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I think there's nothing more pathetic then solo rpgs. imagine having no social skills or friends to play this hobby with. just horrible leeches on the hobby on par with the Twitter and sjw people.
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I suspect OP does not care if you have a well reasoned and well thought out explanation to why there is a place for solo RPGs and wargames.
And I also suspect that, while I won't get into either gender politics or personal choice, that OP has made their choice and that OP is - again not being derogatory to gender or choice, a collosal fag.

I try solo games but they really do just make me feel lonely, and also, like, whats the fun when my own annoying will controls everything?

games arent fun because of random tables, theyre fun because youre experiencing and sharing someone's vision. which i guess youre still doing with a lot of solo games, but idk, it doesnt feel like a video game. i'd rather just read a book and look at someone's art, or make something myself.

these captchas are getting fucking insane
blame the men
Solo RPGs are not real TTRPGs. They're a pathetic substitute for the socially inept who can't handle the fact that TTRPGs are, at their core, social games that require the ability to socialize normally with other human beings to play. People who are too autistic (read: 99% of /tg/) to handle being sociable and/or dumped charisma IRL mald and seethe for being booted for being That Guy, so they go and play shit where they don't have to be social and can just roll on tables. If you're playing a Solo RPG, you might as well play a video game because it's the same fucking thing except instead of an algorithm doing the "rolling" it's you rolling yourself.
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>just horrible leeches on the hobby on par with the Twitter and sjw people.
Jesus fuck. Show us in the picture where the solo player touched you.

>ironclaw 1e / 2e exist
>its a game made for furries
>most furries don't play it

why tho? tho i did hear some people say the game might be too deadly for furries to even play as they just go back to DnD 5e
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You should feel ashamed about saying kemomimi so casually.
Anime image board, fuck off furfag.
>5e, the soupiest of soupy settings couldn't support furries?
Naw, dog, most tables couldn't support rampant furry main character syndrome.
You say that like 5e players don't have the exact same problem all the time and have had the same problem for decades through every edition.
Good on you for trying at least. I think wargames (or something less serious like Bloodbowl?) could be a better way to introduce them to the RPG sphere, so long as there are no sore losers at the table. Emotional maturity is your nemesis when organizing any sort of game for kids (and manchildren) .

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This is easily the worst card game ever made. How has it lasted so long while other better games died?
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Well let's look at the competition:
Actively despises its own playerbase and has dropped all subtlety or pretext to just wanting to bilk as much money as possible with shit like the One Ring's forced rarity.
>Pokemon TCG
Is doing alright in its closed circles, but has absolutely zero networking going on. Nobody wants to let people know it exists. Only one gameboy game was made about it, and people loved it back in the day just because of that, but that ship has long since sailed.
>Hearthstone (lol)
Blizzard balancing. Nobody even likes the base game anymore, they just play Arenas or Battlegrounds.
Endymion is an easier card to understand than Wheel of Misfortune.
There, I said it.
last time i tried to read this card i was disqualified for time wasting
Last time I tried to play Wheel it took us 15 minutes to figure it out. Let's see, off the top of my head
>randomly pick a number
>high number wheels and takes that much damage (or loses that much life, whatever)
>middle numbers wheel
>low number does nothing
A mix of the different HERO archetypes is actually fairly good deck these days. They've gotten new support that opens new combo lines, and the new banlist put Destiny HERO Malicious back to 3.

>Dwarven society is essentially quasi-communist
>Living in mines encourages communal quartering, everyone sleeps in the same big hall
>Lack of resources means that everything has to be rationed
>Children are brought up and educated in the mine creche
>"Our mine > our society > our selves"
>Organise themselves based on which area of the mine they work so you have three basic groups, Miners, Administrators and Security. Administration covers quite a lot of ground from cooks to healers to cleaners to traders
>It can't be an anarchy and you can't trust people to know which is the best way to do things so society is very highly regimented, adherence to "mine rules" (the rules governing how the mine operates, safety and security) is expected to be total and instantaneous. Adherence to "social rules" is a little more lax.
>Personal freedoms are low, personal property is low
>Administrators are the most powerful group, since they control people's assignments
>Religion is banned but flourishes underground
>Anyone can join the mine, from any race but you can never leave
>PCs are most likely to come from groups that leave the mine, prospecting groups, warriors, traders and the like
Disclaimer and I can't believe i have to say this but this is Current Year /tg/ this is in no way and endorsement of communism, I'm just trying to think up ways to make my fantasy races different
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Yeah, it really is nonsensical to have a resource-extraction-focused social structure be described as being that way because they don’t have resources.

If you want to push that angle, I’d actually suggest combining it with the “religion is officially banned but de facto prevalent” angle: dwarves are naturally spiritual and think of what they extract as belonging to the spirit of the land, so they hoard it in what is effectively a shrine. They rationalize this by saying that, because the entire mine works together to extract it, it shouldn’t belong to any one dwarf, but to the mine as a whole, to be used only as needed by the community. This gets you the irony of incredibly wealthy dwarves living incredibly Spartan lives, establishes why they’d be especially unhappy about paying non-dwarves from their hoards, and introduces possible hooks like
>a dwarf adventurer, stumbling across treasure clearly stolen from a dwarven mine, feels a deep-seated compulsion to find out WHICH mine it was stolen from so that it can be returned. He then has to explain to everyone that this definitely isn’t because of religion or anything, the fact that it sits wrong with him on a spiritual level is absolutely just that he’d hate to see his own mine robbed in such a fashion
>turns out it’s from an incredibly prosperous mine that would, under most accounting principles, just write off the loss as immaterial
>still deeply bothered by any chance that he should keep it personally because it belongs in a dwarfseum
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I was going to click off the thread, until I saw >>92699144.
>why did I even try and make a good thread on /tg/ in 2024
You could have tried harder to make a good thread, instead of going with such a milquetoast take that smacks so much of "!Markarth, Skyrim but with dwarves instead" that it almost hurts to read.
I don't fucking care about the politics, it's just the generic
>muh dwarfs
>muh dwarfs mine
>muh shitty living conditions
>muh "nobody escapes !Cidhna Mine"
bullshit that makes me figuratively cringe.
Nobody cares about your generic dwarves in your "totally original" !Skyrim fanfic.
Ignore the faggots spouting about communism, and redraft your idea. Trying to move past the generic mold even just a little more could make a huge difference, Anon.
To end this longpost on a silver lining, you have the potential to create a detailed world and consider numerous ecological and political structures simultaneously, which is a good skill to have, which is why I gave you this criticism instead of just ignoring the entire thing and being on my way.
Take pride in your craft.
Counterpoint: even in mythology dwarves were known for the quality of their work.
>Dare you enter my magical realm, fascist cis scum?
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I did play communist dwarves in a space game. Yeah they fit the commie vibe quite well.

I played both Stalinist dwarves and soviet-wavev retrofuturist dwarves.

The beards make it work. They all look like tiny Karl Marx.

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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For forums I know Rpg codex has a lot, but I'll have to write a scraper.
Discord sucks for that kind of thing, but I suppose there's should be an API I could use to download the messages.
Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
Do you know of any D&D 3.5e PBP discord servers? I've only ever seen 5e and PF 2e before.
Giantitp forums used to have play-by-post games all the time iirc. But I don't know how often people there play 3.5 these days so they might be trapped behind the forum software blocking old posts from people without accounts.
That's a nice one, maybe they have an archive somewhere.
As it turns out, RPG Codex has a print mode which makes it super easy to scrape the data.
Fuck yeah boys.
Gonna try and make myself an AI dungeon master.
It doesn't even need to be good, just good enough to replace the usual solo gaming tools and be somewhat aware of the rules.

>go to wizard tower
>he dosent have stairs for you to get up
>you need to get teleported up but can't
>be a smug fighter and decide to rope climb up
>the wizard sees you climbing up from his window
>he fucking wind kicks you in the balls throwing you off the rope to your death

what now fightan xhes chuds?
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Provoke a tribe of hill giants into attacking you. Then lead them on a marry chase to the dick wizards tower so the can tear it down. If that does not work and the hill giants all get blasted with fire balls and lighting bolts then you try for Stone giants tunneling in the underdark. You have the stone giants sap and undermine the tower so it falls into the underdark and then have the stone giants bash the bastard wizards tower to pebbles. If that does not work somehow then you just keep going up the ranks of giant kind until you win. First you go after the frost giants of the far north and drag them and there ice dragon mounts to the tower to freeze the stupid mage to death in his own home. Or at the least force him to burn his own spell books for warmth. Then you get the fire giants from there burning hell like realms and have them wage there hell fire war on the wizard with there monstrous war engines to burn him out of this world. then you get the cloud giants to attack him and see if there cloud castles and other magics can counter the wiz master in his piss tower. Your last chance at this point with the giants is to hope you have gotten so many giants killed at this point that the storm giants get pissed off that so many of there kin have been killed that they get up off there lazy assess and smite the evil warlock themselves. If that does not work then i do not know? Maybe try the dragons next see if they work out better?
lmao get rekt idiot you should've used a trampoline and jumped up
Did you just play Morrowind for the first time? Are you old enough to browse this site?
Go hang out with the other teenagers.

>you break your hands and get infected
>wizard casts rain fire on everything then pisses on you
>you land on the spikes
fuck off
>get infected
>overcome disease
>immune system becomes stronger ergo I become stronger

Start of Liberator edition

Previous >>92608928

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

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It should say this digimon and not all
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New player here, did I do a bad move for choosing Dragon of Courage as my starter deck?
Its good if you want to build wargreymon or a meme black deck
Only if you intend to stay playing monoblack.

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I'm just starting a Ravenloft campaign where a party of three outlanders are just dropped by the Mists somewhere in Hazlan (the classic/Sword & Sorcery version). Can anyone suggest some adventure hooks to get them started from here? The adventurers already all know each other.
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Have LeStrahd be harvesting souls from Hazlan for sport, and then the adventurers are brainwashed to join his harem.
Already well-acquainted with the Books of S and Quoth the Raven. But I was originally thinking maybe drop them in the wilderness first; you think dropping them relatively close to a town would be better?
I don't know how familiar your players are with the setting, I've assumed they don't know much beyond that it's Castlevania-flavored D&D. If so, they need to get introduced to things like Outcast Ratings, language and cultural barriers, the Darklords and the factions intentionally or accidentally fucking up each other's plans, the effects of the Darklord's influence over their domains, how magic doesn't work like it's supposed to, the difference between cultural levels... you know, it can be a lot, I'm of the opinion that new players must be gradually introduced to these things while having some sort of... let's call it "safety net" to fall back to, for the first few sessions. Ravenloft is not your typical D&D setting, I've found that people are prone to be too weirded out if they are just tossed into a spoopy forest with little explanation and have to learn everything about how different things work in the Demiplane on their own. Ironically, Outlander characters are supposed to do exactly that, but I've been a Ravenloft dm since the late '90s and I've observed that pulling off this shit tends to create a "where the fuck do I go" feeling that frustates people and turns them off more often than not. Your mileage may vary, but remember that the sense of isolation you can evoke by having the Mists drop the party in some remote shithole and refusing to elaborate hits just as hard if it's instead caused by them realizing that there's nobody they can trust now and it's time to sink and swim.
You don’t even play games
What would you recommend for someone who want to run a campaign with castlevania-like characters?

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Will you be playing it?
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I have seen some stuff about, all in all it's a battle of attrition skirmish, not something i lean to.
>some stuff
Where, and from what source(s)?
Sure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtPST9SFGvk
I'm making my own, /tg/ shouldn't because design by committee is always shit.
No because the design is fucking awful.

A lot of the issues stem from the bizarre idea that "missing is boring" so every attack must have some effect and chunk off some amount of HP. This idea is, of course, stupid because the vast majority of games have misses in combat while keeping it engaging. Like OSR games arguably have the most barebones combat out there and guess what, when you have only a few d6 of HP and every successful hit takes off at least 1d6 HP then a hit or miss will significantly change the outcome of combat and it will resolve quickly. If each hit or miss could determine whether I live or die suddenly I really care about the die roll and every game where combat isn't supposed to take fucking hours has this excitement. This "Nooo my turn was wasted by a miss!" is bullshit I've only seen in the wake of 5e where combat is deliberately designed to take a long time, the stakes are low, failure is rare, and you're supposed to do a lot of it so of course in this case missing an attack means a boring activity will drag out even longer.

Thanks to him subscribing to this idea because he loves 5e way too much his game makes sure that everyone is always losing health to "keep the game moving" except he also wants combats to last a long time so everything has enormous health pools and now you've just fucked up your design intent by making the game take longer in a less engaging way. And then since the main dial to turn to show progression is to increase damage since scoring or avoiding attacks doesn't exist any more the game has hilarious levels of number bloat as you progress so now you have more of a pain in the ass to calculate every HP drop and have an extremely uninteresting number treadmill as a means to make you feel heroic or something.

The whole game really feels like he actually doesn't the design of the games he claims to both understand and be inspired by as his game has all sorts of pitfalls they deftly avoid.

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Spring Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>92561216

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed) (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

/wbg/ Discord: https://discord.gg/JCjYYb2E (broken)

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You mean among the lines of "kill monsters in dungeons to get rare shit and monster parts"?
Yeah, why not?
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I’m working on some elemental gods for my own setting, so I would love to hear more about these animistic elemental gods you mentioned.
fix your discord link

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Games that are currently being translated
most of the main texts in the core book are translated, playable, but one would rather wait for the full book.
>Wares Blade
Official LionWing localization.
>Kedamono Opera
Official LionWing localization.
>Shin Megami Tensei
Official LionWing localization.
>Beast Bind Trinity
Fully Translated, typos are being squashed.
>Reach the Sky, Revulture
Mostly translated, lacking Scenario.
>Embryo Machine
Anon said 'e got 1/2 of it translated.

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>Reach the Sky, Revulture
>Mostly translated, lacking Scenario.
From what I see, the 2 sample scenarios are here, just no replay.
close enough.
Since the Mech Monday thread is gone, what's the best JTRPG mech game that doesn't require Moonrune to read and play?
There probably isn't any at the current moment. But the closest you can probably get is Princess Wing, if you're fine with Magical Girls with superior firepower.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92686872

>Thread Question:
What is your favorite PDF cyoa?
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Rarely do you see CYOA made with actual soul in it.
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Nope. You being linked to my aura is not a Reflect or "No You" spell or counter.
i hate this, but gotta say, this one was golden.
It's most likely canon considering Ford has multiple bodies.

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Some systems have magic or sorcery as a separate power, in particular FASERIP and a couple others. Basically you spend a turn to "cast a spell" which temporarily gives you whatever power you want, then you use the power during the next turn.
I used to be in denial about this but all you need is to look at the likes of Flash to see all the ways in which it can be broken. Higher end speedsters can time travel and move between dimensions and travel the multiverse and that IS broken.
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>Higher end speedsters can time travel and move between dimensions and travel the multiverse and that IS broken.
Only if you read shit by retarded writers.
Why do writers wank death stroke? Is it because he fucks kids and writers like self inserting as him so they can live out their dreams?
of course, we're talking about games, so whether it's retarded in authored fiction irrelevant.
To be fair, without breaking the universe and inventing separate 'speed related powers', in most games with 'physically modeled' powers, super speed is very very powerful.

In systems where it lets you play with the action economy, that in itself is over the top bullocks. Acting more and moving more is always going to slap.

In systems where you specifically can't do that but there is tactical combat, reactions or movement capabilities can keep you out of AOEs, duck out out of ranged and out of LOS and generally give you very forgiving and oppressive positioning.

In systems with a narrativist bent, thinking and acting faster is a gigantic boon and often needs to be met with the same or an order of magnitude greater of bullshit to be handled.

Overall super speed isn't gamebreaking as a concept, but depending on the power level a good GM needs to put on the brakes (heh) because it has a lot of secondary utility that can be hard to account for.

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How do you handle mind control in games
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You tell us how you do it first. Be detailed and specific, please.
He's not obligated to do any such thing.
Everyone has a saving throw versus mind control. Psionicists and some other classes get bonuses. Most mind control is not subtle and makes people behave like automatons, so it's fairly easy to spot once you're encountered it a few times. Only vampires get more subtle mind control but it takes bloodsucking and a long time (days).

Fuck off, you repetitive asshole.
Just play it straight, you'll see soon how players react to it. The world should react largely the same way.
>Not my problem

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Landscape of the Deep Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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Also, the british entrance is called the Polar Jungle. I imagined the british, after a very long way down, somehow calculated that the exit was going to be near the layer's polar area, so the expedition was filled to the brim with arctic equipment... only to come out right on one of the big vertical jungles/swamps. They had to immediately go back as they hadn't brought anything to traverse jungle as dense as the ones in the 5th layer.
>Sure, but I'll probably update them a couple of times before finishing.
Ah! No issue that's what I wanted to gauge, then I'll leave it a while, there's no hurry. Your work is absolutely insane, it'll help a lot visually I think, it is definitely worth the wait.
In other news, some server crashing for no apparent reason made me unable to do much last night, apart for picrel. Sorry about that. The Titanium Golem is last for Atlan, beside the Earl if we do include him, does anyone want to take a stab at it?
I think it was used once in a playtest and it couldn't do anything without the players agreeing to move it forward, right? That obviously need to be fixed.
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So, regarding the Hospitalizer, how about we give him +1 AP, lower his Movement to 2, and make it so Abhor the Weak also buffs Ranged attacks? I think that might actually go a long way to make him workable, the extra AP means you can probably get him out of there in a hurry if you want to avoid him snuffing the TitKing.
Also, did you intend to drop the Alchean Stinger as a Special Weapon?
>How do I even represent those colonies?
I'd say mark them as a dot or with their own Icon, I assume none of them are particularly large.
>Also, if Atlantis has access to air balloons, does that mean they can attack Atlan from the air?
Semi rigids are a rare thing, the Sky People have air supremacy throughout the Layers, they would probably not tolerate Atlantis getting too developed on that front. Also, air balloons are great in places where the Roof to Ceiling space is large, but that isn't always the case.
>+1 AP, lower his Movement to 2, and make it so Abhor the Weak also buffs Ranged attacks
sounds good to me!
>intend to drop the Alchean Stinger as a Special Weapon?
after i nicked Terror Tonic of it i forgot about it.

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