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>Female gnoll player character
>She isn't wildly misandrist
I hate OOC PC's.
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So many other beast races have been made over the years, including numerous repeat species, that assuming Wizards sticks with this gnoll lore I expect they'll introduce/reintroduce a substitute hyenafolk race to fulfill the naturally occurring, playable species role.
If you're talking about the system I think you are (none was specified), player characters are supposed to be "exceptions to the rule" in a number of ways, behavior necessarily being one of them. So in this case, there would be no "out of character", because exceptions operate beyond the standard.
I like to imagine that female gnolls use artificial insemination to become pregnant, because in a matriarchal or misandrist society having a man penetrate a woman is pretty gay and degrading.
I also like to imagine that female gnolls are more hornier than male gnolls and satisfy their lust by pegging male gnolls in the ass with their futa cocks.
Unironically, that's because you're a misogynist who is haunted by an obsession with strange power dynamics and symbolic meaning he's made up in his head
>in a misandrist society being penetrated would be degrading
no, dumbass. A male being penetrated in our society is humiliating because he's being reduced to the role of a female. Why would the female role be humiliating in a matriarchal society?

what the armchair psychologist said >>93932776

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93924333
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This looks really good, but unfortunatly there is no eternal youth and thus unplayable
Lewd cartoon child bodies literally make me feel nauseous.
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Shit taste
Fun Rankings:
Ultimate God
Living God
Magi Case
Second build, Conan build
>Major Relentlessness, Major Filth, Minor Power, Minor Motion, Minor Clearing
Unstoppable cunning warrior who uses every bit of his surroundings as a weapon, motion for the cat-like agility of Conan and of course his physical strength that can break bones behind armors with each strike. clearing for preventing me from being taken down in the many large scale battles I'll take part in with swords and arrows falling everywhere
>Mastery, Vigilance, Charisma, Polyglot
vigilance for the highly heightened senses of Conan, his womanizer charisma and polyglot because he's well-traveled and has friends in every kingdom
>Khrom -> Adventuring, with a bit of seafaring in the mix

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Big Fist edition

>previous thread

Check out here for useful links and a catalogue of relevant miniatures retailers:
>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn
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Personally Id say this. I do enjoy Ian Millers work that fills a good few pages in the RT rulebook but his style is both very distinctive AND has been used elsewhere, so it never truly screamed Warhammer to me
5th is rubish. A direct downgrade of 4th.
4th is probably the best, also imperial armour books are cool.
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You are like a little baby
>legendary recaster that pretty much helped the wargaming scene start in my country died some years ago
>3D printing is my only option for old stuff now
i just want my old minis to feel heavy
Glue a penny or metal washer under the base :)

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Oh wow, a new module!

Can't wait for the bad guys to lose yet again! So thrilling!

>Cheliax: Jobbed

>Runelords: Mostly Jobbed

>Worldwound/Deskari: Jobbed

>Tar-Baphon: Jobbed

>Taldan "Reactionaries": Jobbed

>Grey Gardeners: Jobbed

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>Tar-Baphon: Jobbed

Wasn't the module he was in his world conquest being barely stopped by the player characters sacrificing their own lives and then he's not even dead, just his immediate conquest stalled? I remember people complaining about the ending to that.

>Baba Yaga: Jobbed

Isn't she literally just not the villain of Reign of Winter? Ultimate BBEG status goes to Rasputin doesn't it?
The OP is a retard that doesn't acknowledge the lose condition and brief what happens if you fail at the end of every AP.
That core god would be Lamashtu, an ascended demon-lord who's whole thing is giving birth to monsters.

Interestingly Lamshtu's fairly family oriented. In places where her followers can't just rape and pillage their way to monster babies she will often spread her faith through midwife clerics; a baby born blessed by Lamashtu might have claws or a second head but it will be perfectly happy otherwise, Lamashtu's blessing is also capable of giving fertility to the otherwise barren.
The "Hey what happens if the party were to lose?" sections at the end of the final books are always neat.

I think wrath of the righteous is the most extensive one, although it essentially amounts to "Worldwound is now basically the entire north half of Avistan, shit's hyper fucked"
The solution is for the big bad to not be directly involved the whole time. a vassal of the big bad is the enemy at hand, a scion of the demon is the enemy at hand. You might see them in the module, but if you attack at that time theres a 95% chance you die.

Simply show that there are bigger fish, and "winning" is usually about picking your battles. and thats whats assumed in the modules. OFc the players might find a way to kill the head honcho, and kudos for them, but thats not the assumed default.

:( edition

Previous thread: >>93913026

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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Don't forget about
>IW pathfinders
>DG librarians
>TSons chaplains
>SA moritats
Anon over here in actually plays the game Land a 5' blast hits 4-6 models, max 7, depending on scatter. That's comparable output to the gun on a model 1/3 the cost . Nobody's asking for ap 2, but rending 6+ at least wouldn't be too much to ask.
I've always felt that HH should have an effect like in old WHFB/TOW that the center of the blast should have a higher Strength and/or AP to simulate the dude who actually gets hit by the shell getting deleted and the rest of the blast being much more manageable to the heavily-armoured dudes around the epicenter.
When it first came out I missed the 30k memo and was waiting for the 'inevitable' release of Eldar titans.
Now I don't give a shit.

If they ever remember the Emperor Titan exists and release a kit for it, I'll buy one to paint.
asking for Rending 6+ on anything is asking for AP2 on 1/5 of Wounds, asking for it on S8 at all is asking for twirly-whirlies

I'd swear there was a gun in RT/2E that did exactly that and it was a pain to work with

maybe I'm thinking of Confrontation/Necromunda?

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Norscan women edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

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>reliquae model itself isn't really my taste either, I don't like silly shit and memes detracting from the coolness of my /his/-inspired knight and footmen dood

>he doesn't know about El Cid's corpse being propped up on his horse to lead a charge against the Moors and inspire his troops
What a historylet.
>dumb and superstitious
Grail knights have literally met and received the blessing of their god.
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I posted last week about Skaven homebrew, How does this look for a Brood Horror v1?
Needs bush
Do they have warpstone claws in lore? Seems silly.

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For discussion of all 3.x-compatible d20 games.

/3.x d20g/ d20 General Thread #004

>What games are "in"?
Anything with enough common base to be relatively mix-and-matchable with 3.0/3.5 counts. So d20 Conan / PF1 / AE / 3.5 / d20 StarWars / d20 Modern / d20 Warcraft etc.

>What's "out"?
Mutants and Masterminds; 5e based games like Tales of the Valiant and A5e and DC20; Weird jank like PF2. They are just not (out of the box) mechanically cross-compatible with 3.0/3.5; OSR-Compatible stuff. You can bring them up in the context of converting stuff to use a 3.x d20 system, but don't expect any discussion of those systems directly.

> Tools

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Speaking of - Is this paper texture alright for the spellbook, or do you guys think I need to find or make a better one at some point?
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Incubus. It's specifically from the Succubus/Incubus (Demon) racial class progression page in SS
I think this is the only racial class progression we've ever used? And then he leveled as a fiend of possession.
I don't know why but I thought that Succubi had Unearthly Grace.
It's perfectly legible but it makes me think of the Yellow Pages
>It's perfectly legible
Yeah, I was confident it was legible, just wasn't so sure about the actual color / texture

>But it makes me think of the Yellow Pages
Fuck, you know what, me too. That's probably why I don't like it. I messed with a parchment texture in photoshop and was trying to make it not too in-the way. And on my one monitor it looks pretty good and is a sort of beigy orangey yellow color, with the lighter parts looking almost white, and then when I open it on my other monitor when I post it here, it's wayyy more yellow.

I'm not going to redo it today, but yeah, it needs to go. Thanks for the feedback.
>Merging and compiling 3.X + PF1e
>Then going to import 3pp and good ideas from 4e, 5e and PF2e
That is *massively* ambitious. Jesus. At least mine is just "Rework the PHB and add in snippets of Eclipse and GURPS and shit to taste."

>Send help
No fucking kidding.

Are you automating a bunch of the work somehow, or are you trying to actually compile this 100,000 page monstrosity by hand?

I hope you're using a fucking database hooked up to a web frontend and not some giant word document.

Since non-human sapient species aren't exactly a thing as far as we can tell IRL, we have nothing to compare humanity against, so what's wrong with making humanity's quirk something really weird, like maybe we're actually the smallest intelligent species in the entire fantasy world?
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Im not, you are pathetic faggot
Board police are out in full swing, today.
Its not about whats wrong, its about whats right. You can do it, but then you got to account for a lot of extra shit. outside of your base assumptions. HUmans might be the fastest intelligent creatures comparatively, but then you got to have a whole setting that account for that.

I think John Carpenter of Mars did something like this with the justification that mars had less gravity, so John had super human abilities comparatively to martians.
OP getting fursecuted by himself and crying for attention
Then humans just become halflings, and every other race is the default size. It's not very interesting.

Why is /tg/ averse to vidyafication of tabletops?
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That's a lot of words to say you're a reddit colonist who can't assimilate.
Wait, so off-topic things are on-topic now?
Not policing, I just need clarification, because what's "on-topic" seems to move quicker than the goalposts of a /lit/ or /v/ fag's argument.
"on-topic" is flexible and highly subjective
I’m not. I’ve been waiting over a fucking decade for a half decent digitized wargame. It wouldn’t even have to be 1:1 with Warhammer or any other major game. I’d fucking kill for a skirmish wargame vidya with proper character customization and level building/randomizing with online multiplayer and progression.
Seriously there are some amazing concepts of wargaming that older editions of Warhammer had captured like the firing arcs and facings, armor values, a plethora of morale and combat special rules, all of which would be awesome to automate and digitize to allow cleaner smoother play and deep tactical combat.
There's megamek

Interim thread

>Last bread

Not associated with anything. What are you working on? Having any troubles or question? Or just want to rant about your stuff? Sometimes, just putting words down can help to organize your thoughts.
Made this thread to motivate myself

>Resources for the aspiring developer
>https://anydice.com/ (A fantastic resource for checking probabilities)
>https://miro.com/ (A online whiteboard with tools to help organize yourself)
>https://www.notion.so/ (Similar to the above, but in a bit cleaner format for those who work in larger teams)
>https://obsidian.md/ (Notetaking and other assistance)
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Alright folks. Quick question:
How do you picture the effects of these combat actions, in an abstract game sense?
By "abstract game effects" I mean stuff like:
"Charge: minus to hit, bonus to damage + chance to knock the enemy over"
Here's the actions I'm pondering over:
>Bracing against a charge
>Manoeuvring around an opponent
>Observing an opponent
>Pouncing on an opponent
Just give me the first stuff that comes to your mind
If you need a bit more context:
It's a tabletop RPG that's dinosaurs vs Mad Max-style humans, where both humans and dinosaurs are playable
How about "Storm over Area 52: They Can't Stop Us All"?
Global War on Terror: Bagram Bugaloo.
Battleship 40.000

Would help to narrow it down if you have a specific tone you want to go for - is it more casual and lighthearted fun or something that builds tension etc.

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Pellaeon-class Edition

Previous thread: >>93870636

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

Old links

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Yeah, but this is 4chan, where most people will tell you "Hey, you know that thing that's popular, it's shit. Hey, you know that thing that everyone fucking hates, well they are retarded. Shit's kino!" To the point where i now just assume that everyone on 4chan is just a hipster fuckfence who hates things because they aren't cool enough to go against the flow and admit that there are some things that are popular for a reason and not just because they are a billion IQ points ahead of the masses.
I always kinda liked Jerec and his "Dark Jedi"
Especially the guy who was cut in half but survived, powered by pure spite.
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every day I get reminded of how shitty star wars fans can be

normally i'd ignore it but you can't go anywhere without seeing some retarded opinion from someone, or a retarded opinion from someone who follows that person and sucks their cock for free

should something be done?
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Maw was a trailblazer for Darksiders surviving otherwise fatal wounds.

Sure, I don't see any possible way this could go wrong.
>The ship might sway
where are we, in space or on the fuckin ocean?
>with the low survival rate
incredibly gay. Can we please have threatening and competent Imperials.

Also, neither of those address my main point, the turn.

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Smaug edition.
>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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Most likely, but it'll be a while, I think the focus might be getting the second armies for each faction out, since Gravediggers are next. But as someone that always preferred the industrial undead side of Cryx over the pirate stuff, I'm happy they are getting some love first.

I'm a bit split, though, because I also really want to go into a Cursebound heavy Orgoth force. I giess that's the benefit of the contained forces idea, its not hard to dip into multiple factions.
If there's one thing I'll agree with the hater anon over is them renaming 'Great Rack'. It was a silly pun about deer horns.
I wouldn't have expected black fleet to be first but unfortunately I want both industrial undead AND pirates so I have to swap between them and southern kriels for now. At least kriels have shadowtongue and like you said its not too crazy to dip into both.
I am interested to see what kind of light jack chassis the Blackfleet will get, since the bone chicken has already been used.
Fuck yeah. I got into miniatures gaming via Warzone just before 2nd edition dropped. I'm excited for Eternal, but dreading the bullshit I'm gonna hear from people while trying to pitch it to the local community.

Bauhaus for life.

I wish I had bought more stuff when I played Res. I keep thinking I maybe could have had a decent force to stat up in Grimdark Future at the very least.

Do you make timetables for NPC routines in your games? I feel like that's the most effective kind of prep in a densely populated scenario. Don't make NPCs super intricate, just give them times and places to be.
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That sounds like something worth a storytime anon.
I always keep a mental countdown from when something occurred until the effects will be seen by the PCs.
Party needed to get ferried down river but arrived at boarding station late at night when ferryman was not available, so they stole the boat and set out on their own. In the middle of the night, into unknown water, in full armor, ignored approaching noise, ran down the rapids, sunk the boat and drowned half the party, the started out of character argument whose fault it was.
No, because who cares what the NPCs are doing? The only times that matter are when merchants are available and even then that can be super vague with no consequences.

The game is about the PCs, not the NPCs, and if that is not the case at your table go write a book.
>Want to assassinate a local politician
>Ask GM if we can find a way to get a look at the politician's schedule for the week to see if there's a time where they're in an open area
>"If this interests you so much: go write a book, fag."

>Player plays as a Tabaxi or other kind of feline humanoid
>He/She always forgets to add "meow" or "nya" at the end of sentences
I hate it when people treat races as just a fancy skin
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>Player in group plays a Tabaxi male
>I'm playing a human white male fighter
>His character flirts with mine and the DM/other plays find it funny, I admit I chuckle a little at some lines
>After 8 sessions, his character kisses me. I'm weirded out, two woke girls in the group love it
>2 sessions later after we go to a tavern, he describes us sharing a room and other hearing him roughly fucking me (he's not explicit lots of innuendo). I immediately start to protest but I'm over talked, the DM and others make lots of jokes and talk about how cute it is
>I'm literally given the "It's just fiction, you're not a bigot right?" talking point
>I don't want to be kicked from the group so I just quietly accept it
>For the last 6 months of sessions my character now has a Tabaxi boyfriend and I have to endure sexual, romantic, and "cute" comments multiple times a session

I have no other friends, am socially awkward and conflict avoidant, live in the wokest city in my time zone, and D&D is the only fucking joy in my miserable life.
Should I just kill myself?
Should I kill him and then myself?
Spicy food was literally invented and is only spread by white people
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If your cat girls(or boys) don't look like twisted amalgams of cat and human are you really trying?
forcing someone to have sex isn't particularly woke, your friends just have an adolescent sense of humor and made you the butt of a joke
>Player plays a bard
>Doesn't compose an epic poem after the campaign to sing of our exploits
Should we punish him?

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Whispered One Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

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Random shit
>Me and DM buddy talking
>Discussing firearms in D&D
>Long story short, no it doesn't 'break' the game
>Start talking about having a setting with firearms
>"Fuggit, let's go full Colt Peacemakers, Winchester lever-actions, etc."
>This could easily work
>Start talking about a 'Wild West' campaign
>But it's still fantasy/D&D with magic, melee, monsters, dungeons, etc.
>Include all the fantasy races- orcs, goblins, elves, dwarves, women, etc.
>But also has black powder percussion pistols, steam locomotives, telegraph, etc.
>DM says he really doesn't have the time to homebrew up an entire fantasy setting
>"I'd probably just use a standard setting like Forgotten Realms and modify it it a bit."
>I agree, seems like the easiest way to do it
>His eyes go wide, shit-eating grin

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Tasha's Hunter remains undefeated
westerns influenced a lot of the genre assumption of dnd, so its easy to transplant things back
Yeah, that's true. I had a DM once that kept running these little small 'town event encounters' that were basically lifted directly from some classic Westerns- and I kept having to stifle a chuckle because the other players just weren't picking up the little references and thought these were just totally normal DM-brewed events and characters.

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