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I get $1.5K per month in NEETbux (SSDI, specifically) and I am allowed to collect it in foreign countries.
What country should I move to and, specifically, what cities or regions?

Please describe what I could afford with that income.
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>>You can still get the same job even if you're in a western European country - you'll get half the work and 4X the salary as someone doing the exact same job for the exact same company in eastern Europe.
I don't understand why though, the borders are open, I can just move to another country and get 4x the money for no reason?
The borders might be open but nobody is handing out citizenship like candy. They won't give you the same job you had in Georgia or Montenegro or wherever - only for 4 times the money if you show up in Germany. That's reserved for German citizens since nobody will give you a German work permit for a job at a customer service centre. Germans are more rational than that.

If you want to work construction, be a nurse, doctor, electrician or whatever can't be done remotely - then sure, you can just take a plane/bus to Berlin and get a job. If you call ahead you can even sign your contract at a local job agency and get your travel expenses covered.

Half of non-EU Europe is empty, everyone's gone to work in western Europe. I was in Munich recently and heard more of my native language than German on the streets. Once that well dries up, it's mass migration from somewhere outside the continent - or the European economy collapses harder than a Chinese school during a mild earthquake. They tried the middle east and that didn't work out, turns out eastern Euros aren't as lazy and alien as everyone in western Europe liked to complain - at least not compared to people from outside Europe. Tibet and Bangladesh looks promising - very desperate and cheap but with some basic work ethic, they're currently doing a trial run (gotta learn at least a bit from your mistakes) in some smaller EU countries first - Croatia and the like. Germany is also counting on Kenya.
Dude are you ok? I'm obviously talking about Eastern vs Western Europe in the EU?
Look at the map OP posted, half the countries are outside the EU and that's very specifically what I was talking about.

As far as Western vs. Eastern EU is concerned: many people tend to prefer to stay in their country of birth, even if they could make more money elsewhere. Plus there are barriers beyond the right to work: you need to cut your roots back home, find a job and housing to where you're going (try finding an affordable flat in Munich or Paris,) possibly learn a new language, etc. Same reason all of Idaho doesn't simply move to California. There were waves of mass migration as countries got admitted to the EU - but the most recent member was admitted over a decade ago so that, while it is still going on, has tapered down a bit. But it's more or less the same difference: EU eastern Europe is dying more slowly, non-EU eastern Europe is dying faster.
So what's stopping me from getting a job for 4x the money then? Cost of living is less in Germany than it is in Croatia.

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This summer I travelled to a lesser known part of the world, Eastern Turkey.
To be more exact the area around Lake Van and further South close to the Syrian border.

We flew from Europe to Istanbul and without a long layover directly to Van (total duration less than 7h).
There we rented a car and drove around Lake Van. The lake itself is very beautiful and you can swim in it although it feels very strange since it has a very high pH (it feels like soap on your skin). There are old Armenian churches like on the island of Akdamar. We went to see Ararat the highest mountain of Turkey and we hiked the second highest one (Süphan Dagi, 4058m) which is right by Lake Van and offers amazing views on it. Quite a challenging hike though.
Nemrut Crater is another amazing sight, especially for sunrise. There are even brown bears there, but we didn't see any.

The second part of our trip took us further South to Mardin, an ancient city on a hill with churches and mosques. From there we took a trip to the Syrian border and Midyat another ancient city.

There were several military checkpoints during our trip, but they never caused any problems. It is generally very safe, even at the Syrian border. The food is typical Turkish food. Prices are cheap and nobody tries to rip you off because there are barely any Western tourists. People rarely speak English.
I have pictures on my phone so I can't post any right now, but I might later. Just google the places I listed and see for yourself.
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This is all at a high altitude, right? My neighbors here in Colorado have a daughter who spent several years living in Turkey, she enjoyed it but that was before the Turkish economy went to shit.
What was your average daily cost on the ground? Turkish inflation is so bad that prices in USD remain stubbornly high even with a steadily weakening lira. Numbeo's price index shows $9 as typical for an inexpensive restaurant meal, that's $30/day in food alone. Seeing a $44 room near the M11 metro in Istanbul reviewed as "the worst hotel experience of your life" doesn't make me keen on the country one bit...and it's more the rule than the exception at that price point. Most streets look lifeless and desolate, rather decrepit. With value-for-cost as bad as it is in the country, I decided to skip Turkey entirely and continue on to Southeast Asia for my ten-month "vacation" trip.
>Most streets look lifeless and desolate
Istanbul has issues, but that's really not one of them
Yeah, reckon I could've transferred to a city bus which goes to the city center instead of looking into something along the airport metro line.
Georgia offers a much bigger selection of budget rooms in the $20/night price range than Turkey, and it also has plenty of interesting topography to explore. If anything it looks more beautiful than the scrubby aridity of Turkey.
>Just google the places I listed and see for yourself.
kek, so many low-effort travel posters on this forum

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In planning on travelling to Belfast in November for a few days. Anything i should know?
Titanic museum is really well done but buy your ticket(s) well in advance
Add a pixel to your portrait picture in a photo editor, then save it in order not to look like a noob when you post a picture.

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I had written a whole ass long review of my recent trip to Bucharest but my thread failed to upload.

> summary:
Go there, it's an amazing place. Great people (only the women actually), good food (and cheap), interesting history.
Steer clear of taxi drivers.
Sucks when that happens. In the future, don't click the "return to post link" if there is an error. Press your browser's back button, then click "post a reply" or "start a new thread" again. Your old post/thread should magically reappear.
>amazing place

you clearly haven't been to Bucharest

work bringing me to New Orleans for a weekend. not drinking and don't know what to do.
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Also go see the garden district.
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i live here and am sober
food, the best food is uptown imo not the quarter
just experience bourbon at night once
alligator museum / dr seuss museum
jazz bars / frenchmen
gulf coast flight school does a $175 intro flight
see city park
ww2 museum
audubon zoo
swamp tour
see the quarter, go by the water
cafe du monde (go to city park though)
neyo's creole cafe for creole food

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World War II museum is very worth it
go to Cafe Du Monde, have a Cafe Au lait and a beignet (french doughnut)
I found all that overrated, especially the open-air Cafe Du Monde. It's cheap, but they only take cash.

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I want to bring my Adderall script into japan.
> its Illegal
I know, but from what I understand there is no x-ray machine like at airport security at customs once you land.
What's stopping me from emptying the bottle in my pockets once I'm on the plane.
They don't x-ray you after you already went through security in the US right?
> if I get caught I risk jail,
but how on earth could they catch me if there is no xray machine or actually security in customs and immigration. I heard they sometimes check your bag, but they don't pat YOU down.
What I am I missing?
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>actively kills you with side effects and legalized meth addiction for a disorder that has existed since the dawn of man
>The American attitude towards drugs is something I really don’t understand
>>drinking in public is totally fine
>>we’ll even give our children meth if they are raised by ipads
>>but if you’re caught with pain killers, well throw you in jail and your life is basically ruined
You're a fucking retard.
Stop being an addict, you can live more freely than this.
Just go without your adder all. I never took adderall on vacations or weekends. I only used it to focus at work. I don't get the adderall every day addiction thing, it's not really addictive like that. That's all in your head.

At some point you need to stop taking this stuff. I stopped after 15 years and despite feeling hopeless at work for a few days I realized I never really needed this stuff it was me all along. And it just makes you stay focused on too much stupid shit for too long while getting mad at anybody breaking your concentration not to mention shrinking your dick, the side effect nobody likes to talk about. Adderall erectile dysfunction is 100% reversible btw. Stop taking it and it goes back to normal
>drinking in public is totally fine
Not in most places in the US. Ironically, you're allowed to drink in public in most places in Japan, even the train.
>but if you’re caught with pain killers, well throw you in jail and your life is basically ruined
Not if you have a script for them. They'll even let bored suburbanite housewives drive around fucked up on xanax, which is essentially equivalent to driving drunk, to go on their daily run to abuse low-wage workers at various drive-thrus as long as the bitches have a script for them. A better example would be weed in states where it's still illegal, but everyone knows the purpose of those laws (as well as the laws about public drinking) are meant to be an unofficial tax which siphons wealth from the populace to the municipality/state.

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I plan to go to Finland in spring, what should I expect? What type of clothing should I pack?
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I'm from the US West going to Turku from March to May but probably taking the train to Helsinki if I have the chance to
Bring a decent jacket march can still have snow and cold nights
Have good shoes if not use to walking on ice
Download the VR train app for Finland to get around
Enjoy most people looking like drunken goblens coming out of their winter slumber
April/May Gyms will start getting packed
Take whatever alcohol budget you assume and double or triple it, you will drink there is balls else to do in march
I've never been in heavy snow, which shoes would be most suitable for walking on ice? Are groceries cheap or is eating out a better choice?
Since you're in Turku, you can go on one of those infamous Baltic Sea booze ferries for pretty cheap if you need some action.

>I've never been in heavy snow, which shoes would be most suitable for walking on ice?
Something with a good tread pattern with deeper grooves, if you already have a good warm pair of hiking boots then those will do great.
>Are groceries cheap or is eating out a better choice?
Absolutely cook your own food when able, Finland isn't the cheapest for groceries but eating out gets crazy expensive pretty quickly. Visit the larger stores like Lidl, Prisma or K-Citymarket if you can, the smaller corner stores can get pretty extortionate.
Finns are pretty cool once you get some drink in em but they have a wierd kind of creepy autism thats hard to shake. Like expect to see autism flourish in all forms, a LOT of trannies, weebs, car autists, gangly looking metal dorks, just the most autistic socially inept people you have ever met.

Like i said once you umderstand the autism, youll love them. Get some booze in em amd theyre great - i dont know the women are "pick up and take home" easy more like "silently stare nervously at you and sweat buckets for an hour imagining she is in an anime then violently jump your bones the second you two are alone" easy.

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Is Maharashta nice? Might need to go there on business.
If you are close to Ajanta & Ellora pay a visit. Probably the most interesting thing in the whole state
Nowhere is nice in India, but the Indian richfags live in Mumbai and have carved out some RELATIVELY clean and tidy enclaves for themselves.

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Is Washington State worth moving too? I want to live in Western Washington, with all the trees.
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This summer in Pittsburgh has been fantastic. Not The weather here is pretty schitzo for half the year, but it's not all clouds and gloominess.
The people are way less miserable than in Seattle though.
That’s just left wingers in general. They want everyone to be identical and socially punish outcasts for being different
Isnt that like the rainiest place on earth

#9 in the US, so not the rainiest in the world lmao. But yes it is rainy half the year like most of the PNW.
Downtown is exactly where I'm looking actually. I expect homeless dope fiends but are there bigger issues there?

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Sup trv, /g/ here just got news we will be 100% remote starting 2025. Wondering what other nomads have done for travel. I'm worried about being stuck overseas with something that doesn't work or having to use a foreign PC. I've done some remote work when I travel as my boss basically makes coming into the office after thanksgiving to the new year optional, but planning to go full 12 months abroad.

So far looking to travel with
>Work laptop Inspiron 16 inch (we have have local admin and can install games though it's only an APU)
>work phone + personal/travel phone (still looking for something)
>65W 74 watt hour power back for power outages (heard power reliability is iffy in SEA at nights)
>wireless noise cancelling headset and mouse
>150w USB c wall multi port charger w/ plug adapters
>A9 tablet e-sim version w/ keyboard cover for all personal use
>multiboot usb drive w/ linux windows isos if I need reinstall
>9020m Optiplex at my parents place to remote desktop into

Wondering what you guys have recommendations for laptop bags or if forgetting anything. Mostly worried about my phone working abroad and how to keep my number active for 2FA. What other equipment do you guys bring along, thinking about getting a smart watch too just to help me stick on schedule with the time differences. Something you wish you remembered to bring, doing Japan first so I don't think it will be that hard to find electronics I forgot.
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A digital nomad is almost entirely going to be working somewhere with stable infrastructure and internet. This basically means they are guaranteed to have some place that sells any one of those things at a hardware store, computer store, or some supermarket/mall even.

Let's be real, most digital nomad people aren't going to take their work laptops out to the mines of svalbard, they're going to be based in a relatively sized town where probably the hotel staff or airbnb has some of those laying around.
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it's not just for fixing your computer, retard. it is MULTIpurpose. I use my pocket knife almost daily for the smallest tasks. Am I supposed to go out and buy a new pair of scissors in every city/country I travel to? you don't have to get a big multitool, but you should have something as a full-time nomad. even if I were traveling with carry-on alone, I would probably bring something like pic related
>it's not just for fixing your computer, retard. it is MULTIpurpose.
Huh thought this was a Digital Nomad travel thread, besides there aren't that many tasks
>I use my pocket knife almost daily for the smallest tasks
Oh fuck you're one of those insufferable faggots. Never mind lmao. I hate running into faggots like you at a hostel where I am just going to use my hands to open something or just go for the utensils for something or hell just ask the front desk for scissors... "HEY BRO I GOT MY KNIFE? JUST USE THIS BRO? DON'T YOU HAVE ONE?" Yeah dude lemme use that thing that's been in your sweaty pockets used on who knows what and washed on some random date...

Most people aren't going to bother stowing something like that and especially not digital nomads when other tools readily available can do the task. Only 'multitool ' I need is picrel
>ask the front desk for scissors
a pocket knife, scissors, and a bottle opener are absolutely essential digital nomad travel gear, faggot. i also recommend a headlamp, raincoat, and rock climbing pants
I can think of China and Laos. But I think any country whose railroad is built (and partially owned) by China uses the same security rules. So that might include Indonesia and some countries in Africa.

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Never traveled before, how do I know where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?
How do I know where I'm supposed to go after the flight?
What am I supposed to do after leaving the airport?
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>Never traveled before, how do I know where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?
Normally check-in, then through security and border control if traveling abroad, then onto the Gate as designated on your ticket.
Alternatively ask airline staff to assist.
>How do I know where I'm supposed to go after the flight?
Depending on your travel itenerary, you can head to the next Gate if flying further, go to luggauge claim to retrieve any suitcases you have checked-in or simply head to the exit. If you're traveling further with public transport; look for airtrain or taxi hub.
Alternatively look for signage or guide lines on the floor.
>What am I supposed to do after leaving the airport?
Head to your accommodation. The means of which are up to you; either ask somebody to pick you up, take an uber or use public transport.
>how do I know where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?
usually you have to check in before the flight. you can do this at the airport but these days it is more convenient to do it online. usually online checkin starts 24 hours before the flight (sometimes more or less). after checking in you will get a boarding pass. print this at home if possible (or sometimes now you can just keep it on your phone)
if it is a big airport it might have several terminals e.g. LAX has 9 terminals, london heathrow has 5 terminals. the terminal you need will be on your itinerary when you book the flight. small regional airports will only have one airport anyway. make sure you go to the right terminal
head for the departures level. commonly departures and arrivals are on different floors.
look for a big board with all the departures displayed on it.
if you have luggage that you want to check in - go to the bag drop counter, they will take your luggage and give you a receipt. don't lose it. then go to security. this is also where you will get a boarding pass if you didn't print it at home.
if you don't have luggage to check in - you can go straight to security if you have already printed your boarding pass
go through security. this is inevitably a painful process, staffed by people who think that because they're wearing a uniform, they are hitler. keep interactions with them to a minimum.
once through security head to the gate (check a departures board again if you don't know what gate it is)
>How do I know where I'm supposed to go after the flight?
follow everyone else to the arrivals area. go through immigration if necessary. again staffed by little hitlers.
look for a board displaying where to collect your luggage.
>What am I supposed to do after leaving the airport?
enjoy your trip
>how do I know where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?
You can look at the websites of the airports you'll be traveling through. They all have maps, some more detailed than others. Also pay attention to what terminal you'll be leaving from so you know where to start from. Larger airports aren't always connected before security so you'll want to get dropped off in the right place.
>How do I know where I'm supposed to go after the flight?
Follow the signs to your next gate if you're connecting and eventually the signs to the taxi stand to get a ride to...
>What am I supposed to do after leaving the airport?
Whatever address the hotel you're staying at says they are located at. From there check for bedbugs and then go to a museum or something idk.
>where I'm supposed to go in the airport before the flight?

First you have to know if it's domestic or international flight. Then once you are in the right terminal you look for the sign for your airline so you can check in. The attendant will tell you which gate you have to go through (after you've gone through security).

I recently discovered how much I fucking love to travel. I want to see way more of the world, but as of right now every time I go anywhere I have to go home after two weeks, be depressed that I'm home, and wait a year for my next trip.

I work in web development and only have 14 days of PTO a year. It's difficult to find full remote jobs in my area at my level of experience. How do people actually find the time/money to do this more regularly?
Everyone wants to have their cake and eat it too. If you spend 50 weeks a year working, you should have more than enough money to go off and do your own thing. Of course, doing this means giving up the life you have built for yourself in America to fritter away your days wandering around foreign countries. You may find that luxurious paid vacations are far more enjoyable and rewarding than the pedestrian routine of wandering from place to place for months at a time.
By having fucking money retard.
Put as much money into investments as you can in the US and in a few years you should have enough to last you decades in, assuming you're not working low value jobs. Just don't waste money in the US, everything is overpriced for how mid it is
People under 35 who do it are 90% from wealthy families and don’t have to worry about paying their own bills. Some are independently wealthy but that’s rare. I grew up dirt poor and it was never an option for me until my mid 30s, and even then it was one or two weeks a year at most
Trust funds
Stocks, crypto mooning

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I have multiple friends saying they want to go X, Y, Z with me, but I don't fucking want to go with anybody. I like my freedom, I like solo traveling, I like meeting new people and doing things the way I wanna do. If I want to stay up til 5 am and do cocaine I will, if I want to stay in the hotel all day I will, if I want to go to a museum and then go to the beach for 8 hours and read a book I will. I don't want to keep up with anyone and anyone to be keeping up with me. I am a very unique guy. Not to be a weirdo, I do love talking to new people and meeting locals and chilling with them but I am not planning to go with anybody and listen to anybody's shit being stuck with them in another country for the duration of my whole trip.

How can I tell my friends I just don't fucking want to travel with them? I am made to feel guilty because they want to go and seem to rely on me to go on a fucking trip. I've been to numerous countries on my own and enjoy it the most as an escape from my day to day life and the people I'm surrounded with.

Last time my friend said "I know you want to go traveling alone again but make sure next time you go we're going together" ---- fucking pissed me off, feeling entitled to my freedom of wanderlust. I don't want to make them feel bad because they're all great people but I have my fucking reasons and the cons of me going anywhere with people outweight everything else.

How can I tell them it's just not gonna happen without them feeling bad and ruining the relationship by saying something I shouldn't?
Has anyone here been through a similar situation? What's the best excuse or explanation I could use to make everybody happy?
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chill bru. just say you like to travel solo.
You're a shit, overbearing, overreaching, smothering, needy, desperate and lonely kind of a "friend".

Misery loves company
you're all fake friends, not real friends

not judging and it happens to all of us. Real friends don't feel insecure and passive aggro about their relationship.

Just take off when the fuck you want without telling any of them. The ones that bitch up about it you can tell them to fuck off.
Everything is better with friends, if you don't think travelling would be better with them then maybe you don't like them as much as you think you do.
just explain it to them like you did to us. I have a friend who's like you, but in the end we ended up going to japan together, and we only spent 4 days out of 21 together
Maybe you can do it like that? It is more fun when you share your experience with someone during or at the end of your day

I'll be doing the same thing this year. We'll be there during the same period, but we'll mostly go our own separate ways, with occasional day trip/lunch/event together

What's the best place to go for type 3 fun?
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This is the real answer
Jesus Christ their digicam looks like a low resolution PS1 game.
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>type IIII
kek, this polcel doesn't even know it's IV
Kek this zesty negroid doesn't know how to tally.

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Hey Travellers
So two weeks ago I visited Shibuya in real life, all in all I feel like Persona 5 does a good job of portraying Shibuya, In my experience I noticed a lot of multi-floored businesses like Mandrake-Animate where I'd get lost and have to take an elevator to exit from. I also noticed that real-life Shibuya is way more packed... the crossing was intense!!

I actually travelled the Ginza line so seeing the actual train was amazing. Sorry for the Rambling but the point of this post is that visiting Shibuya in real-life has deepened my appreciation of Persona 5 and has my latest playthrough more enjoyable comparing it to my experiences. Especially travelling the JR lines.
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I have never posted on reddit. What does it feel like?
Probably not good. You're posting on probably the most highly-moderated forum around. People bitch about jannies here, but it's nothing like what happens on that god forsaken site.
Welcome to 4chan fellow Redditor (the Narwhal bacons at midnight)
This is the travel board (they call subreddits "boards") and while it has some trolls and racists it is generally good. Stay away from /b/ and /pol/ though, they are bigots and very scary. There are hackers on /b/.
Stay safe and have fun!
/b/ is just full of porn now, newfags everywhere seriously.
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go back

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