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If I want to write a comic book, but can't draw, how do I go about finding an artist?
hire one. plenty of job sites out there, but twitter will of course work too. search for "commissions open"
depending on the amount of pages, the skill of the artist, and the complexity of the art required, it will probably run you somewhere north of 300-500 per page
>300-500 per page.
I honestly think it would be cheaper to learn to draw.
I can't say for certain this will work for you, but I befriended a ton of artists in one fandom by offering to start scanlations for their favorite series. It's been a couple of years and I think at least two or three of them would agree to do a short comic with me if they were interested.
Well, lets assume you're making a 40 page comic, which seems pretty average to me. That will run you 12-20k for art. The artist will take probably a good 3 months to make the art. Would you pay someone 48-80k per year as a comic artist?
Additionally, if your comic is any good, can you sell probably 50-70k worth of comics when factoring in distribution?
All questions you have to ask yourself.
Some artists are willing to work on a cut of the finished product, with little pay up front. Getting a nice sweet deal like this will require some charisma and business acumen on your part, but it's another option.

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I'm looking for a good audiobook on the history of the Roman empire, or something similar. Something interesting about the Romans at least, that I can get and play on an audio cassette.

Anyone got recommendations I'd be interested in?

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does somebody remember a channel that were a label OR record that shared Indie / homemade songs? i remember the channel name being something like ''pvnkslip / pvnkslit''..
example of songs they shared was: Alvvays - Archie, Marry Me + Princess Chelsea - I Love My Boyfriend + Beach Fossils - Sugar + Sunflower Bean - I Was a Fool.

Most videos tho were like from ''Princess Chelsea - I Love My Boyfriend''.

There were one in particular that i remember being a girl-goat entering a market with her skate to buy something, then she goes out and then a school-bus comes by, and then it changes from this cartoon to real life home made video that was this glitter girl and her long hair boyfriend who did the drums while she did the vocals, at the end of the music video they were riding a harley-type of motorcycle.. The band name was something with 'Milk'.

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im looking for a tiktok where the tiktoker tried to put forward evidence stalin was orthodox christian and regularly visited the moscow patriarch. it had documents, interviews, so on, it was wild, any ideas where to look anons?
No clue where to find it, but I’ll bump ya.
btw the bolshevik revolution was led by jews

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Hello, could any japanese cinema fan download this movie and then make a torrent to share it on the asian cinema thread. I tried to download it myself throughout the week but I live in the third world and my connection is very bad (even at night). I think it would be a great contribution to have it in good quality. Thank you

>movie here
>thread asian cinema
the movie is in rutracker, public tracker, so no need to do all that

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Anyone have a gif of this scene?
Also I request you to post whatever you want within the rules.
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Wow. Just 10 seconds away from death
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Here's another guy playing with a different kind of fire...
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Hello /wsr/, you can find piece lost manual and box in LEGO?
i don't know how numbers LEGO official something unknown
or probably if it was a piece bootleg and rip-offs Not official (like Un-official) ?
Not official Lego:
Thanks Anon
lol that's kinda cool

Trying to find the full image of this, i think it said something like:
>”get closer i can feel it kicking”
It doesn’t work, can you just post the image?
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I am looking for the full, high resolution painting "prince of peace" by Harry Anderson.

I cannot find it online, could someone help me please?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
This is a little higher resolution, colour is dark for some reason
Yes it is better resolution however it still isn't the full painting.
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After searching for a while I resorted to AI, hope this helps
Thank you for the effort however what I am looking for is the entire painting in high resolution
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Recently got back into pirating, but I also want to make sure what I pirated is safe to use and doesn't have any trojen horses, backdoors, or any viruses.
13 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Oh ok. I slowed down with pirating a while back, but I still use the same methods.

Look for serial stuff first, it's the most reliable. Second would be cracks and those should go through virustotal. Then would be keygens/patches which you'd use sandboxie to find the altered files/reg stuff that it needs and generate it, save it so you don't need to generate/patch it again.
Like others have said, it's pretty hard to be 100% sure. Being 100% sure means having to look inside of the program yourself with something like ghidra/ida, and unless you're ready to do that, well that's just not an option.
Checking the hash is an alright solution, but this only works for something that's been out there for a bit. Virustotal won't do shit with newer uploads, given it will give you a different hash. It can get rid of the skiddie shit though, which is often in the wild. You're shit out of luck if the hacker used something more sophisticated, like a custom packer/cryptor. This is where shit gets hard to tell.
The sandbox environment is also a good step. But the problem is that most malware makers out there actually try and check if you're inside a virtualized environment. If they realize they're inside a VM, they might do something different, and not boot up at all. It is possible to trick malware however, but unless you know what you're doing, this is not an option either.
The last option I'd recommend is looking at your open sockets. This is a good way to tell if something fucked up is happening. You might think looking at running processes would be a good idea. The thing is that they do some really fucky shit to hide what they're doing, and unless you specifically know what you're looking for, you'll waste hours doing this. Open sockets are a good way to check what's going on, given most malware want to communicate with a C2 of some sort. This does require the malware to be run, so again, we're back at step 1.

What I'd recommend for the average joe is to find a trustworthy community. Some people actually do what I just mentioned and will vet this shit for you. This is your best bet if you're not willing to do everything I just listed here. The absolute best of course is to not pirate shit, but I won't change your mind on this I believe. Good luck.
Kind of an unrelated questio n but on pirate bay what is the difference between a green skull and a pink skull next to a torrent?
The skulls don't matter much, generally I wouldn't recommend you use a site like tpb or 1337x for anything other than media files like movies or music. Don't download programs from those sites if you want to be as safe as possible. Find a forum that posts about the sort of programs you want to torrent and lurk around there for magnet links from trusted users with a long post history
>what I pirated is safe to use
Well don't download from tpb for one. Just grab shit off rutracker instead as they actually some some form of quality control.

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Is there a name for this type of music?
Warning, barely safe for work

I don't even know what to call this, where someone took some idolm@ster song and turned it into this glorious piece of art.
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>the video is ecchi
You consider ecchi worksafe? I'd ask if you look at it at work, but kind of doubt you've ever had a job.
So you don't know what porn is. Great
Are you asking about the song genre or the type of video
Song genre
Japanese idol pop

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this is New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle, but what mix is this?

what should I do with this lexus key thing that belongs to a lexus that I do not own. I do not have the car to this key thing but I do own a 1999 lexus. should I just throw it out or is there someone that wants it? idk
The shell is worth $30
People change the guts or whatever as they need

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Looking for more images like this, on how to get into various genres of anime
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Have a nice time browsing all this anon
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Don't post the outdated chart.
Wow, thank you very much

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Hi, so, me and a friend want to make an animated PC wallpaper similar to the banner girls from Blue Archive. Basically.
>Character just moving around
>Character gets happy if you move the cursor around their her head very fast
I know about programing and he knows about animation and drawing, so I think we got the skills, I just want to know what kind of tool, programing language or framework I need to achieve this.

Thanks in advance.
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I was going to suggest going back to Active Desktop as a joke but it's based on IE4 and nothing interactive runs on that shit
not OP, but I'm also curious.
Can you do this in win 10/11?
hated it so much, my mom refused to upgrade to XP and several times a year I had to manually remove viruses and worms and stuff
Geez man, seems like a pain in the ass. How's your mom nowadays?
lol I don't really talk to her anymore

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