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I got impatient watching the page count go up and I have other shit to do edition.
For discussion of all 3.x-compatible d20 games.

/3.x d20g/ d20 General Thread #005

>What games are "in"?
Anything with enough common base to be relatively mix-and-matchable with 3.0/3.5 counts. So d20 Conan / PF1 / AE / 3.5 / d20 StarWars / d20 Modern / d20 Warcraft etc.

>What's "out"?
Mutants and Masterminds; 5e based games like Tales of the Valiant and A5e and DC20; Weird jank like PF2. They are just not (out of the box) mechanically cross-compatible with 3.0/3.5; OSR-Compatible stuff. You can bring them up in the context of converting stuff to use a 3.x d20 system, but don't expect any discussion of those systems directly.

> Tools

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What's the best/coolest gaze attack from a monster? I know 3.x/PF best but any valid system for the thread is welcome. Sell me on something nutty and not just 'it looked at you and you got scared'.
I haven't used a lot of those, beyond beholders and beholderkin eye beams. I bet there are some spells that would make for fun gaze attacks and the like.
The antimagic cone on beholders eye
It's probably the only time you actually pay attention to what direction a monster is facing in 3e
One of the most dynamic antimagic effects, and antimagic is kind of rare in general
It's just so fun and unique
Homebrew, but at one point I was planning on using a monster who had Cloud Mind as an effect on gaze.
I saw guidelines a couple months back but I forgot what they were, I'm hoping one of you guys can help me out. Converting GURPS Damage to 3.x d20. Someone had a clear ratio with reasons behind it, and it made sense. I want to port over a GURPS subsystem to improve my d20 games (inventing) and I'm not clear on how I should be practically converting 2d damage for an explosion or accident with the prototype. I assume 2d = 2d6 is not the right conversion ratio from GURPS >> D&D math scaling.

Hopefully the guy familiar with both who made that post (or someone like him) sees this and is able to repeat the conversion number

>We've spent many decades backing ourselves into a corner on this conversation.
>And the government has said publicly what its position is. Now, it's in a situation where it's having to unwind that conversation and say, look, folks, we haven't always been completely forthcoming and truthful
with you. And that's a hard conversation to have.

>RONNY CHIENG: What are you talking about? There's Elder Gods! Have the conversation. ... I don't know what we're supposed to do about this now.

>Look, I personally think Americans can handle the truth about this topic. I think it is-- I mean, we can joke a lot about it, but the reality is is that these things, whatever they are, wherever they're from--

>RONNY CHIENG: They're [BLEEP] Elder Gods! This is real!
Just tell us you want to raise taxes again and let's be done with!

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by GWendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)

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yeah you stick a support in and click the clean vat and then use the support as a handle to remove the cured layer
Never worked for me, always the new sheet broke off, so now I don't bother with keeping sprues.
Do you have a mars sized printer or something bigger?
so 8k printers are infinitely better than 4k ones, right? In my country there is a ton of 3d printing services but the only one that want to print me vehicles only has a 4k printer. I am fucked?
no. 4k, 6k,8k,12k is meaningless marketing metric that does not actually tell you jack shit.

Why? Because it refers to screen resolution, not actual pixel size. And you are printing physical objects, not watching tv.

if you compare a small and large 4k printer, the print resolution on small printer will be way higher than on large one, despite both being nominally 4k.
Even worse, you can get lower print resolution from large 8k printer than from small 6k printer.

Its all bullshit. What you relly need to know is pixel density per square inch , equivalent of dpi in paper printing.

But you need to calculate it yourself, as long as you know real screen size and its exact resolution., but for some reason most manufacturers dont share this info in their product sheets.

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ITT: unsafe fantasy art
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Having a Tzimisce player is the biggest red flag for any table.
Are you ignoring the mass rapes committed by the mongolians, Chinese, and Imperial Japanese?
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Nice faked screenshot of a Formian Giant. I can tell that you're a subhuman third-worlder who gets into endless rage storms over superior Americans.
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>modern game standards
So has murder, but I don't see you whining about rules surrounding combat.

I really like the Panic Engine, I tried a handful of one shots and completely novice players quickly understood the mechanics and how to interact with the world. Every time the players asked for more. But that's the issue, it's not really meant for campaigns. There are mechanics to improve characters, adding your remaining stress to your stats and partially recovering health while maybe remaining crippled. But that's doesn't really feel like a progression you can control and work towards in a longer campaign.

Right now I'm planning on doing a soft campaign, a series of one shots open to new and repeating players, where the consequences of the previous ones affect the world as a whole. But I worry it'll be pretty weak if people want to keep comming back with the same group.

Is there a better way to make them grow? Have you tried it and found no issues?
Side question: Have you tried a Panic Engine variant you liked? Stuff like Gordinaak or Cloud Empress. Do you think the system has potential or should be just the original?

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Both the very first and most recent table top character you rolled appears before you, with no way of returning to their worlds. They have all abilities, skills, and gear on them just like their character sheet. What do?
I apologize to my first character for making him so shit, then ask my last character to put him out of his misery.

Greetings, Heroes!
Welcome to /SHG/, home to discussion about superheroistic role playing games, including but not limited to Mutants & Masterminds, Marvel Super Heroes/FASERIP, ICONS, Basic Action Super Heroes...

Thread Questions:
>What system is your favourite for running a Super Hero Game?
>What system that you tried is really not your cup of tea?
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a Super Hero?

Character Art, Stories and other questions are appreciated!
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>general to talk about trpgs based on a visual medium
>a visual medium which includes years and years of pages, cover arts, fan arts, collabs, nearly endless drawings
>AI vomit is the opening post
Do better senpai
It's rough sure, but I like to think of it more as needing a loose story that happens in the background and letting the players figure it out as I go like an investigation. Combine that with a lot more improve and you're golden. I don't view it as ruining my notes, but as a fun challenge to take on.
You're right, i didn't give much importance to the opening post image, was on my phone.
The thread does get more bumps thanks to this kind of comments though.
>What system is your favourite for running a Super Hero Game?
Prowlers & Paragons
>What system that you tried is really not your cup of tea?
Mutants & Masterminds
>What kind of mechanic is essential to you to convey the fun of playing a Super Hero?
Power scaling
I would keep looking at anime/manga powers for this kind of loose interpretation, western comics is imo more literal.
>Teleport by "destroying space" between two locations and fusing the two parts (pic related, jojo part 4 Okuyasu/The Hand power)
>Density/size alteration by creating additional mass
>Invisibility by destroying light
>Forcefield by creating infinite space in front of the attack a la Jujutsu kaisen Gojo

Interim thread

>Last bread

Not associated with anything. What are you working on? Having any troubles or question? Or just want to rant about your stuff? Sometimes, just putting words down can help to organize your thoughts.
Made this thread to motivate myself

>Resources for the aspiring developer
>https://anydice.com/ (A fantastic resource for checking probabilities)
>https://miro.com/ (A online whiteboard with tools to help organize yourself)
>https://www.notion.so/ (Similar to the above, but in a bit cleaner format for those who work in larger teams)
>https://obsidian.md/ (Notetaking and other assistance)
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Had similar problems with my own lewd system (sorry if your game isn't lewd but I'm gonna talk like it is). For recalculating armor values it was easily solved as it used an armor save system like in Warhammer. Basically a 4+ save that means on a D6 you roll a 4 or more to prevent damage. The armor getting destroyed simply meant you don't roll armor any more. No calculating required.

Then it was made more complicated with enchants. The goal was to make girls weaker but give them an enchant multiplier to incentivize stripping them but not males and also allowed for different builds. This means recalculating stats but it was mitigated a lot by girls having 0 base strength so I didn't need to track changes to their strength/damage values at all. A naked unarmed girl was just as strong as any other. Also encourages enemies grabbing girls. The girls can defend themselves from grabs with their weapons. Don't it to be too easy to get grabbed.

As for how permanent clothing damage should be, could have it that it can be repaired between encounters but if you flee from a fight and don't spend an action picking it up then any destroyed gear gets left behind. But that might cause a loss spiral as your gear gets destroyed, fail quest, need to buy new gear, gets destroyed again and you probably won't be able to beat the quest without armor. But if you want quests to start with girls fully armored up and end with them finishing naked, turning in their quest in the buff then permanent damage (till repair) would be the way to go. Better if armor isn't crucial to success in the final battle and is instead more of an expendable resource you need to get to the end at all and can fight fine without it. It'd probably be ablative HP in that case as that doesn't change your stats, just lets you last longer.
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>why do you feel the need to include it in your game?
The whole thing I'm going for with this system, is that it's designed to work as a dialogue between the GM and the player, with the player describing his actions and the GM translating it into rules.
So I'm trying to come up with rule translations for most common combat moves.
Because there's a lot of dinosaur actions in there, charging is going to be come to the table often.
But, I'm not too sure how a charge from a triceratops is supposed to feel different, mechanically, compared to... say... a headbutt, when targeting a naked tribal.
Why would you charge when a headbutt would probably kill it just the same?
just did, looks hilarious, and its close to what i want as a game, but instead of paper/rock/scissors i just want them to be able to hit the others and run

Thanks for the advice, Think I found the game that was mentioned so I'll give it a read later for ideas.

Another mechanic I want to toy with is a romance/relationship table. Either for stat bonuses that modify your rolls or possibly giving you new skills or abilities if you progress far enough in the relationship with someone. Thought it might be an interesting way to make npc's or bonds more useful. Just not sure what the best method would be. A simple modifier might not be too interesting.
the biggest appeal in Dokapon is how it stages income. The ceiling of what winning is starts with who has the best items but the first town is like 100 times the money you have so you start fighting for towns. But when you're done starts the castle quest that gives 10 times a town. As you go continents give you less, but the one in last place can renounce everything to become a pure PvP character taking away towns and castles.
Once the earning ranges stabilize you start having to do dungeons, that are huge time sinks and people can focus on getting towns and then screw you before you cash in the dungeon reward.

The gameplay structure is very good and it creates very real tension. One time it was three of us completely silent, only talking to curse when someone got something done. I've never seen that level of seething with any board game, it's brutal.

Why don't folks like ultramarines for real tho. I've always loved them. After 10,000 years they're still among the top chapters with pure power in regards. Their drip is beyond measure. They're just good at everything they do. And look GREAT doing it. Got the most well rounded primarch of all of them shy of maybe the lion. Currently RUNS the imperium. We even got mfkn marneus calgar. Our symbol means ULTRA dawg were just better. Plus ask the orks were lucky
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>ultra marines
>clearly a joke
>but also portrayed as possibly the most serious, humorless faction
You'd think this would work, but it doesn't.
The only thing not working here is you on your art.
It's dead son, we 1d6chan now
>the pro-tranny censorship version
yeah nah

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>bullshit spells
why do you think mages should be all hunted?
W-wrong thread?
>What would you do?
Simple, I would just became the best mom ever.
So this is the competition to the esteemed lord Raggi... heh... not bad...
Get changed back right away because we both know that men can never be women.
Ah, I see. You were talking about swapping up. I thought you were making the mistake of thinking you could "cheat" to get extra level 0s.

Has your character ever scored with a barmaid?
Brothel prostitutes don't count.
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A lot of barmaids doubled as prostitutes, but leaving that aside, yes. He was meant to be a stereotypical quasi-Spanish wastrel though, so it was very on brand for him. It also didn't happen too often because he was almost prissy when it came to hygiene.
>He was meant to be a stereotypical quasi-Spanish wastrel
I really like this character concept!
I’m the DM, but I can tell you 2/4 of my players have scored with a barmaid. The Fighter still chats with her daily via Sending Stone. The Barbarian preferred to keep it a one night stand, as he was cheating on his honey back home.

The Paladin and the Monk will likely never try, as they are too pious and too clueless, respectively.
Barbarian sounds like a chad

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Skub edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

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plague marine looking like
>yaknow, my dick fell off a couple millennia ago, but that ass juice fr
Kinda, but that changed throughout time. Currently I do not think it would apply.
I didn't think space marines had a penis. Primarchs have a penis surely
If she's dust call me a vacuum cleaner
Wolves and Salamanders keep families, no?

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What game has your favorite list of base skills? And what games do you consider to have a robust and well considered skill list? Where there arnt skills that seem way more useful/worthless then others, or skills that are too niche or too broadly useful?
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>dex and wis/cha equivelents as physical and mental grace
ah, thats a great way to put it.
Herbert's Bene Gesserit, literally.
>La Blue Girl
>Taimanen Asagi
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>clear diametrically opposed stats
>instantly see character archetype based on stat spread
> physical vs mental dichotomy spliced with force vs finesse

S+ tier
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I'm trying to come up with a list of skills for an urban fantasy/paranormal investigation system. I want a good set of skills where none feel too niche or useless. Ideally I want every character to have to roll every skill at least once every 2-3 sessions.

I think a list of 10 skills is a decent number for my purposes. So far I've come up with:
>Perception (general awareness, finding things, driving)
>Athletics (running, jumping, climbing, moving heavy stuff)
>Larceny (stealth, lockpicking, pickpocketing)
>Fighting (brawling and meele weapons)
>Aiming (range weapons from crossbows to grenades)
>Survival (using rope and traps, animal ken, tracking, resistance to the elements)
>Occult (rituals, exorcisms, general occult lore)
>Academics (general knowledge of science and humanities)
>Persuasion (charm, deception, reading people)
>Technology (computers, electronics, engineering)

Thoughts? Am I missing something obvious?

Malorian Arms 3516 edition
>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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nice, Thank you. Will be listening to them over the weekend while I work.
thinking of combining rain world with cyberpunk in a game set during the time of the red

some overgrown tower city where all the lower levels are flooded and downpours come even some of the upper apartments suffer from flooding and water problems
though the days where it's sunny or not raning lightly are a feild day for scrappers who all come out on their boats to the surronding sandy coastlines and waterlogged lower flooded districts

mutated animals will also be more common and will be a threat in this enviroment
and certian plotlines from 2020 and the fourth corparate war might come back like the carbon plauge
You might get some inspiration from the Cybergeneration book ecofront too, at least for some animal ideas.
D&d players I've introduced to RED really appreciate the companion app as well, it's top notch and most importantly is fully customizable so you can get a good amount of Homebrew stuff in by manually changing values. Rip the AI stuff though, the criminal record generator was pretty unique
Would that app work on Siemens M55?
No, sadly. It's pretty good on android and Apple (at least according to my applefag players). It does have a desktop version but it's buggy. If you make a character sheet on the phone and then export it to PC it works well in the browser.

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So, is Titus now the face/main character of 40K? This is very odd.
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As the "AAA" comes from investment reliability, the brainless money-printers like EA's sports titles could count.
>there's no such fucking thing as a "AAAA" video game.
Term has been in use for a while in two forms AAA+ and AAAA
Basically games that cost hundreds of millions and require hundreds if not thousands of workers
Remember when GTA4 was biggest thing?
Well its basically that manyfold.
>2/3 of the playerbase lost in less than 2 weeks isn't good
yeah, it's about average
>where is this number coming from
i made it up
>in coke
What? Is this some murrican thing I'm too European to understand?
>Its /v/ who also brought Oldhammer back
What oldhammer? Space Marine 2 is nuhammer, it have all nu GW bullshit starting with primaris.

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