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was getting laid that easy in the 2000s that a 40 year old virigin was anything special?
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Everyone else is too focused on having sex to get anything done. We need the sexless autists to do actual work for us.
I'm 5'11 and 190 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, make $150,000 a year, have not been a date since the pandemic. Recently I was asked out by a 60 year old hambeast and instantly rejected by a crack head who told me she had a boyfriend when I cold approached. I only know this because I am friendly with the bartender and she told me the girl has been arrested multiple times and has major drug issues.
You younger guys have my sympathy. When I went to college cell phones had only become common place. With girls we were able to chat on AOL chat. It was a great time. Things are way different now.
Also, crackhead came up to me less than five minutes later and said she didn't have a boyfriend. So I guess one of her friends told her to come talk to me because that bar is one of my regularly hangout spots and I get along well with all the regulars. On a final note, I remember this movie being pretty funny, but I guess I could see it triggering something for some of you guys. I sincerely wish you the best though and don't be too hard on yourself.
Why not try talking to normal women, not druggies from the bar?
Chud bros... I thought the collapse was imminent...

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Everything is funded by Peter Thiel edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.

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yes Jet said xavier is writing for s3
>Turkey Tom
>Brandon Buckingham
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>He really likes Trish for whatever reason
is creature really tattooing herself
Sodama'am isn't a real writer and Xavier was only as an actor, I think.

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what did the snow mean?
It's like when ice melts in the air or something, idk I never really understood what snow is either
No it's the opposite, it's when rain freezes in the air
that sounds like hail
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It's the opposite of tears in the rain. Where the android from the first movie only wanted to "live" for himself, he realized that all he's done will be gone and forgotten when he dies.

But Joe realizes that by dying for something real, not living for himself, what he has done will be remembered. He lays down in the snow because he won't be washed away. He will remain

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What else anon? I need more, TELL ME WHERE I CAN GET MORE THIS GOOD
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Wings of Honneamise
Checked and /thread.
This movie's animation is just as detailed as Akira.
They really dont make em like they used to
UK dub.
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the prequels to jin roh
THIS was the one I was trying to remember too. So kino.

Whats next for her in this little quirky career of hers? Shes too cute to be forgotten but shes not getting any younger...
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And beaver
that's not enough. you have to throw a mattress on the roof of their house and set it ablaze.
She was the dullest part of that movie. Try advertising someone that isn't a lackluster nepo baby.
shes hot thats all that matters
>nepo baby.

Does she belong to Broly or Beerus?
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to me
too scared to post on your tranime board, eh OP?
>that doujin in which cheelai and broly have like 15 kids
Pure kino.
Tough to say. I would assume Beerus could kill Broly if he wanted to but Broly also has his bullshit where the more you fuck him up the stronger he gets so who knows
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Arthouse and classic cinema.

Adventure edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203660253
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We're going to do it, we're going to bask in /film/ till we're too far gone for this world. We will sift through the ages of cinema and find oil. It will destroy us and save us, the synthesis will seep into society and Zack Snyder will finally fuck himself out of the art of moving images. Cinema will become more advanced like the novel there will be more experiments, more love for the silent era and more kino. We will be dust when cinema finally realises itself.
Now all we need is Cumgenus.
You already blew your reputation piss off loser
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this shit was great
monroe was so sexy

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How do I stop watching Casablanca over and over?
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Start watching Cry Danger over and over.
you realize that the line is 'play it' not 'play it again'
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Based Cannon.
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forget it anon, it's Casablanca
never bothered watching it since everyone says it's the "best" movie ever

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wtf??? how has this lame dogshit show been on for 50 fucking years??? nobody actually still watches this crap, do they?
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Do you actually watch this show?
Pretty much. The only person after Andy Sandburg who made any cultural waves was the lesbian girl who played Hillary and the fat black dyke who was also in the FemGhostbusters.
me too, this is a very civil thread, like we oldfags use to have way back
Hader was pretty successful in Barry
Hader predates everyone he mentioned, doesn't he? Pretty sure he was on the show before Sandburg

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Ahorse edition
Previous >>203650442
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>Aegon just based of ambition but I don't think it would make sense for her allies, why would they back Rhaenyra when Aegon was always the heir?
Velaryons through Rhaenyra and Laenor's 'sons', and Laena's daughters being betrothed to them. Daemon through his marriage to Rhaenyra and his own intention to be king through her. Through Rhaenyra's mother Aemma Arryn (you could just as easily make her be Tully, Lannsiter, whatever other house depending how much you want to change and make the factions to be) the Vale (or whatever house/region) backs, at least nominally, her. To shock and challenge the expectations of the fanbase that buy so much into the idea of muh honour of the Starks, you get Cregan Stark just being an opportunist - keep the Pact of Ice and Fire, you could also say he wants the New Gift back. Depending how much you want to shake things up you cold have written it that the Baratheons are Black supporters, after all they supported Rhaenys/Laenor at the Great Council. Ironborn are only nominally aligned to the Blacks, they just want to pillage the Westerlands and the Reach, but they indirectly help her cause. You could easily find a way to write Dornish involvement. You do not have to necessarily do all those things but, I think you could easily get enough support behind her. The other thing to do is have it very much be that the Blacks have a dragon advantage in both number and size, so the Greens have more backing by the houses (thus conventional forces) yet the Blacks have more WMDs.
Tywin was coping that Jaime would be released. He megacopes when Jaime remains after the dynasty change.
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Anons, share a sub-plot or even just a theory in any of George's books that you actually love. A hidden gem, in your mind. For me it's the whole theory around the construction of the Wall and yes there are Weirwood trees inside it which are fed by sacrificial blood to pump water upwards and feed the wall continuously
I have a hard time buying this because Tywin should have known no one gets out of the Kingsguard except through death or dishonor. Even when he raises the subject of Jaime leaving in ASOS it's only because Cersei "opened the gates" by firing Barristan, and he didn't even approve of that decision. Frankly I don't know what the hell Tywin thought he was doing for all those years when Jaime was in the Kingsguard and Tyrion was his lawful heir. He didn't even bother remarrying to at least try for a new son
Cregan wouldn't even have to be an opportunist, the Starks were already pissed off with Jaehaerys and Alysanne because of Walton Stark's death, add to that the Targs forcing them to part with the New Gift and they have every reason to side with a more native Westerosi faction to claw back some power. It always puzzled me that Cregan didn't side with the greens

More like Kinoyasha.
I wanna go back, lads.
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Shame about the filler.
I bet sango pegs him
*Unsheathes wasps every single fucking time*
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he chose
long-form episodic anime isn't complete without the horndog character hitting on women left and right (and being rejected)

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Fuck you, Texas, and fuck your Lone Star Beer.
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Come on down here to Texas and play that and see if your ass don't get beat down into dog meat, boy.
I always walk around Texas with my strap on just like Ghost
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I wonder how he feels about Tenable being cancelled
Also I miss Bathrobe Dwane and Oddkast
no one here drinks lone star. texans all drink Shiner.

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>a fantastical epic about mythology and folklore
>the Norse mythology
READ ANOTHER BOOK. Fucking hell, the horse is a rotten pulp at this point
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>They still record clear cases of men who believed in both Christ and Thor.
after conversion. The people who wrote the sagas weren't around during the viking age to know to what extent vikings were mixing christianity and heathenism
>The codex regius (konungsbók) is icelandic and was written by icelanders in the 13th century.
it's just a transcription of an oral tradition. Some literate guy or guys, probably christian, went up to pagan skalds and said "recite your poetry to me," the skalds did so, and the compilers just wrote it down.
It's different from the icelandic sagas, because nothing new is being created to the best of our knowledge, and so there isn't any room for someone like a, say, Snorri Sturluson, coming in there and making a whole bunch of shit up and getting certain details wrong.
I remember expecting the heimskringla to get boring after they turned christian but somehow it just got even wackier and the pagan gods turn into shadowy supervillains hiding in the trees like slender man. honestly pretty awesome
It was pretty lame. The plot was incredibly predictable and generic, the fight scenes were ok at best, the overall aesthetics was too clean and the violence was sanitized.
Kinda boring.
>after conversion. The people who wrote the sagas weren't around during the viking age to know to what extent vikings were mixing christianity and heathenism
Neither where you, but they had a clear connection to it via oral tradition. Auður djúpauðga, one of the most prominent settlers of Iceland, was a christian woman with a court dominated by pagans, and she had raised a cross on a hill the moment she landed in Iceland according to the sagas. I don't really see any reason to doubt it or to think that they just made it up. The idea that pagans were all dumb and ignorant of other cultures as depicted in the northman is, I think, a stereotype.
>it's just a transcription of an oral tradition.
You mean... like all the fucking sagas?
>Some literate guy or guys, probably christian, went up to pagan skalds and said "recite your poetry to me,"
I seriously doubt there were any pagan skalds in the 13th century in iceland, which is where that book was written.
>It's different from the icelandic sagas, because nothing new is being created to the best of our knowledge
How do you know that the sagas are making stuff up to the best of your knowledge? Why do you think Snorri was making stuff up and not the guys who wrote codex regius? Keep in mind that you are blindly assuming that there were some pagan skalds in the 1270s in iceland who recited the codex regius to a bunch of clergymen, as if skalds were unique to paganism and christians could not be skalds.
yeah, people get hung about on stuff like Odin's hanging to himself because superficially it looks so similar to Jesus' death on the cross.
But actually stop to consider the metaphysical purpose behind their actions. Jesus' death on the cross represents martyrdom and sacrifice for the purpose of cleansing original sin.
Odin didn't hang himself from Yggdrasil to cleanse our sins. Yggdrasil spans mundane reality and the supernatural realm. It is a bridge between our world and the world of infinite potential. By hanging himself on the Axis Mundi, Odin became the Axis Mundi, and become very powerful from it. Now, of course, Odin shared this power with humans to help us according to Havamal, so it wasn't completely selfish, but it was nonetheless largely self-motivated.
The significance of Jesus' and Odin's death is much greater than simply the basic observation that they were ritualistically sacrificed, but that superficial facet is always what trips people up the most.

why don't all movies look this good?
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Garbage for women
His last good film was The Master. Inherent Vice was okay.
All movies do look that good. Get your eyes checked.
Lighting, lighting, and lighting.
(also 35mm film and good framing)
I don't think this movie looks good. They've put a bit of effort into it, but it still just looks like they tried really hard and still looks contemporary.
All this same-fagging

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...in non-pornographic films.

Please note merely showing bush does NOT count. This thread is exclusively for actresses who have shown full fanny flaps, either spread-legged, bent over, or, if a traditional frontal bush shot, the labial cleft must be visible through the hair.
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Doctor Who chads where we at?
Nobody going to mention Harold and Kumar movie with the bottomless party full of great V shots?
>IIRC, it's only visible in the open-matte 4:3 version
So it wasn't meant to be seen but tv ratio fucked it up? Lol
Many such cases.
Those Jennifer Aniston tits come to mind

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