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what's the science behind this?
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Women would rather end their bloodline than mate with an average man.
Women wear ridiculous amounts of make-up and put extreme effort into their physical attraction, except those that will not stop eating.
Tell me about this man.
Women vs the central limit theorem
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princess syndrome

Why do sunspots make the temperature go up? Seems like having a bunch of black blotches all over the sun should make the temperature go down
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IIRC it's because more sunspots means more solar faculae, which is where the brightness increase comes from (i.e. the increase in faculae brighten the sun more than the increase in sunspots dims it)

why, though, i have no idea. i've never been able to find a good explanation for what causes solar faculae, so maybe it's unknown.
>why, though, i have no idea.
learn the ins and outs of the planck blackbody equation and you'll understand.
kelvin is the standard temperature unit used in astronomy
>Why do sunspots make the temperature go up?
during periods of sunspots the sun is more active and the magnetic field interferes with the the cosmic ray flux through the Earth's atmosphere. More cosmic rays increase clouds, less cosmic rays fewer clouds. Not saying the cosmic rays themselves are responsible for cloud nucleation, it could be the cosmic rays and the particale spray from colisions impacting dust, other chemicals create more clouds. The relationship between cosmic ray flux and clouds was established decades ago.
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this is the correct explanation
it's also very interesting because we have a long historical record (~400 years I think) of sunspots since they are easily observable, and you can see the strong correlation with sunspots and global temperatures

I believe this general mechanism was proposed by a physicists named Svensmark and that the core physics were confirmed valid in tests at CERN. not super certain that's where testing was done but pretty Sure that was his name

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Which is better?
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thats fake, women are all low iq
>geniuses of society
most important and influential people on earth are about 105 IQ, true genius is snuffed out in this gay jew world
Source? Google images redirect me to dvach
where is this graph from? am I supposed to trust some random apocryphal image because it comfortably confirms my beliefs?
It's not a real graph based on real data. In wherever it was from, it was just used to visualize the idea of lower average and higher variance.

Why are polar bear populations exploding?
Are we going to have a dangerous overpopulation of polar bears in the future?
What problems is a polar bear infestation likely to result in?
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the indomitable animal spirit
It turns out polar bears can be fertililzed by human men
>without whaling the whales become overpopulated and start staving to death
This bait smells bad
Do people still believe in HAARP? or is that conspiracy theory obsolete?
Found the nip

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Imagine that tomorrow humanity collectively decided to work on designing and constructing a new telescope in space. Magnum opus of humanity's space exploration journey. The US spends close to a trillion buckaroos on their military yearly. Imagine that for just 1 year all of the worlds global powers pool their military budget towards this telescope. Brightest engineers, mathematicians, physicists, logisticians are collected from the masses and a preparatory 10 year education course is given. At the end of the 10 year mark hierarchy is established and work begins on the telescope. What could we produce with current day technology with limitless budget like this? Can we get detailed high resolution images of exoplanets?
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Make a JWST with 2,500m2 area I guess.
I’ve no idea how collecting area translates to magnification.
>Can we get detailed high resolution images of exoplanets?
yes, but it wouldn't be very useful data since the pictures of the planets would be images of them tens of thousands of year ago due to the sheer distance between the two points. A planet which is super green and full of life may appear to be a magma world to us, and a planet which is destroyed and empty may look lush to us.
>trillion buckaroos
The brightest engineers will get a few 100k each for their efforts. The other $999990000000 will revert to the military.
10k years or even a million years doesn't mean much about life as it takes a long time for life to appear and become complex. So if you see a lush green planet 100k light years away even if you see an image from 100k years ago the odds are good that the planet is still teeming with life because if it got like that in the first place then conditions on the planet were favorable for billions of years and a 100k in the past or future won't show a drastic change unless there's been a world destroying event which should be rare considering the planet was fine for so long to sustain complex life

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Does brain size matter?
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if your life consists of going from the business district or upscale housing/shopping district of one city to an airport to another airport to the business district or upscale housing/shopping district of another city, etc. then the whole world looks exactly the same, its all just a big blur of mediocrity and international globohomo retail chains.
Density and surface area (i.e. wrinkling) matter more. Indians have small brains because they're smaller people in a densely populated area, some of which may consist of malnourished people. I would guess that Africans in developed nations have larger brains and other Asians in areas traditionally associated with high IQs (i.e. China, Japan) also have small brains.
I have a 60cm head circumference, requiring XL helmets, and score in the top 1% of like... everything.

>so based off one data point, yeah.
different races have different cranial volumes and different intellectual capabilities and potentials as a result
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>he is islamic gommunist
>and probbaly kenyan as well :DD.
this but unironically

Past research in adults has linked vegetarian and vegan diets with a greater risk of heart disease and a greater risk of fractures, caused by low calcium intakes.


>researchers found a link between shorter heights and lower bone mineral content among vegan children, compared to meat-eaters.
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no, theres tons of vegans that look like that, the meme about them all being thin and healthy is just a media meme, most of them are slobs who live off of potato chips, candy and soda
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>decide to become a vegan so you can become short, weak and low IQ
presumably you've have to be low IQ to begin with to make that call
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>Vegan diets make kids shorter and weaker
and uglier
> linked vegetarian and vegan diets with a greater risk of heart disease
steaks are good for your heart

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>be a woman
>Marry up to competent borderline genius scientist(Pierre Curie)
>Be his assistant in lab
>He received nobel prize but was a complete cuck and forced Committee to give her nobel prize too
>Work more as assistant of husband
>Husband dies in car incident, but most of essential work is done
>Complete the rest
>Get nobel
Wymen in science moment. And feminists call her icon of female superiority in science
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Genius in on field /= genius in all fields. Most scientists are normies or retards with higher iq
At the time there wasn't a lot of good means of protection.
Fermi used to sprint back and forth across his lab carrying radioactive samples on his person from the radiation source (which couldn't be shut off easily) to a ramshackle radiation detector he made out of scrap aluminum.
There was a lot of complete disregard for safety at the time.
Math is the least important part of physics.
You tell the bullshit
>Well deserved. I wish I had such an assistant
kek 100%

If ocean acidification is such a terrible problem then why didn't all marine life cease to exist 20 million years ago when oceanic pH was 6?
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>oh no ice sheets are shrinking during an interglacial period
how low does your IQ need to be to expect ice sheets to grow during an interglacial period?
Well yes, but anon has a point. Just because it’s interglacial period doesn’t mean we get to do a whole bunch of shit. Ocean acidification is only one of the things we’re doing wrong, and the climate is a chaotic physical system. Meaning it has chaos and sensitivity to changes; displace it from the usual sustaining feedback loops and suddenly we’re out of the “interglacial period” and in the Permian Great Dying within like a century.

Or maybe not. I don’t know, go ask the climate scientists. Oh wait, they’re all saying yes. Maybe I should believe them, or maybe just push it off as “narrative”.
Extremely low, but half the planet is below 100IQ, which explains why so many people believe in global warming even though there is no evidence of it
Only the lowest IQ states have a majority of people who think global warming is real
very strong correlation

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Heres a brief video explaining the ideal gas law for those of you who haven't yet learned enough about physics to understand it.

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What are temperatures on Venus when taken from a level in the atmosphere equal in pressure to sea level on Earth?
>thread active since monday
>still no agreement on what the ideal gas is
I say it's helium. Atomic number 2, a nice even number, also the first prime. Inert, meaning it's so confident of its idealness that it refuses to change. And it's made inside stars, so it's awesome.
Most of the helium in the universe is of primordial origin rather than being the product of stellar nucleosynthesis
Volume depends on temperature.
By choosing a certain volume you therefore only have one possible temperature with everything else kept equal.

High pressure alone doesn't imply only a high temperature can satisfy the equation.

Equations don't necessarily tell you causal relationships, you can make a simple equation tying someone's weight to their volume but the cause of someone being fat isn't because they have a large volume it's because they eat too much.
about 350k

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>neonicotinoids are killing le heckin bees!
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This video brought to you by the manufacturers of neonicotinoids
>growing plants
choose one
environmentalists are too busy virtue signaling on social media to do anything productive or beneficial for the environment

>After almost two decades of relentless colony collapse coverage and years of grieving suspiciously clean windshields, we were stunned to run the numbers on the new Census of Agriculture: America’s honeybee population has rocketed to an all-time high.
do you even get paid to spew pesticide industry propaganda here or are you just some hick retard?
the apiary bees were never the problem. wild bees were.
and America has actually been changing land use for the best in the last few years. it's the largest carbon sink in the country, too. so better land use equals better environment for bees. since they're still insects that reproduce very fast, populations can rebound quickly.

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>Is there a doctor here?! This man isn't breathing!
>I'm a doct...uh, nevermind.
Ph.D.s are a joke.
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doctor in your case really means fraud, as in "doctored"
>MD = medicinae doctor = medicine teacher
Your only argument just got destroyed.
How often do you find someone dying at a restaurant? Meanwhile every time you go there's tons of retards who can't figure out the tip.
PhDs: 1, MDs: 0
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MDs are useless, the leading cause of death in America is medical error. You're more likely to die at a doctor's hand than for any other reason. The key to longevity is avoiding doctors

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A new study published in Nature shows the Covid vaccine can adversely affect ovarian cells

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he didnt make the thread, I did imbecile
>get vax'd
matthew crooks bros, how do we respond to this?
">Human primary GCs exposed in-vitro to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2, demonstrated no change in their viability but..."

"Women around the world have reported"

"We suspect"

So all it does is change up their cycle a little bit? Yeah that's a real inconvenient truth, FOR YOU. No proof, not even evidence, shit science.
>20 year old special needs kid with zero social media footprint outfoxes the secret service and manages to nearly assassinate the president.
lol, if you believe that you're gullible enough to believe the warren commission report too

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whats this all about?
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any foreign dna in your body has a chance to get absorbed into your genome
vaccines, blood transfusions, cooming, etc can all cause this
For viral vaccines, that's from using parts of the virus. What part of fetal cell lines are they using to create vaccines? Is it to increase uptake efficacy?
What about from food you eat?
If you eat a chicken you will become a chicken, if you eat vegetables you will become a vegetable
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women have 20% fewer neurons than men, that means they have 20% lower IQ than men
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It benefited roasties, because they were not required to work
Small brain girls
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Asian skull isn't asian but African
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