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Previous >>12784455

Momo and Iida vs Nanae Takahashi and Arisa Nakajima in SeAdLiNNNNNNNNNNNNNG 2/10
Tam vs Giulia explosive barbedwire bat 3/3
Utami is attractive
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1st for ASUKA!
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Starlight bik
I wish Hana wasn't dead
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>Utami is attractive
You forgot
>QQ don't draw
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Reminder that Giulia is a Zionist boot licker.
Trump lost
Just remember the good times and try your best to be happy. It was her final wish
I hope she straightened out that rightoid in her group
It's a crime against wrestling that Kairi is getting into this kind of shape to lay down for some NXT jabronie at Wrestlemania and not Utami at Nippon Budokon.
Literally Giulia's only redeeming quality
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man, imagine not doing a fucking thing with riho for like 2 years
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He's Zionist Bootlicker In Chief #1.

This is why we root for Mayu who secretly donates her copious of amounts of yen to Uyoku Dantai groups.
No wonder she whores herself out for black african cock while the bushiroad execs are fapping in the corner
Nice thread, guys
garbage posts
I understand it from a business point, but from a fan's perspective, it's absolutely ridiculous that Riho wasn't utilized more
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after seeing her butthole those pics don't do the trick anymore
A spread shot is still a very pleasant sight. Wish it was Saya though
If she's looking to bulk up, she needs not to skip leg day. It's a bit neglectful.
I mean, we've seen that area unfettered on her, so she probably doesn't care if something slips out.
seems to work for the wop
Since Syuri is seconding Momo for the Seadling match, maybe Nakajima pins Iida and then Syuri challenges her for the SWA at Budokan
Who all has tattoos in Stardom? I know Saki Kashima has one on her lower back. Mayu has one on her arm. I know I've seen another one that I can't remember.

Bea is pure, I know that.
>Syuri is seconding Momo
Where did you read that?
I'm pretty sure Natsuko has one on the back of her neck. Not sure about anyone else.
She said it in her post match promo last night. Its part of the storyline with them respecting each other despite being different factions
It is Natsuko Tora's birthday today.
>*cricket sounds*

95% of the comments and quote tweets for the Budokan card announcements are extremely positive and excited. And we still have more stuff like a Syuri singles match and possible Marvelous tag challenge. Any haters are a small minority.
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happy birthday natsuko
It's a good card outside the red belt match.
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love this woman. happy birthday tora
I haven't seen anything but excitement for the Budokan show. The only negative is (((WWE))) cock blocking Kairi Hojo form putting over Utami.
Sonny deletes the negative comments
i just coomed
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I really like Saya Iida and how much she puts into her matches, especially how she doesn't have to eat pins as often now.... but I seriously can't believe she has a blm fist on one of her kneepads.
>allowing her superstars to lose in some bingo hall
kek I bet that's the reason he told them to fuck off
bold move after she blacked up last year
I seriously doubt her request went all the way up to Vince. And if it did, I'm sure Vince remembers Rossy snubbing his bitch ass and selling to Bushiroad instead, so it likely has more to do with pettyness than anything.
Yeah I used to like her too. Shame
The best Saya
ya seethe whiteboi?
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love her
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big choppas
trump lost
Joke's on you, I don't live in the US
she has it because its a black fist that probably reminded her of a gorilla color, her nickname. you really think a japanese woman is gonna care about american politics lol
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out of the white house and into your head rent free
any more pics of that autograph line? sucks that AZM and Momo had nobody in their line.
>but I seriously can't believe she has a blm fist on one of her kneepads.

She already said it's cause she's working a gorilla gimmick.
Fuck Ghoulia, fuck Bushiroad, and fuck the shills
They aren't going anywhere
Jamie (if we're including her).
all this dumbass had to do was look at the previous /stardom/ thread lol
why would anyone include her? might as well include mari apache
I'm the Momofag that posted those. Let me die in peace.
That was me as well.
You're a dumbass then
Nearly every table had a trophy with all the awards they gave out
I beg you, be gentle. I am a broken man.
Based af
no draws momo and azm table didn't
oh no no no
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that's even worse!
I knew Momo has no fan support, but Ayy Zee Emm too?
The probable reason is that she turned 18 and that caused a lot of fans to get turned away
It wasn't supposed to be like this momobros..
It's fine bro, nothing wrong with being Stardom's Goto.
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They both have lots of fans and get good crowd reactions. I think Momo has main evented 2 of the 3 biggest drawing shows they had this year in singles matches. Julia, Oreddit Tai, and Cosmic Angels get no crowd reaction or draw fans in their main events.
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If Arisa was still around, do you think she would have gone with Tammu and the Angels or stuck with Mayu and Stars?
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>Cosmic Angels get no crowd reaction or draw fans in their main events.

the coomer faction is the one you single out for the stardom audience? is this a joke?
Don't see any time stamps in the pics so there's nothing that says in which part of the signing time slot the pics were taken.
4 years on the spotlight, still pushed like Io was the leader - never change.
Seething won't change the fact that Giulia has won multiple independent fan votes.
it's a shame kagetsu never commited to the gimmick and got full torso yakuza style tattoos imo
love this swol leprechuan
No way to know. Cosmic Angels might not exist in a timeline where Arisa didn't retire.
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>crowd chant: MILK! MILK! MILK! MILK! MILK!
Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that Giulia matches suck
She look 40 in that pic
who's mom is that?
she looks 40 in almost every pic
>hey anon we heard a rumor you're hung. want to let us see?
Hulk Hogan sucked but he drew all the dimes brother.
arisa would lead a faction with tam in it
>if a wrestler has good matches, criticize his drawing power
>if a wrestler draws, criticize his matches
>congratulations now it's impossible to be wrong
They're new wrestlers, nobody knows who Unagi and Mina are. And all it took was a few matches to see they can't wrestle, combined with being over 30 meaning they have no potential to reach makes them dead on arrival
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giulia doesn't draw and has shit matches
If Arisa was around she would currently be the red belt champ and Mayu would've retired knowing the company was in good hands.
Rossy's mom
maybe mayu shouldn't have bullied her out of the company then
oh right, cause stardom fans are all about fuckin work rate
That makes it hotter
Someone post AZM mom from the VICE hit piece
super mark
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Then she wouldn't be able to get into onsen's to find someone she could have fun with along with Hazuki.
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Possibly trying to make amends.
It was probably Hunter that did it. He's probably salty because he couldn't get the deal done and poor Kairi has to suffer for it even though he had no foresight for what would happen to Stardom after a purchase, which sunk the deal.
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I wished she would've put the Howard Stern fist logo on it instead.
love this skellington
I wish Iida would have put her fist up my ass instead
Me. She could wear us like boxing gloves
*Me too
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How come Tam isn't showing off the gold like Unagi and Mina? Does she think she doesn't measure up? I mean I wouldn't mind paizuri from her.
based satan
As per usual from a giant faggot.
it's giant saya not giant faggot
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will she ever win a big match again?
no she's in the same position as Kyona and Konami now.
She might beat Nanae
Only the one against my cock.
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Ze Endo
>poor Kairi

I mean, she didn't need to sign that mark contract in march and then there wouldn't be any issue.
yes, giulia is the sole reason for low gate numbers in 2020
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rich family
"please let me be your next meaningless filler opponent"
Definitely a reason but not the sole reason
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Should Tamu have gone over?
No Dreamshine wouldn't have been as based. Konami should have beat Arisa at year end climax.
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I think she should have maybe 6 months into Rissers reign.
She's 18, she should be a filler challenger now.
If QQ's lines were completely empty, who were the ones with lines stretching to the back hall? It wasn't STARS because you can see them to the right
Giulia is an anti draw sorry. Just because coomers are unafraid to stand in line for her like they are with momo/azm since they could pretty much be grandchildren to the average fan doesn’t make her a draw. All her main events bombed in attendance this year.
This is a sad level of cope.
When she has to deal with green wrestlers like Natsuko and Starlight Kid as her opponents in main event matches, but SHE's the problem that her opponent doesn't draw any popularity to speak of
Newsflash: Starlight Kid doesn't put butts in seats, Natsuko Tora doesn't put butts in seats either, she fucking breaks the seats with her obesity.
Why are the black weebs in here? Is it because your general is nothing but piracy and poi spam?
And trannies and pedophiles and bad wrestling and bumping their dead thread.
the state of you
lmao all you can do is repeat insults back at people because you have nothing else. Giulia is a green shitter and she doesn't draw money.
The other two don't draw money either, how does an under-age girl in a mask and an overweight beast with go-away-heat challenging supposed to elevate the White belt?
What did Yurie mean by this? I don't think we have a shot lads.
Top drawing Momo main event singles matches:

1/19/20 - Momo Watanabe vs Mayu Iwatani (1602)
12/20/20 - Momo Watanabe vs Utami Hayashishita (1027)

Bonus tag main events:
1/26/20 - Momo Watanabe & Jungle Kyona vs Mayu Iwatani & Kagetsu (626)
11/14/20 - Utami Hayashishita & Saya Kamitani vs Momo Watanabe & AZM (563)

Top drawing Giulia main event singles matches, excluding the Cinderella Tournament:

7/26/20 - Giulia vs Tam Nakano (483)
9/28/20 - Giulia vs Himeka (472)
8/8/20 - Giulia vs Mayu Iwatani (445)
8/9/20 - Giulia vs Himeka (405)

Bonus tag Korakuen main:
9/28/20 - Giulia & Syuri vs Mayu Iwatani & Tam Nakano (405)

After all, nobody wants to see Giulia wrestle and she's bringing in no new fans
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These pictures prove literally nothing. Nice try DDM monkey.
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Needs to wear an outfit like Saki's oedo tai one.
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if i saw this irl id die of a heart attack in the boner
>top stars reduced to shilling mobile games on twitter
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>Stardom in the Budokon
>Biggest show in company's history
>Momo in the co-main event
>Sloppy Woppy Jewish bootlicker Ghoulia doesn't even have a match. Will probably lose her title to Tam.

Keep the faith Momo bros. Rossy is a double agent within Bushiroad. Momo will win the red belt in 2021. Rossy is a QQ mark and always will be.
QQ is the least popular faction even with illogical pushes, I don't think his faith will last much longer
Rossy, sure, but Bushiroad prefers zero dimes drawing ghouls and have paid off the Japanese media to support their trash
Based facts, which corrupt Bushiroad ignores
Rossy doesn't give a fuck about how many trick Julie can turn. The guy is a big wrestling fan and huge lucha mark. He sees QQ as the extension of his protege Io Shirai.

If Mayu isn't the champion it's always going to be someone from Queen's Quest. It was Bea and now Utami. Julie will never win the red belt unless she's willing to bow down to the Queens.
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Is that Mandheling with Momo?
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I'd go catatonic in their presence, but this combo would do me in.
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One day i'll find out for sure if her stupidity is a work
Japanese seem to care more about American politics then japanese politics
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This is gonna be an all-timer, that's for sure
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I gotta say I really like guilia's look, pity about her in ring
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Starlight Kid is an adult, don't get worked by the gimmick
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Adorable clunker or cunning genius. The world may never know.
Speaking of Mayu's twitter, oh my.
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mayu is such a cutie
HHH... kyuukyoku shoppai
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>the sounds she makes at the end
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It has nothing to do with America or BLM though, Yank.
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First off, I coomed. But does this mean Mayu has realized the error of her ways and will join the Cosmic Angels????
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>QQ is the least popular faction even with illogical pushes
Uuuuuhhh, where did you get that from? Your arse?
Nice take, mate. I like it.
Also, the DDM glory supporters will fade away like the 'people who voted for Hitler because they were told he was great' marks they are.
Yeah, probs because that piece of shit country has an army/naval base in pretty much all the countries around there and some in Japan too.
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smol saya bum
rauka looking like natsuko from a couple of years ago
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I got confused for a sec until I saw the mohawk in the background

Does Unagi have enough experience to carry Julie to a decent match yet? I guess we'll see.
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So no Goiken/Kaori or the sisters at the awards show. And eventhough they're injured, no Sumire or Kyona as well. What gives?
Vince already has a smol Japanese luchadora in Io.
I would love to walk in and find her on my couch like that
There a photo of Konami's ass at the awards? She's got tight pants on.
this tho
I would honestly mark out hard
mmm, yes please
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I didn't find any bum shot
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What is Zoomies lock screen?
Luminous lost the Wave tags yesterday. Umesaki will soon be ours
It's all just a work. They weren't part of the earlier show so they weren't part of the awards.
I'll believe it when I see it
Also covid. No need to invite people who don't need to be there.
They should have let Momo and AZM go home early then
how could they lose belts they didn't have?
It looks like a picture of her and Momo and some other people in the background.
A horizontal selfie featuring 4 people. It's hard to make out who they are. If I had to guess, I'd say: Momo, Yurie(?), Saya, Utami
the dick pic i sent her
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My favorite uta-kun
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As far as buttholes go, for me, it's Unagi
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Imagine Mayu with a buzz cut
the real shining star
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i like unagi's face more now than in the video, it's softer and inviting
Just picture the fade on the side
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vince probably doesn't even remember employing her
i don't know if she can reach that high
she'll do crow sting and vanish for a year to watch shows from the rafters only coming back to save stardom from the iron grip of DDM
>corpsing momo
Vince doesn't remember his own son so it's not a problem.
It were the Diana ones (the shield titles). The Wave ones are with Marvelous.
I still haven't seen the video, someone drops a link please
Somebody posted it on /gif/ a while back, that's where I found it
>jerks off
>Injures her hand
That's why she should just let me take care of her futami
this but
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Mayu should have been #30 in the Rumble and won and wrestled Utami at Mania and then never fuck with WWE again.
i got it on /gif/ too. the thread was named on here, so you'll have to cross reference some archives
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I'm suddenly much more appreciative of Stardom after watching the women's royal rumble match. It wasn't bad, but something about the entire match felt "plastic"
Cute tum and based ace
Everything about wwe's presentation is pasteurized and prepackaged. They're the McDonalds of wrestling, even Kaiju Big Battel is fucking Shakespeare compared to their production. I wouldn't praise stardom
describe her pubic hair
I suppose you're right. My comment was supposed to be a praise of wrestling outside of WWE in general, but I singled out Stardom given the thread we're in.
Keep that appreciation in mind when Stardom becomes just like the WWE within the next 5 years
Could hit the weights a little more
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Pure beauty and the True Heart, FUCK Bushiroad for disrespecting her
What public hair?
I see Stardom going the path of NJPW rather than WWE
Just go to the gym idiot
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can you imagine?
what's the best way to watch this?
i'd want it translated, obv
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why? she's the best athlete and wrestler in the company. maybe giulia should spend less time bodybuilding and more time training to be an actual wrestler so she doesn't look like she's moving in quicksand
Stardom World for only 920yen a month, goy
But if you don't realize already all subtitles are hardcoded into the video files so you could probably use a private tracker to watch and have no difference, and there is no commentary except for PPVs so that isn't even a factor
We Are Stardom is free but no translations and they run 2 months behind
Watchprowrestling should have the most recent shows uploaded. You only really need subtitles for the pre match promos. Stardom world has all the matches from 2019-current and bonus content for like 8-9 dollars a month
Oh, they offer subtitles? I don't mind paying if it's good shit.
Cool and Giulia will still be the top star while Momo's ceiling will be a jobber to stars because in ring is the not the only thing that matters. No promotion pushes people based only on their workrate.
You really aren't missing much in subtitles, Stardom like most Japanese promotions are based on sports-like portrayal so all the pre-match promos are the same basic "I want to pin the champion in this random tag match to prove my worth and get my shot"
You really should only pay for Stardom World if you are invested in watching a lot of the backlog like the other anon said, if you are only looking to jump in right now then you might be better off going to a piracy site to see if you are really interested
full bush
Why is she so likeable?
Yeah, because of goobers like you who watch wrestling with your dick in your hand.

>so all the pre-match promos are the same basic "I want to pin the champion in this random tag match to prove my worth and get my shot"
Imagine writing this concerning Stardom when they have had people like Hana, Tam, Riho, Mayu, Kagetsu and fucking Natsu delivering promos. Some people on here really are dumb as fuck.
I agree with the others but why did you put her name there? I haven't seen her much outside Stardom so maybe she's charismatic or has good promos there, but her promos in Stardom were boring and generic for the most part.
If you were booking you would never make money.
Projection much
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Speaking of Stardom promos, this is still my favorite. Just funny enough while still being serious.
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Of course Mayu would nearly trip over the mic.
She's smol, cute and bubbly.
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As much as we bicker between QQ fans, Stardom Army, DDM guys, Oedo Tai chads, and Cosmic Coomers, we can all agree that Stardom is infinitely better than the the bolted on silicone tits and clown make up WWE tranny can't-wrestle-roster is. That women's Royal Rumble was the absolute shits.
NJPW isn't pushing green shitters as main eventers they also book their different factions way better than Stardom.
you watch WWE lmao
Pre-Bushiroad Stardom had more lighthearted pre match promos, but of all the people you listed only 2 are currently working for Stardom. Crazy when you consider all 6 were active just 1 year ago.
Not the guy you responded to but I watched WWE for the first time since Mania today and I couldn't stomach anything after the women's rumble match. I have no idea how people can still watch it knowing that other promotions exist.
>I have no idea how people can still watch it knowing that other promotions exist.
people still watch Giulia, Ruaka and Natsuko matches despite knowing that they won't be good.
I still watch ruaka matches because I like the big rigga and I hope that she will become a good wrestler
Ruaka unironically regressed and she hasn't even graduated from school yet, my hopes of her turning it around are getting lower
It makes zero sense. Bushiroad has people brainwashed
Why is Natsuko a faction leader? How? She is just so god damn awful at wrestling and I don’t get it at all. It’s embarrassing and she needs to get better.
Everything said by trolls about Momo is *actually true* about Tora
this but giulia
>Rossy randomly injects in the middle of his tweet that he lost 20 kg in the last year
is he legit dying?
I don't know why they don't make Bea the leader already, she is the person the push most of that group.
lol stop seething
He's 63 and had somewhat of a health scare last year...
stop being black
Natsuko is actually a solid wrestler. The shitty booking and gimmick have meant her performances have regressed.
She wasn't having great matches even before the gimmick change. She had a couple of good matches tagging with Kyona, 2 good matches against Tam, 1 good match against Kyona and 1 good match against Mayu, the rest is at best forgettable.
love smol saya like you wouldn't believe
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Mayu stunted her early career by having short hair. Could have been Big Yen Mayu much earlier had she grown it out.
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She does look better with long hair, although so do all women.
Any more pics of vpl in their dresses from the award ceremony? No Iida please
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Zoomy, kind of maybe
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Nanae hates the new logo too it looks like
Utami looks better with short hair!
is that momo getting a pic from utami?
I haven't watch the match yet, but did they have issues with the cuffs like Roman and Owens did?
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No lies detected
I don't watch WWE so I don't know what you're talking about
Yes, it is Momo bowing before Utami-sama
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I have some cream to clear up Momo's pimples, if you know what I mean.
I want her to shoot on me like she shot on Misawa
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based but
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i want her to shoot on me like she shot on syuri
Syuri's goofy ass smile and Momo's stance after her first swing gets me everytime lol
What should the next OP be? My computer is acting a bitch so it'll probably take a while
AZM or Tam or Mayu
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got tam and trips for you anon
new thread >>12850444

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