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I'm attempting to change the font on some css layout to the crayola font but for whatever reason it doesn't seem to be working, any tips? Here's the code (note that I'm a fresh beginner so it's going to look stupid):

@font-face {
font-family: 'Crayola';
src: url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/crayola') format('truetype');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

body {
font-family: 'Crayola', sans-serif;
try this, works on my machine

@font-face {
font-family: 'Crayola';
src: url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/s/37868/BoldCrayola-Regular.woff');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

body {
font-family: 'Crayola', sans-serif;
I don't see Crayola on cdnfonts.com. There's only Crayola Kiddy, which would be imported from https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/crayola-kiddy-font. Also it's best practice to have fallback fonts in case the preferred font doesn't work or can't be accessed for some reason.

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Installed this on a Samsung Galaxy A14 5G. Launches fine, but won't import or generate certificates. Pressing the import or generate buttons just closes the menu - or sometimes the whole app. I therefore can't authenticate myself on any Mumble servers.
Tried installing old Mumla versions and those have the same problem. Plumble is so old now Droid-ify won't even install it. Tried looking for Mumla in the file system and strangely it doesn't appear to have a directory in /Android/data or anywhere on the SD card (and yes I did toggle hidden files), even though it shows as installed under Settings>Apps and is able to be loaded. It's like a ghost program that is definitely installed, but I can't see it.
The only other thing I could think of is that it might depend on something I removed during debloat (although no other apps have had any problem importing from the file system or SD card). So I tried to look for a list of dependencies and found nothing. The github is shit and the wiki is even shittier. None of the official pages provide any proper documentation.
Can anyone think of a reason this would happen? Or at least tell me where to find some proper docs to figure it out myself? Thanks anons.

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Post all the archival sites that you know of, thanks.

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Around 40 minutes ago I was recording a 20 minute video but I had to go so I stopped recording and started another 5 minute long recording and then I got an error stating that I had run out of storage. I had put the 20 minute long video in one of those apps that can store anything in your photos app that you don’t want to be there and then deleted it from my photos app and then permanently deleted it through the “deleted” section. After that I tried uploading the 5 minute recording (that ended abruptly because of the storage error) to the same app that I did with the 20 minute one but it simply didn’t go through. I then tried uploading it privately to YouTube but that never worked either as the upload time would only keep rising or stay stagnant. I decided it wasn’t worth the stress so I just deleted the 5 minute recording as well. A while later I tried changing my profile picture on Instagram but I got an error saying the photo couldn’t be selected (I have already used the same photo as my profile picture before). After that I tried sending a friend on discord an image but it turned into a gray image that stayed loading a quarter of the way through and then I tried doing it again and got a straight up error. I’m worried I’ll never be able to do something with my images or photos again. Could someone please help me? I’ve already tried restarting my phone and I can’t find anything on this issue.

TLDR: Ran out of storage while recording videos on my Iphone SE, now I can't submit any photos to anything before the error such as sending them to anyone anywhere or using them as profile pictures, nothing.
well then just delete some shit to free up space
you can even ask siri how to do that
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>hehe, whoopsie
you got lucky, on ios >11 running out of storage can bootloop you, and since you cant just mount it as a usb drive you're forced to wipe AND update

simply delete some more shit btw, apps especially

I thought I saved it but I can't find it. Please help me /wsr/
It was a vertical comic, maybe 4-5 panels, in colour. It's a cowboy/US southern looking fella with the lines something like:
Sometimes when I'm feeling down
I go outside and fire my gun into the sky
Trying to kill god
Been looking for it again for ages and I'm now convinced I must have not saved it. I also can't find it on google even though I remember it distinctly.
I don't know about it, but it sounds awesome.

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Can you fellows recommend me a must read book for new parents like how to guide our children so they grow up to be good human beings.
9 replies omitted. Click here to view.
folk tales are core to good civilizations
no they are not. everything you teach a child via folk tales can be taught without folk tales. stop it with this "i've figured out civilization" crap
lol? you're the one saying he knows definitively what is core to a good civilization. methinks youre projecting just a bit

Kids need to know folk tales from their culture so they can understand the context of older books.

But that's not what OP's asking. He wants to know what HE should read to be a good parent. That means reading biographies of functional families like >>1456925

If you're an egghead and want DeEpEsT LoRe, read "The History of Childhood" by Lloyd DeMause, and "Race Life of the Aryan People" by Joseph Widney. These will teach you you the cultural context of your own life -- the kind of world you consider normal, even if you aren't aware of it, and what you even mean when you say "good human beings".

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1. Crop the Link in the bottom right corner.
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Watch PS tutorials.
Thanks, got any specifics recs on the tutorials?
It doesn't matter. Start editing images, learn the tools, when you have a problem, look up a solution. The more you do the better you'll get.
PS I made those webms.
Alright then.
>i made those webms
Nice if true.
>Sad but true

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Looking for a copy (pdf or epub) of Michael Moorcock’s novel Behold The Man. It’s included in The Best Of Michael Moorcock, but I can’t find that either

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Can someone help me find an image that has the following description?

It's about a group of apparently college kids who seem to have a rookie ritual in which one hits the other on the buttocks with a paddle.

Can you be more specific.
The only thing I remember. He was from a group of university kids. Where one whipped another with a wooden paddle. She looked like a hazer.
You might be thinking about the initiation scene from the film "Animal House" my ESL friend.
mmm... No, the theme is related. But it was a homemade photo that I'm looking for. I tried to search for it, but so far I can't find it.

This one?
Might not be work safe.

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Does anyone have any more of this type of picture, where they look silly/stupid
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>Does anyone have any more of this type of picture, where they look silly/stupid
OP, take picture of yourself in the mirror

I slept wrong and now this part of my body aches, how to get rid or crack it? Based from the pain I just know it would be godly once I cracked it
do the stretches relating to the shoulder/spine area
Ibuprofen can sometimes help with this, it'll reduce inflammation and that can be enough to just kinda unstick it.

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requesting the ms paint image of the lunar rabbits getting genocided by a spacecraft on the moon
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You mean this one?
Theres also this version, not as high quality
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oops, forgot to attach the image

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what movie or TV show is this from?
Silicon Valley
it's pretty funny

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Stuff that's surrealistic and almost nonsensical yet oddly beautiful at the same time, if that makes any sense at all. It can be anything (youtube animations, films, art pieces, etc.) just as long as it satisfies the criteria listed.
Already seen that one, but it's nice to rewatch nonetheless.

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How do I find artists who drew different characters at some point. What I'm trying to do is filter artists, if the artist has character A and B under their tag. They should show up. Is there like any way to do that cuz I couldn't find anything? Idk If I'm retarded or there isn't such an option.
I'm trying to find images of Karin from blue archive and Jeanne alter in the same art style, preferably made by the same artist, separate images.
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
You can basically do this with Danbooru's related tags feature, it just requires a bit of legwork. Just search for each of the characters with the category set to artist, then cross-reference the results. https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag

Comparing the top 1000 yields the following artists (space separated):
akitsuki_karasu aztodio bannou_ippoutsukou cait_aron chan_co chihunhentai club3 darkmaya exlic gachou hanada_yanochi hayabusa hews hood_(james_x) horz ikuchan_kaoru kankan33333 kazukoto kojima_saya kuavera mahou_kyuuri moisture_(chichi) ndgd nt00 obiwan ohland piukute062 satou_daiji teddy_(khanshin) tony_guisado wakura_(gcdan) watosu yoshio_(55level)

If you limit it to the top 200 instead, you're down to just these:
akitsuki_karasu hanada_yanochi hews hood_(james_x) kojima_saya kuavera ndgd obiwan ohland
Oh damn good job. Seems tedious but appears to be the best way to do it. Thanks for finding some artists already also.
I forgot to mention that if you want more than the default of 100 results, you have to add &limit=500 to the end of the URL, replacing that number with the number of results you want. It turns out that 500 is the max, so the "top 1000" in my previous post is actually top 500.
Does danbooru have an api? maybe you could write a script
They do, just add a file extension like .json or .xml to the end of the URL's path, just before the parameters.

More information on their API is available at https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/help:api

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