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Games that are currently being translated
most of the main texts in the core book are translated, playable, but one would rather wait for the full book.
>Wares Blade
Official LionWing localization.
>Kedamono Opera
Official LionWing localization.
>Shin Megami Tensei
Official LionWing localization.
>Beast Bind Trinity
Fully Translated, typos are being squashed.
>Reach the Sky, Revulture
Mostly translated, lacking Scenario.
>Embryo Machine
Anon said 'e got 1/2 of it translated.

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Hi, tranny here! Our transition is going well!
Very nice. How do you feel about the rules of the system from what you've seen so far?
Quite similar to Shinobigami, but not surprised since it involves Satasupe/Shinobigami's authors and folk from APS.
Do your group intend to translate books 2 and 3?
All three books were uploaded at once, so I imagine they're on the docket for them if they want to get around to them.

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Don't know if this is the right board to post this on, but the question of why the ace is above the king in many games came to my mind, and when I searched, the common answer was that it was from the french revolution to symbolize the common man being above the king.

But that seemed kind of weird to me, because that kind of just implies that the absolute worse of society, the drug dealers and jobless are above the rest, While the number 2’s 3’s and 4’s are still just as if not more low, the factory workers, bakers, and doctors.

shouldn't a revolutionary change make the middle of the pack the highest? the 9’s and 10’s? because as it is, the kings and queens are still the second and third highest, while those with a modest amount of respect are even lower in absolute terms.

The symbolism just seems off there.
>the common answer was that it was from the french revolution to symbolize the common man being above the king.
You know what's funny? Never been able to find a source on that one. People keep saying it but never actually found evidence for that.

What there is evidence for is that a bunch of pre-revolution games like Brag and Whist all had aces winning out over kings.

And if you ask me, it's probably got nothing to do with socio-political messaging and more to do with game design. Having there be one type of card in a deck that just always wins no matter what is boring. And so games all adopt the idea that while the king is generally the top scoring card, it can still be beaten by the humble ace.
>Having there be one type of card in a deck that just always wins no matter what is boring. And so games all adopt the idea that while the king is generally the top scoring card, it can still be beaten by the humble ace.
Yah, that seems more intuitive to me too. just the general sentiments of "upheaval of the expected" "the least being the greatest" seems a bit more universal and archetypical. Like with a tarrot fool or virgin births.
sometimes Ace represents one as the lowest of numbers, sometimes it represents one as the monad, the highest above all.
The lowest of the low is the fool, the jester. But he's also the only one who can dunk on the king without losing his head.

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Welcome to the May Thread of Homebrew discussion on /tg/. This is part of my effort to get people discussing classic homebrew and assist the board in general when it comes to their game design endeavors.

>Who is this namefaggot?
After fighting may way out of the Crystal Slave Mines, I managed to return. I'm just a dude who helps facilitate discussion, but usually I pop in once in a blue moon to wax about my own projects.

>Why should I homebrew?
/tg/ products are fairly unique in that it's actually pretty simple to make them these days, with a plethora of products to assist in making and playtesting your game. Making your own games helps understand why games are made the way they are, as well as being fun to do.

>What you should post
Ideas for games, games you're currently making, updates to your own games in broad strokes, and any homebrewing for existing products that don't get much attention. Discussion about the above is welcome. Post good, be good, and look over others products, they care if someone looks more than anything.

>Oh No! The Thread is Over!
Have no fear, the thread will resume at the first of every month. If you want to make another during the month, go for it. I can't, and won't, stop you. If you want to make a thread on your own game, go for it!
One suggestion: Don't add General to the name.

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Maybe instead of binary, go with a rock-paper-scissors thing? Like, Attack > Feint > Block > Attack. Not sure how the extra attacks and defenses would work, though, but would make it less likely for an optimal play to come out in each engagement.
I think I could also change it so that if both the attacker and defender attack then the attacker wins and negates the defenders attack. Thus the system would become:
>If both choose attack then Defender takes an instance of damage.
>If the Attacker chose feint and the Defender chose block the Defender takes an instance of damage.
>If the Attacker chose feint and the Defender chose attack the Attacker takes an instance of damage.
>If the Attacker chose attack and the Defender chose block then nobody takes an instance of damage.
As such only 25% of the time does nobody take damage. Additionally if you can mindgame your opponent or bluff you can get quite the leg up on instances of damage. Does this seem better?

I will also post one of the other combat resolution systems below for review. This will be much more familiar.
>Using a d8, check your skill to hit.
>Your skill will hit on 3+(Extremely Good), 4+(Good), 5+(Average), 6+(Bad) or 7+(Very Bad).
>Check your strength versus your opponent's toughness.
>If your strength is double their toughness or more you decrease your target number by 1 and increase your crit range by 1.
>If your strength is greater than their toughness you decrease your target number by 1.
>If your strength is equal to their toughness you make no change.

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Most of those are fine. Cold War alt-history action espionage is fairly unique for a tabletop game setting. It may have been done in FIST, but every setting has been done somewhere. Basing it off an engine that's literally designed to be used by dozens of games is fine, and one-shot mission structure kind of comes with the territory of such a setting.

I think where it gets dicey is the lethality and progression mechanics. Having the exact same forms of progression is kind of off, and while there's nothing wrong with both being high lethality, having the same hp and damage numbers is probably a little too close.

If your playtester has played FIST before, ask them for insights on what they feel the similarities and differences are, and lean into what makes your game more unique. Or read up on it yourself and identify what you don't like in it and what you could expand on. I've obviously never read/played your system, and I've never even heard of FIST, but I reckon they're probably more distinct than you're giving yourself credit for.
I've tried, but I simply can't get classes, or even broad archetypes to sit right with me in my system. I want to go classless, but how do I balance a large number of options to encapsulate a large number of possible character archetypes with avoiding option bloat? It's not really rules lite or anything, but relatively low-mid crunch (closest example I can think of is Crawford's Worlds/Stars/Cities Without Number line), so I want to avoid 50 pages of feats or whatever
Don't avoid bloat from option numbers, just consolidate and compartmentalize options. Having tiers of those options is another possibility, depending on how you handle mechanical growth.

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>The spoiled noble your party was having a treasure-hunting competition with mess with a heart sapped stone he accidentally activate it, making the artifacts that both of you collected to fly off and assemble into one golem possessed by the spirit of an ancient warlord

what your party does next ?
mala mala ding dong
>>The spoiled noble your party was having a treasure-hunting competition with messed with a heart sapped stone. He accidentally activated it, making the artifacts that both of you had collected fly off and assemble into a golem possessed by the spirit of an ancient warlord
Well, uh, depends on a lot of factors.
But uh, I'm inclined to offer him my party's services to keep him from ruining his reputation, fucking up his families domain, and getting a lot of innocent people killed.
Then I go see if I can chat with the warlord, get him up to date on things, then employ him away from the noble.
Ideally, I can use the warlord to locate old treasure filled ruins while possibly helping him out, and I can use the noble to introduce me to more clients in the future, so I can use the acquired wealth and connections to bribe/influence important public figures into giving me and my party 007 style legal powers in the nation, which I will then abuse with my party's murderhobo tendencies to remove obstacles within the country till we (I) effectively control it from behind the scenes. From there, we should have a decent enough base of resources to delve into occult secrets like immortality and planar travel, which of course will occupy us for the rest of our existences should we so choose. Good end, IMO
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It was kind retarded to hype up Jong as this ultimate world ending threat in season 1, barely defeated by the protags, only to have them fight and defeat 4 of them in season 2.
Alos why the fuck was ring of 9 dragons making only 4 Jongs?
>Alos why the fuck was ring of 9 dragons making only 4 Jongs?
because it would either make them too overpowered or dilute their power into 9 bodies would make them too underpowered, depending on how you interpret the way the ring of 9 dragons works

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What do we think of this Fallout TTRPG system?
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I haven't played Fallout 1, but in Fallout 2 you could play a game of chess (and lose) against a rad-scorpion. Or play a card game against a ghoul who turns out to be That guy. Or lose a power armour suit on Navarro base and get verbally demolished by the infamous Drill sergeant. Or play the game with low Int stat and turn it into a clowncar. I could go on.

Fallout 2 was not all about grimderp. I'd say it was about 75% grim and 25% whacky. Also fuck Bethesda and its approach to Fallout.
I have tried to use 5th ed modern for this and it worked out fine.
Buy an ad, faggot
My personal headcanon is that the serum is something ghouls only take when they start showing signs of going feral
you're headcanon is semi-right. It's just Radaway

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>Thread Question: How can we summarize the existing lore into a more manageable format?

>Thread task: Check the compendium files and abridge the info there.


Map of the World Wiki


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Continuing with the unit finding. There are a lot of possible units, and I'm not going over the very generic ones just yet. We will probably have to cull a ton of these to avoid redundancies or pointless cards.

Also, should the animals also count as units? If so, do they need a beastmaster or a beast tamer to use?
I'm trying to think of what to do with the gnoll particular mechanic. I was wonder if something like this would work or if it would be too overpowered.

Maggotgnolls: Every time a unit with this skill fights, add a token for every dead unit (the pleyer's and the oponent's). After a turn, throw a coin for each token. If heads, the token now represents a "feral hyenagnoll" card. If tails, nothing happens. If the population where the tokens are located is conquered or raided, the tokens are destroyed.
Gnolls would also need a negative skill to represent their self-destructive nature.
Any possible units you think I've missed so far?
>Hyenagnoll Birth
At the end of every turn, every unit with the tag "hyenagnoll" has to throw a d6. If the roll is 6, the hyenagnoll dies and a "feral gnoll" card is put in its place. If the roll is <6, nothing happens. Every time a unit with this skill fights and kills another unit, throw a coin instead of a d6. At the end of the turn, throw the coin, and if heads, the hyenagnoll dies and a "feral gnoll" card is put in its place.

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How do you handle mind control in games
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No. You will do as you are told.
What does "handle" mean? What do you want to know, specifically?
Answer me.
How do you handle mental compulsion?
A e i o u

Any settings like this?
Well, besides wh40k, and rifts, and shadowrun, and tekumel, and SkyRealms of Jorune.
Board games and CYA are fine too.
Looks really 90’s. Try some troves.
Fading Suns?

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It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread: >>92667253

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Buh bye Awesome Thred!
Take care Anon Brigade!

You fucks folking rock!
Erm, I mean: you folks fucking rock!
Thank you man! I bought the base manual, translated in my language, and is full of typos. Can't read it because of my autistic brain
You were a backer? Didn't they give the PDF's free with all book orders? I really want to buy the physical but no idea when I'll be able too in the states.
is howl of the wild for pf2e uploaded yet?
Requesting these Spire extras


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I have a really hard time bringing myself to like new dungeons and dragons style.
Its like a totally different genre of fantasy than what it started as. I get thats totally natural but the new aestetic, sub-genre, it feels too much like real life and no longer fantastical. Like not a real fantastical setting but a place that was made to cater to podcast fans.
I'm sure its popular and has merits but not to me
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Race, now species, possibly "heritage" in later/final edition(s) during or after 5.5, is hardly anything more than just a skin color.
Grogs yelling at "freakshit" on /tg/ (more often than they're angry about elves) may rejoice: if it is of little to no mechanical consequence, players might as well have an all-human party.
In other words, the game has gone full circle: any sufficiently woke understanding of orcs is indistinguishable from a woke understanding of dark-skinned humans.
Oh, I didn't get banned. Sorry, better luck next time, lol.
>rape rape rape
>unwanted sexual advances from strangers
Not what the initial argument was implying they were dealing with at all, but now I'm feeling terrible about how you are forced to ERP with the sex offenders down in cell block one and not your friends who you can say one or two queer things to without having to get the COs involved.
It's unfortunate how the mere mention of sex immediately riles up your weirdo brain like that.
Sure, buddy, the exact 24h between posts couldn't have indicated anything else. But go ahead and post another slur ridden diatribe about how WoW makes you really feel with another 9gag image attached
I'm sure whatever tired argument about WoW 4E and BG3 you're going to make will be great. Can't wait to read it when you post it to save this thread from being bumped off the board in 6 hours terrance.
>I don't play at all, but here, let me bitch about things existing only in my head
Normally I'd suggest seeking help, but it's clear you should just drink bleach and end your own misery, OP

My Brother and I were recently thinking about starting a long-form boardgame surrounding a war. We live apart and so we were discussing different games. One that has come up is Campaign for North Africa and Red Storm, any Anons know some good ones that might be better we were thinking about WW2 or later in terms of setting but are open to other suggestions. Also ease of availability would be a bonus. Thanks.
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half-assed pre-game minigame and really boring theater that's way too big for the units (95% of which are absolute trash that can't actually do anything) involved. Only good thing is that it adds the B-52 which is one of the most powerful units in the game (and can be used on all maps)

southern front is really fun. I had a game where I air-assaulted into Turkey with the Romanian heliborne division and strengthened the beachhead with the black sea marine infantry division and tied up like half the Turkish army east of Istanbul.
Then in the late game I gambled and launched a massive paradrop into Greece and south-western Turkey with Soviet, Romanian and Bulgarian para divisions. Almost manage to take Athens before hasty NATO reinforcements stopped the advance
Hey quick question semi related to OP. Does anyone know of wargames with a unit based initiatuve system. By this I mean units are given an initative score depending on what they are, and instead of having set turns players activate units based on descending initative. Was curious if any system used this because it seems like a neat way to model a units "reactivity". For example, a light infantry unit would be given a higher initiative than a tank to model how infantry could out manouver a lone tank. Is this idea too autistic?
So campaign for north Africa is long, but what's actually in it? Why does it take so long? About all I know about the game is jokes from valefisk videos.
I spent about three weeks in college running a bootleg CNA with a simplified rules set (6 players plus myself as ref trying to make sure we followed the jank conversion). It ended up being this nightmare back and forth when we actually got to serious warfare. Ended in the total collapse of the Allied team to a screaming match with two players surrender. If I remember right the giga nerd who'd nominally been leading them had dropped the ball on air coordination and munitions, and the two guys on his team got sick of his shit. Though mostly because one guy on the Axis side who was larping as Balbo exploited them being uncoordinated and giga nerd being way too aggressive to pull of some shit with the Malta raid system and the railroads. We probably could have played a 'Full Game' over the next two months at the rate we were going, but I was satisfied and consider it win.

I think I had fun, even if I spent way too many evenings looking over people's homework, but I can't recommend it unless you are a freak or you have a lot of people who can coordinate and enjoy math. Wouldn't trade the memories for anything though. Italian Larper was fun throughout, one of the German guys slowly became an unhinged alcoholic who smoked at the table, the quiet guy who'd been tasked with allied artillery having a full on episode because Giga-Nerd hadn't finished his tasks yet (I think.) Basically most of us had been daunted by the assignments list and working out the orders but came around to it, GN had 'been up for it' and slowly gotten worse over the game. But he also had control issues so he'd 'take up' stuff from his co-players.

CNA turn time in calculation is excruciating in how it models as much as it can. The game really focuses on logistics and attrition and has individualized shit like Brits using larger barrels rather than jerry cans so they suffer more evaporation on supply. So it can take multiple hours just for a single turn.
Also I'd be remiss not to mention this thing. Which is simultaneously the most frustrating thing in the world to keep track of but also the funniest shit in the world.

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this is how I wizard
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Camels eat books?
so you want every spell to be stored in 1d6 standard spellbooks (per spell level)? Done, just for you. Fireball is level 3, so around 10 books are needed. Did you buy a new camel for this spell?
Okay. You will also need a camel handler since you are not skilled in animal handling.
First of all, spellbooks contains multiple spells each. Technically a spellbook can contain an infinite amount of spells, so you only ever need a single spellbook of 100 vellum pages for all your spells. How? Magic, you are a wizard, this stuff is trivial.
Also, if you summon a camel, you don't need animal handling, it already obeys you to the best of its capability. And even if you did need it, you can summon something that has animal handling, or simply wish whatever you want done, done.
Only with fancy cheese, american sliced cheese isnt going to cut it.
Yes, but they're mildly retarded.

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It's always the elves!
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Fuck you too
Good. The younger races are too irresponsible. They would probably use that technology to create bombs, or a wage system, or shitty pen-and-paper rpgs. Only elves have the long-lived patience to make use of technology safely.

Some elves believe in giving the younger races the secrets to our technology. Some do it out of hand, some try to reveal our secrets “when they’re ready”. Personally, I doubt they’ll ever be ready. The humans are too short-lived and impatient. The technology we give them would likely outpace any social organization they create.
It usually actually is
Lives too long, the world is too fast for them to understand
Everything is always out of context for an elf
And they aren't nice people

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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Locally sourced model, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Common sight in the west. It make moslems confused and angry.
Is warcry really selling so poorly they have to repackage old sprues like this? Whoever decided to do those big boxes every quarter for a full year really fucked it
>terrain being available to purchase after the box it was in was discontinued means Warcry is dying or something
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Batch painting the bone section of a sbgl hysh army, I'll be trying to use lumineth colours and motives
I respect your bone zone.

The point of rolling is to adjudicate what can't be resolved through roleplay, the most common example being combat. When you're a kid playing pretend, there often comes a point where you and the other kids try to kill each other, but it amounts to you all arguing "nuh-uh I killed you" with each other over and over until you get bored and move on. The point of rolling dice is to resolve disputes like that, specifically PLAYER disputes for the autists that need it spelled out. My and your character might hate each other, but unless we the PLAYERS have a dispute out-of-character, there's no need to waste everyone's time by having our characters literally enter combat against each other (unless we're playing a very, very specific kind of game where potential PvP is half the point, like Shinobigami). I have been in more than one game where pointless PvP happened because the GM kept forcing contest rolls for no reason among PCs, which escalated into combat.

Did you know you can actually roleplay combat if both sides are in agreement on what happens in the game? We draw our blades, after some clashing we reach a stalemate and gain newfound respect for each other, all roleplayed without any dice rolling. Mind = blown.

Rolling dice is like messing with the fabric of the game's universe. The more you roll, the higher the chances of things going completely off-rails, a figurative trainwreck. What do you think is going to happen when a Call of Cthulhu GM makes his player roll for every clue, and the player fails every roll? The scenario is unsolvable? No shit Sherlock.

A lot of GMs nowadays come from a heavy video game background, so they treat the mechanical framework of an RPG in a literal sense, like a "physics engine". Might have something to do with video game RPGs being bad at doing the roleplay part.

Imagine a game where you had to roll to walk and talk. Would this game be a wonderful way to spend 4 hours of your evening on?
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I never disagreed. Look how I described a rule system governing breathing in all circumstances, including when you have to roll for it, in circumstances singled out as exceptional, in order to simulate the difficulty of the situation. The rules, therefore, are what create the drama. You don't say "I dive into the underwater tunnel and emerge on the other side after ten gruelling minutes in a heroic effort" - rather, you say "I dive into the underwater tunnel" and whether you succeed at a heroic effort or a foolish death is determined by the rules. That is the point here. The rules serve as a foundation for roleplaying and provide tension and drama to react to. If the outcome of a duel is mutually decided between players, you're just doing improv theatre, but there's no tension to it.
>If the outcome of a duel is mutually decided between players, you're just doing improv theatre, but there's no tension to it.
Yes, but that's desirable. Tension is not needed at the table in that instance, and the possibility of one side killing the other would spoil the game. There's no need to risk an outcome that diminishes fun if nobody at the table wants it. Similarly, if both players have opposing views on who should win and the characters would stake their lives on it, then the combat rules _are_ appropriate in that context.
What creates drama is the investment in the characters and situation that the players have built up. I would say "the story" but I would underline that I mean the emerging story, not a prewritten one. You can't build that investment if the game just does whatever the dice say: you'll get a meandering clusterfuck and whichever tax-avoider sperg who has lurked GitP forums the most will just take control of events.
The game should run mostly in the heads of the group, with the GM arbitrating from their world knowledge and common sense, and the rules come out only when shit is going down.
The goal isn't to play the lowest-spec version of Skyrim, it's to emulate a piece of fiction live at the table. Good players are much more important to that than some book full of feats and polearms.
>There's no need to risk an outcome that diminishes fun if nobody at the table wants it.
Then don't start a fight.
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>and the possibility of one side killing the other would spoil the game
This is where the fundamental disagreement lies. I don't consider such a thing to even qualify as a "game". It's just collaborative story telling. To me, an RPG is a simulation of a world, a wargame at an individual scale. This new mentality of treating RPGs like an improv session is strange and uncompelling.
When will OP stop sucking cock and making shitty threads dedicated to shouting at clouds?

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