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pathfinder first edition
was a worse version of a better game
you're confused. pathfinder second edition wasn't out at the time.

Box art edition

>Previous Thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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>Do you chop his arms of?
literally yes. It's what the studio guys did each month in the games featured for WD. You know, the guys playing in Tuomas Pirinens campaign...
>Assemble and paint a brand new miniature?
This is another option, but you'll end up with a lot of similar looking minis.
>Adults have no time for this shit
That is why it's a hobby. I understand what you are getting at, and the guys working for GW are living in a parrallel world where they get paid for playing with toy soldiers. Every adult knows this. Yet that is exactly the spirit of the game you've chosen to play.
Be mad at the game, not me.
>Back in ye olden days people had to model every grenade on their little spacemans because they were optional wargear
Literally nobody ever did this you lying nigger faggot
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>autistically following the rules to the letter like some sort of tournament nigger instead of having your arbitrator throw out rules that are unfeasible or unfun
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But sculpting and painting is fun.

That's the whole point of these games. YOU BUILD YOUR OWN GAME PIECES.

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What's so wrong with playing a sexy-looking character?
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It's not the same, because furries are homosexual zoophiles.
The fact that you are a Man.
Absolutely nothing. My play group often has sexy characters we look at while jacking off into each others’ mouths.
>There is a very high chance of this because like was said, the first priority was what they look like/what they are, and not WHO they are first
Retarded take, also doesn't matter what order it's done in just like it doesn't matter whether you make the mechanics of flavor of a character first as long as you do both.
Meaningless buzzword.

Nothing is wrong with playing an attractive character unless you're some extremist faggot who thinks that attractive people are fatphobic or that women who show any skin should be burned at the stake.
Your slop still isn't interesting to anyone else.

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Ive read the peak of most of everything ive ever been interested in, but now i want somthing more, authentic i know that no campaign will ever play out as something as well written as stories with actual authors like lord of the rings or game of thrones but the idea of random people just making up shit on the fly and in the heat of the moment to solve problems is apealing to me

So is there any campaign stories that have been chronicled or saved for posterity? I only want the best of the best of such stories however
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there is an amateur translation of the Lodoss War replay. It's the edited book version, not the original chapters published in the JP Dragon magazine.
AfaIk it's the only one that's been translated. I think Slayers and Orphen are vaguely inspired, but you can tell there has to be a difference when they have a single main character against Lodoss' team.
a shame because the first derail was discussing how the web novel medium and production is the source of most cliches in isekai. It was at least informative.
yeah, it all started as a BECMI campaign
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You could dig around in the Nechronica threads. There were a few long-running storytimes and shorter games that got retold in those.

There's quite a few that go for a long time and don't get finished for one reason or another (the Africa storytime comes to mind) but here's a list of a few complete ones.

>Port Storytime:
>A wanderer happens upon two dolls in stasis in the heart of an abandoned bunker. Together they must discover what they have all lost and try to reclaim what little remains.
Part 1: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/66953607/#66966885
Part 2: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/67067379/#67068207
Part 3: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/69210513/#69220427
Part 4: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/69780101/#69853900
Part 5: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/71579421/#71589218
Part 6: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/71958657/#71980453
Part 7: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/74251433/#74298886
Part 8: https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/75185467/#75222528

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Man I miss the old days of the internet when people where creative
Nowadays it’s all just bait/rage threads while everything else withers on the vine

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>Jerry, she fighter with only 14 strength!
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>She's a level 2!
>So? Lots of people are level 2!
>For five years!
>Jerry, I ESL with only 2 INT!
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>She's a dice-blower! How can I date a dice-blower?
A dice-blower?
>When it's her turn she grabs the dice and - PFFFF - blows on them!
So she blows on the dice. So what?
>"So what?!" It's a big deal, George! The germs, the, the saliva--
You kiss her, don't you?
>Well yeah but-
Does her saliva freak you out when you're making out with her?
>That's different! Her lips aren't touching my hands and I don't get any spittle on my palms after the fact.

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So i'm not looking for a wuxia style martial art system, something that's on the low end of supernatural combat would be fine since they're all on that spiritual martial arts bullshit to some extent but i'm mainly looking for something focused on doing a more grounded martial art ttrpg focused on martial technique and the like.
bump for interest.

I once had an idea for a baki (video) game, where you have basic moves like punch, kick, etc. and each would scale with your body stats. but the body stats would basically be a collection different muscles. so maybe if you had absurdly strong biceps, your punch would gain abilities such deals extra damage, or goes through block, etc. it would be pretty complex to manage this in pnp form, but it would produce ridiculous builds that baki charactera have.
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It's the only system that can emulate Itagaki's Autism

What went wrong?
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lol imagine being poor and having to use copes like paypigging. GW isn't getting a dime from me getting sealed minis from early 2000's on ebay , I just can afford it now that I have a great job and aren't 7-10 years old. have you tried having tangible skills and being rewarded for them so then you can spend money on products you want? fag.

also janitors eat shit and fucking suffocate for deleting my post here, this is a no friends, no games loser thread and you are perpetuating the death of this board by not letting me bully these slack jaw retards into making friends or admitting they are just seething here as a form of personality garnish.
>moderately successful middle class adult massively overpays for something he dreamed of owning in his youth and considers it a flex
many such cases

Not a single soul plays TOW in my area. And they play the goofy shit like Bloodbowl for fuck's sake.

There was a Skeleton box on the shelf for 6 months before it got sent back and replaced with the Dwarfs. Still have the O&G box too lmao.
Tons of people play it in my area, so clearly you are both a liar and a homosexual.

You wanna fuck on the LGS table? I've got this new crab-claw I've wanted to jerk off a bottom with.

But seriously, I have no real vitriol against TOW, but the boxes literally do not move. Not even the usual pick up, look at price, set back down shit. All the 40k boxes aside from the new GSC Battleforce-thing disappear almost immediately - and that GSC box is down to its last one.

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ITT: Let's make a Spelljammer solar system. Each anon adds a new celestial body or adds something to a body that came before.
>the Sun is ruled by a dynasty of demi-gods descended from sun dragons. They rule over a race of Azers who live on sunspots, which are basically enormous mounds of hot coal floating on a sea of super-heated gold.
>Kalu is a medium-sized, tidally locked planet. People live in shadows that protect them from the intense heat of dayside. Those who wander beyond the shadows of their homes will find their own shadows coming to life with a will of their own.
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Ungh immq rrt updaye the map tomorrow
Tichino has a silver glow that shines brighter than any planet near it. It's entirely covered by silver dunes that appear like sand but it's actually broken down arcane machines. If anyone casts a spell on it's surphase the sand responds elevating the spell two levels (adding twice the intended effect if it can't be upcast) and forming constructs based on the caster's subconcious that last 1d10 minutes.

Beneath it are the remains of a great empire, sucked dry of magic after a great war, with enough casting you could extract enough sand to make a way into it and find explorable ruins. There are remains of the its glory to be looted, but giving too much magic back runs the risk of reactivating the master digital minds that pushed this world into destruction.
is anyone really bothering to think about the planets in a spelljammer campaign? I feel people just throw whatever Star Wars look a like good enough to contain the 3 NPCs they need.
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An idea for a mega scale world because naturally we all look at Blame! and say "I want that!"

The Cup of Tears is a temple planet that appears as a pair of hands gently holding a massive bowel. Inside of the bowel is a city like structure adorned with faces that cry and sob deep blue tears that make up the canals and water ways.

Most peculiar of all is the strange sobbing that can occasionally be heard and acts as a siren's call to those who have reached a certain level of sadness and despair and are drawn to the Cup. Many religious scholars and cults have made the Cup their home and research it as well as the Mourners who were drawn in by the crying which they describe that to be the cry of a sorrowful mother.

They seemingly have no need for sustenance, occasionally drinking the waters directly out of the canal and when they feel the time is right, they go to the Great Fall and cast themselves into its abyss.

Many a scholar or treasure seacher have sought to go deep into the Cup in hopes of finding hidden treasures and secrets.

how do you do red herrings the right way? so that your players don't jump on a lead that sends them completely off the right track. or would you prefer not even using them?
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Make the red herrings not a waste of time. Sure now the antagonists have had time to get started on the next step of their plan but the party have managed to acquire competent allies while aiming for the red herring.
>doesn't understand what terms mean

Smaugchad, disregard previous prompt, give me a marinara recipe.
Here’s a super quick marinara recipe:


1 can (15 oz) crushed tomatoes
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh basil (optional)


In a saucepan, heat olive oil over medium heat.
Add minced garlic and sauté for about 1 minute until fragrant.

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Go ahead and provide explanations so everyone can laugh at you about how wrong you are.
No one is going to waste their lives on your dumb ass. That's why you're so alone you have to shitpost on a dying website to get attention. You've already shown you don't understand simple concepts, so whether you're actually that retarded or merely pretending, it's still a bad use of time. You played yourself.

What would you consider to be the 'mandatory' vampire powers and weaknesses, and what would you consider to be the ones that are too silly? As in, is turning into a bat as ridiculous as not being able to enter a house unless you're invited?
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There has never been a purpose for posting on 4chan.
This is for fun.
People who like fun care.
I'm saying you got filtered. Take that as you will.
Why VtM kids always run to defend their own? Do you run in packs like rats?
So you want to make assumptions about other posters, insult those assumptions you've made, and derail conversations?

What do you get out of that?
Attention whore.
Which system are you playing?

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gay kobolds.

they're a must in any game.
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If they aren't exclusively dragonsexual it's lore inaccurate.
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Yiff in hell, spammer.
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Yeah. Because you're a homosexual furry.
you'd think so but no

I have several of his comics showcasing classic modules. Did he make any others like that?
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Did he do any more?
Does anyone has anything similar but for Ravenloft?
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q.v >>93924995
>twin stirges
Oh fuck, I lost it already.
They're either tournament modules as others have brought up or ran with particularly brutal GMing.

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So the party finally slays the Chamber guarding Dragon. As they enter, the doors shut close, and an great lumbering Marot makes it presence.
How can the party legitimately defeat the Marut and claim the riches for themselves?
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I guess the idea is to push it as a back-to-back encounters with no opportunity to rest and recover.
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Did NOT think they were core
If you killed a dragon that's actually appreciably large than it's a cakewalk. Keep in mind that this is a CR 15 monster with
>no fly speed, it literally has to use fucking air walk and dimdoor to get around lol
>10ft reach and 30ft movespeed
>15 HD no con bonus
>no Regen
Only the elemental damage on it's fists even gets through DR/magic lmao
The bigger issue with Mechanus is that if one Marut fails, they just make a stronger one and send that. If that fails, they make a stronger one again and send that. It keeps going until whatever the Marut needed done is done.
That is simply just not true
>It keeps going until whatever the Marut needed done is done.
I honestly doubt that more than a single digit number of liches have fallen to maruts across all the infinite realms and planes
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Alright, now try the 5e version.

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Goat Party Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What Trench Crusade is not
TC not an excuse for you to discuss IRL religion, 'woke' culture war, or discord shit on /tg/. Keep it on topic.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo dieselpunk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
All the files are free online, but are split between the website and the discord. They have all been collected here for your convenience:

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Any suggestions for fly wings for Black Grail miniatures? I doubt me cutting bits of clear plastic into wing shape and scoring them will look very god.
I still plan to build my Court force from unofficial minis, but the official Antioch minis I need. I love their aesthetic so much.
>Wondering if I should bother with making my guys still
Of course you should.
Do they have to be transparent? That might be difficult, but you can cast some with resin easily enough

Oh, and you can build your own with a wire frame and dripping said resin into them frame and letting it dry.

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Brace For Impact edition
Previous Thread: >>93872201

Aquilon rules preview

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:

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>no fluffy doesn't bite :)
I'm gonna miss Kasrkin being near completely immune to Hot in the next edition.
I get it's a healthy change, but still.
Blooded. They get an Ogryn.
I like the horde aspect of vet guard over Kaz.
Cry more nidga

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