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Going to Rome in Nov for a week, what to do? I will not be a) looking at any historical sites b) going to any museums or art galleries. Not interested.
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Op here I’ll come clean guys - i was just trolling. I love Roman history and art. It’ll be the best week of my life. It was just a mere troll
By the way, I am transgender, if that matters.
I am NOT transgender but I did dry hump my friend when I was 12
you are a fucking faggot
The fuck is your problem you little homo? Your grandfather is nice enough to take you and your roastie and obviously wants to spend time with you and you tell him you’re just gonna do your own thing on his dime? Be grateful you have someone like that in your life you little fucking jerkoff I’d actually beat the living fuck out of you if you were in front of me right now

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Been thinking of moving to this area. What is it like?
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good thread, I think about moving to Reno every so often for tax purposes
had a chance to move there 10 years ago and didn’t. I regret it badly now. Reno has improved significantly and property values have doubled
Same. I knew some people who moved there. They did really well purchasing a mobile home on a couple acres of property and then selling that for a shit ton more to a developer.
I’d move to Carson City if I had to live up there. Quiet smaller town close enough to Reno, only 30min from the airport
Fort Collins and Boise are both far nicer than Reno and always will be. Legal gambling makes your state a shithole

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Looking at buying picrel and travelling the world solo. Rough plan would be Vancouver - down the coast a bit to get my sea legs - Hawaii - Fiji - French Polynesia and all those islands - New Zealand - Australia and eventually up to SEA. Anyone have any experience? I only know how to sail little boats on lakes and even then I'm kind of shit at it but I think having a real boat would be cool.
You will die.

OP, the only way you're making this work is if you put in the time, effort, and more money than you think. The mechanics of sailing a small boat are mostly the same as sailing a larger one, but the larger one has much larger forces acting on it, and many more systems and parts that can break while underway. Do you know how to fix a broken rudder cable? Have you ever even sailed on a boat with a headsail? Have you ever accidentally jibed in high winds? Do you know how to use an autopilot or rig a simple one if the electronic one fails?

My advice, find a sailing club on your local lake that offers lessons. Take your equivalent of basic keelboating (usually on a 20-25ft sailboat), then basic coastal cruising and basic bareboat chartering, which will familiarize you with all the systems on a larger 27-32 foot boat with head, electronics, and inboard diesel, plus how to plan for a passage so you don't starve halfway to Hawaii. At my local lake, those courses altogether cost around $3k USD. I also pay $250 a month to be able to take out a club boat for a day sail on the lake, for me usually a 27-32 foot boat, 1-2 times a month to keep my skills and because sailing is a relaxing hobby for me.

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Last car crash of a thread hit bump limit
Let's try again
Seething retards need not post, we know you exist
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>this is what the locals do
Great, this board isn't >>>/int/ this board is /tv/. Most no one here is a local and I am pretty sure no one here wants to be a Malaysian citizen. We have options of countries to visit, limited visa time, and have to weigh it accordingly.

I don't have this issue in most all Europe, North America, and Northern Asian countries. The last thing I care to deal with while trying to go hike a trail or walk between main attractions or spend 6+ hours outside is for some weather alert to be like "wtf stay inside hazard to health" or "No sirs do not swim in these beaches! very bad" or the classic "DO NOT DRINK TAP WATER" signs all over my airbnb.

When you have options to go anywhere you see how far down Malaysia is on the list of reasons to go
have you considered that a thread called malaysia general might not be the best option for you?
>go to malaysia
>want to talk about it
Nah I am good, better when I am in a better country
Doesn't wearing a short skirt and dancing kind of defeat the purpose of wearing the hijab?
it's actually from indonesia. they do things differently there

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Sup trv, /g/ here just got news we will be 100% remote starting 2025. Wondering what other nomads have done for travel. I'm worried about being stuck overseas with something that doesn't work or having to use a foreign PC. I've done some remote work when I travel as my boss basically makes coming into the office after thanksgiving to the new year optional, but planning to go full 12 months abroad.

So far looking to travel with
>Work laptop Inspiron 16 inch (we have have local admin and can install games though it's only an APU)
>work phone + personal/travel phone (still looking for something)
>65W 74 watt hour power back for power outages (heard power reliability is iffy in SEA at nights)
>wireless noise cancelling headset and mouse
>150w USB c wall multi port charger w/ plug adapters
>A9 tablet e-sim version w/ keyboard cover for all personal use
>multiboot usb drive w/ linux windows isos if I need reinstall
>9020m Optiplex at my parents place to remote desktop into

Wondering what you guys have recommendations for laptop bags or if forgetting anything. Mostly worried about my phone working abroad and how to keep my number active for 2FA. What other equipment do you guys bring along, thinking about getting a smart watch too just to help me stick on schedule with the time differences. Something you wish you remembered to bring, doing Japan first so I don't think it will be that hard to find electronics I forgot.
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I can think of China and Laos. But I think any country whose railroad is built (and partially owned) by China uses the same security rules. So that might include Indonesia and some countries in Africa.
Get a waterproof carry on size bag for SEA. Waterproof is a must.

Phone with multiple physical sim card slots. You will need it for buying cheap local SIM that doesn't have esim option
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>physical sim
this meme needs to end
Laos is the only country that I've heard is extremely strict with knives in baggage for their Chinese-operated rail line. I had no issues whatsoever in Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines or Taiwan.
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Why? Physical sim is nice as I can pop it into my PC and roll or put it back into my phone.
>inb4 he doesn't have a laptop with a sim slot


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Is it actually worth visiting this country or is it just being shilled on Instagram?
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>serpentza talks about this

Serpentza is a south africa shitbag scammer. disregard his opinion. he would sell his own mother to indian rape gang.
Nah he's cool, and he knows a lot about China. He provides video evidence daily about the goings-on in China. You kinda can't fake video evidence. Go ahead, say it's AI lol.
How do I chat to Chinese women in a city before arriving and load them up as an informal tourguide?
Can you just set your location on WeChat and start blasting away messages to people close by?
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it's crazy how beta chinks are. I'm essentially mogging them 24/7
I would still fuck her instead
You can watch in the corner playing on your phone if you want

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Is going to Europe even worth it nowadays? Is there anything to do in Europe or is it just some expensive historical amusement park? Why should I go there when Japan is on discount and I know what I am getting in Asia. Or I could be cooming in Africa with rapacious village women. The only good thing is that it is close to Africa< I think. Are the Romanian whores worth it? I don't want it to be an antisocial experience with boring whytppl which is what Europe sounds like.
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t. american
You seem mentally challenged.
This edgelord speak is really getting out of hand. At some point trying to be suave and edgy turns into unintelligible gibberish.
What a load of crap. South Euros do absolutely not speak perfect English. People speak their own language however we've incorporated english words into our daily use. Migrant issue really depends on where you go. Anyhow you won't find a non multiculti big city in America either. Prague, Budapest, Warsaw are still pretty void of migrants i'd say.

But do please stay on your "other" continents buddy. You sound like a retard.
>You cant tell locals apart from american tourists anymore because they all speak perfect american english with eachother now
Ok so you give me 20 zl kurwa and I give you kebab?

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Any other US tourists feeling miserable after coming home from Japan?
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That's a tiktok thing
I see, thanks for the correction.

Go the fuck back to Tiktok, troonspeaking zoomer
me too
I despair that America only has fat women with tattoos
>if you don't even have a 4 year degree yet then your only option is get a degree there on a student visa, then graduate and switch to a work visa
Technically not a must, 10 years of relevant work experience is considered equivalent, alternatively if you get a high salary and have JLPT N1 then can still get enough points to qualify for HSP.

That said if you don't have a degree then a Japanese company will not hire you, only international ones. But that is not necessarily a bad thing.
*turd world CUNTry pretending to be a first world country

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What's the best city to visit for a fan of Brutalist architecture?
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i just went to albany, and if you are talking about the empire state plaza it's not brutalist, but its sick as fuck. pic i took there.
true, we forget that
what do you love about brutalism? what other buildings do you like?
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I like the geometry and minimalism of a lot of brutalism and other modern architecture. The sharp lines of shadow and light they cast work well with the style of photography I enjoy doing. There's a point where it kinda doesn't feel right anymore, like ultra modern low rise condos with cheap siding or generic glass skyscrapers. Something like the pic I posted is just an immense object but also a piece of art at the same time. Sure the same can be said about a lot of other buildings, I can appreciate huge cathedrals too.
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I'm not an architecture enthusiast so it's hard for me to articulate, but I like it compared to most other (post)modern architecture, which just seems to be architects deliberately creating ugly buildings. I also like that it utilizes modern, cost-effective building materials while still having a clear aesthetic style. You don't see that with a lot of modern buildings which are just optimized for space with no thought to aesthetic appeal.

What are the most BORING places you've been to? A place that's just overall tedious.
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Sounds good to me.
There's no need to keep repeating yourself
This. On top of that, it's 50€ a night for the cheapest hostel. The main attraction of Switzerland is its fresh air and it's barely there. The architecture is okay in the old center, but get very bland pretty quickly.
On the plus side, you can swim in the Rhône river during summer. I only go there to buy cigarettes.
The most BORING Singapore I've been to? A place that's just overall Singapore? I'll have to go with Singapore
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Okay, but can you articulate why you think so, like an adult who actually visited the place? I have no doubt Singapore is boring as fuck, but why?

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Currently working in Aomori, Japan. I didn't even know this Prefecture existed a few months ago but so far I love it.
Where are some places in Northern Japan I should visit while I'm here?

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If you had to choose between
>work hard in your 20's
>travel a lot in your 30's and 40's
>travel a lot in your 20's
>work hard in your 30's and 40's
Which one would you choose and why?
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The amount of money a man can have access to in late 20s and early 30s is much comfier than early career or pre-career. I think there's a correct balance for each individual
>>It’s completely pointless until you’re early 30s at least
No it's not, if you don't work on it by the time you're in your 30s your competitors will be miles ahead of you
how about:
do some work and travel all the time
when you're 50+ reduce or eliminate work
it doesn't need to be 100% or 0%
by living in developed country with human rights
>Travel in 20s. 99% of the time focusing on your career in 20s will get you nowhere. You want to take your education seriously and if you intend to serve in the military do that but you shouldn’t give a fuck about career. It’s completely pointless until you’re early 30s at least. You may as well travel.
>No it's not, if you don't work on it by the time you're in your 30s your competitors will be miles ahead of you
ya I also disagree.
I was born 1993 and roughly careermaxxed highschool/college/20s. Worth a little over $1M before age 30.

My college peers are sometimes doing even better
at least 1 founded a team with funding from AVAX
a VR engineer at meta
a few medical path people wrap up their schooling
engineers will be senior/staff level or sometimes even higher if quite high performing


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What are the most SOVLful Christmas markets in Europe for an adult man and his mother to spend a few days in?
>has to be in November
>easy to get to from Oslo (max. one layover, not too long either)
>BONUS: somewhere warm, or at least not bitingly cold (but sovl is more important)

>inb4 traveling with ur mom lol
Whatever, I have a few vacation days that I need to spend and it's a nice change of pace.
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bumping because I too am curious about Christmas markets in Europe (and anyone's experiences with them)
Anyone in Germany is great
Do a lot of african and arab immigrants attend these?
Very few do. Africans are too poor to afford anything sold in the markets, and muslim Arabs wouldn't be interested in Christmas anyway, not to mention the food and drinks are very clearly not halal.
Also, most of the stuff they sell in these markets are clearly in line with typical middle-to-upper class white interests. No one consooms Christmas goods more than white people.

I have seen few brown people of other sorts. They're usually middle-class Indian tourists and a smattering of mystery-meat from the east, who I assume to be Turks or gypsies. You're not ever gonna have zero brown people, but you can have fewer of them.
Isn't eating halal mean just staying away from pork and alchohol?

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>goes to the most "dangerous" areas of South America or Asia
>wanders around freely , talks to locals, drinks, picks up local women
>nothing happens
Is South America being dangerous all just bullshit? Seems pretty chill and locals seem friendly everywhere he goes.
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No where's dangerous when you're a chad
>>like people who have open and expressive personalities
But kurt is really stoic,"expressive" by Finnish standards maybe
>>live audiences on the street in Latin America are always thrilled to be on screen
More like they know that white people with cameras mean they might be getting money for their participation
Literally the opposite is true, latin guys are the most jealous and possessive males except maybe muslims. Asian guys for the most part don't really care cause their women whoring themselves to sexpats is just too common it stopped phasing them back in 1998 especially SEA and Japan
Those were coping sub5s
>>Oh no not having to deal with some 80lbs teenagers thinking they are tough!
Grandpa it isn't the 90s anymore, high school kids are running around with switches and they're the most likely to kill you cause their brains aren't developed so they kill mfs for "looking tough", "he dissed me on the mixtape", "you were talking shit on twitter"

Is it really that bad? It's been on my bucket list for a while (i speak reasonable Portuguese, enjoy Brazilian music, and like a good nightlife, beaches and sociable people that are easy to chat up) but honestly everyone makes it seem like more than half of your time there would be spent worrying about not getting shot, robbed or scammed. Makes me doubt if it's worth it if i can never relax. I understand big cities come with their own set of problems in general but is Rio specifically really that bad?
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>Also is Lapa really that bad now from a security standpoint?
It was too sketchy and full of crack zombies during the day that I never returned at night to check it out
Damn that sucks. Do you guys have any recommendations for meeting either other travelers or locals? Like a place where it's not weird to chat up people (you know there's places where every table sort of sticks to their own and it feels weird to approach anyone). I will be going with 2 friends but ideally id like to meet someone spontaneously for a night out as well.
And to add to that. We don't intend to "party" more than once or twice while we're there as we're all in our early 30s (already feel a bit old desu and would prefer bars with music over pure clubs). But that being said are there any cool places open late (2am or later) that aren't those kind of "nightclubs" around copacabana/ipanema/leblon?
I have 2 phones when I travel. My personal that I keep locked up in my bag (Moto G Ace) and a social (iPhone 12) that I use whenever I go outside the hotel.

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