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Previous >>12758000 →

Sumire is streamin
Kyona working hard with midbreath
Bea and Utami gonna smash
Evil Skelly works everyone into a shoot
Kon is cool
Natsuko a cute
Yurie is an angel
>>12824933 (OP)
Right, has anyone got pics of Konami's ass in her awards suit?
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>>12824933 (OP)
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Sorry, though Kon looks like a whole damn snack
fucks sake jamie the things you do to me
thanks, just bought some more LOVEME stocks even though I can't afford it right now
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>shift+click on oedo thread in catalog
>can now just go to hidden threads tab to find it amid the edrone rumble spam
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gonna be rough here tonight
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Those reddit geeks better not mess with LOVEME stocks like they did with GameStop. We don't want Nao in any PR nightmare.
LOVEME stock only drops when it's time for dog food. The dip is miniscule and no vultures would ever see it as a reasonable investment. The entire base is people who just want her to be as wealthy as possible so they only buy at peak and only sell when she asks.
Sexy sunburn Skelly
I'm not sure what it is, but I can't get fully into her being bangable. It's probably the baby teeth she has.
yurie is my gf, BITCH :)
are we gonna ding-dong diddly lose the thread to #30 spam

Yeah her teeth are about half length and I've always prescribed to the idea she's a demon
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I want a plush tora to bring home
Is that still going?
the catalog is stuffed full of it because of everyone trying to be hilarious, and we're still two hours from the real spam

good luck
>are we gonna ding-dong diddly lose the thread to #30 spam
Fuck no
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Post your Huhu's to keep this alive during the Rumble onslaught that's coming.
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Good pic if you crop the thing on the left out
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Photoshop God returns
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Agreed, she's much hotter on her own, more focus on her bangin body
Four women who love BILLY G.O.A.T.'s BIG BRITISH COCK!
How does he do it?
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Hot take: I liked Terrace House, the cinematography was great even if everyone else in the house, the camera crew and the directors were fucking sociopaths
I enjoyed it when I watched it too. Don't ever plan on watching anything in the series again though after everything that's come out.
dolled-up oedo saki is 11/10 wife material
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for me it's
I heard the earlier seasons were really good but that Tokyo revival was one of the worst apparently, and with really boring people for the first 20 episodes and some terrible people for the rest, I feel genuinely bad for the shit the audience threw at Hana and Emika (neither of which did anything really wrong), I think the latter is still getting harassment from being on the show to this day after everything that happened
Just an extremely toxic environment all around under the image of a therapeutic show
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Holy cute
What does her tattoo say?
>last post was made 16 minutes ago
>already at page 6
What the heck?
>go eat food
>take shower
>come back to PC
>Yurie is still cute
Rumble night. I was surprised too
All I want in life is to marry Yurie and do everything 'in my power to keep her smiling, giggling and happy.
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i said the same thing about Mio Shirai but she ended up with a complete chad that mogs the fuck out of me in every way
it can happen to you
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Kyoko finally put up that new Hana shirt from last month, I'm thinking about getting both colors desu.
Pink would be a comfy sleep shirt
damn, she gonna throw that design up on pwt like the other one?
Depends if she plans on giving a cut of sales to the shop that made the design, because moving it to PWT would be dicing even further.
that's true, but the price can be raised on pwt to cover that
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For me, it’s Sumire Natsu.
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So cute and athletic.
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Damn I missed out on the Melon color I hope she restocks it.
Yeah this, I'd definitely pay more and get both if she put them on pwt.
I could barely make out Skelly in the thumbnail before expanding it. Saki must really be good at playing hide and seek.
More Skelly
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Forgot pic
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who is this muscle angel?
Oedo Tai's Jamie Hayter.
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don't forget to buy Martina's new merch, especially her 8x10s
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>go to sleep
>dream about birds
>wake up
>have breakfast
>watch wrasslin
>come to /asp/
>yurie is STILL cute
how does she do it
Us mortals could never comprehend the true beauty of an angel like Yurie
She's the pureness of the universe personified and is living among us to bring us as much joy as possible.
>shows pits
>shows legs
>shows feet
what is the final frontier now? belly?
She has teased it before, so yes.
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love saki bros
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The closest we've gotten, and yet so far
fully exposed back is the one line that will never be crossed
thank you for using my filename
we have a connection now
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I like to come up with unique filenames but "saki weird look" is the absolute perfect description of that picture
That's a surprising amount of food for such a slim bean sprout.
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Ahh that's actually a photo from our date. I was the one who took the photo no lie.
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lord forgive me for clicking on that link
You're a lucky dude. Can you get Konami's digits from her for me?
I tried but she smacked my ass and called me her bitch. Not sure what she meant by that
bobs and vagene
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The state of this thread, none of you are worthy of Skelly bum
Delete this!
Ponder to thought of having a mix of thick and thin fun with Saki and Himeka.
I miss JunKyo
is cool.
>not thicc and sticc
ya blew it
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there's better ratios for that
the one on the right is every mexican woman after 35
Sounds about right lmao. They're absolute goddesses before then
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get the fuck in here lads
What is this?
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custom order shitpost
name of the tall girl?
saki akai
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We all do, mate.
Shit! I missed it. Why does this kind of thing always happen either overnight or working hours?
The last time I checked, she was singing the Sailor Moon theme and playing with her hair.

man this is touching
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try after 15
I miss the hip windows, but I miss Sumire herself even more. I wish I understood Japanese with an Osakan dialect.
I want to hold her hand and take a wintertime stroll with her as we drink hot cider.
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I love her goofy smile, it's so endearing
Post Saki bums
When is somebody gonna wife her up already? I might have to fuck around and step up if nobody else wants to
If I lived in Japan I'd have taken care of that already.
Lewd and not welcome!
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new skelly bum
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Skelly bum in white looks real nice. Skellytoe a shoot?
looks like it to me
Yurie is pure and not for sexuals.
it's inevitable with anything where the fabric has a seam down the middle. the fabric will bunch together like that too given it needs enough width for things like high kicks or stretches

but also yes
Imagine wanting to be mean to this.
so puffy you could take a nap on it
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This is the good stuff.
Jesus Christ
"Go ahead, fuck her anon!"
May the deities bless osaretai315 for his skill with a camera.
>when Mayu catches you being a perv.
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>that tweet under it
based, seems like she really loved her fans.
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Are other Asians envious of Japanese people and their ability to have virtually white skin? I'm pure Nordic and Saki's skin tone is almost the same as mine.
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I love her.
She was so sweet. I just wish we knew about the pain she was burying deep inside to let her know how much she is loved.
been a while since we saw Yurie's tech ineptitude, I miss it
Saki's ass is single-handedly carrying this general these days. Based Skelly.
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tired of the fucking edrone spam today good god

deploying images
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why they mad now? I keep off the catalog and just stay in /oedo/ and /stardom/
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I don't even care to look but page 7 in 40 mins tells me someone's uppity
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is Yurie's punching technique too powerful?
>I keep off the catalog and just stay in /oedo/ and /stardom/
Unbelievably based
It's probably necrobumper back on his bullshit.
Better than Pete Dunne
i used to be the same now I open /oedo/ a few times a week from its own filter bookmark and never even see catalog unless I want to
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Who's the one getting double teamed by Sumire and Martina?
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My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do. I'm going to make Konami step on me. I'm willing to use violence on anyone except Konami. Where do I begin?
I didn't know Tony Atlas posted here.
Itoh spam bump
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i get that there's a lot of big news going on but
>page 7 in 40 mins
come on
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Forbidden Door bump
She's pretty based.
The AEWtists are just as bad, especially with the end of the Dynamite.
I miss Hazuki, but I miss these two together as well.
that's what I meant, i call all of them edrones for simplicity
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page 8 huhu bump
Who's the guy on the left next to Suwama?
Maybe it's the camera's perspective, but /KON/ is taller than that dude on the opposite side of the line up from her. He should be on the 3 horse in the 5th race at Nakayama Racecourse.
I hope li'l android is doing well.
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Without just saying "1st or 2nd match on the card that ends in a DQ", what does Natsuko, theoretically the "top heel", do for the 10th Anniversary? Do they do anything at all for the longest running faction in the company?
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