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can i get more images about this? i don’t know if it’s because i’ve been doing oop for the past few months for work or what but this made me understand objects completely

anime stuff isn’t needed but it’s good to see if you have it
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My personal favorite
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I'm trying to remember the name of an old browser-based or flash game I played in middle school in 2002 - 2003. I don't recall much about it, just that it was a sort of puzzle game (maybe kinda combat?) where you moved around a grid with different paths and obstacles, with a theme based on computer terminology for your abilities/tools. The basic attack was called Hack and its icon looked like a knife or lockpick sort of thing, and had a stronger upgrade called Hack 2.0. There was also an icon with a pair of yellow dogs, I think, but I can't remember what that was called.
Everyone at school always raced to the library to try to claim one of the computers there to play it during lunch and recess, but for the life of me I can't remember what the name of it was. Does this ring a bell for anyone?

Hi, does anyone know the song title of this reel?


Trying to remember a movie about some kind of festival/fair/carnival ontop of a pier, that would disappear and reappear magically. I can't remember if some kind of time travel was involved or not. It might've been a segment in a movie rather than a standalone thing. Maybe it was in big fish but I don't remember. I think it was around the same era.
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it sounds like you're thinking of Dark City (the Demi Moore looking girl being Jennifer Connelly) but I doubt that's what OP is looking for
I've seen Dark City and not what I'm remembering. The shots of the boardwalk are all from offshore/just at the end of the shore looking onto the boardwalk, it rarely if ever actually shows the water, it's all set with the confectionary shops and carnival-style games as the backdrop. There's like a bumper car course, whac a mole/hammer thing, but for most of the time on it, it's pretty much empty save the guy and girl. The buildings were dark-color (red, blue, green, but all dark/drab shades) and it there was a slight sea mist/fog covering the place but it wasn't a horror-horror movie, more unsettling atmosphere, but there's not KILLER KLOWNS before anyone suggests that.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
hm no it was definitely an older movie, maybe like mid 2000s at the latest. i only saw it as a child so that's why it's fuzzy. it wasn't a spooky movie or anything but more like a narnia esque story
>it wasn't a spooky movie
Probably not this, then: imdb.com/title/tt0093437/

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I'm looking for this horror movie that my friend watched a couple of years ago on Netflix. He liked to watch search for bad horror movies on it that were rated around 1 star to 3 stars. It had something to do with a ouija board. But what he remembers is this one scene where the possessed ghost/girl quickly passes by a doorway and you can explicitly hear that shes on some sort of skateboard. I don't have much more than that but if someone knows the scene/movie, I would really appreciate it.
Ouija, Ouija: Origin of Evil?

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What is the name of this type of filter? It reminds me a little of the way a Magic card is printed, where each color is printed one by one.
That's a physical printed picture, I don't know what you're asking. It's not a "filter" applied to a image to make it look stupid
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This! Thanks, anon.

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Hi, I'm a geologist. I need a new home computer, it's overdue. I want something that can run ArcGIS so I can work from home instead of driving to the office just to send in a map. So a gaming computer will do just fine. I have a budget of about $3000 although I can be talked higher if it's worth it.

I don't want to just buy something out of a box. I did that once and it lasted less than 1 year and when I invoked the warrantee they sent me the identical processor which they knew had a flaw that caused it to fail in the first place because companies now are bereft of morality.

If someone could point me in the right direction or explain what I need to get started that would be swell. My understanding of computers is turn them on and run stuff.
basically get something with specs that are equivalent to or better than the recommended specs on the software's website:
the pro version is much much more demanding
but even then, i don't think the cost will be anywhere near 3k

>I don't want to just buy something out of a box
Oh wow, it never even occurred to me that I could look up a computer specifically for ArcGIS. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

looking for a meme with a basedjak the format is like:
"by playing this game you agree not to say the n word"
>basedjak guy says the n word
>basedjak seething because he got banned for saying the n word
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O sweet Sumerian child.
I remember seeing that one
When I get home I'll look through archives and see if I can find it
Same, pretty sure it was on /v/.
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I saw it on /co/ a year or so ago but I can't find it on the archives

I sorry to fail you, OP
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Can anyone find what book this is from?
I tried looking, and can say for sure it ISN'T from "British Infantryman vs Mahdist Warrior: Sudan 1884–98" by Ian Knight, nor from "The African Knights: The Armies of Sokoto, Bornu and Bagirmi in the Nineteenth Century" by Conrad Cairns

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Anybody any good english subtitles available for Baby Assassins 2? The only one i got had really rough grammar

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Anything in 4:3 (or close to it, like Academy) aspect ratio. I don't usually watch TV or movies (and especially not anime), so don't exclude anything just because you think it's too obvious. Don't worry about taste either, anything you think is worth watching is fine.

Starting off the thread with what I know (and can immediately think of):
IA has a ton of VHS rips e.g. https://archive.org/details/vhsvault

Just finished the series, getting ready to watch the movie. A shame I waited this long to watch it.
Looks great on a CRT in a dark room.

>Cowboy Bebop
Haven't started yet.

>King of the Hill
Victim of seasonal rot. I don't remember where the cutoff is.

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You're welcome.

P.S: Here are some other recs:

Classic Top Gear and early seasons of new Top Gear.
Classic Doctor Who up until 1985. The show is borderline unwatchable by 1987 and 1986 was a weird year for the series.
Crayon Shin-Chan (early seasons)
Monk Season 1
Il Commissario Montalbano
Maigret (1940s and 1990s French and 1960s British versions)
How It's Made (early seasons)
Mythbusters (Seasons 1-3, I believe)
Modern Marvels (1990s and early 2000s episodes)

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Dark Shadows (1966-1971)
The Prisoner 1967
Blackadder seasons Blackadder II, Blackadder the Third and Blackadder Goes Forth 1983 to 1989
Appreciate it.

Incidentally, Blackadder reminded me of the short film Three Men in a Boat (1975) (I misremembered and thought Hugh Laurie was in the film). It's up on Youtube and pretty comfy.
I, Claudius

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After rereading Yotsubato I got in the mood to read more manga/anime featuring single dad - child dynamic. Any recommendations?

Also I meant ones where the father-child relationship is part of the main focus of the show like yotsubato. Not ones that features a single dad but his relationship with his child is more of an afterthought.
Usagi Drop
Amaama to Inazuma

These next ones are all adoptive in nature:
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Buddy Daddies (two single dads, no they're not gay, just hired guns who live together)
Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodate Shinagara Boukensha Shimasu
Uchi no Ko no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai.
Unironicallyand not trolling Gravion.

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Hi I'm looking for a way to download (in pdf if possible) the book "Civilisation Britannique-British Civilization" by Sarah Pickard
I need it ASAP

Thanks for your answers
Anna's Archive has the 2017 edition in epub format, so it's out of date.
Links ?

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Yea, what the hell? What is the origin of this?

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Is there a name for this art style?
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super deformed aka chibi but the chibi artstyle is acktually cute, not... that... sanic thing
kemonomimi (means animal ear) aka catgirl aka 10% furry
Gacha life if drawn by a 12 year old
this is the early 2000s "how to draw anime" artstyle

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