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Who (please be specific with named individuals) are powerful enough to have this mass censored from Biology 101 classes?
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>no consistent patterns
How is that possible when most people can take one look at a black or an asian and immediately know they are black or asian?
Economies are not a function of population size. So tired of hearing this argument.
Regression towards the mean (that OP picture already is close enough to the mean).
>Economies are not a function of population size.
No, but they reply on a functional level of productivity, which is hard to accomplish when half of your population is geriatric.
You don't think increased advances in automation and robotics will dilute this ?

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What's next for science?
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the next step is postmodern science. automated word salad generation for all the soft sciences with AI. automated peer review, automated publishing process.
free researchers time for jerking off and partying and the junks that result from AI will be 99% the same as the current status quo.
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you can see sciences in all its glory, it's just the future, chud.
Small but well funded corp
It's incredible how lackadaisical the science realm has been in getting to the sea floor
Dismantle white supremacy and promptly return to caveman ages since noone smart will be around to figure anything out

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“So which is real, the Ptolemaic or
Copernican system? Although it is not uncommon for people
to say that Copernicus proved Ptolemy wrong, that is not
true….one can use either picture as a model of the universe,
for our observations of the heavens can be explained by
assuming either the earth or the sun to be at rest." - Stephen Hawking

1. all motion is relative
2. all dynamics is relative
3. all kinematics is relative

how do we prove (re: what are the experiments that have been/ can be done to prove) that the earth moves
1. at all
2. in relation to and around the sun
3. in relation to the universe, whether it spins

if you go against the 3 postulates then explain it to me please thank you

picrel is the CMB anisotropy seemingly related to the ecliptic as seen from earth

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>how do we prove (re: what are the experiments that have been/ can be done to prove) that the earth moves
Experimentally? Foucault pendulum. Alternatively, any other effect relating to Coriolis, Euler and centrifugal force.
From the retarded book.:
>This particular logic, however, doesn’t prove that the Earth is rotating. One can begin the critique by asking this simple question: if the pendulum is constantly swinging in the same plane (while the Earth is rotating beneath it), what force is holding the pendulum in that stationary position? In other words, if the plane of the pendulum is stationary, with respect to what is it stationary? This is understood as an “unresolved” force in physics. The only possible answer is: it is stationary with respect to the rest of the universe, since it is certainly not stationary with respect to the Earth. With a little insight one can see that this brings us right back to the problem that Einstein and the rest of modern physics faced with the advent of Relativity theory: is it the Earth that is rotating under fixed stars, or do the stars revolve around a fixed Earth? As Einstein said: “The two sentences: ‘the sun is at rest and the Earth moves,’ or ‘the sun moves and the Earth is at rest,’ would simply mean two different conventions concerning two different coordinate systems.” As such, it would be just as logical, not to mention scientifically consistent, to posit that the combined forces of the universe which rotate around the Earth are causing the plane of the pendulum to rotate around an immobile Earth. In other words, in the geocentric model the movement of the pendulum is not an illusion – it really moves. According to Einstein, there is no difference between the two models.

Which is nonsense. Rotation isn't relative according to Einstein. If you try to do physics in a rotating frame you will get a fictions force, the centrifugal force, which has no logical origin in that system. The origin is that your frame is rotating.

The Earth is definitely rotating. Once you admit that, and that the planets orbit the Sun, then the rest of geocentrism is just retarded.
>Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D.
>In 2006 he received a Ph.D. in religious studies from the Calamus International University, an unaccredited distance-learning institution incorporated in the Republic of Vanuatu.
Fart in my mouf.

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All I want to do is study math and programming and not work but also not go to school. How can I accomplish this?
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I set you up perfectly for your moan, so you look like the perfect criminals.
Either AI or schizophrenic or schizophrenic AI
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>$100 every month
>but I hate cold calling people
Thailand has made you too comfortable making too little money.

Even a lower paying romote job would afford you a much better living arrangement. Hell, I would probably work an Alaskan fishing job for 8 weeks or whatever and then live cheap for the year.
I dont even know how to get a job. I'm 30 and I've literally never had a w2 job. The only way I've ever made money was in real estate

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Philosopher and scientist Daniel Dennett has died.
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Ways it might be scientifically possible for free will to exist:
>Based Bateman
oh no a jew who believed nothing exists died.... S
What does this have to do with Russia?

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Every time i interact with an extremely attractive girl my charisma short circuits and everything I say sounds like a lobotomized monkey trying to sound interesting. But when I interact with a girl I consider at my looks match or below, all my jokes are perfect and my responses are easily fabricated? It completely automated, like some kind of counter in my brain is screeching, OH SHIT ATTRACTIVE FEMALE DETECTED PANIC MODE ACTIVATED. I fucking hate that shit. What biological benefit to spazzing out like a total fag when the goal of human biology is supposed to attract the highest value woman possible to produce offspring with if my stupid monkey brain freaks out in direct proportion to the attraction I feel to the girl?
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Imagine enjoying listening to a woman talk. You're a pussy lol.
>pic not related
Gross anon. She looks like she drools uncontrollably
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>woman reading a man's words
Actually this.
Pseud expediency.

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I’m studying a simulation of schizophrenia. How do you most often detect simulants? Why it is often written that it is difficult for people to portray the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, if it is mostly close to depressive, requires a lack of activity. It’s easy, just lie in bed all day, isn’t it?
No one for The Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms [SIRS; Rogers et al., 1992] or M test?
It’s all in the scientific interest.
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Major depressive disorder is quite similar to schizophrenia in severe disease. Sometimes even patients with hallucinations.
>This is going to be exceedingly difficult in the case of schizophrenics.
A friend of mine was diagnosed with f25 just lying in bed and having little contact with other patients.
>Negative symptoms in schizophrenia aren't close to depression, they're close to autism which until relatively recently, was the psychiatric term for the cluster of negative symptoms in schizophrenia. It involves aphasia, speech impediments and/or disturbed patterns of speech, poor motor control as well as difficulty in reacting properly in social situations, inability to make eye contact or communicate emotions. It's linked to both akathisia, a condition brought on by the neurotoxic properties of anti-psychotics given to schizophrenics and the consequences of viral infections of the brain (think of meningitis and other infections that destroy, usually, parts of the frontal lobes). Prescription drugs and viral infections such as measles or rubella, before the age of two, are also strongly linked with the onset of classic, especially regressive forms of autism.
idk most difficult to simulate seems to be speech impairment and reasoning, but I’ve seen schizophrenics who don’t have it.
Classifying schizophrenia is a kind of Fregoli delusion. Instead of just being a prisoner, the prisoner is a type that they've seen before who either can or cannot snap out of it.
>I’m studying a simulation of schizophrenia
Just visit >>>/news/ you won't need a simulation
They're both labels based on superficial diagnostic criteria. Of course, severe depression is going to be similar to schizophrenia because someone with severe depression is meeting many of the criteria for schizophrenia, independently of "having schizophrenia".
It's the same thing with every generic retard, be that downies or fetal alcohol kids, meeting the criteria for autism and ADHD. In medicine, you're not supposed to diagnose someone with a purely descriptive label when the cause of the issue is already known. But in psychiatry, no one cares. That's why some zoomers have 8 different mental illnesses on their permanent record. The whole game is about cheating insurances and funneling tax payer money to shrinks, therapists and others based on fraudulent disability claims.

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Hey nerds, tell me about how the stress of too much studying is affecting your mental health.
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code baby code
I know some people who had to study all the time, but they likely shouldn't have been in that tough of a field to begin with.
Don't get me wrong, I studied a lot. But I had a better system than most, like creating a few test questions after each class that I could then study from ahead of an exam.
Studying in small increments before/after class, instead of trying to cram the night before an exam, etc.
not true
Its literally nothing compared to the stress of working for 50 years and be awarded with disease, fraility and senility. Literally work not to die but you die anyway. It must suck for those who work and study at the same time.
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LMAO, I don't get stressed studying, I was blessed by God with high IQ.

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This guy humiliated Bryan Johnson. Looks 30 something at 61. The question everyone wants to know, is his method legit? What do you guys think?

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>almond milk
in the garbage
>tfw significantly greyer than him at age 26
My dad is 60, full head of hair, not gray
So because your dad secretly dyes his hair, he has a patent on it and nobody else can be as insecure as he is about getting old?
Do you think carbs like pasta rice bread etc are bad

It seems sort of subjective...
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You'll be lucky if someone random doesn't for how stupid you are.

You get fined and punished for doing this sort of stuff.

Plus you look like mugs.

Generally, look at what the pakis are saying to you.

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Disclaimer im a normie but why does it seem like several companies have been able to make AI at the same time, was there some sort of technical block that was stopping it until recently?
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Which company has successfully created AI?
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Bitch, chat bots existed sense at least the 70's
Stuff started getting wild in 2015
Member Tay? That was 2016
Then there's bert and gpt-j and gpt-1 and 2


This is nearly 10 years of ramp up.

Meta got all those GPU's to build models to predict what reels to shovel down your gullet. Then they released the models just to be a spoiler on Microsoft. I mean, I'm thankful for it but they never would have released them if they had been in the #1 spot and could effectively monetize it.

Finding the local maxima on transformers will be explored quite extensively but LLM's existed before transformers and it is almost centrally not the best possible way to reach AGI. It's still unclear just how far longer training, larger context windows, rag and agents will get us. Probably you though enough agent like behavior at it and you can hammer this shit into a functional AGI.

The brain has 100 Trillion synapses, but you really only need less than an eighth of that for consciousness. And those synapsis run at a dismal 1hz to 200 hz, to run consciousness you probably only need like 20 watts in a flesh computer.

These models are trained on hundreds of lifetimes worth of data. Meanwhile a kid can learn to speak in like 3 years of training data.

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Because the method for doing so is published research.
>was there some sort of technical block that was stopping it
we needed bitcoin to prove that gpus weren't just for faggot gaymers, and SV techbros to translate indecipherable math jargon into practical code

What happened to her? Last update we got was all the way back in 2000. She's probably dead now, right? When did she die? Did she suffer too much since last update we got? I love her so much, I need to know.
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she is probably alive or they would just say she died in 20XX or something. So you can take that as confirmation shes alive since dead people dont need their privacy protected. If she is alive and they told people where she lived all kinds of weirdos obsessed with her case would try to see her. There would be idiots putting genie videos on tiktok.
She literally lives in my apartment complex in Australia. She punched my cat in the back of the head once but only forcefully enough to startle her, and I half blame the cat for escaping when I got a pizza delivery when she knows she's not allowed outside without her harness.
The Chris-Chan for science.
I'm hoping she was allowed to recover, and live a normal life with a new identity.
This. Personally i want to pretend to be her nephew or something to visit and hug her

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take that climate freaks


he said EV (el Vehicle) pollutes 1850 times more while driving 1000 miles than what happens if you drive 1000 miles with gasoline

tire wear was calculated into the equation

he noted that the tires of EVs, due to their added weight, will also emit more microplastics into the air

particle pollution from EVs can also increase the risk of health problems,

>including heart disease,

cough, lung disease and, in extreme cases, can even lead to hospitalization,

>cancer and suddendeath.
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EVs are the best. Sabine is failing to compare 1:1. if you were to choose gas vs electric infrastructure from the very beginning the costs of fuck knows how many gas stations + lifetime supply of gas (with trucks, also factor in the CO2 emitted by them + their construction) is way way way higher than running cables and some transformers (which last a lifetime).
in the grand scheme of things it makes way more sense to upgrade the power delivery infrastructure because that will be helpful not only for charging your EV. let alone that at some point fusion or some sort of nuclear my power everything, and a proper power grid would fit peachy.
what she is saying is that in her particular circumstance, in her particular town, with her particular income it makes sense to get a Hybrid.
smartest move is to upgrade the grid, by far. that costs money and big oil is shilling against it
it's like coming up with a super fast train that runs on cheap fuel and going all
>well the state of our tracks cannot accomodate for these fancy new trains so I guess you will suck cock and ride the old trains, no new trains for you. we are not upgrading the tracks for a fancy new train which uses less energy to get you from A to B, fuck you
How about you make a convincing argument instead of that jigaboo shit about muggable cities.
our power use increased, and the grid is not something you do in the 1900's and abandon forever, you upgrade it to suit your needs, just like railroads, normal roads for cars, you upgrade/develop in time, that's how society goes, depending on our needs.
if you want to stop gas cars you need to move that service, power delivery to cars, to the electric grid, which means improving your fucking grid so it allows this major move.
>allright, we invented the bulb, but you can't have light, because we have to build a grid. I guess we just have to abandon the lightbulb tech, use wood motherfuckers
>if you were to choose gas vs electric infrastructure from the very beginning
Interestingly, developing countries get to make exactly this kind of decision. That's why third world countries don't have land lines, but almost everyone has a cellphone.
>people with EVs should have solar panels anyways
Your first paragraph was pretty on point, why would you ruin your post with such a retarded statement?

do you look like a faggot?
computers can now tell if you're gay just by looking at you.

of course its still considered prejudice if you judge people by the way they look, even though everyone knows that computers are programmed with their programmers' biases.
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Not one homosexual I've known looks anything like either of those people. I hate "research" like this.
left will give me more daughters. right will give me more sons. all beauties fade, but with a well-stocked hareem I will continue to sire progeny even as these females fall into wet-nurse and governess duties
>Pale people with blue eyes and black hair.
Not really. They can have dark brown hair, but the difference is obvious when they’re side by side with a brownoid/italian
they actually get sexually frustrated easily and stretch each other out with massive toys/fists to compensate
>other guy's hand is bigger than his skull
>beard to cover nonexistent jaw
why did this guy choose this sport lmao

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is this good for the environment?
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Do you really think god is building entire cities, and putting Christian symbolism and 666 on everything? That would be too obvious. Imagine if you could just drive in a direction until you saw 666, and here you would find evidence that god made it. It's too easy, it almost doesn't seem worth pointing out. Because the way god made that was by controlling human hands. It's a complicated situation. I'm not sure if you can ever become aware of it, but I thought I would tell you.
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>self-proclaimed environmentalists destroying the environment
why is this so common?
why is ruining nature the environmentalists' favorite activity?
>He thinks Burning Man is a gathering of environmentalists
look at all that free diesel

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