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Does anyone know what type of encryption this message is in, know a way to decrypt it, or have the skills to do so? The message is possibly corrupted, and thus decryption would be impossible.

If you need more context, this is a copypasta from past.sh. The original page has been deleted, I found it on archive.org:


Here is an excerpt from the corrupted message, any help would be appreciated:

RòqúÉ,Ö¿xçxÛñùÛ(Y¾6`2D!{Ùß©B´o®Ò±½ÊYÍsn;4̱?rCÒÝÒþQÑQÔ'iø3¯ÑP·ö«¤+¢(í¼cnLª<}½,ÛØÊÝ4É·«a ?xMûcÍ{ýEáº7Õ1PIsêäØ¥àF9ÅR,Ã#÷2PO6|!ÙÇ:¡Ï&LÙçÌs|gPøåüÁü<sáÏÑt A¸3ú-Ï>©¸Ëþzâ!GóMK"ºWøúxüEÛ·?9×!¤ªì13tæHÛ,ÆÛnpàJ¦K%Ñ`#¬5½bt¤wYÆn×0r:J
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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
The decryption key isn't being set correctly. Open the JavaScript console (Ctrl-Shift-J on Chrome, Ctrl-Shift-K on Firefox) after loading the page and enter the following two lines:

function getKey() { return 'lXEFDvI9[!/8ZKldDKGab5xvyW9cfEMk9kBd0VtKPR9FjgMWhttps://paste.sh'; }
Thanks man it means a lot

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Please, if any of you have his AI vids saved, share them. Peterson / Tate ones would be great. I'm sad I didn't archive them…

Im looking to watch/torrent a movie called Le Comte De Monte Cristo (2024), I can watch it in French, I don't mind. Haven't found it yet, I think it releases on bluray end of October.
be a hero and die for ook rain
bump. i've also been wanting to watch this but i have no idea how or where

not to co-opt the thread, but in a similar vein: Silong (2015) and The Color Wheel (2011) no idea how to watch these
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it was released 4 months ago. not unreasonable to ask

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Can someone make this look more like the Back to the Future logo?
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It was just the one scene, but I saw a webm as the OP on /a/ last year where some villainness has a dude under mind control licking her feet, while some other chick (who presumably has a crush on the dude) watches in shock. I think the villainness had purple hair but I'm not sure. Does this sound like any 2023 anime?

Pic unrelated
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
I know exactly what you're talking about but can't recall it either. If no one manages to help you, you could try anidb tag search but it can be unreliable. I'm not sure if it was last year's anime, but if it indeed was, that at least narrows it down so you could dive to animefeet.blogspot.com and take a look at every -23 anime there and see if you come by the scene. Yeah I know, this is a site that exists.
You thinking of this?
yup, and I'll bet this is what op was after too

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Is my gpu failing... It's new rtx 3070... All games look like this... All new ones too...
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>Ask a question
>Refuse to provide details
>Complain about not people not magically knowing the answer
You're retarded, aren't you?
I hope OP bricks his computer.
because its 4chan and people just say shit for no reason thinking it makes them edgy. new here?
game name?
kill yourself faggot

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Can someone help me find any vids or pics of deshrouding a gigabyte 4080 super and zip tying new fans to it? There's practically no documentation on how to remove the fan shroud.


How do I change what archive site 4chanx redirects to when viewing deleted files?
It keeps going to arch b4k which is broken
8 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
damn, that's unfortunate.
Do you know if there's anyway to automate deleting the last three digits of a file when it redirects to the archive site?
You could use a separate browser extension such as Redirector.
I'm retarded, how would I set up a rule to auto trim last 3 digits in a redirect?

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Hi. I would like to talk about the book 'Compilers: principles, technique, and tools' on >>>/g/. However, I have been informed I need some anime girl pictures as the threads mascot. Do you know any IT or linguistic anime girls I can post in the threads to get /g/entlemen to talk about compilers?
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nowadays you can just make your own with AI
here's an imperfect example
I know of a boy programmer who's very feminine looking but hates women
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this one for sure
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you could always go with the classic segment from Golden Boy
>Golden Boy episode 1
Solid choice there, lad.

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Hello /wsr/,
I am trying to find screenshots and/or the thread ID of a post (likely from /g/) where I guy describes how he got banned form his university's computers and network. He says he had a 40GB Word or Excel macro that was able to remotely control printers and perform OCR.

Thank you.
Thank you!

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Any super low APM mmos that are click to move? Dont care how old they are as long as its playable. Just want a chill game to grind that I can play with one hand (I am injured not a masturbator)
thanks friends
also pc only

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Does anyone remember the name of this one creepypasta/nosleep story about how every year a person is chosen to be erased so every other human in the world suddenly knows where they are and rush there to kill and devour them, but the person also gained the memory of every other person that suffered this same fate and it went even as far as the stone age, does anyone remember this one?
After the person was killed everyone else would forget them as if the day and the person never existed.
To add more details to it. I remember the main character was in a ranch or some other far away place so he had time to think about it and he saw the memories of people who died before him, he saw how last year it was a girl, I think, that lived in the middle of a big city and barely had time to understand what was happening when her parents rushed her and started mauling her, he saw how they started destroying everything about her and dismantled her room and other people arrived to start eating her pictures and other things just to erase her completely, I think they started eating her body too.
I think he tried to see more people but I fully remember him talking about someone in the stone age, cold and scared in a cave without understanding what was going on.
It's not SCP-6096 but the mechanism is similar, I've been looking for things related to it because it might help finding it.
Boomp, sounds interesting.

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I am looking for a piece of fanart that has the 2 protagonists of BioShock Infinite in a roller coaster enjoying their time while in the background here's another roller coaster with meme characters and politicians having a bad time, I think there's pepe/wojak in there,
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Thanks a million, anon.

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To the anons who helped me last week concerning preparing for tests and finding interest in the subject material.

Thank you. I took my first quiz following your advice this morning and I was much more confident with my abilities and I was able to some the problems with ease.

I have an exam tomorrow, so I will keep your advice in mind.

By the way are there any mnemonics to memorize certain things for Linear Algebra, like LIATE in Calculus. Thanks again.
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