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Flower of Life general
>Schizos and their Symbols, Carl Jung (1964)
if it's not been beamed into a crop circle (not the fake ones), I don't care. alien bros know what's up.
The Daisy of Death is a metaphor for Closed Individualism, whereas the Lotus of Life is a metaphor for Open Individualism.


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Weinstein is referring to critics from /sci/ and discord, one of which frequents /sci/. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LRjAWstrPc&t=3916s
At 01:09:00 Eric calls out /sci/: "4chan has no future in science" is he right? Apparently, people from Discord and /sci/ are harrassing him and Sabine Hossenfelder. This is part of the reason why he visits /sci/ and discord less now.
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He's senile
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Just because you took the meds they gave you doesn't mean everyone else needs them or should also take their meds.
Again, re evaluate your entire life if you took the vaxx.
RESTART. REPENT. But you can't just go on like it's no big deal or it's over for you intellectually.
ye she liked here GGG mature porn
>NPD: the post

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Does there exist a space-filling rhombic disphenoid?
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I'll just analyze the obvious way to try to do it: join edges of the same length together. In order for this to work, at each edge the angle between the two faces that meet there must be [math]2\pi/n[/math] for some [math]n \geq 3[/math]. So let's try to calculate the angles between the faces.

Line the x, y, and z axes up with the rotational axes of symmetry of the disphenoid, and let <a,b,c> be a normal vector to one of the faces. Then <a,-b,-c>, <-a,b,-c>, and <-a,-b,c> are normal vectors to the other faces. The possible angles between the normal vectors are [math]\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{a^2-b^2-c^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2}\right)[/math], [math]\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{-a^2+b^2-c^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2}\right)[/math], and [math]\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{-a^2-b^2+c^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2}\right)[/math], and the angles between the faces are the supplements of these angles. We obtain the result

[math]\cos(\alpha) + \cos(\beta) + \cos(\gamma) = 1[/math]

where [math]\alpha[/math], [math]\beta[/math], and [math]\gamma[/math] are the angles between faces, each of which occurs at two opposite edges.

Now we just search for angles of the form [math]2\pi/n[/math] ([math]n \geq 3[/math]) that satisfy this equation. There is exactly one solution,
[math]\cos(2\pi/4) + \cos(2\pi/6) + \cos(2\pi/6) = 1[/math].
But this would give us a tetragonal disphenoid rather than a rhombic one.

I don't know whether or not there might be a more clever way of doing it that bypasses this issue.
So that's a no, then?
No under the stated assumption. I would guess it's no in general, but I don't have a proof of that.

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I was born in Virginia. I'm guessing my DNA was taken and stored in a database, and the dried blood sample has probably been destroyed already. I'm wondering if there's a way to get access to the recorded genome, if it still exists somewhere 'cause I think it would be cool to compare it to my current DNA to see what changed. Anyone know if this is possible?

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Is it feasible to create an entirely closed off ecosystem and as a result new/unique organisms? No crispr, just extreme or special environmental conditions and pressures. I got my inspiration from fridgebro and his fucked up house ecosystem.
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people literally take a big bottle, a bit of water and some dirt and plug it and keep it in the sun. Some of these 20l bottles are 50+ years old now.
PS "Ecospheres", "Bottle Gardens" etc. These could prob be DNA tested vs the general areas they were sampled from by now.

If you wanted to see something really pop off, my suggestion is to:
>find a better seal than cork. Actually seal the thing with hot glass or something
>before that, fill it with weird atmosphere, like a high oxygen one.
Then some tiny invertebrates could maybe start catching a case island gigantism.
ye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4sLAQvEH-M
1. Find ants.
2. Get tupperware container.
3. Put soil in it, leaves and ants.
5. Answer

Do you have any recommendations for bottles? I don't mind spending money if I commit to it long term. There's probably some lab grade quartz stuff. Crystal decanters are supposedly hard as well.

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Hey everyone, I recently came off my Haloperidol 30mg dosage 1 month and 11 days ago after leaving the psychiatric hospital and I still don't feel stimulation from stimulants like caffeine. This probably means that the Haloperidol that I had accumulated in my brain for the last 6 months as it stabilized as a function of excretion and the last dosage, is still probably in my brain.

Does anyone know how long I will have to wait until the Haloperidol is out of my brain so I can start taking stimulants again?

For further context, I did this in 2022 after leaving the psychiatric hospital staying there for 1 year. I was on 20mg of Aripiprazole and 20mg of Haloperidol taken daily for 1 year and then I went cold turkey on September 6th, 2022 after I left the hospital.
I took stimulants (Caffeine and nicotine) and felt their effects 36 days later on October 12th 2022.

I ended up back in the hospital again and took antipsychotics (20mg daily of Haloperidol) from December 12th of 2022 until July 5th of 2023. I tried taking stimulants 36 days after I left the hospital (caffeine and flmodafinil) but noticed that they didn't work.

Since I didn't want to waste the limited flmodafinil that I had, I waited until September 26th and tried caffeine again and felt the stimulation. The next day I took flmodafinil.

I ended up in the hospital for 6 months from October 24th 2023 until June 5th, 2024. I stopped taking Haloperidol 30mg daily on June 5th.

How long will it take until I can feel stimulation again from stimulants?

Thank you.

Also, slightly unrelated, but you can find out more information about me on my website at


I have written research (400+pages) on a possible cure for schizophrenia, vasodilation physiology, smart drug compounds and exponentially faster pharmacological upregulation. I've also written 6 books, 5 science fiction and 1 philosophy book.

I also, back in 2021, when I was studying calculus and statistics, came up with an 89-99% accurate stock market prediction algorithm for day traders.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Have you ever noticed how high IQ individuals almost spend zero time listening to music every day, whilst midwits and low IQs tend to always put something on? Now peer-reviewed science has proven that there's a heavy link between listening to music for "sensation seeking" and being retarded.

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Classical music has always been part of Western high culture. Redneck chuds seething about wigga rap don't speak for the true Western man of taste.
everybody on the internet is super smart duh.
>moderately smart
>not a genius
>IQ somewhere around 150
You mean you haven't had your IQ actually tested? No wonder you believe yourself to be in the 150 and still feel only moderately smart. At 150 IQ there is like no room on the planet in which you aren't at least solidly above average. There are just too few 150 IQ fuckers around for that to be different.

You are probably in the 120s. Or an autist and have grinded IQ tests.

Shit, I scored 150 ish on Ravens too and my professionally administered IQ test came out 20 IQ lower.
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Mad fer it!!!

Midwits thinking they're geniuses for not listening to music, also definitley not revealing themselves in lacking in creativity and artistic taste, you're not a genius if you don't listen to albums like my beautiful dark twisted fantasy, and also not clearly recognize the complete genius of the album

>remains unchanged after 500 000 000 years of random mutations and natural selection
is this the ultimate life form?
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“Ape” isn’t a species, it’s a superfamily with lots of species none of which vary that much in skull shape
All of these existed in non human hominids. They were making symbolic art, jewellery, etc.
>raising a human and a gorilla in a sedentary lifestyle, the human would grow weak and frail while the gorilla would still develop more muscle mass than any athletic human
It’d be stronger than a human but weaker than a wild gorilla. Humans living hunter gatherer lifestyles don’t actively look to work out. Not sure how that is relevant
This even exists in non primate animals like whales and elephants
I hate these things. they creep me out and disgust me so much
they differ wildly in cranial volume even within what scientists claim is a single species
>they differ wildly in cranial volume
even if that were true, having different cranial volumes is not even remotely comparable to the difference in skull shape between a bulldog and a greyhound. Brachycephaly and neoteny are on an entirely different level
>within what scientists claim is a single species
And which species is that?

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How the fuck did he manage to remain so calm during such agony?
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>lmao no painkiller out there will help if you're set on fire
I can't say for sure, but opiates might.
fentanyl will, its what EMTs use to save fucked up people in accidents or shootings. They will drill and saw to do quick fixes, and fentanyl makes it possible.
opiates are not magic, anon, and they won't make the process of incurring traumatic injury painless. there's a reason anesthesiologists don't simply administer an opiate by itself for surgery.
leftoid troons love their meditation mumbo jumbo streetshiter mysticism. slit your throat after you dilate buddhacuck
heh, good one carlos

Given that the userbase of 4chan is overwhelming American and your median USAican is yoked by the US Customary system, I propose /mg/ for discussing ways to use and spread the Metric System.

1. Converting your (digital) devices to metric
2. Trading tools made in US customary for metric
3. Using metric in day-to-day conversation
4. Using metric in a professional environment
5. Encouraging others to use the metric system whenever and wherever possible

>Metric-only or Metric-capable tools/devices/appliances
>Metrication promotion (whether informal or formal)
>Modding USC things to Metric
>Anecdotes relating to the benefits of the Metric System or anecdotes of the failures of USC
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This is scientifically the gayest general anyone has ever made
estimate the mass of a mole of moles. estimate the amount of olympic sized pools needed to fill a years worth of Indian poo. estimate the number of forskins required to build a bridge across the Mississippi river capable of holding a cybertruck. you need powers of 10 to do any of these reasonably quickly without calculators
None of that has a basis in human reality. Neither do bels, or decibels as they are applied. Logarithmic scales don't need to described logarthmically if the human scale is clear by context: if something is annoyingly loud, call it a cry; if a really loud cry is painful, call it a crynt. Easy peasy.
Anyone on here that is actually a scientist or engineer will already use SI (and other subfield-specific systems like cgs, Gaussian units, etc). For all of the middle schoolers, it is irrelevant.

Also, if you think order of magnitude prefixes is a meaningful selling point of metric, you don't understand units.
Rational doesn't mean "the best way of doing something," it means "a way that can be explained logically." The current system already has a rational explanation. Not every reason needs to fit in your specific ADHD/OCD/autismal way of looking at things.

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Are people who claim they never get hangovers full of shit? I feel like I hear this from some people as a way to subtly brag and front that they’re tough or something (usually women actually). I know that genetics have a huge impact on the severity of your hangovers but I refuse to believe that anyone is completely immune to them.

My theory is that they:
A. Aren’t drinking enough
B. Confuse being buzzed with being shithoused drunk
Or C. Are just lying if you’ve never drank with them.

Had an ex who claimed she didn’t and I told her she just wasn’t drinking enough, to which she claimed that booze doesn’t affect her that much so I said okay lemme help ya. Proceeded to get her absolutely sauced and lo and behold a rough hangover was in store for her.

I struggled with alcoholism severely a few years back - horrible withdrawals, had to taper off with benzos, the usual. And I know that when you’re an alkie, you kinda just live in a state of being perpetually hungover to the point that you don’t really notice it as much because you already feel like dogshit from your liver shriveling up.

Hangovers are something that have puzzled humans ever since trogs found out drinking the yucky juice from old rotten fruits = fun.

Alcohol and Acetaldehyde are literal poisons so I don’t buy that someone could have some innate 100% immunity to these toxins. Makes me wonder, if there is some genetic predisposition to being immune to these toxins (physiologically), would that man there are other poisons that people would be immune to as well? No matter what, severe dehydration and gastritis are gonna make you feel like shit.

What’s your take?
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Not that anon but do you really recommend meth-adjacent pharma over a few simple glasses of wine?
My hangovers last days. My half brother and step dad on the other hand can get slaughtered then get up the next day and go straight to the pub, so it’s definitely genetic.
You can make the hangover be just tiredness + maybe a headache.
It's fairly simple, before going to bed:
>Take a multivitamin pill
>Eat a fatty meal (e.g: bacon + pancakes)
>Make sure you hydrate properly
>you think people shouldn't eat ricin? well at least it's better than cyanide!
Wine is Lindy, to paraphrase one of the gassiest public hypocrites of our time.

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what's the science behind the incel/chud/loser phenotype?
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Individual identifies their society as an outgroup, strikes out at them. Like the Tutsis and the Hutus. Humans have evolved to have a strong negative preference (hate) for the outgroup.
Schoolshooter phenotype identifies the society they inhabit as an outgroup.
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Low testosterone. It’s that simple.
Creepy how powerful of an indicator phenotype is. A lot of young moms and dads look the same more or less. Fuckin weird

Cringe and Saganpilled
That picture makes me want to surrender all my personal rights and freedoms!
we did it reddit

Redpill me on how feline social relationships work amongst free roaming cats

How is their social dynamic? Their hierarchy and dynamic Is harder to understand then say wolves or many other animals


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If he's that smart, why did he make the cybertruck body out of '80s meme material instead of a titanium-fiber composite?

>t. make my own armor using said that actually does eat .44 mag
Fags. Fags...
you should see the boards they used to get us there
20 STARLINK SATELLITES WERE LOST: Jonathan McDowell of Harvard University reports that all 20 Starlink satellites launched on July 11th have re-entered Earth's atmosphere. A failure in SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket caused the satellites to be deployed lower than usual, too low to escape the drag of the atmosphere below. Right now, our atmosphere is extra-puffed up by high solar activity, so the satellites were doomed despite "warp 9" thuster firings.
>of All Time

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