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Friendly reminder that Mandy Rose is the hottest female ever employed in the history of WWE
Previous thread: >>12788100

Social Media

Pics and gifs

Mandy's moans



Mandy says hi to /asp/ on Cameo

Thread soundtracks

Our /hr/ thread:
I can’t stop imagining her stripping off and squeezing a steamy, dreamy log out of her beautiful anus. Just the thought of the smell as she crouches over me, her cute little asshole widening between her spread cheeks as her tummy chocolate oozes out of her is too much. The dichotomy of someone so perfect doing something so nasty is beyond arousing. I just need the taste of her logs in my mouth
Built for BBC.
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Friendly reminder that Mandy Rose is the hottest female ever employed in the history of WWE and wrestling in general for that matter
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Money. Fame. All of it is worthless compared to the chance to worship the feet of the golden goddess. Post them
I want her to fart and shit on me and that’s a shoot brother
The Golden Goddess has provided a blessing
I want to ejaculate inside her
I'm willing to wager that these same exact posts with these same exact images and in the same exact order have been in a previous Mandy thread. It's like you're robots.
>she's finally showing skin again
DAMN it feels good to be a bloomgod
Care to extrapolate?
I want to help her make a mess of her fresh sheets too
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Blessing from WWE Germany's twitter account promoting the royal rumble
Mess her sheets how? With poop?
I was thinking more along the lines of her juices and my cum but I wouldn't say no if Mandy wanted me to be her toilet
The best tag teams are the ones like this where you can instantly tell the michaels at first glance
I don’t want the long hair to come back, the shorter cut is too sexy on her to go so soon, surely Mandy has to realize this?
Top 5 hottest womens wrestlers currently

5. Peyton royce
4. Priscilla kelly
3. Liv morgan
2. Tay conti
1. Anna jay
I want to spend a night with Mandy that result in her sheets being soiled with my cum, a wet spot from her squirting, her shit and her piss
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By next month she'll be in a bikini every other day again
I want to see short hair Mandy in the all gold at least once
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>Five logs in toilet this morning, all smooth, no cracks. This toilet is afraid of me. I have seen its true limits. My bowels are full of rump nectar, a treasure, and this treasure I produce is limitless and four times a day, my toilet is flooded with it. Many coomers on /asp/ offer to eat my treasure, as every day my accumulated rump nectar fills this bowl. All of them will look up and shout 'Please shit on me, Mandy!'....
>...and I'll look down and whisper 'Yes.'
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Please post the new Goldilogs chapter if its you that does them
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Then after she whispers yes, imagine Mandy naked and squatting down over your face to do it and then her special golden goddess gift slides out of that bubble butt
waifulet mad his uggo gets no memes, no pastas no nothing
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The Thousand Black Cock Stare
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I was going to finish it the other day but then I coomed to the thread and lost the mood
Mandy’s reaction when i unzip
Do you think Mandy would enjoy having a guy clean her feet with his tongue? I’d love to lick and kiss all over her feet, slip my tongue in between her toes, suck on them. I bet she’d be ticklish and her laugh is cute.
a worshipper grovelling at her goddess feet would feel too natural to Mandy for her not to enjoy it
I want to eat her ass
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I want to take Mandy on a romantic trip to Paris
>ywn eat Mandy logs made of French cuisine
Post the webm of Mandy flexing, when she smiles after it always turns my dick diamonds
What a beauty, everything she does, every little movement it just feels so sexual. I think I have a Mandy addiction
I’d do anything, ANYTHING to worship her ass and the Mandy logs that come out of it and her precious feet especially her soles and Mandy toes
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Reminder general consensus is that Mandy is definitely the kind of girl that would enjoy that because she likes her ass receiving attention
I'd want to tongue bath her anus for hours and she'd love every second of it, I think me and Mandy would have great sexual chemistry, our foreplay alone would last hours
whats with her face did she eat the Bog pill? or its just regular roids? like cyborg.
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She's so beautiful and fit. Perfect combination
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I just can’t stop obsessing over the fact that Mandy Rose farts and shits.
I wake up every morning and it’s the first thing I think about. I think about how my goddess will probably be doing her first of four daily shits. I check Instagram to see if she’s posted and I wonder if she already shitted. Perhaps she’s on the toilet right now, on her phone? Delicious.
I see images of her in the gym doing squats in her pink VQ leggings and I dream that soon after she’ll be squatting over a toilet or better yet my face while pushing out a nasty turd.
Whenever Mandy posts a cute picture I try to imagine when her next shit will be or how long ago she took a shit before posting the pic.
The worst is when she posts a picture of her dinner on her story. That stuff legit dominates my entire day. It’s hard to even imagine that a beautiful goddess like Mandy could squeeze so much food inside her.
I always hope that she eats all of it so her shit is big and smelly.
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Just IMAGINE her pushing a nasty turd out of that perfect peach of a log launcher
Yumola, I want to lick her wrestling trunks after they were riding up between her smelly ass cheeks
If Mandy had diarrhea all over my face I’d thank her and ask for more
Videos like this are as close as we’ll get to seeing her naked in her room
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That's a hot way to think of them. Mandy seems like a bit of an exhibitionist so maybe deep inside posing nude is what she'd really like to do and these little videos are her alternative to doing that
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Her eyes, lips and facial expression made me rock hard. I want to share an intense, sloppy tongue kiss with Mandy while going balls deep in her pussy in the missionary position until I creampie her
>MANdy fags have to use the same photo because it’s the only good one
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based superior giulia
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>Her eyes, lips and facial expression
Give those cheeks some love, my personal favorite of Mandy's features
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Holy based
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I love the way she struggles
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has any look in women's wrestling history ever had the pure gravitas and splendor of golden goddess mandy?
You might look at this pic and think to yourself how angelic and even innocent Mandy looks
But add this creature, and this happens....
>if you morph a pic of her with an ugly person it creates a less attractive result
riveting stuff anon
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I want to pull on that hair while i pound her ass, she should grow it back
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I genuinely think the way that gimmick was mishandled is one of the biggest wastes in wrestling history
Mandy is the most beautiful girl in the world and I want to eat her shit.
I don’t know if I could handle all that ass but I’d sure love to try
Unironically what is this move by Mandy called? It’s as based as her finisher, wish she used them more
Her toilet can’t handle it
>Take a seat Mandy
I want more webms like this
Hiroshima because Asuka nearly killed herself tucking her head taking it
Love when she goes for the black leather look
Imagine licking her ass crack and sticking your tongue in her anus
I imagine this and more every day
>116 replies
>34 posters
Jesus you faggits are pathetic. Go to /b/ or /s/ fuck off
Reminds me of that time we we burning threads too quickly so I started another Mandy general on /hr/ since we actually needed it, then a blisstranny thst spends too much time lurking Mandy threads made one there too just because we did but it died off. KWAB
If you guys did more blatant console warring, roasted each other’s waifus and tried to post funny stuff but it’s all just coooomers genuinely simping. It’s so lame
That’s because she doesn’t have a honeybum. Instead it’s a biscuit butt, flat like a biscuit
Not enough conflict for ya?
No more webms?
Based anon emptying his folder
My friend, my Mandy folder has over 8000 files and 25 separate sub folders. I couldn't empty it if I tried
You could start an entire fansite with that
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>when she can’t walk after taking my cock
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She doesn't really do any power moves now except the flapjack and suplex, I think she's changing her style
I want to rape this golden goddess
Exactly. There’s so much coom on here now even /b/ is a porn board. I want feuds and memes but I understand that requires effort.
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this thread is for worshipping the golden goddess, you can leave if you don't like it
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I genuinely am not asking this to be antagonistic but have you had sex and would you say you’re mentally well?
I made a thread about Mandy and Sonya’s feud last night and it got deleted as off topic
How cool is that?
It was the most on topic thread I made all day but the only thing I posted that got deleted because it involved Mandy and that made him seethe
I noticed he was gone for maybe a week or two but the past few days things that should be untouched have been vanishing again
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>mandy rose has never won a t-
Any of you lads have the pic of Mandy with a plate full of fast food? I'm sure I would have saved it but I can't seem to find it
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BASED. Just imagine Mandy over indulging on all that junk food for her cheat day. Then a few hours later laying down on your back while she squats over you and pushes dirty, stinky turds out onto your face and chest and into your mouth. Then when it’s all over you pin her down and go in-n-out of her asshole while it’s still plastered with her rump nectar
Holy yum
Sonya has inhaled the odor of so many of Mandy’s treats. Makes me jealous
Mandy will eliminate Dana from the rumble
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Not yet
The pedigree, if it actually looked like a finisher tier move
feed me babe
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I bet she dropped some really stinky Mandy logs after that
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And you'd eat them
I wish Mandy would shart while we're stuck in an elevator together and it leads to me cleaning her up
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I could stare at Mandy in tight dresses all day
>eats 6 meals a day in your path
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>eats you out of house and home then breaks your toilet in your path
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>turns your office into a brap chamber in your path
Shits 4 times a day
Then I shall be the replacement toilet for Mandy
Thank you based golden goddess
>she never posted another video dressed like a secretary
This makes me sad
How does her kisses feel like?
soft and wet
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Pic I found and tried to post here but the file size was too big for this board so it's in the other thread
based and high resolution pilled
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You just know
I want to have a threesome with SMF where Mandy and Dana have lesbian interactions and Mandy refers her as 'mom'
You made this thread >>12818347, didn't you
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You have a problem, stop obsessing over incest fantasies
based superior giulia
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Will this be the first rumble where she doesn’t wear black and gold? She wore this color scheme for all the others
Who is more autistic, her for color coding her wardrobe by PPV or the first fan to notice?
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>mandy comes out early in rumble
>stays in for ages
>everyone else down
>countdown is on
>Sonya comes out at 30 and rushes in the ring and stares down an exhausted Mandy
>instead of fighting they start dancing like retards
She is going to bless us
She’s not wearing that unless there’s something else under it and even then that’s a full on golden goddess look which she’d never do as a face
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Imagine the braps and logs that come out of that sweet peach
Need her to use my face as a seat
She’s going to wear the outfit that’s been getting posted for months, so Mandy will end the rumble streak tonight
She knows, that pic is in her story
I want that log launcher on my face and cock
>phillip thomas in his prison cell while watching the rumble on his prison phone
Imagine if she came out in the denim for the rumble
>not even posting a pic on the day of the show
I don't criticize Mandy often because I don't usually have to but she's getting very lazy and complacent on social media recently. She seems to not realize instagram is what carries her career, because WWE booking sure isn't going to
She'll probably post after instead so she can show off whatever new gear she has
she's still been lazy recently though
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I just want her to post something from her last photoshoot like Peyton did with hers
why the absence pretty much her social \ personal pics and vids are her livelihood at this point....
That was a few months ago, maybe this was the last one left
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She seems more interested in practicing her wrestling than the social media thot game nowadays
WWE posted a Mandy interview
God she's so beautiful, I hope she keeps the short hair forever, it's my favorite Mandy look
I wish she'd post more on instagram like she used to but she's hard to stay mad at
Imagine being Mandy’s bag carrier and chewing gum disposal unit (she spits her used chewing gum into your mouth to get rid of it before interviews like she needed me there for in that video). I’d chew her used gum for hours
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A blessing
According to google it’s nearly 5pm in Florida so it’s probably not been long since Mandy released her 3rd log of the day and if she hasn’t, she will soon
It’s so fucking sexy to know somewhere in this same world we exist in, this golden goddess pushes dirty stinky turds out of her perfect asshole. Just imagine smelling Mandy’s tummy chocolate
i really like you bro. we think the same way. i love perverted goddess worship fantasies involving well mainly wwe and nxt female wrestlers
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That look with this dominatrix looking outfit is going to drain my balls tonight
she looks so nice here. her top her jewlery her bag. i am going to cherish this video. threads like these are the best place really to see this type of stuff reposted i assume ? you guys are fairly on top of the current clips and interviews here ?
also 22 minutes ago new insta video story of her driving to this interview in this amazing red top
Please don't cry when she doesn't wear it
That is heel attire, and it doesn't match her Royal Rumble color scheme >>12822322
She was probably going to wear that at Survivor Series
It’s 24/7 Mandy Rose fap thread so yeah
good. i am home
Based as fuck. I dream of Goddess Mandy stepping on me and calling me names while I clean her feet with my mouth
The Golden Goddess has provided a blessing
I saved it my coom 2 days for tonight and I think I made the right choice
I hope she has a wardrobe malfunction during the match and we get to see her pussy or tits and she looks embarrassed when it happens
One of these days she will find a coomer from /asp/ naked in her bedroom, and it will be her fault for being so beautiful.
It’s like she heard the guy that was bitching about her not posting on Instagram more
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How do you run a wrestling company and not make this woman the face of your division, especially with what the others look like? It genuinely fascinates me. The good thing is they at least have the sense to make sure she's always on TV, so we always have new content, but it's bizarre how much money they're leaving on the table, clown world shit. An old Japanese woman, Ric Flair's tranny son, (((a walled midget version))), the two things having a match for the smackdown title tonight, and tonight some dyke or the other from NXT will probably win the rumble. It's all so bizarre.
she seems like the type who would lurk in her own goddess worship thread if there ever was one to
instead have shayna bazzler as one of the top 3 women haha. who does that appeal to ? if you like man faces there already is a mens division. if you like fake mma there was already rhonda
imagine laying naked in her bed pressing and rubbing your junk all over her sheets
Imagine how her laundry full of all her workout gear she sweats in and her undies smells and pressing her panties to your nose and being intoxicated by her scent while doing that
How do you guys feel about scat? Would you let our goddess take a fat steamy shit on your face and chest?
all those things. plus sniffing the insides of these boots after the rumble ...assuming she actually wears this which i hope she does
i am generally cool with it yes. the warmth plus the smell would be nice i think. or rubbing it all in her ass crack then sliding your cock up and down using it as lubrication would be fun
After reading about it nearly every day for years at this point I'd be disappointed if I hooked up with her and she didn't.
She once posted a workout video 15 minutes after someone here said it's been a while since she posted one and a pic in a specific purple dress a few hours after someone said here they wished they could see her in it again
It could be some sort of frequency bias but it feels like maybe she knows about us, and I think it's possible since she did an /asp/ shoutout video on cameo
She looks like she has just the perfect amount of fat on her
Mandy deserves to have an entourage of worshippers around her at all times, wiping her ass with our loyal tongues because toilet paper is rough and not good enough to touch her asshole, laying down over puddles so she can step on us like a bridge, and of course to take care of her feet, sucking each precious golden goddess toe whenever she desires
And the point I was making here in relation to >>12828232 is that if she is aware of us, maybe she likes us because we’d be perfect for those roles
le edgy log poster is a faggot and embarrasses us all
>IP count goes up
Who is us?
No one posts it to be edgy, we post it because it’s hot to imagine being shit on by a goddess like Mandy
Dominating the log market benefits us so I allow it
>She looks like she has just the perfect amount of fat on her
She has the perfect diet to maintain the perfect look, and you just know the tummy chocolate she produces is delightful
Good one mate
Mandy posted a rumble pic from last year and this thread is getting too word heavy so follow her example and post some rumble Mandys
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I know some people like to do a Marilyn comparison for a non wrestling celeb lookalike of Mandy but she reminds me more of prime Britney Spears
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Mandy is a Britney fan, or was anyway
she needs to do the sexy school girl thing again with the thicker body she has now
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Why won't she bring back the choker look bros?, clearly she always liked them
Imagine making her squeeze into that old outfit before you fuck her haha
Based, higher quality than the one posted here I think
You can tell her thighs were next level even then
Based. I'm close to around 24 hours without release I think, she's getting it hard tonight
>the tranny and grandma lost
>dana and mandy have a heel team as champs to chase again
good start to the evening bros
wtf, I thought the preshow was just starting not ending
>>dana and mandy have a heel team as champs to chase again
Vince McFaggot putting a title on Charles for no reason delayed that whole storyline for a fucking month, I'm already sick of seeing them wrestle shayna and nia
I want to cum all over Mandy’s face after the second time I fuck her. Second time because I have to cum in her pussy the first time, no question. Third time I cum in her ass
For me it’s Margot Robbie. She’d also be my ideal partner for a threesome with Mandy the
Did this anon die midsentence or something?
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This will be the year Mandy comes out #2
You weren’t wrong, one of her logs came out instead
She's not in early enough for us to get much from this Rumble :/
>they misser her entrance
>a bed of roses
>and a knee strike
>for 24/7 shit
Seriously fuck this company and it's obsession with holding attractive women back
And eliminated by one of their trannies
Lmao what a waste of fucking time
Welp, good night fellas. Have zero interest in anything else
seethe coomer you faggots are as insufferable as trannies. all female wrestlers fucking suck
The thing I hate most about AEW is that it's such a fucking failure at being competition, WWE needs to fucking die
Meanwhile you are one and worship a Jewish one, slit your bitch ass throat already
It's like they go out of their way to do it with Mandy, the meme is real
>And eliminated by one of their trannies
At this point they're basically telling people with normal expectations for what women on TV should look like to fuck off
Oh no no no do you actually think I'm a rival waifufag? All waifushit is pathetic and you will be mocked until you finally leave
lol good luck
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You know what? It could have been worse.
>you actually think I'm a rival waifufag?
We don't have rivals we have footrests
where the pics at? she looked sexy as fuck and that gear was cute even if its not the one we expected
Appropriate because this was the worst women's rumble of all time
I want to kill a nigger or a tranny, to feel the rush afterward from doing something so holy and right
This. As soon as Mandy hit that floor, I turned it off and put on Attack on Titan
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>rolling out the career red carpet to a flat chested cotton mouthed cringe inducing fake ponytail wearing NIGGER
>debut this in a fucking faction
You’re not wrong but it’s not our company. I just want to jerk off man
It’s worse than AEW at this point
Also based
Based forgot it was out
New thread now or after the show?
Also Sonya wasn't even in the rumble, what the fuck, they get a new top heel handed to them on a fucking plate by Mandy and they make her an actual authority figure seriously they can't do anything right
She eliminated someone and got her shit in, but to do the 24/7 shit during her entrance when they had probably a dozen ugly fucking nobodies from NXT in that rumble is their way of telling normal white American men to fuck off and stop watching WWE and outside of Mandy segments I've already done that
I almost wish she didn't sign a contract and went to AEW and wrestled as Amanda Thorne or something
She'd barely be on TV in AEW
She'd be the biggest name in the company who isn't Jericho or Ambrose and Cody seems redpilled about women's wrestling, she'd kill it there
I haven't been able to console war post about aew/wwe since 2019 and it's because deep inside, I genuinely hate WWE with every fibre of my being and am a living embodiment of the hate watching meme trannies and nujapanlets spout
make the thread after the show, maybe she'll post a new pic for us by then
Based prophet
Rose is her shoot middle name, she'd still be able to use it
Her gear would be skimpier too, and the camera man would cut woard the good shots instead of away like in GAYWWE
This. I'd do anything to taste and smell every last log she makes

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