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Io is ready to fight anyone who comes after her NXT championship.

Previous >>12760306
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I wanna have a threesome with Io and Shotzi
>Io returns
I want to cum inside this gook
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Genius of the dimes
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Is this match ever happening?
That photo looks very blurry and filtered and she STILL looks ugly as fuck, wtf man
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Reminder that homosexuals go to Hell.
I'll pray for you, brother.
If not a title match Haitch should just book it like he did for the Shotzi match before Io goes to the main roster.
We should call her the Artist, because all she does is draw.
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I shoot love this little jap like you wouldn't believe
Imagine the handjobs
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*buries you in just three lines*
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...i just realized that's supposed to be an "I" and an "O"
Based io
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All right, everyone fess up. Who else just figured this out after seeing this?
I first found out when she had to explain it I think during the Mae Young Classic.
>goes back to NXT because she wanted to wrestle
>never on NXT TV
>when she does she mostly jobs
Ember got KWABed.
i just need 5 minutes with her feet
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>go ahead, anon
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>walk into room
>see this
What do you do?
Probably coom
remove her panties
>Pull her skirt down as gently as possible to cover something i shouldn't be looking at
>Drape a blanket over her from the other bed
>Close the curtains
>Leave her a note that says "Love you Io, call me <3"
need Io and Kairi to dom me with their feet
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Io toes
Need them in my mouth asap
freeze up from the nerves then quietly say "s-sorry!" and leave
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>see the way she's laying
>assume she wants to do something sexual
>start advancing
>get arrested for attempted rape
Nice nail art
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I don't watch wrestling but I just wanted to say hi
How smooth are Io's armpits?
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Hello I assume Skatebro.
what did you think it was, a "Q"?
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10 smooth
Io Shirai is Qanon confirmed.
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that was just a joke about Queens Quest in Stardom
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bruh dem pits
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Based Io with the austism
I just thought it was just a weird way of doing #1.
I miss shortish hair Utami.
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I unrionically thought it was just a variation of Tanahashi's pose
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Isn't that what she is doing in pic related?
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Io is desperate for Based ACE's once in a century cock.
ACE is pure and not for sexuals
Zoomy is a cool cat.
Maybe one day, she'll sign the mark contract and report to the Forward Roll Center.
Any other pics of Io in this gear? It's a dimes look.
I'm sorry but Konami really looks like a monke kek
I'd give her a banana creampie if you know what I mean
I want to blow raspberries on Io's tummy
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Incredible pits. Almost Becky tier
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>we never got a tag team of Io and Becky called the thighs and pit connection
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Bringing this back from last thread.
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kon is cute
Bases vocaroo chad
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Io is made for rough but passionate copulation
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Io would have a based thunderdome entrance
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We don't call Io bad names around here.
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She was getting close
>she wore pants that covered her thighs the past two weeks
Feels bad
Post pics where Io is showing the most skin please and thank you
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Pull her dress down so we can't see her panties.
Lie her in the bed in the proper direction so she is comfortable.
Close the drapes and tuck her in for her nap and kiss her on the forehead and whisper in her ear that I love her and will be waiting when she wakes up.
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Can someone translate this new comic from Xio?
Io is her mentor, so of course she'll follow in her footsteps. I just hope she calls Toni and Dakota 'grandma's' when promoing against them at the CWC.
Blame Stephanie for that.
Xio is so based. Where's that one Japanese dude who comes in here every now and then who can help us translate it?
>help her up and carry her back to my place
>let her sleep on the bed while I sleep on the couch
>deal with her freak out when she wakes up
>ask her if she's ok
>"you don't have to tell me what happened but you do have to eat this" as I hand her a bowl of eggs
>ask her if she needs a ride home
>tell her to take care
Very wholesome
>hey, get up!
>look at her quizzically
>sit on the chair while opening a beer
>what are you doing here?
>nod my head like uh huh
>relax, how about a beer?
>we drink into the night laughing and telling stories looking into each others eyes while I pretend like I dont want her
>we fuck mercilessly
She's a pretty good artist.
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Who is the old dude?
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>Xio is a good artist
>Mio is a good wrestler
>Io is a GOAT wrestler
>Mama Shirai is an english teacher
Kek what a based and talented family


What's with the tentacle in that drawing? Is this leading to some Io hentai?
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based mama
>Is this leading to some Io hentai?
Now I'm curious if this exists.
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Is xio imagining herself in florida or something?
Io vs Mercedes vs Toni was announced for the NXT Women's Championship at Takeover.
>Not giving us Io vs Mercedes and forcing Toni in the match.
I hate this company
>muh threeways
Why? they are always shit
Mercedes is the obvious pin taker here. Unless they try some weird shit Io is the clear winner.
Yeah I was looking foward to a one on one match with Mercedes. They've never had one before and now slow Toni is going to shit it up.
Hopefully we get a 1v1 match after takeover.
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>two more weeks until we see Io in the ring again
Hold on bros we're almost there...
Or we'll see Toni vs Io at the march special show. Either that or Raquel is more likely.
I mean Toni is a slow shitter in the ring and hasn't had a good match ever since returning to NXT, so I'm baffled why people want to see her as the champion (I'm actually not, its because of her ass).
>I'm baffled why people want to see her as the champion
People think she's great because they heard she had a title run in Stardom or something and her history with Io everyone assumes she's going to be the one to beat her. Also her butt.
It's going to be Raquel. She'll job to Io probably because Dakota messed up and she'll become singles after a feud with her. I think it's too early for Raquel to be champion. She's still just Dakotas big bodyguard. That's why I think Toni is taking the title in a few months because there is no one else that is "ready". She was at least NXT UK champion even if the reign was crap.
Based architect with the hot take.
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Io will win
Io is winning the rumble
She would be the best option by far if a Ronda or Becky return doesn't happen but it will be Bianca who is the current betting odds favorite.
>Sasha vs Io title for title match
What March special show?
I'm assuming there's going to be a special show like Great American Bash or Halloween Havoc between Takeover months again. Maybe there won't be one.
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I just had a dream about Io fingerfucking Toni midmatch.
If I was in creative in the slightest I'd be writing a story about that right now.
Did Toni tap out?
I can see Raquel winning the belt because of HHH's muscle fetish
Triple H also has yellow fever.
Holy dimes
from the Toni leaks, we know she has a fat, soaking wet pussy
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we must save Io from becoming a spinster cat lady
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I'm not going to expect much but I really hope we see Io in the rumble. It looks so weak right now.
I would be shocked if she's in it, if just for the fact that she's the NXT Women's Champion, and one of the people who can be challenged by the Rumble winner.
I could see it if Vince wanted to get more eyes on NXT
Imagine if Rhea wins the rumble and challenges Io for the title. She did say that her ultimate goal was winning back the NXT womens title.
No need to apologise. She clearly does, everyone thinks it and it doesn't make her any less of a cutie.
>Io vs Toni: No Holes Barred
If that doesn’t get Hunter out of the cage, nothing will.
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Haitch has developed Stockholm Snydrome with the cage. He won't do it.
He'd put Thatcher as the special guest referee and all the dimes would be repelled.
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*sips back*
Very based
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Now all Haitch needs is a big muscle joshi in his division.
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Io with Reika as her muscle bodyguard sounds like dimes to me.

Make it happen, Hunter.
She just beat Bayley clean on SD, which I think is a red herring and we'll either get a Rhea win or someone coming back from a hiatus to win it.
I'm booking a flight to Orlando as we speak to save her from such a future.
Damn I forgot about her. I wonder if she was ever offered a contract. Isn't she kinda retired or at least taking a break from wrestling?
Bianca sucks so I'm alright with that
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I miss the Sky Pirates.

Also look how smooth that moonsault from Io is.
Imagine the handjobs
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>kairi does a so-so elbow
>io does a picture perfect moonsault
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Giwtwm taking those moves
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I hope Toni doesn't hurt Io again
Toni's ass has only gotten fatter. Io needs to be cautious.
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Built for African cock
nah you are
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>Xio owns her sisters naked photobook
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>it's been over a year since Io updated her blog
spending her entire wwe run living in bumfuck florida in an apartment by herself for 3 years killed all her excitement. thanks hhh
Not much to blog about during lockdown.
They got lazy with these Takeover names.
mercedes is so ugly
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Cute monke girl
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>Consider yourself hired, pal!
Wish that seat cushion was my face tbqhwyf
Looks like champions can be in the rumble, at least the womens one. If true Io will most likely be in it tomorrow.
NXTs twitter is also asking who from NXT do people want to see so I guess NXT people are also allowed.

I bet Io gets eliminated by Toni or Charlotte.
Still not getting my hopes up
is there a scan of this photo?
Does it matter? She won't win it.
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Yeah I see no reason to have her in it if she isn't winning it. All you would do is make one of your champions look weak by being tossed out by a shitter.
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That photo didn't make the cut for the book (which is weird because Io is the one holding it up in that pic). There's just this one and a similar one that's just a headshot.
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aw man, well thanks anyway iobro
>tfw it goes in the wrong hole
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>tfw you end up liking it
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I didn't know Io had a rack like that.
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>and a similar one that's just a headshot
Here it is
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Io is the greatest
I wish I was that chair
>Does it matter? She won't win it.
Faithless fool
That likely could've been a goof by whoever made that. I know they're undermanned but it wouldn't make sense to put the champions in the rumble.
>making sense
>You now remember Io was in a death match.
Just going by the illustrations I think she's self conscious about her own body and it not measuring up to Io's.
If Raquel is in it she'd be a good dark horse candidate to win it, especially if they're not sure who on the main roster they'd want to win and put in a Mania match.
I think if anyone from NXT wins it's going to be Rhea. Raquel isn't ready for that big stage yet.
I would very much like to see this. Anyone got a link?
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There's this, but it may be edited for time to fix their TV timeslot. The full match should be on the Stardom World streaming site.
Thanks friend.
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is there a dio in io's family?
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In the future when I give Io a career ending pregnancy there will be.
Io is ay dios mio
Io is cute
642k people agree with you.
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>Io wins the mens royal rumble
*saves the wwe*
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>asian woman
>in florida
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>wet Io thighs
tick tock, Kikeberg.
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The purest team in WWE history
I miss the Sky Pirates
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Here, Lobros. I will send a prayer for Lo to win the womens royal rumble so we don't have to deal with the fate that is either Bianca Nig-Hair or Reid winning another.

I know how unlikely it is since she could not even be in it but keep faith. Anything is possible with God.
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d-did they?
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Yes. A lot.
Thank you based Tribal Chief. I don't think she's going to be in it but I'll send a prayer for the Big Dog to beat the fatass.
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Daily reminder that BBD is an Iochad.
Imagine the cuddles
Thank You Based Tribal Chief
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How did you know they were banging?
Actually it a nice, multicultural melting pot of crazy drivers they have in Florida. No ethnic group is as unpredictable behind the wheel and any other. It's a bit of a Utopia in that regard.
>liking anything 3d
>CF: Our triple-threat [at TakeOver: In Your House in June] was one of my favorite matches of the year. I want to be selfish and have the opportunity to work with Io more. I also know that, with how Rhea and I finished, our story still isn’t finished. There is a lot more that needs to be told. Whenever that comes full circle, I know it’s going to be a major moment. Rhea and I aren’t done. I had the opportunity to lay the groundwork for two different rivalries with Rhea and Io, and the saga will continue.
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>I want to be selfish and have the opportunity to work with Io more
Oh god
>I want to be selfish and have the opportunity to work with Io more
Fuck no. Stay away.
I can't tell if this is a good thing or bad thing for Io. On one end it's good that the top stars in the division are excited about working with her on the other it's Charlotte Flair.
It's Charlotte so there is danger but top stars liking you is always a good thing.
Since it's Charles, it's very bad.
Even though it wasn't a direct pin, Io has a victory over her and too the title from her to boot. She's trying to come off as complimentary, but wants a one on one rematch with Io to get that win back and have the typical Charles match while doing so.
There was never any clean ending between the two. Their first match Io won by DQ, their tag match against each other Charlotte cheated by using the ropes to pin Io and then Io won the title by pinning Rhea.

So in a way Io is 2-1 against Charlotte but no clean endings.
Charlotte in getting her win back. That's going to happen whether we like it or not.
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For sure. Everyone has to lose at some point, all you can hope for is it's a good competitive match that isn't a complete burial.
>losing to Charles
>not a complete burial
lmao nobody has ever gotten over from being in a match with Charles
Very true. Look what happened to Rhea. All her momentum died.
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>ll you can hope for is it's a good competitive match that isn't a complete burial.
Charlotte is a deathtrap. Sasha and Bayley are much more likely to put Io over in their eventual feud.
If there are people who still think Io will be in the rumble don't get excited. She hasn't been mentioned in any way in any "leaks" of suprise entrants.
She'll win it next year
It was a foolish hope from the beginning.
Good but also more bad.
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I mean Drew.
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Yep no Io confirmed.
I failed you Lobros...
I'll send my energy to BBD.
Thanks brother
I want to have sex with Io Shirai
We don't use that word here
shut up bitch
We can't say Io in an Io thread?
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Get in line buddy
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Io is too good to be in a crowdless rumble. She will win it next year in front of 90,000 screaming Iomaniacs.
I want to give Io a career-ending pregnancy and raise our Eurasian children together
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I'd give Io all 10 fingers
>tfw just realized the 10 stands for Io
wow, I want her to crush my head like a melon.
fuck, you're right
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For me, it's Io Shirai and the Dodgers.
Based champs
Well some good news from the rumble is that it looks extremely likely Rhea is going to RAW. That means it's pretty much certain Io goes to SmackDown since I'd imagine shes the next major female call up.
That also means Io is going to have to carry the shitters of the division more. At least Rhea was good enough to carry some of the load.
You, me and any other sane, straight male. And a few females as well.
>And a few females as well
You just know Sonya took in the glory of Io's thighs during their match.
>tfw my mom commented on Io's thighs when she saw me watching an Io match
Based momma
It was just a "That Asian girl has huge thighs" comment, but still Io got her attention.
What did she say?
She isn't wrong
Alright I'm making next hold on a bit

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