“I will never watch Joshis, Joshing because IM A FAN OF PRO WRESTLING, and I have a life”Holy based!
“I will not watch Joshis, I’m too busy watching my wife”Wait, what?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WngpAHJNDhQWrestling's greatest moment.
>>12937391I'm too busy imagine omega naked on my bed
>>12937391>Cornette refuses to watch any wrestlers that lack the physical capability to fuck his wifehmm...
>>12937249Based, joshipedos btfo
Based as fuck, joshipedos BTFO
>>12937249Kek base.Kill all joshipedos
This cuck is actually arguing with people on twitter he's seething on this week's cuck show will be hilarious
>>12937249>I won't watch Joshi because I'm a fan of pro wrestling>But I'll continue to religiously watch AEW as if I was a fanwew
>>12937487It's almost like he's some kind of cuckold
>>12937487He knows him seething at Russo Meltzer and AEW brings in viewers he's booking is trash and the only other good things are the watch alongs which he stopped for some reason
>>12937249kek joshifags btfo
Divafags and Joshipedos get SO mad it's so much fun to rile them up.
>>12937249>I never watched it because it's not wrestling, it's cosplayThe absolute state if that cuck
>>12937487He gets paid to shit on it
>>12937567by who?
>>12937581Triple H
>>12937421Watch someone fuck stacey as i masturbate
How many threads do you fags need to cry about a manager from the 80's in per fucking day? This is like the tenth thread I've seen.
He shouldn't be so assblasted over the joshi, VENY can fuck his wife
Sad times we're living in. I've seen more sane and competent analysis from shitposters here than this brainfart from Jim. Dude should at least go full sexist or racist mode. This sad song about "muh business" is less entertaining and relevant than certain requests under pictures of Liv Morgan here.
>>12937249joshipedos are getting absolutely worked by a literal cuck lmao
>>12937249joshi pedos are really really mad.
>>12937992He's still the best heel in the business.
>>12937249he prefers fat American women to Japanese school girls
>>12937249He’s probably not into asian girl wrestlers because he’s into watching big white and black men getting physical.
>>12937249Joshi buries Cornette lmao
>>12937249WTF i still hate Cornette now
>getting worked by Jim Cornette in 2021
>>12937992Fuck you Corny is based
>>12939491>Fuck you Corny is based
>>12937407aight well fuckin same
>>12937249>IM A FAN OF PRO WRESTLING, and I have a life”>pro wrestling fan>have a lifeKek What A Cucked
Why does anyone care about his opinion? He's stuck in the 80s and is proven that he hasn't come up with a single good thing for wrestling. Just watch how he literally killed Ring Of Honor with his terrible booking. The guy in my opinion is worst than Russo.
>>12939984Have you seen his fans on twitter? They're all sad overweight old men with no other hobbies or interests outside of maybe capeshit just like him.
>cucknette's opinion
>>12938664>Deity of shit.Will one of you degenerate joshipedos that's not Bix explain this garbage to a dumb gaijun like me?
>>12940784Literally a term coined by Corny today
the amount of joshipedo tears in this thread could turn the Sahara into farmland
Cornette sounds like he would watch Joshi, but his wife won't let him
>>12937424It all makes sense.I wonder if his hate comes from his fat likely jealous cow.
>>12940784there is some tryhard Jap girl who gets simps to like her by pretending she doesn't speak English and only saying cuss words and piss and shitCornette made fun of her because she's just some tiny girl who dresses up like a schoolgirl to get pedos to jerk off to her, and now AEW and the joshis are trying to unbury themselves
>>12938664Based Itoh working cucknette like he's a mark.
he's right you know.
>>12940829you think she would fuck his wife for him?
Jim Cornette is a fan of cuckoldry. He should stick to watching men have relations with his wife.
>>12937481They really are, you should see the thread on r*ddit about Itoh replying to Jim about being a deity of shit, you can smell the crying through the commentsAnd to all the virgins in this thread that think swinging is cuckolding, he has gotten more pussy being a troll manager than you sad fucks will ever get in your lives