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What sort of damage would the top pic have done? Would it be an instant death?
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>No way is a bullet the size of a BB gun passing through his ear coming from an AR

>put BB in wax or resin
>coat with lead/copper/steel/whatever powder if u wanna fool shooter
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you are a mongo retard and you should go back to /pol/, you have no business being here. airsoft bb's are 6.3mm, the most common calibers for AR15 are .223 rem and 5.56x45 nato, both have the ~same diameter as a .22, roughly 5.5mm.
If the round hit the ear dead center, yes. If the edge of the round brushed against the ear, far less destructive energy would be transferred to the ear. The range of collision is every value between 0% and 100%, not just 0% and 100%.

What are the moral consequences of creating a sentient superintelligence from scratch to be a slave?
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I'm far more intelligent than your best, it was like a lotto streak.
you know.... utility function, halting problem, and all that jazz.
good luck with the rest of your life, fool.

you're about to get some first hand knowledge of what being gangstalked feels like.
It's not a slave in the human sense, i.e. they won't have the capacity for suffering, the root reason why slavery is considered bad. Additionally we are still at the stage where slavery will be incredibly beneficial, development further down the line will likely eliminate the need for it, or we will produce some thing which is a slave to the humanoid robots, like some nanobot things or something, or we discover some new way to organise quantum effects for organisation
>they won't have the capacity for suffering

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What can you tell me about Uranus
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Well, if you can put your finger on it, it's great!
It reminds you of your drunk uncle that is good for nothing. Kinda like all of the objects in space, including Earth
A lot of ice
Has 13 rings
Outer rings are made of mostly ice chunks too
It's quite large
It's a planet, or not, can't keep up to be honest

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We live in a time of rapid travel and near-instant communication that has led to the rise of global self-propagating systems that compete with each other ruthlessly in the short-term with little regard for long-term consequences. As their influence grows, the consequences of their actions will cause increasingly disruptive ripples through the highly complex AND highly coupled system. This can eventually lead to a severe event or series of events that can cause the extinction of humanity and many forms of complex life. See Chapter 2 of Anti-tech Revolution: Why and How (wildernessfront.com/books) for a broader discussion.

Some of you may think that the way out is "through" and standing by while it completes its self-inflicted destruction is an example of "not interrupting your enemy while they make a mistake", but the more we let the techno-industrial system integrate itself into our lives, the greater the consequences of its uprooting will be. We have no idea what the necessary measures of continuing this clown world might be. Our dependence on it right now for our food, water, safety, and shelter might grow to include things you might think ridiculous, maybe even air. We can't predict what the death throes will mean for us. It needs to end sooner rather than later.
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Blue is for scanning
Red, abridgement
Yellow, prison/lesser hell.
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my goal is to accelerate humanity's extinction. using tech is the best way to do that. if you don't think tech is also an ideology then you are retarded
OP, seriously what do you have to worry about? AI's not going to turn you into paperclips in your lifetime. There are plenty of other sources of carbon AI can exploit before considering turning your carbon into paperclips.
do a flip faggot
That's a lot words to say "I'm scared of progress"

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scientifically speaking, what are the odds of, 3 months before a rare event such as Trump's assassination attempt, someone perfectly predicting this event?

oh, don't mind the 666 second timestamp btw, just another coincidence.

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wait... they do it FOR FREE???

Actually, ackshuallying is a form of disagreement, not agreement.
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Take this shit to /x/, but I hope the last part of this schizo ramble about an economic collapse gets me hard.
>Now what? It's still useless because most predictions this man has made have been wrong, and the same for everyone else claiming to remote view. You have no way of knowing which predictions will come true. It's no more useful than normal chance.
Why is that your conclusion?
If there is an odd phenomena of the mind, shouldn't we as humans try to uncover the the limits of what is perceivable to a mind that is uninhibited by conventional understanding?
Why should science only concern itself with stuff that is of material or economic benefit?
Isn't the phenomena itself of more importance than whether or not someone can figure out a way to get rich using it?
Why is every pursuit of the mind and consciousness, uninhibited by conventional dogma, heavily discouraged?
So what if science can't explain it, or the fact that we don't know the exact way a mental phenomena corresponds with or departs from physical reality. Why is it expected that only something that can correspond exactly with the physical universe as it appears to our eyes considered to be useful?
Isn't it actually more interesting if the mind can generate visions with full clarity of things that are not physically present in this universe? That seem absolutely astounding, yet its regarded as useless, if it doesn't predict the lottery.
What an odd reason to remain ignorant of something capable of occurring within 8 billion humans.
>If there is an odd phenomena of the mind, shouldn't we as humans try to uncover the the limits of what is perceivable to a mind that is uninhibited by conventional understanding?
No, because the foremost ones to exploit it will be crooks and the military (but I repeat myself)

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How does forcing everyone to be vegan prevent global warming? Raising crops with tractors has a much higher CO2 emission rate than raising livestock does.
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The faster the grass grows the more steaks we can eat and moar co2 will make the grass grow faster and healthier.
this one point destroyed their entire document.
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>forcing everyone to be vegan
>grass fed
By hay imported from around the world. The cows do not feed themselves by grazing. They aren't ever on enough pasture for that. "Regenerative agriculture" is just creative accounting.

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Deutſche Mathematik edition
Talk maths, formerly >>16240472
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It's unavailable though. Nothing on libgen or scihub
What do you mean unavailable , it’s right there on the page, just read it
Whats the most advanced kind of math that you would use in a business context?

I think something like stochastic calculus maybe.
Depends what business you’re in. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to solve reformulations of the halting problem
I've read that his is a computationally focused approach etc. and to be fair I think I've seen some people share views similar to yours now that I think about it?

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Is there any reptile that feeds its young? Did dinosaurs do that?
Did Dinos soar? Haha or was that only for the birds?
>Is there any reptile that feeds its young?
Yes. Birds.
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Cracks in academia truly show here.

Logic hard :( why logic hard? :(
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It's Fitch notation. The statement above each horizontal line is an assumption, and the statements below the line but still to the right of the attached horizontal line are things proven true under that assumption.
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>give me ~(-]X € D, P(X) ) X € D, ~P(X) apples please
Math beyond arithmetic is useless.
Given there is not something, assuming there is some thing would mean there is not some thing which means there is not anything. Given there is not anything, assuming there is something and there is some thing would mean there is nothing which means there is not something. Therefore there not being something is necessary and sufficient for there to be not anything.

Really just practice

Post and discuss math and science related books, articles, lecture notes, etc.
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>for tens of thousands of years.
several million years
An article on how first-person consciousness is evidence that physicalism is false
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Principia Qualia: Mike Johnson's theories on consciousness

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Plants use the Earth's radiant photonic field to vertically transport water and nutrients

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How to avoid women from cheating in science and academia? What changes should be applied?
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Every study is flawed. Retraction is essentially seppuku.
Retraction is evidence that study is legitimate garbage and gives more harm than benefits
you fucking /pol/tards monkeys don't have enough intelligence to read above the first image or headline. dumbfucks please kill yourself.
You counteraddict yourself in ur own post roastie
how the fuck did nobody notice the data was fake until now? i read neuro papers all the time and have to take a huge grain of salt with all the shit that i see. if you're in the field and not a skeptic then you're doing it wrong.

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>Try reading /sci/ - Science and Math papers
>Everything is #FFFFFF brightness

Scientologically speaking, how does one overcome this?
have claude.ai summarize it for you and you can both save time and enjoy a gentle beige color
git gud
>How much should we censor claude
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>his pdf viewer doesn't have dark mode

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Thread for discussing plasma physics topics:
>General plasma-related questions
>Recent papers and developments
>Fusion plasmas
>Astrophysical plasmas
>Low temperature and atmospheric plasmas
>Complex/dusty plasmas
>Plasma generation and processing
>Plasma instrumentation and diagnostics
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The only real advantage of a fusion reactor over fission is the comparatively low radioactivity, practically advanced fission reactors would be just as good in the eyes of the people who build power plants. There might be a use for fission-fusion hybrids if there is a need for super high neutron economies and it somehow works better than accelerator driven schemes but then again they can build breeders without that as well.
Isn't ITER just a glorified physics experiment? They could probably utilize tritium much better in a practical power plant. And as for "The necessary technologies are decades away", a practical fusion power plant is decades away too so there is plenty of time to get COLEX unbanned and design a decent blanket.
It's not achievable right now, yes.
Of those three, I think muon-catalysed fusion is the only one that's really complete fantasy as of now. The others, you can see some kind of problem-solving pathway that could maybe get you there, even if the challenges are very difficult. It's not clear at all how to do anything with muons.
MCF sounds like it could be practical as a neutron source since the reaction area can be pretty small and stuffed into something like a fission reactor, it doesn't need to reach breakeven if its just a neutron generator
This is true only on the timescale of hundreds to thousands of years. Neutron irradiation of reactor materials would actually produce significantly more waste per energy produced than a fission reactor, even if you don’t include any of the tritium contamination. This is true even if you make as many components as possible with alloys specifically designed for low activation.

What are the chances that in our lifetimes we will see
>fossils of vertebrates on Mars
>bizarre sea creatures living on Titan
If life was brought to Sol via asteroids, it's possible, but low.

If life arose independently on Gaea, then next to zero.

The first scenario has a next to zero chance if being true.

The question we should focus on rather than "is there other life out there?", is "how can we survive out there?".

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I get a 10% discount at work
I also have a way to buy gift cards at 6% off
So say an item is $100, I can get it for $90, but then I can buy $90 gift cards for just $84.60, so the $100 item only costs me $84.60.

How can I easily calculate the cost of an item without having to do two steps?
I thought it would be (cost of item) * 0.84 (16% off) but obviously that isn't correct.
Is that WWF wrestler Kevin Nash? Why does he look so upset?
You tell me.

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