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Lost my old website for getting college textbook pdfs, need help with getting a new one.

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Good afternoon.

After fifteen years of exclusive "Windows 7" use, the one game I consider non-negotiable ("Rimworld") has begun to fail on my beloved OS.
Most of my Paradox games (especially "Crusader Kings III") have already died. I have over seven thousand hours in "Rimworld"! THE two most common Mods that are used in that game cannot run in W7 any longer, as their dual presence always causes "Rimworld" to fail, or even crash to the desktop.

Boy, I sure did try, though!

> Paid a man thirty RL dollars to try and fix my W7 RW problem
> Tried downloading a Linux installation as a Virtual Machine
> Downloaded, and re-downloaded, multiple NET Framework programs from M$
> Reinstalled and uninstalled everything several times
> Spent over a month trying to do everything I could to save myself from having to switch to a worse operating system

I know that it IS possible to "un-glow" "Windows 10" and remove the worst excesses of its anti-privacy stalking.

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Use NTlite (free version) to customize the Windows 10 install iso. Disable all services you want off from the setup and tweak it to your liking. This is something like, everybody should be doing, but obviously nobody wants to do the work.

Install Comodo Firewall, only the firewall and be careful with that, the rest is cancer. This will block everything from the internet except what you want.

Install all your software and shit you want.

Lean to backup/restore from a backup image that way you do as least full installs as possible. I can go years easy like that.

Thank you so much! What is the difference between the free and paid versions of "NTlite"?

What services should I disable?

I already take daily back ups, so that's no problem.

(Also, the W10 I have in line is the "Education Edition", but it's not a license from my old trade school. I was given a permanent license thanks to my school's older software distribution system.)

Oh, and I should note: this will be an in-place upgrade on top of my W7. If I unplug my Internet connection in the process, can I still un-glow it?
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Well, I think the paid version allows you to remove more stuff. Some other stuff, but I have no need to strip Windows so much so I don't really know what else it offers. I'm good with the services mainly and tweaking.

I'll give you a tip if you want it and figure out the way to drop an activator in the iso so that it's automatically activated on install.

>What services should I disable?

Here's mine to make it simple. Try to copy it I guess or customize it.

>this will be an in-place upgrade on top of my W7.

Sounds like trouble and I won't be around. Good luck though.
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Thank you!

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I'm trying to find it in Nico, but there's just a lot of results.
This cut is from this Mashup at 1:45 btw:
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Come on guys. It's a Nico video.
If you find it somewhere else or would be cool too

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Does anyone know where this will be available once it releases?
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>I assume it isn't going to say things like "Share your wealth or you're racist"
I doubt it. Have you seen the clips? It's nothing like that
Have you seen the clips? Funnily enough it does say "share your wealth or youre racist" and they got Robin DeAngelo to give their black producer 30 bucks.
Savage response!
yeah that was funny lol
You just can't make this up lol A part of society has grown on the wrong direction.

Could someone make me a GIF out of this logo?

Preferably with no water mark?

Thanks in advance.
Try making the gears on the head rotate...

I'm in the market for a video editor, but I don't want to pay for some Adobe shit and I want to make sure there aren't any good alternatives before I pirate Premier.
So, what do you anons recommend? Ideally I would have something relatively lightweight but I'm not picky, as long as it gets the job done.
DaVinci Resolve
Easily googlable. Lazy.

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is gelbooru broken for anybody else? it's been several days
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what's happening?
Can you just not, search/get on the site or are the images not showing
what browser you use
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>is gelbooru broken for anybody else?
It works for me. In a NEW browser window, do a full refresh/reload of the homepage with your browser. Typically that is pressing CTRL F5. No, this is not one of those CTRL F4 jokes in bad taste.

F5 in many browsers reloads the webpage but usually keeps some elements already downloaded.

CTRL F5 in many browsers (such as firefox) does a full reload of that webpage even though some elements were already downloaded.
the latter
I've tried over several different days, I believe it came back at some point then broke again
I installed another browser and same problem
I hope it's not blocked by the government or provider or something (not in the US), it was safe so far but they blocked the sankaku booru a while back because of cp hysteria
Try to open an image in a new tab and see what the error message or whatever actually is.
Or maybe you'll get lucky and opening in a new tab will somehow fix the issue.

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Can someone scoot kokopelli just a bit closer to the cactus please?
Bump I guess

What is the most effective method for resolving lumbar lordosis? Are there any good books or pamphlets or something on the topic that I could check out or even a good video by someone that’s educated on the topic? I know that I have it due to my rather sedentary lifestyle and weaker core, but I don’t want to take the gamble of trying to resolve those topical issues just yet without knowing if they will fix my posture for sure. I want 10/10 perfect posture and I want to research how I can achieve this before I begin the process, not figure it out along the way.

If someone could point me in the right direction that would be majorly epic
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>If someone could point me in the right direction that would be majorly epic
where are you from?
don't you have trained medical professionals in your country?
where I come from, when a serious physical condition is observed we go to said medical professionals whose entire lifes revolve around answering your question and solving your problems.
they have those in their offices
they've read them
>video by someone that’s educated on the topic
even better, you get to talk to them in person
Why did you attach this video. Are you mentally ill or something
fuck you curly-spined faggot

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Does anyone have a script or something that can automatically brute force a 4 digit password like in pic related?
Or if you can direct me to some resources to make something like that myself. It's a website that uses 4 digit password and can be retried infinitely, just a text box and a submit button.
What are you trying to download?
>install the tampermonkey extension
>have a loop from 1000 to 9999
>target the element in question
>on each iteration try the number, pause execution for 1 or 2 seconds waiting for any feedback and then continue
it's like 5 lines if javascript. use chatgpt or copilot. tell it the id or class or the element and it'll write it for you.

I am looking for videos or 4Chan posts set to Yesterday, as well as an older music video that was submitted many years ago featuring the "Party Party Come Join Us" song from Shin Chan.

Any leads?
Oh, I forgot. The second request features Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, Haruhi Suzumiya, possibly some Shin-Chan and maybe some K-On.
Going to bump for the first one. It was posted on /wsg/ somewhat recently and it is uploaded occasionally.

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Where is this image from?
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Thanks anyway, any leads?
Not at all. Every single pic was just used as a meme, and none has any reference. I used other sites to check, but has no mention of it.
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dogisaga maybe
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The artist that made that specific image is probably near impossible to find by now, but it's definitely from a Korean artist on Twitter. They're made specifically to be reaction images and don't belong to any real series. There's a lot of them from different people. Pic related, not from the same artist but it's the same kind of image.

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Is there an ecchi anime that features exclusively brown girls or at least has them as its main focus?
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
I mean I was kinda looking for something like queens blade where you're just seeing boobs all the time, only with tons of brown girls
There's a volume which is just that
still open to suggestions people
Kuro Gal-san ga Kuru!
>One girl romance

Black Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatta Sensei
>They're brown but they're darker than brown. Very lewd.

Isekai Ryouridou
>lewdness is as much as they dress. no hijinks but as far as I read they're brown. its a cooking manga.

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In short, I need help finding the seller of a dairy factory. I have left a photo and a link to the factory. Your task is to find the contact details of the company that is selling this factory. All I have is a photo, the website where the auction took place, and the approximate location (Oud-Alblas, Netherlands).

If you can handle it I'll pay $100

Found him selling that exact portable cheesmakery on the dutch craigslist equivalent called Marktplaats

It seems like he's just a normal farmer that's selling this on his own, rather than a company. There's a contact button next to the listing and a dutch mobile phone number in the listing description. I won't put the phone number on here since that might break 4chan rules but it's near the bottom.

(Use a translator and make an account to contact him)

You can send me the money using ethereum. My wallet address is 0xff57f150B8d98179014D01336db94c69Dd03b4c0
Almost 48 hours later and OP still hasn't responded or paid me !!!
>OP still hasn't responded or paid me !!!
How surprising
did the faggot pay up? :D
No, you can also check this yourself as eth transactions are public.

I guess I should contact the cheese factory seller myself and tell him to watch out for a polish guy that makes false promises online. He could scam anybody at this point

Does anyone know what type of encryption this message is in, know a way to decrypt it, or have the skills to do so? The message is possibly corrupted, and thus decryption would be impossible.

If you need more context, this is a copypasta from past.sh. The original page has been deleted, I found it on archive.org:


Here is an excerpt from the corrupted message, any help would be appreciated:

RòqúÉ,Ö¿xçxÛñùÛ(Y¾6`2D!{Ùß©B´o®Ò±½ÊYÍsn;4̱?rCÒÝÒþQÑQÔ'iø3¯ÑP·ö«¤+¢(í¼cnLª<}½,ÛØÊÝ4É·«a ?xMûcÍ{ýEáº7Õ1PIsêäØ¥àF9ÅR,Ã#÷2PO6|!ÙÇ:¡Ï&LÙçÌs|gPøåüÁü<sáÏÑt A¸3ú-Ï>©¸Ëþzâ!GóMK"ºWøúxüEÛ·?9×!¤ªì13tæHÛ,ÆÛnpàJ¦K%Ñ`#¬5½bt¤wYÆn×0r:J
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The decryption key isn't being set correctly. Open the JavaScript console (Ctrl-Shift-J on Chrome, Ctrl-Shift-K on Firefox) after loading the page and enter the following two lines:

function getKey() { return 'lXEFDvI9[!/8ZKldDKGab5xvyW9cfEMk9kBd0VtKPR9FjgMWhttps://paste.sh'; }
Thanks man it means a lot

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