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Had to be drug-related right?

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It's not about principles unfortunately, it's about not drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.
dude on the right has some nice hair.
wish I had that haircut.
you can just tell they're the douche gringos thinking they can do whatever they want in a foreign country
this is the most first world post I've ever read in here
mfs really don't know how things work here
Your dad is retarded. There's a difference between actual cartel operations and a random ahh drug dealer.
You tell the latter to fuck off. Simple as.

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Going to picrel for 5 days next month. What do if I want to eat with and talk to Polish people and avoid filthy tourists like myself
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>Step 2 - Chechlo Lake - Wygielzow

We left the lake, and vaguely wanted to head in the direction of a castle which lay to the south - "Zamek Lipowiec".

This was the shittest part of the journey by far, and our lack of preparation of route planning was quite evident. We had to cycle on fairly busy roads, with the sun starting to shine like a motherfucker. It also turned out that we had a 100m ascent over 7km to the town of Plaza we had no fucking clue about.

The beer wasn't settling nicely at all, and I felt pretty sick and dizzy at points, with obvious sunburn on the cards. After numerous "lets check the directions, lol" stops, which turned into cigarette breaks walking the bike along the side of the sun-drenched road, we finally finished our climb up to the village of Plaza, where we bought a couple of cold drinks and sat near the bus stop thinking "ffs".

Deciding now to actually check the maps a little more carefully, we had 2 choices from here
>Downhill on the main road
>Ups and downs on the country back road

Downhill it was, and it was fucking kino - a 111m descent over 3.7km. The world absolutely blitzed by, making the previous climb a foregone memory. With my eyes laser-locked on the road for bumps, I was reaching such speeds that cars couldn't even overtake me anymore, and without a helmet, I was often thinking about those cycling safety videos, and replaying my future death in slow motion. I just couldn't help myself, the gentle weaving of the road left and right downhill through the forest was too much to pass by.

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>Step 3 : Wygielzow - the Austrian Fort overlooking the Railway Bridge

Our original plan was to head south to the Wisla River, then cycle back along the banks home, so we continued south to the village of Olszyny. We were quite happy to have pavement on the side of the roads, especially given there were a fair few big vehicles using the road around here.

Upon entering the village we passed a shop. Knowing there'd be lakes and riverbanks ahead, we knew we needed to stock up on survival supplies - 4 cans of Lech, and 5 kabanos.

Though, just 2 minutes cycling later we came across another shop which had an umbrella and chairs outside. The temptation was just too much to pass by - 2 bottles of beer just had to be bought, and we joined actual stereotypes of Slavs squatting outside saying 'kurwa' every 5 seconds. One guy was showing off some kind of huge rusted blade which looked like farming equipment. If it had been a saw, it probably would've been the only thing with teeth in theat little corner of shade.

We made our way to the lake southeast of the village, passing by people riding horses. We finally made it to the water and I complained "my bags too heavy man, think we need to unload some supplies". This was code enough to crack open 2 cans by the lake, as the group on horseback shouted "Na Zdrowie!" as they passed as from behind.

The going was pretty tough from here. I switched to Open Street Maps and was following all kinds of colours. We were mainly cycling on the flood protection banks, and made our way to Oklesna, where we spotted a kino bridge on the map.

We totally missed the obvious cycle path leading there and ended up having to walk our bikes down a live railway track, while debating how wide trains actually are and whether putting your ear to the rail works.

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Grateful for the shade, we stuck around in the fort for a bit, hoping to see a train go by. Unfortunately, the only group we saw were some fucking kids, who obviously thought this was a kino place to play around, totally ruining the vibe. They were soon joined by their parents who seemed to have no qualms about kids walking along 30cm thick brick walls with 10m drops. I grinned as I said "Dzien dobry" in an obvious foreign accident holding my can of Lech proudly.

Along the bridge we went.a little regretfully not having another beer to crack open. We decided to head further south to Spytkowice, where there was a bar - Cafe Cameleon. It became relatively amusing we was meant to travel east back home, and had spent the last 4 hours(?) only going south.

A plate of fries and 2 beers came to 25pln, which is like ancient history back home in Krakow. Wondering what to do next, we spotted a ferry back over the river which we just HAD to take. It meant doubling back on ourselves pretty heavily, but was totally worth it.

From this point, we were pretty pissed, and the 'cycle paths' were non-existent - mostly shitty grass and dirt tracks which took ages to get across. At one point, some faggot had built a house in the way, and we had to somehow get our bikes up this steep as shit bit of forest, before downhill off road biking back onto the track.

It was evident at this pace we'd never make it home, and instead opted to cross the river for a 3rd time - over the hydroelectric power station - to Polwies, where we could take the train home.

A bunch of teens with skateboards kept egging each other on to shout random things in English to us as we laid in the sun drinking some more cans we'd picked up. By this point I probably looked like a fucking beetroot, and couldn't wait to get back and die.

Didn't quite set out to achieve remotely anything we had intended to, but it was fun nonetheless.
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From the UK. Bridge would've been picrel. There's definitely a weird feeling you get from all the traffic blitzing by, and the din in the background. It's like feeling you're in some kind of wind tunnel, and you shouldn't really be there.
you’ve never left america sweaty calm down
ive lived in vienna porto krakow warsaw belgrade malta and split. warsaw was by far the worst english speaking city with krakow second. im talking about men mostly. girls sound like they grew up in la in the remotest shit hole in europe

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What’s the visa process like for an American?
Not sure since my mom and dad were born there so I didn’t need one. I believe you need to contact their gov for a visa but I believe tourist visas are easily approved
Which area did you visit? Did it seem like the economy was doing better?
How's the food situation?
I'm Irish

Is it possible for an anglophone to find work in Montreal?

I don't have a lot of work experience, I'd like to go back to school. I studied in Montreal for about a year when I was younger and loved it. I want to return, but I only really have work experience in retail. Has anyone else lived there extensively? Is it possible for Anglos to make a living?
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Yes my wife is anglo and she has an english job. All her friends work in english too. Depends on your industry really.
Currently industry-less. What do
I have a basic grasp of French, but I'm not fluent. Certainly not enough I would think to have any kind of entry level job as like, a cashier or any bullshit like that. Which is all I need atm. Something to grind at while I get to live in and enjoy the city.
do landscaping or construction with anglo businesses in the west island or D.D.O.
lots of places have majority anglo workers you just have to find them. montreal has been an anglo enclave since the mid to late 1800s, thousands left during the referendum days, but the anglo communities are still concentrated in the west of the island of montreal. You should still learn some french to get by, know what to say to a cashier, etc. Just accommodate francophones, when in rome...

Idaho has some of the best hiking and most beautiful scenery in the US. But because there's no fed run national parks tourists skip it lol. Literally some of the best scenery and hikes and drives in the intermountain West but because it's the onl western state with no fed parks even all the easy baby trails are secluded and empty
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imagine how nice Utah would be if it weren't infested with embarrassing cultists
How does that look cute? It's literally 90% roads and a couple featureless brick buildings? Is asphalt your idea of beauty?
From what I saw it looked nice. But I’m also from a soulless Texas suburb so take of that what you will. Certainly felt safer there than here
>Problem with Idaho is that most actual Idahoans are fucking broke as shit retards with no idea how the rest of the country works.

Yeah this is the heart of the matter, like most places in the US, Idaho would be S tier if it wasn't for the ... Idahoans. The average person you meet here is actually heads and shoulders above the average person you might meet in Des Moines (and let's not even talk bring up how refreshing it is to not bump into People of Culture that often), but that's the issue, they're just average, most of Idaho's promising/ambitious youth flee to go see the rest of the world.

And the Californians moving in aren't any better. They're either boomers/almost boomers (45 y/o+) cashing in on their million $+ CA real estate and doing a heckin' early retire-eeno in a suburb of Boise/CdA, or they're someone slightly younger who couldn't hack it in CA, saw the writing on the wall, and moved out to ID. This wouldn't be half-bad if both sub-populations of Californians weren't so fucking ENTITLED about every single aspect of their lives.

The mormons are cool and legit but unfortunately upon meeting you they'll ask you two or three questions to figure out exactly where you stand in the church and then you'll find out that since you're not LDS there is always going to be a ceiling to your friendship.

t. carpetbagger who works for tHe TeCh CoMpAnY in Boise, making plans to bounce.
I've been to South Idaho like once and it's generally the same as any other northwestern state in weather and people. It's a western state with a growing population so there's plenty to do in the cities and it's probably getting fairly liberal and expensive.

The panhandle is cool, I've been to Lewiston and Cottonwood both plenty times pretty small area my family is from, but CDA is fairly large, fun, lots to do there, and North Idaho in general is like a southern state that broke off and floated north so be ready for big trucks, cowboy boots, country music, and right-wing politics.

>here’s your 18% tip for handing me a drink
Is there anything fun to do here that doesn’t cost a fortune or that is even free for that matter? I’m sick of paying to do literally anything here.
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most honorable chink
Yeah they bought their technology and health care with them and also signed treaties so that indigenous people get government handouts to this day that white canadians pay taxes towards to.

Despite claiming that all of their land was stolen, most of the canadian population lives near the american border while indigenous people have land called the reserves that they have and do nothing but drink, do drugs and get involved with crime amongst each other and assault any white canadian that comes to help them through work.

They say it's the white man that's keeping them down but there are non white canadians (either first gen or multiple generations) who are doing quite well (dare I say better than the average white canadian) because they actually paid attention and graduated grade school and didn't major in stupid shit for post secondary education. Makes you think that maybe the problems that indigenous people have is because of indigenous people and not because of white canadians that work 40-80 hour weeks and pay taxes into the welfare system that indigenous people benefit from.

Seeing how there's many immigrants coming into this country, white canadians won't be blamed for all of these problems anymore because in a few generations, they just simply won't be around. Will asians and east indians have the same kind of white guilt white canadians have or will they not give a shit about the plight of indigenous people? I guess indigenous people will have to find something else to bitch about when that happens I guess.

I don't wish harm on them and some of them do alright in life (I grew up on the prairies and made friends with a few of them), but some people just can't be helped if they don't want to help themselves. This can be said for white (or any other people) who do nothing but drink and do drugs everyday.

I'm sure that if muslims, asians, east indians or jews came here first, they would have signed treaties and given you guys gov handouts also?
Natives sit around all day drinking and doing drugs. Their population collapsed from smallpox and has actually grown massively since 1900. It was practically virgin land once Europeans came to North America.
Also MUH NATIVES is retarded since I doubt natives want to get flooded by pajeets and chinks.
When I was last visiting Montreal I remember seeing all the inuits harassing people outside of train stations. Taking a bus saw a young inuit father in his early 20s completely pissed drunk right in front of his toddler, his grandparents/great aunts right next to him. There's so few natives in BC I forgot how they act. Doing hard drugs in front of their 2 year olds is acceptable to these people. Somehow this is white peoples' fault.
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>All the disparagimg comments about white Canadians (they're rude, lazy, homeless, etc...) are made by a pajeets projecting to make themselves look better by comparison

But it's true, anon.

95% of the homeless population in Canada is white. 5% native Indian.

White people are obnoxious, rude, passive aggressive (same for poojeets too), unpleasant to work with like poojeets.

The poojeet is becoming the overlord, as he's buying the franchises (Tim Hortons, Mcdonalds, Subway sandwiches), apartments, gas stations.

White Canadians get priced out of owning the homes. They can't rent apartments, since jeets only rent to jeets.

White Canadians teens can't even get jobs since the poojeet only hire other poojeets.

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Where should I go and what should I see? Good places to meet people too? Anyone want to hang out next week?

Can not speak a word of Greek
visit israel, you can go to gaza and shoot children for 20 shekels
If you want to meet people in Greece you are better off staying at a hostel. Unless you if are very good looking or rich, Greeks won't be interested in meeting a foreigner, they have large friend cliques called pareas. So if you are a solo traveler you are not going to be made part of their large clique. And even if you are rich and attractive and are somehow welcomed by a large group of Greeks, do you expect them to all speak English with you?

One of the things I recommend to do in Greece, is beyond tourist kistch shit try stuff that will be expensive in your country but cheaper in Greece. I try to load up on massages because it is much cheaper. I try to check up more.gr(formerly Viva) for heavy metal concerts, plays and standup(but I know Greek to understand the latter). I've gotten mountain biking lessons in Athens because it is much cheaper for instruction than in the USA.
Some good brothels in north athens

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Estonia is basically Finland-lite, not sure why it's considered "Baltic"
That's irrelevant, because either way it's better than Lithuania
im originally from lithuania but ive never been to latvia in my life
from what i hear riga is a lot nicer than vilnius
Riga is pretty comfy. I've seen people in here say they're rude but I didn't have that experience. Although customs asked me a lot of information on where I was going. Like wanting to see in google maps the address and show my reservation
Same shit happened to me when I was passing through Finland, it was my first time ever travelling to Europe and I was scared shitless. Almost missed my flight lol

Do MOST people in japan really wear masks MOST of the time? That's kinda lame, I like looking at people's faces
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They should all wear Burqas. Stop half assing it.
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
weak bait
>Do MOST people in japan really wear masks MOST of the time?
Yes, if you are for some reason stuck in years 2021-2022.
I hope you can escape it and join us in 2024, when that doesn't happen anymore. Before and after covid maybe like 5% people wear masks.
its a shinobi (ninja) culture, you can see it represented in a lot of the media / art that comes out of the country. think about how popular naruto and shows like that were here and now multiply that by 100, that's Japan

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it's ok but I won't go back there (I lived in Kazakhstan for almost two decades)
Where did you move to? Are you Kazakh?

if you can't speak Russian you can't function there
Are their accents hard to understand? Russian is my second language but I'm hardly fluent, how similar are their accents to Russians?

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Planning on trying to visit Egypt in late May to early June. I know I need a visa and my passport is up to date, but is there anything else I should be aware of or reserve before going? Or is the situation in the bordering countries too intense? No itinerary yet either. I appreciate any help.
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I did an emo tours private tour through Cairo which was fantastic and got a driver to take me through the Sinai where I stayed the night in Saint Catherine's and then crossed the border into Israel.

My advice is to get out of Cairo ASAP. Absolutely awful polluted city. See the museum, the pyramids, old Cairo and gtfo.
Do need to pre-apply for a visa using the governments online site or do I just get it when I arrive in Egypt? I’m American, is there a chance I get denied?
Americans and most people eligible for eVisa can do both.
>Private tour was fantastic
>Advises people to gtfo the city asap
I recall purchasing a visa on arrival, though you can likely apply for a visa in advance, too.

>I’m American, is there a chance I get denied?
You can be issued a visa and denied entry upon arrival. In either case, you'd likely have to raise several red flags to have this happen.

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Vagabonds, bums, penny-pinchers, hobo roleplayers, poors, et al.
Discuss tips, travels, experiences etc. on minimizing travel expenses, both domestic and abroad.
I'll start off with some stuff I've picked up on my travels

>people at hostels often leave food and drinks unattended
>very easy to take and leave if you're not coming back
>walked into a hostel in madrid at 2am and just slept on a chair
>woke up at 7am when people were in the lounge doing stuff but nobody said a word

for the US specifically I don't really have much besides the whiter the neighborhood the easier it is to shoplift (if you just take food even if you get caught nothing will happen)
Based thread.
>reset MAC address to get past internet wifi restrictions
>learn how to pack into carry on and 1 bag properly
>buy a lunchbox, head to supermarket, and make packed lunches
>use Wikivoyage to get advice on cheap ways to airports
>in UK, travel on trains after midnight when barriers are open
>do lots of hiking. you'll want to eat and booze less.
In some countries where the trains don't have gates you can usually do one of the following:
>riding the first few stops for free by pretending to be on the wrong train when the ticket inspector comes by and getting off a the next stop "to catch the right train"
>riding the last few stops for free by buying a ticket for a shorter distance and actively seeking out the ticket inspector at the beginning of the trip
>ride on sold-out trains with no ticket or a ticket for a later train and not speaking the local language or English

Never pay for a toilet in a city, head to the nearest upscale mall instead and use theirs.
Office buildings usually have a shower room in the basement somewhere, sneaking in while dressed in workout clothes and a duffel bag is easier than you think.
No need to buy water at airports, bring an empty bottle and fill it up after the checkpoint.
If your flight is overbooked (i.e. the airline does not sell any more tickets for the flight) and you aren't in a rush, ask the gate agent about volunteering for a later flight: You can get cash, vouchers and even hotel stays for just waiting.
You can ask for seconds on long-distance flights with meal service, if they have leftover trays, they'll bring them to you after the main service.
Buy duty free at airport and ask for a bag (non alcoholic so they don't seal it). Then put some of your luggage in there to max out your '''personal item'''.

Is Bath worth a visit or is it a tourist trap?
It's worth a day trip, very touristy though.
Worth a trip if you are into history, and is a handy place from which to then go see the stuff on the Salisbury plane.
That's whole area is boring. Nice to live there I guess but no reason to visit
Egregiouy expensive but definitely sorth a weekend. It's the York of the south west.
how do you travel? its a quaint area to wander around with the town core having lots of tourists

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What places have you visited, or want to, that you'd describe as a shithole, whether endearingly or not
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>Sana'a, Yemen
I assume any American going here would have a significant chance of being kidnapped and assraped and otherwise tortured and humiliated for propaganda and morale purposes, and that's a real bummer because I too would like to visit Arabia Felix.
As far as places I've visited that can be described as shitholes I'd say
>Santo Domingo
>Jackson, MS
>New Orleans, LA
>Baton Rouge, LA
>really most cities in the South
>Cleveland Ohio
>most rustbelt cities
>Any city in Eastern Europe outside of the city center
>>Jackson, MS
Can confirm.
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Flyovers getting uppity today
I've walked around Shymkent alone in the middle of the night, no problem.

Mid 20s, got laid off this week. No job lined up, unemployment and severance paying me for the time being. Leaving for Spain tomorrow for two weeks (planned this months ago) but I'm thinking about what I could do when I get back. I realize being in this position is rare and freeing and not many people get the opportunity. I want to take advantage of it while I can, explore the states or go on some more trips. Take my car out west for a few weeks and explore the national parks, camp, and explore around. What would you do?
>What would you do?
sell all my furniture
move to Thailand
train muay thai
Honestly? I would enjoy Spain for two weeks, and the when I got home, sell all my shit and move to Texas or New York or something.
Been having similar thoughts for a couple weeks. 27, bullshit tech job I wanna quit, nothing tying me down except a 1600/mo apt lease that expires in early June. Plenty of money saved. My first idea is a US national park tour from Memorial Day until October and try to land a job somewhere I could give a shit about in the meanwhile.
The problem is you can’t save enough money to last you as long as you’d need to live the life not tied down now. You can’t get an Airbnb, a short term lease, or even a used car with low mileage. You’re screwed without an income and buying on credit because everything is so expensive.

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