birthrates, with the only above replacement fertility being the dumbest impulsive people in society. Can you really not see this to be a problem?
Due to selection pressures acting on who wins in democracy, the sorts of people who rise to power are always the ones you don't want in power. This is an unavoidable situation with government, stemming from the lack of consent e.g taxation inherent to governments.
>and beleive these genetics take millions of years to change.
but also out of africa happened only 60k years ago and the tremendous diversity amongst humans all was created subsequently

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Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
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Which youtuber told you that?
Most of those certified as scientists are actually impostors. The real ones prefer to stay away from academia more often than not.
Al Gore is not scientist. Neither is Neil deGrasse Tyson.
>Neither is Neil deGrasse Tyson.
NDT managed to get a PhD in astronomy from an Ivy league school without being able to pass undergrad calculus classes
Explain that
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What happened to them? Did they publish their proof?
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They look like they'll rob $6 off me before even buying them
What an unfortunate turn of events
>Did they publish their proof?
They did but its in ebonics so nobody can understand it except for negroes and they're all too illiterate to be able to read it.

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Is it safe to say that if I, a layman, come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
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People with severe personality disorders often go through life presuming that they're better than every else, so when you see someone make a statement like the one >>16130809 did then its safe to assume you're dealing with an insane person who can't be reasoned with
>libshit-tier psychoanalysis
It's just that nobody with a head screwed on right wants to interact with delusional /x/pol/ refuse such as you, it's that simple. The science board shouldn't have to house your bizarre copes about reality.
>everything I don't like is about politics
you only see it that way because you're obsessed with politics, you probably spend hours every day on /pol/
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>everything I don't like is /pol/
retard brain
>People with severe personality disorders often go through life presuming that they're better than every else
this is called "narcissistic inferiority complex", its common amongst total losers with no accomplishments of their own, they cope by trying to minimize everyone else's accomplishments

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what will YOU do to fix this /sci/
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Still better than uneducated. At least she just talks, not acts.
I hoped anti-white racism was a thing only in US...
hopefully that can be accomplished without increase the domestic population of them in america
What wrong with colonialism? Every region thats ever been colonized by whites has benefitted massively from it.
Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas all have oodles of European technology that they would never have been able to develop on their own.
So does Hawaii
this, colonization is good when whites do it.

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Has anyone here read "The Falsification of Science: Our Distorted Reality" by John Hamer?
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>A retard implicitly redefines the word falsify to mean something that it doesn't mean in science when talking about science.
The author's personal meaning of 'falsification' clearly holds some power over him and drives him to write books on the subject. There's no need for anyone to read them.
>rich people would never lie to me! You're just a conspiracy theorist

I love NPCs like this. You keep me rich as fuck
you're lying about being wealthy, you hate wealthy people out of envy, which means you aren't one of them, you already tipped that off with your greentext.
you should give up spinning tall tales, you're too low iq to be able to do it effectively.
Thats kind of weird since Hamer is a famous Mormon
Mormons are big in Freemasonry

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Medical science isnt real. Its demons all the way down. Yk mental illnesses connect you to other realms:

Autism: spams you with information from all realms. Sometimes makes brain better at handling information.

OCD: serves your brain things that could have happened (related dimension). The brain wrongfully thinks this will happen if you dont do something.

Shizophrenia: positive: false truths recieved from different dimensions negative: energy sucked into those dimensions

Bipolar: alternation between recieving energy from place 7 and getting it taken away from place 4. more on places on /x/ soon.

So anyway there are 2 types of "medication":

T1: every demon gets in and starves after a certain amount of time

T2: the first demon you eat while not having that demon-species in you gets in, the others get tpd back. The demon eats the now empty "meds" (T2s contain food for the journey) if youre still trying to eat "meds" and if you stop he starves.

There are multiple demon types (that each have many species!) that belong in the "meds" catagory:

Anti psychotics: (T2)
The demon tries to block the connection using magic which has many side effects

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The first
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>they put demons in medisin
Good goy

According to the scientific method, if you feel something is true and you have media power, it’s now science
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good pic lol
so some researchers mentioned a hypothetical, and they make it quite clear that it's nothing but hypothetical, why would some stupid idiot come around complaining about that? Are you stupid as well, anon?
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>reeeeeeee your dum!!!!!!
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you might be a child molester

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Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
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Thats good news, I'm sure the environmentalists of /sci/ are ecstatic so see it
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>nooooo, the world is totally coming to an end!!!
>thats why you need to give me all your money and eat the bugs!!!
>you have to beleive me!!!!
The answer is WHITE people
Fuck me that's a lot of abbos. How do they even keep that many under control?
VB does the trick

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