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Previous Thread: >>12705729
Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you claim to own something provide evidence for it.

>Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

Thread Topic:
How much airshit did you do during Covid?
>How much airshit did you do during Covid?
I attended two games last summer. I was just getting back into things when my area got locked down again.
>Tokyo Marui FAMAS
Why did TM choose this is a the first AEG? Seems like the M16 or AK47 would have had the most mass appeal.
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The FAMAS is nice and boxy, it's not too difficult to squeeze in gearbox. V1 gearboxes are built like a brick shithouse as well. More conventional rifles like M16 are more difficult to put a gearbox in, and V2's are more fragile as a result.
Damn that really sucks
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It does, I needed one more game to get my UKARA registration back, without which I can't import toys from abroad. Pic related is coming in a couple of months, hope I'll be able to get some games in before then.
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classic guns so much soul. I may buy a m1 in the future.
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I got the Cybergun FAMAS Evo last year. Pretty solid all round. Been wanting one since I first played MGS.
>classic guns
To me classic guns are everything before rails and plastic everywhere, basically everything up to the 90s.
Pretty much this.
Why are airsoft larpers so cringe?

Good question
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMY_SUuobww source
Is sniping actually fun or is it just larper shit and a detriment to your team?
>Is sniping actually fun or is it just larper shit and a detriment to your team?
Maybe both.
I thought you guys died. Goddamnit.
Depends on the field. My field has terrible cover and snipers do very well on it.
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I don't have the patience to sit in a bush and ambush, which is where snipers excel. Also, bolt action rifles are a money pit for marginal gains.
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>How much airshit did you do during Covid?
None, I was getting tired of it even before desu. But now I can't do it, I'm getting the urge to go out as soon as possible.
Thank you
ngl bros airsoft is pretty gay
I'd say airsoft is more lame than gay. Something like wrestling would be gay.
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What do you guys think of Negative Airsoft? Any other airsoft tech channels worth watching?
Good luck anon.
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We need more WW1 shit in Airsoft. Tired of Nazi LARPers when you got those sexy trench raiders.
Agreed anon.
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I feel like this really isn't the best place for us, by definition /asp/ is the best fit but it's literally just /wwe/ so nobody finds the thread and it also moves a little fast to sustain a thread like this.

Would /toy/ kick us out? We'd probably get more new blood there since it's got people into models and replicas and there's also the nerf thread there for cross-interest. The board is slower too so we also won't need to pity bump as much.
This sadly. /esg/ managed to stick around after being removed from sp.
Sorry anon. Wrong thread.
/toy/ seems appropriate, but I'm fairly sure I've seen every airsoft related thread deleted there by the jannies. I guess there's also /out/ but really /asp/ should be the most suitable, it's just full of tons of pointless threads about female Japanese wrestlers.
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Thinking of getting a grenade launcher for my AK74, DBoys or King Arms I think. Are they ever useful, or just deadweight? THey look cool, but I can easily imagine getting tired of lugging it around.
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Air-soft island


Final chapter of airsoft events at The Island… RIP ???
>but I'm fairly sure I've seen every airsoft related thread deleted there by the jannies.
Why though?
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I unironically think these clear guns are cool
Agreed. Very cool
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I figured literally everyone else hated them since it's a thing that's only on cheap shitty sporting goods store guns because it's somehow supposed to be "safer" even though they don't look any less like firearms from a distance.

I just like clear shells on things and seeing the internals and also I think airsoft takes itself too seriously
I want an atomic purple AEG
Fair enough, but most people get in to airsoft because of the realistic guns, and players probably don't like to be reminded they are just playing with toys.
I personally wouldn't bother. They're a bit too bulky and airsoft grenade launchers all seem a bit weak. Those newer Airsoft innovation ones seem okay, but I think a lot of sites have banned them.
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Just got a GP-25 for my wasr any tips on removing the orange paint without removing the finish underneath? Also I'll have to do some filing to make it fit.
>>12850144 see >>12858095

I bought the DBoys version from airsoft gogo.com mainly just because I wanted to dress up my real ak, since the real thing is non-existent besides any parts kits of the real deal that rarely come up and charge a premium on gunbroker.
Old school wood AK74
>DBoys GP-25

New school polymer AK74
>King arms GP-30
Nice one

I was looking at the King Arms one, I read the DBoys one takes proprietary shells.
airsoft sniping is a meme
if your field has joule caps a well tuned saeg can outperform a sniper easily
also snipers tend to stay in their position for way too long, i dont see the appeal of waiting for three or four hits when you could make twenty CC hits in the meantime
Fields around me tend to have separate FPS caps for snipers, DMRs, and then everything else
Thank you
>without which I can't import toys from abroad
CRW is your friend
True, but I'd rather do it legit, not pay for some disassembly service, and potentially still get nabbed by customs.
i got my l85a1 from them without issue for what it's worth
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I really want a magpul pdr, sad that they're out of stock and discontinued
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why won't you fuck off
Why, what's the appeal?
Bump https://youtu.be/Zc_8LQU0xcA
Good question
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Patrician choice.
Very nice.
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>guard around mag release
Pitty bump
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It's different
It was kind of crazy to learn how 99% of airsoft guns up until semi-recently are just TM clones
we weren't even on page 5 my dude
Page 7 but you know wrestlers-fags spam.
As far as I know, even now the vast majority of aegs are still based on TM gearboxes.
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have a bump so the /woo/tards don't kill your general
Thank you anon
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I have a Type 89 AEG, it's pretty good. It feels really solid. I don't like fielding it though, for fear of being thought a weeb.
Man who cares what others think, just play with it if you like it.

To be honest i feel this is the right board for the concept but not in userbase, do you guys think they would nuke us if we post on /toy/?
>To be honest i feel this is the right board for the concept but not in userbase, do you guys think they would nuke us if we post on /toy/?
Knowing the jannies yes.
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thanks for all your hard work
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Rating thread have a bump
Support weapons look cool and all, but they seem a bit surplus to requirement given every aeg can lay down tons of automatic fire with hicaps.
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oh shit didnt know this was back
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I hope they stick around.
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https://youtu.be/4yXSn_4LlEI 2005
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age old curse of bb in the corner
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>play airsoft in highschool
>go to college, graduate and become successful member of society
>buddy called me today saying one of the guys we use to play with in highschool just bought the local paintball field from the crotchety no fun allowed old guy
Is 27 too old to be a gay airsofter again, and if not what the fuck is the best that money can buy? Is Systema dead?
well i know 30-40 yo playing so up to you
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Anything past 15 is too old to be playing with toy guns, and the majority of players are over that age, so you'll be in good company. Airsoft is gay, but a serious good laff.
Well thats good to know. What are the top tier brands now? Last time I really played HPA was all the rage.
I guess HPA is still favoured by a lot of the more serious players, otherwise I guess Tokyo Marui, LCT, G&G seem like the more expensive decent brands. But the gap is closing, it seems like there are fewer truly shit manufacturers.
Age is a meaningless construct
Just remember that stock Tokyo Marui FPS is very low for western standards, 300 at most with .20g.
depends, ireland has very simlair airsoft law to japan in terms of joules
>Age is a meaningless construct
Agreed anon.
my airsoft team has turned into a hiking / camping group since we cant play. that is kinda nice too
I have seen zoomies get 50 year old boomers kicked out of games before
Kicked out for what?
Yeah, but the consistency is pretty much unequaled.
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That shit sucks
for being old
How did they wrangle that? Surely everyone's paid their money, you can't be removed for being old.
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>turned away for being too old
>turned away for turning up on their own
I don't believe this happens, /asg/.
He's lying.
why the plastic bags?
Ended up getting a LCT ak74, swapping in a mancraft pdik. I also ordered a zci barrel, the maple mr bucking and curved nub.
probably a case of artism
i won one ina contest at my range years ago,it broke and i tried fixing it and when it got worse i trashed it cause at the time they were cheap.
amazing gun
It's why you have games that require midcaps only. It makes the lmg serve a purpose closer to its real world counterpart instead of everyone hosing the planet with their dsg and 4k m4 box mag.
Agreed anon.
what do you guys think of this,Im irish so this default airsoft for me
forgot vid link
Thank you.
This wouldn't be great. I already have a court order stating I can't be within 20yds of groups of children under 12. I wouldn't be able to go airsofting if this was implemented.
Nostalgia. They really capture that 2012 feel.
pressing x on this, where can you play airsoft that no kid goes?
as long as they don't background check him, msw doesn't allow anyone under 18 unless they jump through a lot of hoops.
dont they only do a handful of games every year
Zoomer feels?
2012 was 9 years ago now. People who graduated highschool then are damn near 30.
>page 8 again
oh no why are we going down so fast these days?
less interest, and stuck on a board filled with wrastel wrastle austim.
once joshipedos get send back to /woo/ or moved to /jp/ peace will return to /asp/
Good idea
I both don't and do like it. I can only begin to fathom the problems with cheaters, rpm fags and even more children implementing this nation wide here in America, hobbies here are bad enough without it being easier for people to get in.
i dont see much cheating here with 1 joule limit, but we are used to it
>less interest, and stuck on a board filled with wrastel wrastle austim.
America would have a massive problem as the pain from getting shot a shit ton is half of what keeps people honest.
As much as there are certain aspects that everyone will hate with any given hobby, splintering it is never a good idea unless you have enough of a population to support it. Airsoft imo does not have that population for the most part. In addition at least here in the US I can foresee if this was ever implemented insurance companies would start demanding fields run at the lower FPS limits.
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How do I reach high kill score
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The pain is part of the fun, the potential for pain makes it exciting, and the chance of inflicting it on others makes it pleasurable.
Nice. I'm eyeing up the mancraft sdik for a TM L96. Not sure if I actually want, or if it's just lockdown boredom, and just wanting a project.
Holy fuck.
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He specifically said it'd be a way to ease younger players in you mong
It's a retarded idea in the first place. It doesn't even hurt that much with the current limits, dickfag. Why do you want to play with little kids so much?
>It doesn't even hurt that much with the current limits, dickfag.
Yes because you aren't a kid, retard.
>Why do you want to play with little kids so much?
Do you want the sport to be dead in five years?

I don't understand why this offends you so much, it's not even for you and nobody would be forcing you to play it.
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>WE Browning mk.3 is a pos
Why? We waited so long. It seems basically unusable.
That sucks.
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I put a sdik in a bar 10 and enjoyed it before I decided to sell it which led me to try out the pdik for this. I have had all the electro pneumatic engines and just want a bullet proof system. I only run semi and a full mechanical system doesn't care about the rain. I'll probably post build pictures when everything comes in.
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Yeah airsoft is cool and all but paintball has much more edible ammo
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I have a G&G combat machine ak47 rk47 sitting around and I was thinking of swapping out the receiver with an ak74. Does anyone know if the rest of the AK will be compatible with the new receiver? I know the stock won't, but what about the rest?
In all seriousness it is probably cheaper and much easier to just get a new ak. CYMA variants can normally be picked up 2nd hand for pretty cheap.
Yeah I have the Cyma aks47 that I've modified and like a lot. I was looking to build a more modern AK variant with an old gun I had but I think you might be right.
If you are not using the g&g sell it to fund the new gun.
Is this the virgin general?
on the topic of cyma, how are their m14s?
No, I play airsoft and I've had three different dicks in my ass
Oh shit nash plays airsoft.
numerals confirm KWAB
Oh no.
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What the fuck are these posts? Is it a bot or something?
Why are you doing it? The last post was 47 minutes ago, we're not gonna archive. Do you not know how to check what page the thread is on?
>Why are you doing it? The last post was 47 minutes ago, we're not gonna archive. Do you not know how to check what page the thread is on?
Yes but you know the board spam.
Anon "board spam" isn't gonna magically dump us from page 5 into archiving in the blink of an eye.
If you're gonna bump for no reason, please at least actually contribute something
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>Do you want the sport to be dead in five years?
Do you really see this happening? It seems more kids than ever are aware of it, largely thanks to youtube.

Like the others said, not worth the effort. Get a Cyma AK74 (VFC based versions, CM.040, 045, 048)

Pretty solid, good for the price.

This. Unironically.
its that or a snow wolf kar 98
Nice, I like the cheese grater. Is this yours?
No sadly.
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I've been tempted by the 98k, but I'm holding out for pick related. Are S&T the same as Snow Wolf?
Are WW1 airsoft events a thing? I know people do WW2 and Vietnam.
yes my friend play in one but enfield and kar are use in the ww2 too
snow wolf and s&t are the same
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Sounds good.
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Apparently, but it's not popular. I guess it skirts reenactment territory too.
>Apparently, but it's not popular.
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Is this yours?
I wish anon
What handgun do you guys recommend?
What are you going to use it for, plinking or using in game?
In game as a secondary if my gun jams or something else.
If it's purely for function, get a TM Glock (or WE clone) they're robust and spares are plentiful. In reality secondaries seldom get used, so get whatever you like the look of.
Why is there no such thing as a good EBB pistol?
Piston and motor are too small to be effective, and not enough players want them for any company to invest any real time in developing them further. But they are slightly more usable than they were due to MOSFETs and Lipos.
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Post your airsoft guns
i did >>12887926
Thank you
but mine are in the mail
Good-luck anon.
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Kind of wish I had gone with the G&G SG550, but I'm a cheapskate, and this JG one is pretty decent.
Looks good.
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I liked it.
What make is that AUG? I was looking at getting one of the Jing Gong versions.
vintage JAC A1 Carbine
This agreed
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Those are ancient HPA guns right? How do they hold up, or are they collector's pieces?

>bleep bloop nig nog music
>Battlefield style hitmarker
>coloured mag release/bolt catch etc.
It's cancer.
>It's cancer.
>Dye I4
Why do people do this? The whole appeal to airsoft to me after years of paintball is that you don't have to wear a giant bulky full facemask.
>classic guns
I miss my mgc and og Daytona ak & mp5.
https://www.myrecordjournal.com/News/Southington/Southington-News/Southington-airsoft-store-and-range-opens.html. nice
SOUTHINGTON — When entering Fighting Force Airsoft, one is greeted by racks of airsoft guns of all shapes and sizes lining the walls, and occasionally the pneumatic hiss and clatter of the plastic pellets finding their targets in the range at the back of the shop.

“This is a place where you can just hang out and have fun,” said Henry Woods, who opened the retail store and shoot house at 1 Eden Ave. on Jan. 29.

Though Woods boasts an extensive offering from eight airsoft dealers he works with, and a retail floor with 30 different brands, what makes his store unique is the high tech shoot house in back. Customers can practice on a Smart Monitoring Targeting system, where they shoot at a screen which registers where the round lands, or on the Electronic Target System, which flips aluminum targets up in rapid succession.

Guests are welcome to bring their own gear to try on the systems. A third room where customers can run a gauntlet of obstacles is also in the works.

The store also has a technician able to do repairs and custom airsoft builds for order.

Fighting Force Airsoft takes the place of the Dominic's Men's Shop, which closed in 2015. Town Economic Development Director Louis Perillo said he’s especially excited to have continued commercial interest near apartments under construction.

“The businesses that are there have an opportunity to do better, because they’re going to have more people in the area to support them and more visibility,” he said. “ … there’s a saying, retail gets more retail.”

The owner is pleased with his first week.

“I’m so thankful for this community, because this community opened its arms to me,” Woods said. “ … our grand opening was busy, our second day was busy.”
Woods was set on the path to opening when he was hospitalized for treatment of COVID-19 at the onset of the pandemic. After he was discharged, he quit his job at a automotive repair shop to spend more time with his family.

He originally purchased 1 Eden Ave. to use as a personal clubhouse for him and his friends, but his son pushed him to open an airsoft business there. The two have been playing on Woods’ competitive airsoft team for around ten years. Working with his brother Carlos, Woods and his family spent a month getting the building ready for use again, repairing the deterioration that came with five years of vacancy.

A Marine veteran of 15 years, Woods not only hopes that the store can serve as an entry point for the sport he enjoys; he also wants to introduce people to self defense in a safe and accessible environment. Airsoft allows one to learn how to hold and aim a firearm, as well as to shoot and move tactically.

The shop also carries military issued surplus uniforms, helmets and body armor made for airsoft which can have ballistic plates inserted for protection against actual firearms. All of his wares are available to military, police, firefighters and other first responders at a discount.

“This allows you to get that trigger practice,” he said.
Protect the entire face in CQB, I can see the appeal. US CQB seems pretty cancerous so full auto to the face seems like a real possibility there.
Thank you anon
This board is going to be closing soon. A new board for airsoft and other extreme sports and activities will be coming soon.

For the time being, these threads can be posted to /out/


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