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Since non-human sapient species aren't exactly a thing as far as we can tell IRL, we have nothing to compare humanity against, so what's wrong with making humanity's quirk something really weird, like maybe we're actually the smallest intelligent species in the entire fantasy world?
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Its not about whats wrong, its about whats right. You can do it, but then you got to account for a lot of extra shit. outside of your base assumptions. HUmans might be the fastest intelligent creatures comparatively, but then you got to have a whole setting that account for that.

I think John Carpenter of Mars did something like this with the justification that mars had less gravity, so John had super human abilities comparatively to martians.
OP getting fursecuted by himself and crying for attention
Then humans just become halflings, and every other race is the default size. It's not very interesting.
It's at least as interesting as humans being the 'average', or 'innovative' or 'adaptable' or whatever generic middle of the road boost they usually get.
>Replies, knowing that I'll reply back
>Ends up bumping the thread
You know what you're doing.

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A few weeks ago, I posted a thread about a set I had worked on over the course of several years.

The set took three threads, and during that was discussions, suggestions, and even recommendations. Two common requests was somewhere to post the whole set, and a means to play it.

Under a persons suggestion I put this set into Planesculptor, with another one I've been suggested being Forge. I don't know how I'll go about that, but its something I've considered.

I followed some advice, and made some last minute changes for card balance, (such as the removal of Monk Companion for pic related), but other than that, everything is complete, and I shall continue to work on the follow sets for the block, Dreams, and Reality.

>What is Reflections?
A fan set made by me using exclusively public domain art. The sets goal is to capture the power level and feeling of early Magic, with the original intention the set should feel like it came out right before Ice Age.

>Whats the setting?
The setting is 'The Realm' also known as 'The Twelve Kingdoms' a proxy Europe stuck in a romanticized high Middle Ages. The have remnants to the old empire to the east, with barbarians beyond that and enemies to the south, with a seemingly impossible ocean and merfolk to the west. One day, a new foe crosses that ocean, and with it, strange and terrible new weapons.

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Shut the fuck up bart symptom! I'm enjoying his passion project. I love banding
The style and kind of artwork really does feel appropriate to the old borders.
What the fuck are you even trying to convey

Aesthetics is important, somehow WotC has forgotten this

You're in luck the next set will feature banding as well.
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forgot image

Has anyone tried the cards yet?
I haven't tried it, but I did look at each card.

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... But it's not the "weird part of the setting."

I've been talking in some other threads about a setting where what in our world is spiritual/religious/cultural metaphor is the actual factual basis of the setting, where myth is science.

What started this was, to summarise it, that if magic fireballs don't need to burn anything why does the sun have to be a giant nuclear reactor? Why can't it be the eye of the God of Wisdom peering in through the veil of heaven?

But like I said, this is actually the "normal" for the setting, so it's not like (to intentionally pick examples everyone will understand) Discworld where it's meant to be funny, or Planescape where it's meant to be weird*, but it is THE SETTING, as-is.

*I know this is a massive oversimplification.
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If you imagine the discrepancy between old and new testament yahweh as a kind of maturing of the worldbuilder, then it makes sense. A creator can be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent in regard to their creation, and still be a fucking dipshit. Speaking from personal experience, once I started having a little empathy for the beings of my setting, I toned down the fire and brimstone of the prime deity in favour of a more all-loving, "everyone wins" kinda deal. This could could explain the discrepancy between the "toddler with disciplinary issues bashing his action figures together" and "teen with a persecution complex posting his thesis on r/criticalthoery".
Or it could just be bad coopt fanfiction.
Well, this being /tg/, it's probably good to keep in mind that when we do worldbuilding, when we create a homebrew setting, we're trying to make a place that will be fun for the players to explore. I know that there are different kinds of people who play pen-and-paper RPGs, different temperaments, different interests. For me, though, the I-am-an-angry-jealous-God stuff is a little too grimderp to be much fun. Even if it's created as parody we still have to identify with the characters and care a little about the situation as part of role-playing. Don't we? At least a little?
>I guess what I'm getting at is why fantasy worlds have to be so normal, and if they're not it's done for the reasons I mentioned.

Mainly because the further from everyday reality you depart, the less confidence the audience has in typical chains of cause-and-effect. This isn't a terrible consequence in literature but in a game context it can be paralyzing, as players can no longer make decisions rooted in any conventional understanding. This is the same reason why cliche archetypes are commonly used in game contexts - they shortcut the process of explaining "how stuff works" so players can make decisions more quickly. This is part of the same reason why it can be difficult to have "unknowable magic" in a game context as well - without a grasp of cause and effect, players have greater difficulty in making decisions.
>summarise it, that if magic fireballs don't need to burn anything why does the sun have to be a giant nuclear reactor? Why can't it be the eye of the God of Wisdom peering in through the veil of heaven?
Stars in elder scrolls are just holes in the aetherum spirits went through and the sun is where the big god of magic went through.
Have you seen the Turkey City Lexicon? It's a sort of list of advice and hints about storytelling, created by people who write science fiction and fantasy for a living. It is short and to the point, and covers everything from dialogue and sentence structure--maybe less important when you're doing worldbuilding--to characterization, ideas, and plotting, which may be considerably more important for what you're doing right now.


You may find it worthwhile. I know that sci-fi and fantasy novels aren't exactly the same as worldbuilding for an RPG campaign, but consider that both modern American sci-fi/fantasy and roleplaying games both come to the present day having made their way through at least a few common sources, like the prewar American pulp paper novels of two-fisted he-man adventure, and there can sometimes be similarities in tone and feel.

And I agree with others in this thread. It's fine to embrace the weird and fantastical, so long as you don't go so far and so deep into the Big Weird that it prevents your players from being able to do anything.

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Writing General: 'dystopian futures' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)

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I have a character who's a bit of a huckster, guy who knows a guy that has what you need type. I have a couple ideas for a "bargaining chip" he uses but I'm not sure which to go with. One is a plain and simple bomb vest and the other is sort of a reverse, something akin to a kevlar vest with several claymore mines strapped to it. The setting is cyberpunk but even the character would know the vest is basically a decoration and wouldn't do much if the mines go off. But, thoughts?
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Taking a major bit of inspiration from Silent Hill 3, I love the idea of places that are/have to be abandoned as a matter of course with the flimsy barricades that mark you should not go there.

Baring that, the obvious overgrowth of nature overtaking and destroying the man-made structures. Along side all this is the very real feeling of danger that is both supernatural and one that comes from yourself as you know that just being near the barricade can be dangerous and that no one will come and save you if you cross over or get dragged over into it so that only the dangerous and the desperate live near the barriers between what is left of the normal and safe and the dangerous neglected world.

It's the Character Art Thread!
Post all your favorite pictures of cool awesome characters.
Fantasy, SciFi, Modern - post them all!
Know some cool spots to find awesome art? Share it! We need to build a nice trove of good art that we can share here in the OP.
And be excellent as always!

Thread theme: Mercenaries
Last Thread: >>93851387
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What is this type of boto actually called? Does anyone know any brands or models of boot with similar weather guards?

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I like the guys, but is the game fun? War games have always been a bit much for me, but this seems like a decent entry level game.
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The Western Iron pdf is basically the entire world lore. Very dense, but maybe what you are looking for.
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6 done. Can't wait to paint them. Never made models like this before, but man it's pretty hard.
they are a little fiddly to learn to assemble at first but they're very satisfying to see put together haha
Oh yeah, and I'm getting a good system going. Watch the small army appear is really nice.
>The creator said he'd sell parts at least, just needs to build up an inventory
Oh, fuck yeah!

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What game has your favorite list of base skills? And what games do you consider to have a robust and well considered skill list? Where there arnt skills that seem way more useful/worthless then others, or skills that are too niche or too broadly useful?
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UA also gives you what is referred to as "skill penumbra"
the example they give is that having a Firearms skill also covers maintenance and repair, but also things like being able to under some circumstances use that firearms skill to do things like
>Know how to contact a guy you see at the range every week
>Recall information about different manufacturers from history
>Clock that someone is CC'ing from their gait or just body language from years of experience
>Tell the difference between gunshots and firecrackers from two streets away
>Assess that someone else's firearms skill is nonexistant even though they're pointing a gun at you

UA takes the approach that no skill should exist in a vacuum or as an unusual pillar standing tall on a sheet, unless there is a really good (or supernatural) reason for it. Someone who looks like a normal office worker but has "Egyptology 40%" should also know things like the names and locations of major egyptologists, what artifacts are at what exhibits, and a whole lot of tangential stuff which he would not know for EVERY field of history if he had "Antiquarian".

I should also note that UA skills come under a stat's purview and this influences some rolls. eg, you have a Speed score of 50% and a Drive skill of 15% as a default starting human. That doesn't mean you fuck up and crash 85% of the time on the drive to work. Skills explicitly measure your ability under duress

TL;DR, Unknown Armies tells the GM that skills should imply other information and skills that are too specific to have their own skill on a sheet. Agent 47 doesn't have a dozen highly specific extra skills, he has a core of
>The Consummate Professional (hitman skill)

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Yah, there are some things I like and dont.
Specifically i have some issues with terminology for something trying to be a sandbox. like stab and punch for armed and ubarmed melee specificly.
Know I kinda get, ment to cover the gambit of achademic knowledge outside the arcane and religious.

I do line that it has a skill for administration though, I think thats something often forgotten, but is actually a really major field of skill when dealing with any sort of organized body.
Shadow of the Demon Lord has Strength, Agility, Intellect, and Will as its four attributes.
>dex and wis/cha equivelents as physical and mental grace
ah, thats a great way to put it.
Herbert's Bene Gesserit, literally.

Interim thread

>Last bread

Not associated with anything. What are you working on? Having any troubles or question? Or just want to rant about your stuff? Sometimes, just putting words down can help to organize your thoughts.
Made this thread to motivate myself

>Resources for the aspiring developer
>https://anydice.com/ (A fantastic resource for checking probabilities)
>https://miro.com/ (A online whiteboard with tools to help organize yourself)
>https://www.notion.so/ (Similar to the above, but in a bit cleaner format for those who work in larger teams)
>https://obsidian.md/ (Notetaking and other assistance)
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Alright folks. Quick question:
How do you picture the effects of these combat actions, in an abstract game sense?
By "abstract game effects" I mean stuff like:
"Charge: minus to hit, bonus to damage + chance to knock the enemy over"
Here's the actions I'm pondering over:
>Bracing against a charge
>Manoeuvring around an opponent
>Observing an opponent
>Pouncing on an opponent
Just give me the first stuff that comes to your mind
If you need a bit more context:
It's a tabletop RPG that's dinosaurs vs Mad Max-style humans, where both humans and dinosaurs are playable
How about "Storm over Area 52: They Can't Stop Us All"?
Global War on Terror: Bagram Bugaloo.
Battleship 40.000

Would help to narrow it down if you have a specific tone you want to go for - is it more casual and lighthearted fun or something that builds tension etc.

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What's your favorite way to get the party together?
I like "everyone is on the same boat," because everyone is basically stuck with each other no matter what, there's no plot magic keeping them in the same tavern together.
"You're all in jail together" is a good one too.
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>you all wake up
>something is horribly wrong
In the upcoming game they'll be waking up after apparently killing the fuck out of a bunch of undead. Just standing on the battlefield. I'm interested to see how they react to it.
That sounds rad as hell
It's a fun way to start things. My last game started with half the 'team' dead (the party had selected from a pre-made list) and burned to a black crisp on their cryo pods. The other game had them wheeled in front of their necromancer overlords only half-coherent after almost getting their souls burned out. As their masters were stitching them together they got their mission objectives and a little bit of Madness removal. That entrance was hit and miss, although it turned out one player just generally didn't like the system.

Also every character in the first game had an extra skill on their sheet just labeled 'DENY CAPTURE' in red text. You can probably guess what it would have done if they'd used it.
Starting in the entrance of the first dungeon generally works for me; I can get straight to the game right after character generation.
I'm working on my next campaign starting with them all waking up from cryo tubes on a fucked space station.

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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There are 315,360,000 seconds in ten years. Even if you thought a single gay thought per second, you wouldn't go through a billion gay thoughts over the course of a decade.

In order to go through all ten billion gay thoughts, you'd need to be thinking almost 32 gay thoughts per second for every single second of every single day for ten years straight.

...An utterly trivial feat for anons.
Sometimes you don't wanna run a marathon, you know?
That's some bullshit. Fucking paranoid bastards.
Being fair, I absolutely would've.
>And I've got the footage of both Brother Eye and Failsafe's creation accurately recorded and ready for public distribution as a contingency. He makes one wrong move, and he's done for.
At that point he has nothing left to lose and would be perfectly free to hunt you down at his leisure.

pathfinder first edition
was a worse version of a better game
you're confused. pathfinder second edition wasn't out at the time.

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ITT: Let's make a Spelljammer solar system. Each anon adds a new celestial body or adds something to a body that came before.
>the Sun is ruled by a dynasty of demi-gods descended from sun dragons. They rule over a race of Azers who live on sunspots, which are basically enormous mounds of hot coal floating on a sea of super-heated gold.
>Kalu is a medium-sized, tidally locked planet. People live in shadows that protect them from the intense heat of dayside. Those who wander beyond the shadows of their homes will find their own shadows coming to life with a will of their own.
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Ungh immq rrt updaye the map tomorrow
Tichino has a silver glow that shines brighter than any planet near it. It's entirely covered by silver dunes that appear like sand but it's actually broken down arcane machines. If anyone casts a spell on it's surphase the sand responds elevating the spell two levels (adding twice the intended effect if it can't be upcast) and forming constructs based on the caster's subconcious that last 1d10 minutes.

Beneath it are the remains of a great empire, sucked dry of magic after a great war, with enough casting you could extract enough sand to make a way into it and find explorable ruins. There are remains of the its glory to be looted, but giving too much magic back runs the risk of reactivating the master digital minds that pushed this world into destruction.
is anyone really bothering to think about the planets in a spelljammer campaign? I feel people just throw whatever Star Wars look a like good enough to contain the 3 NPCs they need.
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An idea for a mega scale world because naturally we all look at Blame! and say "I want that!"

The Cup of Tears is a temple planet that appears as a pair of hands gently holding a massive bowel. Inside of the bowel is a city like structure adorned with faces that cry and sob deep blue tears that make up the canals and water ways.

Most peculiar of all is the strange sobbing that can occasionally be heard and acts as a siren's call to those who have reached a certain level of sadness and despair and are drawn to the Cup. Many religious scholars and cults have made the Cup their home and research it as well as the Mourners who were drawn in by the crying which they describe that to be the cry of a sorrowful mother.

They seemingly have no need for sustenance, occasionally drinking the waters directly out of the canal and when they feel the time is right, they go to the Great Fall and cast themselves into its abyss.

Many a scholar or treasure seacher have sought to go deep into the Cup in hopes of finding hidden treasures and secrets.

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gay kobolds.

they're a must in any game.
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If they aren't exclusively dragonsexual it's lore inaccurate.
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Yiff in hell, spammer.
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Yeah. Because you're a homosexual furry.
you'd think so but no

I have several of his comics showcasing classic modules. Did he make any others like that?
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Did he do any more?
Does anyone has anything similar but for Ravenloft?
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q.v >>93924995
>twin stirges
Oh fuck, I lost it already.
They're either tournament modules as others have brought up or ran with particularly brutal GMing.

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So the party finally slays the Chamber guarding Dragon. As they enter, the doors shut close, and an great lumbering Marot makes it presence.
How can the party legitimately defeat the Marut and claim the riches for themselves?
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I guess the idea is to push it as a back-to-back encounters with no opportunity to rest and recover.
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Did NOT think they were core
If you killed a dragon that's actually appreciably large than it's a cakewalk. Keep in mind that this is a CR 15 monster with
>no fly speed, it literally has to use fucking air walk and dimdoor to get around lol
>10ft reach and 30ft movespeed
>15 HD no con bonus
>no Regen
Only the elemental damage on it's fists even gets through DR/magic lmao
The bigger issue with Mechanus is that if one Marut fails, they just make a stronger one and send that. If that fails, they make a stronger one again and send that. It keeps going until whatever the Marut needed done is done.
That is simply just not true
>It keeps going until whatever the Marut needed done is done.
I honestly doubt that more than a single digit number of liches have fallen to maruts across all the infinite realms and planes
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Alright, now try the 5e version.

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