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Where is the Earth's center of gravity? Mount Everest
Around the core, but not exactly, and Earth being an active planet means it's constantly changing slightly
your mom
This, theres also varying density in the upper mantle due to some structures weve observed. Likely further out than you think

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What is the science behind long Covid?
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why are bisexuals significantly more likely to have long covid than straight people, gays, or lesbians?
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How is this any different than a common NEET?
because this time it's liberal women doing it
You're wrong thoubeit.

How did he predict it?
Who is this man and whst did he predict

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y no black or gray light. all color lights. blu light. red. light yellow light. but no gray or black light
white = mix of different wavelengths
black = no light
gray light = very little light
this is 5th grade science
terrible thread
post gray led lights
All white LEDs are grey LEDs.
*gray = very little light
Darkness is just the absence of light, therefore gray and black shadows dont because flames that cast light cant have an absence of light to dim the shaxd

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I have lyme disease and I'm concerned of passing it to someone else through kissing/having sexual intercourse. Officially, the CDC says it cannot spread. However, I have heard many people online claim that it CAN spread.

I'm not sure how to approach this, if I should tell others, and what I should do to make sure I won't spread it to others.

Can I ask your opinion of this /sci/, if you happen to know anything about lyme disease? I have a feeling some people on here will at least.
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Somehow I feel like this won't be a problem for you. Maybe if you were worried if you can spread it through trading magic the gathering cards or something.
I don't play magic anon.

Thanks anon. That makes me feel a lot better. Still when I tell people I have this disease its awkward but I feel I am obligated to do it, in case there's any chance of it spreading.
You should know, assuming you're being treated, once you've finished the antibiotics regimen you're no longer actually infected. The lingering symptoms are because of the damage it did to your immune system (essentially a body-wide allergy), not because the bacteria is still present. So, there's no chance of you infecting someone once that part of the treatment is done.
Can I ask how you learned this anon? I asked some other people online and they were really paranoid of the disease spreading. What you're saying makes me feel a lot more optimistic. I did have my symptoms persist for several months afterwards, and I still have a few problems.
My sister had it years ago (she got over it fine, though had knee pains for about a year or so after), and I read up about it at the time. It's a complicated disease that doesn't behave like ordinary diseases, which I think makes people paranoid about it.

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What if Mars looked like this?
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Is a big universe, lot's stuff to learn
based answer
Brother if we have the technology to completely terraform the surface of Venus we have the technology to either increase the rotation or completely mitigate the issues with the slow rotation with mirror and shade satellites, as has been proposed before.
You're such a fucking pseud.
what if you weren't retarded? what then, huh?
2d quantum theories...

Does this even make sense for quantic nutjobs?

I mean is sort of bullshit ain't it?

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>reality...............IS BAYESIAN IN NATURE?!???
>everything that fails is bayesian
If you can't tell who the sucker is, it's you.
Shitbrained extrapolation, just like modern monetray theory, is doomed to fail. It has been a scam from the start. Truth prevails, even if no one talks about it.
God damn some of those modern academics arent better than witchcraft in their predictive power. Anybody that hasnt lost his senses is well advised to use them to debunk all those pseudoscientist "scientists".
A lieral 5 year old, drawing some random lines could have made better predictions. Modern "academic" economics is a cult of shekel paid jews. Anybody that knows at least a little bit of the profession knows how much of a scam it is
This is the final redpill. Not just holocaust "denial" (although "minimization" would be a more accurate term), but outright denial of all historical and political boogeyman. Liberal democracy is not some super special political ideology that is unique in it's ability to support a civilization. This is just globohomo propaganda to convince you that the only viable political system is liberal democracy.

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so perpetual motion isnt possible?
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learn the difference between a power source and a motor..
2 separate things.
>lmao no, extracting zero-point energy does not produce mechanical movement.
Prove it. The whole point of the Casimir effect is that the plates move.

>exactly, without the power source; a motor is still called a motor.
If its not moving because its not being powered, it is not a perpetual motion device.

>the motor is powered by a previous device
No, the motor is powered by an electrical signal.

>No, the free-energy device is one thing.. the motor is a different separate thing.
And both are necessary components of the perpetual motion device.

>it is self powered.
So is free zero-point energy.
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the universe is in perpetual motion
Yes, they are the two different components of a theoretical perpetual motion device, something to harvest the energy and something to disperse it mechanically.
>>lmao no, extracting zero-point energy does not produce mechanical movement.
>Prove it. The whole point of the Casimir effect is that the plates move.
Casimir effect?
what kind gay lord tard are you?
utterly fucking worthless.

>No, the motor is powered by an electrical signal.
the motor does not itself produce said electrical energy..

>So is free zero-point energy.
yes.. the previous stage utilizing vacuum energy is indeed a zero-point energy device..
the motor has fuck all to do with powering itself.

>Yes, they are the two different components of a theoretical perpetual motion device, something to harvest the energy and something to disperse it mechanically.
No, thats two different devices..
A perpetual motion device powers itself..
getting power from a previous stage is not powering itself..

How would i be able to figure out the .75 decimal on measuring tape when i measure 15 3/4? I used a website to figure out 15 3/4 is 15.75. I just dont know how to count the .75 on a measuring tape.
decent bait attempt but nothing special 4/10
.1 means 1/10
.01 means 1/100
.001 means 1/1000
This means .75 = 75/100
You can simplify 75/100 to 3/4, which means that dividing up a pie into 100 equal pieces and eating 75 of them is the same as if you divided the same pie into 4 pieces and eating 3 of them. Simplifying is better because it's easier to imaging cutting one inch into 4 pieces is easier that cutting them into 100.

So say you want to guess (approximate) where 0.6732 is on a measuring tape. You now know that 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 are just 0/4, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 on the measuring tape. .6732 is between .5 and .75, so you know you marking is between the 2/4 and 3/4 mark on the tape. You could find the center between the .5 and .75 which is .6225, So a good guess is a little after the 2nd mark after the 2/4 = 1/2 mark.

Look up how to do ruler fraction math online or on youtube. If you need more help, look for the Ask Stupid Questions thread (which is for all questions, not just stupid)

Dude might just not have gone to school. No need to shit on people for not having a luxury like that. Public education is a non-trivial resource. You should count your blessings more often
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>I used a website to figure out 15 3/4 is 15.75
What do you count in between the four fractions? Sure, each of the four point leading to another inch is 1/4=.25, leading to a 1.00 (one inch), but what do you count when your measurement falls on one of the points in between? Every increment doesnt seem to add to each of the four fractions of an inch.
3/4 = X/100
X = 300/4 = 75

Infinity, infinity, infinity, etc, etc...
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We can percieve only "space"(luminoferous eather) which is evaporated from black holes, to fill our universe with well, space we can move on as electromagnetic creatures. Beyond the edge of thing we move in there's space, but there light doesn't propagate, because it's no luminoferous aether there.
Sorry but what does this mean, I'm interested in the "aether" part
That's the space we live in, it makes more sense that medium that carry photons is stretchable, than that space itself is curved.
>infinity contains everything
It doesn't? I thought that's what infinity was??
No, infinity just means you have a numerical process without a numerical upper limit.

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when did you realize STEM degrees are a massive scam and that you should have gone to med school or a top tier business school instead depending on your strengths?
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>but how is my engineering degree a scam??
oh no no no, I hope you're doing EE.
if I like to date smart women and do complexity analysis for random processes and algorithms, where else do I go, retard?
business school are for massive retard losers. if you like finance, do a math PhD.
medical doctors are just glorified pill pushers. no, I don't want to do a boring hours long shift that even retards can do.
>does not explain his point
NEET envious that I'm doing something with my life and studying for a job with a median salary of 100k (no, not EE)
There are some things money can't buy. Like living in accordance with the Dao. Some people get drawn away by greed and get cosmically punished for it.
>too far ahead to quit
just do it

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If a colony of modern humans (as in, more than enough of them to sustain a stable non-interbreeding population) were transported to a copy of Earth that is more or less identical to ours minus any existing human civilisation or technology, supplied with the collective knowledge of every technological advancement from fire to the modern day, how short a time could it take them to manufacture a single smartphone?
This is a theoretical situation where there's no infighting, cultural divisions, natural disasters, plagues or whatever to significantly hinder their work, and they aren't being forced to work unhealthy amounts of time every day.

For example, with the right knowledge of materials and how to use them it's possible to set up furnaces and basic smelting 'equipment' within a week, even a day with a lot of people working on them, but you won't exactly be able to make precision instruments immediately.
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Depends a lot on how educated they were, carrying a bunch of books wont do much.
Most people in this so-called colony will have to busy themselves with hunting and building somewhat in excess of their own needs, to support a smaller group of people that needs to work in these technological projects full time.
Normally they would organize this with a bank. They would set up a market to sell their squirrel meat, and the proceeds saved in a bank, which could decide then to fund tech startups, such as "copper"
Also modern minning has discovered and used up all the near surface ores and oil, so unless this scenario is of an 'untouched' planet it would be significantly harder to aquire most metals and hydrocarbons. Oil used to give a ratio of 1:30 energy return per drilling investment, today it is more like 1:7
>If a colony of modern humans (as in, more than enough of them to sustain a stable non-interbreeding population) were transported to a copy of Earth that is more or less identical to ours minus any existing human civilisation or technology, supplied with the collective knowledge of every technological advancement from fire to the modern day, how short a time could it take them to manufacture a single smartphone?
We have this discussion regularly.
Last time, it was estimated stone age to atomic age in 50 years, and the rest mostly as it evolved. That makes for 100 - 150 years.
Theres currently ATM entire countries of tens of millions of people that cannot feed themselves or manufacture anything.
As an example: Egypt.
Tell Egypt to manufacture smartphones, and to make the machines too. See how that goes.
This, but the most important factor is there being enough people to necessitate smartphones in the first place.

How old ware you, when you discovered that space we experience is just luminoferrous aether?

We need whole quantum mechanics, just to explain, that light is not wave in a medium, space is not medium...

Can't you just accept that old man was true and mainstream media spreads true?

Light is a wave, propagating trough medium, now we call it space. Medium can bend itself to form minkowski space, but space itself cannot?
Aether is what "scientists" call dark energy now.

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These three niggas are humanity's only hurdles to achieving collective godhood, fr
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Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.
>Not being an npc bugman for psychopaths and wanting as should be natural to fix the human condition is a disorder
The only "disorders" mankind has are the "disorders" of senescence, lower animal instincts and death
I'm betwixt myself.

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Name one non-physical thing that can be proven to exist independent of physical objects. Just one.
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You don't understand quantum mechanics, and you are a religious moron. Coincidence?
Abstract objects
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numbers, patterns, a Knot is the example Fuller uses which is most spontaneously illuminating - the knot is not the hemp, the nylon or cotton it is made of: they only make the knot visible - it is a "patterned integrity." welcome to the first step of initiation.
Can you give specific examples or is that claim once again going to fail due to your lack of coherence and misunderstanding how words and logic work?

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