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This June, the lads and I are planning a trip to the Lychee and Dog Meat Festival (玉林荔枝狗肉节) in Yulin, China. Has anyone been before? What kind of dog meat dishes can we expect to find there? Any info is appreciated.
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There was a period for at least 30,000 years where humans and dogs have evolved together. They're different from livestock because we bread them to be companions and for protection, and not as a food product. Dogs have literally evolved to be able to understand human emotions. The fact that most western cultures consider eating a dog to be immoral is not a coincidence. Eating a dog actually goes against thousands of years of co-evolution. It's literally an inhuman act.
pig meat is also more delicious. Dog meat is pretty greasy.
iirc the made in China version was the first one then some butthurt chink changed the text to made in USA or maybe was the other way around, anyways the "food" of both countries are trash
the original was 'made in china' and it's been floating around on /pol/ for a decade. it mindbroke the wumao so some chang shooped it
pork is kino. dog meat (chang calls it 'spring meat' lol) is gamey

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>an island smaller than California
>produces so much unrelenting kino in so many different aspects
Why do they mog so hard?
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how did you find an apartment in places like Tokyo or Osaka? seems hard to get at a reasonable price short-term
a beer that isn't the exact same lager from every brewery in japan.
There is a negative of getting rejected for apartments because of your foreigner status. That being said these days they can't be as picky.

I personally am buying a home here with my Japanese GFs mom name also on the title. The house itself isn't like the greatest investment but its actually cheaper for me to just pay a mortgage here than rent. Issue is you need to have a work visa to be here and I'm not on a work visa but military SOFA.
Are you the guy who’s only been dating his 19 year old gf for two months? Putting her mom’s name on the property seems risky.
that's the thing. you can't tell until you experience it but as long as you live in the heart of a major city you'll probably have a richer quality of life and be surrounded by better people and things to do.
doesn't even matter which country as long as it's safe and somewhat internationally relevant.

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comfiest country to stay in Africa for 2 weeks?
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Sao Tome and Principle
Seychelles or Mauritius
probably malawi, but the right parts of mozambique are cool too. aforementioned namibia. botswana...eh not really what i'd describe as comfy.

at the end of the day the real answer is cape town. the safe parts of it are absolutely fine.
NTA, but what is Seychelles like? I know a decent bit of its history but is it really a nice place to kick around for two weeks? Can you transit between islands?
Namibia or Botswana

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I don’t want to live here anymore. I’m planning (If God wills it) on getting a TEFL, paying off any student loan debt I have, getting a teaching job in a stable and non-satanic country, learning the language to expand my opportunities, and renouncing my citizenship.

What country would you suggest?
Guys I have a really broad plan and no specific criteria, what should I do?
Italy is the best country in the world imo. It’s like Eastern Europe in that it’s more “normal” than Western Europe and North America but unlike Eastern Europe it doesn’t turn into a giant battlefield every 80 years. Italians will dispute this but it’s all a matter of perspective. For people who were born and raised in countries like Canada, England, even Germany, Italy is a sane, traditional country for the most part.

Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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seeing black people does it for me
why the fuck do hotels put TVs in every room. like they want everyone at each others throats over noise issues? great way to ruin someone's trip if their neighbor feels like blasting TV all fucking night. this boomer shit needs to go. who the fuck even watches TV except disabled old faggots and third worlders? a TV in a hotel room is like handing a knife to a crackhead. "here, go be an asshole with our blessing." the only generation who are obsessed with the retard box are boomers and xoomers anyway and theyll be dead soon from morbid obesity.
t. vax mutant
Dirty Chinese scum, they are everywhere
how many boosters did you get? you should be on number 17 or 20 depending how many already pulled theirs off the market due to safety concerns.

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What are some pages / services to book relatively cheap stays in Berlin?
I'm looking to go to there between 17th and 26th May

Have been looking at Airbnbs but they have gotten ridiculously expensive, especially closer to the city center.
I was googling for some hotels, actually found some that would be slightly cheaper but nothing that would be way cheaper.

I looked through "Revolut stays" because that gives me 10% instant cashback, but even with that the stuff that just comes up while googling for stays is around 100 bucks cheaper lol

Any places to book stays in Berlin that /trv/ can recommend me? Looking for something for 3 people between 17th and 26th May
What dates are you staying? I didn't quite get it.
I mentioned it twice because depending on the dates and length of the stay, the available spots and pricing differs massively. Especially without knowing any good pages to book through.
When? I didn't quite get it and can't be bothered to read again.

I'm planning to relocate from Bongistan to Germany in the next couple of years, but I'm struggling to pick a city. Why? Because the national autism culture of ze Germans is very comfortable and welcoming to me, the quality of food and life in general seems better, and the UK needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.

My situation:

>already have remote job with German employer who can provide my visa
>speak fluent German
>64k GBP salary (but I will get paid in yuro should I move)
>50k in savings
>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
>also don't want to get bent over and assfucked for rent

The cities I like the most from previous travel are Cologne, Dresden and Leipzig, Berlin is okay and I have some friends there but I hear the rent market is nightmarish. What's a humble teutaboo to do?

Also, do people buy houses in Germany? I hear it's a rent culture, but I really need to invest some of that 50k somewhere and I'm absolutely not buying property on this shithole island.
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this post was brought to you by RB & peg*da
its always funny how third world brown subhumans thinks pop per square KM is the ultimate measure by which an area is suitable for more habitation
its because they come from slums or hive cities where insect people are crammed in together as closely as possible, living in total misery and decay
they think everywhere should be like that, but with 'more gibs' since they dont want to work
its one of the ways a brown outs themselves in this type of discussion, like when a brown points at australia and says 'LOOKIT ALL THAT SPACE!!! JUST LET ME GO THERE!', but only like 5% of the continent is fit for easy habitation.
>>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
lol. It would be nice if nazis were the main problem of Germany. Alas we are instead overrun with brown islamists and ruled by a neocommunist government who steadily invites more while cutting through the rights of citizens. Do not come here unless you are brown yourself
> I really need to invest some of that 50k somewhere and I'm absolutely not buying property o̶n̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ s̶h̶i̶t̶h̶o̶l̶e̶ i̶s̶l̶a̶n̶d̶ in the place where it will appreciate in value the fastest
are you retarded?
I pay €2000/mo for the luxury of living in a shithole named Berlin.

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Can some anons share?
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Basically because a lot of posts started being solely focusing on that aspect so mods will delete it
because coomers seize every opportunity to share their sex laden larp stories
blame them, not the mods

Has anyone worked in India? Is it possible for an college educated American to find work there? I want to get lost on that subcontinent.

These anons changed my life. Thank you.
Some people come back from streetshitter land with multiple strains of salmonella and some nasty parasites. You're a fucking idiot if you didn't follow up on this properly.

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I can't think of anything more useless than wanting to go abroad. Since I was a little kid it never made sense to me. Humans are isolationist on principle so it seems like a contradiction to want to encroach upon another tribe's turf in the first place. Even then, it's so much easier and far more fulfilling to just use the Internet to learn about a foreign place instead of spending all the money to physically go there, and inevitably waste more time walking around than having an interesting experience. I hear all the time about how you'll meet unforgettable people, immerse yourself in their culture, yadda yadda, but there's no way this is true. You're still an outsider to the locals, and you still don't know anything about their customs, their language, their landmarks, their food, their government... It just feels so stupid to me.

Maybe I'm the asshole here but I wish we could just appreciate other countries from afar and not infringe upon them. I don't care if it's for school, or business, or sex, it just seems weird. I read up on what an embassy was the other day and it made me genuinely mad, that there are these little pockets all over the world where a foreigner can go and be patronized instead of having to even pretend like they care about the natives. How is that not at least a little fucked up?

Anyways, TL;DR is that I think traveling is inefficient and stupid, maybe even disrespectful, and that you'd be far better off watching travelogues on YouTube or searching for local websites. The context doesn't matter, the whole concept is off to me.
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There's always been a large percentage of people who have no desire to step outside their comfort zone. Particularly white people...many whites have high sensory sensitivities. Even a trip to the nearest big city can stress them out, let alone traveling overseas to the chaos and babble of the developing world.
There's nothing wrong with being a homebody, but trying to make it into some kind of moral and cultural high ground is bullshit.
>watching travelogues on YouTube
People who do this shit are always the most disgustingly pretentious know-it-alls who can't wait to show off their vast knowledge of foreign countries, gleaned entirely from their basement computer.
>embassies made me mad
LMAO. Diplomacy is one of the coolest aspects of government there is.
>going abroad is useless
This much is true. But so is 99% of what people do with their life energy; it's all useless. Why obsess over such inescapable facts?
Fuck off with your open border cuckold fantasies.
Human tribes have always had territorial borders, even the nomadic ones.
Pussy alone is a bullshit reason to travel because there are females everywhere in the world. Personally, having spent six months in Asia and now on the road in my van in the American heartland, I can't see any objective reason why a man should reject women in his home country and pursue women overseas. No matter what justifications the coomers use, it's always 100% about ethnic preferences.
Imagine being so pea-brained that you can be captivated by manufactured images on a screen. Goddamn 12 year olds.
At least it can mine crypto and pay for itself
>the people you meet
So I think there’s value to be had in traveling, but the biggest cope I hear is people saying
>i travel to get absorbed in the local culture, learn the local culture, and meet people
And then go to a country where they don’t speak the language. This is especially true for countries like Japan where there’s not many English speakers, and things aren’t in English. When you don’t speak the language you aren’t getting the culture at all, and you aren’t meeting anyone besides other(English speaking) tourists. When the sum total of your human interaction is pointing at menus, and maybe chatting up the hotel clerk for a few minutes, you didn’t meet people, and you didn’t learn fuck all about the culture. It’s basically eating food(which can be cool) and seeing sights in person instead of online(also can be cool). But if you don’t speak the language, and they don’t have high English literacy(or another language you speak) you just aren’t getting much more then that. You for damn sure aren’t “absorbing the culture” you don’t even know wtf is going on. It’s a damn shame most of the “interesting” places aren’t English speaking, and we can only get a surface level experience there. Very few will learn mandarin or Japanese fluently for a few week trip.
>I can't see any objective reason why a man should reject women in his home country and pursue women overseas

Uhhh I’m not rejecting women in America I literally can’t have sex in America, so I have to fly across the world to get my pecker played with. What a fuckin Normie.
>bro I just drove my van across america and get pussy l

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>passport bros saturating any decent location
>social media basically bringing in hordes of normies and zombies into any tourist location
>westernization at rapid pace
>overall inflation
>brutal competition with concepts like looksmaxxing and geomaxxing going mainstream
>foreigner fatigue
Future doesn't look bright bros. What keeps you all motivated to travel?
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Bros where is the best place to get waifus in euro as 5'6"?

I am a white guy that make 6 figures that barely speak to girls with a face of a 20 year old as a 30 year old
euro is hard mode
just go to a non-white country where men are shorter than you on average
Nah has to be europe.

How hard is Japan for me?
perhaps Russia or Belarus but many of young and attractive women there have moved abroad recently, maybe Siberian part of Russia could work

>How hard is Japan for me?
let's pick a wealthy country with one of the oldest population in the world
how retarded are you?
>wealthy country

isnt 10,000 yen like 60 USD? how is it wealthy? Is it unironically that hard?

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How do you guys carry your passport when you travel?

I usually keep it in my front pants pocket when I’m in the airport along with any other important IDs, permits, boarding passes, etc. for easy access, but recently I had an incident where I was in a rush to catch a bus and dropped a very important ID card at some point between passport control and customs and would’ve been fucked had an airport security guard not tracked me down to return it. This made me think that it’s time to get a passport holder.

My only concern is that holders are rather bulky and an obvious target for pickpockets when outside the airport. I had a pretty scary incident once when I was stopped by local police in a foreign country when I wasn’t carrying my passport and I almost ended up going to jail, so since then I always make sure it’s on me when I’m outside the hotel.

What about you anons, any suggestions?
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I carry it in a ziplock bag and in my fanny pack with my sunglasses, phone charger, wallet, etc.
"here is my passport card sir"
done. Why you wouldn't get the card and book at the same time is silly
>putting your lifeblood in a pocket where it can easily slip out and ruin your entire vacation

Put it in a satchel with all the valuables. Hide an airtag in it and keep it in buttoned/zipped pockets.

This is 2024 don't be a goober
what's this?
>"here is my passport card sir"
done. Why you wouldn't get the card and book at the same time is silly

That’s sort of an interesting hypothetical—passport cards are officially valid, as you probably know, only for land or sea travel between the US, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. They can’t legally be used for air travel, or for travel anywhere outside that very limited range of countries. But I imagine that authorities in a lot of places don’t know this, and perhaps it would be good enough in most cases. I mean, it probably won’t be good enough to satisfy a crooked Moldovan cop, but it could work in a clean country.

I mention Moldova because that’s one of two places I was shaken down on the street for not having my passport with me. At the time, it wasn’t even mandatory in MD to carry a passport at all times (not sure about nowadays). But my shakedown was almost cute—it was the middle of a pleasant, sunny summer day on a busy street in central Chisinau, and after I told them that my passport was in my hotel, they almost apologetically told me that I would have to give them something “for some champagne,” and cheerfully settled for the equivalent of about $6 in Moldovan lei (coincidentally about what a midrange bottle of local sparkling wine cost in a supermarket). Would have been scarier in the dark, but it kind of made me chuckle at the time.

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Around this time next year I'll just be finishing off a ski season in Hokkaido, Japan. I expect I'll have around ~5k USD equiv. budget and I want to explore picrel area. I should probably head home to the UK around the end of august/beginning of september. Which countries should I visit, which ones should I spend the most time in and which ones should I skip? I'm especially interested in countries like Thailand and Vietnam. How should I budget if I am planning around 4 months of travelling around here on ~5k. Do I need a higher budget? Any info is appreciated.
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I don't think 5k is enough for 4 months in this day and age
shit's getting expensive out there
I'm willing to take ferries, buses and trains no problem. I can initially get into SK via Hakata > Busan ferry, explore Korea for a bit and then probably fly to whichever has the cheapest flights out of SK. Not sure where that will end up being. Is there ferry options from SK to any of the other countries on this list?
Japan is best. Just stay there.
I'd have already been there for 6 months at this point. I do want to see some other stuff too.
Not worth it.

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What are good destinations for medical tourism? In Asia I see mainly Thailand, India, and Malaysia mentioned as having good quality of care with good prices and occasionally Taiwan. Any experiences with these or others? Seeing India surprised me, but it is talked about pretty highly from what searching I’ve done.
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White people don't come to India for medical tourism but other people from Central Asia/Africa and other SAARC countries do visit here for medical treatments.
Whites have more class and go to Malaysia or Korea for their procedures. Let the 3rd world go to india
Lots of people come to Poland for dentistry, especially from Ireland and UK.

On a slightly different note, I think the Norwegian government has a deal with Poland to offer courses in dentistry and medicine, and get decent gibs while they're out here.
Turkey and costa rica. i wouldnt fuck with mexico, they dont even have potable water dor fucks sake. some places in europe but depends what youre in for. maybe korea for plastic surgery.

unfortunately its cheaper but not necessarily cheap. youre still paying thousands.
be aware that the quality of medical care in malaysia is hugely variable
stay away from clinics where the medical staff were just trained locally or where the staff is just malays. also steer clear of any government run place.
look out for private places where the staff is mainly chinese and qualified abroad or did their specialist training in the uk/usa/europe/australia. as a foreigner those are the places you are most likely to use anyway. i recommend sunway medical centre in subang jaya
be aware that good quality treatment is correspondingly expensive
also be aware that every doctor you see will have lied, cheated and possibly bribed their way to get to their position

Has anyone done this?

Apparently it's easy for foreigners to do and doesn't require you to actually hold a residence permit or visa, you can just show up to the office and do the test in (broken) English.

It'd be easier to do this than spending months getting it in my euro shithole
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abkhazia is georgia
And then you have a driver license for 29 days till you have to change it to a loicense of your country of residence where it gets nulled as you haven't lived in Georgia for 2 years minimum and as cherry on top you get red flagged as fraudster.

Now tell us about your DUI case, did you 420 blaze it as it's now legal in the germony and as the dumb stoner you're ended up with a MPU?
>it gets nulled as you haven't lived in Georgia for 2 years minimum and as cherry on top you get red flagged as fraudster
Amerilard problems.

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Ive got 5k i can use, which country should i visit to relax, also im a coomer, so sex tourism is fine, but not a big deal to me.
Im thinking
>or somewhere in LATAM
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im going to tell you my dream travel, since im from mexico, i an adventure oriented person, not sex coomer person, i mean i like sex, but i sex a different sex drive, i like to have sex with an other adventure oriented girl like me, like if we have adventures togheter in montain bike o trekking adventures, that estimulates my sex drive so, not the pure sex tourism, also when i was young i liked an spanish tv show "ushuaia la aventura maxima" and "al filo de lo imposible". so yeah my dream travel is to mimic that tv show at the end of the world in ushuai argentina with a beautiful argentina partner, i feel like im a doing a documental of the montains and animals like a adventure reporter. yeah its kinda stupid but almost all dreams are stupids and i love 90s spanish adventure tv shows. sorry for my blogpost.

TLDR go TO ARGENTINA, forget asians, south america is the best adventure place also chile is ok.
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sorry forgot pic
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I understand you, i only coom now because im a 30 year old single man. I use sex with multiple women to just fill the hole inside. it never fills, but it feels good. I miss just going somewhere and meeting an adventurous girl with the same heart for adventure as me. last one was when i was 25 with a new Zealand girl i hiked with in Colorado.
I wasted my late 20s, during covid throwing most of my time and money away to family, times were tough, had to take care aging parents and younger siblings. I just want to live man.

Fuck mexico and fuck mexicans. Dont trust anyone down there or even in the US. Nothing worse then a fucking latino cop.

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