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I'm considering travelling around the US, getting McJobs in whatever city I'm staying in to pay for a cheap furnished rental, and then quitting without saying anything and doing the same thing in the next city.
Has anyone done this? Any advice?
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Reckon you could use your mom's address for your important mail, car registration, etc. You probably do already, kek.
>furnished rental
Keep in mind that your outlays will exceed incoming funds for quite a while after settling in if you go the monthly rental route. $800/month plus deposit is the going rate in the economically prospering parts of America for a furnished room with shared kitchen. My brother pays that much for his room in Raleigh, NC. I pay my boss $500/month for my one-bedroom apartment and have been poorfag maxxing since I got here, but even so I currently have less money than when I started working four weeks ago, and the second month's rent is already due next Thursday. By the six week point, my second paycheck will drop and push me into the black, and from there on forward it's cash-stacking time.
As this anon says, you need to be good with money management to make sure you aren't leaving each job poorer than when you arrived.
BTW managers and assistant managers in park resorts get their own private rooms, it's probably the #1 perk of getting the title as the pay increase won't be all that much.
I have no (living) family I keep in touch with which is part of why I'm doing this, I was just going to use a mailing service like ipostal1 for mail or a po box if that address isn't accepted on something
financially I have a decent cushion I'm sitting on, nothing major but enough that I'll be comfortable for the better part of a year even without work
I did have an offer for a ski resort with housing but I shrimply cannot get behind sharing a bathroom when I'm an absolute shitmachine
>managers and assistant managers in park resorts get their own private rooms,
now this intrigues me but I imagine the role is hard to get, I did hold a management position at a chain coffee shop but I dunno how much weight that carries
>I have enough to be comfortable for a year
Then why not just go to the third world?
If you want to work on your gay start-up, do it in a place where your monthly expenses will always stay below 1000$ while living in luxury
>blacklisted from every job
Your best bet anon is get a lease somewhere for a year and then just give them two weeks before your lease ends. You’ll usually end up with a little more than a years worth of exp, references, good standing, and all that shit.
Why not work as a contractor? Say as a welder or something? They go place to place all the time

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Redpill me on Jakarta
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This hasn’t been my experience. I may have been lucky, but I’ve been to those places a handful of times when I was there with government connections. These are the hotels where every girl is ostensibly there for a night out, but is really working, and it’s simply a matter of buying her a drink, some pleasantries and then asking her home (often you negotiate the price the next morning kek). It’s pretty surreal walking in there and knowing you have your pick, because if you didn’t know any better, it really would seem like a typical up-market bar.

Anyway, it’s always been full of westerners when I went, all working men with connections, and it was never an issue. Granted this was 10 years ago so maybe it’s changed.
Btw for what it’s worth I can’t remember which hotel specifically, but it all happens in mega-kunigan, around where all the embassies are.
best area to stay in Jakarta? any good luxury condo?
I just checked Airbnb prices and wew lad those are expensive
Why can't you use the metro?
>impossible to walk anywhere
>there is not much walking there at all
LMAO what, your legs simply stop functioning over there? Of course you can explore Jakarta on foot, just gotta keep an ear out for larger vehicles approaching from behind when you're on the narrow streets. Everywhere I look on Street View, there are people walking down the street in the poorer parts of the city, nice sidewalks in the more affluent areas.
I don't think Jarkarta is completely unwalkable, Jakarta is hot, noisy and polluted so walking there is shit. But it does lack sidewalks outside of main streets and drivers are some of the worst in the world.

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Is the Netherlands even worth visiting if you're not into drugs or sex?
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>Aren’t Ukie girls cute though?
Yes, they're some of the best, but you can find them anywhere in Europe, I try my best to buy local wherever I'm traveling. I haven't really looked into it, but I bet you could find some Dutch girls in more local brothels or as independent escorts, the main red light district is just a tourist trap
its one big suburb surrounded by farmland
No stay away.
The Netherlands is full. Overfilled with browns.
We got some cool engineering shit. I once hosted an American buddy of mine and showed him some stuff around the port of Rotterdam. What I consider to be basic infrastructure, he declared to be a wonder of the modern world.
great place to go and get euthanized by your own government for "depression" even if you are a healthy 28 year old

>barely mentioned in popular culture
>whitests white people
>mormons everywhere
>CIA/NSA headquarters

how is living here outside the big cities?
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due to immigrants
Almost 2 weeks into being a Florida man, after leaving Utah.

Theres a few things I never notice as being unique about Utah till I leave the state.
-humidity is way higher almost everywhere in the country lol. Never seen a hot+humid day in utah my whole life
-lottery / gambling is very prevalent outside UT
-alcohol is sold everywhere outside UT
-SLC goes to bed quite early. its hard to have some peace and quiet in some big cities...
Then give there and don't come back, faggot. The internet has no need of your pointless whining.
>Bentonite hills, little wild horse, moon overlook, cainesville mesa hikes, goblin park, dirtbikes in factory butte
Thank you!
Drove in almost every state in the US and the only time I've come close to having to use my gun was in Salt Lake City. Some tweakers pulled up and tried to break into my car while I was sitting inside of it.

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Traveling alone, while often romanticized as a path to self-discovery or adventure, can be an emotionally draining and deeply isolating experience for many. The reality of solo travel, especially for those who don’t naturally thrive on solitude, can feel depressing, soul-crushing, humiliating, and profoundly anti-social. Far from the empowering, carefree experience it’s often painted to be, traveling alone can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, inadequacy, and alienation in ways that cut deep into one’s emotional and mental well-being.The Weight of LonelinessLoneliness is perhaps the most pervasive emotion when traveling alone. While solitude can be refreshing in small doses, it takes on a different meaning when you’re in an unfamiliar place with no one to share your experiences. The excitement of seeing new places quickly fades when there’s no one to talk to about them. Simple activities, like sitting in a café or exploring a museum, which would be delightful when shared, feel strangely hollow when done alone. There’s no banter, no shared laughs, no collective memories. Just you, isolated in your own thoughts, without a meaningful connection to tether you to the world around you.In these moments, the lack of companionship becomes painfully apparent. The silence is deafening, not in the peaceful way that some crave, but in a way that amplifies your awareness of just how alone you truly are. While solo travelers are surrounded by crowds of people—other tourists, locals, families, couples—they remain disconnected, merely floating through the world without meaningful engagement. The experience becomes less about the destination and more about enduring the overwhelming sense of being adrift, unanchored to anyone or anything
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this thread lives rent free in your head
>friend who wanted to come is secretly a poorfag making excuses as to why can't do X today
How tf do you not know if your friends are poorfags? do you not discuss budgets beforehand?

Even the rest of your complaints. You speak like a man who's never had a friend in his live. I don't care if you travel solo or not. But you sound highly antisocial.

You clearly responded to chatgtp bait. The fact your om here at all socializing with other so called loners proves chatgtp right btw. You felt attacked by this AI. You felt the instinctive urge to defend yourself. It shows that you still care about what others think about you despite your claims to the contrary.
4chan isn't socializing, anon. My brain is loose as a goose with ideas. I shit out paragraphs of philosophy with more regularity than I drop physical turds. Keeps my mind clear and harmoniously sorted.
How much of what I'm reading was done by chat-gp ?
90% of 4chanel

Is this a good place to spend christmas?
The whole place will be packed at Christmas. The wintery aesthetic and skiing with everything all lit up and decorated can be cozy and fun, but you’ll be dealing with extra long lift lines, crowded restaurants and shops, etc
What are some good Christmas tourism spots in USA? I've never had a white Christmas as a Floridian. I'm guessing NYC would be cool with the big tree and the Rockettes but if there was some quiet small northeastern town thatd be better
Have you been Lapland?
It's too expensive for what you get. You'd stay in a basic hotel/motel for $200 a night. Plus, you'd have to fly in and then commute up to the mountain. If you ski, that's $200/day for a lift ticket and then the cost of renting a board or skis. By the time you spend all that money, you could have flown to Europe and done the xmas markets for half the price.

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>do my first self-transfer
>first flight gets delayed by 1h30
>whole trip has to be cancelled
>don't get refunded on any of the flights except the first one
haha this sucks
>whole trip has to be cancelled
You didn't even try to find another flight to your destination? You didn't buy the stupid trip insurance that those booking sites are always pushing?
This is exactly why I didn't go for one of those temptingly cheap multi-carrier tickets to Southeast Asia. Too much risk of something going wrong with the short layovers and a frequently delayed domestic flight, and I didn't want to spend 16 hours lounging around airports just to be on the safe side.
If you book a route through an airline, they should make every effort to ensure their passengers don't miss a connection due to a delay, particularly if it is a heavily traveled route. Taking off with dozens of empty seats while leaving dozens of angry passengers behind would be reputational suicide for an airline.
That's my very specific nightmare; sorry that happened to you. Crazy how comparison sites are now pushing these frankenstein itineraries when I used to think I was the only person crazy enough to try to cobble them together. If you're gonna take the risk, at least get the insurance they try to sell you at booking; it should cover this kind of fuckup.
Next time take the 8hr transit buffer, idiot.
If you do self-transfers you shouls get refundable tickets or ones that allow changes.

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I spent a week up there starting out in Fairbanks and hitting up Talkeetna, Kenai, Seward, Valdez, and Delta Junction on the way ending again in Fairbanks. Wound up spending around 2k to maybe 2.5 for the trip.


More details and pictures incoming
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Interesting photos. Thanks for sharing.

I particularly enjoyed it myself. Would highly recommend, maybe not in winter though...shit got Hellishly cold (living out of the van until I got to Anchorage and the FEET of snow hit making it retarded to even drive (Astrovan, full bed in back with weighted blanket, slept like a king.))

Juneau was super quaint and homely.

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Let's have another /trv/ whitepill general. I am tired of the same 3 anons saying its all over because their bar girls cost 15$ more or seeing non sub5 men in their shithole. I'll start
>most normies go to the same tourist hotspots
>if you are creative and not a total coom brain you can have in a variety of places
>social media has already reached peak saturation and can't really make the situation worse than it already is
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Lived in Vietnam for four years. You'll fucking love it there. Cheap, decent weather, decent women, decent people in general. Good food. China's alright as well.
>can't really make the situation worse than it already is
The idea that the world is complete shit, but it's ok because it can't get anymore shit than it is, is absolutely blackpilled, anon.
>social media has already reached peak saturation and can't really make the situation worse than it already is
The counterargument to this is that it's the absolute worst of the worst that aren't online yet and when they finally get iphones and tiktok in Haiti, Congo and Papua New Guinea you'll long for the good old days of 2024
What these old doomposters are missing, anon, is the novelty factor. Being treated like a star, the center of attention for an entire village merely for being a white man, likely the first one the kids have ever seen. That reaction of curiosity and wonder doesn't exist any more in the digital age. People glance at you, then return to whatever they were doing before. Your existence is nothing special to them.

Of course, if you've never had the "White God" experience, you can't long for it like the doomers do. If you're introverted you may even prefer the freedom of being able to do your own thing in the street without being harassed. Eat a meal in a local restaurant and be treated no different from anyone else. Polite, indifferent hospitality - nothing more.
This is why these doomers say "every place feels the same", because they can go to Lawrence, Kansas and get the same kind of polite indifferent hospitality they get in Lampang, Thailand. Of course, the truth is that these doomers are self-absorbed little shits who can't cope with the reality that they are, in fact, nothing special.
funny you mention Lawrence KS. Last time I was there, the locals drive worse SEA monkeys!

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Once again I find myself at a hotel, at 01:00 AM, starving to death
Sounds like a skill issue
Have you considered purchasing food?
walk the halls and steal someone's room service
Every little travel hiccup is always a monumental crisis with these frogposters.

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Anyone ever traveled to Antarctica? How was it?

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Right now considering Beijing => Xi'an => Zhangjiajie => Shanghai. Around 2 weeks total.
Never been to China, are there any things I need to know beforehand, or watch out for? I know about all the local apps and the fact that some of the western websites/apps won't work.
Are there any other places you'd recommend I visited? I can still very much change my plan.
Also could you recommend any performances in China? I'd like to see some traditional theatre, music or festivals (probably not gonna happen, since there is no holiday when I'm going).
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Reason I say Luoyong is it's supposedly the oldest continuously inhabited city in China and one of the ancient capitals. It has Longmen Grottoes, Shaolin Temple, and one of the best preserved old cities of any major city in China. The local food is also very good and it's not as touristy as Xian. It is in Henan though which has some of the worst air pollution in China but as long as you go during summer before they start turning the heating on it the air quality should be tolerable.
By the way, what apps do you need in China? I saw people meniotning wechat as a replacement for whatsapp, but it apparently requires you to get some approval from a person who has had the app for half a year to get verified? What the fuck is this garbage?
Sounds like China.
You have not known hell until you've tried to register on some Chinese forum.
Haven't been there yet but from what I read you'll at least need Wechat because they use it for payments almost exclusively, most places don't take cash, from my understanding there are dedicated stands on airports that help you set it up quickly. Other than that you should get Baidu maps and Waygo or any other translator that works in China.
Some other quality of life apps are: Didi Chuxing (equivalent to Uber), Klook (booking platform), MetroMan China and Dazhong Dianping (restaurant reviews).
I hope someone who's been to China can confirm this and add some other tips.
> Zhangjiajie

Jiuzhaigou is better. Sichuan, Yunnan and Qinghai are the best parts of China

It's been a week of soft stool one to twice a day. Normally my stool is "healthy" once a day

I'm only drinking bottled water. I'm eating yogurt, salty food. Drinking lots of water.
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I was not eating cheap food. It started with the airline food
Once or twice a day isn't too bad. Stop eating yoghurt for a few days and avoid milk and cheese. Also go light on the fruit. Eat a light bland diet for 5 days and then gradually introduce some fermented foods such as sauerkraut, pickles or apple cider vinegar. Alternatively after 5 days you can consider taking a probiotic supplement. Drink plenty of water.
imagine shitting while on vacation lmao couldn't be me
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>shit assimilating traveller, the final form of /trv
Scary, yet somewhat amazing.
1.buy a yogurt as soon as you land, it usually have local bacterial flora that will help you with local food/water
2. >30% (better >40%, best 70%) alkohol, you do not need to drink a lot, just a 50ml-100ml shoot on daily basis. If its bacterial (which traveller stomach issues is in 99% of the time) it will help you and you will feel better after few minutes. If you have nausea be careful tho.
3.dont drink, floss with local water, this includes ice in drinks. Even shit like wetting your toothbrush can fuck you up. Drink only bottled up drinks.
4. If you really want drugs any antibacterial stomach help will do.

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Discuss everything related to visiting the greatest country on Earth here.
Old thread: >>2690884
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anyone knows if there are insurances that might lower the financial risks in case of an accident?
Don't risk it. Thais are reckless drivers, and if you end up banging wheels and getting into even a fender bender, you're fucked as a farang with no license. This isn't America lmao.
been driving on the wrong lane of a tunisian highway
i may give driving unlicensed in thailand a try
lots of ppl reportedly do it anyway
>What's your experience driving around thailand without an international driving license?
>I'm european
Do you not have something like AAA
in Europe? That's where I got my "international driving license" which is really just a paper booklet in several languages and your photo and an official signature saying your regular license is legit. It was really just 30 minutes of paperwork and waiting around to get it, there's nothing to really do for it. You'll get checked for it in some places in Thailand for sure, they were doing checkpoints everyday in Phuket.
If you're staying long term you can get international driver license in many places. Visa/travel agencies can help you, but it might be like 8k thb.

You're fucked if you get into a wreck no matter what. It doesn't matter if you weren't at fault. Thai justice system ruthlessly exploits and fucks farang unless it's an egregious high profile case where they want to show they are protecting tourism or something.

Drive carefully. Also be aware if you can simply leave a low speed fender bender

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I bought a GoPro 12 Hero that I'd like to use to document my travels and save memories in video format. Was it a good idea? I'd like to buy a shoulder mount as well to make it easier to begin recording and have a POV angle. Did anyone buy a GoPro or a similar device for this kind of thing? Any recommendations on how to best use it?
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I don’t really shoot video while I travel, but I impulse-bought one of the waterproof GoPro models some years ago to use while snorkeling; have gotten some nice fish footage and shots from it. Not very expensive, easy enough to use. Satisfied.

On land, I mounted it on a bike helmet for a little while, to document bike rides; it was fun but felt pretty dorky. If I ever decided to vlog, I imagine I would use it, but I usually don’t feel comfortable shooting strangers. In many places I have visited, people really don’t like randoms taking their pictures; where I live, it’s technically illegal to post images of anyone online without their permission, although I don’t think it’s often enforced.
Scoober, you’ve touched my heart with your passion for scuba diving :)
>what use is there for non-sporty people
Um, anything you might want to get on video? Panoramic train ride scenery. Scenic drives. Picturesque plane landings or takeoffs. Trafficscapes. Markets. Concerts. Tours of impressive shopping malls. Animals. Sex tapes. Whatever. It’s a small dedicated camera that produces higher-def video than most phones and doesn’t take up storage space on another device. I have used mine for snorkeling and biking, but I am not sporty.
Looked into GoPros and camera options this summer. The takeaway I got was GoPros are falling behind in quality and only useful if you're truly using them for very active stuff.
Unfortunate, but best general use camera appears to be iPhones..
Anything cheaper including actual cameras is either hobby retro photography type stuff or substantially lower quality.
Some Costcos have a deal going right now for a Hero 11 for $99. Might be worth going up to Costco to check

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