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Candidates ending edition

- FIDE Candidates Tournament | April 3rd - 25th
- European Women’s Chess Championship | April 18th - 30th
- TePe Sigeman & Co | April 27th - May 3rd
- Sardinia World Chess Festival | April 27th - May 4th
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Poland Rapid & Blitz | May 6th - 13th
- Champions Chess Tour: BetterHelp Masters | May 8th - 15th
- Sharjah Masters | May 13th - 23rd
- Norway Chess | May 26th - June 7th
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Chess Classic Romania | June 24th - July 6th
- European Individual Chess Championship | June 30th - July 13th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz Croatia | July 8th - 15th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26t

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Nah, I am asking for a top player that wasn't a bitter loser or had a mental breakdown and accused others of cheating if they won against him. But instead congratulated them and worked on himself to get better. Or are there no top players like that?
I want Andrea to join the football match.
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This is like my 4th game with e4 since I learned how to move the pieces. I like how the plan is simple, you just play d4 any time black makes any slightly weakening move, give up pawns, and win.

What do I do when someone eventually plays something other than 1...e5? Same idea or something else?
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D4/D5 liberates the position, the computer will always suggest D4/D5 whenever it's possible. Nice finish, i wish people were that bad at the 1300 bracket when they play against me.

Fucking niggers.

Witches Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander,
Freebooter's Fate,Frostgrave, Gaslands, Hordes of the Things, Kings of War, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Moonstone, Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam,
Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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What was the game?
Sad, relic knights died last month. Officially went bankrupt, stopped shipping orders in Nov of last year. rip, I believed in it to the end. Sorry for those who lost money for the Kickstarter years ago
>maybe 10 years ago at boardgame convention, trying new game
>demo was by girl with large chest
>I go to take a photo of the game, to remember it for later
>She pushes out her chest and says "get the T-shirt in the picture"
Back then, everyone with a game to sell had girlies to demo it.
I can only guess that money changed hands at some point, but actually the girls all played the games pretty well; not quite well enough to beat the new guy who felt good for winning ;-)
I like KoW: Vanguard. Pretty light but lots of depth. Lots of generic fantasy armies. Most beers could put a force together from random RPG minis.
>missile launchers are free in 40k
What the fuck, since when?

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'Miring Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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Green dragon was "on our side", we talked to him in private at some point, but the red one apparently has "powerful magic", although it seems more like torturing and threatening the green one rather than outright mind control.
Split up, create diversions - they are likely to create elaborate plans, especially if they understand that a direct confrontation is unlikely to end well. What I need to do is provide hints that the dangerous fight might be heading their way, and I have let them know that diplomacy could be an option from the start. One of them has an unreasonable bonus to Persuasion.
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My party's current frontliner is a 20-strength twink Shapeshifters do what they want
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>What's your fighting man aesthetic, /5eg/?
Pic related. If your fighting man isn't STR based and wearing plate, are they really a fighting man?
I like medium armored and dipping into barbarian to actually take a hit

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Yeah, but where do those people make their money?

Hollywood is a business. Frankly it's the most capitalist industry in the world. Conservatives just don't want to admit that they aren't where the money's at these days. The conservative slice of the country (and broadly the world) is shrinking while the progressive leaning part of the world is growing (a big part of this is the boomers are dying off, and Gen Z and future generations are larger, and slated to keep getting larger).

Of course people can't blame capitalists for doing capitalism (for some weird reason I don't understand) so it has to be pinned on some other nebulous force.
>Yeah, but where do those people make their money?
I don't know but it sure isn't from their media endeavors as even Disney CEO has admited such. It's besides the point, you're implying they're not going bankrupt because media made for "modern audiences" is all well and good but it isn't

>Conservatives just don't want to admit that they aren't where the money's at these days
Haven't been for a long time. It's not a case of "conservative media vs progressive media" it's a case of "regular people vs mentally ill lunatics obsessed with politics", you know the type, the ones that are so eager to own the christians they have to invent some convoluted bullshit reason that in the end makes no sense to explain why vampires are repelled by crosses instead of just it being a holy symbol
Disney makes most of their money from their theme-parks they're very clear about this. They lobbied very hard against the COVID lockdown for this reason.

No I very much don't get what you're talking about. I appreciate though you treating this like a serious conversation.

Look lets be honest about ourselves. The stuff people complain about in movies is VERY VERY inside baseball minor stuff that gets picked up by rabid contingents on the internet. MOST PEOPLE just don't give a shit either way- they're certainly not boycotting the Barbie movie cause it's too woke. Most people are in fact, apolitical- and when they see progressive politics they either just roll their eyes or it flies over their head because it ultimately doesn't bother them that much. Like the thing with the cross you just mentioned. When I saw that scene it didn't even occur to me that detail would bother anyone. Earlier in the show they show that a priest (any priest) blessing water turns regular water into Holy Water. So I didn't perceive it as an attack against religion (maybe because I wasn't looking to find such attacks despite being areligious myself). And personally I've always found the idea that a cross repels vampires. Sure a CRUCIFEX, a specifically designed holy symbol, I can see that repelling a vampire, but an ordinary geometric symbol that is cross shaped, I find that silly. The idea that vampires get confused by geometric shapes is of course equally silly, but I emphasize equally silly, not more. At least in my subjective opinion.
>Disney makes most of their money from their theme-parks
Sure don't even know if that's true, but it's not like they don't care about their movie profits otherwise the CEO won't comment on the failure of DEI centered projects and how they should probably drop and the point still is: "modern sensibilities" are failing movies right now

>The stuff people complain about in movies is VERY VERY inside baseball minor stuff that gets picked up by rabid contingents on the internet. MOST PEOPLE just don't give a shit either way
Yeah, you're the one who keeps trying to strawman people about being afraid of the shadow government or whatever. This is a conversation in the interest of media and hobbies, we're on a website that mostly centers around such subjects, if you yourself don't care about the subject you can just leave it, just like how I don't care about your subjective opinion on the logic of crosses and vampires so I won't address it. On the other the decision was clearly made so they could dunk on christianism one more time, saying that as an atheist, even if you didn't notice it
Agreed it's besides the point- but people point to fake numbers about how 'Disney's (movies)' are failings. Like remember that conspiracy that Disney bought their own tickets to 'trick' people into thinking that Captain Marvel was a financial success?

Now what I think you and I can agree is that a lot of movie studios are lazy and focus on putting out generic films rather than artistically creative ones, and we can agree that the insertion of progressive politics is them being both lazy and cynical and trying to tick off checkboxes rather than cause they think it's necessary to the plot. I just a. don't think this is an apocalyptic problem when it comes to Hollywood, and b. think this is a symptom not a cause of why a lot of movies are pretty generic.

If their goal was to dunk on 'christianism' then why keep the part about holy water? I think you're reading into stuff too deeply. It reeks of having a persecution complex.

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Vulgar Magick Edition

>Previous Thread
>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega
>STV content folders

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>Right before loosing it to the New Promise Mandarinate

No, you've got that backwards. New Promise Mandate seized control in 1998, Smiling Jack restored control in 2004 to the Anarchs, then the official timeline splits between:

- Original Timeline: End Times happen, world ends around 2006.
- V20/V5 Timeline: No End Times; Nines Rodriguez is still Baron of LA as late as 2018 and has kept the Kuei-Jin of San Francisco from seizing control.
no the new promise mandarinate lost before vtmb the great leap forward was 1997 to 1999 and vtmb is in 2004
>- Original Timeline: End Times happen, world ends around 2006.

*2004. Later that year, basically.
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>suckhead never became an ancilla
Gangrel Primogen was getting worried about how few Werewolves he was spotting. Ordinarily he would be relieved, but them dropping off so suddenly scared him, and for good reason. Then, one of them actually ASKED to move through his domain. He asked the coterie to investigate, but before we could, the coterie's Ventrue and Ravnos were driving around and nearly hit a Werewolf, full Crinos, which was floundering in the center of the road. He was in extreme pain, and barely conscious. Ventrue managed to talk him into shifting down, and seeing this as an opportunity to figure out what the hell was going on, put him in the backseat and sped back to the Ventrue's haven. Before we could get much other than "Garden" out of him, he started melting into a puddle of flesh and gnashing teeth. We put him down and started sweeping the nearby forest the very next night. That's where we found the first Garden.

We made the Pentex connection later when the coterie Ventrue was asked to snoop around their operation a bit later on in the arc by the Prince. She managed to steal the CEO's hard drive and a bunch of emails from him through Dominate, at the cost of a Fomorarch based on Mr X. trying to track her down for half of the arc. This information allowed us to establish the connection between the Gardens and Pentex, as well as the locations of the other Gardens and what their plan was. We even realized then that this thing we found in a Setite Temple was one of these "Gardens" as well.

Vampires could only be temporary carriers for this Bane-Disease, which made us uniquely suited to dealing with a threat that mostly relied on its ability to infect and assimilate.

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What is the appeal of dungeon crawling?
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It's an excuse to have all the interesting things in one place.
That's it. It's narrative as architecture.
It is adventuring distilled.
Because there's a lot of open ended strategy, but the moment to moment constraints make the immediate decision space clear.

Also a great didactic tool for GMing, because the adventure's conceptual space is 1:1 with its physical space.
This. Literally anything could be over there in the dark! Fabulous riches or terrible doom, it's made for risk takers.

Could a DnD adventuring party take on a modern military?
Will their skills and spells be enough?
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>guns are superpowered pretty girls
>jets are superpowered pretty girls
>ships are superpowered pretty girls
>historical leaders are superpowered pretty girls
We'll be fine
>All shall become WAIFU!
FUCK NO. The femtosecond a fantasy setting leaves it's plane it loses ALL of it's abilities and powers. There is a reason people use guns instead of magic missiles or swords.
The shockwave from an explosive is not a projectile. Also, bullshit it stops radiation. ALSO, Apaches mount laser weapons now.
>Could a DnD adventuring party take on a modern military?
Depends on the party, obviously, but I feel just teleportation alone causes havoc with most modern military strategies.

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Palladium games and Rifts
Palladium Games and Rifts General: Pretty Demon Edition.

The world is a broken, post-apocalyptic wasteland destroyed by the eruption of inter-dimensional portals, rifts in the fabric of space-time and ley lines which crisscross the world. Demon & alien invaders have poured out of the rifts to destroy human civilization and claim the Earth. Now the wasteland has had 300 years to partially recover, and civilization has returned to the world; but not just human civilization: alien empires, monster kingdoms, lost time travellers, lands of mutants, demonic overlords and wizards have arisen from the ashes, all trying to rebuild the world in their own image!

Talk about:
>Heroes Unlimited
>Palladium Fantasy
>Beyond the Supernatural
>Dead Reign
>Robotech (lol)
>TMNT & Other Strangeness + After the Bomb

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If, for whatever reason, people were to stop buying Warhammer 40k merchandise and playing it to the point it goes bankrupt, would they migrate to another wargame, wait until another company buys the IP and return to it, or just stop wargaming in general?
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>40k is popular because it's good.
The lore? Well, I can see the appeal.
The spinoff games? They are hit and miss.
The wargame itself? It was never good in any edition.
And like clockwork we have an NPC that posts the same old delusional "40k is not good"
The fall of 40K would probably kill wargaming as a hobby for good. The IP would be picked up by another company, but they wouldn't make models or rules for it, just use it for shit like video games.
Although hey, with 3D printing being what it is, wargamers would probably just move over to fan rules with free models.

>Yearly revenue = valuation
You are retarded
>Implying a "40k is good" post doesn't go off like clockwork either.
A conversation with ChatGPT is more interesting than with you.
They'd go to Battletech, I imagine. Ironic really, things going full circle.
(Sadly, Battletech is also getting pozzed out)

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ITT: Game ideas you've always wanted to try, but will never get the chance to play.
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Victorian era fantasy game set in a megacity with trains running everywhere.

TMNT universe but not the turtles and not in New York, someone starts mutating people/animals elsewhere.

Suicide Squad except private, low-level superhumans posing as a band, and their tours are an alibi for them to be in different cities when their manager has them carry out various heists/abductions/hit jobs.

Cavemen with totem magic vs lizardmen with trained dinosaurs.

Star Wars, just after the Empire falls. Squad of former rebel fighter pilots have to adjust to being part of a government, meanwhile their ship is hosting a second squad of former Imperial pilots who still use their old fighters, who take every opportunity to sneer at the "rebel scum."

Also Star Wars, AU where Vader dies before he can be put in the suit, which has drastic changes for the galaxy
Genuinely threw a commando plumber into my last cyberpunk game. Given the PCs were vandals he ended up being a miniboss.
That sucks dude. You in a place where shopping around for players isn't an option?
Y'know for a Dark Tower Roland take on cowboydom wou could do worse than try out Mythic Bastionland. Most of the playtest's free and it's very much an exploratory hexcrawl in the weird west where tall tales lie over the landscape like a fog.
3.5 has all those things.
>I want to be a bear
>like a bear bear?
>ok, at some point a wizard cast an Awaken spell on a bear, giving it human intelligence. This book has rules for creating ability score adjustments for any species, so roll your abilities as normal and add these modifiers, also you'd have to start with no class levels since bears have racial HD, but you're a bear it's fine
Everything is better in 3.5, Anon.
I came up with something just now, take an earth with supers, then a supervillain unleashes something like FOXDIE for superheroes. To combat this, there's a global initiative to cryo-freeze all supers until the virus can be cured.

...fast forward to 2090. A group of supers (the players) are unfrozen by what seems to be an accident. They fight their way through a slum of weird junkies only to find that they're in a dystopian cyberpunk world where corporations rule everything. It's not clear whether the virus is still out there or not. They'll quickly learn that cyberware has evened the odds between normies and supers, probably the hard way

What are the 8 components? 8 is odd because it doesn't show up in the occult very much
I’ve always wanted to try a cooperative wargame campaign, players would control a mercenary band and be fighting in something like the Italian Wars or 30 Years War with constantly switching sides, diplomacy, and managing their armies more than personal combat.

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GW Retro/Oldhammer General, "Fine, I'll do it myself" Edition

>/GROG/ Pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn (embed)

Previously, on /GROG/...
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Oh cool, how was it lad. I'm in Hull but didn't have chance. Will be playing the deodorant hovertank rumble at BOYL though.
It was fun though much smaller than BOYL, maybe about 20-30ish people total in attendance. I spent basically the whole time playing in the Far Corfe participation game which was great with lots of creative warbands on show. Gary Morley was also hanging around and was very interesting to talk to.
Getting pretty happy, might slowly be convincing a friend into playing 3rd ed. If he plays and digs it which i think he will since he likes the more thematic and flavor stuff of 40k unlike how nu 40k is all samy, i think i might be able to get the group im with to do it too
Question about 3rd ed, is a demon hunter army a really strong army? they grey knights always looked cool, but i could never get into the pure gray knight army of like 7th and 6th. But demon hunters sound cool. Are they reasonable on the table? or are they bonkers.

My other 3rd ed army i wanna play is thousand sons which i know you can make them bonkers by nature of the CSM codex.
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I brought a gang of ork pirates along with some walkers made from gunpla & bits and a skimmer made out of an irn bru bottle. My objective ended up being to kill the mayor of Far Corfe, then bring his body to the town fort and get myself declared the new mayor. I ended up pasting the mayor with a long-range autocannon shot on my first turn, but my skimmer got blown up on the way to retrieve his corpse. So my Kaptin went off to the garage to respawn the skimmer while his trusty squighound ran to the fort with the body like a dog with a newspaper in its mouth.

However once he got there, we questioned if technically since the Squig brought the body back, should he become mayor rather than my Ork boss? It got put to a vote and the Squig won in a landslide. He then got instantly ganked by a gang of necrons on the next turn and then the game ended.

Overall 10/10 experience. Vote Squig Mayor 2024

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Previous thread: >>92488058

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

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Oh shit.
>spring boots
Shock absorbers. Did you think those were supposed to be springs this while time?
Psyker power is internal, sorcerers tap into the Warp
Are you complaining about explosive bullets in 40k? Because if so I have some disturbing news about boltguns.
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Anything object shaped or modified from raw materials in order to be useful, no matter how simple. Fancier is better, though, and tools that are used to manufacture or repair other machines are probably given special significance since the Mechanicus focuses on the use of such things. Many simple and common "machines" are probably ignored even by most techpriests (there aren't many who go around trying to appease the machine spirits of belt buckles, even if they might acknowledge these as machines in a theological sense).

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>guns are OP in my world and magic is weak
>guns are weak (Expect swords lol) in my world as magic is strong

which side are you?
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>which side are you?
They're both different playstyles that are roughly equal in power.
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Gond: "Woah man you can't use gunpowder to make guns. I curse your whole world because fuck you."
Also Gond: "Oh you want to make a sci-fi gun with the power of the death star? And you want to mass produce it for the average person to use? I'll allow it."
These threads always attract the same type of people jeez
Fireworks and chemistry shit is already associated with magic. Wizards are the people making the guns and preparing the powders. Inventors and discoverers.
>sealing every room the king enter
Having guards outside of the king's chambers while he's sleeping is some of the most basic security imaginable.
>nothing prevent the assassin's from entering earlier
Other than any other locked doors with guards nearby, dogs within the room, etc.
Kings had people who tasted meals for poison. Having a guard stab around a room for assassins as part of their patrol isn't exactly a tall order.
>then leave by a window opening
Or somebody shoots the king with a gun from outside the castle and is gone before any guards can track him down. Because that's about as generous of an assumption as you're making for this invisible mage.

Does having a PC party member be attractive make them more fun to be in a party with?
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She was in IT yeah
Literally, unironically, both of you are either gay or your brain has been destroyed by porn
I assume everyone is conventionally attractive unless otherwise specified.
>Describes my character as so hideously ugly everyone who sees him gouges out their own yes
My character RN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQNDXjdsQHo

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Velma S2 Edition

Previous Thread: >>92501762
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Velma S2 Trailer

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection

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>Going anywhere near Bolian plumbing
You'll get your dick melted off and theres no one to blame but yourself
It's fine, tholian silk condoms are a thing these days
Unfortunately Tholian silk contains lethal amounts of asbestos. Great gift, Sisko!
Anon, the asbestos ones are only meant for for humanoids with copper blood. Says so on the packages. You need to get the ones in the pink and yellow packages for all other species. Now if you excuse me, the holodeck awaits.
Well, that is good to know. I'll have to remind the gamemaster next session about this lore.

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