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Pellaeon-class Edition

Previous thread: >>93870636

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

Old links

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KOTOR being shit is a given. Neverwinter Nights for babies with a story that rivals JJ Abrams and his The Force Awakens in its lack of creativity, originality and its shittiness. I didn't think it needed to be specified. Which is why it was said: "Jedi Outcast and Academy are the only good ones."

Funny, how none of you were able to refute a single thing. Well, you can't, because I am right. Concession accepted.
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KOTOR is so fucking good
I'm in awe of the anti-general fag. In like five threads every time we get a little normal discussion going he waddles in and starts smearing shit everywhere.
Sex with Padawans?
He's a sequelbaby, they're all manchildren without strong parental figures.

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Horus Heresy Siege of terra is fucking garbage and completely ruined SM lore for me

Have you ever read any canon side-lore that ruined it for you in your tabletop game? When did you realize the writers were all hacks?
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>Have you ever read any canon side-lore that ruined it for you in your tabletop game?
Absolutely not, especially for something like 40k. If I'm making something for myself or my friends I see no reason to rigidly conform to canon if I dislike it, and simply ignore things that I don't want to include. A frogposter being unable to manage this is not surprising though.
I really like the *idea* of DnD alot more before I got into it's actual lore, but that's on me.

Used to play alot of Halo campaigns as Marines and ODSTs in other systems (like GURPS and reskinned Star Wars FFG), but ever since Halo 4/5/Infinite none of my friends give a shit about Halo anymore.

Lancer is a masochistic exercise in engaging yourself the more you read it's "lore" (the author's political soapboxing) despite the system itself being really solid.
You missed the general, reddit frog.
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I refuse to believe Lancer's lore was written by the same people who did the rest of the game. Everything from the mechanics part of the game, including the actual art, paints this picture of a gritty untamed galaxy where mechs are these battle-scarred jury-rigged things that have seen years of improvised repairs and patching...

Then you get to the actual world and find out 90% of the galaxy is under the control of a unified super-goverment that effectively has infinite resources (somehow), has solved every major problem facing human society (somehow), and provides all its citizens with a standard of life that surpasses the rich of our current day (somehow). But also the Union super-goverment also has the strongest military ever (somehow) and most advanced science (somehow) and super-powerful AI that can simulate the future (somehow). Did I mention this all happens in a society where nobody has to work? Yeah... Lancer's worldbuilding is absolute shit where the author just jerks himself off over the supposed utopia he thinks would happen if people only shared his views on things that have never once in human history played out like he thinks they would.
Don't forget the part where mechs can literally be spit out of a matter-printer in just a couple of hours if they're destroyed, despite the art portraying many of them as heavily worn, scarred, and patched with improvised repairs and experimental home-made tech.

Imagine you could print a new car for pennies in about 2 hours, but you and everyone chose to still drive beat up old junkers like it was post-apocalypse and anything "new" or pristine was super rare. The dissonance between the mechanics/aesthetics and the actual setting lore is kinda like that.

Work in Progress, Mid-week Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

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Also tackled my pile of old skaven.
aw fuck
This looks impractical for gluing miniatures on.
Yeah.. they are different colors but it did come out all kinda washed out huh? I'm also found some better photos of one of these block houses showing the main structure to be more wood than metal. I'll do some repainting tonight when I get home.
i looked at it
he is very blue!

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93930263
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What excel file?
check the source files folder for magocratic convention
>that post-apoc WIP CYOA world
I think I vaguely remember one page of this being posted a long time ago, you had to choose what possessed you. I remember one choise being dragon I think? Anyone got this?
No Outer Reincarnation world?
When OR released, Tankista said it's not in the Observable Omniverse setting unless you really want it to be. Of course a Blood Magic blood mage was later incarnated into it by the multiplayer, but that's multiplayer zaniness.

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second half of the Olympiad edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd
- Champions Chess Tour: Julius Baer Generation Cup | September 25th - October 1st
- Vishy vs. The World | starts September 30th
- Global Chess League | October 3rd - 12th
- lichess 2024 Autumn Marathon | October 26th
- Women's Grand Prix (2nd leg) | October 29th - November 9th
- European Individual Chess Championship | November 7th - 20th
- World Senior Championship | November 16th - 29th
- World Chess Championship Match | November 20th - December 15th

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Imagine the pressure to play on board 1 for the host country.
Squeezing a win out of this position is quite impressive.
round 8:
Skipping Deac today too. I'm really worried.

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Brace For Impact edition
Previous Thread: >>93872201

Aquilon rules preview

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:

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Fun team, and I can see kasrkin making for good auxiliaries this edition with them having BS3+. Previously it was vetguard, breachers, or in niche cases SoS that were the common choices I believe. Auxiliaries have at least always been the better choice over pure agents, and I should hope that holds true in the new edition as well.
what he said BUT BE AWARE you may get in a bit of trouble with your models because of tha ap2 limitation. it is possible that you cant use your kasrkin gunners or have to be careful how to equip and build your agents.

>tha ap2 limitation
Can you elaborate? Is this like if I tried to bring a plasma gunner with a plasma servitor?
Including Ancillary Support, you can only select up to two operatives equipped with weapons that have the AP2 special rule (even if only in one of their profiles).
so you can have max two plasma or melta combined. the servitor the gunners also remember the pistolier. but we saw a plasma weapon that no longer has ap2 in the next edition so it could change in 3 weeks.
oh yea right also the demo trooper

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Had anyone ever played? What do you think? Seems people either really love it or really hate it.

Been wanting to buy a copy but wanted to see if there was something I was missing. Being a Christian knight thay eliminates the Saxon menace appeals to me
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Anon, this is a thread about Pendragon RPG, not "my interpretation of history is the sole interpretation of history" thread.
The highest the grudge, the biggest the punitive force send against Salisbury/the player's home each summer. You may also include ambushes while traveling.
This gives me an idea. If my friends wanna play I will write in my hate passion to be (female knights)
Why bother hating something that doesn't exist? Sounds like a waste of energy.
>thread about Pendragon RPG
Which eventually brought up the historicity of female Knights, a discussion I engaged with. What is so wrong with that? We are here to discuss right?
And its not my interpretation of history. It is what history was, no interpretations to be had

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What is life like here?
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You missed the general.
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Rad as hell
Never a dull moment.
>deldar kill themselves all the time when not raiding, oftentimes deleting whole districts from reality
>cloning is only reserved for the rich or influential, real births are uncommon
>apparently they never run out of warm bodies and Commoragh is a hustling and bustling metropolis

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>The God of War is sad about War


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Look bud, setting fire to a village and slaughtering defenseless farmers is cool and all, but you have to agree that fighting a barbarian king and his army of bloodthirsty savages is a much better way to spend your time
Chaelor Swift is an arthropod, so he naturally expects hard exoskeletons to have nice juicy meat underneath.
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I mean, it sounds dumb but a God doing stupid, round-about, and pointlessly destructive shit is par for the course.

I forget the name of the book that introduced Binders but the bestiary had entries for people who were touched by and descended from the beings whom the Binder could make pacts with. Anyway, I like thed idea so came up with the idea of a War Goddess who purposefully gave up her divine immortality to truly embody her domain so she "lives on" through her children who are randomly born with her markings and will always in some shape, form, or fashion, get involved in war and conflict.
i fucking always knew calistria was worst girl and that elves should be ashamed of their godslut of whores
also op is a lying fag once again
Paizo has long since decided that they don't care about Calistria and are going to shove Nocticula the succubus whore queen in your face instead.

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official update:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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>no cover
Flamer templates are going to fuck this guy hard.
Also red fury+x-visor is odd. But imoetous getting even more denested is even weirder
Yeah quite glass-cannony. Pretty cheap though.
Mimetism and cover anywhere with 4B and x-visor, this guy can take out snipers. With MA4 and Monofilament, and being a Specialist, he is barely short of OP.
Based cb keeping my wallet closed and keeping local infinity group from recovering.
You never spent one cent on Infinity minis, esl-kun.

Chad Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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I backed it when the campaign was live.
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What is the current state of Flesh and Blood? I played a few games up to Heavy Hitters, wondering what is going on as I really like the art of the new set.
Locals seem to enjoy it quite a bit
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I'm going, and I wish you luck and that you can avoid most of the steelsong out there. I think that's the deck to beat, but also the one that will be targeted, so I expect R/P to probably be the one to take it.

I've been playing hyper aggro, which absolutely slams everything but steelsong (at least on the play), so we'll see how the dice and avoiding that match-up go for me. Still trying to figure out if Gathering Knowledge is any good, and playing around with the 3 drops. Mostly I'm just going as an excuse to hit Vegas, hookers and blackjack and all that.

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GW raked over more than half a billion dollars in revenue. Where are all the idiots claiming that warhammer is in decline?
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Because white people conquered the world and then felt guilty about it. America's thin pretense of isolationism was ruined generations ago, with WWII if not earlier, otherwise we'd have some kind of western 2channel that only allowed North American IPs and Western European IPs (foreigners would still get in if they tried, same as with 2channel, but there wouldn't be nearly as many and it would be a refuge for middle-aged westernoids who are burnt out on multiculturalism).
>production costs 26 mil
Damn, y'all are really buying industrial plastic at 95% markup, the packaging is probably more valuable.
GW is run by the Nottingham boomers anymore. It’s filled with DIE and black rock MBAs like everything else
The truth is a lot of plastic is marked to hell and back but the kicker is these levels of markups that approach almost 1000%+ materials cost almost never happen outside of cleanroom manufacturing for medical parts
Games Workshop has convinced thousands of losers with hygiene and social problems that they only will be able to play games with people who are forced to (tournaments) play them. The average GW fanboy is this weird combo of smugness and low self esteem (so what if my marines arent painted I have an army chud and I get ganes in) that is cheapening the hobby for those of us who remember better times. Simply put if you play modern edition 40k you likely have trouble making friends or convincing others to play anything else.

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which faction should permanently be squatted from 40k and why is it the tau?
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This. The Custodes could just be another Space Marine chapter and it woukd get rid of so many retarded plotholes as to why the Emperor could make meta-humans who are even more powerful than Space Marines but then has decided to not make more of them for some fucking reason.
Primaris? They are literally marine v1.1, nothing they do can't accomplished by the shorties.
You missed the general.
genestealer cults
what a fucking waste of an idea
all that story wank to make glorified necromunda variants
also, black templars
oh wow, you prosecute a holy war in space, what a novel fucking idea

Local game store exclusive sketch edition


Previous thread: >>93871137

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/s2g/ (starfinder 2e) link repository: https://paizo.com/store/pathfinder/rulebooks/core
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

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Graveknight (Weak)
>doing more damage
Barbarians for examlpe do more damage on average mathematically speaking. +1's are important, but people underestimate the significance of flat damage boosts.
>the AP punishes them for just killing NPCs they don't like
I dunno, there's a certain sense of pragmatism going on there. Whether or not it's moral, shit has consequences.
True, I suppose I could refluff/type some of the damaging abilities and give that a shot.
Spelling error detected.
Meant to say unaging, basically a dude that's being propelled by positive energy rather than negative. Same end result minus the grossness, which pissed the party's necromancer off because of the hypocrisy and is what's leading to the betrayal.

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Sea Slug Sea God edition

Previous >>93861925

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

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Here's your Lucemon tamer. They updated the character page to include this guy and the Nightmare Soldiers girl from chapter 4
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I hope they actually do give the minor characters (no pun intended in this case lmao) tamers and decks that currently don't have them so that they can actually get archetype support.
seggs with slugge perhaps?
Yeah, he looks like he'd play fucking Lucemon.

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