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When will the hype stop?
I'm so fucking sick of these AI, transhumanist, etc., deadbeats rearing their heads everywhere I look.
I can't even get ChatGPT to generate a list of real references. It's a glorified fucking chat bot reminiscent of the pomo Markov generators, and I'm tired of people pretending it's not.
Friggin' atheists and their silly toys, man.
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Copilot mogs
Claude 3.5 Sonnet with RAG rapes Copilot.
>I am an acception
Yellow hands typed this.
>If chatGPT is so great then why am I still a virgin?
>The technological singularity is going to occur sometime this decade or in the 2030s
you faggots have been saying shit like this for decades.
it's never going to happen.

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what happens if left and right have kids
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right trends toward low birthrate
Anon, two men can't have kids.
*clacking sounds* *gunshots* *people turning to avoid bullets*
It's called being 100* greater than your greatest. I, could fuck you.
their child whould be their median

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Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
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Mexicans in general are a silly people.
Bodhi. Famous for being a cock slurping charlatan. Your mom must be proud. No really. She must be. Son following in her footsteps.
>tech has not improved since computers
How insulated from reality are you?
>ive been told the local shamans use coca cola
Okay here we go
>it has healing powers, you need to drink it
Yup, lol

Ineed though the philosopher must increase tgeir moral fiber with increased knowledge

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when will I learn how to come up with those really complicated-looking bounds? you know the ones: a dozen seemingly random roots and transcendental functions slapped together in chaotic form to assert a bound on some prime divisor or some shit. I thought I'd start learning in my junior-year RA class, but it's turning out not to be what I thought it was, so is it postgrad analytic number theory or something else?
god bless.
>went into junior year not knowing what real analysis was

the arrogance of some of you idiots.
I'm American, fag. I don't have to know anything before I need it.
I have no idea. Finished my master degree without ever encountering special functions.

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C is a particle or singularity with a lower gravitational strength while B has a higher one D is the boundary function of the influence of those particles F are sensors that measure the particle emitted by g which is a radioactive isotope like Cesium 137 thorium bismuth etc from different perspectives E is a device which entnangles measured photons from that particles so that one particle is entangled with itself from the past where the dominant entanglement lies within the future particle so that the flow of time is now reversed
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thanks anon. i have been writing unique things on my driveway with some sidewalk chalk. i was amazed to go outside this morning and find that they disappeared! your theory is vindicated.

anyway it's too wet outside to write again (rained last night) but i'm going to repeat the writing as soon as possible and report the results again.
explanation in my other thread on /x/
ive found a way to include einsteins theory of relativity into this one using all angles between 0 and (pi/4)^4 or so to include all real numbers since (pi/4)^2 is the sum of 1 over all primes then ^3 is all natural numbers thus ^4 all real numbers if you include all real angles then and and place at each angle an object with different gravity such that there are unique (pi/4)^2 boundaries for each unique gravitational strength you can traverse this circle of time by standing in the centre.
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Why is IQ considered mostly genetic except in the context of race where all of the differences are due to things like nutrition and institutionalized racism? Seems a little bizarre to me that the n word has such a strongly negative effect on cognitive ability
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>Is officially proclaiming their stupidity from the rooftops going to be productive in any meaningful way?
Yes. Americans need to be told just how stupid they are.

Pretending we’re all equivalently capable is also a recipe for disaster.

Equality of outcome is stupid. Equity of outcome is just right.
Because the only real solution for all the problems in the world is to cut the balls of any male with IQ below 110. Simple as.
but that doesn't solve the problem of men with IQs over 110 not finding real life partners.
Because mid century Germans, 150 years of communist subversion, and dysgenic collapse of civilisation.
I certainly think the gap is dropping between the races. We’re all getting dumber due to dysgenic selection pressures caused by complex civilisation (welfare, hospitals, low child mortality).
We need eugenics asap if we want to avoid collapse.

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>This board is spouting pop sci garbage about the big bang from like the 1970’s
Things like:
>It was the first moment in time!
Time is just a ratio between happenings (it takes this much light travel to boil an egg)
>It was a singularity!
No reason to believe this
>There’s nothing before it!
Copout so physicists of the time didn’t have to model for pre big bang states
>It doesn’t make sense to ask what came before it!
It makes perfect intuitive sense to ask what the state before it looked like.

Read this then never spout these retarded points that kill cosmology discussion on here again. https://space.mit.edu/home/tegmark/pdf/inflation_excerpt.pdf
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So, did you ever consider the probability of the theoretic basis under the connecting the "red shift" to the distances (namely the pseudo-scientific theory known as big gang bang with minors) being false and the black matter and black energy were just made up to prevent it from being pwned?
>Can you demonstrate that I am?
what do you understand by "being"?
Are you ESL? It's dark not black. At least use the proper terminology.
If you have issues with redshift, how do you explain the consistent increasing redshift? It's not like we can't measure it on nearby objects to fact check distant objects.
Thus is also, once again, ignoring the lensing. How do you personally explain both pieces of data at once? If you can't then any hypothesis you put forth is flawed on at least one observational count.
a noun and a gerund
>Are you ESL?
Yes, I am, but BLACK being MATTER is funnier.
So I take your answer as no, such possibility never came to your mind.
> the consistent increasing redshift
How do you know what speectre those objects actually are?
What is wrong with the explanation by photons losing their energy as they move?
> Thus is also, once again, ignoring the lensing.
I'm not ignoring it, I'm just telling you that it can be explained by the objects being further and heavier than you (not you personally, but your idols) estimated

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Was on a gambling site and thought of the martingale strategy and wondered how the strategy would work if the win loss ratio was 2:1 or higher. I might be a retard that doesn't know how to google. if you use the martingale strategy you can lose, if the max is 100, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] 7 times, but with my version, you can lose, [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 14, 21, 31, 47, 70], 12 tiems.
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>If they're too dumb to know how to do that then they should go ahead and burn their money,
Cool, sounds like guaranteed bucks for a casino to let people burn their money. So...would you mind pointing out a casino that doesn't try to stop Martingale players?
>they don't want to take money from fools because reasons
If you play just one slot, you dumb. The winning slot always changes. You can evolve a magic eye that can spot winning slots.
>So...would you mind pointing out a casino that doesn't try to stop Martingale players?
I have never encountered a casino actually do this in real life. Would you care to name one where you personally saw this happen, or are you going off what you've seen in media?
Stake limits are good for casinos because the games are biased to give house edge. Allowing large stakes means people can bet large amounts on a small number of rounds and exploit the fact that they're far more likely to take a profit early on and can then leave. It has nothing to do with a martingale strategy. It's because when you have edge you want someone to be forced to play a large number of rounds so that the law of large numbers works for you and the probability of them making a profit shrinks rapidly.
>Allowing large stakes means people can bet large amounts on a small number of rounds and exploit the fact that they're far more likely to take a profit early on and can then leave.
It sounds like you are making a fallacy yourself here. It doesn't matter if some individual player gets lucky and leaves a winner. Some other sucker will sit down and take his place.
When you bet 3 you've already lost 4 dollars. Even if you win on 3 you're down a dollar.
1, 1, 2, 4... Would be a better sequence.

How do we improve the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences?
Remove Israel and their newly autonomous banking system will be able to fund public research
Post Muslim-oriented Christian apologist videos on youtube with the occasional math schizo rant sprinkled in.

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Tattooed women are more likely to be LGBT, promiscuous, egalitarian, drug users, exhibit psychopathology, get divorced. Stereotypes 100% correct once again.




Ban women from getting tattoos
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Ban dangerous women from advertising that they are dangerous.
they have vaginas so they are still more valuable than you
>Ban women from getting tattoos
You've got the causation backwards. The tattoos don't MAKE them that way, they get the tattoos BECAUSE they're that way

Let them keep getting tattoos, because that visibly marks women to avoid.
I wish tattoos caused cancer because then they type of people who get tattoos would die

I did it. You'll see a paper in the next couple of weeks.
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he'll be getting a million dollar dose of meds
too bad beacuse I solved too but my paper will be published the day after tomorrow
cmon anon. he needs this
ok, I will wilhold releasing my paper if he gets on his knees and begs like a dog

I srsly can't even on this planet anymore bros. compedency is taking a major downfall ( ._.)
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>I srsly can't even on this planet anymore bros. compedency is taking a major downfall ( ._.)
the irony. kek
automate everything.

robots have to be safer than actual humans at this point
>automate everything.
nobody is competent enough to do that
No one was even able to read that anyway, so it's completely irrelevant.
If you think Boing is the only one getting hit you don't know what's happening at Airbus as we speak: They're applying automobile's type of management and it's getting ugly.

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>Fine tuning
>Anthropic principle
>The penrose number
All of these combined pretty much guarantee that there is some variation of multiverses (paralell or linear) with varying laws of physics. It’s just way too unlikely that we struck a 1 in 10^10^150 chance, instead there must be a selection effect at play.
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The last paper he published right before he died disagrees exactly with you.
You have no evidence, so you appeal to authority. The authorities disagree with you, so you cope and seethe.
You have no evince, so you post a PDF, not published or cited, that doesn't even mention multi verses or changed physical constants.
Literally you are only getting information from pop-sci youtubers and you've still NEVER ANSWERED MY ORIGINAL QUESTION.
Go preach elsewhere, /sci/ is beyond you.
>Inflation is not published
Bruh just stop running your mouth already. The book chapter describes how inflation came to be and what things it predicted correctly.

Inflation is published, corroborated by data and correct predictions and by being accepted by most physicists. You just have 0 idea about the current landscape physics.
Cool strawman. Answer my first question.
Holy fucking shit ure the blackest gorilla nigger i had the bad luck of reading today. Is it actually impossible for people like you to engage in an intelectual discussion without stirring the pot and being an obnoxious, disingenuous contrarian? Your entire argument is "HE IS WRONG SEE?" while providing close to 0 proof against some dude that was actually trying to get you to understand some shit. You're just a fucking midwit trying to use the socratic method and dialectics, you disingenuous, dishonest fuck.
There is both no positive proof, and not a consensus of physicists believe it. Why should I? Multiverse belief is a new-age religion for the pop-sci retards, which I am skeptical of.
I ask why I should, and he has nothing, and still never answered my first question.

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no, but I cope by telling myself that confessing my ignorance and expressing a desire to know is super based, as if the world doesn't have enough socrates-esque losers roaming around :-(
It spells "do a flip faggot"
Nah, only see the obvious shit like Ʊ sub I being defined as a C with sub D in some weird ass brackets lmao... Looks like someone had to be really fancy with this one
Some mathematician tought their math was too cool to use the regular notation.

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cows are cute
Why? If people want CN stuff, they'll create a market demand for it. Then companies will grow to supply this demand. No government intervention required.

You're not just demanding CN to satiate your selfish desires to control people are you???
Cows are carbon protagonists
>controlling cows good
>controlling people bad
People didn't care about carbon footprint of cows until they were fed the data.
Then people wanted CN cows and the market provided them.
Now the market will provide CN people.

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