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HOH: Leah
POV: Angela, Leah (jankie veto)
NOMS: T'Kor, Rubina

Previously on /bb/: >>203645254
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tkor is a perpetual victim
I watched the first episode and saw this guy >>203664977 play Deal or No Deal for 20 minutes. It was really boring.

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We live in a Joker 2 Thread. During this scene he admits that the whole Joker thing was never real, all of it was made up trash done by the media and it was Arthur that killed those people and confesses what he did to his mother. He also admits that he's just a schizo that wanted the love of someone and now that has finally got it, he doesn't feel the need to harm anyone anymore. He then turns back to see Harley, and sees her looking at him with disgust and then leaving the trial, dissapointed.
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People still discuss the first Joker in the context of incels? This is bizarre to me since I didn’t see any incel themes in it at all, either for or against. It was clearly focused on mental illness and alienation in capitalist society. We were meant to feel sad for Arthur and recognize that a lot of people need help in the current modernist hellscape. Which makes it all the stranger that the writers now seem to be punching down at Arthur (so it seems based on what I’ve read, I haven’t seen it yet). Maybe they got swept up in the incel shitflinging that follows this series around at all times and forgot the message of the first movie. Just like everyone else who didn’t even seem to watch it or, if so, just viewed it as some weird incel thing. It’s exhausting to see people miss the point for so long.
He fucks her in his cell
This removes any incelhood from him you cancerous twitter normalfag that wishes he was an incel
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so the film is just this tweet?
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What "opposite"? Opposite of what? Are you even following you anymore?
Get back on track: What do you think society should look like, then, what are the present issues and how were they caused? Is it structural, a pervasive group, or the fault of individuals? All three, a mix? Are you proposing any solutions or are you just complaining?

You delude yourself believing I ever said that fourth "point", I said people have always grown distant, actually, as that is just what happens regardless of you learning the word "atomized" this week. Life gets in the way of your hobbies and friendships, if you want to maintain them, that takes effort. I've said this 3 times, now.
Weird lie to tell yourself and then attempt to tell me. Either bad faith or retardation, my man, pick your poison.
>if you reveal your true thoughts and feelings to women they will hate you for it

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Why won't twitterfags talk about Josie's groomer discord? Edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes have been cancelled
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!

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they seem to let the other ones fly
do her chatters ever say anything interesting or does address anything interesting? whats the appeal here? what could any of these people ask her that isn’t a first grader’s style of questioning?
Please tell me this is true. I need to see that plump pink body in a jockstrap on S3.
mr “nice guy” is a creep too
scott rocks

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Arthouse and classic cinema.

GODard edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203634052
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Lmao why you so mad nigga
>I would have gladly discussed the film with you once I finished it, but seeing as you chose to be an aggressive asshole, I'll just keep my thoughts to myself
Based. /film/ would be infinitely better without the usual raging ghouls
Dumb idiot it’s clear >>203665233
this retard was just retroactively changing the context of his post
Has Wong Kar-Wai tampered with Days of Being Wild at all or am I fine to watch any edition?

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>pulls you over
what do you do?
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What did I do meow?
No, it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing!

gET tHE HelL OuT of heRE
Lemme get a liter of cola

>Australian remake of "The Office" with female lead
Literal Satanism
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you were only here for a year. why should I care?

You forgot Frontline as well.
>we keep promoting women into positions of power
Well at least they are being honest about it.
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Best Australian show
dangerously based
haven't seen it in years.
>Why are australians so utterly bad at comedy?
We're not

Season 47 premiere in about half an hour. Post your final three, winner pick and zero vote finalist.
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Who's got a link? BMX doesn't work on phone data
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GOAT was him riding off on a jet ski, them pretending he carried the URN on the fucking ski across the ocean, and then riding past the statue of liberty and like saluting or some shit
Early survivor was so kino, early reality tv in general was electric

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he's a beautiful man, my god
Best I can do is David Keith
see, the thing that I hate about interracial couples is when it's a pretty white girl with the most hideous-big-lip-big-nose-nigger ever. it feels forced, and that she only chose him for fetish.

but when it's a decent looking and educated fellow like Aaron, I feel happy for them

>Alllllllll lets have seeeeeeeeex
this was the peak of boomer comedy?
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You sound like a faggot honestly. I'd fuck her every goddam day.
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It's really not as bad as I'm making it out to be, there are just some days I don't wanna bang but if I don't it becomes a whole thing.

I can fingerbang her to orgasm pretty easy, no need to even take off our clothes. I'm great at eating her out too.

You joke but she's already talking about giving our kid siblings to play with.
men that have sex often have less heart attacks. sex is also good against prostate problems

she's literally saving your life.
Aristocratic attitude.
>willingly eats pussy, is even good at it
>didn't want his woman growing crazy attached
you got nobody to blame but yourself

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Better than Ariana Grande, at least.
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Nah Jacob Elordi
>it's a "/tv/ gets predictably angry at a shitpost image macro with no source, date or quote" episode
How could you find her annoying if you haven't watched her interviews or tv appearances? You're just a faggot or worse, a fat jealous roastie.

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Why are so many people opposed to diversity in LOTR? Tolkien was a Liberal for his time. Future adaptations will definitely be diverse.
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a liberal in his time would make him a neo nazi skinhead today
If Tolkien was alive today he would love Greta Thunberg and advocate for walkable cities.
>Tolkien was a Liberal for his time.
He was an anarcho-monarchist.
been nice ACKING with you
People have a kneejerk reaction to diversity now because it's forced and arbitrary. They know that there is an implicit agenda behind it. No one gave a shit about diversity in the early 00s, when there were loads of black leads in everything. Because it wasn't to rub in everyone's face as 'progressive'. The people shoving this shit down everyone's throat now have unironically ruined any kind of diversity because now it is always assumed to be for the worst reasons.

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>Indians were upset about Apu
>a hard working, loving husband, caring father, successful small business owner, legal and patriotic American, compassionate and understanding man, animal loving vegetarian
How do you think they feel now that the stereotype for them is that they scam their way into countries, street shit and are rapists? He seems like a positive representation in retrospect.
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Are Trump and the Republicans at least paying rent to live in your head 24/7? Or are you letting live in your head rent free
Apu was clearly a high caste Indian from the north. Indians love to tear down their own kind so they made fun of him (and the entire group he represents). Now you can only have street-shitting Dravidians or self-hating Aryans who have a weird desire to destroy their own kind (like white people).
leftists hate Indians because they support israel and support muslim genocide
Why do Indians dickride Israel so much?
>being patriotic for a country you literally in no way shape or form have an ancestral connection
that is really the only difference between america and any other nation on this planet.

guess what.
if i ever set foot on american soil (which i will reach by ship), i walk straight into walmart buying an xxxl shirt with american flag n eagle, ripping the solar system apart. then id buy freedom scented toilett paper thats smells like cinamon-milk-pinaple and then press the button for service to buy that presidential endorsed energy drink has been locked up behind glass because of theft, just like their deodorants or nail files. aftterwards, i go to a wrestling match or watch monster truck or go to a baseball game or football and buy a baseball cap with whatever team has won. and i wear aviator sunglasses. then i buy a box of around 50 different candy bars and sit at the beach or in a park and open each up, only to eat half and throw them back in the box. in the evening i get a venti pumpkin spice tea or something and sing at an open fire -off key to country roads. and there is NUUUtHiN you can do about it!!

How did we like Twisters? Will they make a third film? Myself, I thought it was a fantastic film that had no political stuff in any way and was sincere summer fun. I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

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ITT: Actors whose careers disappered
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Eva Angelina is back. Her first scene for a major studio will be released soon. There's already a trailer for it.
Don't worry, all the spammers and ritualposters will still be here when we get back from our 3 day vacation.
how long was she gone ?
Speaking of comebacks, Alexis Texas just shot with a coon.
really? nice
t. nigga

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80s circle jerk edition

last thread >>203626440
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the owls in this are great but the rest is meh. if you like american politics (or vehemently hate it enough you spend hours on it) it's probably a better movie. they need to make a movie which is 90% owls instead of memes
Theodore Douglas
You'd think it would be better but yes it's good
ESL or Retard, take your bets
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Hellraiser 35mm scan

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