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Palladium Games and Rifts General: Best RPA Edition.

The world is a broken, post-apocalyptic wasteland destroyed by the eruption of inter-dimensional portals, rifts in the fabric of space-time and ley lines which crisscross the world. Demon & alien invaders have poured out of the rifts to destroy human civilization and claim the Earth. Now the wasteland has had 300 years to partially recover, and civilization has returned to the world; but not just human civilization: alien empires, monster kingdoms, lost time travellers, lands of mutants, demonic overlords and wizards have arisen from the ashes, all trying to rebuild the world in their own image!

Talk about:
>Heroes Unlimited
>Palladium Fantasy
>Beyond the Supernatural
>Dead Reign
>Robotech (lol)
>TMNT & Other Strangeness + After the Bomb
>Savage Rifts

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New artist did some neat Rifts art in the style of Larry MacDougall:


After that I like the Coyote cause it's so light yet strong & the Warlock Marine armor for being cool.
>Warlock Marine armor
Which book is that from? Post pic.
Phaseworld 1 or 2 I'm away from the books right now.

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This thing runs up to you and starts humping your leg

What do?
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They’re adorable shut up
it a floof
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This is just a setting from a series of extremely strange novels that was made into a 3rd edition GURPS supplement. Pic relsted is also a GURPS.
Wish I had ChtorrAnon's thread earlier to let him know of this while it was still active: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/danverssengames/dvg-warfighter-chtorr

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We must discuss the awesome power of medieval fantasy's most iconic monster.
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Jet dragons are cool
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the dragon promptly sears the flesh from her bones and bites her corpse in half while she screams in mortal agony
and the white knight learns a valuable lesson that day

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Enchanted Edition

>Lorcana Official Website Website:

>Card Database:


>Pixelborn (online play):


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Not from Chicago but I got my ticket, so it's full steam ahead.
Well, I more-or-less meant 'anyone attending', so good luck to you, too!
If any of you could adx any Disney character, live action, cartoon, videogame, whatever, to Lorcana, who would it be? (Don't say Sora, we already know. )
Need giant Alice to step on me
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How are the mechas in your fantasy setting powered?

Mine are through mining and alchemical refining of the cores of meteorites. Although, there has been theories proposed that the heart cores of Titans are capable of drawing even more vitality and power.
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Depends on the type.
Golem guardians are powered by the divine energy of the spirits or gods whose true names are inscribed upon them via the faith/influence of their worshippers.
Hell knights are powered by an internal infernal furnace burning churning souls.
Mobile shells are living creatures purpose-bred by the octominds and can be fueled by any available biomatter.
The curse of undeath won't LET necronaughts rest.
Fairy/goblin phantasmaforms exist and move via an arcanely complex web of vows and lies.
Dragonmech, anyone?
Also, totally stealing this for my magitek monster slayer campaign.

Probably shouldn't ask here, but what's it called?
You tell me, bumpfag
"Dragons" are larger than knight, beast, or even monster class extra-humanoid type mechs.
Behemoth-type land golems, leviathan-type living subs, miasma-ballon/cloud-type necroppelins, goblin-carnival-type large scale landscape distortions, hades-pit-type dimensional tunnelers.
If everyone in the party is assumed to be reliant on mechs for maximum efficiency though, then the game probably isn't going to be revolving around dungeon crawls for its primary combat scenarios.
Situations where the entire party is expected to dismount are, by definition, going to be the exception. The significant portion of the games challenges are the ones where the mechs apply. The false assumption that keeps tripping you up is that the only way to do a fantasy game is to have all combat take place in narrow corridors.

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>made objectively bad decisions for money
>which would raise tons of outrage
>involves cultural war topics in your products
>Now people are busy talking about politics instead of flaming you for making your products shit
Did games workshop just discovered a outrage removal glitch?
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“Anti-woke” retards just need to fuck off. The idea that women nearly existing is enough for them to throw a temper tantrum for a week means they’ve got to leave.
The Custodes should never have been added as a playable army. They were much cooler as a few-in-number brotherhood sworn to never leave the Palace.
>The idea that women nearly existing is enough for them to throw a temper tantrum for a week means they’ve got to leave.

Why do you woke retards keep repeating this over and over, even though you know it isn't true and we know it isn't true?
Who are you trying to convince?
That sounds gay
Nta, but it's pretty much GW's point of view.
>We're expanding the model range and IP to target larger audiences and greater profits
>Group X has started declaring that they'll "gatekeep" the product- making life hard for other customers and trying to convince them not to give us our money
>Group X has to go

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Now that people are extra pissed at GW, can we finally push the superior game?
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When did PP have that kind of mold shift? Most of the resin I got from them during MK3 was really good.

One thing they definitely do (which I think is a fair critique) is pump out a lot of low-qc shit when it's time to get the big distributor orders filled. Then they rely on their mispack system to clean it up.

I get it. Small company wants to get the bills paid so throwing some misprints in the box and calling it done gets the order out the door.

They will make it right. I tell them straight up to replace shit if I don't like the resin or it has even a small miscast. They replace it every time.

It's not ideal but I can see why it happens. To their credit they actually got way better at printing and worked on the resin formula.

It went from being objectively abysmal to really good in about a year.
Honestly, even just ignoring the "current year" stuff gw is doing, 10th edition is kind of a piece of shit. From a gameplay perspective it's boring, tedious garbage. The balance is ok, but in a bad way, where nothing on the board feels cool or special. My friend and are are considering going back to 8th index, or just another wargame altogether.
Which edition are you talking about?
All my 10th ed games have been miserable no LOS slogs because of how the LOS rules currently work. There's no point in taking any guns with a range greater than 18" because you'll never see anything further away than that, so every game just ends up being a napoleonic war simulator.
>Assuming they can get their shit together.
I mean, I generally want a game system with a standardized, balanced, set of rules that everyone follows and knows going into the game. Expansions like cities of death are cool and all, but I don't really see the point in learning those rules if nobody is going to play them except for me and one friend.

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I was hoping to run kind of a grittier game built on 3.5e because that's what my players are familiar with.
I really liked the setting/aesthetics of more rules-lite games like Cairn or Into the Odd, but I find their rules (or lacktherof) very obtuse.
I'd like for magic to be rarer, the Gods to be a little more distant, and I understand I can do that by limiting what my players can choose but I figured I would put out some feelers since Google didn't come back with anything.
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Worlds without number is pretty close, despite being marketed as an “OSR” system.

Robust rules for low magic in the Atlas rules (included in free SRD), and even the default mage class is reimagined as “guy with a small bag of amazing tricks” instead of “guy who can replace every other party member with the right spell”

Hate to admit it but I even like the 3e style saves.
>with *the* fantasy superhero system
ok? At least look into Epic 6 rules for 3.x
You want two books, OP.

First. You want d20 Conan, by Mongoose.
Then use d20srd for the wound points subsystem to replace HP.
Second, you probably want the Games Designers Companion for some of its gritty combat variants, also by Mongoose.
Then last, you want the conversion guide for using 3e monsters with d20 conan.

If you're feeling creative, you can bolt on Eclipse (combined version or both individual books) by Distant Horizons for point buy character building instead of rigid classes, but you'll need to assign point costs to the unique Conan stuff, mostly its magic system.

Done and done.
>3.5e is very much built around the idea of characters acquiring magical gear to keep up numerically with encounters.
That's only if you use a lot of enemies that have high saves (outsiders) or immunities of some sort (undead, incorporeal, incorporeal undead) etc
If you keep your more supernatural rare and "puzzle monsters" (adventure related resolution in items and RP) in a low level game, you are fine.
Arguably, 3.0 instead of 3.5 could help due to the long lasting buffs.
>3.5e is very much built around the idea of characters acquiring magical gear to keep up numerically with encounters.
this is true
gold and exp are the two ways a characters improve, getting rid of gold will create an unbalance in the system

Are Games Workshop annoyed about this or are they printing too much money to care? Do you think GW will buy him out and offer his paints as a premium line, or something?
Who gives a flying fuck?

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Thread is open for anyone to share, all my games are in used but great condition, or otherwise mint/unpunched, will open and document any boxes anons request
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GDW's third world war series is great. Excellent rules and a very good balance between detail and playibility.
Well, the game you just showed me is an air/sea centric game that dropped with those who followed Mickey Mouse Magazine, and Tactics II was made by avalon Hill with a Land combat focus unless super Battaglia had avalon hill tie-ins
>>92550476 since my tax return hit, I bought AIR STRIKE and have plans to get the two GDW Air Power 1e expansions, then I'll likely buy Speed of Heat, I have the rules all online for the 2021 Air Power revision, I just love their turning and accel/decel mechanics and need more chits
Is there a TTS port? It seems cool and I'd like to try :)
Ya its also got a steam version where you can play against bots

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Fallen comrades edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92401602

>Thread Question: What have you done when your comrades-in-arms have fallen?
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Burning wheel
Also cepheus (traveller remake) has a fantasy book
i haven't tried this in a long time, what are some good setting-agnostic solo rpg systems?
For my proper solo game, his sister will try to find him. She just lost her mother (he was trying to get money for an operation) and feels alone and maybe a little suicidal. She'll ask a close friend to go with her, and someone her brother respected (a friendly rival guide, maybe?). And an anthropologist so they can figure out where the expedition would have gone. But the university won't have anything to do with a rescue mission. An archeology student who believes in fate and has a theory about the migration of the Olmec to upper North America will overhear a phone conversation and get in contact with the sister, pretending to be an anthropologist. He's goal oriented, superstitious and really, really condescending. And a liar, of course.
The guides are too stupid to even know how to spell anthropologist, let alone know what they do lol It's a sign that he overheard that phone call. He will become famous when he finds an Olmec pyramid hidden in the forest. He's sure of it!
To make the best use of the Trust stat (my version of Morale for this adventure) I'll play all the PCs as NPCs and be the GM.
I'm also using Ironsworn's Journey/Supply mechanics mixed with hexcrawl tools.
I have already put some things on my blank map, like the MI-Go, the pygmy temporary camp, Ithaqua, Charlie, the dead natives he killed, the trashed canoe, etc.
Since I don't want to just randomly create a story, I'll play as the 'world' and bad guys, not rolling randomly but choosing their actions. I'll make the PCs act randomly with dice rolls.
Tricube Tales with solo rules is a good very light system. If you're going for crunch, you might as well just play some generic system with supplement like Mythic or One Page Solo Engine.
Central Casting by Jaquays
It can turn out nonsense but despite being ancient its still the best option.

It's kinda like how one of the best books on city events is still the Midkemia one which published the first edition in the 70's

They don't have the same charm as dice, but it's still surprising they are so underused, considering how many rules you can create around them, whether light or crunchy.
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One day I'll get a game of Castle Falkenstein going
Wish cards were use as an alternative to dice to make players feel more interactive in the game instead of leaving it to chance.
That's my issue with dice rolling and post-luck in general. You can take every good decision but end up contributing nothing due to a streak of bad luck you have no control over. Hence why I'm exploring >>92550833 as a resolution system.
Have you ever read Rivet, the alt-ww2 rpg? It's mostly dice-based but PCs start off with a few points they can choose to spend on drawing a hand of cards, with different immediate effects based on what they draw (ex. an ace means all the PCs who act after them get a big bonus, but a joker means the enemies acting next will get a bonus).
Never head of it, but that sounds like a cool way to spice up the game. Risk taking is much more interesting with many possible results, instead of being restricted to either winning or losing.

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How do I run a game where the players are working for the same NPC for all main quests the entirety of the campaign without having them feel completely railroaded? NPC is a halfling Chef aspiring to the heights of the culinary world. PCs are adventurers working for him to help achieve that. Quests will generally involve the PCs traveling to distant lands to source dangerous beasts, cookbooks, spices, sabotaging rival restaurants, etc for the Chef to serve. PCs start at level 1 in a city that has too many adventurers, to the point where the labor of a low level adventurer is not much more valuable than an unskilled labourer. The social status of low level adventurers is about on par with them as well, with NPC adventurers frequently seen panhandling or shooting up on the side of the road. PCs will start in debt to but not members of the Adventurer's Guild, which functions both as the sketchy union for adventurers and the biggest organized crime syndicate in the city. A major theme for at least the first five levels will be resource management in terms of money. The progression story wise will be the Chef's restaurant gaining the in world equivalent of Michelin stars and (literally) moving higher up in the city, from the interior of the outer walls to the higher status inner walls. I feel like shared success is the best way to do this; with the players being his low paid and easily replacable chump employees early on to valued business partners with a stake in ownership later on.
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Stop railroading your garbage. Problem solved.
If they ever get sick of NPC1 offer them NPC2 which is just NPC1 with a different coat of paint.
Give them a goal, a location, a promise of clear reward, and prepare 2-3 loose ways to reach the destination. Your players wil ALWAYS do something you don't expect, so a critical skill of DMing is the ability to roll with things and improv. As long as you have the key plot points in mind, you can lay out your plot hooks for players to take. It doesn't matter which hook they bite, as the lines all reach the same next point.
A lot of the replies are just cat-herding 101, which is fine, but I think the answer to your question is that you should sell the basic premise of the campaign to your players before they make their characters. Expecting your players to buy into the basic premise isn't the same thing as railroading them.
You could also come up with a selection of various chef personalities and let the party vote for which one they're going to work for, which isn't strictly necessary but which would make them feel more invested.
I think it's more important to give them some freedom in how they approach problems. If the beat shipment hasn't arrived twice in a row, they could investigate the line of supply directly or they could ask someone more familiar with the market or they could find another source of beats (maybe steal the from another restaurant).
Also consider things they can achieve proactively (rather than just reacting to a problem or to a mandate from their employer). Somewhere in your gameworld is a down-on-his-look foreign trader with the best coffee beans in the land. It might take multiple victories or multiple steps to make this connection, maybe there's a 'hot beverages' plot arc and this is the penultimate upgrade, but the reward is that your establishment will have The Best Coffee. This means a pay raise but t it also means that some of the sharpest wizards in the city start coming in for coffee every morning, and this can give the PCs enhanced access to magical lore or rumors or items as they make friends with the regulars. In this way you can make a bunch of direct connections between the culinary-side and the sketchy-adventuring-economy side, better stew brings in the dwarves, better tea brings in the clerics, whatever. The basic arc is that successful quests power up the restaurant and then powering up the restaurant powers up the PCs. Each element is basically linear but you let the PCs decide what to prioritize.
Railroading is the group having no agency, and any independent decision making being shut down by the GM. Accepting quests from an NPC isn't railroading, it's how most campaigns function. For them to "break" your game they would have to leave the service of the NPC entirely, but you seem to have communicated the point of the campaign to them, so that doesn't seem to be much of a danger. The way this goes is, you send them on some quest and then they're free to solve it however they like.

You'll have to improv eventually. The players will do shit you haven't prepared for. It's pretty much a given. And if you don't allow their creative problem solving, THAT is railroading. Shit like, they have to infiltrate some dude's mansion, and you expect them to either try and bluff their way in or sneak in through a hidden back entrance, but instead they decide to mail themselves in like they're cartoon characters. Something like that is guaranteed to happen.

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Is there a Tabletop RPG that use a Galton Board or Standard Deviation as a rolling system? You throw a bead in, and see in what column it lands. Middle is normal result, far right is Critical hits, far left is critical failure.
Would be cool on a table since people would overtime see the distribution of their rolls
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>Rolls a negative seven

Friend, this is going to blow your mind but it's way easier to just pair off the two leftmost dice six times than to set up a plinko board.

Heck, you could go to a game store and buy 2 dice in each of the basic colors (they don't have to perfectly match) way easier than you could build a plinko board.
Any 3d6 system does this, basically.
Sure, but it looks better. Panache is cool sometime.
Roll under, so I call that a win!

>wahh woke sjws are infesting our niche hobby!
>oh btw lets infest every sci-fi discussion on the internet with warhammer bullshit
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Warhammer fans have never tried to change other IPs to be more like Warhammer, they haven't tried to get anyone fired or leak their private information, and they haven't shot anyone dead in the street or engaged in mass violence. Soo...big difference.
>Warhammer fans have never tried to change other IPs to be more like Warhammer
But I know at least they were a problem in a certain general for a decidedly non grimdark setting fir a few years.
>Just have my games
>He says as though he wasn’t part of an obnoxious fanbase

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