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who cuts a better promo mandy or bayley?
>>12935536 (OP)
Probably Mandy, but Bayley has a nicer ass
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>>12935536 (OP)
I prefer the look of Mandy's promos, I'd eat what she's putting down
>>12935536 (OP)
bayley in her prime, her promos are fat and gross now though
mmmmm mexican fuck meat
>>12935536 (OP)
More importantly who cuts the better cheese?
>>12935536 (OP)
Easily Bayley
>>12935536 (OP)
Now I see why Bayley doesn't wear shorts or bikinis.
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It's more than a fart...
Women promos should just be braps
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>>12935536 (OP)
Mandy. Bayley gets hyped up like she has Naomi's ass. She doesn't. Mandy mogged her in every brap thread.
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and logs
>>12935536 (OP)
Mandy because she's Italian
>>12935536 (OP)
Mandy is so much more fuckable
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>>12935536 (OP)
>>12935536 (OP)
And I’m not talking about promos but she’s better at them too
>>12935536 (OP)
Who cuts a better turd?
>>12935536 (OP)
Bayley I guess but she's garbage on the mic
>>12935536 (OP)
I want to lick Mandy's anus
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>mandyfags can't handle latina booty
Bayley fags only gravitate towards her because she's a butterface and they think they got a shot with her.
mandy is also a butterface
Based homosexual
>Bayley gets mogged by Mandy like every other thread their asses are both posted in
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You're not going to change my mind with whatever you spent your time cherrypicking, If you want a butterface imagine Tranny Bliss' head on Mandy's body
That would be depressing
>bliss out of nowhere
You're easy to spot
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lmfao no
if i was easy to spot i would've had alexa instead of bayley, bliss is clearly living in your head rent free lmfao
Ok tranny
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Why are you scared to post their asses in motion?
See >>12935583
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>ass in motion?
you seriously want to have this battle with me?
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see what?
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Yeah I do
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One dimensional Bayley's overrated ass being mogged by the total package
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try again
>you will never see Baylee's ass in a bikini or panties

Just shoot me right now, bros.
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That's not as flattering as you think it is
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nothing flattering about that asslet either
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kek starting to sense some waifulet seethe and cope, lil fella
where is Bayley's ass? you're making it look bad
>stretching a webm to produce a nice butt
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>and now the lies begin
We don't need to do that shit unlike that image of Bayley in the side by side earlier in this thread. Wanna try again, waifulet? Here's the video that webm is from
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPFjZnsDTPs [Embed]
Come on bitch, you faggots always make it so easy
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The waifulet meme is real, their pathetic desperation knows no limits
Based and Rosepilled
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ok waifulet
I'm not making comparisons but even if Mandy has the better ass (no) she still loses on hips and tits
That's not the appropriate way to greentext either

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>no u
Do waifulets really?
mentally ill simps: the board
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
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I disagree
>Bayley’s big Latina ass gimmick jobbing to a wh*te woman
Is nothing sacred in this world
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They always talk about how its so big then I look at the pics and webms they post and think to myself 'that's it?'
>fridge hips
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she literally has no ass just thighs kek what a asslet
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Lying never works out on an IMAGEboard, ask blisstrannies how it worked out for them
you're dumb af
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Present your next cope, Mandy's ass shits all over her one good quality
I’m just jerking off to both of them since you autists are providing so much material but Mandy clearly has the better ass
>Mandy's ass shits all over her
Log thread?
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>hurr durr she's wearing tunks that makes her ass way bigger
do mancels really?
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>trunks cope for a girl whose ass looks the same out of wrestling gear
>posts a pathetic pic of bayley's ass in jeans and will now be mogged by Mandy's ass in jeans
You're making me expose your waifu when I didn't even intent to lmao
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It's all irrelevant when we already have the GOAT butt in WWE
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Fun fact, I made that webm from a yt poop video
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Stop the fucking match
This is one of the worst threads of all time.
>all these ass webms and pics
>bad thread
ITT: Bayleyfag gets too cocky and kneels to Rosegod supremacy after getting btfo harder than bayley in a poll he doesn't participate in
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>posts a pathetic webm of mandy's ass in jeans and will now be mogged by bayley's ass in jeans
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>posts her bending over
>it doesn't even match that video of Mandy standing or this one
Bayley's ass is a meme
It just keeps happening
>posts that aged brilliantly
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yeah mandy's ass is a meme
That same ass that mogged your ugly as dog shit waifu up and down this thread? Good one lmao
hats why your taking screenshots instead of posting videos right? kek, Bayley is a fucking asslet and got exposed hard, nice going
Bayley by a mile.
>inferior body to attractive women
>ugly as hell
What exactly is her appeal? Is it really a mental illness?
how is this hideous thing >>12939996
mogging bayley take your meds
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Some people like ‘attainability’
I like Mandy because she’s unattainable. If I’m simping online I’m simping for a goddess not a day to day looking goober
take your meds
Why isn’t this a glam squad pic? Why is this a pic of her actual face without reliance on an external factor like anything posted of Mandy?
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This bayleyfag is legitimately delusional holy shit
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explain how im being delusional
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She's beautiful
You spent this whole thread posting ass pics that don’t match up the ones of Mandy then call her an asslet now you’re trying to claim fucking Bayley, legitimately one of the ugliest women I’ve ever seen is even remotely comparable in looks to Mandy Rose. You’re completely and utterly insane
kek like clockwork, I like that pic though
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Mandy Rose has never even taken a shit as ugly as Bayley and she's a 30 year old who allegedly shits 4 times a day
Holy based
>bayley doesn't match up to mandy because she doesn't slut herself up in public
why are you so upset take your meds
We can see the shape of both their asses just fine in jeans. Bayley's ass doesn't match up. Stop lying on an IMAGEboard, it never works bitch hahaha
There’s a Bayley and Sasha fag that’s a nutcase like that
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Oh say it ain't ding-dong diddly so. That would be so tragic, they've got enough issues nowadays without the gods of this board making it worse
Hey schizo, are you that sashafag that tried to falseflag as a Livfag in a thread a few months back? I think ya are, I have a long memory
Superior jeans shot
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please get your eyeballs checked
>mandyfag literally sperging out of control ITT
Sorry but Bayley is the king of all brappers
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>bayleyfag handpicks two images to try to favor his ugly waifu again
God you're such a loser. You like an ugly bitch with no redeeming qualities (I thought her ass was one but you've changed my mind on that in this thread).
But that's your choice and your right, do you have be a complete schizo about it?
>Bayley is the king of all brappers
Agreed since Mandy is the goddess
different pic same asslet you're just mad that bayley's ass sticks out more like pic related >>12940333
>bayley's ass sticks out more
It doesn't
Source: this entire thread
Baylenofags are the most pathetic waifuists ive ever seen
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It does
Source: this entire thread
I get it now, he made this thread and that's what the OP pic was supposed to be too.
KWAB letting Mandy live rent free and getting buried in his own thread. Dumb ass waifulet faggots never change
If I looked at Bayley as much as you did maybe her ugliness would fuck my eyes up enough to agree with your delusional ass
mancel are the most delusional idiots i've ever seen
holy btfo
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not as ugly ass this fish looking thing >>12939996
>picking a fight with Rosecels
Dumbest man on this board
Your not only delusional, you're gay. Bayley looks like Jay Leno. Looking for screencaps of Mandy in bad makeup isn't going to fix that or change her being the perfect archetype of western beauty standards, or that Bayley looks like an ugly mutt.
If he’s who I think he is he’s a sashafag too and one look at that mess and you know he’s not straight
need any tissues anon?
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Unironically imagine trying to compare that subhuman looking piece of shit to someone like Mandy. Garbage like Bayley wouldn't even have been employed by WWE before it went to shit with the PG era. Ugly cunts like that belong on the indies, putting them on TV is literally turning men gay
I’m not the one that made a thread and got buried in it
project much?
mancels get buried all the time
It turns the waifufags that like the few attractive women into schizos which is why people like Mandy have such annoying fanbases, and drives others to liking ugly women like Bayley and pretending they’re hot to the point of complete insanity like the guy in this thread
Really? Never see it happen
no one wants to be a mancel cause all of you are a bunch of scatfags but nice cope tho
Go make a ‘I can’t be the only one who’d suck a log out of Bayley’s ass’ thread now. Also I’m not even a scatfag
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Reminder you're wasting time arguing with a 'man' that thinks this >>12941369 and pic related are what attractive women look like
He most definitely is the only one, if nothing else, the actual logfags at least have good taste
>the actual logfags at least have good taste
i dont thinking eating shit is good taste anon
I only see them posting it about attractive women
>Bayleyfag like many waifufags has a seething dislike of mandyfags because waifu autism blah blah
>makes a thread to compare Bayley’s ass to Mandy’s thinking this comparison would favor her
>it doesn’t and he spergs out and is now even trying to pretend Bayley is pretty
Am I missing anything, I only skimmed the thread
>attractive women
mandy rose is not attractive bro
Congratulations, you've worked yourself into being a faggot all to try to work someone else
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ok schizo
Nope that about sums it up
I'm guessing that supposed to be a good pic. The huge fucking Leno chin and freakishly long face, the clown nose. She's absolutely hideous, get help. You're trying to compare that to this >>12941810
yes im comparing her to this >>12939996
Your 'bad' pic of Mandy looks better than the good pic of your waifu
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That’s an even more obvious tranny than Bliss and I hate the guy that started memeing it for his timing
There isn't a single woman in WWE currently that is as attractive even with makeup as Mandy already is without it. If your response to a woman being attractive is to seethe about it and be envious of her fans then guess what, you're a faggot.
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I like how he got so completely btfo over Baylet's ass he lost his mind entirely and started pretending one of the ugliest women he could possibly find is attractive
Are you capable of finding a single flaw with her or are you only able to criticize makeup?
seems very delusional of you
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he’s a seething gay that gets jealous over a woman getting attention instead of Jay Leno
>>12935536 (OP)
Mandy is literally handcrafted For BBC.
(If you reply no you are your mom will get BLACKED Tonight)
good thing I'm replying nah you are then
One thing Mandy and Bayley have in common is a resemblance to cultural icons. Mandy resembles Marilyn Monroe, and Bayley resembles Jay Leno
she looks like a sea creature >>12941407
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Listen here you cheeky cunt..
If Mandy or Bayley told you they'd fuck your brains out and all you'd have to do is eat a literal bowl of shit you would be tik toking yourself eating a turd. Stop being virgins. Neither one will ever fuck any of you.
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project much?
Yeah I’d do that for Mandy. But if Bayley told me she’d let me hit I’d ask for her sister’s number.
so you're saying bayley would let you hit it if you asked for her sister's number?
I’m saying I’d ask for her sisters number to fuck her instead because her sister is actually attractive, unlike Bayley
You're absolutely right but all waifufags are. If WWE hired a woman more attractive than Mandy, you'd likely be the same toward her the way the Bayley guy or Alexa guys are toward Mandy now. But still, you're coming closer to self awareness about being a waifufag, good for you anon
but does her sister have the same body type?
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No stop. You would not be able to speak to Bayley at all. You couldnt even make eye contact. You would literally just stare at her and try to contort your face into what you think would be smile but would actually come off as some kind of stroke or facial tick. She'd feel sorry for you as you stood there slowly gathering perspiration and making the immediate air around you humid and fetid, and offer to take a pic with you. And some equally faggotty git would position himself to take the photo while you hover armed yourself into perpetual betahood, ending with you having a lasting souvenir of the one and only time you were around an attractive human being without law enforcement being summoned to remove you immediately.
so why not both if their basically the same?
nice larping bro i bet you're the same dude in the sasha thread
Yes. Everyone is the same person here except you cupcake.
This is what would happen if I tried to talk to Mandy. Bayley looks like the average person you'd see outside, she can't intimidate me or anyone
They’re not the same at all, all of her bad features are exaggerated in Bayley. Bayley is like a comedic caricature of her
same but for mandy cause i see the the same white girls like her every single day
Then I want to move there because to me they're more like Bliss pre wall while Mandy is the chick they watch on TV and idolize
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kek it was fun btfo mandyfags
By exposing Bayley’s ass?
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>bayleyfag gets his waifu's only asset buried
>tries to change the topic and gets blown out again
>so gotten to he can't even get simple posts right anymore
how did that happen?
a shameful display
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Can I ask a genuine question? Why are people arguing about women they will never see, hang with, or even talk to?
you were going to say that liar
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I like arguing with other autists
you like arguing with yourself?
nah you are
Yes that's what other means
it's not hard to photoshop fake screenshots bro
Original guy you responded to. Understandable and at least you’re honest. Carry on.
why don’t you photoshop yourself a sex life?
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damn nigga
project much?
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This thread revealed the way to make brap generals is to pretend it's about promos
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say thank you to the real brap goddess
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I thank Mandy when I pray to her every morning
She looks like an animal
I bet she’s an animal in the sheets too

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