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Nikko Bridge edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR is going to adjust the prices for the pass soon, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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Add me too. Fat Chinese dude kept rubbing up against me.
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uh, bro, try a bit more elegance and class OK?
if you know japanese/an instrument I highly recommend "openmic subculture anime music sessionbar ROCINANTE" in shinjuku 2-chome, no it's not a gay bar but it's got a great vibe, drinks aren't too expensive but the owner is no glass of god and can't even make an old fashioned but regulars often come in to practice and play music and sing and it's often basic anime songs you can join in on if you are brave.
The better Captcha
I'll try to turn the mood around...
A couple of girls like an Instagram post of mine

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Post the downsides of living in the midwest
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Totally unacceptable if 23 years old or older.
I've spent the last 2.5 years traveling around the US - digital nomad that sleeps in hotels. Its not that bad if you stick around areas with hot springs.

Des Moines Iowa is like going to modern China compared to the rest of the country. People are super nice. Wages are good and housing is cheap. No pot holes, cheap and good restaurants, clean safe and VERY PROSPEROUS. The last good place in the US generally speaking.

Illinois taxes suck but the rural towns are really nice and homey and you'll find homey bars right in the neighborhoods next to houses.

Pizza is amazing.

I live in WA and I was only in Iowa for 15 minutes when I made a bro friend in a hotel parking lot. DO NOT MOVE TO WA.
>don't try to make friends too hard. That's how I've gotten myself into fights
What the ,FUCK, is their problem !?
>Young, attractive women will generally leave as soon as they're old enough to go to college
So do they all flee to the nearest college that has student housing?
Envious of >>2655042 for having a good relationship with their parents. Your father(s) resent you.

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I am becoming obsessed with staying at Bungalow 3/4 at the Chateau Marmont in LA. I don't even like Hollywood or celebrity culture, I just love these bungalows. Has anyone ever been here?
even comfier image
I've been for a drink. I can tell you all you can here is traffic sounds in that image

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Russia gets a couple million tourists each year and we hear about one or two being used as a political prisoner for using weed or spying. If youre going there for tourism you'll be fine. Just don't do anything illegal. Not a hard thing to do
>butthurt belt
Not for long (unfortunately)
>Implying you're not describing Russia
what about visa?

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I have travelled a bit here and there and experienced some really cool stuff. But now I want to do something really special and exciting. Something I will talk about until I die, remembering the experience, but I have no idea what could give me that feel. I want something unique that most people will never dare to experience. Not something like swimming with sharks, go parachuting, bungie jumping or other stuff like that.

Any ideas?

Pic related it's forsen
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>But now I want to do something really special and exciting. Something I will talk about until I die, remembering the experience
get a good job doing something you are passionate about
meet a partner
have a loving relationship
set up home together
have children
bring them up to be creative individuals, nurture their talents, set them on a good path to live their own lives
grow old together
die knowing you have lived a good life

there ya go anon hope that helps
Visit Afghanistan and be bros with the Taliban like lord miles

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UNDERRATED - not rated or valued highly enough

This doesn't mean it has to be the greatest thing ever, simply better than it is typically considered to be.

I'll start with pic related. A few years ago I did a road trip and my gf and I at the time were going to skip it and last second I said let's chill in the area and do a day of Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and wind caves before going to Badlands. I thought "I know Mt. Rushmore is going to suck but I figure I have to see it if I'm here."

And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how cool it was. The drive up was nice and the views of the portraits were great on the window road. Then when you approach the monuments it's a very grand walkway with all the state flags I liked. And the monuments up close in person are actually pretty cool, I thought I'd get the gist in a second but I did all the mini-hikes around them and seeing them in different angles was awesome.

I've heard stories of road trippers skipping this place to be hipster but I feel like it's well worth it if you're in the area. Not only that you can stay in Custer or Hot Springs and see Crazy Horse and the Wind Caves it's a quaint area. I seriously don't get the hate this place gets. It's not like the most spectacular thing and I wouldn't come here ONLY for rushmore. But if you're in SD or passing through on a road trip it seems insane to not go.
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He means cooming as in picking up girls not paying for girls like a degenerate
VERY based list anon. I haven't been to all your listed countries but to the ones I have been I agree completely.
Locals didn't strike me as smart but in comparison India seemed to have lower IQ people in general.
a lot of Canada looks like that too.
outside of major cities it's mostly strip malls and dollar stores/walmarts off of highway exits, trucks everywhere.
cars really killed people's brains and sense of beauty.
>Underrated for cooming: India
I would say Malaysia for similar reasons probably. Lots of poojetas here and I doubled my low body count there with ease by just using dating apps.

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i saved up 20 thousand to blow on my vacations. should i go to dubai or paris?
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Go to dubai and just chill, go shopping, have nice dinners.

Paris isn't worth it anymore, full of migrants, niggers, arab kids who will mug you in the champs elysees, and parisians are the most insufferable cunts there is.

That and 3/4 of the restaurants will charge you top dollar for microwaved sous vide shit and coffee shops/bakeries will serve you frozen croissants while larping they are home made.

You jelly bruh. The White man mogs you.
Why would you go to the worst city in Europe? At least pick Rome for the love of god.
spent like 6k on a two person 2 week japan vacation, we stayed in good hotels too.
Amazing but be careful around winter. The cold fronts and wind chill will mean zero time outside.

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I hate the tacky coalburner vibe of Dubai but the more remote resorts in places like UAE, Saudi and Qatar look incredible. Is the desert fun and worth seeing?
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>t. hit a nerve
I stayed at Qasr Al Sarab in the Liwa desert a few years back. The Dune filming cast stayed here on two occasions. I have two pieces of advice:

- don’t go during sandstorm season as being outside is practically unbearable, specifically in May.

- The resort can be subject to the whims of the royal family as they have a compound in the same desert space as the resort. This means that they can complete construction 24/7, close tourist attractions, and otherwise implement their will without any thought to the tourism experience.

We had a private tour with a young falcon and her handler at 6AM which was pretty cool.

Bring closed toe footwear for the formal dining restaurant.
is it as beautiful as the promo pictures make it seem?
yes. some very fancy ones.

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Anybody here done this before? My mom died recently and I want to move to a new state. How do you find a new place to call home?
Sorry to hear about your mom. Grieving just takes time.
America is vast and diverse. By the end of your trip you will have multiple places you'll be interested in moving too. I hope you find what you're searching for, friend.
Sorry about your mom that's got to be hard :( Wish you and your family well.

As to your question it really depends on what your interests are. Are you a big outdoorsy kind? Are you looking for a city to live/work in? Do you work remote and can live anywehre? To what degree is money a concern, etc.

It'll be hard to hit all 48 states and really take in what they have to offer, especially if you're on a tight time frame. If you have a lot of time on your hands then I'd make a really rough plan and hit the road. You'll have the freedom to more deeply explore places you like. I've done quite a few road trips and some of my favorite memories come from driving aimlessly through backroads and finding places I would have never hit if I didn't give myself time, even days, to kill and explore. But having a rough plan will keep you on track a bit which is nice.
I'm sorry for your loss, Anon.

At the end of the day you need to be able to put food on the table and carve out a living. Not to Hitler-poast but a country's greatest asset is it's people, and America has quite an array of potential communities to integrate into. Try to strike up genuine conversations at bars or whatever and figure out if people match your vibe. Upbringing and genetics (Anglo vs Germanic vs Irish vs Italian vs. Scandi) matters a lot more than we admit in 2024. Again, the correct answer will be very personal to you.

Good luck, I hope you find peace and live the life she would have wanted for you.

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Hello, I am from Maryland and I want to drive to the Grand Canyon. Maybe see the hover dam along the way.

I got:
10 days off
a decent budget
a good car
a tent (might be sleeping in my car)
and I'm going alone.

Yes I'm a massive neet. I've gone out and traveled before but mainly for work or within the tri state area, never across time zones. What's the best route to take? Anything else to see along the way? What should I be wary of traveling for so long alone?

I like cozy cultures, not a big fan of population. I will go out of my way for local museums. if you know any model railway places I'd be down.

I'll be leaving mid May
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I definitely recommend a west coast only loop. But if you're really considering a coast to coast route, it the same distance and time from Maryland to LA as it from Maryland to Seattle. The Seattle drive has a lot more to do.

Maryland-Pittsburgh-Cedar Point Ohio-Chicago-Rapid City (mount rushmore)-Deadwood-Bozeman-Missoula-Coeur d'Alene-Seattle.
retard boomer alert. Huntington Beach is a fucking trash can. Laguna, Crystal Cove, San Clemente, La jolla all beauftiful socal areas. Huntington hasnt been nice for 40 years.

Also vegas lol. lmao even
That anon is a fucking clown. Only thing he got right are the national parks
Fly to Vegas and rent a car to maximize your time spent out west. The route out there is a boring slog. The West is the best, ignore the flat and gay Midwest.
Also, go the desert southwest first, see GC, Utah national parks, then go to the mountains and Colorado to cool off because it will be hot as shit. Fly out of Denver. Vegas to Denver isn't a big distance on a map, but taking curvy desert mountain back roads will make for a shit load of driving for two weeks.
Their are a lot of faggy closeted Mormons who dislike Vegas because they're afraid that they won't get a planet when they die if they drink alcohol on the strip or put $10 into a slot machine.

With that said, Vegas one of the most unique cities you will ever visit and is absolutely mandatory if you're driving across the US. Huntington Beach is fine to use as a base. There are almost zero options for hotels in Crystal Cove or San Clemente, and Laguna can get very expensive because they don't allow Airbnbs and the few local hotels on the beach have a monopoly. Huntington Beach has some larger hotels and cheaper motel options. It's also has a better bar scene and a younger crowd. I live 10 minutes from Laguna Beach. If you go out down there, everyone is 50+ and it's expensive as shit.

What are the "types" of people you always see traveling?
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Damn bro, you didn't have to call me out like that.
>the fresh n fit black passport bro trying to run game on local woman, who are trying to politely extract themselves from his presence and not lose face in the process
Dont worry bro, I called myself out too. Stopped drinking since begining of 2023 and it is the only worthwhile choice I have made in last several years.
>people talking loudly near me is audible rape
>taking all your women
the whores and trannies, kek

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Booked a week long trip to PDC at an all inclusive for mid May. Anything to know about the area? Im a 23M who passes for Latino and went a few times with senpai but this is my first time solo
You could have gone anywhere but chose a fucking resort. Cmon man. Anyway have a fun time anon

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I just moved to Australia and everything revolves around America. Everyone is ‘woke’, everyone wears American clothes, baseball caps, nba jerseys, idolizing American rap, their women fetishize niggers because American media brainwashed them to, their youths think they’re African American gangsters, they all obsess over American movies, wherever you go, you see “McDonalds”, “Chicago style bar” “Bourbon St Pub” “American Burger” etc., yet they all criticize the states? White Aussies pander to Indians. White guys get with Asian girls way more than white women.

I’m Dutch but I grew up in the states for a while, so I’ll defend America and say it’s better than this shit, but they get all offended over it? Melbournians and Victorians constantly complain about America. They’re obsessed with America but they hate America? Australia is just a fucking desert surrounded by shithole boglands. They’re like British people, what gives?
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Living in a rural (but not Aboriginal heavy) area of Queensland at the moment and it's pretty great as long as you don't mind there not being a huge culinary selection when you want to eat out somewhere. Everybody hates the cities.
I'm European and I'm just back from Australia. Odd that you say that. It's very unlike the U.S. which I visited a few years back.
Flag on the right

>Someone bent over and showing you their asshole

Yup, that's Australia
I am currently in the US and I thought it was somehow less woke than many parts of Europe lmao.
>Gets assaulted by abos for not giving them a cigga(you don't smoke)
>Gets stabbed by a meth head (he's the local mayor)
Yeah nah

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Which area did you visit? Did it seem like the economy was doing better?
How's the food situation?
I'm Irish
I visited Kabul, Mazar and some smaller cities. The economy is not doing pretty bad and the gov corruption cycle continues with the taliban. Unemployment is high and unrest is growing. Won’t be surprised by a civil war happening soon.
Food is really good since there is no Jews processing the shit out of ingredients.Kebab stands in every street corner and the food is extremely cheap for an American with dollars.

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Going to Austin tonight with some buddies. Any recommendations on where to go or do for one night? I know there are comedy clubs and small music shows.
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Go home
Austin is the only place in Texas worth visiting besides big bend
>Going to Austin tonight
Anon, I'm so sorry...
cinco de mayo is pretty fun when you don't have some hipster faggot in your ear telling you it's not Mexico's independence day or w/e
I'm correct

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