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Previously: >>92738875

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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My LGS just gives away tokens from a big box, once you start using a deck consistently it's a lot easier to ask for single tokens or two tokens if you need them and keep them with the deck. Is it a deck he's used a bunch yet? Enough complaints and he'll probably get the token if so.
Every time I see this, man. I'm blown away.
Mob rule is better since it can untap and give haste to your own creatures
Based on nothing in particular, jannies
Post your deck list if you are going to keep saying how amazing this card is
Here bro, it's a combo aristocrats deck. You can lean on focusing more on gitrog itself, i only use him as an engine to draw and ramp though

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a couple friends grabbed this months ago since we were all into the dune books before the movies came out, but we didn't realize the new version changed more than just replacing the art with generic promo shots of the actors
it was decently fun enough but we did want to eventually get at least the 2019 version for the spacing guild+BG, is it worth it? I've heard mixed reports that if you don't have a full 6 players it's not good to play and that it takes much longer, but a longer playtime isn't a con for us

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Remember what they took from you
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I will actually be upset if lamashtu goes instead of a funny joke bogeyman god. only good thing in pathfinder.
Motivation and intent behind an action matter, regardless of what youtube essayists say.
roleplaying as a pedophile is not healthy
wait is that literally candy to attract children? if so that is so on-the-nose i'm almost impressed

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>Overtly fantasy setting, but actually it's a sci fi setting

This is pure kino, you cannot do better than this
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Even people who play a lot of Roguelike comment that the difficulty of that game's combat encounters is total bullshit. And it features a lot of unavoidable combat.
Well, as they say, blood for the Blood God
That seems like a random comparison, it's not roguelikish at all, you can reload to combat start as much as you want when you die in it, or reload to before you initiated the combat.
"People who play games that are dominated by RNG mechanics and repeatedly starting from zero again think that Age of Decadences' combat encounter's difficulty is bullshit."
Yeah, well you’re gay

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How do you handle a poop golem?

Immune to stabbing and bludgeoning.
Immune to poison.
Ice makes it hit harder
Fire makes noxious poisonous fumes.
Water makes it bigger and faster.
Wind and earth just makes a mess.
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Erase the "e" so that "emet" (life) turns into "met" (death)
Who the fuck made an Indian wizard?
Poop golems are weak to dung beetles. Dung beetles are sacred to Ancient Egyptians. Therefore, ancient Egyptian magiks will work.
>Lead it over a dug-out pit trap
>Bury it when it falls in
>Crisis averted and you'll have fertilized crops in the area for years
It's a bummer it's as hard as it is to watch this thing.

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Edgerunners Mission Kit Soon(tm) edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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Well, compared to other professions, they sure don't go on killing sprees.

1d6-2 isn't even that much gain, and you can't do it with wounds anyway so it's fertile ground for RP. Even the combat focused chars and players have some incentive to do what every human wants to this way.
If you care only about chrome and braindances and not about looking stylish and getting laid,that's fertile ground for cyberpsychosis only
Apart from being an edgy boy, I think Adam Smasher is pretty cool. The backup Elvis bodies and the absolute murder hobo sensibility gives him some flavor I think. It's also pretty funny that canonically he was turned into canned EEZYBEEF and they had to scrape what little bit of him was left alive into a duffle bag to bring him back.

He also inspired pic related which is really nova.
Tech might be the strongest class in RED, there's so much options and freedoms. It really doesn't need anything added to it.
I feel like some more guidelines would be nice. For example, take Big Top's Militech Umbrella tech upgraded to be smart-linked (a 2 upgrade slot upgrade normally). Is that a normal upgrade? Or was just researching a one-slot smart-link enough? Is it still just 500eb? I'm guessing a 1 slot smart-link was it's own invention (forget that smart-link shouldn't work on melee weapons). Would Big Top be able to upgrade smart-linked heavy melee weapons next, or does each weapon category need its own invention (1 slot smart-link very heavy melee, heavy melee, exotic weapon, etc). Yeah you can just say 'it's all up to the GM' but some guidance would help a lot. Because just telling niggas to wing it is how we got the preddit referee who was having ripperdocs tear out patient's chrome if left alone.
I used to work security at a strip club IRL and interactions with the girls there were some of the most dismal and misanthropy-inducing experiences I've ever had in my life. Never before had I seen such an uncanny collection of empty husks masquerading as human. An accurate way to balance it might be to have an immediate short term benefit but have mental health dive at an accelerated rate in the medium term, or to have diminishing returns with each visit or even a chance of mental health degradation with no benefit after a certain number of visits.

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Do you create maps of the kingdoms and other realms in your campaigns?

Mostly thinking for fantasy like d&d but space maps are welcome too
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thanks chief
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yeah the rivers were randomly generated so they might be a little weird. the split I think I'll turn into a manmade affair.
as for scale, it is as large as this area
any good resources for making city maps? ive tried worldograhers tools but its tough to make a huuuge city with it (unless you pay)

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Weird Monsters Thread.
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ok, but can you point at one example ?

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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Warforged are building a god for themselves in the Mournland. Warforged all over Eberron are looking for objects to add to this new gods body. Might make for an interesting character a paladin seeking holy objects or artifacts to take to the build site and add to the god.
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I'm going to be running a D&D campaign starting next Monday. What adventures do you recommend?
See >>92733733
If you've never run a TTRPG before, sunless citadel 100%. Otherwise, improvise an adventure from a sandbox like Waterdeep or Ptolus.

Alternatively, you might consider City of the Spider Queen, like >>92733907 describes, or you could try Wilderlands of High Fantasy >>92750042.
Tentative build is duskblade 2 paladin 3 duskblade 2 into abjurant champion
1 adamantine body
3 power attack
6 arcane disciple(warforged domain)
9 battle caster

The idea is to only ever cast lesser deflect and use lay on hands to heal until I reach level 9
Anyone know if there is a book out there for historically accurate arms and armor?

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Seraphon Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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I think they're going to be merged chaos dwarfs. Like the ungors have gotten enough of getting pushed around and have become race traitor hob goblins who subject the other gors to horrendous buck breaking in exchange for shiny weapons from their overlords.

like imagine an ungor on a chariot pulled by a centigor

or a ghorgon cyclops being whipped by an ungor.

you get the idea.

The slaves can't be greenskins again because that's too racially charged but anyone can be mutated into a beastman.
actually, maybe species traitor would be more accurate than race traitor so replaces it in your head please. god I wish there was an option to edit shit.
nah Beastmen are gone.

Also that would suck, if a third of the Chaos Dwarf range was just beastmen
tzeentch and slaangors are still around, anon. have hope and trust the dark gods plan!
I think Chaos Dwarf slave units (if any) will be multi-racial.
We've already got human pathfinders trusted enough to be given hand-held flamethrowers.
That said the Goblin wolf-riders stick out like a sore thumb in the GSG roster, be interesting if those were Chorf units released early thanks to a botched schedule like the horns were.

going professional but still cute edition

- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Poland Rapid & Blitz | May 6th - 13th
- Champions Chess Tour: Chess.com Classic | May 8th - 15th
- Sharjah Masters | May 13th - 23rd
- Norway Chess | May 26th - June 7th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Chess Classic Romania | June 24th - July 6th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz Croatia | July 8th - 15th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

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How stupid are you, exactly? What's 10 minus 4, genius?
day 3:

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His accuracy is still around 75, so I suspect that 1900 is a fluke, and 2000 is unreachable.
I also want that but my circa 2003 computer board was $5 at Goodwill and the circa 1996 one I was using before that was free as a gift from my Grandpa so "expensive as hell" would be quite the escalation. I saw that some of the ones available these days can be used to play online chess with a physical board without looking at a monitor, which is cool enough that it might sell me on getting something nice.

Thank you, I'll try to make time to play around with it tomorrow.

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Is it dumb to want to learn complex rules systems purely so you can say you know complex rules systems?
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What if you like playing complex games because you find enjoyment in figuring out a complex ruleset and slowly mastering it over several sessions of play?
Then you’re a faggot, straight up
>purely so you can say you know complex rules systems?
Yes. It is vain and comes from a place of insecurity or a self-perceived need to validate one's self to others in a superficial way. Besides, complexity does not correlate to quality.

>An idiot admires complexity. A genius admires simplicity.
As an old professor once told me, simplifying is overlooking
Knowledge without purpose is evil

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Post character sheets and character backstories. Applications. Roll20 Madness. Interesting Stuff. The works.
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You mindbroken faggots are why we don't have fun threads anymore.
Roll20 is a gold mine of insanity.
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I never tried looking for random people to play with online.
I'd like to know what's the breakdown between good applications, normal applications, bad applications, batshit insane applications.
>Character applications
Fuck, I haven't done a character app since the good ol' days of "raiding" roleplayerguild and the like. Wasn't really raiding, to be honest, since everyone put in genuine effort for their roleplay. Kinda miss that.

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>the wolf population is plummeting because a widow asks every new adventurer passing through town to kill 5 wolves for her for a monetary reward
>when questioned she explains how wolves killed her husband and she holds a grudge
How does your party respond?
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Dog knot the widow
fuck wolf, kill widow, eat gold
The Turkish way of doing it.

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What exactly constitutes "good worldbuilding" in your mind? Whenever I've seen it used, it generally just means something that looks cool or interesting.
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You're very smart!
So you don't know what the verb 'effect' means.
>affect: influence, change
>effect: cause, bring into being
I will demonstrate.

PC1 finds himself in a dangerous situation. At this moment he has yet to take any action. Based on the preexisting circumstances, we calculate that his chances, or probability, of survival, is 75%. This probability exists from before he does anything. Therefore, he cannot *effect* it, that is, bring it into being, because it already exists.

PC1 does something clever that gives him an advantage in this dangerous situation. This raises his chances of survival to 80%. In other words, he has *affected*, or changed, his previous chances of survival. It is also possible to say that he has *effected*, or brought into being, a greater probability of survival than he previously had.

>How does the society's placement effect their chances of survival?
This use of 'effect' is wrong because the society's chances of survival, conceptually, already exists. Its geographical placement will not effect (bring into being) its chances (probability) of survival; it will affect (influence) the preexisting chances of survival. Just as my walking from my house into the street affects (influences) my chances of survival but does not effect (bring into being) my chances of survival, placing the society on the map will only affect (influence) its chances of survival and not effect (cause) them.

*opportunities to survive

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When everything fits together in a way that makes sense, like fantasy creatures and monsters that actually make a functional ecosystem.
It doesn't take much thinking to see the flaws with that chart.
Cohesive in their own rules and why and wonts

Thats why Harry Potter sucks balls from the cock, for example, and makes no sense with a little bit of common sense

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