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I have lyme disease and I'm concerned of passing it to someone else through kissing/having sexual intercourse. Officially, the CDC says it cannot spread. However, I have heard many people online claim that it CAN spread.

I'm not sure how to approach this, if I should tell others, and what I should do to make sure I won't spread it to others.

Can I ask your opinion of this /sci/, if you happen to know anything about lyme disease? I have a feeling some people on here will at least.
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>magic the gathering in 2024
How is this still relevant in this day and age
This disease is so fucked up, makes me never want to go outside.
Nah you are getting Lied and Medicated
I'd trust the CDC over some randos online, CDC have never been wrong about this kind of thing before
>lyme disease
caused by bacteria
once those are gone from your antibiotics treatment you no longer have lyme disease
but you may develop PTLDS (post-treatment lyme disease syndrome)
this may be due to autoimmunity, damage or damage to your metabolism. it could be the same thing as post-acute infection syndrome (ME/CFS is another example)
proponents of persistent infection do not call this PTLDS, but chronic lyme disease in reference to what they see as a persistent infection
but this persistent infection remains unproven and long-term antibiotic therapy has been shown to be ineffective in resolving symptoms

if you do happen to develop joint pain, then try a ketogenic diet for a couple of months, I've seen peoples nerve and joint pain improve drastically on it and there's a good chance that it will help you heal

Winter is cooming and my father is already shidding himself over Euro regulations when it comes to heating with solid fuels.
He contacted a company that makes pic related which really looks like snake oil to me.

It's an insert that you put into chimney and it supposedly:
>increases heating efficiency (reduced fuel consumption) up to 40%
>reduces various emissions such as carbon monoxide, NOx, various unspecified organic compounds, dust and more
>Improves draft stability and improves resistance to wind back-draft
>Blocks out rain so it doesn't rain down the chimney
I can get two last lines as true, doesn't take a genius how it helps with those two things but the rest?
I mean, how 4.2kg (9.25 freedom-units) of stainless steel sheet metal without moving parts is able to do all those miraculous things?
Mind you, my boomer father is rather gullible when it comes to such things and instantly believes everything that is said on the internet, a trait which he carried over from TV.
He was right though about few things, like starting fire in fireplace at the top which resulted in less soot and cleaning required, although no noticeable savings in fuel which he probably was mostly after.
There's very little documentation on how this works provided by the producer. They do however supply buyers with bunch of papers that basically boil down to "the experts agree this thing works, here their stamp of approval". Nothing about their testing methodology in those papers though, just bunch of data.
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This is dependent on adjustability. If there isn't any adjustment happening then it won't be able to maximize fireplace efficiency. It can be too open or too closed for the desired fire intensity.
I'm going to vote for scam.

First off, the principle is right about combustion, but the place to fix that is in the hearth, that is why there are fireplace inserts with fans. The electric fan and sensors in the insert maximize combustion. Fireplace inserts work; I doubt doing anything at the top of the chimney has any effect.

Secondly, when they made your chimney, the builder should have tested it for flow, and adjusted its height and bore accordingly. Unfortunately, most modern houses with fireplaces are made to be decorative, not effective, since the house is heated with a furnace, not a hearth.

So, assuming the chimney flows properly -- which is dependent upon its height, and the flow of air in your neighborhood, and your builder -- your best bet for efficiency is an hearth insert, not something that is messing with the already maximized flow of your chimney.
yeah that's what I'm thinking
basically if fireplace and chimney was put together by someone competent (which usually means recently, not like a pre-war build) I doubt there's much to improve upon. Especially if there's thin or no smoke at all after fireplace fully warmed up since it signifies there's enough oxygen and heat for complete burn, meaning everything that could be turned into heat was turned into heat. Increased airflow in this situation decreases efficiency as now more hot air escapes trough chimney than it should.
I think best investment here would be a roof cam pointed at chimney where I can see how much smoke goes out and adjust draft flaps in hearth appropriately.
Not directly related, but how do home liquid fuel/nat gas boilers work?
>Euro regulations when it comes to heating with solid fuels.
The only thing europe innovates on is regulations.
>litterally banning 100,000 invention; fire
Total Government Death when?

Reminder that the Chinese room has never and will never be refuted. No machine will ever think or be intelligent.
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I think the "Chinese Room" is perfect
Eventually a human given enough time would learn Chinese if they followed the rulebook, but to the outside observer, nothing changes

Intelligent machines will seem intelligent far before they are
They are each criteria that would disqualify content from being considered original. To my knowledge, neither of these can be said of most AIs.
toppest kek holy fuck
The room it self is how mind operates.
Semantics is just interconection of syntaxes.
>NO U!

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Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.
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>hypotenuse = twice the leg
not possible when legs are equal. the sides aren't equal here so not a square.
you forgot parallel lines but cute attempt
>Uses fake definition
Why does your kind always cheat?
The lines are straight. It is the underlying space that is curved.
So what spatial geometry would be needed in order for OP to not be talking shit

Will this kind of nuclear industrial heating offer a significant competitive advantage to the Chinese petrochemical industry? Or will it make no difference?
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I don't think chemical/nuclear industrial construction shares much supply chain with private home construction
Is there much demand for hot steam? I can only remember one research reactor that sold hot steam as a byproduct to a paper mill.
The temperature is too low for calcination, which could have been a competitive very large scale application.
Not per capita so who cares
reminder all safety regulations on nuclear (and all other industries) should be removed.
Total, universal, unremitting, merciless bureaucrat extermination.
>just doing what should've been done in the 1960s had communist subversion and dysgenics not sabotaged western industry.
i love how solar panel lifetime costs always include local government subsidies and fail to add chink subsidies on the sale price

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>be me
>visit Hospital for X ray
>picture of Sir Roentgen with garlands around his portrait hung in the corridoor as mark of respect
>below it written that he discovered x rays
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No but if youre a jeet I have no respect for you
>>no, here in Italy people punch them
Italians being based as always
Most doctors are not scientists, they would become new age healers if it paid more.
>>be me

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Are there any notable biological effects if you only ate a plate of fruits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
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fruits have protein, (((they))) just don't talk about it.

The main problem is the sugar in fruit, called fructose, and the related fructans, pectin, and alcohols, and to some extent the water content too.
Basically you'd have to go through a diarrhea hazing period, until your body is used to it after a couple of months or so, and by then your body won't be able to probably handle any other food and you'd have to go through another hazing period of alternating diarrhea and constipation if you want to switch back to eating like people.
Your brain changes and you become entitled and brag about how meat is murder at every occasion.
sure, you will also find a little fat but how much can you collect by eating fruits?
and are those the right proteins/fats?

I have to feeling you might suffer from severe brain damage.
are (((they))) in the room with us now?
and who are ((((they))) in your little world perception?
(((those))) that keep you from using fucking wikipedia or google?
Diarrhea due to the high fiber and low fat.

moon is looking good tonight
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People would see the light and stop voting in the liberal politicians who give oxygen to these social parasites
what if the moon is filled with alien technology that's used to control the earth
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Sounds intredesting
really is looking hot af
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would be a shame if anything were to happen to it...

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>If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.
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good luck explaining partial differential equations to a six year old
>things often affect other things, which is modeled by a pde. for example, a hot thing heats up its surroundings, and a cold thing cools down its surroundings. this is modelled by a "heat equation", a special kind of pde
>Oversimplifying a quote about simplifying.
The idea is that if you understand a topic thoroughly enough, you should be able to explain any idea at a level appropriate to your audience, without needing to use misleading analogies or false equivalences.

ex. You should be able to explain to explain how a plane flies to a kid at a conceptual level they can understand without yelling at them about the Kutta Condition or turbulent vortices.
A sx-year-old what?

If you believe mathematical singularities(math error) are real physical objects that float around in space you belong in a mental asylum.
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good thing all the other solutions to einstein field equations for rotating black holes also deliver a schwarzschild radius (or whatever you prefer to call it) and match observations.
>If you believe mathematical singularities(math error) are real physical objects
The mathematics of black holes can be used to describe the behaviour of ocean vortices
>because the slope is vertical at the event horizon
No, that's a coordinate artefact. The Finkelstein transformation eliminates it. The true singularity lies at the centre.
>escape velocity greater than c
lmao at not understanding GR and not understanding math or physics, lmao at using a newtonian calculation of escape velocity and then trying to apply it to a relativistic situation and finally lmao at the light being redshifted to the point that it's wavelength is far greater than the schwarzschild radius and escaping anyway
p.s. lmao at not understanding basic concepts in optics
>escape velocity greater than light speed..
There are no velocities greater than light speed in general relativity

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They did the telepathy with chess guy. There are two guys with neuralink installed now.

Now they're moving towards curing blindness. They just got approved for testing on humans. Patient registry is open.
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It's kind of interesting that no server actually uses this domain name.
>Please work for us, goy
>If you go deep into the rabbit hole with John E Mack and his research on this subject you find most everything they are capable of is related to some mastery of fucking with the human brain.
any specific documents you can link? Not finding anything on jewgle
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When Elon said "Atari graphics for now", he means everything invasive surgery with new technology can give you is something like a 20x20 bit graphics phosphene-based matrix that could stop working in 5 years (which is when you need new invasive brain surgery).

Has been demonstrated years ago and probably the neuroscientific people (of whom many come from psychology, a field that does not attract and partly alienates nerds) convinced him that this is the hottest shit while the same can be reached with an electrotactile tongue display, of which there are multiple devices FDA approved on the market with the same resolution.

If they reach for the higher visual cortex it would be dope though
you can get his books on zlib.


I recommend watching some of his lectures as well. Unfortunately due to this being small effort by relatively few people back in the 80's and 90's it doesn't really meet the most rigorous scientific standards. No one wants to touch this subject so no professional research ever got done. Mack and his colleagues did their best to be as stringent as possible though. Mack was legit. He has roots in a lot of places and was involved in the Ruwa Zimbabwe case if you are familiar with that.

Also worth checking out Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs. One was a painter the other a professor of history. Probably the most rag tag group ever assembled but they got some interesting results. It's really eerie to read these accounts when you've experienced something yourself, but It's also just a good read if you are just curious about the subject, even if you are skeptical.

What causes outbreeding depression? Does it happen in humans too?
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So that certainly suggests that outbreeding whites are self selecting for low quality genes, I'm curious then what the stereotypes from the second race category are, whether the asian women or black men are also lower or higher quality examples of their racial group

If it works that way in animals is it stil theory?
What's an alternative?
You can find quite reliable estimates of inbreeding depression effects in animal and plant studies.
Generally you find in populations with a tendency towards historical inbreeding that they don't experience significant inbreeding depression due to purging.
For outbreeding I'm not so familiar with the literature it seems less well explored since it's harder to regulate.

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so perpetual motion isnt possible?
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>A power generator and a ball spinning motor.
No, nothing spins without the power, it only spins if there is zero point energy, so it is one device.

>the Power generating device powers a separate device.
No, the only way for the energy to go from source to load is if it is all interconnected as one system.

>Powering my Laptop with a zero-point energy does not make my Laptop a zero point energy device..
Yes, it would be a zero point laptop and you would have a massive marketing capabilities for a computer that doesn't need external power because it powers itself from the void.

>not an answer.
It is when the zero point energy is what is causing the motion.
>No, nothing spins without the power, it only spins if there is zero point energy, so it is one device.
No it doesn't only spin if there is zero point energy..
I can easily use an external device to power the motor spinning your ball.
The ball acts completely independent of your zero point energy generator.
>No, the only way for the energy to go from source to load is if it is all interconnected as one system.
2 separate things.
Your ball doesn't need your zero point generator to spin and can do so quite happily with any power supply.
>Yes, it would be a zero point laptop and you would have a massive marketing capabilities for a computer that doesn't need external power because it powers itself from the void.
no, its a laptop that has a separate zero point generator..
Laptops have nothing to do with zero point energy generation and aren't needed in their design to be able to work.
>It is when the zero point energy is what is causing the motion.
No, its when any energy is used... the zero point component can be replaced with any kind of power source because it is an entirely different device.
what are orbits?
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Sure it is, I'm perpetually banging ur mom lmao
Easiest way to think about it - as any two systems move towards some kind of equilibrium, it gets exponentially harder to get any kind of usable work out of them (to move them out of equilibrium). Shifting that system out of equilibrium and doing work means bringing in another system that's out of equilibrium with the others, but you eventually run into the same problem.

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Is this what publishing has become
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In my uni we are encouraged to use AI, especially in research. It pisses me off a lot. When we have a class where we have to do presentations half of the class just read chatgpt nonsense and teachers pretend like it's ok. Literal generation of dependable imbeciles is on the rise.
holy kek
The best part is how none of the supposedly 8 authors noticed this. I've done enough work of my own to know that every paper with many authors is actually just the work of 1 or two people, but you'd figure someone putting their name down to hog credit would at least read it over.
>none of the supposedly 8 authors noticed this
none of them exist, their names were ai generated
It's particularly frustrating because I know colleagues, good researchers, who will fucking AGONIZE over the content of their papers - scraping through drafts for weeks looking for anything that might be out of place or could be worded better. And then these kinds of chucklefucks get garbage forced through the pay-to-publish pipeline, slap their name on a bullshit citation, and get hired as doctors, researchers, instructors, etc.

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Scientifically speaking, why is life so shitty for everyone?
Why doesn’t the universe exist as a place where fewer than 99% of people and animals are getting fucked over?
Is this a universal constant? Wtf?
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What did anon mean by this?
>Because god is either ignorant, sadistic, or powerless/selfish.
Lack of understanding of nuance, completely teenager/aspiepilled response. Most evils are a consequence of being given free will, without the juxtaposition between each other there would be no "good" nor "evil".
Also good and evil is a manmade concept. Retards who spin this nigger platitude of yours are dumber than the christcucks they are belittling.
You first.
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I am already doing that.


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