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Palladium Games and Rifts General: Best RPA Edition.

The world is a broken, post-apocalyptic wasteland destroyed by the eruption of inter-dimensional portals, rifts in the fabric of space-time and ley lines which crisscross the world. Demon & alien invaders have poured out of the rifts to destroy human civilization and claim the Earth. Now the wasteland has had 300 years to partially recover, and civilization has returned to the world; but not just human civilization: alien empires, monster kingdoms, lost time travellers, lands of mutants, demonic overlords and wizards have arisen from the ashes, all trying to rebuild the world in their own image!

Talk about:
>Heroes Unlimited
>Palladium Fantasy
>Beyond the Supernatural
>Dead Reign
>Robotech (lol)
>TMNT & Other Strangeness + After the Bomb
>Savage Rifts

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Yeah, three galaxies.
The UWW specifically.
The palladium forums are full of old school internet vibes & pages upon pages of dudes just adding to their works without much comment from other too. It's a fun place
I've considered looking up how to make a web crawler just to download every post from those homebrew threads.
There's a lot of shit on there and ever since NMI's black vault went down no one has tried to archive any of it.

That sounds pretty important, really. A lot of it is imbalanced but I'd say redeemed by working in the system.

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What are some good RPGs where every players play a summoners? Idealy, both the player and the summon would be useful in a fight, with the summon(s) kicking ass and the summoner slinging spells.

Basically, I want to run a campagin that apes the plot of Yugioh and other CCG tie-in shows. The players discover that the game they play is more than just a mere game, and that they can use their cards to summon monsters and do battle with evildoers.
However, I want to run this game without anything resembling CCG mechanics at all. Summoning monsters and casting spells in the real world with cards is completely different than using those cards in the game.

Is there any RPG that fits this niche I'm looking for?
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Summoning is always based, what system has the best take on summoning in general?
Shadowrun has some pretty great summoning rules.
We call those wargames or skirmish games.
THE IRON KINGDOMS RPGS!!! That could actually work. Thank you anon :^)
Go flick yourself

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It's shaping up to be pure kino and fixes every issue of 5e. Why aren't you excited for the MCDM RPG?
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>You can really...
>half breath
>spice things up with these new powers
If it doesn't have 3.pf style character complexity then it's shit.
Cringe and defeatist attitude
>his way of using both armour and agility as basically interchangeable elements of a defense stat is by far the most common way of handling defense in TTRPGs in general
Have you tried not playing D&D?

>why does /tg/ seem to hate Matt Colville?
Because he's a fat retard with an overinflated ego.

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Why are dinosaurs so cool and fit into games so easily?
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I want to slap you even harder than >>92613739
because they are fiction

River Horse Games just pulled the 3d files for their pacific rim miniatures game. Bit of a stretch, but does anyone have the files? I was hoping to get them but they're gone now.
I really enjoyed pacific rim 1 when it came out, and I was excited for the second one, but it really feels like they've just...

never done anything cool with it since then.
same kaiju every movie. their designs all bleed together. robots look less distinctive each time.
Its a bummer because I love kaiju shit and mechs and would have loved a more vibrant and unique setting that evolved to have more giant monster using civilizations out there that end up fucking with earth or the enemy aliens.

Obviously I'm not buying it.
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>tfw heroforge made the rats more realistic because they were too hot
>as if that would stop me
on the other hand they added more face controls
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>anon sees a rat holding a suggestive object on the catalog
>neuron activates due to terminal porn addiction
>he uncontrollably puts on his maid costume and mashes it to his /d/ hoard while swinging the Israelian flag
>regret kicks in
>somehow it's heroforge's fault
>goes on a ballistic rant
many such cases
The furries have better tagging on their hentai website. From there its a slippery slope
If you like Bakshi.

I've always wanted to play D&D. I'm not just talking about any D&D, though, I'm talking about THE D&D.
The D&D that old /tg/ greentexted about, with so many cool characters, with epic/touching moments. The one where you can play as a bear and suplex a dragon.
The D&D that doesn't take itself too seriously, where you can have crazy fantasy escapades without worrying about realism or offending anyone.
The D&D that everyone talks about when they want to bring people in. The one streamers and podcasts play to entertain people.
The D&D that people say is good, because the good DM made good changes to it for his good group.
I want to play THAT D&D, but it will never happen.
Because the greentexts never happened.
Because you can't play a bear, since it either doesn't fit the story or isn't a playable character race.
Because you can't suplex a dragon, since it doesn't fit the story or isn't realistic or isn't supported by the rules.
Because the DM is there to write a story or follow a script or lord himself over his group with some sense of elitism.
Because people are so easily offended and are incapable of separating fiction from reality.
Because all the good things are in service to bringing more people in, in service to making the company more money, in service to giving the streamers more views and the podcasts more Patreon bucks.
Because all of that isn't D&D
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D&D began whoring itself out years before then. Case and point, the cartoon began in 1983, two years before Gygax quit TSR.

By the way: quit. Not forced out. No one forced him to leave.
>Case and point
Retard detected, opinion discarded.
>Retard detected, opinion discarded.
Case made, point taken.

NTA but can't you respond with something substantial? Just going "fake and gay" is tedious to read. Anon asserts a new timeline, how do you respond?
>the cartoon began in 1983
Which is, in fact, the cut-off point for /osrg/
Picture of Graham Linehan. Opinion discarded due to reminding us how fucked his head looks. You're a disgrace to everything you argue. WTF, I love narrative based campaigns now.

The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

"Tortured Poets" Edition

Last Thread: >>92599101

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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maybe use the hatchie in an urban map. you wouldn't use a WYVERN in the field would you?

Nigga i can't read well, i been painting for 16 days.
>Nigga i can't read well, i been painting for 16 days.
These two facts are unrelated, you can't read at the best of times.

You're also a coward who dared to refuse NEA's batchall
new thread? new thread


or use the hatchie in a jungle or forrest
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I've got a custom mech I'd envision as a Rasalhague Dominion replacement for the Hatchetman.
Note that the XL is a Clan XL.

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What do you think of Traveller: the New Era?
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An OOPS moment during a raid on a secret Psionics Institute facility.
Sounds positively Lovecraftian, like the mi-go or something.
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What do you consider the best career in MgT2? I’m kinda torn between noble for the low risk high reward and surprisingly drifter for the chances to get jack of all trades
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This pretty much.
You only need to look at the size of servers on modern naval vessels and see that dTons are a good descriptor.
I think it depends on the campaign/character you want to play.

Naval has the best range of shipboard skills imo depending which branch you go into, it's really good for getting engineer, gunner and pilot/astrogation specialists.

Marine has a good combination of some shipboard skills and some fighting skills.

Army gets you some good combat skills fairly easily (and if you go support you have decent chance of getting medical skills).

Noble gets you good social skills and allows you to get some decent starting capital.

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat

http://pastebin.com/Gqj3iKyn (embed)

>How to Jumpchain

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Maybe being able to attack multiple enemies in a single row of opponents is a sign of being a True Magic user.

Maybe Clownga uses a Magic too.
honestly it'd probably cool but I've just been desentisized to "servant squishes their face against your screen and fires beam" by this point so I just can't really care
She also looks dumb in that costume. Couldn't they just keep her jeans? She looks great on those
The Gungeon.
My biggest issue with FGO Noble Phantasms is that 90% of the time we have no fucking idea of what they do.
As far as I know, The Domination Beginning just makes everyone see a close-up of QSH's face. The section in the mats with his NP literally just says "this NP takes effect."
Best relationship perk for having multiple partners? Not necessarily a harem perk but something for when everyone dating everyone in the group to an equal degree, no fucked up power dynamics or the like.

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Post-Human setting where humans have been genetically engineered to survive deep underwater. Replacing tobacco/chew is a synthetic jerky like substance to curb and satisfy cannibalistic tendencies in some.

>Is your boss getting on your nerves? Does the ex-wife deserve a fate worse than death? Maybe you just have that itch that other meat can't scratch? Try Handover's Sweetbreads! A delectable chew with long-lasting flavor! And for you carnivores out there, try our new party platters shaped in Ribcage, Facemeat, and limbs! Handover's Sweetbreads! Now comes in bone and bone-free varieties!
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Looks terrible.
Gills on the neck or gills on the torso?
Whichever makes more sense for whatever aquatic species they have features of.

I making a test run for new general.
/usgen/ is meant to discus universal TTRPG system that are to small to have its own general.

/usgen/ rules:
1. We discuss only universal system and related setting, which didn't have its own general. (So no D&D and no GURPS)
2. If you talk about specific system wright it's name down to avoid confusion.
3. Player made settings for existing systems are encouraged.
4. We only discuss universal system that was published. So ask about your "WIP system".
5. Try to limit off topic discussion to minimum.

I'm leaving the rest to you anons.
Have fun!
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care to expand?
>Basic Roleplaying
god yes
Its not horrible. I think I prefer the "Mythras Imperative" take on generic d100 though.
Dice may or may not be involved
What're the pros and cons of each? I got my players on to Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, and Runequest and I think we're mostly converted to d100 but I want to do something in a homebrew setting.

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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Encounter abilities are pretty gamified, but acceptably so IMO. Also ki to me is just a caster-adjacent energy resource. If I were to work on an alternative, I would call it Stamina. Every class has it, and uses it when exerting themselves in an exceptional way, like sprinting at full speed, making long jumps, lifting large weights, and using special combat maneuvers. Initiator classes would have more, and ways to recover it, and would use more of it when using maneuvers.

Like, 1 Stamina per level of maneuver being used, and they recover 1 stamina per turn they don't use a maneuver, 2 when they aren't in a stance either. Add feats to increase stamina and recover it faster, alter some class abilities and feats to note how much stamina they use, and how fast it recovers out of combat. You could even use this to make single class Fighters worth a damn, by giving them the fastest recovery and least taxing feats, so they can basically go at full power non stop.
>they're running as encounter powers
Yes and no, readied maneuvers can be recovered during a fight.
Since we are talking about ToB, I can't remember where I read that, but Ex abilities are explicitly non-magical and can be physics breaking by definition right?
What are the craziest maneuvers that are Ex? What about crazy maneuvers that are not even that, as in they are not Su, Sp, nor Ex? Are there any?
Naturally, every maneuver is either (ex) or (su), but Shadow Jaunt gives you a short range (ex) teleport.
Anything that's not specified defaults to (Ex) in 3.5. Strike of Righteous Vitality and IHS are definitely the most out there (Ex) maneuvers.

Previous Thread: >>92453895
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

NOT For: ERP "Looking For Group" posts or rambling about Hentai Artists

For Help with Solo RPGs:
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die!), 2: Solo RPG General: >>92492535

Official /tg/Lewd RPG General Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ

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Pretty hard. Typically people only want to play lewd games cuz they have the horny. But then they flake out once they no longer have the horny. It takes a dedicated pervert to maintain a steady game. But most dedicated perverts (not all of them - and definitely not You dear reader) tend to be degenerate freaks that nobody wants to spend time with. So it's not impossible, you just need to be lucky.
you gotta have a tangentially lewd but interesting setting that encourages people to play for the sake of exploration and ROLEplaying even after cooming
>whore kingdom ruled by the embodiment of a sex goddess
>Umbrella Corp but they're dumping aphrodisiacs into the water for "science"
>East India Company but "Indies" is in the feywilds and they trade in sex slaves
You're not really though. Many of the types of struggles that playbooks have are inspired from show characters. You get to personalize what about that struggle there is to your character, and in different contexts. And then you get to see where they go, by roleplaying the character in a type of game where you play to find out. There's no neat balancing acts by the writer's room here, it's entirely possible that your character completely forsakes one principle for the other.

I don't know if I would say Masks is strictly superior, but it definitely works smoother. In my group, where I'm currently a GM in an Avatar Legends game, we have played both systems before. And we have found that both games work differently to the different players' tastes. Some players actually really prefer Avatar, though they admit that getting their heads around certain facets of play has taken them more time.
I've checked it out, and like you I liked Inserts as a game mechanic. I translated them over into Ironsworn Assets which worked well for me
Do any of the existing lewd games use d100?
It's probably what I'm gonna homebrew from so it'd be useful if there's existing mechanics to copy over.

Satisfying BBEG deaths/defeats
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The second is schlocky as fuck and written for shit but it's still fun for all of that. The first is excellent as-is.
This is part of what makes any villain's defeat worthwhile: he is proven wrong.
It's not enough to shoot the devil in the face. A good defeat should directly refute the villain's argument. Narcissists must be shown their ugliness, brutal tyrants shown the futility of their attempts at control. The pragmatic chess masters shown the value of purity and good faith, and the nihilist shown that they lacked meaning instead of the world.
If you don't wreck their worldview, then you didn't defeat them. You just killed them, and any idiot can do that.

My one-adventure campaign ended with the big bad getting forced into an impromptu napalm pit made with glue flasks and alchemist's fire. Whenever he'd crawl out, the PC who's basically a mexican wrestler would shove him back inside like a manlet into the manlet pit.
Man, you have been getting even more lazy with your elephant talk threads

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