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Scientifically speaking, of course.

Seems like EVERYTHING that humans do causes global warming. Do we need to implement and raise carbon taxes in countries that already have them even further to fight global warming?
The reasonable thing to do is to increase taxes for democrats and leftists to 100%, is all their fault after all so if they die they die. To avoid destroying the economy taxes need to be lowered to 0% for everyone else.
Simple geoengineering would be the way to go.
Since this isn’t done, it’s clear this whole charade has nothing to do with global warming.
>How Do We Fight Global Warming

Nuclear power. You know, the thing the left fought against demonized, and even undermined by putting antinuke activists in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Chud it up

Behold, the most overrrated faggot in all of history of science
how he started physics

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Where the fuck is my assembler edition?

That's right it's time for another molecular nanotechnology. Remember keep your discussion limited to actual nanotechnology applications, inventions, and theorizing, not sissy boy nu-nanotechnology.
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Yeah, I saw that. Would love to see them publish something, but it basically seems like it's a really souped up scanning probe microscope. Kinda of letdown.
lol no. They're incredibly paranoid. Rumor is they moved the entire company to Canada because they feared the US government would steal the tech. So no, they ain't publishing shit. They might even be planning to destroy all their work they did on bootstrapping once everything works. I think Drexler or someone else proposed doing that.
>>but it basically seems like it's a really souped up scanning probe microscope. Kinda of letdown.
If you're let down by actually trying to do mechanosynthesis you should get out of this thread. They're trying to bootstrap MNT
>Rumor is they moved the entire company to Canada because they feared the US government would steal the tech

Why would they scared tho? Canada is practically an part of the US economically. Most of these guys seem American,

>> If you're let down by actually trying to do mechanosynthesis you should get out of this thread.

Don't get me wrong I think it's great anyone is working on mechanosynthesis. And glad that if it's true to seems they solved theoretical and practical problems to enable it. And maybe this Burton guy was lying at Foresight meeting, but from what heard it seems that they can't make useable machines from their research.
Merge with /med/

Do you think that artificial eyes that work almost or even fully identically to real eyes will be a reality within your lifetime?
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>Neuralink is working on
They will only help a cripple move a computer mouse and nothing more
They already all, we call them cameras.
Elon tranny hasn't delivered anything worth while since the Tesla grift started.
kys Neurolink troon.
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That tech is banned by the deep state, so not at all kiddo.
Depends on how profitable and affordable that would be.

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>nah bro intelligent life? Impossible
>the closest habitable planet is not even 5 lightyears away
>even fucking Mars had conditions to support life
>estimated to be 40 billion habitable planets in the universe, minimum

Why is belief against intelligent life the scientific consensus? Why are scientists retarded in just this one area?
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Says the guy pulling numbers out of his ass
Lol lmao even
Could you elaborate more please?
Go ahead and compute the minimal length for partial turing machines (both strands) dumbfuck.

Even if the entire universe were nothing but primordial soup, 10^80 baryons is not enough to get two abiogenesis events in the same lightcone. It's so fucking over that it never began.
When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras.
honest question: how far away do you think a light year is? If you read the number 5 and instantly thought the quantity is small makes me think the word "retard" hits closer to home than you want to admit.

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Yes, Renaissance Technologies pays CS/math/physics/statistics PhDs 7 figures starting total compensation.

>Please wait 300 seconds before sucking dicks.
>while havent

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Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
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??? NTA but the kola borehole did not come even close to hitting the bottom of the crust, how did any of its findings contradict our model of earth's layers?
lmao even
right, it barely scratched the surface and even with that shallow of a hole it still found that all of the predictions made by >muh soience were completely wrong.
if soience can't even predict what will be found at 10km depth then just imagine how wrong they must be about whats at 100km and 1000km depth
Every day I'm reminded just how braindead the denizens of this fucking board are and I have to thank you for not letting me forget
Wiki page says they found life there

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they don't exist
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Yes they do. Here's a photo!
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Parallel universes are impossible and if they existed they would be identical to ours on the macroscale. White holes don't exist either.
It helped me see how utterly bullshit theoretical physics is.

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Female ferrets, once they're mature enough to breed, will become extremely ornery and violent if they aren't bred. If they go on long enough without being inseminated, eventually the estrogen buildup in their bodies becomes so severe that it will kill them, they become lethargic once its really bad and then die of anemia. So inability to breed is a death sentence for a female ferret. I doubt this is unique to ferrets, but I haven't studied the issue.
It seem likely, judging from their behavior, that human females go through something similar, although not severe to the point of death. Inability to breed seems to turn women into massive bitches and I get the impression that birth control pills mitigate that kind of hormonal activity.
So my theory is that if you know a girl who is a massive bitch and she isn't on bitch control of getting fucked regularly then thats probably because she wants to be inseminated, craves it desperately.
Is there any actual scientific research thats covered this topic?
I don't know much about it outside of my familiarity with ferrets and my experiences with women.
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>My next pet is going to be one that outlives me, so it can be sad when I die.
That is messed up.
>this Photoshopped meme owns the libs.
Either the bird is unnaturally large or the mouse is unnaturally small.
Facts are facts. Birds eat seeds. They are civilized creatures with no need for meet.
That's why you don't lay dead rats in a birdfeeder you fucking moron.
Go back to fucking your sister in you're trailer park, Cletus.
This bait is simply too long to be considered effective, sorry
I read this entire post in Trump's voice involuntarily.

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Is this shit really destroying fertility how worried should we be?
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This. A lot of the hysteria about muh plastics these days has homophobic and transphobic subtext. It's often a way for people to give the impression of scientific legitimacy to their false and bigoted claims about the proportion of LGBT individuals supposedly increasing - presumably due to "woke" ideology or propaganda or something - when in reality the LGBT community is just becoming more free to publicly express themselves and their true identity.

Conservatives also have an aversion to pretty much anything new or anything that has been developed using modern science and technology, so they're naturally going to oppose things like plastic and opt for shit like paper or aluminum packaging because its sort of a more traditional or classic aesthetic. The current microplastics hysteria is just a reiteration of the atrazine conspiracy theory from 15 years ago. Pic related.

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> wikipedia
Ironically paper straws are something green libs pushed for, so you're obviously something worse than a genuine liberal. You're a jew.
No, obesity and literal birth control substances (is this ironic or not?) is reducing fertility.

Oh and the fact nobody has sex but that's less comfortable to discuss.

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Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
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why would she care? she is a humanitarian
she doesn't care who she defends, she defends peoples human rights
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>"""""Christians""""" invented science (except not really, Aristotle was well underway with the groundwork for modern science hundreds of years before Christ).
>therefore they demonstrated God was real using science (also not the case, since none of them did that)
you're only confessing your ignorance of the history of the scientific method and demonstrating your ignorance and lack of education
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Climate pseudoscientists are no better than mystics, fortune tellers, and other superstitious nonsense. They have produced zero climate models capable of making accurate predictions. If physics had such a low success rate we wouldn't take it seriously as a field of science either.

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Taking summer biochemistry and I'm the only male in the class
I got a 73 on the first exam for this biochemistry course and I don't get what I did wrong I'm so sick of getting bad grades like this. It's an accelerated 5 week course and it moves insanely fast. I felt like I knew the concepts. I studied for about 6 hours. Am I just totally fucking stupid?
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thanks for the help
Yes you are totally just fucking stupid. Is this what you wanted to hear or were you expecting a snowflake to cheer you up with fake words
Lol brainlet. Literally just study
Spambot. Ignore
I know it's just frustrating I hate it because my parents think I'm not stupid and I kind of just want to move to Germany and become a Catholic monk
How much do I need to study? I went out to play my accordion and drink on Thursday before the exam I really don't want to have to sacrifice that but it looks like I have no choice.

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There's no reason this wouldn't work. Just make sure the buildings are structurally sound and comprised of stable material.
What do you mean by "work?" Do you mean that it won't literally physically collapse on itself? If that's all you mean, then yeah sure, it could work if the buildings are appropriately designed/built.

Moomin edition

Last thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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Nta what dont you like about physiology

Fwiw clinical medicine is like 85%pathology 14%pharmacology 0.8% just being nice and 0.2%phys
so sick of STEM and medicine because so fucking feminized, too many cunts
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>Any advice for a newbie? Stuff to watch out for during the first year?
Admins will be out of touch and full of shit no matter what school you go to, so take everything they say with a kilo of salt. This is especially true for M2 year, UFAPS is still king. Some schools like mine have tried convincing students that in-house lectures are good enough for boards, with catastrophic results. Stick to the tried and true methods.

DO NOT buy an otoscope, some schools try to hawk them on first year students. A cheap Littmann stethoscope is really all you need.

Try to hang out with some M3/M4s and get real advice on how to manage your in-house lectures and shit. Most schools usually have a repository of ebooks and other goodies that gets passed down from class to class, so ask around. The study habits you had from undergrad don't really translate well to the volume of information you'll be expected to learn, there will be an adjustment period where you feel like you're drowning but if you can avoid an heroing you'll be ok.

steal sketchy micro
my male research supervisor is kino
classic master and apprentice relationship

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