Fuck Womeme’s shit, I would cum on this belt
>>12933325Women are based buddy. That's why you wanna be one so bad
>>12933325based, fuck waifufags
My college football team has the same entrance gimmick as Drew McIntyre.
need the 'my hole' webm with sound like the deserts need the rain, lads
Based BeltLORD working the Waifufags and Countfags
Why does Shaemus dress like a Dublin Port worker from the 1910s?
>>12933400Wrestling is about stereotypes
>The Celtic Warrior>The Scottish WarriorWhy is Drew not a psychopath anymore?
we did itwe ended racism
>>12933387I want Sheamus to come out in blackface to see what he starts shouting
>>12933400because people in Dublin still dress like that. source: I sell my body down the eastwall dock lands
>>12933409He got some therapy and quit all that mutilating stray cats business.
>>12933409Psychopath is an ableist word anon. Wouldn't want to trigger anybody, would we?
>>12933325>>12933348>>12933350>>12933355>>12933366>>12933368>>12933373>>12933377>>12933387>>12933400>>12933408>>12933409>>12933413>inb4 too earlycountfags BTFO>no Mandyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ya blew it
>>12933409The top babyface can't be a psychopath obviously
Drew McIntyre be like
>>12933443Didn’t stop Mick Foley, or Finn Balor. Or Broken Hardy
I thought the Irish hated everyone in the UK included the Scots
What happened with the Facebook page "Black is back, Black is better" ?
>no alexa blissfinally an okay episode of raw
>>12933539What was WWE thinking with that title?
>>12933443That didn't stop them for about the first five months of his reign.
>>12933547>doesn't like gays>also, watches wrestling>cognitivedissonance.jpg
Straight Up Steve Austin, or Raw Talk?
>>12933539The commentary was so terrible, and this only made things worse