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What is your character's specialty? My wizard specializes in intelligence-gathering through scrying.
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>Never know when I might come up against heavy armor. Give me the GEP gun.
Paladin, he kills evil things and doesn't afraid of anything.
Often stands in the center of the group so that everybody benefits from my 10ft of protection from evil.
Sneaky sniper/overwatch.

I'm playing a (loosely) Fallout-inspired campaign with harsh injury rules and limited access to quick healing. As such, it's kind of nice playing a character who isn't in the thick of combat most of the time.

There is still always the risk the DM gets sick of my shit and tries to have enemies ambush me while I'm away from the party, but that's why I always rig the paths to my sniper spots with tripwire explosives. Early warning system for approaching danger, and it blows a chunk of damage into them at the same time.
Bullying and stabbing mostly.
Sucking dick. I was the party diplomat.

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Considering this is a worksafe board, and there's a dozen other degenerate ones explicitly for sex, yeah that's right. Fix your immoral addiction.
I wish I was a zoomer then, that shit is boring as fuck, and has killed this board creativity. We have I don't know how many of those threads and even generals and not a new thing in years.
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Had to make an edit of that.

You're the cancer this world doesn't need then. Be a hero and take yourself out.
this but unironically
it's 2024
I'm like 90% sure this artist also draws degenerate furry porn. Possibly with vore.

Since non-human sapient species aren't exactly a thing as far as we can tell IRL, we have nothing to compare humanity against, so what's wrong with making humanity's quirk something really weird, like maybe we're actually the smallest intelligent species in the entire fantasy world?
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Its not about whats wrong, its about whats right. You can do it, but then you got to account for a lot of extra shit. outside of your base assumptions. HUmans might be the fastest intelligent creatures comparatively, but then you got to have a whole setting that account for that.

I think John Carpenter of Mars did something like this with the justification that mars had less gravity, so John had super human abilities comparatively to martians.
OP getting fursecuted by himself and crying for attention
Then humans just become halflings, and every other race is the default size. It's not very interesting.
It's at least as interesting as humans being the 'average', or 'innovative' or 'adaptable' or whatever generic middle of the road boost they usually get.
Easy if humans are all midgets then make all other species midgets too.

Fact is usually in fantasy non-humans are just alt-skin humans, If you were to take into account other physiologies instead then it becomes much more interesting even if only accounting for earthly ones.

...But without devolving into furfaggotry let's take for example warhammer orcs who are fungi. Or the dryads and treants for real inhuman examples while still going for a human-like form.

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>have a great homebrew setting with flushed out nations, what i think is a good pantheon and magic system and a interesting story.
>absolute utter dogshit when it comes to building drawing a map for my homebew every attempt looks like a a 4 year old drew it.
>lose interest in setting go back to thinking about forgotten realms or pathfinder shit setting because i can picture the world eaiser.

i just lose interest when i cant picture the world in my mind why am i this autistic i got everything else sorted out, just the geography.
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I wouldn't have this problem if my setting wasn't just Earth in the future, since I know Earth's scale and can't just skip all the small details.
>trace some shit in gimp or paint
>doodle some icons for shit
>text tool the names
yeah, it's gaming time
Do a hex map for scale and general layout, then trace it for a normal map following one of a bajillion tutorials online for mapmaking.
>Use a map of Doggerland
i've done this
i'm a hack
If you use a decent AI, you should be able to inpaint the original image to edit areas of it, rather than making an entirely new image.

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What are some power fantasy TTRPGs that really make the players into invincible gods that 99.999% of all beings in the world respect, fear, and cower in front of, right out of the gate?
5e, Pathfinder and other DnD based RPGs all make new/low level characters dogshit gutter trash that get raped and mutilated by goblins, I want to be able to completely annihilate and delete NPCs and enemies that aren't named characters effortlessly right as session 1 starts.
>play a high level campaign
Those never happen, I want the system to be made so players start far above and beyond commoner trash and only become more powerful.
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Seconding Exalted. In-universe one of the main hurdles new exalts have to get past is realizing that their old mortal limitations are meaningless and that they can basically do anything so long as someone more powerful doesn't bother to stop them.
Let's talk about it then, you and I.
He's not here to discuss, just to shit up the place. Ignore him.
Yep, pretty much Exalted if you're willing to deal with the crunch and Godbound if you're not. I've only played the latter, but it works for that style well enough. Has some balance issues but that's inevitable at this power level.
Mage the Ascension can get pretty bonkers, depending on how much you want to limit your players with paradox. Maybe not session 1, but by session 3 you usually have minor deity level powers.

Vandalized Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What do you think is the ideal scale for ancient era wargaming?

Remember we also have a painting challenge going until the end of September. Poor bloody infantry is the theme.

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I really despise that family of rules. The author very obviously assumes his audience are retards/is himself a retard.

Apparently tracking the number of attacks a unit has based on the number of models it has remaining is too complex for some people, so instead let's just say you have the max number of attacks until you lose half the models in the unit and then we'll suddenly half the attacks.

Which ruleset are you referring to?
Fuck yeah get all the links nuked cause people are too stupid to use the archive/trove.
the Rampant series, clearly.

Here's a link to a good list of dark age wargames, miniatures, books, etc.


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Horus Heresy Siege of terra is fucking garbage and completely ruined SM lore for me

Have you ever read any canon side-lore that ruined it for you in your tabletop game? When did you realize the writers were all hacks?
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You missed the general, reddit frog.
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I refuse to believe Lancer's lore was written by the same people who did the rest of the game. Everything from the mechanics part of the game, including the actual art, paints this picture of a gritty untamed galaxy where mechs are these battle-scarred jury-rigged things that have seen years of improvised repairs and patching...

Then you get to the actual world and find out 90% of the galaxy is under the control of a unified super-goverment that effectively has infinite resources (somehow), has solved every major problem facing human society (somehow), and provides all its citizens with a standard of life that surpasses the rich of our current day (somehow). But also the Union super-goverment also has the strongest military ever (somehow) and most advanced science (somehow) and super-powerful AI that can simulate the future (somehow). Did I mention this all happens in a society where nobody has to work? Yeah... Lancer's worldbuilding is absolute shit where the author just jerks himself off over the supposed utopia he thinks would happen if people only shared his views on things that have never once in human history played out like he thinks they would.
Don't forget the part where mechs can literally be spit out of a matter-printer in just a couple of hours if they're destroyed, despite the art portraying many of them as heavily worn, scarred, and patched with improvised repairs and experimental home-made tech.

Imagine you could print a new car for pennies in about 2 hours, but you and everyone chose to still drive beat up old junkers like it was post-apocalypse and anything "new" or pristine was super rare. The dissonance between the mechanics/aesthetics and the actual setting lore is kinda like that.
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>Don't forget the part where mechs can literally be spit out of a matter-printer in just a couple of hours if they're destroyed, despite the art portraying many of them as heavily worn, scarred, and patched with improvised repairs and experimental home-made tech.

And a Sherman tank could be assembled in less than an hour. Doesn't mean that the ones in the field, far from the factory / 3D printer, are factory fresh.

You can print a new car for pennies at one factory in China and one in LA. You live in Botswana. What does your car look like, when it has to serve as a community defense bunker, chicken coop, and all-nite bar?
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As someone who did a ton of L5R and Battletech back in the day, you just have to figure out which writers/arcs/eras you like and try to push the rest from your mind.

If a franchise/game is around for decades there will eventually be some lore or side-story that you hate.

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Tell /tg/ about the ways Warhammer 40,000 has changed and positively impacted your life. Have you made new friends at the LGS? Learned important skills working on your models? Found a new love for literature through exciting Black Library novels?
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/40kg/ is ran by a janitor who bans you for making new threads because he didn’t make it
I started to run RPGs. My first was Deathwatch, which I ran as a sideshow, then I convinced the entire group to switch to DH2.
The board needs GOOD threads, not brainless faggotry sludge.
The board needs exactly zero more brainless 40kslop spam. Buy an ad.
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I was lost with what to do with myself once I started working a corporate slave job after graduating college 4ish years ago. I got recommended the Eisenhorn series as an intro to the 40k setting by a coworker. Have read ~50 books of the HH, lots of the good standalone series and singles. I got a Korne Berserker set for this past Christmas from my brother, my first ever model set and first time I've ever picked up a paintbrush and have been non-stop painting since then. The audiobooks get me through the day and painting keeps me sane. Unfortunately, I'm probably the only one who is into Warhammer within a 100mi radius there's no tabletop scene where I live and have to have friends buy and mail kits/paints to me.
thanks for asking anon : )

is it any good?
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It's still just a FATE book, anon. That's not nearly the kind of loss you're trying to paint it as.
It's not even a book I particularly like. It's more that this is emblematic of everything wrong with modern /tg/.
He was very much against degeneracy (in a non /pol/ sense) in many forms. He wrote about poor whites degenerating into savages almost as much as he did Blacks.

But what I find most frustrating about all the people that use his work and then feel the need to add these ridiculous disclaimers is that they have the option to just not use his work. Lovecraft doesn't have exclusive rights to cosmic horror as a concept. Every time they use the mythos without alterations they're piggybacking on name recognition from a man they despise. Which is an admission that they cannot compete with an old dead racist they hate, creatively. Which is both funny and annoying to me.

That's the thing though: it's a mediocre work at best. If you took that HPL rant out of it, there's not really much left to talk about because the substance of the book is all so half-finished. Even by the standards of an RPG book where groups are expected to "bring it to life".
I'd wager it's because there's not much worth discussing about the book itself. First, plenty of people are just not into Fate or actively dislike it. That's a barrier of entry right there. Then there is the concept. there are only so many Lovecraft fans, and pairing his (and other later writers') work with an obvious Terminator plot produces a unique combination that holds even less automatic appeal. So in concept alone, there are multiple filters. Now we move onto nitty gritty details; what's new here? Well, there's the corruption system. I do think that is a sensible change since insanity can get old and corruption is a bit more flexible. In terms of actual use, though? I've only skimmed the book, but it looks like using any of the mythos-ripped super powers is a quick way to turn your character into a villainous NPC. So your reward for playing such a character is to have a good chunk of their abilities constantly holstered.

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It's not "t'au", it's TAU
It's not "aeldari", it's ELDAR
It's not "drukhari", it's DARK ELDAR
It's not "asstra militarium", it's IMPERIAL GUARD
I'm not even gonna mention all those AoS names, whoever says "uruk" or "dwuruf" IRL can suck a dick!
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I don't even get why they're T'au now, T'au is the name of the sept but now it's the entire species too?
Anyway, OP is a terf for dead-naming GW products.
I wouldn't even have minded calling the AoS dwarfs by a slave name but then they chose 'Duardin' when Dawi was right fucking there.

>I don't even get why they're T'au now, T'au is the name of the sept but now it's the entire species too?
Because Tau is a Greek letter and you can't trademark a letter.
That's pretty dumb.
You just summed up 90% of James' business decisions.
Yet people keep paying and they have record breaking profits year after year.
So I guess the cust9mers are the real idiots

Welcome Tech Adept Anon to your new cogitator station. Your task is to input data that we receive from the wider Imperium. Last time we got some more lore for Sonatrach and we figured out what creature the people on Infura Quintus hunt/farm in order to export its parts

Last Thread: >>93825450

Archived Threads:
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Rogue trader house name suggestions:
House ____
>von Askbolt
von Askbolt sounds good to me
Anyone familiar with the FFG rogue trader rpg book, cuz we could use some of the stuff in there to for example see what vessel this rogue trader might be using.
With the Rogue Trader's house being connected to a criminal organisation maybe they're gathering connections to stop ore and minerals from being imported so they can rack up their prizes of the goods?
That sounds like a good idea to me

Imagine dressing your human fighter in all browns and earth colors like some rejected GAP model instead of how real human fighters looked like.
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There was a tone of blue, I think french ultramarine, that was just made by a woman that who worked cleaning clothes. She mixed the random chemicals she had with base oil paint to see if there was something to make for cheap and discovered a way to make the most expensive pigment of its time. The dream of every child mixing shit on their backyard.
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>Imagine dressing your human fighter in all browns and earth colors
Suck your mother, cuckold.
Human fighters are commonplace in traditional games, yes.
Based af, Germans were on some real zesty shit at the time.

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based worldbuilding guide that really gets what's been ruining modern fantasy these days
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>Mordor is more vast hordes.
Mordor is the whole region. The blasted land with the black tower is just one part of the region called Gorgoroth. Past it there's Nurn which is fertile land.
leftists are unable to make anything except grimderp parodies without substance or 2024 San Francisco with a generic fantasy paintjob
Setting aside the nu-left "I haven't read any political philosophy but a pedophile horse fetishist on twitch is just as good" and the nu-right "Politics is trannies and draq queens" and they desperately fight over such divisive issues as how many pride flags should we paint on the border wall as if they're different parties.

You have not read any political philosophy from the current century. Your politics are not understood, but dictated through sound bites on social media. You have learned nothing, but instead you have been trained.
Read a fucking book or something. Before you do, at least figure out why you believe what you do. I guarantee if you spent 15 minutes interrogating yourself about your own deeply held beliefs, they would all fall apart. Or do you not know how to do that? After all, why would anyone teach a willing slave how to be self reliant?

Though there is, in actuality a deep question to ask here.
Why is "cosy fantasy" becoming a thing?
I can delineate all of fantasy into two broad categories, autistic and non-autistic.

Autistic worldbuilding can tell you everything about the world. Where are the rivers fed, what do these people eat, how much of the world is generally usable for grazing and how has that effected societal development, what is the gravity of the planet, what is the calendar like, where do the codes of law come from? Any question you can think to ask, the writer had pre-empted you.

Non-autistic fantasy is more like "Yeah um... the rivers all are fed by... the riverlands. The capital is called kings landing because king land there. There's a big wall... it's called the wall."

And I have to ask, primarily, why is it that this aspect is growing in popularity? Who is asking for such lazy worlds? Moreover, why do mental midgets think that simplistic should supplant autistic worldbuilding because culture war? Why would fantasy authors putting in less effort punish the right wing, in anyones mind?
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The Lord is about to become an "evil oppressive force" that is about invalidating identities and changing people. Why has nobody tried this?
There is nothing of value from philosophy that was written in the 20th or 21st century. Plato, Polybius, Sun- Tsu, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Bismarck, and Nietzche is sufficient to have a good baseline.

And to answer your question: it's because 97% of the autistic stuff doesn't matter. The succession laws of the kingdom don't matter because unless that's what the game and the players are going to focus on it, it's not going to come up, so there's no point. Only the setpieces that matter to the players and the story should be focused on. If the GM wants to worldbuild for the sake of worldbuilding, that's fine so long as he has the understanding that

>the players and the emergent story might not interact or even care about the worldbuilding
>there is no inherent reward or praise for autistic worldbuilding and it doesn't necessarily make your world more interesting or appealing

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>Translation: anon has never read any official D&D settings
Why he didn't drew Godzilla?
>Why he didn't drew Godzilla?
Because again and again, nature points out the folly of man!
Have you ever looked at the default encounter tables in a D&D monster manual?

Just kidding, you don't actually play games lol
Based Eberron enjoyer

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>Jerry, she fighter with only 14 strength!
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>Not now Kramer, we're fighting a beholder
>oof, I know a thing or two about beholders. Want me to show you how it's done?
>This is a well oiled, well prepared, level 8 party. I doubt there's anything you could...
>Mirrors, Jerry. They look at you and ZAAAAAARGGHH, right back at them. You can't lose. (grabs a bowl full of snaks from the table and walks out). Can't lose.
>What do you mean Kramer TPK'd your camaign? I though he wasn't playing. You didn't let me play.
>He gave some shitty theatre of the mind advice and turns out that's not how the game works.
>See, that wouldn't happen if you had me there. Theatre of the mind? I hate theatre and barely have a mind. I'm perfect for the game, come one, let me join.
That made me laugh harder than anything itt
It's 100% an Elaine plot line and it's 100% something I've seen irl.
Does she at least have good Con?
>You're the anal circumference man!!
>walking in circles for four hours with nothing to show for it
Yup, it's FATAL chargen.

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