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I bought a Samsung Galaxy S5 to use as a glorified DAP and pdf/ebook reader (because I had one back in the day and remember liking it), but the firmware is so old that I can't even sign into the google play store to download the necessary apps, nor will the phone allow me to install loose apks despite turning the option on in the settings.

I've read a little about custom recoveries and roms, but the problem is that the tutorials I found on youtube were all made by indians being incredibly vague and linking sketchy websites in the description.

So I was wondering if there are any retard-proof instructions on how to get this old ass phone working as a digital audio player and ebook reader.
The problem with custom roms is the battery life is generally worse than with a stock rom.
Try installing fdroid https://f-droid.org/en/ and install the aurora store. I suggest not using your google account if you can get aurora to work. If this doesn't work you can try looking for older versions of the apps that you want that are compatible up to Sdk23 (Android 6, Marshmallow)
Thank you so much, man. This phone has been bothering me for a week, and now I got it working with f-droid and aurora.
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No problem. Good luck!
damn they don't really make phones like the S5 anymore, I still have mine from several years ago that I use pretty much only for watching music videos

I'm looking for a rip of the texture for the Amala Drum in the HD remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Any help would be appreciated.
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have you checked out the shing megami reddit, this is genuine advice im sure someone might be able to help if you post there
Read his deleted posts, he doesn't care anymore, he's just stealth bumping this thread to try and annoy us. It takes 10+ minutes for each stealth bump, and he's been going over a month, he's committed 5 HOURS to this. Absolutely seething, lol
It only takes one minute to delete a post, though?
Bumping for a great game

sad to see somebody stealthbump like this

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I'm trying to find the Voronoi cell of Lonsdaleite, but my computer is a PoS and can't compute/render it.
I'll post the raw point cloud coordinates here; have to split it to fit character limit.
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Post this shit on /sci/
They told me to bring it here.
4chan bureaucracy lol
VoronoiMesh crashes my kernel too for large 3D point clouds, maybe it just isn't that stable.
maybe ask lainchan for help

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No space on PC
>What's a good site
None. If you don't like that answer, Google Drive

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Can someone AI generate Walt and Jesse in suits like in Reservoir Dogs?

It's like an entirely black screen, possibly with a chess piece symbol in it, the horse chess piece if I remember correctly. You have to type a password. The sites been up for years and years but no one has been able to get past the black screen and find out what's locked behind the password. I saw it in a video years ago.

I am really wanting to buy local land. I am trying to find how many owners are dead so I can chance buy the property during the upcoming tax sale. For those who dont know the tax sale allows someone else to pay overdue taxes and whatever else on the property and allows you to bid on it with other buyers. I have no easy way of telling who has died in my county into a megalist of names. I do have a megalist of owners I am trying to compare them too because of the county showing properties in the sale.

I already was able to import a map of all the properties and mobile homes into a layered map in google maps. On that front I know the geography anyway.

But like. I am at a loss after 3 hours of nonsense. Crossing bridges when I get there it looks like theres a lot of owners with middle names and possibly obituaries without middle names. As well as suffexes like jr, III, or the middle name just being the middle initial. Like John Doe K in the owners list. Not even to mention the mess of muslim and latino naming schemes. Some "owners" are companies LLC. I got most of them out but theres more to deal with hidden harder than removing all records with "LLC" in them.

There are websites with local obituaries. But they show them 50 a page out of 2600 to 6000 dead people depending on the filters. With no url change per pagination so I dont know how to script a web scrape without that. How else can I find all the names of who died in my county in the last year? If its any context I am in the southeast united states.

TLDR: I need to find who owned land in my county and died so I can likely buy the property at the tax sale bidding. Comparing the data is my issue.
>Comparing the data is my issue.
Scraping your cities tax sales listings is your issue. Why the city has tossed the property up is irrelevant
>There are websites with local obituaries. But they show them 50 a page out of 2600 to 6000 dead people depending on the filters. With no url change per pagination so I dont know how to script a web scrape without that.
open your browser webdeveloper tools, go to network tab and look what requests are being done to fetch more pages
I may have worded it poorly but I havent scrapped the tax sale listings of owner names. Its the shortlist of the most available properties.
Thank you. I wish I had thought of that

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here is the full proton error log: https://pastebin.com/1H6uyhj0

whenever I try to run Far Cry 2 using Proton GE on my arch linux build, I get this error message:

>1261.520:014c:0150:err:vulkan:wine_vk_instance_load_physical_devices Failed to enumerate physical devices, res=-3
>1261.520:014c:0150:err:vulkan:wine_vkCreateInstance Failed to load physical devices, res=-3

after way more research than I care to admit, I have been able to figure out that something is apparently wrong with the 'amdvlk' package.

everyone experiencing the same error message as me is saying that they fixed their problem by rolling amdvlk back to a previous version, as well as a package called 'vulkan-loader', which I assume to be referring to 'vulkan-icd-loader', I tried this but I didn't really get any new results.

The other solution I have found is adding the following line to a file that I can't track down:


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hello, i'm looking for feedback on a japanese movie title i'm workshopping. my japanese is pretty bad so i can't tell how natural this title sounds or what kinds of connotations various words have. this is for an anime movie that i'm editing and i want it to sound professionally artistic :)

the anime is made in abyss's second season, where the characters go to a "golden city." the plot has themes of value and treasure and how those things can be interchangeable with memories and love, which is why i tried to title the movie something like "the land of golden echoes"

i know the right thing to do is to hire a native japanese speaker from fiverr or something but i've had little luck with the people i've found there and i don't personally know any native or fluent japanese speakers, so i figured i'd give this a shot
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it's alright, anon
though if you really want to add onto it 響 (without the okurigana) works as well
thank you, i didnt realize that
how clear is it that 響の黄金郷 refers to echoes/reverberations rather than just "sounds"?

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I need to find out the source of this image because I fell for this girl and now I'm wondering if it's the actual girl or some random pajeet on discord
I don't have the original image so yeah we don't got that much metadata
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>chrome hearts
Unless you have more disposable income than you know what to do with, I would suggest getting up and walking away. And just video call with her or something tf
She has my pictures and my parents pictures and I'm just 19 I'm kinda scared cuz she's texting me my location and shit
She sounds like a keeper

Whats the whole lore of this situation tho?
>my pictures and my parents pictures
You are fucking retarded, mate. You are done for, just accept the outcome you dug yourself.
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Does anyone know how to edit different video perspectives of the same event to perfectly sync up using sound/visual queues? Also does anyone know how to edit it so multiple videos are on-screen for one video?
There are two GTA RP scenarios I watched and I ended up taking the time to find five perspectives of each of them. It'd be really kick ass to see them all playing at the same time on the same screen in sync.
Pic related is one idea on how to edit it, but if that doesn't work them removing one perspective for just four is fine. If you're going to remove a perspective, please remove the last link in each batch; if you're okay using all five, please put the first link in each batch in the center.

First scenario,

Second scenario,

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icebergs, video essays, deep dives, podcasts, etc
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you could do a video essay about Pedro Pascal being an up and coming pervert. There's been a couple of videos and pics of him getting handsy with women and right now it's all being shrugged off
don't really care about ecelebs

I watched this anime years ago, and I seem to remember that Ebichu some times laughs with a laughter that sounds like this:
>Cho po po popopopopo!

Do I remember correctly?
What episode can I check to corroborate?
Ebichu bump!

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Seeking sauce on this image. Found on a random imgur with no further info.

Tried saucenao, iqdb, tineye, and google images to no avail.

Style reminds me of Dowman Seiman / 道満晴明, though cannot find anything indicative of that.

@mokusuke8 Twitter
Wow, how'd ya do that?
And also, I thank you on behalf of the OP. He's a bit... slow, you know.

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There was a webm being posted on tv or other boards with a short haired girl, blonde, very sweaty, using a dumbbell, wearing a tank top and she has hairy armpits. Does anyone have the webm, or name of the girl/movie?
She was probably wearing a beanie, outdoors. The webm is short, under 20 seconds

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